Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 75685 times)


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Mobb Boss

Mobb cringed. "Ugh, no way. That sounds painful, and I do care about my fashionable skin..." "So about that coffee? Its not like it will stay hot forever. I can pay."

Simulantaneously, the shadows within the apartment welcomed yet another intruder. Two blank goggles emerged from a wretched corner or the room and gazed at its résidents coldly.


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Muramasa Katase

Benizakura was harder to destroy than Kenzo's corpse, but some piece of her beloved former wielder gave the demon sword the knowledge of where to strike it. She subtly guided the motion of Mitsuba's arm so that the tip of the Muramasa would slide cleanly into just that right spot to break the oni-blood weapon to pieces.

i will be his only monument

And then, rather than dissolve into ash, the metal of Benizakura became blood. That blood, a thick crimson sludge, began to flow up the edge of Katase's blade and stain the steel black. The spectral landscape beyond Mitsuba's perception howled silently as the anointed demon weapon's very presence began to cut through the fabric of it.

There is nothing Muramasa Katase cannot cut now.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 06:14:27 PM by Aiden »


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Whether or not he could tell if she was the "real" Rin, what could have made her say something like that? He wasn't really sure what kind of answer he'd give to that. He did know her during the Holy Grail War, but that was five years ago for her, and it wasn't her .

"Are you so sure I'd be able to tell. People change over time." He lectured her, trying extra hard to sound important. Maybe she idolized an image she had of him, that was probably it.

"Good job Sakura, still making sure she doesn't escape, what a good girl." He once more stroked her purple hair as he praised her.


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"The more you spend today on shopping the harder I will have to work to pay it off later, so please take that into consideration." Mordred sighed remembering that she was keeping racking up debts tonight at higher and higher rate. "I won't buy anything expensive for myself, at least. But if I go broke, I will have no other choice than to ask you for help. Okay, let's go find some small shop before the sun sets. Chances are that they won't be open if it's night."


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So it was him, that would certainly explain why she had felt unease around him. The ability to take another's soul was a rare one, to do so through the form of a contract was something usually attributed to demons. She would adress this issue later however, judging by the look she was being given, Medaka was in need of a treat, and a treat she would get. "Let us get more comfortable then." She said with a sly grin.

She slid her hands down the blue haired girl's back all the way to her butt and grabbed hold of it, was there no end to how voluptous this girl was? The blond vampire gave it a squeeze as she lifted her cute minion over to the bed, sitting down on it while placing Medaka on her own lap.

Teasing this girl was proving to be quite fun.

Her hand went futher down as she traced a finger over Medaka's panties feeling the girl's against her fingers. After a single stroke she removed her fingers and leaned foward, whispering to her. "Have you ever been attracted to a man?" She sounded differently from before, it wasn't teasing anymore.

It would be interesting to see how she reacts to being thrown of balance.


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Auspicious Breeze

"Just let me know if something is too expensive then, Mordred," she said, nodding to her new friend with a smaller smile than before. She didn't want to make any trouble for her after all. Not when she was being so nice and helping her. Well, even if she wasn't being so nice and helping her, but especially with that. "Lead the way!"



He shook his head again, one more time, to make sure that it was clear of whatever nonsense that devil thing put in his head. He'd go after it, but Liam didn't want to give his cover away to Petra just yet. Not when things were so promising.

"Perhaps some water, a place to sit, for the dizzy couple?" Liam suggested to Petra quietly, nodding to the newcomers. "Just until they sober up a touch while we clean the place up."

It was the least he could do to help the little lady.



Oh shit. Bees. BEES!

Even through the haze of Ron's assault he could tell exactly what fresh hell the bear had just brought down on them. He would have to finish this quickly, or else they would probably sting all of them to death. So the werewolf dug his thick claws into the bear's hind leg from above, and started to crawl so that he was underneath the great spirit.

After that he dug his teeth deep into the beast's underside, and began to grow bigger still. He grew until he stood on two legs, bigger than any mortal bear himself, and the blood haze of killing frenzy began to intrude on the corners of Ron's vision. A deep, primordial growl escaped his chest as he bit into the spirit and began to tear it apart with his claws, safe from the bulk of the swarming bees beneath it.


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I fulfilled the first part of our bargain. Don't worry, I won't be pushy about the reward. The Unchained assured the demonic weapon. As much as she felt that she should sooner or later claim what Muramasa owed to her, no way she would do anything suspicious while the girl was here. And today wasn't a good moment to assassinate Misaka. She'd have to build up some trust first, and that wasn't done overnight.

When we're alone today, I'd prefer if you materialized. I prefer a face to face talk whenever possible. That was Mitsuba's request. When Misaka was gone today, she talk with her shell about their plans in more detail.

She carefully gathered ashes in an urn, but Muramasa changing its color was a problem. Can you disguise your newly changed appearance? The girl might notice something suspicious and our plans could get compromised if she suspects me of doing anything shady.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 12:09:54 PM by Kat »


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka eagerly waited for Shinobu to offer her blood somehow.  However, all she replied with was a "Lets get comfortable" with a mischievous grin.  Before she had time to question her, Shinobu slid her fingers down her back.  Her back arched in reaction as she felt the vampire slide it downward.  Once it reached its true destination, Medaka found herself becoming a little red.  Her mind was in shambles as she was thrown off by the vampire's bold assult.  She should be used to this by now but this was a quick jump that threw her off guard.

As the blond squeezed her butt, Medaka let out an audible inhale  as her body tensed a little at her touch.   Her face on the other hand was growing more pink as her blushing intensified.  She felt her self moistening a bit as she caught herself staring at the body of the girl before her.  Then, the vampire traced her finger close to her slit and stroked once, sending a pleasurable shock throughout her body. I am getting far too used to this far too quickly. She thought to herself as she realized just how much she realized she was getting off to this.  The lines between this and actual sex were still blurred to her and becoming far more so with each interaction.

Then, Shinobu stopped playing with her and leaned in.  "Have you ever been attracted to a man?"  Both Zenchichi and Lorenzo flashed into her mind instantly.  Somehow, her face became even more red than before, practically shining with the amount of blood rushing to her head.

"O-Of course."  She responding, almost flubbing her words.  She took a quick breath, regained her composure and looked Shinobu in her pretty golden eyes.  "You have lived even longer than I.  Haven't you?"  She said, her face still red but her words deifying her body with its calmness.


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As the bullets tore through the spirit bear, the Hunter didn't let up in the slightest, continuing to blast away at the damned bear when something registered to her ears. Over the continuous gunfire, Annabeth could've sworn she was hearing bees. Then she actually saw them, a large mass of those little stinging fuckers. The Hunter's barrage quickly died off as she realized that this bear had truly unleashed hell upon them.

As if in agreement with this observation, the Hunter caught sight of Ron shifting into that berserker form once more, moving to take cover under the being that had unleashed them. In this moment, the Hunter realized that her choice of vantage point had backfired, as cover from the bees was rather scant here.

...This is going to suck.

Though it was tempting to simply take cover, the Hunter was doubtful that it would work out in an area where the only real cover amounted to some trees and some rocks.

...Wait a minute.

Grinning as an idea hatched in her mind, the Hunter glanced around before hauling up the biggest rock she could find on short notice. Taking a moment judge the distance, the Hunter heaved the rock up into the air and focused some of her aura into her hand. Cocking back, the Hunter's gyo-enhanced fist smashed into the rock as it came down, hard enough to reduce the rock to a cloud of shrapnel. At that exact moment of impact, some of the Hunter's Nen left her fist, enveloping each piece of shattering rock instead as it rocketed towards the bees.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 03:56:44 AM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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At this point the old bear was finished. The werewolf brutally tore its underbelly apart with his teeth and consumed its Essence. Resigned to his fate and now counting on other spirits taking revenge, the bear stopped thinking and resisting the onslaught. A brutal end for something that hailed from such distant past.

Maybe Annabeth's tactic would work flawlessly if the swarm wasn't in process of gathering itself together. In result, the vanguished bee spirits could be still replaced by reinforcements. As the swarm was about to gather itself, the temperature started rising. The pit became as hot as in summer in midst of Sahara.

Rikuyo didn't pay much attention the old bear, but she recognized the real threat when she saw it. Damn, so many honeybee spirits. This is bad... After all, they were trying to raise temperature to hinder their opponents while they could still operate effectively at such temperature.

"Hey, should I lend ya a hand? Your attack didn't work out. Damn, I wanted to test yer strength but this got outta control by now."


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This was the occassion when she regretted she didn't have a smartphone instead of her sturdy regular mobile phone. But if she had a one it would break down sooner or later from all the fighting she was inevitably involved. So there was no choice for her other than go buy a map. She couldn't just wander blindly through the city and waste her and their time.

Thus, she went to nearby store to get a map quickly, so she could consult it. Tracing her finger across the surface of the map she looked for the place where the nearest small clothing store could be found.

"I think I found a one, it's few hundred metres that way." She pointed her fingers in the right direction as to show the others where it was. Honestly, she didn't care whether they knew metric system or not. They could also not know Imperial system, so there was no difference. They should just follow her.

Mordred took the initiative and walked in front of the two, marching towards the direction where the shop was. It seemed like a halfway between a large store offering mass produced goods and a place where everything was handmade. The changeling expected that she could readily buy some stuff that she wanted, but probably would have to wait some time if she had to commission anything.

"Hmmm, before we enter the place, I'll tell you that maybe we shouldn't expect our stuff be ready quickly if we commission something custom. Maybe you should shop for something ready made and then order something you will get when it's ready?" She proposed to her companions as a reasonable way to approach this conundrum.


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"We will never arrive if you just keep asking, can't you keep your stomach in check, what a great pokémon master we have here." He teased her as he poked while poking her stomach with enough force to push her back.

He then turned around and looked at the place next to them, it was indeed the restaurant they had been walking towards, a nice small Italian restaurant. "If you paid more attention to your surroundings instead of complaining you would have seen that we had arrived." He took her hand in his. "Now, point in sulking. Follow me in so we can eat."


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Auspicious Breeze

"Eh? You mean you can just buy clothes that someone already made a lot of? They make that many?" Breeze asked, blinking in amazement. Back home everything had to be handmade by someone, so that would take a lot of time! They must have a lot of people who do it. "Well, I guess we can just see what they already have first then..."

She smiled.

"Could you pick something out for me, Mordred? Oren?"



Feeding Forest was quite a distracting experience. The best comparison the fallen angel could make with regard to the feelings it provoked was: she was somehow skipping the actual intercourse and getting directly to the end result. Gadreel understood now precisely what it was the vampire meant by requiring a change of boxers after they did this.

So his pulse did begin to race, but not weaken. Weakness was not something an angelic body would suffer from mere blood loss. He even applied an iron will to avoid letting out any unbecoming groaning sounds that might draw attention to their current activity.

He did have to eventually tap Forest on the shoulder to indicate that she should stop, even if his body showed no signs of requiring her to.


Muramasa Katase

Slowly the color began to clear up from the Muramasa's steel until it was just simple polished metal again. It was as if the blood of Kenzo's demonic weapon had been drawn inside by a siphon, and all that was left was the facade of lethal normality.

We will meet later.

That was the final pulse of intent that Mitsuba received from Muramasa Katase for the moment. The sword turned her attention inward so that she might savor and mourn her precious husband.



And then the werewolf tore its way through the great bear, basking in its essence as he devoured its innards. Safely ensconced in the body where the bees could not reach him Ron feasted, and took in the great slow wrath of the dying bear god as his own. He felt his claws and fangs sharpen, his muscles tighten further as his killing form's fury grew more focused, and the smell of gore and honey overwhelmed his senses like he was in paradise.

It was only with a great effort of will that Ron was able to force himself to shift back down into a smaller and less frenzied form before his self-control snapped like a twig. He stood on two legs in the dissolving body of the bear.


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"We will never arrive if you just keep asking, can't you keep your stomach in check, what a great pokémon master we have here." He teased her as he poked while poking her stomach with enough force to push her back.

He then turned around and looked at the place next to them, it was indeed the restaurant they had been walking towards, a nice small Italian restaurant. "If you paid more attention to your surroundings instead of complaining you would have seen that we had arrived." He took her hand in his. "Now, point in sulking. Follow me in so we can eat."

Oka Kurosawa

"Ow ow ow, what the hell?" She began to complain to Jin as he poked her stomach with enough force to push her off balance. That wasn't nice! But before she could complain in ernest, he declared that they had finally arrived, instantly distracting her and completely transforming her misery into joy.

"Come on!" She exclaimed, grabbing onto his hand immediately and dragging him towards the door. She was aware he was trying to tease her but she was too famished to care. She simply ran up to the door, yanked it open barely without stopping, and ran inside.

"A table for two, please!" She exclaimed to a startled waiter who clearly hadn't been expecting such a ruckus. He quickly grabbed two menus and began hurrying towards their table, urging them to follow him. "Come on Jin, let'sa go!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Jeanne nodded at Petra's explanation. It seemed reasonable given what appeared to have happened here. The naked woman had most likely broken in and with the suspicious servants she had, the action was justified. "So you took justice in your own hands by throwing the heathens out of the temple, that's fair I suppose." She made a subtle reference to one of the actions of the messiah in a teasing tone, to see how Petra would react.

Shirou who  was probably still drunk complained about how it had been her that had made them drink it. "Need I remind you that you're the one who decided to buy everything. I said so, you couldn't handle as much as me, I doubt you'd even be able to beat her." Jeanne motioned towards the brown haired saint as she said so.

While it looked like the unknown man was shaken by the odd statement made by that demonic entity, she didn't know him enough to know how he'd take comfort or even if it would be appropriate, so she decided to introduce herself instead. "Sorry for barging in here in such a manner, I felt a name is Jeanne if you were wondering."


He shook his head again, one more time, to make sure that it was clear of whatever nonsense that devil thing put in his head. He'd go after it, but Liam didn't want to give his cover away to Petra just yet. Not when things were so promising.

"Perhaps some water, a place to sit, for the dizzy couple?" Liam suggested to Petra quietly, nodding to the newcomers. "Just until they sober up a touch while we clean the place up."

It was the least he could do to help the little lady.


Liam did not take the presence of those critters well as he was being hyperventilating. No surprise though. Even if weak demons, they were demons after all. They must have felt wrong and off to anyone mundane.

Judging from what the red haired magus said, he was pretty drunk. Honestly, what he was thinking if he really got into some sort of drinking contest with a Servant? There's no way someone like him would stood a chance.

"No, religion didn't have anything to do with it. Anyone in my position would get angered by a drunk burglar like her. So you know, better watch out for your drunken friend, I won't be happy if he stumbles somewhere and breaks something." Petra sounded a bit threathening, but you couldn't really tell if she was joking, or was serious. "And oh, I'm Petra. Apology accepted. Just make sure it won't happen again, okay?"

Shirou Emiya

"Of course I couldn't beat her." Shirou tried to say quietly, but found himself unable to gauge his volume, and quickly gave up on the effort. He really wished he had a psychic link to Jeanne right now. Maybe Sakura could make something.

As Shirou thought about Sakura, an extremely stupid and happy expression took over his face, only to go away once he returned his attention to the matter at hand. "She—" he made a large drunken gesture in Petra's general direction. "—has some ridiculous magical stuff going on and is probably a servant or something. She smells off—"

At this point, Shirou got distracted from his rambling as he looked down at Jeanne's breasts. They were large and inviting. He felt like they were begging him to grope them and fondle them incessantly, and his hand twitched at the prospect.

Quickly though, he remembered the matter at hand once again and looked up at Petra, realizing he should introduce himself the same way she had. "Nice to meetcha." He slurred out, obviously extremely painfully drunk. "Iam Shirou Emiya. Please don't make your first impression on my behavior right now, I normally don't get this wasted." With that out of his way, he fell silent, his eyes creeping down to (not) subtly ogle Jeanne some more.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end