Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75258 times)


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Gabriel watched as pink stained the redhead's cheeks ever so slightly before she said, "Interesting.  Though I doubt that our conditions are similar."

"They have a different origin; I was born this way, it seems like yours was imparted to you unwillingly," Gabriel said with a sigh. 

Then he held out his hand and said, "By the way, introductions seem like they are in order.  I'm Gabriel."


Forest replied, "I'm not a fan of garlic.  Let's just say I have an adverse reaction to it and leave it at that.  Let's see what they have at the Food Court.  Maybe I can get some absurdly large fruit smoothie there."

She grinned at the thought and realized at the very least there could be an Orange Julius there.  She gestured for him to follow her, fairly certain she knew where the Food Court was.  If that failed, she would just follow her nose to the smell of fried food.


Saber frowned at the dead body and looked at Irisviel and the others.

"This is going to be problematic," she said with a shake of her head.

Umbra of Chaos

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There was one last wet tearing sound as a head bit its way through Numina's belly and tore her in two as the rest of it messily emerged. The child was humanoid in shape but was covered in light blue scales and had bulging, completely black eyes. Its webbed hands ended with sharp claws and its mouth was filled with needle teeth. But as it burst forth it wasn't concerned with either of the stranger but instead with the paper on its mother's head. With a clumsy swipe it tore the talisman off and gouged a bit of flesh off the cultist's face right before it awkwardly stumbled out of the way of the two halves and away from the fox girl.

At the same time several pale worms covered in eyes emerged from Numina's upper half and bit down on the lower one. They quickly retracted and began pulling the pieces together as needles of bone and thread made of grey sinew bound the pieces together. Where the sewing didn't occur the flesh simply melted and fused back together without any trouble it all. Then the Ascendant slowly opened her bleary eyes and tried to get her bearings.


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"Well, I shredded these trees trying to land," Autumn shrugged, "If that's not enough proof..."

"Regardless, we should start going." the Light cruiser began limping down the 'path' "I've had enough of this forest."


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The Hunter cocked an eyebrow at him, wondering if it had something to do with the fact that she'd just gone into Ren.

Hmm...stands to reason that he'd be able to sense Nen, considering as I could see whatever energy he's got stockpiled up inside him.

Annabeth turned around and kneeled down to him with an amused look before mussing his still wet hair.

"Oh come on, you'll be fine," she assured him.


The werewolf frowned up at her a little petulantly when she messed with his hair, but then nodded.

"All right. Let me get a shirt we can use as a blindfold or something," Ron said to her. "Unless you have a real one on you?"

So it was that they ended up having to use one of Ron's dirty old shirts, folded on itself and tied around his head. It covered enough to obscure his entire face, and he was left feeling like he was blind. Which was, of course, the point of all this. He decided to forego his wolf form, but it meant Annabeth had to lead him to the warehouses by hand in the middle of the cold, breezy night. He kept his face looking down to the ground just in case his blindfold came off.

They had their pick of the things, though many of them were likely occupied either for storage purposes or ... well, storage purposes of an entirely different sort! It was plausible. He'd vouch for it. He squeezed the bounty hunter's hand at the thought.

"And here we're off to the Danger Zone! Highway to the Danger Zone..." he murmured to himself quietly. "Now we just need a Michael McDonald and everything'll be smooth sailing..."

He probably sounded crazy. He'd seen Annabeth drunk, so she could put up with it.

Finally, they got inside of one that was neither occupied by monsters, or criminals, or criminal monsters, or by legitimate dock workers who really didn't need the trouble from either of them honestly Anne don't go in there.

Just Ron, Annabeth, some crates and pieces of heavy metal no not the music, and they should be good to go.


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Forest replied, "I'm not a fan of garlic.  Let's just say I have an adverse reaction to it and leave it at that.  Let's see what they have at the Food Court.  Maybe I can get some absurdly large fruit smoothie there."

She grinned at the thought and realized at the very least there could be an Orange Julius there.  She gestured for him to follow her, fairly certain she knew where the Food Court was.  If that failed, she would just follow her nose to the smell of fried food.


"Oh, a milk shake would be marvelous right now," Gadreel added with a grin of his own. "Though perhaps something with a little more consistency than the McDonalds variety. Something that fills and settles in the stomach heavier. Like they serve at a creamery."

If nothing else, the possibly young Forest had an impeccable sense of direction - or knew the layout of this locale well enough to pinpoint the location of the Food Court in other ways. He followed along next to her, his eyes casually scanning their surroundings for potential threats. He noticed that his current companion was either surprisingly guileless, an unlikely proposition, or very confident in her capacity to deal with the threats in this place which she had informed him of.

Well, no matter. There was in fact an Orange Julius available, and their form of milk shake would be... acceptable.

Once they got what they desired and took a seat across from one another, Gadreel decided he had to clarify something important. "So, I take it this 'Nexus' is a locale where the appearance of someone unfamiliar with it is... well, familiar? I confess, I had not heard of it until my arrival."


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Shirou Emiya

Shirou followed Sakura's directions to the movie theater. The walk there was fun, and he didn't mind the looks they got. It was just nice to be able to do this with Sakura. "Sakura, why don't you look up what's showing? I don't think my phone will work here."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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As the odd couple continued along, the Hunter found herself wondering what on earth he was referring to as he went along. ...and was he singing? While she had nothing to say about his singing voice, the odd levity while blindfolded was starting to make Annabeth wonder if he really was that bored already.

Thankfully, it didn't take too long to find a suitable warehouse that Ron didn't warn her away from. Bringing them inside, the Hunter looked around, thankful to find the place fairly clear for a warehouse.

Leading Ron inside, the Hunter pulled the doors shut before looking around, enhancing her eyes with Gyo as she checked for any unwanted guests. To top things off, there weren't any pesky windows letting in moonlight.

"Hmm, this seems safe," Annabeth said at last, "Okay, you can take the blindfold off now."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Tch. So he was dealing with one of those goody two shoes. What a pain, and just when he thought this day couldn't get any shittier. Honestly, he didn't have it in him to complain.

"I'm fine." He replied before trying to stand. To his surprise, most of his wounds seemed to have healed, altough his body didn't stop hurting like a bitch for so much. He glanced at his left side and raised an eyebrow at the sight of his arm, or rather the lack thereof. So It wasn't some shitty dream, wonderful. 

Normally one would have shown concern over such a grave injury, but Garou seemed only annoyed. Then, he grinned. That wound was proof that he was alive, that he survived. He won, but it wasn't enough. He'd find that mewling bitch and make her squeal until he made her pay tenfold for his arm.

"Well, I could use a hand." He said sarcastically, not hiding his suddenly (and abruptly) better mood. "Hey, I'm hungry. Is there anywhere around here that serves decent shit?"


"Surely, it seems like you are in need of one." That man didn't seem to be overly bothered by a missing that arm. Well, it wasn't the end of the world. And unfortunately there was nothing she could do about it. As a Servant, her powers were a pathetic reflection of what she could have done if Grail War system could summon her in full might.

"Say, do you mind more people joining us? There is an aquittance of mine downstairs, she probably plans to go to a restaurant as well." She proposed. Petra knew that it could backfire, as Forest was a vampire and he was a guy who got carried off by a soul eating monster and was fortunate to just get away with a lost arm, but she counted on her being able to smooth over any misunderstandings that could arise from that.


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Sakura Matou

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Good idea, Senpai!" She pulled out her phone from her pocket quickly and unlocked it, pulling up her web browser, typing in "golden rule movie theater showings" in the search box, and, after finding what she wanted, she began intently looking through them, holding herself steady with one hand around Shirou's head.

"Hmmm…" She mulled over the choices. "Jeanne, you've never seen a movie, right?" She looked down at her new friend, so far below her right now. "What do you think about this one? Just tap the triangle button to play it." She said, handing the phone down.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Sure, whatever." He said nonchalantly. He looked down at his sorry rags and picked them up to check the extent of the damage. They were still damp with blood, his blood, so he did the one thing he could do.

Well, aside all the other things he could do. The bloodstains seemed to shrink and move back. The blood crawled up his body like it had taken a life of his own and collected into his mouth. It was better to not waste it after all, and besides, his clothes wouldn't reek.

"Let's go."


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Jin felt a strange prescence as if he was being watched, but he couldn't see anything wrong in the kitchen so he relaxed. He then turned around and looked at the door as he heard that someone was running towards him. "Oka is that you?# he called out.


Oka nodded. "Yeah, of course it's me, who else would it be? And I think you should meet my pokemon, my other ones, I mean. They're not all as goodwilled as sylveon or wormy."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Alpha barely had to consider it a second before answering, both for herself and for Noel.

"We're human." She crossed her arms, defending her statement before a rebuttal. "It doesn't matter what some idiot calls us, or how we were born, we're human down from the very day we starting living like it."

Alpha got up to look out the window, anticipating the ambulance.

"And that counts for you too, Mordred. It doesn't matter how much you changed since you were born. You only ever stop being human once you stop acting like one."

For some reason, for some purpose, Alpha refused to look either of them in the eye when she said this, keeping her gaze outside. Every word, however, was heartfelt in its tone and delivery.


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"Sure, whatever." He said nonchalantly. He looked down at his sorry rags and picked them up to check the extent of the damage. They were still damp with blood, his blood, so he did the one thing he could do.

Well, aside all the other things he could do. The bloodstains seemed to shrink and move back. The blood crawled up his body like it had taken a life of his own and collected into his mouth. It was better to not waste it after all, and besides, his clothes wouldn't reek.

"Let's go."


It didn't escape Petra's notice that the man could manipulate his the bloodstains in that way? "Are you a hydromancer?" She commented on the trick she pulled off. "Geez, I keep meeting strange people. Doesn't matter, come with me."

She then went downstairs, expecting that the man would follow her.

Once she got down, she want to greet Forest, but she noticed she's gone. She really seemed to quickly abandon her and not even wait.

What I did what was a right thing to do. Whatever.

She quickly moved on over Forest just ditching her. It was expected after all, she half suspected Forest would do it to Greyskull if he didn't go on his own.

"Oh, my acquittance is gone. Whatever, we will go on our own."
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 05:05:12 PM by Kat »


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Garou was about to answer, but the girl then stated she didn't give a shit, thus he stopped giving one. Instead, he followed the girl quietly and nodded.

"Oi, what's your name?" He asked.


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It looked like the redhead wasn't distracted by her dissappearing sword act, the vampire however continued on with her attack when she noticed that Rikuyo had started shifting yet again. Her quill like needles were retracted and her skin instead took on a reptilian looking quality nad her mouth sported razor shar teeth. The vampire reached her just as the transformation finished, this time however she fainted an attack to Riku's head before dropping low to get at her legs and disrupt her balance.