Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47355 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #450 on: December 13, 2020, 09:51:56 PM »

Evan raised an eyebrow at the man's comment, before taking the blond girl's wrist in his palms.  "It is not the clothes that make the woman, but the other way around," he said, looking at the gruff looking man before facing the blond.  "If you were to join me in a just a single dance, I would remember your lovely face even in my dreams."

The once coveted mage of lies held his free hand behind his back and motioned with his hands.  A song began playing the second he finished his sentence, almost as if the divines themselves were blessing him with the track.  In reality, it was nothing special.  Evan had talked to the dj of the club, asking him for a particular track.  They hit it off with the music choice and Evan confessed he was a bit lonely.  The two conspired to help him find a date and thus coordinated various signals to change the music to help out Evan's game.  The original plan was to play a more upbeat track like this once he found a partner inside, but he didn't expect to be approached.  The signal he sent to the DJ was to change the track early.

"After you decide this gentlemen's fate, I must ask, do you know these two?"
« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 09:52:37 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #451 on: December 13, 2020, 10:10:38 PM »

The tearing screech of death, reaching forward with its razored fingers, rattled his ears and consumed his peripherals before he was even done turning around. But Longirsu had stared down the maw of death many times. He had put up his own arms and legs, his sweat and his lifeblood, his sight and his throat, for the lethal odds that insisted on hounding their crusade for the World Gears. He would put up his very soul, or what was left for it, for the certainty of what he desired now, unrattled.

As he predicted, Ib, closest to the whirlwind of unmaking, was already in motion. Laden as she was, taking up her weapon was unavailable, but it was as natural and instant as breathing that she did the next best thing. Bending and shoving her frame to block and intercept the flood of hits that threatened to go past, breaking them upon her as waves against a rocky shore. Stone that would have been disfigured before raw numbers and strength in the time it took for a human to draw breath.

But none left more than scratches. For every clang and crash, the lesser machines behind the clash crumpled and bent horrendously, each and every one on the precipice of falling apart or exploding into sparks. But no. That didn't happen either. The entire fury of the girl's rampage fell not on the executor, not on its escort, but on the master's shield, groaning and shuddering all the way to the handle as its layers broke and reformed before Longirsu's eyes.

He took two steps towards the assault drained from breath, and the instant a ravenous chop of many fell on Ib's neck like a guilottine, vanished in a flash. A titanic clang echoed between the trees, stopping the bladed manifestation of death against the scarred face of the World Shield, as Longirsu appeared. On his face, naked focus, in his grip on the World Spear, cold scorn.

He did not lance, but swung through the opening, and the weapon fell as to split Lily from shoulder to groin and render one wing shorn entirely.


The goddess clenched her fist as she watched this travesty unfold. First, she'd lost her duel, being dragged all the way out here. She'd accepted it-she needed to protect her people, and were a creature as powerful as this fire elemental choose to destroy them, it would prove to quickly devolve into a battle of annihilation. But this... These two had been meeting with the cursed and contemptable goddess, making their own mysterious plans which themselves could easily prove to be a grave threat to her in their own right. Furthermore, they'd interrupted an honorable duel, one which she'd lost fairly, and were now seeking to brutalize her rival for their research.

"Unacceptable." She growled. Out here, she suddenly felt freed-she didn't need to worry about unleashing her full strength or its consequences. Here, she could fight to her utmost and fullest, however she damn well pleased.

A sword came rushing towards the mysterious interlopers, careening towards the man's robotic companion.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #452 on: December 13, 2020, 11:01:36 PM »


That was all she could say to this man. It had been a brilliant deception, the cowardly ambushes on a duel and the swarm of minions he was hiding behind. Then there was the way he had spoken to the Goddess Avatar, you add all this together and you wouldn't expect that this outcome, that this was the truth.

That he himself was the biggest threat here.

And she was proved wrong by the spear severing her torso and ripping one of her wings off, no it was more like that spear had eaten her fire. That weapon was an artifact on par with no perhaps even greater than her Katana and she'd charged him head on. It was her fault really, she'd gotten too complacent after fighting nothing but weaklings since coming here.

Even so with her ability to fly crippled, there was no way she could win this, not with the majority of her body missing. Her arms and legs were on the ground twitching and rolling around aimlessly. Not like she had any chance of controlling them with both having to suppress her blade and the aftereffects of getting hit by that spear.

All she could do was aimlessly float away to gain some distance from him.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #453 on: December 13, 2020, 11:04:23 PM »

"Wow wow wow. Woaw." The blonde was more stunning than being hit by a truck. Mon dieu.[/i] He almost dropped his drink, totally swooning at the blonde lady. Barely noticeable wisps of aura appeared on his edges.

Thank goodness Nep showed up to snap him out of it, poofing the excited chi away. But now he had even more things to swoon over, goddamn it Nep.

"Oh, hoh! That is spookily dramatic! Noice. You're skipping steps though, jumping wayyy past cute and straight into honey."  He ruffled her cute hat affectionately - only for the lights to change, the music to snap into a different tune, and a damning declaration to be declared.

"Woooooow." That hipster stache guy was good, no way around it. That had to be a really nice and smooth setup. "Man, if you did that to me, I'd probably have to marry you on the spot."

So he tipped a friendly thumbs up to the moustache guy.

"You can call me Marc." He turned to the blonde woman and waved at her. "And of course I mind, how dare you come to a dance party to join folks and socialize. That's just unacceptable, come over here." He flashed a toothy grin and put his hands behind his back. "Didn't know they allowed weapons like that in here, that's way better than cute. You're totally a badass."
« Last Edit: December 14, 2020, 03:53:54 PM by Kotomine_Rin »

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #454 on: December 13, 2020, 11:31:38 PM »

Swiftness and strength brought the sword down upon Galatea's body. But rather than the shattering of metal, rather than so much as a dent, the blade went utterly still. At the edge of the clearing a Terrortech unit exploded in a furious cacophony of converted sound, but the girlish automaton's body was unmarred.

Galatea gave the goddess no time to react to her seeming invulnerability. She hadn't even truly attempted to defend herself, and with the feeds from the constructs in the area she was entirely aware of Americana's movements. Instead her hands gripped Americana's own wrists with her full strength, pushing the woman's hands apart. [Creator, in consideration of the difference in skill I will reduce this combat to a test of physicality. Please incapacitate the avatar at your leisure.]


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #455 on: December 14, 2020, 12:06:12 AM »

His notice slipped away from the crippled elemental, just as quickly falling on the wrathful goddess. It was no concern to Longirsu that the former shamble away now. His eyes honed in on Americana's face like a scalpel, leveling the points of his weapon against her neck.

"Stupid goddess. I want to rid you of a danger, and you foil me at every turn," he spat. Long ago, his voice had grown cold and congealed in a poison that tolerated no life, no humor for mistakes. If he sounded pleasant before, it was merely deception. This was the conductor's true state.

He pressed the edge on her skin, drawing red ichor and spilling a faint trail across the World Spear.

"With a ruler like this, your people would be better off as building materials."
« Last Edit: December 14, 2020, 08:01:57 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #456 on: December 14, 2020, 12:57:48 AM »
Prodigal Child, Command Tank of Fifth Company

Phillipsburgh was a moderately-sized town of roughly 23,000 people. It largely owed its existence to the intersecting highways running through the forested south-east of Columbia, being a hub for the various lumber companies operating in the area. Such a hub, in fact, that the northern half is dominated by the industry - saw mills, truck stops, and warehouses line both sides of Highway 44, the northeast-southwest road. Highway 13, the east-west roadway, is the primary boundary between the industrial zone with the rest of the township.

The southeast quarter of Phillipsburgh is known as "The Bricks" or "Old Town," where the small city kept not only the older buildings, but the older brick roads as well. Aside from local governance, it is also the site of many of the shops as well as where the wealthier citizens call home. The southwest quarter of the small city is where the majority of the populace lives, a largely middleclass assortment of small neighborhoods and cul-de-sacs that expands out to the woods. Most of the people living here either work the shops, or, more likely, make their living in the mills and distribution centers to the north.

That was all Miho deigned to read about the town from her data pad. History and local attractions meant little in a combat situation like this one, even if her curiosity is a bit piqued. The 3rd Heavy Armor already encountered elements of the 7th Cavalry, who were in the middle of securing the city hall and the police station (Especially for the armory therein), as well as putting up barricades and checkpoints for the major roads. Maho directed them to aid in these efforts, and so Miho was deploying her company to the southwest half of Highway 44.

Nearing the city limits, she saw a group of 7th infantry men piling sandbags and extending razorwire into makeshift barricades. "Pull over here, Suzuhara," the brunette ordered, "I think these are the guys."

"Yes, ma'am."

Once the tank stopped, Miho opened the command hatch and raised herself halfway out of the cupola. She waved a pair of soldiers over, "You guys Echo Company?"

"Yes, ma'am!" One acknowledged as they both saluted, "Allow me to get Captain Matthews."

Makeshift Forward Operating Base
Parking Lot of Liberty Lumber Mill, Phillipsburgh

Though Maho's face appears to be stoic to the average soldier, those who knew her are able to pick up the minor expressions that indicated the colonel was, in fact, fuming as she climbed down from the Baneblade Indomitable with her staff.

The 7th were building a makeshift base of operations her at this saw mill, more or less due to its centralized location just off from where the two highways meet. And that was where their commanding officer was. Maho entered the command tent, quickly scanning for the highest ranking individual in the room. Her eyes landed on a golden oak leaf insignia - a Major - who was standing over a radio set holding a microphone up. "-I repeat, we are not here as conquerors. Our stay will be temporary. There will be no enforcement of Dunham laws onto your populace, nor will we make any demands of you. We simply ask for you to not interfere with our operations. We will make every consideration for civilians, but we will also defend ourselves if need be - "

Maho could hear what he was saying from the city loudspeakers outside. The 7rth must have hijacked the local radio stations and are trying to pacify the population of Phillipsburgh. Not like it really matters, though - the Columbians will, in the end, be a belligerent population to them. This is all hostile territory for the soldiers of Dunham. The populace will start off by feeding Columbian military their numbers and positions, and, once the military arrives, the civilians will be taking potshots at their backs. This will then only escalate to militias cutting off their escape routes as the Columbian Army closes in for the kill. In the end, Maho knew that this was ultimately territory that neither the 7th Calvary or her own 3rd Heavy Armor could hold.

Once the Major finished, though, that was when the brunette approached him. "Where's Lieutenant Colonel Wright?"

The man, a Major Knights, barely looked at her before leading her to an enlarged map of the surrounding area, "We left him behind in Dunham, ma'am."

"What?" This surprised Maho, shock noticeably showing through her otherwise stern face."

"I know you might have a lot of questions, ma'am, but now is the time for preparing. Just know that this was all my idea and you can line me up against a wall later."

"This was your doing?" Anger started to well up inside her, not just for Knights dismissal of her (despite her being ranking officer now), but now that they basically have a war on their hands that many will see Dunham initiating, "What the He - what were you thinking?!"

Knights turned to face her, his voice low, "I was thinking that Americana has to be returned to us at all costs, that she is more important than anyone of us, and that not acting was a betrayal onto her."

"And so you bucked orders, broke formation, and invaded Columbia?"

"Without Americana, Dunham is nothing."

"Invading Columbia will reduce us to no-" Maho remembered herself then, noticing how the enlisted were paying attention to their squabble. Gritting her teeth, she changed course, "I am now the ranking officer here, and will be taking control of this operation until General Sawyer arrives. Is that understood, Major?"

The older man was silent for a moment, before acknowledging her authority.

Highway 44 South Checkpoint

First Sergeant Aoi approached the officers huddled around a makeshift shack - Captain Miho Nishizumi, First Lieutenant Mutsuki (Miho's XO), and Captain Matthews. "Captain Nishizumi? Colonel Nishizumi is hailing you and Matthews on the vox."

Miho looked up at her, thanked her, and started walking back to the tank with Matthews trailing behind her. Aoi heard him ask "Vox?" as they walked away.

It was a few minutes later when the two officers returned. Miho spoke "Mutsuki, you are going to be under the temporary command Matthews here. Just got new orders - I'm to take one of our squadrons, the two Pegasi, and one of Matthew's platoons down south."

"The colonel is sending you out to rescue Her?" the XO asked, a combination of worry and faint jealousy falling across her face.

"Yes," Miho affirmed.

Over the years, Miho has picked up some of her sister's stoicness - her nervousness about going deeper into enemy territory only being shown by a slight shaking of her left hand. She turned to her 7th counterpart, "Have your selected platoon meet us by the wire in about five minutes. May Americana grace us in our endeavors."

A few minutes later, five tanks, three IFV's and two scout  vehicles left the city limits, heading southwest to where Americana dropped off of RADAR...


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #457 on: December 14, 2020, 09:40:00 PM »

Thorra took in a deep breath as her benefactor showed up seemingly out of nowhere. She sighed as she turned to face Neptune, looking down at the small woman. So this was why she'd found herself in this bar, joining this group of people-fate was conspiring for her to continue on her current quest, dragging her forwards ceaselessly and unerringly with no regard to her own wishes.

Well, fuck that. She was nobody's slave. She owned herself, and she needed a moment of respite. Fate would try to punish her later, and she would crush whatever challenge was sent after her when that time came. The hammer's body cocked her head with a wide grin and flashed her perfect pearly whites at Neptune. "Seems a bit toothless coming from a girl dressed up as a witch. You're as bad at reading the room as me!"

Thorra then turned towards Marc, making sure to wink at Evan as her eyes passed over him. She took a bold step forwards, planting her hand against the wall above his head. She leaned down, staring directly into his eyes with bold intensity, sparks of electricity running down the length of her body and batheing her in the blue glow of plasma. Then, after a few moments of sizing him up, she giggled. "You've found a pretty interesting young man, Nep. Quite a catch."

Finally, Thorra turned towards Evan, and flashed him the same friendly disarming smile she'd given to Marc. "I know Neptune. She's an acquaintance of mine. But I didn't quite catch your name..." The demigoddess offered him her hand, the intense glow of electricity calming down around her. She took a step back and grinned, leaning down to be closer to his height. "My name's Thorra. Thorra Mjölnirsdotter. It's nice to meet you."
« Last Edit: December 14, 2020, 09:49:24 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #458 on: December 15, 2020, 07:05:55 PM »

His notice slipped away from the crippled elemental, just as quickly falling on the wrathful goddess. It was no concern to Longirsu that the former shamble away now. His eyes honed in on Americana's face like a scalpel, leveling the points of his weapon against her neck.

"Stupid goddess. I want to rid you of a danger, and you foil me at every turn," he spat. Long ago, his voice had grown cold and congealed in a poison that tolerated no life, no humor for mistakes. If he sounded pleasant before, it was merely deception. This was the conductor's true state.

He pressed the edge on her skin, drawing red ichor and spilling a faint trail across the World Spear.

"With a ruler like this, your people would be better off as building materials."


That was all she could say to this man. It had been a brilliant deception, the cowardly ambushes on a duel and the swarm of minions he was hiding behind. Then there was the way he had spoken to the Goddess Avatar, you add all this together and you wouldn't expect that this outcome, that this was the truth.

That he himself was the biggest threat here.

And she was proved wrong by the spear severing her torso and ripping one of her wings off, no it was more like that spear had eaten her fire. That weapon was an artifact on par with no perhaps even greater than her Katana and she'd charged him head on. It was her fault really, she'd gotten too complacent after fighting nothing but weaklings since coming here.

Even so with her ability to fly crippled, there was no way she could win this, not with the majority of her body missing. Her arms and legs were on the ground twitching and rolling around aimlessly. Not like she had any chance of controlling them with both having to suppress her blade and the aftereffects of getting hit by that spear.

All she could do was aimlessly float away to gain some distance from him.

Swiftness and strength brought the sword down upon Galatea's body. But rather than the shattering of metal, rather than so much as a dent, the blade went utterly still. At the edge of the clearing a Terrortech unit exploded in a furious cacophony of converted sound, but the girlish automaton's body was unmarred.

Galatea gave the goddess no time to react to her seeming invulnerability. She hadn't even truly attempted to defend herself, and with the feeds from the constructs in the area she was entirely aware of Americana's movements. Instead her hands gripped Americana's own wrists with her full strength, pushing the woman's hands apart. [Creator, in consideration of the difference in skill I will reduce this combat to a test of physicality. Please incapacitate the avatar at your leisure.]


A large concentration of magic suddenly gathered directly above Lily as spacetime was ruptured, creating a wormhole from the pleasure palace through the link Elizabeth possessed to Lily. A six-foot tall demoness without pants warped through it, her fiendish beauty on a rare full display. Batlike wings outstretched two meters on either side of her, and a long, sinuous tail hung between her legs. She held a large maul as long as she was tall in one hand, glowering down at the two who had harmed her charge so grievously.

"I will be taking Lily away from this battlefield. If you do not wish to incur the wrath of my lord, I expect you to allow us to leave freely."


This situation had already expanded well beyond what Americana was comfortable with, and then some. She did not believe she had good chances of winning this duel with the mallefic robots against her, nor against their controller, whom had already proved himself to be exceptionally good at combat.

She needed to escape. Fast.

Yet, she had no way to facilitate such a turn. "Perhaps you should have come to discuss things with me personally." She replied. "The only thing I'm aware of is that you're in cahoots with one of my mortal enemies-despicable people whom corrupt the name of my goddess." She glared at Longisru with patient defiance, unwilling to even give a step. "I will never allow you to harm my people!" With a roar, she suddenly burst out of the grip of Galetea, leaping back to gain as much distance as she could, and kicking up a dust-storm in the process. The pressure of her aura flared up as her emotions peaked in intensity.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 11:52:03 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #459 on: December 15, 2020, 09:25:19 PM »

"No, just no, he's my new employer..." Neptune answered quickly, not even willing to entertain the idea of them being a couple. That was waaay way too unprofessional and he wasn't her type anyways. She shrugged and turned to leave the balcony, this was leaving a bad taste in her mouth and she couldn't figure which was worse, the clichéd romantic bullshit from the guys or the over the top aggressive forwardness from her ex client.

"Yeah boss... If you're gonna be chatting up chicks I'll be at the bar getting more drinks..."

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #460 on: December 16, 2020, 01:07:22 AM »

Only silence was broadcast over the Terrortech communications link, and yet that seemed to be an effective chiding all on its own. But Galatea said nothing to Longirsu. She simply lifted up her scythe instead and stared at the retreating goddess. Calm as ever, almost gently, she began to speak.

"Where will you run?" With her voice, the question even sounded like it contained genuine concern. "You cannot protect your district. A simple raid completed by myself would result in innumerable casualties, and your own power would wane. Will alone is not enough, especially when you cannot control yourself. We would not even be enemies if you had prioritized your people over your pride. You do not have the capacity to be a protector."

Ineffective. Inefficient. Incapable. It was an image clear in the mind of her creator. How pitifully weak the hands that held the lance and sword were compared to the trembling fingers that coaxed the barrier around the village into form.

The automaton turned to face another side of the clearing. "I detect numerous armored vehicles identified with you district incoming. If you surrender they will be spared, as will your district. If you flee, they will die. If you fight, both will die. Decide."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #461 on: December 16, 2020, 01:48:20 AM »

"Evan Johnson," he said.  Even while maintaining his smile, his pupils drifted towards the lightning.  That was real magic wasn't it?  It was possible he was flirting with a cyborg or biohuman with enhanced abilities but that didn't seem like it.  There was usually a tell and Evan was intimately familiar with those.   
« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 11:28:59 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #462 on: December 16, 2020, 03:15:20 AM »

While he cursed, throwing off his weapon the blood that poured from Americana's shallow wound upon her evasion, Ib had already taken initiative. Sprung the net of control they needed to salvage this misbegotten venture. Longirsu dimly registered the arrival of the other demonic creature and committed to mind the traits of the portal, but their escape was irrelevant. This was a blunder that needed to be corrected now. Because of his naivety. Because of his ego, he now had to listen to Ib's voice produce such merciless words.

His next command was like a general's bellow in the Terrortech comms. [Ib, I authorize you to use the Knightmare factor. Your target is Americana.]

Longirsu's hand squeezed the haft of the World Spear, and it whined to life. Carving the flesh of the fiery one had gathered an unexpected sulprus of energy, and with one thought, the Orchestrator now saw it processed. A stream of black geometries shining with conductive tracks and circuitry burst from the blunt end of the weapon and divided itself among the lesser Terrortech units that remained, in an instant concluding the process of assimilation.

Where the flow of ancient metatechnology disappeared, it left behind tempered metal and enhanced mechanisms. Longirsu's expression brightened harshly, equally poised for slaughter or battle.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 03:17:19 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #463 on: December 17, 2020, 01:22:00 AM »

"Evan Johnson," he said.  Even while maintaining his smile, his pupils drifted towards the lightning.  That was real magic wasn't it?  It was possible he was flirting with a cyborg or biohuman with enhanced abilities but that didn't seem like it.  There was usually a tell and Evan was intimately familiar with those.


"Evan... what a nice name." Thorra replied. "I'd be happy to join you on the dancefloor, but I only know how to waltz. You'll have to teach me more." The tall hammer offered him her palm. "Shall we?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #464 on: December 17, 2020, 04:39:42 PM »

Marc's eyebrow raised cheekily. Of course, maybe it was because he was a hopeless brute, but he had a hunch about that lady. The lady had good eyes, the sort that makes professionals skip a beat.  "Hehe, thanks Thorra. Sorry though, the only couple I'm part of is a couple of troublemakers." His cheeky wink was outright criminal.

"Hehe, sure guys, have fun!" He waved at the duo and pointed a finger at Nep. "Aw, suit yourself. I'll probably get plastered myself in just a bit. You know what, if you feel it, come to the game room or something."
« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 01:32:09 AM by Kotomine_Rin »