Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75483 times)


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As the bizzare man went his way on the pink tricycle ,another approached, calling the fleeing man a bloody hobo. Kuro ignored him and turned to Mordred, wanting to know what she meant with the house renting. "A person called Matou who rents houses, wait wouldn't that be expensive?" Mordred had been nice to her, but there was really no need for the blonde to look after her so much.


"Ah, I see, Then it was not what I thought it was." That is one thing I will nt have to worry about then. She thought, relieved that it wasn't what she had thought. When she took another look at the blue haired girl she looked more excited, the shift had been subtle, but it had happened when she had mentioned her fight with Rikuyo earlier. She probably got excited by hearing about it. So she decided to humour the girl a bit.

"The battle I had earlier was...interesting. She made an immense crater, I think it even shattered every nearby window."


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He watched the two share an embrace, while Sakura was showing affection to her elder sister, Rin was clearly still troubled. He felt a hint if relief when she suggested that she'd probably be back for dinner. As they two of them seperated he spoke to the elder sister.

" safe."


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The dhampir grunted as he exited the Uber vehicle.  With his main source of transportation ashes and slag, he had to rely on the stupid app until he had enough money to buy a new bike or some little hoopty.  No, I am buying a bike.  It's not like I shuttle people to and fro, and I don't have to worry about catching a cold or the like.  Besides, I can always keep a dry set of clothing at the station anyway if I do get caught in a downpour.

He also knew it meant him getting extra hours doing what he'd been doing for years and finally getting paid for it.  Being an Elite sucked sometimes, but it was also a lot of fun too.  He started to walk up to the HQ when he noticed some hobo harassing what looked like a taller version of that Saber cop and a teenage girl. 

With a water gun. Who ran away on a pink trike because why the fuck not?

The women chased off the hobo and he sighed, shaking his head.  "Oy, I swear, this city is really going to the birds sometimes.  Bloody hobos. You ladies good?"


As the bizzare man went his way on the pink tricycle ,another approached, calling the fleeing man a bloody hobo. Kuro ignored him and turned to Mordred, wanting to know what she meant with the house renting. "A person called Matou who rents houses, wait wouldn't that be expensive?" Mordred had been nice to her, but there was really no need for the blonde to look after her so much.


"I'm going to rent a house anyway, so be my guest. Working with Elites will surely let me pay for the rent, so don't worry about that." She assured Kuro that she was confident about her ability to earn enough money. Then she noticed that somebody asked if they were fine. Hah, as if some hobo ever posed a threat to them. To be honest she shooed away that poor soul for his own good, she didn't know how Kuro would react to him doing anything stupid.

"Nah, we're fine. Nothing we couldn't handle ourselves." Mordred replied. They didn't need help, and likely that man realized that. He was just being courteous.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 07:30:28 PM by Kat »


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"Well obviously, if they let you into the Elites, but an old friend of mine would have had my hide if I didn't ask how the two of you were after whatever the fuck that was back there was," Corbin said with a smile before bringing out his badge.

"Welcome to the Force, it sort of sucks, but it pays spectacularly well.  I'm Corbin St. James," he said before holding out his hand to the attractive blond woman.


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"I- I got you into this hold, didn't I?" His hand had moved to her other thigh and started massaging it. just as she had started speaking. As if to demonstrate her point, she moved her legs a bit more upwards, showing off her flexibility, while also tightening the hold again.


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Garou nodded and immediately followed the chef’s directions, dashing to the bathroom at a surprisingly quick pace. He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants and sat on the toilet. His anus relaxed and the walls of the unholy blood dam gave in to the flood. Guts,  diarrhea and absurd amounts of blood dropped from his ass like it was the apocalypse. 

The rumbling got even worse,  as if his stomach was turning into a truck motor. His eyes shot wide open and he clenched at his legs, gazing down at the hell of his own making with unspeakable horror.

« HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! » He roared, trying to prevent more bloody shit from falling. However, he simply couldn’t control his bowels anymore, and no matter how hard he tried the decaying filths of his bowels kept spewing forth through the gates of hades.


Garou was taking his sweet time up there, Petra thought. If he ate healthy, he would never have such issues. Though she prefered not to imagine what kind of effect Tonio's food had on him. Having time to ponder, she guessed that this food wasn't 'miraculous'. Her own miracles didn't work in such a direct fashion, that's why she was able to regenerate his inner organs without a need for substitute matter even if she had to turn part of his water cells into blood. God worked in strange ways. But in case of Tonio's cooking there was more hard logic to his cooking. The mineral water cleaned out his eyes and tear ducts, this food probably did, ughhh, something to his guts. She didn't want to know what exactly happened.


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The mention of dragons made him sputter slightly. "Dragons? Uh, you know there are plenty of dragons in town, but you probably don't want to..." He spoke, trailing off as his gaze went askew from the topic and his fingers tapped his thigh.

That was when Mitsuba-ane returned with his drink, praise be.

"Thanks," he directed at her with an upwards twitch of his lips. He sipped the drink, and released an immediate sigh of relief. Yeah, this was the good stuff.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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In the end, it seemed Theodore had not managed to find sleep. Perhaps it was his lack of a human anatomy that caused this, or his troubled mind. Either way did not matter, what did was that he would not find refuge or comfort in sleep’s sweet embrace.

 Not that he was surprised; it had been far too long since he had been held by her, held by anything... And he couldn’t even care.

The demon sighed and laid back on his bench like a corpse. He simply looked passively at the park and sipped on his far too tepid can of Dr.Pepper. The scene of what he assumed were a father and his child playing together caught his attention. He noticed their laughter, the child’s bright smile as he was being held tightly in his father’s embrace. It was so long ago, and yet it felt so familiar.

He felt something aching inside his chest. Almost subconsciously, he gripped at his can hard enough to crush it. Was he trembling? How absurd, to think he would have a heart that could ache. It was nothing more than nonsense. Just the sight of these fools prancing about, wallowing in laughter and merriment, precociously unaware of the world around them and without a care for the events that would unfold was enough to drive him…

Never mind, it didn’t drive him to anything.

Instead, he looked down at his feet and resigned himself to the fact that no matter what he did, nothing would change. His struggle had been completely pointless, nothing more than a waste of time for everyone. It would’ve been funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. And yet, there was only one thing aching in the demon’s mind.

« Sakura…»

And then, his dull expression shifted, distorted. And he laughed. Because it hurt, because it was sad, because it was lonely, because he didn’t want to cry, because he was ashamed, because he had nothing left to live for and yet didn’t want to die, he laughed.


The red gates kept ejecting their waste down upon the river styx. And suddenly, everything stopped. What would’ve normally been excruciating pain gave in and was instead an overwhelming feeling of serenity, of peace.

His stomach didn’t hurt one bit, no, it was as if he didn’t have a stomach anymore. He had been purified from the inside out, and now he laid above the blood red island of his own creation. His butthole puckered and goosebumps came forth, the irritating aching of his intestines now replaced once and for all by a soothing, fulfilling feeling.

After wiing and flushing, it was with a light step that he came forth from the toilet, as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. And yet, he didn’t seem to be rejoicing. He was trembling, smiling weakly as if he was extremely flustered. He didn’t even bother saying a word or looking at anyone before sitting back down on his chair and pretending nothing happened.



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St. James? Is that some cover name? Kuro thought as she heard the man introduce himself. He seemed to be ignoring her while offering to shake Mordred's hand, there was something odd going on though. "Why are you waving your badge in the middle of the street? Are you that starving for attention?" She was grinning throughout, as if she was observing something hilarious.


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"Well obviously, if they let you into the Elites, but an old friend of mine would have had my hide if I didn't ask how the two of you were after whatever the fuck that was back there was," Corbin said with a smile before bringing out his badge.

"Welcome to the Force, it sort of sucks, but it pays spectacularly well.  I'm Corbin St. James," he said before holding out his hand to the attractive blond woman.


St. James? Is that some cover name? Kuro thought as she heard the man introduce himself. He seemed to be ignoring her while offering to shake Mordred's hand, there was something odd going on though. "Why are you waving your badge in the middle of the street? Are you that starving for attention?" She was grinning throughout, as if she was observing something hilarious.


Mordred sighed, hearing Kuro's comment. It seemed like she switched again to the mode of teasing people she just met. Was it a chance meeting or they already had an assignment for her. They did tell her they would either contact her through a call or contact her in person when they had a job for her.

"I'm Mordred Rhonwen. I've worked in the past for organisations dealing with supernatural threats, so it's nothing new for me." She shook the man's hand, referring to the period when she worked for her Entitlement. "Do you happen to be here because there's some job for me or it's just coincidence? I was told that either they will call me or a person they send will contact me in person."
« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 01:18:00 AM by Kat »

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The construct almost felt the action was becoming habitual as she raised a brow at the redhead' statement. Regardless, she calmly removed the the knight weapon from the stranger and hugged it to her chest. There was no other place it would be safer. "There is no audience or show but I am grateful for your compliance. It would have been unfortunate to have crushed you because you did not surrender the weapon."

Erica didn't return to her seat immediately but instead continued to observe for a moment longer. Partially to see how this new response would work with these civilians and to focus more on this newcomer's soul. There was something strange about it despite the apparent humanity that she needed to look into further.


Lumen's grey eyes narrowed a bit as he shied away from the topic and they were interrupted. For a moment one could imagine that her eyes belonged to a great bird of prey that was prepared to peck out Yamanashi's eyes. However, she quickly relaxed and instead tried a different approach. "Well, I don't suppose you've seen a guy with half grey and half red hair? I heard they were going to poke the sleeping dragon of this place with a sharp stick and I would very much like to stop them before they do something irrevocable because of their stupidity."

Cherry Lover

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A thoughtful look came over Rider's face as she considered her response to his question. Her situation was difficult to describe. The closest thing she had to a "job" was being Sakura's servant, but neither of them thought of their relationship in that manner. Whilst it was absolutely true that Rider protected and looked after Sakura, and that Sakura provided the mana that Rider needed to live, the two were absolutely not connected. Even if Rider could live independently, she would still choose to live with and protect Sakura, and even if Sakura had no need of Rider's protection or help, she would never condemn her dear friend to death by denying her mana. But, trying to explain that her "master" looked after her would lead to confusion.

Hmm, actually, that could be kind-of fun, Rider thought, as she realised how she was going to respond.

"I don't sell anything. Truthfully, I don't really have a job at all. My master provides everything I need", she said, a sultry smirk coming over her face as she began the last sentence. 


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Well then, that opens up a few more possibilities.

"So that's the sort of stuff you're into?" He mused, his grin widening if anything, "Well, I won't judge. All things considered,  I can't say I'm surprised someone got to you first."

"Can't help but wonder if they gave you your name, though," the demon hunter mused, looking Rider over, "I could see the logic behind the decision."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Corbin looked at the teenage girl and said, "No little bit, I was showing your friend that I'm a co-worker.  You know, giving credibility like a respectable folk and all of that."

As he shook Mordred's hand he replied, "Coincidence actually.  Tonight was suppose to be my night off, but I fell into some misfortune and could use a bit of extra cash.  So I'm seeing if they'll let me work."

Cherry Lover

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"Well, yes, I am actually, how did you know?" she said with a sultry smile.

Then, she paused for a moment, as if reflecting upon his comment, before letting out a small giggle.

"Oh, I see, you thought...", she said, acting as if she'd just realised his misunderstanding, the sultry smile returning to her face. "No, my master isn't that kind of master."

With that, Rider paused for a moment, wondering how much information to give. She didn't want to scare him away, he seemed like he could be fun, but nor did she want to say anything that might turn him against her or, worse, against Sakura.

"Hmm, it's.. complicated to explain. But, basically, I protect her from harm, and she provides me with what I need to live. But, she's more like family to me, really, and I am to her. I would protect her even if I did not need her to provide for me, and she would provide for me even if she did not require protection."

Then, she pondered the last part of his statement.

"As for my name, well, I suppose she did give me it, in a way", Rider added with a giggle.

"As for why I was given that name, well, perhaps I'll show you later...", she finished, the sultry smile returning.

Of course, the statement had two meanings. She certainly intended to demonstrate her bike-riding skills, once she'd found the bike of her dreams. But, if he played his cards right, she would certainly consider demonstrating her riding skills in another manner....
« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 04:37:14 AM by Cherry Lover »