Author Topic: Naboundd  (Read 10503 times)


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2020, 11:43:58 PM »

"Hm, not very advanced language centers. You either weren't meant for interacting with others or are fairly expendable. Possibly both!" A few souls wasn't worth fighting anything over. And it seemed like the fight was nearly done too so there was no point in getting too violent. Probably.


She stomped her foot, and shook her head. "Elvish! Don't speak human very good!" She exclaimed. "I am very smart! My lady-" She paused, searching for the right word. "She would not-make low-quality-children!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2020, 11:53:59 PM »

Was there something resembling pity in Joseph's eyes? Probably not. Especially not with the way he laughed as if she'd told a good joke and leaned on the head of his own creation. "You don't need to be stupid or low quality to be expendable. You just have to not be important."


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2020, 12:03:52 AM »

She ground her teeth, and her ears trembled with fury, lowering downwards as she gave Joseph an icy glare. "Nobody is expendable." She insisted, getting ready to step back and get back to her work.

She'd wasted enough time with this fool.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2020, 03:34:20 AM »

And thus it ended just as it began. With the elf displaying utter dominance upon the poor jester, the fool being utterly crushed by her abilities. His body trembled like a leaf, but could clearly not resist her compulsion! He sat, gripped tighter by the tendrils which were going against any and all of his movements. They coiled around his muscles, his throat, and choked his body. Her sorcery coiled around his mind, his being, and tightened around it.

"N-no... please... I'm too weak... d-don't kill me! Ahh... J-Joseph! Someone! Help me...!" He whimpered, paralyzed and slowly suffocating, and clearly found the manipulation of his mind painful.

His voice was breaking, the creases in his flesh deepened, and he looked like he aged 40, no, 50 years in but a few seconds! But even more amazingly, a static seemed to overtake Zeke! Suddenly, his body was flickering like a broken tv image, jumbling all the layers that Eru was observing and throwing them into disarray.

No... it was peeling them before her, all of them! The origin of the abyss was pushing its way out of his soul and into her eyes, pumping her body full to the brim with forbidden knowledge, and a dream that now marked the turn of the megaannum!

A way to cross into other worlds and harness their power. A plan to create a hero. A power to surpass the gods.

The Vanguard project.

He was showing her something beyond himself! She was so close! Oh so close to seeing all of it! It felt absolutely forbidden, abhorrent and wonderful all at once!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 05:29:13 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #34 on: February 16, 2020, 04:06:46 PM »

A lesser mind would have buckled under the weight of information flooding into her mind. Even a mere 100 years ago, this probably would have been her end.

But, she was no weakling. She was the greatest wizard whom had ever lived. She was the forgotten fifth child, used as a toy by her siblings in her youth, yet now had them all firmly under her control! She would never lose to something like this, because that would be rejecting the very core of who she was!

"I am Eruraviel! A trifle such as this is nothing compared to my true goals!" She shouted, loud enough for everyone to hear. Her eyes blazing with never-before-seen intensity, she issued another command.

"Continue sitting there, and take no further actions until ordered!" Then, she began to descend, slowly getting closer so she could safely strap him to a table.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 10:17:13 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #35 on: February 16, 2020, 06:59:35 PM »

His dark expression coulld no longer hide his smile! Even terrified, the shadow of his face spelled out his heart's joy before his challenge! Her control was truly terrifying! With such magic, she could easily dominate this city! No, surpass it! Had he met such a wonderful woman first, he would have surely fallen for her instead of his dearest boss. And as her powers fully bound his unwilling flesh, something deep inside the void stirred once more.

His ambition was lesser than hers? Who decided that?

Her sorcery could blot out his sun? Who decided that?

Her edict could override his will? Who decided that?

Plasma crackled around his body for a moment! He underwent a dramatic transformation, and as she approached him he revealed his true intent with a punch beyond all punches! The tentacles were torn apart, his body radiated scalding heat, his smile was utterly monstruous to behold, and the very core of his being was evolving before her very eyes.

"The one who decides such things... is me!"

He overcame. His nature, her control, himself... all for the sake of matching her ambition. His eyes were litterally burning, the explosion of heat propelled him towards her at maddening speeds, his arm hurled in to strike her dead here and there!


The time to shine would not be his.

His stretched hand was stopped before he could reach her. No, his whole body was like a statue. He had lost, completely and utterly. It was not a matter of will, ability, or even the self. It was simply fated. And yet, despite losing the favor of the Gods, Zeke's horrifying smile did not recede one bit.

Somewhere in this world, a babe weeps. Such was the dread that his unmoving expression wrought. And his searing eyes stared right at Eruaviel's with endless hunger. Slowly, their distance grew, until he touched the ground hopelessly while she just stayed among the heavens. He was completely unable to move. It was infuriating, but he couldn't find the strength to get mad.

His shine was now in the palm of her hand. All she needed was to take.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 06:03:02 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2020, 10:28:34 PM »

"Heh." She replied simply, only lowering down once she saw he was entirely bound by her magic. Intense magical energy crackled through her entire body as she walked towards him, sparking along her entire body. Once she got right in front of him, she raised her bare foot to his face. "Now, kiss your new mistress. Your journey intersects with my path, for now."

The domination still held him tight, but he could feel a new magical effect assaulting his body, one he couldn't yet place the effects of.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #37 on: February 17, 2020, 04:03:31 PM »

There was a low growl, but even if the void struggled, it could not yet resist. Or maybe he had given up on resistance. Maybe he was enjoying this. If their paths were to intersect, then he would gladly accept this bond. As they connected, he'd be able to reach even greater heights.

"What is it with you creatures and feet?" His mouth approached that bag of meat, cartillage and bone... and kissed its toes. The texture of her skin against his tongue, the taste of an elf inside his mouth... these feet were a new experience, something precious and valuable. He cherished the information and sensation as tightly as one could. Zeke closed his eyes...

And bit down. Not nearly hard enough to wound. Only hard enough to make a maiden yelp.

Despite his submission, when he opened his eyes he looked at her like he still had plenty of fight left. His body and mind didn't resist, but perhaps this was his own way of acknowledging her.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2020, 04:10:29 PM »

He did not get the reaction he desired from the fair, bountiful maiden. Instead, he saw the length hanging between her legs, wrapped in the frilly white maid cocksleeve as it was, twitch a bit.

"Fufufu. Now, my dear friend, you will let me learn everything about you, ok?" She ran her hand down his cheek, that malevolent, dominating smile looking more and more dear to him with every passing moment.

"You'll let your good friend Erururu cut you open just a little bit, right?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #39 on: February 17, 2020, 06:17:18 PM »


His visage rejuvenated a bit, looking a bit more comely than the transformed, horrifying shape he took. A stream of some strange substance, not quite saliva yet crystal clear in its essence, trailed off her foot.

"That is your right of conquest. Who am I to say no to such pure desires? If it is for the sake of knowledge, everything is fair play."

He managed to bow curtly, but raised a finger up in a sudden motion. "Do give me one moment though. Actually, how about a demonstration?" As he said that, his eyes trailed over to the estuary that connected Xibalba to this place.

A pity...

And with that, he cupped his hands in front of his mouth... and screamed. What came out was not a human voice, but some kind of melody. A signal.

The sound carried over, not through air but through the paths that connected him to his organisms, bouncing and spreading from individual to individual. Paths that now brought the people of Naboundd... those unfortunate enough to be infected by Zeke far closer together. Closer to him. For you see, he did not lie. He, or rather his children, had been quite busy and hardworking as ever, corrupting the water and the food of this place and slipping inside a small portion of the populace. And with a simple scream, the organisms laying dormant and hiding in their bodies awakened, and spread the signals further.

All for the sake of that man The one responsible for all this. The kind, compassionate king who was risking his life this very moment in order to offer aid to the needy, even after this devastating attack. Even now, the people looked up to him. He had no power, nor did he have authorithy. But in this crisis, his role as a symbol could shine once more.

Such a kind hearted shine was an impediment, unnecessary to the ends of his dream. Thus, once Zeke's signal reached the organisms lying in wait, a different shine altogether emerged. It overtook the infected people of this district, clueless and helpless of what was sleeping inside each one of them.

If there was such a thing as a holy light that could emerge from any individual,a force that connects people together... then this would be the ultimate perversion of this idea.

The weak and the chaff would be transformed into angel-like abominations, monstruous creatures made solely for the sake of consuming. They would not lose their memories, their emotions. But their words and hands could reach their loved ones no longer. They had but one directive, one will forced into them.

Kill the king.

And they would hate Zeke for it. Yet this hatred would only make their love for Serana stronger, once she saved them from their own powerlessness. The helpless hapless king was now offered up on a silver platter, no more than a sacrificial lamb to the savior of this story.

"Haah... ech... god, that hurts like hell. My throat's on fire! Ow!" He coughed and hacked. With that, his work was done. Phew.

"Well well well, let's go then hm? I look forward to seeing your work."  He took her hand and clasped it lovingly, slipping his fingers between hers.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2020, 01:12:16 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2020, 01:51:58 AM »
Eruraviel Lavinna

The foot he had been worshipping slammed into his forehead with a loud crack. "My servants must learn how to properly greet me, Ezekiel." She ground her broken heel into his face, pushing down on his head with the rest. "You aren't nearly cute enough to service me as a lover nor a pet. No, you're far more useful to me as a test subject, and as a wild dog..." She muttered, holding back a wince as her bones melded themselves back together. Her eyes glimmered like crimson rubies, glaring at him. "Continue the slaughter. While your old master may have farsical plans, it proves useful to me..."

She winked at the taller man, her ears trembling in avid interest. "Fufufufu~ How interesting. You're like some sort of cancer..."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2020, 02:24:23 AM »

His black eyes shined like gold, and much like the dog she liked to compare him to, he grabbed the foot aimed at his forehead with his own mouth. Like a flash, he already pinned it down between his jaws, but not as to bite down and wound. Because greater than pain and violence was the implication. The implication that he might bite down on that soft, delicate limb... yet won't. But he could.

        Hah... and you're pretty cute.
"Rah... ahn huouh wrehhy hyuhe."  The flavor was there, and definetely unknown. Now that he tasted it for a third time, he figured elves had a certain tang to their flesh that made them quite succulent to the tongue. Perhaps it was this particular elf, or maybe the flesh and nerve endings in his vessel's tongue had a certain affinity to this experience. Further tests might be necessary.

But tests or no tests, he is observant nonetheless. Thus, he grows certain of one thing. This meat is unseasoned. Thus, he lets go as soon as he grabs her.

"I'm pretty much done, and you're not one to give me orders, girl. You're not good enough to replace her yet." Zeke's golden eyes flared up, but he smiled nonetheless. He was never born as a person, so a concept like a person's pride was completely alien to him. Hence he was fine being a dog. They were smart creatures, loyal, and knew the values of bonds better than any other creature.

But if one was as callous as to kick a dog, one should expect worse than a bite in the future.

"And I can be plenty cute. Just not in this vessel, aged and broken by battle. But I won't change it yet. I'm the kind of guy who likes old comfortable shoes better than fancy new sneakers any time of the day."

And therein laid the contradiction. He was an agent of the new, one who fought for change. But he was perfectly fine being comfortable in the present. Even she could start to see that there was more to what he said or believed than he let on, but she could also see one more thing.

Spoiler for The bigger picture - locked:
This is nothing more than the story of the worst possible outcome.

Somewhere, some time ago, yet in a world that never was... there was a tower. A great marvel of forbidden sorcery, machinery, and energy that threatened to upheave all of creation. This accursed, illogical world is too full of contradictions. The slate must be wiped clean. The world must change in order to be saved. I must not lose anything ever again.

It was all the result of one man's childish ideal. But in the end, even that ended up consuming him. He became the very thing he once threatened to destroy and nearly succeeded.  Great heroes in his time rose up and fought through the great structure in order to save the world. In the end, there was a great clash, one that shook the very heavens and the core of the universe itself.

But the heroes failed.

This tower, this dream, could not be stopped. It would consume everything, every history, and consolidate it into one story. One where there would only be winners. A great ark that would save everyone. A place where no one would have to live in the fear of death.

O land of the dead. This tower's name was Xibalba.

And it would shatter history and possibility itself. However... it was not to be. It could never be. The tower's foundations were built upon a lie. A chink, so small even its master ovdrlooked it. But when all the pieces were laid out and victory was at its closest, that very tower betrayed him.

This world is an illogical one. For the sake of fixing it, he was ready to throw everything away in order to save it. If he had to choose between saving one person and another, he was the type of fool who'd go for an impossible option, and try to shoulder the lives of everyone. But his hands were too small.

He saved no one. And as the tower shattered down upon itself, the worn down heroes dealt a fatal blow and destroyed him utterly. Their world and history would never be the same... but they had managed to entrust a safe future for the next history that would take its place.

All of this is, of course, no more than a story.

But upon his death, that man would entrust his very being upon the fallen tower and the pieces of his forbidden, maddening research. He would pour shards of his own soul, his own self... and as the tower fell they would scatter beyond the horizon, accross space, accross time. And one day, they would converge once more, in the land where the divide occurred. The world where all worlds converge.

The Nexus.

The false divines he created to exert control would become true shards of God, under the guidance of humans. Hence, the Usurping Demiurge of Control is born. YHWH rules his domain with an iron fist, holding the pride and maddening yearning to be held the most high as the one above other Gods. Light, dark, good, evil, it matters not. The mechanical angels and the accursed demons fight forever, and as their roots together join, a fruit of great power is born, which can kill even the divine. The tower's sword, made to cut down those who once imprisoned that man, now swings down on the very humans he hoped to save. But even worse, this fruit now lies within a child whose own ends could turn this world into ruin. Now, even that origin is uncertain.

As the foundation of heaven changes, a man who was drowned in a storm of conflict has rejected its dual foundations. Will he come to the same conclusion of that man, or can destiny truly be changed?

The vessel that will destroy the world of Gods would fall through a stream of time, blissfully unaware of its own self until it is consumed by it once more. The memories of that man tried to grasp onto this armored vessel, but they could not reach its heart. Thus, Hróðvitnir, the wolf whose maw will swallow the world, slumbers in a pleasant dream. But will that ephemeral heroism endure, when the dreamer awakes once more? Or will the nightmare truly begin? This tale is one of uncertainty, but also of hope. Yet one cannot hope by blindly forgetting the past, it must be confronted. For now, the monster sleeps still, trapped by its humanity and its own world of falsehood. The memory and hope of that man might have survived. Can it truly endure?

Across these shards, worlds and histories, something malevolent and aberrant brewed. For if the heavens are to look down with pride, if humans are to look up with hope, then it is the unknown that carries desire. That man's madness, his obsession, the very desire to reach beyond... it was all drawn and merged into a void where no light or understanding could bring comfort. A void as empty as greed itself, accursing the illogical world as nothing more than an alien force with no love or humanity to bring it form. It contacts living beings who are compatible to it, and influences their minds into becoming one that wishes to bring about the New World. As it emerged, it grasped on the mind of a sorcerer, who sought to use this alien force in order to end the nightmare. But that sorcerer was no different than that man. Being obsessed with the past, always looking back, and creating without passion or love, he ended up repeating the cycle while trying to fix it.

Hence, the relics he harnessed, the angelic bodies it used as tools, even its own body and lineage... it lost everything to the Will of The World. Now, it spreads as a cancer, using the same networks and pathways of the divine, and seeks to morph the world into a new one through divine PATHS that it corrupts and morphs. Without love, without humanity, without any of the goodness or ambiguity, it assimilates false histories and broken worlds, trying to clutch back into reality. This alien will and its avatar spread through the hearts of people who succumb to despair, like a night that seeks to last forever. But whose will is this truly?

The blackened wings that man designed to carry off the delusions of the mighty and to test the blood of the faithful brought him to his own undoing, and the shelter of his schemes was made in truth no more than a cage of blades. For a span of time counted in the corpses of billions the Primarch of Trials has held on to his duty as the only respite of hell, and now the hunger of Orcus beats about the world like a hawk once more. There is no peace in imperfection, but out of love he may yet polish a soul that brings an answer to eternity. Within a cage of chaotic metal, the heart of the former warrior beats once more inside his friend, this time with true affection.

For a million years, these shards traveled accross hyperspace, across hypertime, accross the sea of histories and the sands of countless worlds. Each sought its own different answer, each held its own cherished dream. But in the end, there can only be one.

Accross infinite space and time, this possibility converges once more. Thus the shards of the tower scatter and dance about, and slip through the fingers of the man who mastered time like the sands of the hourglass.

Soon, the sands will bring him sleep no longer. Does the future hold hope? Does it hold despair?

The Nexus shall biring curses and blessings in equal measure.


Some of his past forms were actually pretty damn cute.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 03:22:35 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2020, 11:03:15 PM »

Necromantic power coursed through him, healing his wounds, but also layering on further control, control which he felt less and less ability to resist.

"Don't lie." She chuckled. "You just get off to the idea of claiming a cute young woman with an old and disgusting body." She pulled her foot back away from him and shook it off. "Disgusting. I'll need to clean it before cutting you open."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2020, 11:21:47 PM »

He told her already, just because he liked her didn't mean he'd just be a subservient little lamb. In fact, she should know by now it just made it less and less likely. However... he was sweating all over.

"My body or the foot? Heh heh heh..." She didn't even need to read his soul to tell what kind of picture he was thinking of. Unfortunately, he caught on to her trick soon enough... about the moment the compulsion hit, he'd cast off the tendrils of control away into a very distant, very unpleasant place. The kid was too reliant on magic alone, he'd end up adapting to her soon if she didn't try different tricks. Needing magic to manipulate people is just sad.

However, something stirred in him. For some reason, despite the opportunity he just... didn't. And that was the true terror of Eruaviel. Zeke liked this, he enjoyed this twisted kind of company, and even if he didn't she'd find some twisted way to make her worst inflictions pleasant to his soul. Understanding what changed, yet carried away by these same whims, he felt kind of chilly all of a sudden. This only made him grin wider though. The fact try as he might to chink the lock, he'd fail. So why not rattle it even harder?

Even if he wanted to, and really should, there was nothing wrong with enjoying the moment. At least, that was one way you might think he'd rationalize it. Its probably what he'd actually be thinking, if he were really human.

"I don't lie. Even if my fate is sealed, I still gotta resist in every way I can, right? Otherwise I'd insult a mage as great as you. You're leagues beyond me... but the real deal is going to start soon. If you keep slacking off in pointless side quests, you'll end up lagging behind."

Without the constraint of gravity, he just  floated with his arms back like he was on some kind of invisible hammock, and circled the cute elf.

"But don't worry. Good friend Zeke will help you out. I'm just that nice, you know? Problem is... you'll absolutely regret it. So what, gonna take me to your home and treat me to a nice dinner and massage or what?"
« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 05:08:04 AM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #44 on: March 05, 2020, 04:11:06 AM »
The Time Is Now

"Your time is up."

It was true, his time truly was now. And there was nothing the self absorbed Elf girl could do about it. A hood was pulled over his face, or rather a pitch black void as nothing could gaze past that never ending pit to see his true face.

"That cuteness is nothing compared to overwhelming exhilaration of corrupting a pure Goddess, know your place trash."

He approached with the slow gait of an old man, a worldly existence, far past his prime. Yet..... There was something below all of it, a primal power, and a smug arrogance that was utterly inhuman in scope and nature. Yes, this being wasn't just sure of itself, to even question it would be absurd.

"Now, release my Vanguard" His intonation was strange, almost perverse. But more importantly it was impossible. A true pronunciation that had been lost to the waves of time... Until now.