Author Topic: Naboundd  (Read 10508 times)


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #105 on: October 13, 2020, 01:53:33 PM »

Foolishness. The beast took a low stance and exploded into motion, ready to intercept the boy's lance with his own flurry of thrusts. At the time, did he fail to see through the feint? No. He had certainly perceived it. The dual nature of the attack wasn't unseen either. What he failed to account for... was the scope of that boy's willpower.

Their surroundings exploded from the clash, but the first one to draw blood this time was Indra. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? His body, his limbs, while their bone wasn't reached, their flesh had certainly tasted the bite of the godslayer duo's twin Guandaos.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhh kaaaaarghhhh!" A shallow cut on its neck split open, and countless other ones. Even as Indra's limbs tried to deflect all of this, it wasn't prepared for this sudden burst of strength. It couldn't brace itself fast enough to avoid its body being opened up and launched away in the sewer, like disposable trash. It squirmed, screamed and trashed in pain like an insect, disgustingly screaming - but it managed to avoid crippling strikes.

That's when Entheo noticed it as well.
His body was also covered by shallow cuts, bleeding, and revealing the exposed flaws of his style. He had bridged the gap, but this was a mistake. Because Indra's interest was the last thing a warrior should ever wish for.

"Ka. Kaka, kakakakakaka! I haven't used that man's techniques in such a long time. In'ei's... the spearmanship of Hōzōin-ryū." The beast panted and instantly took its low stance again, facing the boy. Its hands faced forward with its knuckle pointed at the boy. It was as if he was holding some kind of invisible lance. No, Entheo could see it now.

But it was a lie. Because this entire time, Indra fought empty handed.

"Which one would you like to experience next, boy? Sasaki Kojiro? Miyamoto Musashi? Lu Bu? Sun Wu Kong?"

For the first time, he acknowledged Entheo as a prey worth devouring.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2020, 02:02:40 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #106 on: October 14, 2020, 03:01:11 AM »

The blade sunk into the man's chest, pinning him to the wall.  Ana smiled with smug satisfaction as she drank in the victory.  "See?  Its the natural way of the world.  Disipline will always win out.  Salvation is inevitable."

The foxgirl turned to walk away, her steps barely registering among the cold concrete.  A black ooze coated her dainty toes and the girl looked down at her feet before slowly turning behind her.  Eyes widened and a indescribable chill ran down her spine.  The foxgirl's heart throbbed so intensely that it legitimately felt like it would burst from her chest, as if her vital organs could somehow comprehend this monstrosity more than she ever really could.  If that was the case, then death was the better option.

"N-no father I could never I-"

Ana grasped her own head, her right eye twitching, her entire body shaking.  "Hatred?  Father do I hate you?!  No Father I hate that teacher..  I will kill him for you father I-  AHHHHHHH!"  Her screams ran through the entire sewer, her body consumed with black fire.  Her skin melted away, leaving only thin musculature and bone.

"Lawrance you..." she started, pressing her hands against the box she suddenly found herself trapped in with bloodshot eyes.  "YOU FOOL!  YOU THINK YOU CAN KEEP ME HERE!  I'll kill you!  You can't kill me like this!  You pretentious little shit!  Who do you think you are!?"

Then, she saw the eyes and realized the true horror of her situation.  "N-no.  W-what are you?"

The black spikes began to sink into her skin, yet she could no longer bleed.  Tears fell from what remained of her cheeks.  Many times, this girl found herself crying, sometimes for no reason.  But in this moment, this second, she understood all too well why.


Entheo stood up, his heart pounding.  Blood was still coming from his jaw, dripping down and tainting the already murky waters with his crimson body fluids.  There was also the stab wound to the chest.  After all of that, it was starting to catch up to him.  Every pump to his heart radiated pain throughout his entire body like a current of electricity.

What is this sensation?

Survival instinct, fear, the dread of facing a wall.

No we are... my life is flashing before my eyes.

25 years earlier... (Skippable)

Even though it was a full moon, no one could see it from behind the layers upon layers of dark clouds, crackling with thunder and lightning.  If the clouds were obscuring the sky, then the rain was obscuring the space between people.  A dense wall of heavy rain made even the buildings surrounding a person seem far away.  The raindrops slammed into the earth, filling the normally quiet night with the drumming of droplets.  Even in a barrage of rain in which the roars of engines could not be heard, a single babies cry pierced the pouring rain.

"Oh thank god."  A young woman's voice said in emphatic joy.  Yet in the rain, it merely sounded like a whisper.  "He... I thought he would die in birth..."

At first, it appeared as if the baby was being held in her husband's arms, his glowing smile radiating through the darkness, but no.  The crying baby was sitting atop a mountain of trash, crying its lunges out.  "Jason!  Jason!  Where is he!"

The young woman reached out and wrapped her arms around the baby.  "Don't cry.  Mommy's got y-"

But her arms went through the baby.  A hand touched her transparent body. It was the only hand that could ever really touch her.  Jason shook his head and said, "We are dead dear.  You died giving birth.  C'mon.  We can figure out another way to parent him we ca-"

"NO!" she yelled, covering the baby's entire body with her own in a big bear hug.  Of course, her body sunk into the baby's a little bit, but the tears still flowed.  "I.... I will stay by his side... always.  Do you hear me Entheo?  Your mommy will always be there for you."

And yet, the cries that came after her could be heard even over the baby's, drowning it out amongst the other things.  "Always."

That wasn't your life.  That was a memory you kept from when you fused with your mother's soul.

Entheo watched the man stand to his feet.  The second he saw that stance, his eyes widened.  As the demon bragged, it all came together.  The comment about fighting alone, he finally understood what he meant.  They weren't just fighting him, but all the techniques he stole from other masters, all the souls he consumed.  Entheo and Gezo could practically see the spirits of the countless fallen masters behind that man, standing over them like true phantoms.

Goddamn it why isn't it ever easy?

Shut up and prepare yourself.  We bought ourselves a chance.  We have to see it through.

Entheo gripped the guandao, sharpening his eyes in complete focus.  Right.

The sun beyond the sun lit a sea of clouds above the clouds.  An enormous man stood over the throne, his pupil's shaped by lightning bolts.  The man's aura alone was enough to create mountains and shape planets, his glare capable of erasing the most powerful warriors.  The "floor" that was the clouds opened up and Entheo, caked in blood with a sword through his chest marched through.  Two hands grasped the hilt of the blade in his chest and ripped it out without hesitation.  The young man's glare met the god's unforgiving gaze.

"You complete waste of space.  You think wiping out that man's family, his home, his everything was going to make me let you use my body?"

"I'm weary of your tone.  You are a spirit vessel, a mere tool to be used by the gods.  Your mind, opinion, nothing matters but your body, which when perfected will allowME to kill Hades.  "Now I will ask you again, may I join with you?"

"Next time I see jesus, i'll ask him where to find a good crucifix for you."

"Very well.  Tell me, do you know what it feels like to be atomized?"

Good lord,  Entheo thought.  I think he likes me.  I kind of hate it when they like me.  Its way easier if they hate me, way more fun.

Tell me Entheo... Do you hate him yet, this man who took those warriors like that girl took your parents?

No.  Of course not.  Just like Lawrance, I can see his passion.  But we can't let him go.

Entheo gritted his teeth, then grinned.  Yes, he was still enjoying this from the bottom of his heart.  "Pick whichever one you want," he said, spitting out some blood that collected in his mouth.  It hurt to talk.  "We'll show you Sakuyomi's technique."

Using the guandao, Entheo drew a slash across his torso, threatening all the vital points in that area.  Meanwhile, a flurry of targeted stabs followed in the shadow of that slash, aiming for his limbs, throat and legs.  They weren't just air slashes, but attacks that defied range itself.  The slashes and stabs were delivered as if he was in range, but far beyond the length of the guandao.

"Let the souls you violated be at peace."
« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 03:11:23 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #107 on: October 14, 2020, 03:26:47 AM »

"Oh! Your color isn't bad."

His black eyes sparked with curiosity, then fascination. Despite that, his expression was far colder than you'd expect. It was as if she were some kind of experiment, one he was prodding and testing from every angle without care.

"Sadness, regret, anger... it points in multiple directions, but it all goes back to the source. I see, what a wonderful symphony of life." His cold hand touched the Grail King - now taking the form of an iron maiden. It was almost a longing touch. Almost.

Then, a flame flashed over the sword posed in his ribcage. He touched it with his burning palm, slowly melting it until the tip detached from the rest, letting him move freely. He just took out the edge of the sword he melted off like it was no big deal. Inside, his body was revealed empty like a porcelain doll.

"Don't worry. I'm not heartless enough to rip a beautiful flower, even if it was trampled from the start. Even if it's for a lie, your sword was determined to kill me just now. It would be an insult to your pride if I didn't do this much, mmm?"

The grail king's spikes disappeared as well, leaving the fallen girl in a cold, dark, constricted place. Oddly enough, she had no actual wounds to show on her body. She was alive, though barely. After all, a teacher shouldn't end - but elevate a student's potential. He put the blade up and toyed with it absent-mindedly, only to walk away, leaving the girl alone with her memories coming back to crumble her weak psyche. It wasn't her body, but the life force connected to Zeke that he had just gnawed open with that black box. She was free to flee, attack him, or die. Ah, but moving with her spirit gnawed off to this extent would probably be difficult, even for her.

"Heh. Sleep there a while longer, my cute little daughter. I have an idiot to save."
« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 03:41:02 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #108 on: October 14, 2020, 03:41:48 AM »

"Oh Lawrence you really ought to work on your acting. It's quite embarrassing to see. Your blunders have made me come out now, and you now what that means don't you? Before the time is ripe, or perhaps it is, only the distant stars beyond the peak of the tower knows."

He was just there. Right besides the trap confining the fox girl. He definitely hadn't been there a second ago, or anywhere near there, or maybe he had....

And as he appeared the black box shattered into a million pieces.

"This game has gone on long enough, the Myrmidons are reaching the end of their usefulness. Only Nidhogg has any value left, and even he is a mere distraction in this grand tapestry."

There was nothing, nothing that could be gleamed from him. His form was nothing, nothing but darkness and shadows, and his voice was the abyss, something that could never exist in this world, that shouldn't exist.

And he was undoubtedly human.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #109 on: October 14, 2020, 03:58:07 AM »

"Oooooh! I'm so gladddddd... to be able to cut someone such as you." The two were poised in a battle stance, like a standoff in front of a ticking time bomb. A disgusting aura of rot and death permeated the air, as if sucking something straight into the monster's mouth. It was smiling. They both knew, the first one to strike... would be the one reaping the rewards.


The first slash came down like a storm, cleaving water air, and earth alike. Indra dodged it nimbly on one leg, pleasantly surprised by the strength and speed. It was good, very good. Much better than that bounty hunter's data suggested.

But the ghostly thrusts came next. Those surprised him. Constantly on the move, he retaliated with a flurry of jabbing strikes, flickering against the blades as if he was wielding one himself. That's when he noticed the shallow cuts on his arms and hands. Even if his spear could deal with Entheo's, it was foolishness to think Indra could do it unscathed. Hmm. Too good maybe. Parrying and dodging, grotesque mass zipped about like a black arrow, barely avoiding the hurricane of death. And the cuts also multiplied, carving the black mass over time, a little deeper by the second.

But never deep enough to turn the tides. They were in a stalemate. It was impossible to tell the blood from the sewage, but there was no denying the murderous intent coming for Entheo. Slowly but surely, the distance decreased.

"Haaa...this pain... you are good boy. So very juicy. I'm sure you will be tender and gamey, just like that old man."

Impossible, was it getting faster?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 01:39:32 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #110 on: October 14, 2020, 04:55:02 PM »

"Oh Lawrence you really ought to work on your acting. It's quite embarrassing to see. Your blunders have made me come out now, and you now what that means don't you? Before the time is ripe, or perhaps it is, only the distant stars beyond the peak of the tower knows."

He was just there. Right besides the trap confining the fox girl. He definitely hadn't been there a second ago, or anywhere near there, or maybe he had....

And as he appeared the black box shattered into a million pieces.

"This game has gone on long enough, the Myrmidons are reaching the end of their usefulness. Only Nidhogg has any value left, and even he is a mere distraction in this grand tapestry."

There was nothing, nothing that could be gleamed from him. His form was nothing, nothing but darkness and shadows, and his voice was the abyss, something that could never exist in this world, that shouldn't exist.

And he was undoubtedly human.


The immense pressure had crashed on the eldritch horror, causing its eyes to sway happily. Not that the white husk could smile, seeing as its shape was still closer to its true form. It was probably best not to try to comprehend the rest of the colors and shapes displayed on it.

"What did you saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy?? I'll let you know my acting is top notch! Top notch!!" The carvings on Lawrence's form ripped out and formed the burning bird, intent on charging head-on to barbecue the shadow. "CHEEP CHEEP MOTHERFUCKERRRR!!" Of course, Lawrence just casually grabbed its tail with three fingers, keeping it flapping and struggling indignantly.

"Goodness, goodness. I never expected you to come to a place like this. But blunders? I'll let you know I've been working tirelessly and diligently at slacking off in the least productive way possible." Lawrence smiled knowingly at the newcomer, as if he had just been caught with his pants down by an old friend. No, even that sounded deliberate.

It was almost like this blunder of his wasn't accidental at all.

The broken box reformed itself soon enough, this time back as the proud black lion it usually was. It silently came by Lawrence's side and took the shape of a chair. A chair which he gladly rested on, all while cajoling the resisting bird against its will. He might not look like it, but even lifting a fork was a herculean task for this body, so resting was quite enjoyable.

"Is that the name he goes by now? Ah, what a useless son I've brought into this world. If it calls itself the thousand changes, the least it could do is change into something useful. Anyway, how are you doing? We don't get to talk too often as of late. Eating well?"


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #111 on: October 16, 2020, 01:17:05 AM »

"Really?  You think i'll be that tasty?  Makes me wonder what Son gok- I mean Sun Wu Kong tasted like," he said, reeling back his guandao.  Entheo could feel the fatigue, his mind begging him to just stop moving, to end it all, yet another part screaming at him to flee.  However, the young man stood firm.

Where did that come from?

Not the time!  We are doing the thing!

Wait you mean that thing?  I thought you said it scared you when people like you like him.  I don't blame you I mean look at him.  Ugh.

Shut up! Gotta take on your fears head on right?

Well.... ok.

Gezo's massive ghostly frame emerged from Entheo's leaner body, his own Guandao grasped by both hands, the tip pointed towards the beast.  Preforming a front flip who's speed and agility betrayed his massive size, he tossed the guandao into the air and grabbed Entheo by the hips as he bounced from his hands to his feet, all in one fluid motion.  Entheo's body became a bullet that surpassed all bullets, complete with a massive spear at the tip.  Meanwhile, Gezo prepared a slash with the guandao flowed perfectly from the end of the movement, drawing a diagonal line across his body.

"You know, if you do kill us, I would be honored to see more before that happens," he said, his eyes soft, but belying a cold blood lust.  Unlike Entheo, who did not harbor any ill will towards the person itself, Gezo genuinely seemed to be trying to erase the beast from existence with his eyes alone.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 01:18:33 AM by yinsukin »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #112 on: October 16, 2020, 01:28:27 AM »

The fox girl fell on all fours, hyperventilating.  Her fast breath and animal like wheezes threatened to overwhelm the conversation.  A hand was held to her throat, as if she was trying to steady her breath with her own two hands.  Although, the gesture only seemed to make it worse, as she continued to breath heavier and heavier with her palm there.  Her other hand was pressed against her chest, measuring her own heart beat.

She didn't even notice that the box was gone.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #113 on: October 16, 2020, 09:59:03 PM »

"I'm sorry but it seems I misspoke." He said as he begun moving towards Lawrence, although his cloaked form made it impossible to tell whether he was walking floating forwards. No even the faintest trace could be heard from his approach as if the darkness itself had swallowed it.

"The real blunder is mine, I shouldn't have put this much faith in you my old friend, not after how much trouble you always get into. Now what would you have done if that boy hadn't been a match for Indra and I hadn't arrived?" He reached Lawrence and-

He merely slid past him, heading int the direction of the other fight.

"But that's just it, you were counting on me to bail you out again, and you were right for once. Indra may be number 1, but 1 cannot exist without 0."


The very air itself along with the water was swept along with the sudden firing of the hypersonic shadow bullet. it left nothing but empty space in it's wake, most people would call that vacuum, but for those unfortunate enough of to experience it, it was a hellish drowning experience except much worse.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #114 on: October 18, 2020, 04:51:40 AM »

How long had it been since his body had been carved like this? Recognizing Gezo's motion, Indra braced itself and advanced with shining eyes, slithering across the grime like a rotting eel that didn't have the capacity to stop. That's when it noticed it.

It's breathing was getting heavier. The wounds ached. There was a stirring in their loins that hadn't been touched for too long. "COME!"

Gezo's form shone like a feast of feasts, even as it launched that boy. The lance reflected against its white eyes... and the beast's bones and limbs snapped into motion like a whip. In a sudden boom, Entheo and Indra were cracking against the water.


Desolate summer
Fallen, warriors slaughter
before the eaten

The summer field yielded a bountiful harvest. But a lone creature stood atop the corpses. The warring tribes that had killed again and again and again, how many orphaned children had these wars caused?

These souls were never loved.

These souls were never laid to rest.

So they fight.


They kill.


Eat and eat and eat and eat. Become stronger, stronger than anyone. So they can show this unfair world just how strong they are.

"It's not enough. I still need more experience, to reach my perfection... let this illogical world tear asunder!"

The souls of those who weren't saved. Those who were failed to be saved. They all cried in unison, praying for the same wish. Power. Enough power to never be eaten again, where only the strong would eat and be eaten eternally. And so, the children of the night dance under the new world's strings.

Indra's blood was dripping into the ground. His intestines coiled around the side of his belly. However.

"Gottttttttttttt yooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~!"

Indra moaned in its climax. It wasn't a square blow. Indra had bent like a snake to avoid the stab, snapping unnaturally, so that the side of its stomach would be slashed to avoid the killing blow. The deciding factor wasn't skill or power, but a difference in nature. Because of that, his foot grabbed Entheo's heel as the tip hit the ground, and its hands swung separately like dual katanas. Niten Ichi-ryū - Two peerless blades under the heavens style. No, no swords, only hands.

He used that to deflect the Guandao - and force the swing back to Indra's side! Smiling in ecstasy, the beast drooled and pulled the boy straight at Gezo's neck like a nunchuck. Countless heroes, warriors from many worlds... he had fought them and eaten them and more, yes. They were all here, swinging their blades even now.

But none of them, none of them.... made him feel such happiness.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 05:47:49 AM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #115 on: October 18, 2020, 06:15:11 PM »



The wall behind Indra burst away as a black Shadow crashed right into Salvation's so called greatest warrior and threw him across the room, and the Shadow came to a halt in front of Entheo with it's back turned to him.


Then the air and stinky sewer water came rushing in through the hole that the shadow had made, like a hurricane of garbage it blasted the hole even bigger and flew over the heads of Entheo and the Shadow, all of it hurled towards where Indra had been thrown.

"How fitting, the one whose ideals were trash became one with the trash, such is the Will of the World."


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #116 on: October 18, 2020, 07:36:01 PM »

A sense of accomplishment washed over Entheo's body.  The plan worked.  After trying all sorts of different tactics and pushing himself to the brink with his willpower alone something finally cracked the monster's defenses.  The young man smiled.

Then, he felt the creature's hand on his ankle and heard that moan.  Oh no..... he's moaning.  Gezo help.

Face your fear right?

"No no no no," he said, his eyes wide as he was flung into Gezo.  The spirit dissipated on contact, returning to the origin point that is their now shared soul.  Something struck Indra in that moment, sending him flying across the sewer.  With a twist, the young man landed on his feet.  He brushed himself off, cleaning the muck and grime, but he realized he was wet, both from blood and the sewer water.

"Oh thank god," he said before raising his eyebrow at his savor.  "Do I know you?"


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #117 on: October 20, 2020, 03:53:10 PM »


It sensed the disturbance in the air, and flicked its wrist at the last second to slam Entheo behind him. But it was already too late. Or rather, the difference in speed denied Indra's counter.



It was swept away, with dozens of creatures hiding in the shadow dragged away by the tidal waves. And the rest was darkness.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 04:32:16 PM by Kotomine_Rin »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #118 on: October 21, 2020, 12:34:00 AM »

"...I am the hero."


The man rushed forward with the same ungodly speed, his form was swift and his pursuit legendary, the prey would not escape. And with a single step the shadow had crossed the distance and blocked Indra's escape.


The creatures that were aiding his escape had all burst into pieces as he passed.

"Poor poor Indra, something as unrefined as those organism will not save you. You are weak and you always has been, because you don't know the true meaning of strength.""


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #119 on: October 21, 2020, 02:56:32 AM »


"Well I guess you are my hero then," he shouted, snickering to himself.  "Just don't eradicate his soul or anything and I think you can keep calling yourself that.  Try not to make his death too painful!"

Seriously, I thought I was goner there. 

Well its all over now.

No, not yet.

Entheo clasped his hands together.  He wasn't sure what sort of god Indra believed in, but a prayer was something he deserved.  The ground beneath him began to glow with an orange light.  The young man took a deep breath, letting the air circulate through his lunges.  The orange light touched the remains of all the creatures and forced them to evaporate into white sparkles, fading into the void.  "I'm sorry you all got caught up in all of this.  Your afterlives... I hope you enjoyed them.  In a way I admire you all, living your lives with such steadfast loyalty, such passion.  I only wish I could have done more for you."

The light grew bigger before shooting through everything above ground and into the sky.  I guess I still have to get stronger then, he thought to himself.  First we need to stop bleeding out.  We should probably back that guy up.

Didn't you hear him?  He is the hero.  I'm sure he can handle it.  We should find Lawrance.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2020, 03:17:22 AM by yinsukin »