Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75158 times)


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Sakura Matou

Sakura was nodding nearly the entire time Jeanne spoke. She felt soothed by the blond’s words. She was a very good person. She closed her eyes, and took a few deep breaths. “You’re right, of course.” She said a bit later, opening her eyes once more. She looked over Jeanne once again. “Ummm, is there a reason you haven’t changed yet?”

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka trembled as she felt Jin's lips press against her own. She continued kissing him as one of her hands slowly traveled down to his pants, before snaking its way inside, quickly finding exactly what she'd been looking for inside. She began to fondle his member, rubbing and prodding his shaft with her small, delicate, hand.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The man's anguished screams only served to please the vampire who pulled his arms that much harder in response. His helpless movements under her foot were quite amusing, but she had enough after a while. She let go of his arm and sank down to her knees and straddled his back, forcing him down with her hands. Her now retracted fangs reached his neck and punctured it. A small stream began pouring out of the wound as the blond vampire started to slowly drain him dry.


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The Hunter couldn't help a giggle when Ron looked at her as if about to frown, only to literally cross his eyes as she got started again. She soon found herself squirming, however, as his hand slid in towards her thighs. As much as she wanted to let him, however, a certain order had to be followed here and it wasn't quite his turn yet. With that in mind, she quickly pulled her legs together, keeping his hand from moving any further.

"You may have a point there," Annabeth admitted, "But it's not quite time for that yet. You can wait your turn, can't you?"

With that, she slowed down her stroking for a bit before starting to scrub at his legs, occasionally giving him a light squeeze to see how he'd react.


"I guess we'll, ah, find out," he conceded in the face of Annabeth's question, though his hand was quite trapped between her legs. He made an experimental motion to continue what he'd been doing before giving it up as a lost cause - the toned muscle under her skin was more than he could handle in this shape if she actually tried.

This shape. His normal shape. Normal. Sure.

Ron reacted the way anyone in his position would, honestly. He twitched and nearly elbowed her in the ribs the first time, then just kinda twitched an eye for the second. The third time he simply said, "Honk honk," in a nasally voice. When the bounty hunter got to his feet.. that's when he struck.

By trying to stick one of them in her face.


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The blond gnashed her teeth as Irisviel bound their enemy in her wires to immobile her.   Part of Saber found it tactically sound, but it lacked honor to defeat someone who could not defend herself.  However, there was electricity cackling everywhere.

"Irisviel, stay back, it's dangerous," she said as she felt her hair stand on end as she rushed to hit their foe with the blunt of her blade.


Rin pulled the bowl holding ice cream out of the ice cream maker and set it aside.  "Well, I apologize for my odd behavior, but it's been a very trying twenty-four hours," she said in a dry voice as she pulled out a spoon and dipped it into the fluffy, pink confection.

She brought it to her lips and ate it.  It was sweet, fruity, and refreshing with the pleasant sweet tang of strawberries she always loved.  She scooped out another spoon and held it out to him.  "Unlike you, I know how to share."


As Gabriel read his newspaper and ate his pie, a woman carrying an exquisite redheaded woman entered the cafe.  He tilted his head at the sight and said, "Well, to each their own, I suppose."


"Well, religion doesn't work on all vampires.  There's this type, these wankers who can go out into the sun but they don't because they bloody sparkle when they do, who are like indestructible unless you have another one of those sparkly wankers or a pack of mystical Native American werewolves," Forest said with a sigh and a shake of her head, "Which is just utter nonsense right there."

"But, there are worse things here to worry about in Nexus," Forest said.

Cherry Lover

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Rider frowned at Shirou's words. She'd never heard of this from Sakura before. Maybe this Sakura was a little different from hers, or maybe she'd just never brought it up. Either way, she didn't know the answer.

"No, I never knew that", she said, sadly, before addressing his other point.

"And, whilst you are right, nevertheless us being here will help her. I do not know what else we can do but reassure her and help her through this."


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The man proved himself to be a irreedemable case of a fool. "Screw this, I'm out" She proceeded to walk into the other direction than the priest. Even if offered lots of money, she wouldn't continue hanging out with that idiot.

Now she was alone again, but that was some comfort in solitude.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 12:42:24 PM by Kat »


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"If a prayer doesn't work, then a fist or blade would do, huh? I don't think there are vampires that can be only defeated by other vampires. God created humans in His image, therefore I believe that human potential is nearly limitless. It's only matter of conviction and effort." The saint was skeptical about the very idea that humans could be absolutely powerless against some type of a supernatural being. As God's greatest creation, they had the spark of free will that set them above the animal kingdom. And weren't many supernatural former humans? Their powers could have been as well manifestation of their inner potential but twisted by the abnormal way through which they awakened their powers.

Hard work, faith and fighting spirit. Those three were crucial for humans to overcome their trails.

"Worse even than a soulsucking vampire our friend brought up?"


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The Hunter couldn't help an amused laugh at Ron's antics, scrubbing at whatever she could reach with the soap. Suddenly, a limb burst from the water, splashing them both with the speed of its movement and-


The Hunter stared, wide-eyed, at Ron's leg, partway out of the water and turned halfway in as if he'd been intending to stick it in her face or something, then back at Ron. Turning her gaze back to the leg, Annabeth wondered what he'd been thinking just now.

"...I don't think legs are supposed to make that kind of sound," Annabeth said after a pause.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 04:47:50 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Noel Vermillion

Pain. Noel felt pain as she was enveloped in the absolute darkness of the black beast, biting at her repeatedly. She hurtled backwards, through some tables and chairs before she finally regained control.

She glared at him with her brilliant sapphire blue eyes with unadulterated malice of a kind she'd only shown once before. With a single thought, several drones appeared out of thin air and began spraying machine-gun volleys of lasers at him. She kept the swords floating behind her ready, waiting for the right moment to strike.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Jin felt Oka's hand unbutton his and gently grasp his member. Her small hand slowly prodded it and stroked evoking a groan from the blond man. One of his hands started stroking her hair as he kissed her with even more intensity, his other hand went down her back, stroking it along the way before it reached her butt. Grasping it with his hand, he fondled it gently through her clothes.


The Saint noticed Sakura's eyes looking over her once more, she then heard her ask a question about why she hadn't changed. Jeanne didn't really have to think hard about the answer and merely said what came naturally to her. "Master, I felt it was more fitting for me to be dressed like this since we're discussing important matters right now." The blond woman paused for a bit, a bit unsure about what she was about to say next. "Does...does my outfit displease you in some way?"
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 06:38:34 PM by Thedoctor »


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The man's anguished screams only served to please the vampire who pulled his arms that much harder in response. His helpless movements under her foot were quite amusing, but she had enough after a while. She let go of his arm and sank down to her knees and straddled his back, forcing him down with her hands. Her now retracted fangs reached his neck and punctured it. A small stream began pouring out of the wound as the blond vampire started to slowly drain him dry.


She couldn't help but admire how well she handled Andrew. There was no doubt that Shinobu was a first class predator, and even the mighty werewolf was nothing more than a prey before her. She genuinely wondered if she could take her on her right away or would leave more promising opponents as last ones. Oh well, she almost forgot she had to eat too. She proceed to pluck out a heart from one of corpses and swallow the raw fresh meat. The red head could feel her body filling up again with spiritual energy she needed for fighting. Few more tasty meals like that and she would be in top shape once again.


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Oka Kurosawa

“Jin, you like my butt?” Oka asked him in between kisses. She brought her free hand down into her own pants and began to play with her nub, continuing to play with his penis with the first hand.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He kept fondling it while they kissed and then he replied back. "It's not bad, not bad at all." He then lowered the hand that was stroking her hair so that he could take off her top.


While it may not look like it from where Rikuyo was watching, the blonde vampire's arms were trembling. She had to excert all her strength to keep him down despite his weakened state, that's how strong he was. Shinobu happily slurped down his blood on the other hand, the blood of a werewolf tended to be of high quality and this one was especially good. After a while her arms could relax as the fight in him was swept away much like his consciousness.


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Ah, it felt so good to be in top shape again. While Shinobu was finishing her meal, Rikuyo ate enough meat to fill up herself. "Great job, Shinobu, ya handled the guy like a boss! Did he taste good?" What an obvious question, as Shinobu looked quite content while draining his life away. "Say, ya vampires can only drink blood? A loser one I met didn't want to eat salad. Is that normal?" She inquired out of sheer curiosity.