Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 74835 times)


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"Is that so?" The Changeling mused, taking another drink of her water before leaning forward a bit, "I look forward to finding out, then. I can't say you're wrong, though. At least regarding some of my talents. The relevant one, anyway."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Cherry Lover

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Rider gradually perked-up as she approached the bike stand. After all, as unfortunate as it was that Tony had turned out to be such an idiot, and that the Sakura-like girl had seemingly rejected her, she knew that, no matter what, she would be returning to a master who genuinely cared for her, and who she cared for more than anything. The bike she had purchased at such a high cost was proof of that.

Collecting the bike, Rider began to walk back at a leisurely pace, wheeling the bike alongside her, hoping to give the girl some time to recover and be ready to talk to her again. The girl seemed nice, after all, and very vulnerable. Rider didn't want to leave her alone in this strange city without anyone to help her. However, as the girl came into sight, Rider noticed two other people approach her, one of them floating. It was obvious they were not human, and Rider was very worried about what they might want. Speeding up without even taking the time to mount the bike, she rapidly approached the girl, noticing the floating blue-haired woman form a chair out of her scarf, presumably some kind of magical item.

Now, she was very worried, and she sped up her approach, their conversation difficult to pick up due to the high speed of her approach, the bike still being wheeled along beside her. Soon, she arrived at the grouping, hearing the man finish speaking as she did.

Is that...? Rider thought, the voice sounding somewhat familiar.

But, yet, despite the familiarity, she was still somewhat concerned. What were these people doing, and was Oka OK with them?

"Oka, are you feeling better now?" Rider asked, clearly concerned. "Are these people troubling you?"


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Garou XIII

Garou smiled haughtily, as if to look down on the two. It would almost be menacing if he wasn't trying so hard.

"Heh, like hell I'd get lost. Back in my homecountry I was feared as the Death Scent. (No one ever called him that.) I can smell a wurst in the middle of a buffet just by opening the front door."

Carrying on his search, he heard Rin's words and sighed. Unlike her, he had been in France, and fought in it.

Seriously, her trying to be all smart was almost admirable if she wasn't so anal about it. If you don't know what you're talking about don't say anything, dumbass. He shook his head, tipped his fedora and corrected the utterly incorrect japanese.

"Loup is the word for wolf. Garou is a close word for werewolf, thus Loup Garou. Werewolf wolf." He said nonchalantly, seemingly more intrested in finding a way. After a while, the three found themselves at a strangely familiar intersection again. Now, he was seriously weirded out. However, he shook his head.

What the hell? We should be there any moment now...

It was probably just a Deja Vu. After all, for a tourist like him all streets did look the same. There's no way he
could admit he had just gotten lost, especially not to them.


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"Huh, are you lost after all? There is no shame in admitting it, you know. This city is a mess, honestly it might take a while for anyone to find the place." Petra wasn't fooled by Garou's claims, she clearly saw him look confused by the layout of the district. She wondered if that magus noticed that too, or was more dense then she estimated.

"I still have the tourist map, you really don't want to give it a look?" If he swallowed his pride, then everything would go more smooth.


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"Those are all nice sports, there's just one problem, they're team sports....Hmm, there's dodgeball too." Kuro commented on the sports that the other two mentioned. It wasn't like they could even do most of them with only three people. She finally got outside again, the bright sunlight hit her, stinging her eyes for a moment before she adjusted. "We could do basket, that's a sport that works with few people."


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Huh, the weather was pretty nice for a winter. Especially the sun shone pretty bright today, which made up for the cold winter weather she generally disliked. Still, maybe it was a good idea to play sports in some indoor hall.

"What do you think about hitting some place where you can play sports indoors? We could find players there willing to join, maybe." Though it's more than likely they could outperform majority of mundane people in sports. People she knew were more likely too busy to join them, so she wouldn't bug Noel or try to find Alpha. It never crossed her mind that Emily would ever want to join something like that.


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"I guess," Forest replied, smiling herself.

Still she could see the confusion in Gadreel's eyes about something she really didn't understand herself.  Despite liking Saber for all of her follies, the girl couldn't explain something to save her life.  Unless it was her giant crush on the man known as Archer, then she was somewhat easier to understand and actually sounded like the young woman she attempted to be.

She frowned and replied, . . . I want to tell Saber; she's the person he's the closest too, but I'm not sure how she'd react.  Plus, sometimes sticking your nose where it's not wanted can make things even worse than they were before.  Not to mention I sort of feel like I'm violating his privacy if I do try to help him.  It's a bloody tightrope to walk.


Privacy was, indeed, an important concern in a matter such as this. Your consideration is admirable, but in a matter as potentially disastrous as this it may be imprudent.

The angel shook his head, sniffed at a nearby cologne, and then shook his head even more firmly than before. No, certainly not this repugnant excuse for an odor! He returned his thoughts to the matter at hand to escape the memory of it.

What he requires is some form of expert on the mystical underpinnings of the human psyche - that is to say, the magic of the mind. Someone who can quarantine or excise the malignancy without succumbing to it themselves. Is this a tall order in a place as... diverse, as this?

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Whilst Sakura's German was nowhere near good enough to fully understand what her alternate self was saying, she knew enough to pick up the odd word here and there and that, coupled with the context, was enough to tell her that the woman was trying to say that she did not understand her. Her tone was seriously grating, but Sakura did not say anything just yet, wanting to resolve the situation without further trouble. However, when the woman began to shout at Shirou, accusing him of rape, Sakura felt she had to respond, to defend her husband's reputation.

"Perhaps I do not understand you fully", she said, her anger obvious. "But, I do know that Shirou would never willingly cause harm to me, or any alternate version of me. And I know that he would never rape anyone. He made a genuine mistake, and he is truly sorry for it. Even if you cannot see that, I can, and I will not stand by and watch you insult and mistreat him like this."

Shirou, still prostrate on the floor, listened intently to the argument, confused and unsure what to do. He didn't want the two to fight, and he was genuinely sorry for the harm he had caused the alternate version of his beloved wife, but he also knew that his wife was right. He hadn't raped her, and he hadn't meant her any harm. And, whilst he would be willing to admit to anything if it would somehow soothe the alternate Sakura's pain, he could not undermine his beloved's heartfelt defence of him in such a cruel manner. Instead, he continued to apologise, just hoping that the two of them could work things out with each other.

"I'm sorry!" he said, clearly distraught. "I'm really, really sorry for causing you such distress! I'm sorry for forcing my tongue into your mouth! Please, I'm truly, truly sorry!"


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Rider gradually perked-up as she approached the bike stand. After all, as unfortunate as it was that Tony had turned out to be such an idiot, and that the Sakura-like girl had seemingly rejected her, she knew that, no matter what, she would be returning to a master who genuinely cared for her, and who she cared for more than anything. The bike she had purchased at such a high cost was proof of that.

Collecting the bike, Rider began to walk back at a leisurely pace, wheeling the bike alongside her, hoping to give the girl some time to recover and be ready to talk to her again. The girl seemed nice, after all, and very vulnerable. Rider didn't want to leave her alone in this strange city without anyone to help her. However, as the girl came into sight, Rider noticed two other people approach her, one of them floating. It was obvious they were not human, and Rider was very worried about what they might want. Speeding up without even taking the time to mount the bike, she rapidly approached the girl, noticing the floating blue-haired woman form a chair out of her scarf, presumably some kind of magical item.

Now, she was very worried, and she sped up her approach, their conversation difficult to pick up due to the high speed of her approach, the bike still being wheeled along beside her. Soon, she arrived at the grouping, hearing the man finish speaking as she did.

Is that...? Rider thought, the voice sounding somewhat familiar.

But, yet, despite the familiarity, she was still somewhat concerned. What were these people doing, and was Oka OK with them?

"Oka, are you feeling better now?" Rider asked, clearly concerned. "Are these people troubling you?"


Oka sighed with relief as Rider came back. Thank goodness... somebody normal! She ran and hid behind her from Theodore and Erica, peeking out from behind her. "Yes, they're being really annoying." She said with a frown. "I was about to leave."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Rin sighed as Garou went on a tirade about what Garou actually meant as they wandered around.  She raised her eyebrows as he looked increasingly more confused.  Making an excuse about leaving would be transparent as hell right now, but we're just literally walking around in circles.

Instead she sighed and slid her chilly hands into her coat pocket.


"We could go squash some yuppies in a game of racket ball," Corbin said with a grin.  "Part of the problem, despite the sunny day, it's still frigid out here."

The sun was already stinging his eyes; it was annoying, but he can deal with it.  In a few hours he would start feeling it's effects and he didn't want explain to Mordred and Kuro about his condition.


"Well, you said you were a physician, correct?" Gabriel asked as he sipped his own water while pulling the peel of the orange slice on his newest drink.

"Preserving life is much harder than ending it."


Forest grimaced at the scent of rubbing alcohol and chem-lab florals and artificial musk.  She sighed as Gadreel's sending and paused to look at an interesting array of eyeshadow.   Her eyes flickered towards his face and then back again.

I bet someone like that exists here, but finding them is easier said than done.  Worse part is that a lot of magic users wouldn't touch something like this because it's dangerous and puts themselves at risk.  Unless we have something that can grease their palm.  Money's not an issue, but most of them give two loose tosses about cash . . .


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The Changeling's expression darkened somewhat at that. Emily removed the oranage slice from her drink, taking another sip of water before sucking on the orange slice thoughtfully.

"In a sense, I suppose it is," Emily admitted, "Honestly, it's a simple enough task to keep the body in one piece. The hard part is dealing with whatever trauma occurs as a result of whatever threatened the person's life."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Sakura Matou

Sakura heard Jeanne's words and began, for the first time since her initial assessment, began to feel conflicted. It was as if a tiny crack had been created in a solid wall of reinforced concrete.

And cracks only get bigger with time.

She frowned. It wasn't a mean, nor a bitter frown, it was just a contemplative one, the sort of frown that one got while thinking about a difficult math problem.

I don't like this. She wanted to hate him, at this point. It felt better that way. It was all just simpler to understand that way, him=bad. It was a simple equation, but now...

Jeanne had thrown a wrench in the works. Sakura understood that Jesus told her things and talked to her, making sure she knew the right path.

And she'd told her what he'd told her. Probably. It had to be, otherwise she wouldn't have defended him. Sakura was sure of it.

May-maybe... She conceded. But even if he is sincere... She wasn't sure what to say to that, actually. She looked at Jeanne, her eyes wavering and showing her indecision to the world. She took a small step towards her, but then the other Sakura began to speak about how Shirou would never do such a thing.

"Heh." She chuckled. She just couldn't help herself. She certainly agreed with those words, although the intent behind then was seriously messed up. "Haha." She laughed again at the woman's funny words. "You're right. Shirou would never do anything like that. It's true. However, that—" She pointed down at Shirou derisively. "—that is not Shirou, at least in any meaningful sense of the word. He's a fool, inconsiderate, a coward, immature, rude, stupid, and weak. I'll bet he only thought of apologizing like this because you thought of telling him to."

Sakura was tired of talking to this equally stupid bint. It was draining her emotionally, which was no good. Turning to Illya, she began to finally address her. "So why did you bring the two stooges here, anyway?" She asked with a tired and nostalgic expression.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"It was... It was... It was alot of different stuff, it was a big store!" Shiro opened her arms up wide to enunciate the point. "This big!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Irisviel von Einzbern

Irisviel stop up to attention when the other Sakura finally addressed her. She didn't understand what Shirou had done to her at all, and had wanted to let them work it out between themselves, and she hoped that they would. "I brought them here because I thought it would be safe. Vanguard sent me. He told me to tell you he's sorry." Irisviel responded to her in German. This message was only for her ears, she was sure that's what he'd wanted.

When Sakura heard Vanguard, she nearly collapsed to the ground, grabbing Jeanne's shoulders to support herself. She wrapped her arms around her, trying to keep calm and steady. "What...?" She managed to squeak out.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The demon turned to face the newcomer and instantly wished he hadn't. That was a face he had hoped to never have to see again, but it seemed that things just refused to go his way lately. While he would have normally stopped to banter with her and be the utter annoying nuisance he could only be, something the girl said stopped him. Rather, it was how she ran behind her that struck him. Don't you have your own, you stupid bitch? Hoarding like that really isn't cool. 
Well, it's not like he had any room to complain. After all, it was true. He wasn't needed anymore, he had always known that but it still hurt. No, nevermind. It didn't. There was no way inhuman trash could feel something so human. He was neither hurt nor angry at what he didn't see as a betrayal, because despite the fact he hadn't been betrayed so many times, he never hoped he could change things. 
Because of that, there was no spite or irritation in his voice. Only the same dull monotone only someone who didn't lose everything and was unable to gain anything could muster. After all, we had already established that Theodore was not angry. Shed probably get along with her better anyway, therefore there was no way that he could feel anything but happiness at the fact that no matter what happened, there was someone adequate who would be there for her.
"I was just trying to help. Whelp, guess I really am a good for nothing after all. I'll just leave you to your pathetic whinings and try to bother another sucker." He said tiredly before yawning and stretchng tiredly.

He turned around and waved lazily. Even now, he ran away the same way he ran back then, with the same exact sluggish tiredness to it all.
"See yah!" He said cheerfully before taking his leave. Hopefully no one would try to stop him or anything. It would be honestly pretty annoying. It's not like anyone would have any reason to have him stick around anyway, it was pretty logical.
What a pain.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 06:05:42 PM by francobull3 »