Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75507 times)


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Corbin held out his hand to Kuro and said, "Well, it's nice to meet you to, Kuro.  New here eh?  Well, place isn't all that bad.  There's some bloody amazing food and shit I've never seen before until I got here.  One thing, it's never dull."

He looked back at Mordred and said, "I'm a night-shift kind of guy.  Besides, that's when the nasty stuff comes out to play.  Vampires, werewolves, those sodding werepumas . . . Those things are the bloody worse.  Oh, yeah, and dragons.  Even though some of the dragons are kind of neat and friendly.  And then you have the stuff that would make Lovecraft either have a raging stiffy or piss himself if he saw it."

He wasn't going to censor himself around Kuro; besides teenagers these days had filthier mouths than he did.  Besides with this accent it's sort of par for the course that I sound like a gutter snipe.  Then again, I sort of am one so . . . There it is.

"Also, did that bloody Pikey ride off on a pink trike of all things?"


"You...You really have a mouth don't you? And yeah, that was a pink trike." Kuro shuddered as she thought about the hobo, everything about him was just...wrong. She looked at Corbin as she started thinking about what he said. Did he really have to list it all off, like he was going of a resumé "Hey, have you actually fought all of that?"


Werepumas? What the hell were those? She never ran into any such thing either in her or this world. And yeah, Kuro's question was legitimate, she was more interested in his actual experience then him bombarding them with trivia. It's as if he tried to impress a rookie. Please, she had 10 years of experience in her field. "Yeah, I'm more interested in your actual combat experience. If you don't feel like reading through my application, I can tell you briefly about the sort of supernaturals I've got into scrap with."


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Bartee the Crow

He did not understand the reasoning of their Murder Queen. But he was a loyal crow, respectful of the ancient pacts that were long forgotten. So he would follow her command.  Perhaps she would grant him a boon of a deer carcass. Or perhaps she would allow them to eat the eyes of her new compatriot. Either way, he had a job to do.

And so Bartee flew, keeping site on the bald on that his mistress had been following, making sure to keep his distance and to be a discreet as possible.

Well, as discreet as a crow could be.


Fiona watched as her crow continued to followed the bald man who had talked to the new arrival. She could not hear everything they said, only bits and pieces, but she did hear mention of a date, others, her and something about shoes?

Why would they be talking about shoes?

She blinked in confusion as just kinda... looked at the new arrival as the man walked away. She slowly turned to Oren, " They want to give me shoes?"


Nanshi’s eye followed her attack, only absentmindedly noticing the bottle that tried to arc over its path. The attack streaked down the road, however before it could strike the monstrosity the girl jumped out of the way.

The sphere of fire struck her dead on, and fire ripped free of the sphere. The explosions ripped through the air, and the girl was sent sailing. But the beast was mostly untouched. So Nanashi moved, using her flames to pushed her along the surface of the building.

Then it happened again. A vision, from a distorted fate, from a pushed from somewhere else, was smashing against her. And then the moment it faded she smelt it. The smell of gas, coming from the buildings she was running on. But with only that to worry about, she reached for her power, and the fire responded.

Her body blasted with a sudden burst of speed, the fires trailing her as the jumped forward along her path. And the moment she jumped, a massive explosion ripped out from the window she was next to. Red flames roared outward along with the shockwave, but Nanashi escaped it. Well, except for the slight burning she felt in her tail. But it was something she could tolerate.

Now if only this stupid bitch would stop that. At least this guy wasn’t actually doing anything to stop her, that was a blessing at least.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 04:01:19 AM by Knick »


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Ron stopped trembling in anger. He wasn't really angry anymore; rather, anger was a poor description of the positively inhuman urge that was overtaking him now. He felt calmer now, hearing his prey mouth off to him like this, than he'd ever been since he first became what he is now.


Yes. That felt right.

kill it now

It finally felt right.

The werewolf's sneering face relaxed into a toothy grin. "It's okay. I want you too."

Then he leaned forward into him, and punched in his prey's fragile little human face! The force of his blow was driven by uncoiling muscle like a sledgehammer, and probably ill conceived in its haste, but he didn't care.



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"Soviets?" Autumn incredulously asked, "That fell apart five hundred years before I was even built!

"Besides," she began upon seeing her squadron re-approaching them, "Longswords are Misriah Corporation. They are as much Martian as I am."


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The construct almost felt the action was becoming habitual as she raised a brow at the redhead' statement. Regardless, she calmly removed the the knight weapon from the stranger and hugged it to her chest. There was no other place it would be safer. "There is no audience or show but I am grateful for your compliance. It would have been unfortunate to have crushed you because you did not surrender the weapon."

Erica didn't return to her seat immediately but instead continued to observe for a moment longer. Partially to see how this new response would work with these civilians and to focus more on this newcomer's soul. There was something strange about it despite the apparent humanity that she needed to look into further.


"It's not like I volunteered to be carried in here," Emily whispered back, leaning in as she did so, "It doesn't matter too much to me."

The Changeling considered the possibilities for a moment, wondering if she'd be better off escaping by herself and arranging to meet him elsewhere if all else failed.

"I can't say I don't know how to get out of a sticky situation either," Emily said, "But let's do it your way. Can you can bring other people with you?"


Gabriel smiled at Emily and said, "As long as my companion keeps in contact with me, I can ensure both of our escapes.  I will warn you though, it may seem a bit odd at first.  Just whatever you do, do not let go of my hand."

He held out his hand to her to take.


"No weapons, huh? Whatcha doin' then? A tournament? Or it's some weirdass gaijin dojou where training dolls actually fight too? Nah, I'm not in the mood. I fought a guy who did nothing but spam one stupid move. I shouldn't really expect more from you then just being strong." Rikuyo casually dismissed the idea of ever getting into scrap with her if she was like Michael. She misheard those two talking about bringing more people, and misinterpreted it as them to try to bring more combatants.

"Oi, ya two, are ya planning some tournament after all? Count me in, I can practice a bit." If they brought really strong people, she probably wouldn't pass through preliminaries if she was unlucky, but she could kill her time beating up normies. "If ya want entry money, I'll just barter. Your doll took my boomstick, is it enough?"
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 12:01:16 PM by Kat »


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The red gates kept ejecting their waste down upon the river styx. And suddenly, everything stopped. What would’ve normally been excruciating pain gave in and was instead an overwhelming feeling of serenity, of peace. 

His stomach didn’t hurt one bit, no, it was as if he didn’t have a stomach anymore. He had been purified from the inside out, and now he laid above the blood red island of his own creation. His butthole puckered and goosebumps came forth, the irritating aching of his intestines now replaced once and for all by a soothing, fulfilling feeling. 

After wiing and flushing, it was with a light step that he came forth from the toilet, as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. And yet, he didn’t seem to be rejoicing. He was trembling, smiling weakly as if he was extremely flustered. He didn’t even bother saying a word or looking at anyone before sitting back down on his chair and pretending nothing happened.



Before Petra could say or do anything, the awkward silence got interrupted by Tonio already bringing the main course: a dish of spaghetti bolognese. "Now the main course, I hope it will be to your liking, signore." He said, still maintaining the smile that never disappeared from his face. Honestly, the whole situation was kind of creepy, but Garou's health improved as he ate his food. She had neither time right now to find evidence against Tonio nor Garou seemed to be worse off after those meals. But in hindsight, maybe they should have picked a pizza outfit.

"Oh, I almost forgot about your cappucino, signora." The chef apologized and left to make the coffee. What he was possibly up to? "Are you really sure you wanna to eat it? I can check if there's something wrong with it..." She asked Garou if he wanted her help in this matter.


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"You...You really have a mouth don't you? And yeah, that was a pink trike." Kuro shuddered as she thought about the hobo, everything about him was just...wrong. She looked at Corbin as she started thinking about what he said. Did he really have to list it all off, like he was going of a resumé "Hey, have you actually fought all of that?"


He kept laughing as he saw her embarrasment. "Did you...did you learn the secret final technique while you were there too?" He couldn't help himself as he clutchedhi stomach, almost falling over from all the laughing,


Oka was blushing at this point from Jin's teasing. "Why yes, I actually did! Wormy is unbeatable now! Thanks for asking!" After pouting for a bit, she stood up and turned to face Jin. "You know what, I'm going to go take a walk if you're going to tease me like this!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Garou’s palms were sweaty, knees weak arms were heavy. He stared down at the plate of spaghetti, Tonio’s spaghetti were ready. Garou hadn’t put two and two together, he had no idea that the food he just ate was the cause of that…incident. Because of that, he simply looked at Petra like she was some weird person.

“Nah, it’s fine. Why would I waste good chow like that?”

His culinary trident mercilessly pierced one of the meatballs, a spear of sure death hitting dead center into its tender flesh and bringing it to the beast’s mighty maw.  It was mercilessly devoured, consumed and annihilated before entering a void of perpetual darkness and gastric acid.

Immediately, something went wrong. His face contorted, twisted into a frown as he slammed the table and gripped at it, trembling as if he was in great pain. His white hair obscured his face, but it was clear he was gritting his teeth.

“Why…” He muttered in a trembling voice, as if he had just been shot.


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She got off of him and stood up, offering a hand to him as she answered. "Don't worry, I was the one who dragged you down Shirou."


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Garou’s palms were sweaty, knees weak arms were heavy. He stared down at the plate of spaghetti, Tonio’s spaghetti were ready. Garou hadn’t put two and two together, he had no idea that the food he just ate was the cause of that…incident. Because of that, he simply looked at Petra like she was some weird person.

“Nah, it’s fine. Why would I waste good chow like that?”

His culinary trident mercilessly pierced one of the meatballs, a spear of sure death hitting dead center into its tender flesh and bringing it to the beast’s mighty maw.  It was mercilessly devoured, consumed and annihilated before entering a void of perpetual darkness and gastric acid. 

Immediately, something went wrong. His face contorted, twisted into a frown as he slammed the table and gripped at it, trembling as if he was in great pain. His white hair obscured his face, but it was clear he was gritting his teeth. 

“Why…” He muttered in a trembling voice, as if he had just been shot.


Fuck, I told you I wanted to check what's wrong with the food!. Petra started to lose patience. Garou foolishly anything that the chef brought him, as if he was addicted to the food like some food
junkie. Heck, she wouldn't be surprised if the chief added something to the food in order to hook up Garou. The chef still had not returned with her cappucino. She had to act quickly. Petra didn't know what was in Garou's body, but she raised her hand, materializing a golden blade. Maybe he was enchanted or cursed by something instead of being fed narcotics.

"Hold still, if you are cursed by something, the blade will purge it. Nothing will happen to you if I strike you, regardless whether you are cursed or not." Indeed, the blade would just pass through him without harming him.


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Why? Why? He didn’t understand it, he couldn’t understand it. Why would Tony do such a thing? Why was this spaghetti so gooood?

Garou let out a desperate breath, his hand trembled. It was too late, too fucking late. Like an unstoppable freight train he just kept eating, practically inhaling the spaghetti without even taking a break to eat or drink. Tears welled in his eyes; his heart was filled with an indescribable feeling. His mind was saying yes, but his body was saying yes. He talked desperately mid bites, gasping for more food.

“I’m sorry. I just can’t stop! The hot meatballs contrast perfectly with the freshness of the tomato sauce, the spaghetti enhances it’s texture. It’s too delicious, you cannot understand! I just, I-“

His whole body began to sweat uncontrollably, various fluids spilling from his pores like jeysers of boiling water. His muscles bulged and contorted, bubbling as if something was trying to escape. And then, holes began to open up all over his body, slowly growing in numbers before expelling more sweat.

He cried out in horror, but he just couldn’t stop eating. His tongue, his eyes, his organs, every part of Garou was now holed up like oily swiss cheese.



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She got off of him and stood up, offering a hand to him as she answered. "Don't worry, I was the one who dragged you down Shirou."

Shirou Emiya

Shirou smiled and took her hand, pulling himself up. "Yeah, still. Laying on a woman like that isn't good." He bowed at Jeanne. "I'm sorry."
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 03:31:43 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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His glass froze on his lips at Lumen's words, the joy of the drink on his tongue suddenly stale. No matter what he tried, it seemed trouble found him, and no amount of drink would make his throat feel less parched. It was nagging, no, incredibly grating, but it was something that he may be forced to accept. No rest for the wicked, and no respite for those sworn by their lives. In the end, he'd be neglecting his position if he simply ignored this.

"Can't say I have," he answered the bouncer, placing his glass down. "What's their dig with it?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Why? Why? He didn’t understand it, he couldn’t understand it. Why would Tony do such a thing? Why was this spaghetti so gooood?

Garou let out a desperate breath, his hand trembled. It was too late, too fucking late. Like an unstoppable freight train he just kept eating, practically inhaling the spaghetti without even taking a break to eat or drink. Tears welled in his eyes; his heart was filled with an indescribable feeling. His mind was saying yes, but his body was saying yes. He talked desperately mid bites, gasping for more food.

“I’m sorry. I just can’t stop! The hot meatballs contrast perfectly with the freshness of the tomato sauce, the spaghetti enhances it’s texture. It’s too delicious, you cannot understand! I just, I-“

His whole body began to sweat uncontrollably, various fluids spilling from his pores like jeysers of boiling water. His muscles bulged and contorted, bubbling as if something was trying to escape. And then, holes began to open up all over his body, slowly growing in numbers before expelling more sweat. 

He cried out in horror, but he just couldn’t stop eating. His tongue, his eyes, his organs, every part of Garou was now holed up like oily swiss cheese. 



Oh my God, Petra thought. This looked very bad, it looked as if he got riddled by tiny bullets or something. Except the damage was done from from inside. She didn't hesitate anymore, she "stabbed" Garou, her blade phasing through his body. The moment it happened, a swarm of small things looking like a cross of a tomato and pearl onion escaped Garou's body. "Garou, can you see those things?!"


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Julius was moved. Completely moved. He shed tears, in acknowledgement of the mother's self sacrifice. That's how mothers should behave. Just like his own mother who died in carriage accident, sheltering his infant self with her own body, just like Father told him about that fateful night. And her inhuman looking child also cared about its parent, carrying it off to safety. How that fox witch dared to call declare it evil even if there was nothing more pure in this world than parents and children caring about each other!

He glared at the fox witch who just looked without any emotion at those two. Such callous disregard for life, she probably fancied herself a judge, jury and executioner who snuffed out lives of whoever she deemed evil. It wasn't justice at all! He himself was content with apprehending culprits and handing over them to the city guard for judgement. It was a shame that the ghost possessed woman forced his hand, he had not only to defend himself, but his fellow guests. As for this sorceror, his urge to just beat her up to incapacitate rose every time she continued acting sinfully. But he would probably just give her one more chance to cease and desist. Only one more chance.

Then, she was struck down by the wounded parent's counterattack. By now he figured out that this was kind of sorcery, but he disregarded that fact. After all, she acted in self defense, trying to fend off the criminal who pursued her with a murderous intent. The fox eared menace got staggered by the spell, and he used that occassion to position himself in the middle of what he figured as the most convenient path to reach those two who tried to escape.

Now, the window the fox witch was next to got ripped out by a massive explosion. He warned her that she could set those buildings on fire, but she did not listen. But he mustered his leftover  goodwill to warn her last time. And Julius made sure he would be heard.

"TURN YOURSELF OVER TO THE CITY GUARD OR YOU SHALL FACE ME, VILE CRIMINAL! CHOOSE YOUR NEXT WORDS WITH EXTREME CARE!" He shouted from the lampost he was standing on. He already readied up several knives, holding them in his other hand. Those thrice-blessed blades would be useful if she ignored his final warning.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 06:39:30 PM by Kat »