Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74845 times)

LFR Tsar

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"Well, of course it weighs several tons!" Autumn all but shrieked, "I keep telling you, I'm a Halcyon-class fleet girl! You could have snapped your back!"

It was her damaged state that allowed this to happen. The fairies are having a hard time travelling between decks, and repair work is remarkably slow outside of a wetdock. Not all of her body is being accommodated fully by convenience magic.

"Look," the light cruiser began once calming back down, "Just warn me next time before you grab hold of me."


Sascha grumbled a few more sputters of indignant German at the remark of that, but ultimately she complied and nodded. Letting go of Autumn, but in truth... she did not know what to believe. The fact that the brunette might legitimately be telling the truth, or that she was nothing more than a military experiment of some sort that went wrong. For now, Sascha was opting for perhaps a bit of the latter...

"I wouldn't worry about my back. I have a knack for healing fast." Cryptically Sascha retorted, as she flexed her shoulders briefly, continuing along her path to wherever it was Autumn was leading her. "Surprising though, that you can walk around without collapsing on your weight. I did not think the Americans were THAT far advanced and ahead of the Soviet Union in military tech."


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"Oh really now, you seem to have a lot of money." He teased her as his arms went around her stomach and pulled her towards him. He then staarted tickling her stomach with his hands.


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As soon as Jin strated tickling her, she burst out in intense laughter. "Ehehehahahah-stop, stop-hahaha! Hahahaha-Jin, hehe, please. gasp"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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To Michael's surprise, the fox-girl shapeshifted into an actual fox...well, wolf-sized, granted, but the sudden urge to pet her was suddenly becoming rather difficult to resist. ...Or perhaps there was no real desire to resist in the first place, just some misplaced sense of propriety. Before he could ask, however, the girl beat him to the figurative punch with the question. Taking it in stride, Michael decided to go on regardless, not particularly caring about the consequences. It would be worth it.

"It seems we're of one mind," Michael admitted to the girl, "Perhaps something like this?"

With that, the immortal gave the fox-girl a testing scratch behind the ears, countless encounters having taught him the perfect locations for optimal ear scratching.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The Changeling cocked at eyebrow at Erica's response, Gabe more or less speaking for both of them with his. First threatening, then curious, now this?

"Indeed, you usually need to get to know someone better before even considering something like that," Emily noted, "...Honestly, this reminds me at a few attempts I've made in the past at matchmaking. Generally needs more time, though."

The Changeling barely restrained a slight shudder at the memories.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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As they arrived at the location of the car, Jeanne held the door for them and waited for them to go in. "I heard from Sakura you can replicate Noble Phantasms Shirou, I'd like to see how you fight when we come back." She told them and then quickly added, "If that's okay with you of course?"


The blond vampire waited at the entrance of the first donut shop she could see in the block. It seemed like Medaka couldn't quite keep up with this speed, not that it surprised her as she was faster than most. She only had to wait a few seconds though before she saw the bue haired girl approaching. "I win!" She declared while giving a small jump.


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The white haired girl maintained a smirk on her face as she took a seat at the the table where the previous arm wrestling had taken place. She put her arm in postion on the table, waiting for the blond woman to take the challenge. "Are you sure about that Blondie? I won't go easy on you just because you bought some food for me."


Going easy on her? As if she would do that herself. She planned to show Kuro how hopeless it would be to oppose her in a contest of strength. So she would just use her whole strength in a controlled manner so that nothing would happen to the kid, but the brat would learn that she never had a chance. "Okay, try to budge it if you can. I won't hold back myself. Don't get worked up about losing too much." Mordred already prepared herself for the 'duel'.


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The Patchwork considered it at least a little silly not to test the claims of an employee but she wasn't one to pass up a free job. "If you really don't want to check I guess I won't complain. Don't know anything about 'werewolves' but I have heard of vampires. It shouldn't be too hard for me to deal with them if you want them gone." 

Lumen was about to end on that but then she considered what she had previously seen on her way here. That ridiculously high building that had a few dragons flying around it. They didn't look really impressive and probably didn't taste as good as a Divine Beast but they could prove a small risk if they got feisty. "I don't suppose that the dragons are a concern? I could probably kill one but the property damage might be an issue."


"No, you fool, I don't want you to even get close there. You have no idea what's going on there and what will happen if you anger the one who lives in that tower. It will be more than property damage." Mitsuba chastised the girl for even proposing that. "If you wanna keep the job, just ignore it and never mention it ever again. Capisce?" Foreigners seeking adventure and early grave were becoming a nuisance. Maybe people here should build a wall to stop them from entering. Or she should move to more normal place. If this girl wanted to work for her, she should learn what's allowed or not.


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If she wasn't going to hold back then Kuro would have nothing to worry about, and what's that about losing? It would be so much fun to see the look on her face when she lost. The white haired girl grasped Mordred's hand with her own and looked her in the eyes with a dead serious expression. "You shouldn't underestimate me just because I'm a kid Mordred." And then she pushed down with all her strength, with no regards for her opponent's safety.


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If she wasn't going to hold back then Kuro would have nothing to worry about, and what's that about losing? It would be so much fun to see the look on her face when she lost. The white haired girl grasped Mordred's hand with her own and looked her in the eyes with a dead serious expression. "You shouldn't underestimate me just because I'm a kid Mordred." And then she pushed down with all her strength, with no regards for her opponent's safety.


What the changeling thought to be something trivial quickly turned into a situation where the kid
actually had advantage over her. If she didn't make it a point to use majority of her strength from the start she would have lost right away. Crap, why that kid was even that strong? Unbelievable!. "Damn it, you weren't bluffing!" Mordred exclaimed as she struggled to push back Kuro's arm. Sweating, she used even more strength than she used against Gadreel. In fact, all strength she could muster.


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Tch, that guy seemed to have popped out of nowhere. He didn't even smell him among the aroma of all sorts of ingredients. He was honestly giving him the creeps already. Well, at least this lousy place smelled like Italy alright. 

He walked up to one of the tables and sat nonchalantly, crossing his legs and arching his chair back cooly. What kind of shitty 1 star reostaurant has only two tables anyway?

At least Petra seemed eager, so he guessed he didn't mind.

"So what do you have here? I hear this place is decent enough, what food can you make?" He asked sourly, but with a hint of curiosity.


To be honest, Garou behaved kinda rude. She hoped that the chef was at least as half tolerant as her,
as her friend would probably get kicked out from many restaurants for not sitting properly.

Fortunately, the chef didn't seem to mind his behavior. "The customer determines what I will make for them." The Italian man explained.


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Despite the white haired girl giving her all and showing off her immense strength, there was something strange going on. Due to her outfit both her stomach and thighs were exposed but it didn't look like her muscles were tense, in fact it didn't even look like she had any noticeable muscles at all.

"You're actually pretty strong Mordred." Kuro got out out while panting, her heavy breathing the only sign that she was excerting herself. Due to their heigh difference Kuro ah to almost lean over the table to reach, on the other hand her arm was smaller so she had a slight advantage in how the kinetic force was distrubuted.


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Despite the white haired girl giving her all and showing off her immense strength, there was something strange going on. Due to her outfit both her stomach and thighs were exposed but it didn't look like her muscles were tense, in fact it didn't even look like she had any noticeable muscles at all. 

"You're actually pretty strong Mordred." Kuro got out out while panting, her heavy breathing the only sign that she was excerting herself. Due to their heigh difference Kuro ah to almost lean over the table to reach, on the other hand her arm was smaller so she had a slight advantage in how the kinetic force was distrubuted.


In the end, it was a narrow victory for Kuro and narrow loss for Mordred. What decided the outcome is that Kuro treated the fight more seriously to begin with. Mordred didn't give up without putting up a fight, but in the end, her hand lied on the table pressed down. "I take it back, you're not bluffing either." The changeling stated what was true, looking tired from the fight. "And I guess I don't really you need to train you either. Darn it, next I won't even hold back slightly against you!" It was foolish of her to misinterpret her opponent based on appearances. "Are you some child prodigy? I've never met someone your age who was such strong."


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Kuro brightned up at the praise given to her and made a small jump out of her seat. She then skipped over to the blonde woman, jumped onto her lap and gave her a hug. Despite sitting on her lap Kuro still had to look up to see her eyes. "You're strong too Mordred, I wouldn't mind fighting you later." She then thought a moment before aswering Mordred's last question. "I'm not entirely human...well my body is technically a magical construct and yeah....what about you Mordred?"


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Kuro brightned up at the praise given to her and made a small jump out of her seat. She then skipped over to the blonde woman, jumped onto her lap and gave her a hug. Despite sitting on her lap Kuro still had to look up to see her eyes. "You're strong too Mordred, I wouldn't mind fighting you later." She then thought a moment before aswering Mordred's last question. "I'm not entirely human...well my body is technically a magical construct and yeah....what about you Mordred?"


Gah, it was hard to figure out that kiddo. She could jump from being cheeky and confrontational to being in a cheerful mood and so forth, now hugging her and sitting on her lap like she was some Santa. Was it because she wore red? "Ah, so you're were made rather than born? I wonder if you are like people I met while ago. Maybe I should have you meet them once, they are nice folks." And they probably wouldn't mind Kuro's mood swings.

"As for me, I used to be a human, but I became a part dragon, it's kinda like supernatural mutation, to be honest." Mordred hid the whole truth to the kid, no need for her to know the whole sad truth. It was better this way, and technically not a much of a lie.