Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75244 times)


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Shinobu was twisting her blade around as it was lodged in Rikuyo's body when she suddenly found herself skewered by quill like needles that had sprouted from all over the redhead's body. The needles tore into her flesh making her blood flowed from all the wounds that kept opening and closing. She however didn't pay it much mind  as she merely tried twisting the blade harder in order to mangle Rikuyo's insides further.


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Shinobu was twisting her blade around as it was lodged in Rikuyo's body when she suddenly found herself skewered by quill like needles that had sprouted from all over the redhead's body. The needles tore into her flesh making her blood flowed from all the wounds that kept opening and closing. She however didn't pay it much mind  as she merely tried twisting the blade harder in order to mangle Rikuyo's insides further.


It hurt so much, but if Shinobu could see her face now, she would see a smirk rather her expression twisted in pain. The quills were in her body. And they were a part of Rikuyo's body.

She charged through chi through them. Just because she used mostly her limbs normally didn't mean she couldn't use any part of her body to transfer her chi in order to harm the opponent. She would weaken the more destructive energy she pumped into Shinobu, and she was losing her energy from wounds inflicted to her, but she considered it a better gamble then using her ultimate form against Shinobu. Maybe she looked like someone who would headbutt people if somebody advised her to use her head, but she had some cunning.


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The Hunter cocked an eyebrow at him, wondering if it had something to do with the fact that she'd just gone into Ren.

Hmm...stands to reason that he'd be able to sense Nen, considering as I could see whatever energy he's got stockpiled up inside him.

Annabeth turned around and kneeled down to him with an amused look before mussing his still wet hair.

"Oh come on, you'll be fine," she assured him.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The blonde girl kept twisting the blade when she suddenly flinched in pain as she felt the energy course through her, the destructive force that was pushed into her, wrecked her body and dealt internal damage to her organs. The pain was excruciating, but she had experienced a lot of pain in in the past, more than most would ever dream to experience due to her regenerative ability. The vampire let go of the blade and flung herself from the redhead's body with a massive heave, her sword left behind still lodged inside Rikuyo. The action had required a lot of mental effort though and as a result she tumbled on the ground as she hit it. Finally managing to halt her roll after half a dozen rotations, she got up and looked at Rikuyo.

"I admit that was a good move." She casually spoke to the redhead as if they weren't trying to kill each other moments before.


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Talk about luck, it seemed it wasn't his time to die just yet. 

 Garou's whole body felt numb, yet pierced with pain. Everything was freezing, as if his cells were turned into ice. His whole being felt unbearably cold and empty,only to suddenly flow with an unbearable heat, as if thousands red hot needles were bursting out of his blood vessels, molten metal coursing tough his veins.

He did not care. The throbbing sensation coursing in his head, the burning aching in his heart, the sharp pain all over his body... it proved he was alive. He had won.

His eyes opened and gazed at the girl above him hungrily with determination. He needed her, to drink until that unbearable thirst ceased whining. 

He would not beg, no matter what.  To ask her anything would only make him seem weak. He did not need anyone, he had always managed alone just fine. If that dumbass wanted to waste her time with a lost cause like him, it wasn't his problem.

But he would not ask her for help.

But there was fresh snow around him, precious water that he needed more than anything at the moment. He didn't even need the time to consider his options or hesitate. 

Garou immediately rolled over like a worm with vitality unbefitting of a moving corpse, and grabbed as much as he could, eating it to take in the water his body sought so desperatedly.


The man looked pitiful like that, crawling desperately to eat dirty snow. She couldn't just leave him like that, he could catch something nasty from doing such a reckless thing. So she sighed, backtracked to the automated beverage vendor she passed by when going up the staircase, and came back with a mineral water bottle which she uncapped beforehand.

"Here." She put down the mineral bottle in front of him, expecting him to take it. She wouldn't accept no for the answer.


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Lycodrake Aptera

Bellatanus was noticeably annoyed with the newcomer, while the wingless one had to share in the confused, stunned expression William was wearing. A blue-garbed...nature spirit of some sort had rushed up and shouted such a question. Not normal behavior. Maybe some sort of lunacy? He couldn't begrudge Bellatanus' lighting of a flame. Shouting in someone's face tended to be a hostile action, one which he, personally, disliked. Noise is bad.

He opened his mouth to reply, pausing to register Bellatanus' actual comment, and responded. "Yes. And you are...what, exactly?"
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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The blonde girl kept twisting the blade when she suddenly flinched in pain as she felt the energy course through her, the destructive force that was pushed into her, wrecked her body and dealt internal damage to her organs. The pain was excruciating, but she had experienced a lot of pain in in the past, more than most would ever dream to experience due to her regenerative ability. The vampire let go of the blade and flung herself from the redhead's body with a massive heave, her sword left behind still lodged inside Rikuyo. The action had required a lot of mental effort though and as a result she tumbled on the ground as she hit it. Finally managing to halt her roll after half a dozen rotations, she got up and looked at Rikuyo.

"I admit that was a good move." She casually spoke to the redhead as if they weren't trying to kill each other moments before.


"Oh, so you feel pain too." She remarked with a measure of satisfaction. Life without pain was meaningless. Without trials and hardship there was no point to it, for if she didn't feel pain, the moments of happiness wouldn't be meaningful for her. Now, she was both happy and in pain. She felt like she finally accomplished something, but this sword sticked out of her, only agitating her nervous system. With a groan of pain, she removed it and tossed it to the blonde. "Yer sword, right? I didn't know ya were keeping a weapon around, but maybe ya didn't expect me pulling a trick like that, so we're even."

She started looking the worse for wear, but she could still fight. The question was who would resume first?


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Shinobu watched as Rikuyo removed the sword from herself with a groan, after saiying something about the sword being hers she then tossed it back to the vampire. She thought about using using the sword again but decided to go for another thing instead that might surprise the redhead. Without warning the vampire charged while the sword was still in mid air, but then it was gone, the sword was suddenly gone.

Shinobu had decided to attack under the surprise of the weapon disappearing into thin air. The wounds inflicted on her by the last couple of attacks were already mostly healed and she felt like she could go on for a while still, with that in mind she flew forward yet again, continuing her relentless assault.


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Darcy Hugh

Darcy smirked and shook his head. She was smarter than he thought, a little. Not saying he misjudged her or anything, but he had to wonder if he would be able to kill her as easily as a vampire.

Had she been one, he would've simply shot that pretty face of hers in the instant where she reached for that money. But she wasn't a vampire, nor was she the one he was paid to kill, so there was no reason to get trigger happy.

"No need to go back and forth, cutie. You might tire your pretty legs if you strain yourself. I did say I wanted to help the poor boy, and I could use a drink. Don't worry, I'll be a good boy and keep out of your little romantic discussion, you can do as you please. I'll just hit on the prettier bartender in town and drown my sorrows." He said in japanese, his accent as thick as ever and not caring to hide even the slightest trace of snark.

Then, he turned to Shirou and bowed apologetically like a proper japanese.

"Is that alright with you, Emiya san? And sorry for leaving you out just now, I meant no inconvenience."


Apparently the two didn’t think he was good enough at english to follow their conversation. Well, okay, he didn’t understand everything they said, but enough to get that Mitsuba was determined to mine him for information, and that Darcy expected her to give him what he wanted for free. It was honestly rather pointless, he was willing to share what he knew with them, but he decided to not interrupt their conversation lest he appear rude.

“Sure, that’s fine,” he said in response to both of their questions. He didn’t mind bars or the occasional drink. Hopefully they could trade information and then go their separate ways without any complications.


Hoho, he took the bait She thought as Emiya agreed to accompany her. Well, she didn't rid the  of the priest's presence and didn't exactly trust him on that he wouldn't intervene, but the situation was looking. "Yes, yes, go ahead. I know my value and I know I'm too good for you." She replied without ceasing behaving unusually happy. "Where shall we go, Emiya-san? There should be lots of restaurants, bars and other places where we can hang out and talk. Say, any favorite kind of place?"
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 12:04:42 AM by Kat »


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Fiona looked at her bewildered at her question. “Uh, no. I mean, yes?”

Fiona’s head tilted to the side as she crossed her arms. With her eyes closed she hummed, trying to think of a way to explain it. “It isn’t something that is easy to explain, its like... a connection between me and the plants.” She settled for. She opened her eyes and took a step forward, hesitant. “Are you… are you sure you’re ok? I mean, you took a really hard hit.”


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Shinobu watched as Rikuyo removed the sword from herself with a groan, after saiying something about the sword being hers she then tossed it back to the vampire. She thought about using using the sword again but decided to go for another thing instead that might surprise the redhead. Without warning the vampire charged while the sword was still in mid air, but then it was gone, the sword was suddenly gone. 

Shinobu had decided to attack under the surprise of the weapon disappearing into thin air. The wounds inflicted on her by the last couple of attacks were already mostly healed and she felt like she could go on for a while still, with that in mind she flew forward yet again, continuing her relentless assault.


"Whoa, whoa, no thanks and anything, just skipping to the fight itself. Yer bold." She said with amusement as Shinobu started the fight again. Not that didn't mind that. Honestly, if she thought that the sword vanishing would catch off guard, she was mistaken. There was no way she could have hidden that sword from her sight before she "pulled it out". Hence probably it was some weird sorcery going on. She could as well assume that the vampire could call it back and forth.

Change of strategy. She was losing out her edge in speed, so trying to keep up with her had less point now. She visibly struggled and strained as the vampire launched an attack after an attack. So she now gambled on hardening her skin and surprising Shinobu with her durability to catch her off guard. After all, her punches were roughly as strong as hers and she figured out that she could have trouble piercing her skin if she focused on making it as hard as she could.

Green scales started covering her skin, the eyes shifted to more reptilian like, her jaw filled with feral looking teeth and she grew a tail to complement her transformation. Her clothes were surely a mess by now, but she didn't care anymore. She had so fun playing around with Shinobu after all.


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Count Greyskull

Ohmygosh, oh my gosh. It’s a real, real dragon!

The lord was surprised at how quick that ravishing woman was to anger. Did she put her socks backwards? He hated that too, and it was a sure way to put him in a foul mood. Or perhaps she was hungry… Either way, they had a point. How could he have forgotten to introduce himself!?

Thus, the skeleton tree lord bowed apologetically, yet dignified like a great royal prince or a king would.

“ NYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!! You must excuse me; I did not mean to overwhelm you with my presence.”

Then, he picked a notebook from his pocket, or rather, summoned it while his hand was concealed in his natural robes. Then, he opened it and cleared his throat before reading in a very dramatic fashion.


PLeasemakethiswork pleasemakethiswork pleasemakethiswork…


Garou looked up to the annoying girl and glared before snatching the bottle away from her and drinking its contents greedily. He didn't stop one second until the bottle was completely empty, only for him to let out an audibly pleased pwaaah. At least, he looked a little less mad now. He turned to the girl and frowned dully.

"I'm not giving you anything." He said flatly.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 12:50:31 AM by francobull3 »


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Garou looked up to the annoying girl and glared before snatching the bottle away from her and drinking its contents greedily. He didn't stop one second until the bottle was completely empty, only for him to let out an audibly pleased pwaaah. At least, he looked a little less mad now. He turned to the girl and frowned dully.

"I'm not giving you anything." He said flatly.


"That was a charity. Free of charge. I don't expect anything from you, and I don't need money. I'm just a passerby who felt like helping someone in a pinch." Well, a passerby that just fended off of a flying shadow monster, whatever it was. "Still need something, or you feel much better now?"


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Tch. So he was dealing with one of those goody two shoes. What a pain, and just when he thought this day couldn't get any shittier. Honestly, he didn't have it in him to complain.

"I'm fine." He replied before trying to stand. To his surprise, most of his wounds seemed to have healed, altough his body didn't stop hurting like a bitch for so much. He glanced at his left side and raised an eyebrow at the sight of his arm, or rather the lack thereof. So It wasn't some shitty dream, wonderful.

Normally one would have shown concern over such a grave injury, but Garou seemed only annoyed. Then, he grinned. That wound was proof that he was alive, that he survived. He won, but it wasn't enough. He'd find that mewling bitch and make her squeal until he made her pay tenfold for his arm.

"Well, I could use a hand." He said sarcastically, not hiding his suddenly (and abruptly) better mood. "Hey, I'm hungry. Is there anywhere around here that serves decent shit?"


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She blasted past the girl with incredible speed, her feet sliding against the ground as she skid to a stop. Then she let out a small sigh and turned around, to see the girl collapse harmlessly onto the ground. She was about to start trying to deal with the new guy when she noticed it. 

The woman’s stomach started to writhe. Whatever that was inside of the girl was moving, pushing against the inside of the flesh, trying to get out. Nanashi’s eyes went wide with horror and shock, before she was snapped out of it by the guy screaming at her like a psycho. 


She looked at him, with pure horror on her face before she started to yell, “I didn’t do this you moron!” She rushed over to the girl kneeled down, trying to get a feel on what was happening, thinking of a way to stop it. “My talismans are blessed, for purification; whatever is in her must REALLY not like it!” 

Her eyes were focused on a girl’s stomach, clicking her tongue, trying to think of a way to calm down, or at least restrict, whatever was going crazy. She looked over to the man, “Can I get a little help?!” 

Please let him have an idea. Whatever this thing was, it was probably responsible for the girl’s attack on the person. Probably at least. 

That, or she put it in there herself. Which was far, far worse than the alternative.


Relentlessly, the child pushed and clawed at the boundaries imposed upon it. Numina's abdomen shifted and stretched grotesquely and the sound of breaking bones and tearing flesh could be heard, yet she remained asleep. Asleep even as baby made itself heard. A hymn of words like daggers against the mind and rasping noises that were both disorienting and unsettling.  The gentle, joyful cry of her newborn as it reached the final stretch of its birth.


Ridiculous. No blessed thing would harm pregnant women. Obviously they weren't Christian amulets, but a product of folk superstitutions that pagan masses believed in, still sadly not acknowledging the good news that Lord Savior and his Apostles brought, mostly due to ignorance. But it was a priest's role to bring back the lost sheep to the herd. He was a different kind of a shepherd, one that focused on fending 'wolves'. The criminal crudely called him a moron, a word that only a mannerless peasant would say. He was more than ready to unleash his righteous fury, beat up the witch as thoroughly as he could and drag her still alive body to the city guard (he was a gentleman, but a villain was a villain before they were a man or a woman).

What stopped him in tracks before he leaped to the action was the fox villain now pleading for the help. A change of mind? Maybe now ashamed of what she wrought desperately looked for anyone who would help undo the mess? A conscience weighing on one's mind was the first step to repentance. That calmed his righterous anger for now.

"Feeling guilty now about the situation?" He suddenly started talking more calmly without chewing the scenery. "Well then, I shall postpone my civic duty! But you are still going to be arrested, held responsible for an assault and recompensate the victims. But maybe you will get lighter sentence if you are really willing to abandon your villainy and get reformed."

Honestly he had no other clue how to help the women than to pray, but maybe be the villain had capability to uncurse the woman as she easily as she seemingly cursed her despite claiming she didn't. "I'm no physician, I can only smite the unrighteous. If you really summoned a demon to possess the child, and want to repent, call it back. My holy tools may unfortunately harm the possessed along with the demon." Regretfully he put down the host of the demon who possessed her while defending Emiyas. Quite unfortunate.