Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42194 times)


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What she was made of, out of lead? Normal human body really shouldn't be that dense. It was good anyway that she was resigned about becoming the strongest Enforcer or any such idealistic bullcrap. She was content with her own pace during those 5 months. Some effects of her training were visible to the naked eye as she finally had  noticeable muscle tone from all that general training. Boosting her own strength to supernatural levels was now less straining.

"Uh, well, in terms of pure strength, she is roughly equal to me, but her skill and potential means she is full of surprises. If I actually cared about fighting for the sake of fighting I would have been jealous."
Auspicious Breeze

Five Months Later

A lot of things happened! There was probably too much to talk about it all, but some of the important stuff needed to be said. Most of that time got spent learning how to fight even better than Auspicious Breeze already could. It took a lot of time, and there were a lot of sneak attacks and timed courses the former gladiator had to get through. She only had a little time to spend with her new friends, but she didn't let those cute girls down there! She made the time even if she had to punch her way to it, which she usually did. Michael was kinda strict about schedules, but punches grazing the face were apparently progress so that got her some time. Spending time with Mordred and Oren was fun.

She got faster that way. It was like her body could keep up with her sense of danger now, and she could keep up her speed for more than just a moment. It was really cool, but it left even Breeze kinda sweaty for a few moments before her collar cleaned her body up. Michael got his best hits in when she got distracted by her mistress' gift doing its job! Well, that and when he attacked her while she ate; that was almost mean but Breeze had experience fighting to keep people away from her food.

Sometimes she helped out with the monsters she knew Mordred was trying to go after. That part was pretty sad; they looked a lot like people. But as her mistress had always told her, sometimes monsters would pretend to be cute girls so you wouldn't want to hit them. They weren't really cute girls, though, so there wasn't any reason to let herself feel guilty about it. Thinking about her mistress just made Breeze upset though, so she got a little more angry than she meant to while they were fighting things like that. She paid for the broken window at least!

Now Auspicious Breeze was just running late for a meet up with Mordred, and the Exalt swallowed the bad things she wanted to say about the crowded streets of this crazy city. Making her late for a meeting with one of her girlfriends, could you believe it?! Ah well, there she was by some neat looking swings that Breeze couldn't help but run up and hop onto, planting her shorts-covered butt there to get comfy. The muscles in her arms flexed as she grabbed the chains.

"Hello! Talking about me behind my back~?" She settled down on one of the swings and smiled for her girlfriend. And the new girl with the pretty purple hair. "Oh, hi to you too! My name is Auspicious Breeze. You can just call me Breeze."


Sakura waved at the newcomer. "Hullloooo." She said to her. She could tell she was pretty strong. She didn't need to look her over to tell that. Her muscles were visibly well maintained, to the point she made Sakura jealous. Sakura wiggled a bit in excitement, I finally might have a challenge! She thought to herself happily.

As it turned out, her excitement was just a bit too much for the bench. Just a little bit. Just a teensy weensy bit too much. As soon as she heard the telltale snap of wood, she jumped up. "Fuuck." She said as she looked at it. One of the sturdy oak planks had splintered under her weight. She looked really dismayed, as if she might even begin to cry over it.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The Hunter kept her gaze on the man as he nodded. There was no sense of hostility coming off him, even as his foot burst through the table, heading straight for her face. Her Ren had already been up for about a minute now, but Annabeth didn't bother focusing her aura to block the kick that wouldn't land. Nonetheless, the foot directly in front of her face was somewhat distracting, prompting a slight frown from the Hunter.

"Are we done yet?" the cowgirl asked after waiting a few moments, ignoring the strange looks from the other customers in the cafe.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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There went the bench. The moment the changeling heard the bench snapping under Sakura's weight, she stood up quickly.

"At least the park didn't explode like the last time I was here..." Mordred commented. The grass barely grew back, the signs of the scorched crater got removed and all trees nearby were barely planted and quite short.

"Hey, Breeze, thanks for coming. I've got finally a day off, so don't worry about coming too late." Breeze indeed was a bit late, but that didn't matter as it was still quite early, before the noon. "I guess if the people from neighborhood come bother us about the bench I will just pay for that, Sakura."


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Ah, who was Ron kidding? He wasn't gonna stop just for that little whisper, not at this point. There were three beautiful women stripping around him and touching him, and he could smell them all like some heady melange that was overwhelming his senses. Resisting wasn't on his mind anymore. The werewolf's fingers pinched at Shinobu's uncovered chest, and a faint growl escaped from his throat. "Yes..."

One of his hands grabbed blindly at Rikuyo though, and his mouth took its place at the elder vampire's chest.


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The scene that unfolded could've been recorded for centuries, carved in stone and painted for generations to behold. In response to this mighty affront, even the ground elow them had cracked as the tableware scattered around like flying debris. And yet she did not move, not even a muscle. Her eyes were cool, relaxed, but they had indeed followed the blow. So why did she not react?

The dust had finally cleared, Vanguard glanced back to the terrified owner with his cold blue eyes. Didn't he pay him enough already to stay quiet? There was no need to glare at him like that.

"What's wrong, are you jealous? You want to hit her too?" He asked back nonchalantly, to which the owner simply ran away, terrified. Vanguard sighed, how truly disappointing.

Was it out of brazen defiance that she had not responded to his blow? Or perhaps out of ignorance? Did she simply not care if he hit her here and there? Did she look down on him and believed that the devastating blow that could easily bend steel would not even graze her? No. It was nothing so benign, even he could tell. It couldn't be, he would've never believed it himself.

And yet, did she really? She couldn't have...

Vanguard laid down his leg and smiled kindly before laughing with warm mirth. And yet, the candor had lost its inviting charm, it was nothing but artificial. Like an ice cold fabrication, a laughter of frozen thorns ready to sink into flesh and destroy one's soul. This was no gentle warmth, but it was the furthest away from cold malice as well. If one had to define his tone, it would be one of bitter respect.

"Impressive, you did not move. A normal person would have reacted subconsciously, but you've suppressed the shackles of your reflexive instincts and gone beyond. It takes an immense amount of control to achieve such a feat. I think I'm starting to fall for you."

Before she could even react, his arm had already wrapped around her waist like a tree's roots, and his sapphire eyes met her green eyes with unyielding hunger. His hand stroked her cheek and caressed her hair, and when he softly spoke, his breath smelled of mountains. This close, one could almost compare the two to lovers.

And yet they were anything but.

"To control your body, rather than being controlled by it, one needs restraint. But such control does not arise from nothing. Before determination, before skill, before power, there is trust. To trust in your abilities, to trust in your teachings, to trust in your convictions. It isn't one's power or will, but the ability to trust another that determines one's trustworthiness."

Their chests touched so close, so intimately that they could melt and become one. Compared to her luscious, sweat ridden skin, his magnificent ebony cover was nothing but a filthy wrapping, an imitation unfitting to be called even human. The aura he was releasing was unlike anything any creature could ever release, but as wild and mighty as it was it lacked the control and restraint born from that girl's trust.

Even if  her soul far dwarfed the soul of an immortal warrior, as the two stood they were equals. His heartbeat was slow, steady, and mighty. It was his grip, his eyes, his words and his very expression that spoke of an unyielding, dark determination.

Because he was strong.

Like a carving of a mountain, no matter how she struck him or struggled, her destiny had already been sealed the moment he had laid eyes upon her. He had no intention to touch her or harm her, not in the physical sense at least. But while holding her, it almost seemed like the two would become one.

And then, almost too quickly, he released her.

"Anyways, I will respect this trust. And because of your ability to trust, I will place my own trust in you." He bowed apologetically, the coldness and warmth all gone form his aura and replaced with cruel indifference.

He reached for his pocket and handed her a thick envelope, filled with a considerable amount of money.

"Take this, please accept it as an apology for my arrogant attack. You may consider it... a first taste of the full payment for your job. That is, if you were to accept it."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 05:37:15 PM by francobull3 »


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She did it on purpose, ripping her top off, the blonde vampire was quite sure of it. Then, the werewolf pinched her chest before latcing onto it while sucking at her nipples that had grown hard. A hand went to Ron's head pushing his face further into her soft boobs.

She flashed the younger vampire a mischevious smile as she grabbed the girl's hand, pulling it down to his boxers as she made her squeeze it through the fabric. "Finish what you started Medaka."


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"Yeah, next Friday, here under this block of flats. As about the job, take your time, I have enough money left to manage for one week at least plus I can do some odd jobs." She bid farewell to her Liam and that's how the night for her ended.

Within next week, she did some part time jobs that didn't require and thought over her prospects of life. She could live normally without getting into any trouble, but what was a purpose of that? She was a copy normally destined to return to the Throne of Heroes, and she was not okay with that. She did want to go to Heaven as she should, and she wondered if the strange nature of Nexus meant that there was some loophole that she could exploit. She guessed that she could live at least to 70s before she was in danger of dying from natural causes, enough time to formulate a plan. If she was 100 % sure that she couldn't achieve that within a mortal lifespan, maybe she would need to look for means to prolong her life, but that was still a far perspective. She had a body of a healthy 19 year old in her prime, after all.

I guess she could rope Jeanne into her plan. While she could prolong her lifespan more handily by changing Masters, she probably shared similar desire as hers. People should spend their lives trying to attain 'Heaven'. That's what separated people from animals. Mere beasts were content with their lot in life, but people with free will instinctually wanted improve their condition and earn salvation or another higher state of being, whether they were successful or not in the end or not. There must have been a way to not only grant salvation to herself but hasten it for others. The key perhaps lied in cryptic passages of many prophecies disclosed to the world already.

But she had still plenty time to think about that. No point in trying to carry out any plan while she was virtually unemployed and running out of money. It was afternoon of Friday and several hours since the meeting with the person whom she wanted to impress. She was sincere about dating part. A proper relationship wasn't something sinful and some moral support she could derive from it could help greatly.

Naturally, it was cold outside, so she dressed warmly, in a modest way, partly because of her lack of funds, but hopefully stylish way. She wore brown boots, black tights, blue skirt and sweater. She was waiting for Liam at the place of the meeting, being 30 minutes ahead of the time when they were supposed to meet each other. It was some time after the sun set, and Liam was supposed to finish his work soon enough.


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"Huh, he finally caved in!" Rikuyo noted with enthusiasm as Ron blindly grabbed her upper leg. "Are we gonna take turns? Oi, Shinobu, let's settle who goes after Medaka with rock, paper and scissors!"

That was the only alternative to fighting that her mind could come up with.


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Auspicious Breeze

The brawler grinned at the new girl and waved back. At least, that's what she did before the bench broke for some reason. The little 'snap!' sound made Breeze snap to attention, and hop off the swing to land right next to this 'Sakura' girl and Mordred. Then she started fussing over the girl with purple hair.  "You weren't hurt any, were you?" she asked with a little worried frown.

Of course the girl was heavier than she looked, you could tell that by the way the ground was sinking beneath her feet just a little. But that didn't explain anything! "Don't worry about it. Everything'll work out fine, okay?"


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Of course I'd come across the odd one who can resist mind control, the blond thought to herself with a wince as she heard the "silent" alarm go off. 

Which meant the cops were going to be here soon, making this more of a cluster mess.

The rent-a-cop started to fire at them and Gadreel put himself between her and the bullets.  Getting shot hurt of course, but Forest was well acquainted with pain and she'd heal.  If she wasn't hit in the head, then it was just annoying and a lost of a decent set of clothing.

Speaking of clothing . . . Forest thought with a wince as Gadreel made his Superman display.

He said, "Gentlemen! I believe we have gotten off on the wrong foot."

That suggestion was mistaken on my part, it seems. Let us attempt honesty and hope that they do not hold this one as a mark against us.

Honesty is always better in the long run anyway, Forest said as she laid the axe on the counter and held her hands out and up.  She said, "I'm a private contractor with the Nexus PD, and we have reason to believe there's something very dangerous hiding here.  Call the main office and ask for Sgt. Riggs. Tell him Forest asked you to call. He can vouch for me."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 04:18:32 AM by Elf »


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"Of course" She responded simply.

Medaka crawled over to the warewolfs crotch where Shinobu was holding the prize in her hands.  It was wrapped up in a smooth fabric known as boxers.  She looked curiously at the thing throbbing through the underwear.  She reached out and gently gripped it with her hands, feeling it through the fabric.  The moment her hand came in contact with his dick, her body relaxed all at once as she let out an exhale.  It was thick, and felt surprisingly big.  Touching it was pretty addictive, as she found herself hypnotically stroking it.  She tried using a gentle touch at first to avoid hurting him.  This was her first time touching a man like this after all.

"How does it feel Ron?"  She said in a soothing voice. 


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As she picked up her speed the swarm followed her, going faster as well. So it's movement based. as it's speed picked up it did compress, into what looked almost like a singular being. 

It wasn't like she could keep running around forever, but an answer did present itself. Julius who who was unable to keep up with her increased pace threw some flask similar to those he'd used earlier. Of course, with the swarm clustered as it was it would be completely submerged in it. Understanding what she had to do, Kuro fired a few projectiles with her expert marksmanship, hitting the bottles when they were exacly above the swarm.


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Auspicious Breeze

The brawler grinned at the new girl and waved back. At least, that's what she did before the bench broke for some reason. The little 'snap!' sound made Breeze snap to attention, and hop off the swing to land right next to this 'Sakura' girl and Mordred. Then she started fussing over the girl with purple hair.  "You weren't hurt any, were you?" she asked with a little worried frown.

Of course the girl was heavier than she looked, you could tell that by the way the ground was sinking beneath her feet just a little. But that didn't explain anything! "Don't worry about it. Everything'll work out fine, okay?"


There went the bench. The moment the changeling heard the bench snapping under Sakura's weight, she stood up quickly.

"At least the park didn't explode like the last time I was here..." Mordred commented. The grass barely grew back, the signs of the scorched crater got removed and all trees nearby were barely planted and quite short.

"Hey, Breeze, thanks for coming. I've got finally a day off, so don't worry about coming too late." Breeze indeed was a bit late, but that didn't matter as it was still quite early, before the noon. "I guess if the people from neighborhood come bother us about the bench I will just pay for that, Sakura."


"No, no, the price isn't the issue at all." She said, waving her hands and trying to draw attention away from herself. "I can pay for it, easy." Sakura shook her duffle-bag of cash. "It's easy to make money." She said with a now beaming smile, as if nothing had ever happened. "Am I bothering you two? Should I leave?" She asked cautiously, unsure about her position here.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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It took a few seconds, the Hunter not paying any mind to the shop-keeper the ebony man before her proceeded to scare off. At last, the leg was brought down, the man laughing with warmth that might have sent a chill down Annabeth's spine were she a lesser person. As it was, it was still discomfiting, though the gunslinger's eyes betrayed nothing of this.

In the next moment, he was right in front of her, far too close for any measure of propriety, an arm around her waist and a leg between hers. Revulsion surged up in the Hunter as his free hand stroked her face and fingers ran through, even if it didn't feel all too bad on a physical level, fury lighting up her eyes. The aura pouring out from him, strong and wild as if to contrast her own restraint, though that restraint was starting to wear away.

Weighing her desire to lash out at the man against her desire for a break from fighting and curiosity about the job he'd mentioned, the Hunter decided to give him to the count of five to let go. Even through all this, she could feel the man's will pressing down on her, that unyielding determination that she could feel as clearly as if it were her own. This close, he would've been hard pressed to hide it even if he tried. Though every second felt like an eternity, she'd just crossed the count of four when he let go, backing away enough to offer a bow and an empty apology. The Hunter spared only the slightest of glances for the offered envelope, pondering the decision in her head for all of a few moments before reaching out and taking it, keeping her gaze fixed on the man the whole time.

"Wouldn't be right to accept an advance without taking the job, so I'll bite," Annabeth said, letting her hostility seep into her aura, "But if we're going to be working together, it's only fair to warn you. Touch me like that again and I'll kill you."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 06:52:34 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The vincible swarm, Legion

The swarm's speed and power augmented further and further, following the girl with overwhelming pursuit. Even when she reached her peak, the insects grew only more relentless in response. Earth burned and crumbled below the beastly army's strikes, toppled by the invincible demon.

Just as the girl maneuvered one last time, bow in one hand readied to fire, a claw of burning insects lunged with unseen swiftness to gouge her throat. There would be no escape this time, even if she could teleport the swarm was now completely and utterly focused on her. Even if weakened and crumbling every passing moment, her arrow would achieve nothing. No weapon forged by man or god could kill Legion, for they were many.

But that arrow was not directed at the swarm, no. It wasn't the flask, an arrow, a hero, a god or even a devil that defeated the unbeatable swarm. It was just a little girl, a weak girl with no power but a crafty mind full of wits and a large heart.

The beast let out a final, agonized shriek as a curtain of holy water enveloped it, burning the demonic insects like the sun. There was no escape from justice, even beasts as sturdy as them could not survive the unsurvivable twice. And so, they howled in unison before exploding in a terrifying chain reaction, just like fireworks.

To think some kid would destroy my defensive legion, which I thought to be invincible...

« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 06:48:37 PM by francobull3 »