Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47182 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #615 on: April 13, 2021, 06:43:50 PM »

Districts? I see, so this is how it's run. He grinned in anticipation, this world was just so exciting! The other one was so small, constricting... but in such wide abundant land... yes, yes! He was free to paint it the way he liked best, in the fires of war and the blood of cattle! Women, children, babes and elders! It'd be an eternal party of destruction for him alone! Kill them! Destroy them all! Ravage them in your hate. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...

Without even realizing, he was frozen there with a massive psychotic grin.

Only when he noticed he was being watched, did he shake his head and calm his urges, ever so softly.

"Phew, haha! I see, I see!" He casually snapped his fingers like nothing happened. "Heh, my bad, it just reminds me of way back when I fought in the American civil war. I fought a man, aye, a true warrior he was. Grandmaster Abraham Lincoln, champion of slaves and the weak, I respected his guts. His ax technique... it was truly something, and the way he fought was simply sublime. He was a real man, yeah."

He crossed his arms, chuckling to himself fondly as he remembered his worthy rival of long times past.  "You've got the same eyes. It's a shame... I'd play with you, but since our final duel, I promised I wouldn't lay a hand on the kin of lady Amerika. It looks like we'll get along nicely, eh?"

He stalled for time and punted a ball, any ball... just killing time while holding off the hunger at bay.

Tankers at the Bar

Miho was all the more warier of Johnny, trying her best to subtly size him up and determine if he was trying to be friendly or if this could be a prelude to something.

Yukari, on the other hand, zeroed in onto the "American Civil War" part of the man's statements. America was a name she was sort of familiar with even before coming to the Nexus - her uncle was a collector of an Imperial Era magazine line meant for the Astra Militarum called The Regimental Standard. One of those issues was about ancient Terran tanks. Now, nobody she inquired to about America understood what she actually was asking about, and she couldn't approach any of the Goddesses to see if they knew anything (let alone it being a major social faux pas to do so). Maybe Johnny knew about them?

"American Civil War, huh?" the brunette tried to steer the conversation her way as she lined up a shot, "Was that before or after the Two World War?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #616 on: April 13, 2021, 09:52:56 PM »

Aww, but she looked so cute when she was flabbergasted. Well, she got him pretty surprised too - that wasn't what he asked for at all! Buuuuut he'd let it slide, this time. "Oui oui. Indeed, that we do."

And with a dramatic flick of his hair, he snapped his fingers theatrically and smiled. "Well then, choose one of three - Tea, Ice, Staff, Book oooor..." A cheeky drumroll on his knees thumped and drummed with anticipation, but wait, weren't we past three already?

"...Theme park!"

He whipped out a rose and a sparkling rain of confetti on the fly. Ba dum tss.


The chocolate elf dangerously stepped forward, pressing herself back up against Marc, her own member pressed up against his own. She grabbed onto his hand, taking control of the situation from him and looked up at him with big, pupiless purple eyes.

"Why don't we just head somewhere we can chat, like a bar? I'm quite interested in seeing what you humans have to drink, and perhaps we'll even be able to get to know each other-ahem-a bit more intimately."

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #617 on: April 14, 2021, 07:33:11 PM »

Costin raised an eyebrow and scoffed, totally in disbelief. He was totally picking on her for that, and having a blast doing it. "Ha! Don't they teach this stuff in pre-school?"

Amused, quite amused, he rubbed his chin and faked having to think for more than a few seconds, smiling wryly all the same.

"Wait, no, that ain't right. I guess this is a parallel world. Silly me..." He chuckled a bit, a dark glow seeping from his cadaverous vessel. "It was many, many years before what we call World War 2. Man, that takes me back though, those days were a blast. Now that you mention it, I was a mercenary for a while then. They stationed me with my private platoon in Okinawa. Heh heh... man, now that was some of the best amusement I've had since the Ottomans invaded!"

He chuckled to himself when he said that, as if remembering the way those monkeys scrambled once he entered the fray.

"What makes you so curious though? That was a long time ago, you know?"
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 04:43:57 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #618 on: April 15, 2021, 03:30:59 PM »

The chocolate elf dangerously stepped forward, pressing herself back up against Marc, her own member pressed up against his own. She grabbed onto his hand, taking control of the situation from him and looked up at him with big, pupiless purple eyes.

"Why don't we just head somewhere we can chat, like a bar? I'm quite interested in seeing what you humans have to drink, and perhaps we'll even be able to get to know each other-ahem-a bit more intimately."


"Eh? Oh, my, I see how it is."  Wait wait wait. What was that? Something was poking against his Robert Mc. Wayneson. This was bad. This was dangerous. Wait, no no. Maybe he got it wrong, it could just be her wallet or something. Wait, who wears their wallet there anyways?! Okay, calm down. Think calmly.

Even if she has a penis, it's okay if she's cute.

"You know what... I think I'll need a drink after all."

He never sounded so defeated since the time the IRS came knocking.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #619 on: April 15, 2021, 07:30:29 PM »

"Eh? Oh, my, I see how it is."  Wait wait wait. What was that? Something was poking against his Robert Mc. Wayneson. This was bad. This was dangerous. Wait, no no. Maybe he got it wrong, it could just be her wallet or something. Wait, who wears their wallet there anyways?! Okay, calm down. Think calmly.

Even if she has a penis, it's okay if she's cute.

"You know what... I think I'll need a drink after all."

He never sounded so defeated since the time the IRS came knocking.


It throbbed against him suddenly. Definitely a penis, and a rather oversized and girthy one at that. Luthien spun around, wrapping an arm around his with a powerful grip, and then began tugging her impromptu date along. Her ears fluttered triumphantly, and she didn't even care that she had absolutely no idea where she was going.

"Good. Now give me directions, so I can take us there."

The shorter woman stood on the tips of her toes, suddenly elevating herself up to his level. Despite the incredible acrobatics, it seemed to be a perfectly natural position for her to be standing in.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #620 on: April 16, 2021, 01:06:46 AM »

"Now now, you're getting a bit cocky there." He looked at her with a totally deadpan pout. "Buuuut bars are just... cliché. When it comes to drinking, I've got what you'd call refined tastes. Follow me mon chou!" And with that he poked her on the nose.

Hmph hmph. Indeed, he knew a spot, he owned it after all. Just any bar wasn't where you could get the best view of what the Nexus had to offer, after all...

"That's right, this is the spot!"

Gusts of wind were blowing all over the place, ruffling the nearby trees and even his classy coat, swaying his foulard snazzily. Thanking the chauffeur for keeping good care of his baby, he bowed like a gentleman while something huge, dark and shiny started rising from the ground.

Was it a bird? Some kind of jujub? No, no.

It was a friggin' jet plane.

The stairs rolled down with the red carpet, revealing hints of the luxurious interior.

"Ahh, ma chere. I missed you so much." He hugged the luxury jet plane like it really was his baby. Ah, the wonders of money. "Now, come on! We've got drinks to down!"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #621 on: April 16, 2021, 02:11:02 AM »

"Now now, you're getting a bit cocky there." He looked at her with a totally deadpan pout. "Buuuut bars are just... cliché. When it comes to drinking, I've got what you'd call refined tastes. Follow me mon chou!" And with that he poked her on the nose.

Hmph hmph. Indeed, he knew a spot, he owned it after all. Just any bar wasn't where you could get the best view of what the Nexus had to offer, after all...

"That's right, this is the spot!"

Gusts of wind were blowing all over the place, ruffling the nearby trees and even his classy coat, swaying his foulard snazzily. Thanking the chauffeur for keeping good care of his baby, he bowed like a gentleman while something huge, dark and shiny started rising from the ground.

Was it a bird? Some kind of jujub? No, no.

It was a friggin' jet plane.

The stairs rolled down with the red carpet, revealing hints of the luxurious interior.

"Ahh, ma chere. I missed you so much." He hugged the luxury jet plane like it really was his baby. Ah, the wonders of money. "Now, come on! We've got drinks to down!"


"Wahahaha! Cocky! Did you seriously just make that joke!?!" Luthien jabbed him playfully with her elbow and turned to look at him with an absolutely despicable shit-eating grin. "Pfft... Cocky. I guess it's not inaccurate."

Once they arrived, she cocked her head, walking up and running her hand against its metal exterior. "What is this?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #622 on: April 16, 2021, 02:20:37 AM »

Marc snickered when she snickered, like some schoolkid who got caught pranking his teacher or something. He gave the black beast a hearty pat and grinned heartily. "This, my dear Luthee, is the product of years of innovation and the thrill of adventure. The desire to see the great expanses beyond!"

Posing dramatically, he waved his hand... to the skies!

"It's a plane ma cherie. And don't worry, it's got plenty of room on the inside for the both of us. I've had it furnished with the latest entertainment, dining and luxury décor money can buy you know? More importantly, it'll give you a good view of the city from above."

Aroms crossed, he walked up closer to the dark elf and leaned down teasingly.

"Since I'm your host and your guide, I'm not going to treat you to anything less than the best this city has to offer. Which is basically the basic of what I have to offer. Soooo..." He flicked something out of his pocket, the key to the piloting room - which he tossed nonchalantly to the driver.

"How about a ride baby?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #623 on: April 16, 2021, 02:22:29 AM »

Marc snickered when she snickered, like some schoolkid who got caught pranking his teacher or something. He gave the black beast a hearty pat and grinned heartily. "This, my dear Luthee, is the product of years of innovation and the thrill of adventure. The desire to see the great expanses beyond!"

Posing dramatically, he waved his hand... to the skies!

"It's a plane ma cherie. And don't worry, it's got plenty of room on the inside for the both of us. I've had it furnished with the latest entertainment, dining and luxury décor money can buy you know? More importantly, it'll give you a good view of the city from above."

Aroms crossed, he walked up closer to the dark elf and leaned down teasingly.

"Since I'm your host and your guide, I'm not going to treat you to anything less than the best this city has to offer. Which is basically the basic of what I have to offer. Soooo..." He flicked something out of his pocket, the key to the piloting room - which he tossed nonchalantly to the driver.

"How about a ride baby?"


The young elf did a strange sort of dancing curtsy before rushing forwards, grabbing Marc and sweeping him off of his feet into a princess-carry! "Without further adu then."

With date in arms, she carried the young man up the ramp and into the plane itself.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #624 on: April 16, 2021, 02:33:31 AM »

"Hoh!" For a change, he was the one wide eyed in surprise, but soon that turned into a warm merry laugh. "Haha, man, I can't believe someone would pull that move on me of all people. You are full of surprises you know that?"

Nothing like a bit of showmanship, and they were surrounded by a gorgeous golden décor colored in velvet and rare oaks. He swirled his eyebrows and swooned by Luthien's shoulder like a hapless damsel. Dramatically, he raised his leg up like an ice statue melting in her arms.

"Romance is like a game of chess, and I'm the queen. Oh, but I'm sooo parched. What shall I doooooo... ah, la misere!" He totally looked like he was on the verge of tears, only to grin cooly and lean over to her pointy ear. "Keep going to the right mon chou, there." And as he pointed, she got to see the lounge in its fullest. It looked fantastic, with crystal glasses, a bar counter, the softest couches in the market, and a plasma screen TV. There was even an aquarium with some rare fishies in there!



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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #625 on: April 19, 2021, 11:50:48 PM »

"Hoh!" For a change, he was the one wide eyed in surprise, but soon that turned into a warm merry laugh. "Haha, man, I can't believe someone would pull that move on me of all people. You are full of surprises you know that?"

Nothing like a bit of showmanship, and they were surrounded by a gorgeous golden décor colored in velvet and rare oaks. He swirled his eyebrows and swooned by Luthien's shoulder like a hapless damsel. Dramatically, he raised his leg up like an ice statue melting in her arms.

"Romance is like a game of chess, and I'm the queen. Oh, but I'm sooo parched. What shall I doooooo... ah, la misere!" He totally looked like he was on the verge of tears, only to grin cooly and lean over to her pointy ear. "Keep going to the right mon chou, there." And as he pointed, she got to see the lounge in its fullest. It looked fantastic, with crystal glasses, a bar counter, the softest couches in the market, and a plasma screen TV. There was even an aquarium with some rare fishies in there!



"So, I take it this thing flies-is it magic, or some strange human engieneering?" The young elf asked. She planted Marc down onto the plush couch, in the same movement sweeping up a fancy bottle of wine and swiping at the top of the bottle. If she did it right, it'd pop right off, and she'd be able to gracefully show off how cool her magic was-

But instead, she applied too much force, and the bottle exploded in her hands.


[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #626 on: April 22, 2021, 01:30:42 AM »

Costin raised an eyebrow and scoffed, totally in disbelief. He was totally picking on her for that, and having a blast doing it. "Ha! Don't they teach this stuff in pre-school?"

Amused, quite amused, he rubbed his chin and faked having to think for more than a few seconds, smiling wryly all the same.

"Wait, no, that ain't right. I guess this is a parallel world. Silly me..." He chuckled a bit, a dark glow seeping from his cadaverous vessel. "It was many, many years before what we call World War 2. Man, that takes me back though, those days were a blast. Now that you mention it, I was a mercenary for a while then. They stationed me with my private platoon in Okinawa. Heh heh... man, now that was some of the best amusement I've had since the Ottomans invaded!"

He chuckled to himself when he said that, as if remembering the way those monkeys scrambled once he entered the fray.

"What makes you so curious though? That was a long time ago, you know?"
Miho and Yukari

"Well," Yukari began as she took her shot.


And with that, she was only one ball to go before she can claim the solid black 8.

"Where I'm from, the old wars on Terra are ancient history," the fluffball explained, "And much of it has been forgotten. I only learned about the Two World War and the United States from an old propaganda magazine my uncle collects, and some of the things it brought up has me curious."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #627 on: April 23, 2021, 05:12:14 PM »

"Ha! I see, I understand! Thine world must've been pretty exciting then, if vars like that became naught but ancient history."

Argh, he did it again. When he got excited, he started using words that didn't really fit with youngsters of the era. He tried to learn the ins and out of their slang though, but hiding the accent was a pain.

"That's dope." He posed cooly like some gangster in the 80's. How old was he anyways? There were grandparents with a better sense of trends than that. Bah, didn't matter. Nothing was going to get the sunglasses out of his face.


"Buuuuut... it is mine turn now, and naught shall stop me from seizing this moment! The moment vhere I..."

He aimed his stick with precision this time, poised lower than a beast. For a second, all of his muscles focused on that one ball, no more like a beast or a human, but a machine of destruction. On all levels except physical, it was like watching a tank aiming for his target.

And then, the shot fires.

A bit too hard though. The sonic boom flicked everyone's hair up and slammed the ball with enough force to crater straight into the wall, narrowly avoiding any bystanders but silencing everyone who was watching them, as the wall caved under the impact of the ball.

Costing's bangs dropped from the sonic explosion, even he looked a bit surprised. He could've sworn he only used 5% there.

"Whoops. Mybad."

He subtly slipped the cue stick to the guy he borrowed it from, who was still speechless as ever, right in front of everyone.

"It was him." He pointed to the poor guy and played it cool.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #628 on: April 24, 2021, 02:47:13 PM »

"So, I take it this thing flies-is it magic, or some strange human engieneering?" The young elf asked. She planted Marc down onto the plush couch, in the same movement sweeping up a fancy bottle of wine and swiping at the top of the bottle. If she did it right, it'd pop right off, and she'd be able to gracefully show off how cool her magic was-

But instead, she applied too much force, and the bottle exploded in her hands.



"Iiii'll leave that to your imagination~" Marc grinned like an excited monsieur as he was dropped on the couch like a pot potat, but soon his face froze as his expensive bottle of alcohol was decimated by the girl's witchcraft.


That was... a deluxe rare collector's edition. There were only 5 genuine bottles in the Nexus, it was basically his daughter. And now, it was shattered in a million pieces, sprawling on the floor. This was fine. No, this was fine. His face didn't even twitch, it was like a hardworking husband coming home to find his wife being plowed by seven midgets.

Oh well, no biggie. He had four more bottles of the stuff anyway. His alcoholism scaled to infinity.

"Haha, no way! Was that magic? That was awesome!" He stood up to attention like a giddy kid who just saw the coolest show in town. "So you're strong and can use magic, huh? Damn, I'm lucky I found you before you got to a Wing. Can you do more?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #629 on: April 25, 2021, 04:22:59 PM »

"Waaaaahhhh! I'm sorry! I thought it'd be really cool!" She cried out. The elf crouched down onto the floor and held her head between her gloved hands, which seemed to be no worse for the wear. "That was just my normal strength-elves like me are way stronger than the average human."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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