Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47331 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #180 on: August 11, 2020, 12:06:21 AM »

Entheo's cool eyes softened in their intensity.  Then he laughed and said,  "maybe.  We all decide what makes us happy.  Thats just some of the things that make most people happy."

He paused for a moment, looking at Forest.  "Well thats not your daddy Thor," he said, a thumb casually pointing towards Forest's body.  He was still looking right at her ghostly figure.  At the moment, his gaze was not focused on her.  "Can you say your happy now?  Assuming Thor does not exist in this realm, do you worry you won't ever be able to be happy?"


"If he needs me, he'll find me. And I'm happy without him too. Living is meaningful in and of itself."

The blond took a bite of the pizza, chewing it slowly and staring unblinkingly at Entheo. "What about you?" She asked after swallowing.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #181 on: August 11, 2020, 11:05:36 PM »

Entheo merely smiled, closing his eyes as if to recount something special.  "When a man creeps close to death, something special happens.  In the moment just before death grips them, their emotions, their memories, their very will to live rises.  In that moment, a person can often see who they really are.  Thats what I like to think at least.  When death comes and you look back at your life, will you be happy with what you accomplished?  Helping people come to terms with the answer to that question is what gives my life fire."

Entheo paused.  "But its not like i'm some death therapist.  My job is strictly to help people pass on to the next life and support them in their purgatory life here as ghosts.  But when I think back on the things that make me happy, its that part of the job."

"There is also my friends, the spirits that protect and keep me company.  The only time i've ever been alone was before my spiritual awareness awakened, and for that I am forever grateful."

Entheo finally let the pizza enter his mouth.  "I could go on," he said after swallowing.  "But I don't want to talk your ear off.  I'm happy your not suicidal and all, but I mean are you really just some monk girl who enjoys breathing and existing?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #182 on: August 12, 2020, 02:46:06 AM »

A smirk curled on the senator's lips. "That would explain why you smell like fish and motor oil even more than usual."

But then she gave Washington a nudge in the side.

"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #183 on: August 13, 2020, 02:47:22 AM »

The vampire was quiet as she let Thorra drive her body and eat.

There was tomato tang, cheese, and heavy richness on her tongue.  It made her stomach cramp at the heaviness of the food Thorra was currently enjoying.  However, she could keep the illusion of being alive for the people around her.

Still, all of this talk of happiness was disquieting.

I was happy when I was raising Gabriel, she thought, And I was happy with Aaron . . . for a time. 


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #184 on: August 15, 2020, 12:07:31 AM »

Thorra pursed Forest's lips, not just because of the conflict she felt through their emotional link. "I... I'll be happy." She lied. "When I'm destroyed at the end of all things, I'll be happy." She replied again. She could see her end, feel its inexorable pull towards her, and she knew it was inevitable, but would she truly be satisfied?

She didn't know. She knew she didn't want to lose people close to her, and she didn't want other people to have to suffer through that either.

"Of course I'm not just 'some monk girl'." She replied, making air quotes with her free hand. "I have plenty of other things I care about."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #185 on: August 15, 2020, 01:53:07 PM »

Entheo took a bite of pizza, maintaining eye contact as they talked.  Maybe it was Slayer's food being so good, but something was off about the taste of the pizza.  The cheese slice he took had this rich organic flavor, a blend of multiple different cheese types.  A savory bread was used as the base, giving the whole pizza a fluffy texture.  Swallowing the pizza, his eyes lowered.

"Jeeze.  You know if your really already happy with life, I could send you to the otherside myself.  Your a divine construct so its not like i'd even have to kill you to do it," he said shrugging.  "What about you Forest?  What does your ideal future look like?  Also, whos idea was it to do the whole superhero thing?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #186 on: August 16, 2020, 04:50:37 AM »

Forest bit the inside of her cheek at Entheo's questions towards her. 

"My ideal future isn't going to happen, so I don't torture myself with thinking needlessly about what I'll never have," she said in a soft voice before looking at Entheo.  "I was a victim once.  I'm not letting that happen again if I can help it."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #187 on: August 16, 2020, 06:36:25 PM »

The white-haired goddess lead Lily up the stairs while grumbling to herself. She wasn’t pleased with how the match had turned out, and on top of the unfortunate events which had happened earlier in the day, it hadn’t put her in the best of moods. She’d just wanted to have some fun playing dress up with a cute little redhead, but now, somehow, the tables had been turned on her!

“What a joke.” She muttered, hoping that Lily wouldn’t make her pose in anything too embarrassing…

They turned the corner and Enterprise opened the door to an immense, spacious room, absolutely stuffed with all sorts of clothing and make-up materials. A small corner even had magical hair-dye materials neatly lined up on a shelf.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #188 on: August 17, 2020, 10:15:31 PM »

Thorra was about to respond to Entheo, but feeling Forest wish to retake control of her own body, she immediately relinquished the reigns back to her host. Still, through their emotional link, Thorra tried to send a feeling of empathy for Forest, even if she couldn't really grasp what the much older woman was feeling. She was young, she knew she was rash, and she often made mistakes which would come to bite her in the ass later.

Still, she wasn't happy with her place in life. She didn't know why Entheo thought she was, either. She wanted to be worthy of her mother's steel, of her father's love, and her uncle's guidance. It drove her, it was why she'd left asgard in the first place. She needed to do better.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #189 on: August 18, 2020, 02:41:12 AM »

"Jesus, you guys really are such downers," he said with a sigh.  "Don't torture yourself with what you don't have?  Its alright to dream.  You know, you could stand to be more positive.  Just because you were a victum once doesn't mean you can stop it from happening again, but that experience doesn't have to decide whether you are happy or not."

Entheo let the pizza rest on the table.  It just didn't taste as good at the moment.

"Well whatever.  I can't say i'd really call that living, but if you two aren't ready to die, I guess you don't really need my services.  Still, I have a feeling you'd enjoy the afterlife a lot more than this one.  You won't be a victum, not in a new life, and the hammer can hang with daddy there."

The young man stood up, staring them down with a cold but emotionless glare.  There was an emotionless intent to kill there.  "Well?" he asked, picking up a knife on the table.  "My job is a gate keeper to the afterlife."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #190 on: August 18, 2020, 02:49:01 AM »

"I've had a pretty good track record of making sure it doesn't happen again," Forest said in a low voice with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

She tilted her head and said, "But I'm . . . " She frowned.  She wasn't technically undead anymore thanks to Valerie and Taro.  She shook her head and said, "Who's to say that Thorra's father is dead?  He's probably still kicking around while Thorra works to become stronger, to prove herself to him and Loki."

She gestured to the pizza and said, "Eat up.  Fighting me, much less the both of us, is just going to get you a whole lot of trouble."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #191 on: August 18, 2020, 05:06:24 PM »
Serra Drosa

"And that is why I sometimes have to work without you." Serra reached up to pat the demigoddess atop her head, smiling faintly at the look on her face. "Although this morning I really would have preferred to have you with me."


Washington looked back and forth with a furtive look before her hand suddenly sank inside her boyfriend's skirt, wrapping her hand around the base of powerful dick hidden within.

"Ufu, maybe I should make you my deputy then, so we can do this whenever we wanted to~"

She squeezed down on the shaft while teasing the other woman's balls.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #192 on: August 18, 2020, 05:32:48 PM »

It didn't seem entirely unexpected to the young senator, so the most reaction Washington got out of her was a sharp inhaling, a light blush, and a soft smack on the shoulder. "Y-You just can't get enough of me, that's all this suggestion is."

Her balls were starting to swell quickly from that kind of attention. She kept her voice even lower than she normally did in settings like this.

"I do my best work where I, ahh, am now."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #193 on: August 19, 2020, 02:11:23 AM »

The white-haired goddess lead Lily up the stairs while grumbling to herself. She wasn’t pleased with how the match had turned out, and on top of the unfortunate events which had happened earlier in the day, it hadn’t put her in the best of moods. She’d just wanted to have some fun playing dress up with a cute little redhead, but now, somehow, the tables had been turned on her!

“What a joke.” She muttered, hoping that Lily wouldn’t make her pose in anything too embarrassing…

They turned the corner and Enterprise opened the door to an immense, spacious room, absolutely stuffed with all sorts of clothing and make-up materials. A small corner even had magical hair-dye materials neatly lined up on a shelf.


"Shake your hips some more ms. Silver, what's the point of short skirts if you're not even flashing your panties?" The redhead slapped Enty's ass for good messure just hard enough to make it sting, before walking past her "Alright... Now we need to find something sexy that sticks to your boobs and butts. Something that isn't totally slutty but still shows off everything. You lost fair and square so don't even think about squirming your way out of this, besides....."

Lily suddenly smiled innocently, and it was enough to send chills down the spine of the brave. "You'll be enjoying this by the time we're done, I'll make sure or it."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #194 on: August 19, 2020, 06:23:04 PM »

Thorra frowned. This boy, he was rude, obnoxious, and what he was saying just overall pissed her off. Forest could feel the younger woman's grip tighten on her haft as well as the general sense of agitation Thorra was feeling through their link.

"You know nothing about either of us, Entheo. I spend most of my time in what you call the afterlife, and I'm far happier adventuring on earth or fighting my way through jotunheim than I am at my home in Valhalla. If you want to help people, you should make more of an effort to understand them instead of making these broad judgements about them so casually."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end