Author Topic: Naboundd  (Read 10502 times)


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« on: February 06, 2020, 04:43:50 PM »

Naboundd is a relatively small district known for its quaint way of life and conservative outlook on life. They distrust their neighbors, and outside of nessecary trade for commidities, generally prefer to stay insular and avoid contact with outsiders. It’s not very densely populated, with less than 100,000 people living within its borders, nor is it very wealthy. However, it’s been generally left alone up until now due to its location and lack of rare resources. It is ruled by a king who holds very little power, whose only purpose is to act as a dignatary and lead the army in the case of an invasion. Otherwise, people generally live their own quiet little lives according to their own ways, policing themselves and keeping order communally.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2020, 10:35:49 PM »
11:00 AM


Naboundd was a quaint little town, not especially wealthy or resourceful. Its citizens just came and went along their little lives, not paying heed to anything or anyone. Perhaps it was lady luck that graced them with mediocrity. They didn't utterly fail like many of the old districts, but neither did they succeed in anything. Perhaps that was, in its own way, a victory.

This must be what peace is. An apathetic, dehumanizing peace. And yet, the people could find happiness in that too. Such was humanity. However, it was a tragedy that their king subjected them to this lofty ideal. For apathy is death.

As the sky turned bright beyond belief, as the heat melted their bones off, what did the people of this district think? Certainly, with all that peace... they should have invested in an umbrella.

The stars were falling.



"...Oh, you poor things." Zeke's dark eyes were filled an empty melancholy, even as his body was stretched out as if he had just thrown something. And yet, he thought nothing about the many who would perish from what he unleashed. Nothing at all. Why, he was just standing on the other side of the hills. Far, far away from the district, why would he feel anything for creatures that looked so small to him?

"L o r d     Z e k e . . . " Something groaned. Zeke's ears perked.

A bulging, grotesque mass of pink flesh and corruption which crawled from behind the trees of the hillside. Supported on six disproportionately small paws, it appeared like a hulking, mutated leech sporting no eyes or face; only a massive human mouth. Its muscles looked oddly soft, like water balloons, but squirmed beneath its skin as if they had a life of their own. And beneath all that, something rippled continuously... until the mouth opened to reveal a full set of gigantic, flat teeth.

On top of its back, there was a crate of soft drinks.

"Ohoho! Great job, I was getting thirsty." The dark man glanced at the creature and nearly jumped in glee. In a heartbeat, he grabbed a can of pop, cracked it open, and took a sip of his favorite brand of sprite cranberry. "Pwahhh~ Same as always. Our beloved soft drink... but with a little extra holiday spirit."

With that, he crushed the empty can and was immediately enveloped with a dark aura that lashed out like fire. The poor leech yelped and panicked, for it had to grip as hard as it could on the ground just not to tumble and get dragged straight into him. Immediately, Zeke was raising his arms and a leg, taking a stance... and revealing the power of the sun, right in the palm of his hands.

"Well, back on track. This time, I'm going for a perfect game."

And in less than a heartbeat, he hurled the plasmic mass through the skies, catapulting it from the other side of the hills straight into another populated area. The explosion was monstrous, those who were not immediately melted away were burned asunder by flame and exploding rubble.

How sad. Unfortunately, he wasn't planning on stopping any time soon.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 03:50:55 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2020, 05:03:02 PM »

The serenity of the town was shattered in one, cataclysmic swoop. People's lives were snuffed out in a cruel twist of fate, many being people who had moved the Naboundd generations ago for its peaceful tranquility and verdant hills.

Now, the hills were peppered with pockmarks, and the illusion of peace had been shattered like a pane of glass. For, one thing was constant, and that was the nature of war itself.

It never changed.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2020, 05:28:11 PM »

He had certainly tried restraint. He could have done so much more, and so much faster. But in a sick way, Zeke was observing how the people reacted like they were animals in a safari. Truthfully, his expression didn't change.


And yet it was beautiful. Women, elderly, even children... now they all hurried and worked together. Friends, family, total strangers, it mattered not. For once in their life, they all acted in unison. This was power. This was purpose. He gave them this.

"It is a pity... that your king subjected you to this cage. You poor lambs could have become so much more." He paused if only to launch another one of these otherworldly attacks. "But this isn't enough. You've lost precious time, and you've lost those precious to you. There are no more next chances. Soon, she will strip you of all possibilities and turn you into her songbirds."

Only then, did he unleashed darkness. The surge of power followed suit. So let there be light.

"Allow me to free you."

And thus, Zeke hurled yet another sun into yet another densely populated area. This bombardment would continue, quickly moving towards the royal residences.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 05:55:04 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2020, 06:09:29 PM »

And then, behind him, he heard a chuckle.

"Fufufu... I see why my wife was so interested in you, now. How utterly fascinating! How stupendous! What a farcical turn of events that lead the poor Ezekiel to where he is today! KYahaHahaHAHA~!" A feminine voice chuckled behind him, a presence that hadn't been there a moment before.

One brimming with true power that even he could feel.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2020, 06:24:48 PM »

Hmm. A little too high. He scratched the back of his ear, trying to gauge how to make his next throw.

The first one to react was the giant leech, which scampered and hid away into the brush and foliage. Such palpable energy... who could be doing this? Zeke looked like he shivered for a second there.

"How scary. Don't tell me you're with those poor souls." He didn't really need to turn his head to look at her, but he might as well be polite. What an odd girl. "You're an elf, aren't you? How cute."

He stroked his beard in fascination.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2020, 06:28:20 PM »

"Keh!" She laughed, and her ample bust bounced admirably in time with her twitching ears. "One could say I am, as a matter of convenience. I'm sure they'll speak of me as their savior, after all, since I'm here to capture you."

Her red eyes gleamed, staring into Zeke, beyond the surface, digging further into his sordid past than anyone had before.

And he could feel her, peeling away layer after layer with every passing moment.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2020, 06:39:33 PM »

"...Oh. No, I can't have that." He shook his head and smiled, feeling her peel him like an onion... if he could allow such an analogy. Unfortunately, the savior of this tale would be his boss, so she wouldn't get that chance.

"I assume you want to put me on a table and do outrageous things to my body. I can relate, but I suppose you know that already."

Suddenly, the vile heat of corrupt stars erupted brightly from his body, burning his surroundings with a surge of pure energy! Despite that light, a dark hunger like no other brimmed out of him, and a terrifying smile.

"So be a good girl and come with me."
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 06:40:56 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2020, 06:47:42 PM »

"...Oh. No, I can't have that." He shook his head and smiled, feeling her peel him like an onion... if he could allow such an analogy. Unfortunately, the savior of this tale would be his boss, so she wouldn't get that chance.

"I assume you want to put me on a table and do outrageous things to my body. I can relate, but I suppose you know that already."

Suddenly, the vile heat of corrupt stars erupted brightly from his body, burning his surroundings with a surge of pure energy! Despite that light, a dark hunger like no other brimmed out of him, and a terrifying smile.

"So be a good girl and come with me."


Eruraviel yawned. Yes, she yawned. "This paltry display, is it really the best you have, Zeke? Empty words come with an even more vapid mind, simply wishing to consume in a sense of misguided loyalty to a long dead master? My my, how tragic your life must be."

She pointed her finger at him, and a ray of undulating green death erupted from her finger, surging forth towards his leg.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2020, 07:28:13 PM »

"...pffft. If you're looking for loyalty, you'll find it in a pomeranian pup." He laughed heartily as he took a step forward, only for half his body to become cloaked in darkness. The ray of death was dragged into his own pitch-black finger... and vanished from this world.

Countering that, Zeke flicked his fingers towards him... and the pull intensified, now strong enough to drag even large animals towards him! At the same time, the energy built up in his other arm, causing the air to burn and the earth to bubble! You didn't even need instinct to know that getting dragged into a punch like that would be bad news.

"She's interesting! I want to see where her dream leads with my own eyes. Can't you relate to that?"
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 07:32:23 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2020, 07:41:54 PM »

Eru opened her mouth, and noise came out. It seared his ears with hellish sounds, never meant to be heard by mortals. If he listened closely, he could just barely tell they were words. What she said, was beyond his comprehension.

And then, she winked out of existence, just before being pulled into his punch. Far above him, he heard her chuckling. "If that's the best you can accomplish, this will be easier than I thought. Your old form was so much stronger, kyahahaha!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2020, 07:54:45 PM »

She vanished, and reappeared above him! His expression looked shocked. HOWEVER!

"And you're so much cuter when you laugh!"

What impacted wasn't his fist, but a scalding foot. The struck body wasn't Eru's... but the poor creature of Zeke's! His poor precious comrade which couldn't hold onto the ground anymore... was now blown to bits by an impact it simply couldn't handle. Countless giblets of lava-like flesh were shooting in the sky like bullets, each aimed precisely for where Eru just teleported to.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2020, 08:21:14 PM »

She vanished, and reappeared above him! His expression looked shocked. HOWEVER!

"And you're so much cuter when you laugh!"

What impacted wasn't his fist, but a scalding foot. The struck body wasn't Eru's... but the poor creature of Zeke's! His poor precious comrade which couldn't hold onto the ground anymore... was now blown to bits by an impact it simply couldn't handle. Countless giblets of lava-like flesh were shooting in the sky like bullets, each aimed precisely for where Eru just teleported to.


Eru put her palm down, seeing his intent well before he finished enacting his plan, and the giblets slammed into an invisible wall of force. Then, she snapped her fingers, standing atop the wall now, looking down upon Zeke. "Show me more, Ezekiel. Show my everything you can muster!" She exclaimed, chortling at him from above.

An enormous, disembodied hand appeared behind him, rushing forward to grab the old rapscallion. 

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2020, 08:51:54 PM »


The hand slammed against his back, leaving him breathless from the impact! He was gripped mercilessly, wrapped by these astral fingers until not a speck of his shine could reach out. The sun was blotted out and would shine no more.

It would devour.

A black explosion surged out of its fingers. It ripped and ravaged the spell, and dragged it to some unknowable place. Zeke emerged from the black flames, his beard also set alight by this void-like aura. Even his coat stretched out like the night, revealing four dark wings that didn't need to so much as to bat.

It almost looked like an angel, a dragon of old and a demon all at once, but it was neither. It only defined itself as itself, and nothing else. The void soared high in the air, rushing towards the cute little vixen while pulling in everything around it towards it.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 09:00:03 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2020, 09:00:26 PM »

Yet, as the first hand was devoured, a second one appeared in front of him, flicking him right in the face with heroic strength before he was able to escape.

"Nice little trick you have there." The elf noted, tapping her foot upon the wall of force she was standing on.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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