Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75512 times)


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His glass froze on his lips at Lumen's words, the joy of the drink on his tongue suddenly stale. No matter what he tried, it seemed trouble found him, and no amount of drink would make his throat feel less parched. It was nagging, no, incredibly grating, but it was something that he may be forced to accept. No rest for the wicked, and no respite for those sworn by their lives. In the end, he'd be neglecting his position if he simply ignored this.

"Can't say I have," he answered the bouncer, placing his glass down. "What's their dig with it?"


She shrugged without too much concern. "I have no idea. Mitsuba-san just told me to be on the look out for them and to advise them of the folly of their actions before they got someone killed."


"They want to play heroes and save some girl who is held in the tower or something reckless like that. I don't know whole circumstances, but trying to save someone without caring about consequences for the whole neighborhood is irresponsible." Mitsuba revealed. She honestly didn't care about the person they wanted to save. Honestly neither she actually cared about the people of the district, but her fate was interconnected with hers, so she wanted to prevent a disaster for purely pragmatic reasons.


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As the two stopped rubbing her, she disappointedly transformed back into a woman. "Awwwww…" She began to complain, before she saw the puzzled look on Breeze's face. "What's wrong?" She asked.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Garou XIII

Garou tried to pay attention to the girl, but he was simply too engrossed in his meal. Cooking something so good should be illegal. He noticed the weird things coming out of his body and passed out.


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Darcy Hugh

The priest smiled and nodded. "Well said. Uh, there is one more thing. Since I'm going out of my way to help you , would you be a pal and lend me a hand with something?"

Umbra of Chaos

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As her child carried her in its arms Numina leaned over a scaled shoulder to try and keep an eye out for the fox girl as they turned a corner. Hopefully that other guy would kill her or something but he was proving to be pretty useless so far. Whatever, at least they weren't too far away from the tower anymore. She very much hoped that the ignorant idiot would just leave them alone once she got there. It was getting increasingly annoying trying to keep her at bay and the cultist doubted that it would work for much longer.


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Notorious D.O.G

The man gasped in surprise and barely avoided the punch and bullet with his incredible reflexes. Normally, he would have smiled and taunted them. However, he was not laughing
 Blood trickled down his face, his body trembled and he.glared at the dog with eyes full of death.

" dare you. My beautiful face... you ruined it. You... I..

His body burst and bulged as if his muscles were boiling under his skin. Bones snapped and cracked into a monstruous shape. His skin stretched and gleamed like iron while his hairs grew into a magnificent pink fur. What was once a man was now a massive, imposing creature. A gigantic wolf with a maw lso large it ran up his chest, so large it could easily swallow a car whole.

The beast growled ferociously before roaring thunderously, mighty enough to shatter eardrums, as it struck a menacing ppse, and at that moment they knew they were fucked.


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Medaka Kurokami

The two girls walked outside.  Conveniently enough, there were very few people around at the time, despite it being a city.  It is the perfect place to let loose.  They both walked a distance from each other, in a formality meant to give each fighter ample space.  Of course, was somewhat of a hollow formality.  Medaka could close the space they had in seconds and judging from her speed displayed before, Shinobu could do the same in half that time.

As Medaka turned to face Shinobu, she displayed a battle hungry smile.  “I am not so fool hearty as to say that I know I can beat you.  Based on the speed you displayed earlier, I think its fair to assume that the power of a vampire from your world far outstrips the legends from my own.  However, I do believe I can overcome that.”  She said mimicking her tone.

The blue haired fighter removed her shoes and set them near the door of the cafe.  Then, she moved back to her position and began bouncing up and down.

“I hope that no matter what happens in this match, you will consider me your friend.”  She said sincerely.


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She pulled out a strrange device and asked for his number, after giving it to her, he declared that he had some cleaning of his apartment to do. "Oh and don't do something dangerous Oka." He told her as he bagan moving around.


"How about now." She said as she jumped back and pulled out her sword again. "Try coming at me again, but don't use more than one weapon at a time this time." she took up a defensive stance again as she instructed him.


Your friend..ha ha! Why would someone like I, be friends with a human like you, it is almost like you believe yourself to be my equal. What an amusing sight, The cute little human thinks she can be friends with a vampire, it almost makes me cry, if I was not incapable of crying that is, ha ha!."

Shinobu paused as she looked at Medaka, the girl's constant bouncing made her golden eyes momentarily glide down her body to the girl's breasts that was being mildly distractive even to her, her eyes then quickly darted back up to the girl's face. "If you believe, truly believe that you can overcome me, then come at me Medaka!." She sid in a commanding voice.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 08:02:56 PM by Thedoctor »

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo smiled. Interesting, interesting. It seemed she could fire magic from her shoulders as well, just as he has assumed. A deadly bolt of steel and fire came at him. Bracing himself, he swung his blade at the projectile, splitting it in half cleanly and avoiding it's devastating path. That red demon seemed happier than he ever was before.

He slowly stepped forward, pointing his crimson blade to the ground. Once, twice, and-

There was no third step. In an instant, Sakagami Kenzo had completely closed in the distance. Her heart was in Benizakura's reach, and like a crimson thunder it flashed down to take her life.

Kenzo is fast.

Such a thing was established to Akatsuki in their last match, and she could do nothing but acknowledge it. But, he still had to follow the laws of physics, for the most part, so he wouldn't be able to make impossible movements.

So when Kenzo took steps forward, Akatsuki reacted by shifting her stance in a way that would put her bulkhead shield between herself and him.

The motion was barely even completed before Kenzo closed the distance, the shield barely pushing the sword to the side. using the weight of the shield and the sword strike, Akatsuki did a full circle on herself and swung the sword at Kenzo, her complete amateur status with a sword visible in her style.

Just swinging the sword, she knew...

This was a fight she didn't win.

She was lying on her side, covered in cuts and bruises. Her clothes followed suit to the cuts in her skin, and the white of her uniform was covered in dirt and blood.

She was exhausted, hurting, and felt like crying and yet her hands still gripped the sword Kenzo gave her. Therefore, she didn't cry, because she never let go of why she was fighting.

Of course, nothing was fatal, but she was out for the count nonetheless. She could see kenzo if she shifted her head ever so slightly, but she avoided it. For a million and no reasons, she didn't want to look him in the face. She didn't have that right, after failing the way she did.

Instead she let out a sigh and closed her eyes. She was exhausted, and needed a nap.


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"Well that's convenient," Dante mused, "Come on, then."

It didn't take long for the demon hunter to find his bike. Not exactly the flashiest bike in the store by a long shot, but it definitely looked durable enough to handle a fair bit of punishment. This would do perfectly. With his bike selected, Dante made his way over to find Rider, partially curious as to what she'd pick out, though it helped that she was quite the sight for sore eyes.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Sakagami Kenzo

A red demon stood tall over the shattered body of a wounded child. It was over, they had fought spectacularly. In the end, he had won a hard earned battle...

No. It was wrong, all of it. It's as if he hadn't bared his fangs at all. Kenzo looked down on Akatsuki with a sad, calm look and sheathed his sword. These wounds, this blood, it was his fault. It was his fault if he was a good for nothing who could only destroy. It was his fault. It was his fault. It was his fault.

It hurt so much when it was his fault.

"It seems your sword of love couldn't reach me." He said solemnly, not sure if he was talking to Akatsuki. Then, the demon quietly knelt and picked up her body. She was heavier than she looked, but compared to the weight in his heart and the sins on his back, this was nothing.

He carried her like one would carry a bride and left the underground, following the path of stairs back to the springs.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 10:32:08 PM by francobull3 »

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

A red demon stood tall over the shattered body of a wounded child. It was over, they had fought spectacularly. In the end, he had won a hard earned battle...

No. It was wrong, all of it. It's as if he hadn't bared his fangs at all. Kenzo looked down on Akatsuki with a sad, calm look and sheathed his sword. These wounds, this blood, it was his fault. It was his fault if he was a good for nothing who could only destroy. It was his fault. It was his fault. It was his fault.

It hurt so much when it was his fault.

"It seems your sword of love couldn't reach me." He said solemnly, not sure if he was talking to Akatsuki. Then, the demon quietly knelt and picked up her body. She was heavier than she looked, but compared to the weight in his heart and the sins on his back, this was nothing.

He carried her like one would carry a bride and left the underground, following the path of stairs back to the springs.

She had started to fade when she felt a warmth around her, like a comfortable blanket. Except, she wasn't supposed to be in such a comfortable position.

She opened her eyes ever so slightly, and understood she was being carried up some stairs.

She sighed.

"Let me down, Kenzo," she said in a tone of voice so calm, it surprised herself.


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo didn't speak. Her voice hurt more than a thousand cuts, but he couldn't stop. Even if it was like piercing his heart with a blade of ice, he would not stop. He knew it was selfish, but if he stopped for even a second, he felt like he would die.

Kenzo simply ignored her plea and kept going.

Count Greyskull

Wow, Mrs.Kipa sure was nice to let me borrow all these books! The great count Greyskull thought to himself as he carried around a large bag filled with books. That’s because he didn’t have enough room in his pocket dimension of darkness to put in all the books.

Either way, he was grinning ear to ear and couldn’t look any happier. Golly, this city was huge! He was sure there would be more interesting things.

Suddenly, he stopped right in front of what seemed to be a girl sleeping in a bed in the middle of the street.

Now, the great count Greyskull was many things, like great, but he was also a gentleman. And how could a gentleman allow a girl to sleep in such harsh, outrageous conditions? Nay, he would help her find shelter and sleep in a cozy, comfortable bedroom fit for a guest.
For this city was his kingdom (although it didn’t know it yet), and because of that all of its inhabitants were his subjects. However, he could not risk waking her up, and simply having the bed levitate would be strange. Yes, if he was going to do it, he needed to do it in a way that would be flashiest and gather the most attention while making sure to not wake her up.

This would be perfect…

The earth below slightly trembled and eight skeletons emerged from the ground. Unable to tire or complain, they would follow his orders without a moment’s hesitation.

They raised the bed and marched forth, following their mighty king who simply carried on with a jolly pace while humming a cheerful tune.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 11:27:06 PM by francobull3 »

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo didn't speak. Her voice hurt more than a thousand cuts, but he couldn't stop. Even if it was like piercing his heart with a blade of ice, he would not stop. He knew it was selfish, but if he stopped for even a second, he felt like he would die.

Kenzo simply ignored her plea and kept going.

He wasn't listening.

Well, she would have to ask the fairies a favor, then.

She forced her eyes shut and contacted the fairies, the crew in charge of her systems and abilities. She made her demand known, and in an instant, her weight increased many times over.

She didn't say anything, just let the weight speak for her.


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Medaka Kurokami

"Very well"  Medaka said simply.  Her voice echoed a bit as she bounced up and down.

The moment Shinobu blinked, Medaka shot forward.  A powerful shockwave blasted a crater into the ground and shattered nearby windows.  The raw explosive energy from her movement left a large rut underneath her feet.  Her body became a bullet moving at supersonic speed, aiming directly for the vampire's abdomen.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 11:41:49 PM by yinsukin »