Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74839 times)


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Shinobu gave a slight laugh at Medaka's first question. "No, I am fairly certain they do not all share my refined tastes for culinary delight." They were passing through a comercial area with block after block designated to a certain type of commerce, there were blocks full of clothing stores and blocks full of book stores. Ironically they happened to be passing through a block for sex stores when she spoke about her culinary tastes.

She noticed that the blue haired girl not only matched the pace, but raised it even higher. Not that it bothered the kyuuketsuki as she matched without needing to breathe heavier, not that she needed to breathe but that's beside the point.


Putting it near him wouldn't be that bad, in that moment Oka jumped doing a "Da-da-da" triumphantly. His vision was drawn to her big breasts for a moment as they moved so wonderfully with her, it was as if time stood still for a moment and all he could see was their movement. Then time resumed as he absent-mindedly took the item from her after which his mind cleared up somewhat. "So how is this gonna make him evolve?"


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Shinobu gave a slight laugh at Medaka's first question. "No, I am fairly certain they do not all share my refined tastes for culinary delight." They were passing through a comercial area with block after block designated to a certain type of commerce, there were blocks full of clothing stores and blocks full of book stores. Ironically they happened to be passing through a block for sex stores when she spoke about her culinary tastes.

She noticed that the blue haired girl not only matched the pace, but raised it even higher. Not that it bothered the kyuuketsuki as she matched without needing to breathe heavier, not that she needed to breathe but that's beside the point.


Putting it near him wouldn't be that bad, in that moment Oka jumped doing a "Da-da-da" triumphantly. His vision was drawn to her big breasts for a moment as they moved so wonderfully with her, it was as if time stood still for a moment and all he could see was their movement. Then time resumed as he absent-mindedly took the item from her after which his mind cleared up somewhat. "So how is this gonna make him evolve?"

Oka Kurosawa

"You just feed it to him." Oka said simply. "A rare candy levels up a pokemon once, simple as that."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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A bright smile came over Rider's face as she heard Sakura's words come over their mental link, even despite the unfortunate situation.

She's such a kind master! she thought, feeling so happy that she had been fortunate to be summoned by such a kind person.

Thank you, she responded, joy in her mental voice. You're such a wonderful and kind master.


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He put Yukianesa next Chuck and then offered him the candy. "Here you go." The Eevee happily ate it.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 10:32:47 PM by Thedoctor »


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Finally, after a bit of aimless walking the two seemed to have found the place. Honestly, he doubted anything would be worth the calories he spent walking up here, but if she said it was worth, he'd believe her. He walked up to the menu near the entrance and raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? Up to the custumer...?"

This was already getting bizzarre.


"Oh, that's nice!" Petra commented when she saw the menu. "You can pick whatever you'd like, then. Money is not the issue, so don't worry about that." She again reassured Garou, just in case.

Petra entered the restaurant first. The place looked genuinely Italian, but there were only two tables there. "Huh, only two tables? What's up with that?" Petra was a bit puzzled by that.

"It's because I run this place on my own." The smiling chief dressed in white answered as he emerged out of the kitchen. "I work as the waiter as well. I can only handle two tables at once. Please, sit down. Here, welcome!"


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Before he could come up with a response, the girl had already gone up and searched hic pocket. Goodness, was she an idiot or something?

There was no way something like that would be that easy, even in a gag manga. She was making such a ruckus in his pocket that she might as well be stroking his shaft. Wouldn’t it have been a better idea to tie him up while he was sleeping or something? kids these days were so naive, it was so stupid it was almost cute.

Suddenly, the phone rung an alarm like a siren, blaring so loud one might jump. He didn’t, instead he spoke calmly, not moving a muscle. If one didn’t know better, one might think he was sleeptalking. Or perhaps he was.

“Oi, don’t bother. It’s just worthless junk. If you’re looking for anything valuable, you should look into my other pocket. *Yawn* I’m kinda sleepy as you can see; looking for it myself would be a pain. Come on, we don’t have all day.”


Woah, that thing was loud! What kind of sorcery was that? "Are you magician or something? This thing is weird. What do you even do with it?" The curiosity overcame for now her urge to mug him.
She would of course do it later, but right now she wanted answers.

Umbra of Chaos

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"I can be subtle enough if I need to so no one should be coming after me and there aren't really a lot of things that can hurt me. I can prove it if you want. All you need to do is hit me with anything that isn't your fists. They won't hurt me but it would probably be bad if your hands broke, right?" The Patchwork stood up with open arms as she waited to get hit. She didn't really need to be so obvious but in some ways it was reassuring. Knowing that some things would always stay the same didn't stop you from checking every once in a while out of baseless worry and she had way too much of that not to see what would happen.


Was the little flea of a mage really attempting to interrupt with something so inconsequential? She almost considered outright eating him and carrying on but she squashed that momentary desire and instead focused on attempting to get a relatively harmless display of impatience across to all of them. If roaring did not work then she she doubted spreading her wings and taking a more predatory stance would either. In that case she would simply do this more directly.

The dragon's maw opened and a wave of uncomfortable heat poured from it, a prelude to the fire that could come. Then she rested entirely on the ground and gestured to her own back with graceful movements of her head. However, the drake would prove a problem. She very much doubted that he would be able to stay on her back while in flight so that meant manners had to be taken into her own hands. With a single lithe movement the high dragon's mouth opened and she gently bit down on the smaller draconic being before lifting him into the air. All that was left now was for the other two to come so they could leave.


They seemed to be moving forward. Good. Now she just needed to lay out the basic questions. "If you two were to enter a relationship what would you be expecting from your respective partners? Do either of you even desire a romantic relationship or do you simply wish to engage in physical activities for the sake of stress relief and pleasure?"

The words were strangely familiar. Or rather, not the words but the intent behind them. Erica was so very certain that she had said something like this before, but she couldn't remember such a thing. If she couldn't remember than it was impossible for it to have happened because her memory was perfect, yet an irritating splinter of doubt remained.

Her core filtered through every bit of information she had but it was becoming rapidly clear that this was fruitless; however, then she saw it. A strand of light that she did not remember but knew belonged to her.

The grasping equations that formed her mind grasped onto the thread of memory and she saw some sort of palace? The air filled with the sounds of a bustling kingdom and the scents of specially prepared food for the court. If she looked up she could see a deep blue sky an the soft warmth of a pleasant spring sun. There was also a dark haired boy that looked very much like her there and another girl that did not seem familiar at all. However, the construct did have the feeling that she had just been lecturing them about something. Then she felt something wet on her face and the distraction let the memory loose and it hid itself away in an instant.

Slightly annoyed the blue haired girl refocused her attention on her current situation as she reached up to touch the wetness with a strange tenderness. She certainly didn't recall concentrating liquid aura for this shell to shed in place of tears. It was utterly confusing but she simply wiped her face as brilliant lettering blazed at her touch for a moment and let her hands fall back into her lap. There were other things to focus on instead of strange memories that shouldn't even exist.


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Allowing a moment to wonder what a blood ape was, the immortal followed Shiro along until they were seemingly out of earshot of the strange multi-colored woman. The immortal considered the choice the fox-girl had given them for some time. On one hand, a bit of hunting would probably be fun. On the other, this new type of food piqued his interest quite sharply. Thankfully, it wasn't too hard a decision. New experiences were always given priority over old ones.

"Sure, I'd be game for this...asian food," Michael said, "Sounds interesting. Never heard of it before, but it sounds interesting."

Well, insofar as things that you've never heard of before tend to be interesting by simple appeal to curiosity.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"There!" Exclaimed Medaka as she spotted a dunken doughnuts in the distance.  If the trend continues, there will be all sorts of places selling doughnuts!  Medaka released Shinobu's hand and began sprinting.  Now going at full speed, after images trailed behind her.  But she had a feeling the vampire would be able to keep up, so she kept talking.

"So that is a quality unique to you.  Back in my old world, I never told anyone this but I actually have a huge appetite and a bit of a sweettooth."  She said energetically.  She had just started the sprint, so she wasn't feeling the taxation from the extra oxygen requirements.  However, at this speed, it would only be a matter of seconds before they arrived on the doughnut block.


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Count Greyskull

The skeleton lord yelped yet again and let go of the other dragon as soon as Bellatinus picked it up with it's majestic maw. This was so scary, but he wasn't scared. Even if he was shaking all over and sweating like mad, he would not let himself be bullied by such things!

"Ah! R-right, sor- erm, I mean forgive me." He blurted out. Then, he shook his head, stood his ground, took a deep breath and marched towards her, climbing up her magnificent scales before sitting over her back. Then, he puffed his chest and remained firm, no, stiff as a pole.

"I am ready." He declared, and he was.


Theodore's face almost lit up, but not quite. It didn't shift much at all really, but he seemed a little happy about her enthousiasm. At least that would explain his unsettling smile. He didn't even remove his two eyes blindfold when presenting his own telephone, as if he could clearly see trough it, or those eyes were his own.

"Oh, it's called a telephone. You can use it to talk to your friends without having to breathe the same air they do. This one in particular has up has  a Gorilla Glass 3 protection on the front and back and a metal frame in Gunmetal Black. On the front is a 5.5-inch QHD display and powering it is a MediaTek Helio X10 with 3GB RAM and 3100mAh battery. The phone also packs a 21 megapixel Sony IMX230 sensor on the back with PDAF, 4K video and 120fps slow-motion capture. On the front is an 8 megapixel shooter that can take all sorts of pictures. Isn't that cool?"


Tch, that guy seemed to have popped out of nowhere. He didn't even smell him among the aroma of all sorts of ingredients. He was honestly giving him the creeps already. Well, at least this lousy place smelled like Italy alright.

He walked up to one of the tables and sat nonchalantly, crossing his legs and arching his chair back cooly. What kind of shitty 1 star reostaurant has only two tables anyway?

At least Petra seemed eager, so he guessed he didn't mind.

"So what do you have here? I hear this place is decent enough, what food can you make?" He asked sourly, but with a hint of curiosity.


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Then we had best go while we can the exile thought back to Forest, glancing down to her hand and trusting in her to have some method by which to obscure the physical symptoms of her unlife from such brief instances of physical contact. We shall inquire as to whether the woman behind the counter knows of any 'good sales.' Perhaps purchase some hair conditioner ...

With that simple nicety out of the way, Gadreel angled himself to best evacuate the premises of the food court - no matter how much he may wish to see the absurdity that was sure to follow from the young lady's challenge.

Auspicious Breeze

"Huh. What's 'Asian' mean?" the former gladiator asked, tilting her head as she sent Shiro a curious look. "Is it good? Well, okay, you wouldn't offer if it wasn't good, but what kind of stuff counts as 'Asian' food?"

Breeze idly ran her free hand through her hair as she considered it. Maybe Asians were a type of demon who cooked? After all, if there were demon fighters and demon courtesans and demon writers then there would be demon cooks, right? I wonder why mistress never summoned one...?


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Medaka had hastened the pace further and then released her hand as she pointed towards their goal. Shinobu's attention however was focused on the promised the land, the land of donuts. In that second it was like the world stood still, and she spoke. "They all belong to me!."

Then in a flash, she shot forward like an unstoppable breeze, blowing past cars, blowing past Medaka, blowing past everything. Her rush generated a shockwave that burst the doors open of the first store she found on the donut block, the blond kyuukestsuki flew past them, into the promised land of never ending delight.


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Oka Kurosawa

The eevee cried out and began to morph, dnveloped in a white light. Oka stood excitedly, humming a tune unconsciously. "Hm-hm-hmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm-hm…" she watched it finally stop changling, now a pale blue creature with icicle shaped ears. "Whyu-uu" it said, tentatively looking at Jin and Oka. Sylveon walked over and patted him on the head reassuringly. "Hello there~" oka smiled and rubbed the bottom of his chin, causing him to purr. "Jin, so um, about it being permanent..." Oka began before trailing off, unsure of how to finish.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura Matou

Sakura smiled at Rider and accepted her compliment gracefully. It was true after all, she was a very kind person. it was something she took a fair amount of pride in. She would never let anyone tell her otherwise, either. "I just want you to have a nice thing I know you enjoy a great deal. Of course I'll get you it! Whatever you want." Sakura fished a card out of her pocket and gave it to Rider. "I'll meet you at home, ok?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo held his chin and nodded nonchalantly. No, there was something different about his look. He seemed…sad.

“I see.”

Even as he tried to smile, he still had that gloomy look. As if he was truly sorry. They say there is only one question one can never answer by yes.

Are you ashamed?

“I guess I’d try to live a normal life, at least for a while longer. Laugh normally, love normally, start a normal family…Yes, that would be nice. I guess by the end of it, I’d probably have to hide somewhere far away, lock myself in some hole underground and never come back. Haha, you probably expected something better than that. The truth is, I don’t know. I feel like I don’t know anything anymore, and it’s terrifying. I know, it’s stupid, but I’m out of ideas.”

Kenzo looked down at Akatsuki’s feet. Why? Why wasn’t she striking him down already? He didn’t understand it. He couldn’t understand it. He wanted to cry, but he couldn’t anymore. Honestly, he felt like forgetting everything and just going to sleep forever. He was talking a lot, but at the same time, it felt liberating. It was as if he was taking a huge weight off his chest, a weight heavier than the whole wide world.

And he felt so horrible.

“Whelp. Sorry, I’m not the cool, gentle and reliable oni-chan I could have been. I’m actually a pretty bad person you know?  You’d have to be pretty messed up to associate with me, I won’t blame you if you’re sick to your stomach. Sorry, I’m rambling again.”

His free hand slipped on his Shirogane once more, admiring the simple silver blade for the last time, only to toss it at the child’s feet.

“I won’t force you to do it, you don’t have to do anything at all. I’ll find a way eventually, I’m sure of it. There isn’t a single thing I can’t do, she said. What matters is that whatever path to take is one you’re sure you can see to the end. As long as you’re true to yourself, the world will be yours. Please take that sword, it is a precious treasure forged with love. I’m not fit to keep something like that anymore, whatever you want to do with it is up to you now.”


Akatsuki looked at him, then bent down to retrieve the blade. It was heavy, and its grip was warm, sensations assuring her this situation was real.

Then that meant the sadness of the man before her, the overwhelming guilt twisting his face into a look of pain, was real as well. He didn't mean to kill or hurt anyone the way he did, and he felt terrible for it.

And yet...

"Feeling guilt at one's actions does not nullify them," was something Akatsuki was once told, when engaging in practice battles with another naval base. A long discussion about abyssals had eventually torn that quote out of one of the destroyers, and even the battleships paused at it.

She didn't understand, then, why it was something that could bring such a sad look to Nagato's face.

"I want to trust you, Kenzo," Akatsuki started, just as tears started rolling down her face. "I want to trust you, that you can leave and not... do anything bad again. But..."

She remembered the mutilated body, the terrified look on his face. He didn't expect it to happen that time, so what about the next? Would his next victims be his "Normal family"? Would it be another man's family? The risk was too large. Therefore, as a soldier, as a shipgirl used to carrying the weight of a country, there was only one choice.

"You're strong, Kenzo. Too strong for me to be able to hold back, too fast for me to be able to keep up with you. So..." She hoisted the sword up, into a stance the which she'd seen so many times as a ship during crew training hours, as a girl when observing the admiral, and as a soldier when Ise, Hyuuga or Tenryuu were forced into melee combat. It was a basic kendo stance.

She closed her eyes a moment. The activated its engines to combat levels, its electrical components to match, and the air around Akatsuki crackled as her gloves sparked to life.

The heat of such things made the tears wash away faster than before. The idea of combat, the preparation for such as the fairies prepared to do their duty helped dull her heart and prepare herself.

It was the only reason she was born, the only thing she knew for real. Now that things such as reason and motivations had been dealt with, the warship Akatsuki was commencing engagement.

"Sakagami Kenzo..." She added, her voice and face surprisingly soft considering her stance, intent and the air around her. "I know what you've been asking of me, but please don't make me do it without a fight."