Author Topic: The Land of Forever Fall  (Read 28647 times)


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #165 on: July 25, 2021, 03:48:26 PM »

The elven princess bit her lip as she felt something welling up inside of her, breathing heavier until she swallowed it back down and took a deep, cleansing breath. "Then, if you are so willing I believe I will... 'have a go', as you call it." Lirazel wrapped her fingers around Thorra's haft with the utmost care of an expert craftsman, rather than the firm grip of one who intended to swing her about. Then, seating herself before the forge, she began to inspect her. Not just with her eyes, but by drawing her fingers delicately across her metallic head to feel for the slightest imperfections. "It must have been so long since you've been tended to."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #166 on: July 25, 2021, 10:06:02 PM »
Castle Town Visitor's Quarter

It spoke to the athletic potential of the Highborne, and of just how well Idril had kept up with Valerie's training for all these long centuries, that she managed to position herself in just such a way that she landed face up in the vampire king's arm instead of ending up as a sack of potatoes. With a daring smile, and a flippant tilt of her head, the ageless woman made a mockery of swooning. "Ah, such a promise you make to me, great teacher!"

Aerin seemed only somewhat impressed by what had taken place, and so was quick to find herself with arms full of fluffy white cat and a purple-haired youngster courting her shamelessly. The commoner still had the decency to blush. "Ahh, you do have my thanks. It can be hard not to... feel overshadowed by those so much more experienced than you." Her eyes were understanding as they met Sakura's.

As this took place, Idril's smile became far more sly. "But oh, if you wish to have me then I have quite the price this time!"


Valerie didn't even let the Highborne Elf finish speaking before kissing her with a millenia of bottled up passion, like a raging sea it was all unleashed at once, the Vampire King ruthlessly took advantage of her nonexistent need to breath to prolong the kiss until Idril would be rendered breathless. Then and only then did she pull back.

"My young and oh so cute apprentice, did you think my past exploits was the true extent of my power? You still have much to learn Idril and no silly price will stop me, for you are already mine."  Her piercing crimson eyes saw naught but Elf now, nothing else mattered in this moment than her claiming what was hers.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #167 on: July 28, 2021, 05:33:54 AM »

The elven princess bit her lip as she felt something welling up inside of her, breathing heavier until she swallowed it back down and took a deep, cleansing breath. "Then, if you are so willing I believe I will... 'have a go', as you call it." Lirazel wrapped her fingers around Thorra's haft with the utmost care of an expert craftsman, rather than the firm grip of one who intended to swing her about. Then, seating herself before the forge, she began to inspect her. Not just with her eyes, but by drawing her fingers delicately across her metallic head to feel for the slightest imperfections. "It must have been so long since you've been tended to."


"Hmmm~" The hammer replied. She placed her hand on Lirazel's shoulder. "Far too long since I had a professional's touch."

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #168 on: July 29, 2021, 12:50:15 AM »
Castle Town Visitor's Quarter

It spoke to the athletic potential of the Highborne, and of just how well Idril had kept up with Valerie's training for all these long centuries, that she managed to position herself in just such a way that she landed face up in the vampire king's arm instead of ending up as a sack of potatoes. With a daring smile, and a flippant tilt of her head, the ageless woman made a mockery of swooning. "Ah, such a promise you make to me, great teacher!"

Aerin seemed only somewhat impressed by what had taken place, and so was quick to find herself with arms full of fluffy white cat and a purple-haired youngster courting her shamelessly. The commoner still had the decency to blush. "Ahh, you do have my thanks. It can be hard not to... feel overshadowed by those so much more experienced than you." Her eyes were understanding as they met Sakura's.

As this took place, Idril's smile became far more sly. "But oh, if you wish to have me then I have quite the price this time!"


Sakura gently wrapped her arm around Aerin's waist and pulled her close enough that their thighs were touching. "Experience isn't the be all end all—talent and determination play equal measures of importance." Sakura replied to her. She leaned in and planted a kiss on the woman's tapered ear.

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #169 on: July 31, 2021, 06:06:27 PM »

"Hmmm~" The hammer replied. She placed her hand on Lirazel's shoulder. "Far too long since I had a professional's touch."


"I would hardly call myself a professional," the princess demurred between short, chest-heaving breathing exercises. Then she made a very distinctive throat-clearing sound. "I'm far too easy to convince to do this for free, apparently." She pulled out from a small crevice in her workspace a vial of some manner of transparent oil, poured a few drips onto the fingers of her left hand, and began to gently but firmly rub it into the spaces she'd felt for earlier.

Then Lirazel began to sing, softly and slowly, in a dialect of her people's tongue even Thorra could scarcely recognize. The divine hammer began to feel more divine with every note she hit, the stresses of battle and the looming shadow of her demise sliding off of her with the cleansing sound of her voice just as the princess' fingernails scraped the filth from her form.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #170 on: August 01, 2021, 03:22:20 AM »

Valerie didn't even let the Highborne Elf finish speaking before kissing her with a millenia of bottled up passion, like a raging sea it was all unleashed at once, the Vampire King ruthlessly took advantage of her nonexistent need to breath to prolong the kiss until Idril would be rendered breathless. Then and only then did she pull back.

"My young and oh so cute apprentice, did you think my past exploits was the true extent of my power? You still have much to learn Idril and no silly price will stop me, for you are already mine."  Her piercing crimson eyes saw naught but Elf now, nothing else mattered in this moment than her claiming what was hers.


It was a matter of pride that saw the venerable elven warrior persist until she was purple in her fair face beneath Valerie's persistent affections. Those who'd danced and cavorted about them, keeping them as a central display, whistled and laughed and otherwise showed their bountiful cheer far more freely than one might otherwise believe. It took several moments of gasping breaths and iron-fingered clutching for Idril to return to herself in the face of that fixating gaze.

She tapped the vampire king about the shoulders and coughed once, twice. "T-That may be so, but I will not join you in the Night until you aid my people in throwing it back beyond the burning mountains. Teacher."


A squeak escaped the redheaded commoner as Sakura nipped at the sensitive cartilage. "I-It cheers me to know you feel this way, milady." And then with a bravery born of the atmosphere she leaned in and took a bite of her own at the purple-haired vampire's own, releasing some of the nervous tension thrumming through her body and curling her toes.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #171 on: August 02, 2021, 04:11:06 PM »

"That's was my primary reason for coming here, watching you repeat this cycle was becoming tiresome. And the time has come for a more permanent solution."

She suddenly dropped Idril trusting that the warriors wouldn't fall to the floor and then the Vampire King turned to the crowd while raising her voice dramatically. "I have come to grant the dark wanker eternal rest!"


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #172 on: August 03, 2021, 06:29:26 PM »

Sakura was the only one who didn't show a reaction to Valerie's proclimation—after all, she'd already been told all about it. Instead, she leaned in and nibbled against Aerin's ear again with a giggle. "My master does have a flair for the dramatic, doesn't she?"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #173 on: August 05, 2021, 02:26:57 AM »

"I would hardly call myself a professional," the princess demurred between short, chest-heaving breathing exercises. Then she made a very distinctive throat-clearing sound. "I'm far too easy to convince to do this for free, apparently." She pulled out from a small crevice in her workspace a vial of some manner of transparent oil, poured a few drips onto the fingers of her left hand, and began to gently but firmly rub it into the spaces she'd felt for earlier.

Then Lirazel began to sing, softly and slowly, in a dialect of her people's tongue even Thorra could scarcely recognize. The divine hammer began to feel more divine with every note she hit, the stresses of battle and the looming shadow of her demise sliding off of her with the cleansing sound of her voice just as the princess' fingernails scraped the filth from her form.


Thorra felt the grit of travel falling off of her; the weariness of the journey evaporating. She felt comforted by the song. "Ahh~ Never felt---anything like this before. I like the gentle healing of your song almost as much as the warmth of the forge and the beating of the hammer..."

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #174 on: August 06, 2021, 12:31:37 AM »

The vampire's student was on her feet as though she'd been gently let down rather than abruptly released, and looked not at all bothered by it. Idril was instead grinning at the enthusiastic cheer that went up through the inn. "That's just the sort of bold claim I'd expect from you!" The older of the two redheads accompanying them took hold of her scythe again, and gave it a casual spin. "Very well. Defeat the Dark Lord, and I'll join you in eternal darkness as your bride. A fair trade for all."


The younger of the redheads gave Sakura a playful push at that. "Y-Yes, I see where mother got it from now."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #175 on: August 06, 2021, 04:23:36 AM »

Thorra felt the grit of travel falling off of her; the weariness of the journey evaporating. She felt comforted by the song. "Ahh~ Never felt---anything like this before. I like the gentle healing of your song almost as much as the warmth of the forge and the beating of the hammer..."


Lirazel pressed one of her fingers to her lips, and made a silent 'shhh' motion. Yet if provoked by the word 'almost,' the princess then insisted on increasing the tempo of her song, focusing the warmth of the sunlight pouring down through the ceiling upon her flameless workspace, and allowed Thorra to experience some of that warmth she'd desired. Deeper tarnishes she'd scarcely given thought to from her short years of battle, the stains of Titan's blood and more, flaked off with the passing of the highborne songstress' nails. Her voice was unwavering, and her golden hair gleamed in the softly burning light. If the heat bothered her or blistered her fingers, Lirazel did nothing to give that away.

Little save the faintest hint of sweat on her brow which threatened to drip on the hammer's head.

Seconds passed into minutes, into a dozen minutes, into losing track of time while Lirazel sought her guest's grand renewal. Turning over, left and right, up and down, handling her with the utmost tender care. Her voice relented only once, with a mysterious smile, while she worked magic with a nearby harp instead. Even the wrappings of Thorra's handle began to recover from the fraying of constant use. The princess' face was red, her breathing heavy, while each note of her instrument echoed with a intimate acoustic resonance.


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #176 on: August 08, 2021, 05:55:09 PM »

"Ohoho... my bride you say?" She slunk in behind Idril caught her in a dominating hold. "You are being quite hasty my sweet little apprentice. Before you are worthy of such an honor you must pass the test of withstanding my full passion. For you see, last time I claimed you I was holding backand you still mewled like the most adorable kitten...."

Valerie leaned in closer to nibble on Idril's pointy ear, teasing the girl with the knowledge that she could sink her fangs in and overwhelm her with pleasure at any moment. "Last time you were girl, but now you are a woman, and I'll fuck you the way you deserve..."


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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #177 on: August 08, 2021, 11:47:45 PM »

She was quite good, a supremely talented smith. Her method was unique and her technique was flawless. Thorra let out a soft moan as the song seeped into her metallic form.

But, she knew that Lirazel still had a ways to go—she was not as skilled as the dwarvish smith who had forged her. The technique was only approaching perfection, it failed to exceed it and go beyond.

The princess felt a pair of breasts press against her head. Thorra's long arms draped around her shoulder. She reached down and grabbed ahold of her own shaft, running a finger down the length of it with a gentle hum.

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #178 on: August 11, 2021, 04:07:39 PM »

The vampire's student was on her feet as though she'd been gently let down rather than abruptly released, and looked not at all bothered by it. Idril was instead grinning at the enthusiastic cheer that went up through the inn. "That's just the sort of bold claim I'd expect from you!" The older of the two redheads accompanying them took hold of her scythe again, and gave it a casual spin. "Very well. Defeat the Dark Lord, and I'll join you in eternal darkness as your bride. A fair trade for all."


The younger of the redheads gave Sakura a playful push at that. "Y-Yes, I see where mother got it from now."


Sakura slipped an arm around Aerin's side and groped the half-elve's prominent chest, getting a good feel for the other woman's body. She turned to look at her with a grin, until something Idril said upset her.

She turned and walked into the center of the room, pulling her chosen consort along with her. She looked the ancient elf straight in the eye with a challenging glare. "I am the one who is our king's wife—not you. Don't mistake yourself~"

There was a spike in Sakura's magical output as she coursed mana through her body, as if itching for a fight. She wanted to prove to Val that this old woman was no match for her prized protégé."
« Last Edit: August 11, 2021, 05:21:26 PM by SINIB »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Land of Forever Fall
« Reply #179 on: August 13, 2021, 06:00:23 AM »

Admirably restraining most observable signs of being distracted by Valerie's activity, Idril instead let out her best amused laughter - which was quite advanced in character compared to most. "Ah, but you will find I have not been idle since my youthful indiscretions. I-"

And then, Sakura was interrupting and the amusement was gone from the highborne woman's demeanor. She relaxed, and made to slip through Valerie's grasp with preternatural dexterity and flexibility, so that she might tilt her head to the side and better observe her challenger. "Is that what you believe to be so, child of man?"

Aerin's eyes, wide at the sight of her mother's current expression, took a step back away from Sakura. She let out a squeak o surprise as the nearby scythe disappeared in a shroud of shadows only to reappear in Idril's hand, twirled about into a ready position.

"How interesting."