Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42221 times)


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He shuddered at Medaka's touch, but the vampire's master muffled his first response with her boobs. Well, that was more his fault than anything, but it still happened. Ron had to pull back a bit to be heard, swallowing and nodding before saying "Great..." That's because he actually turned his eyes to look at the young vampire and her ridiculous body, those eyes staring at him like that, and it was all he could manage.

Anne was going to shoot him in the crotch for this, but he knew from (accidental) experience he could grow that back like anything else. Definitely worth it.


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Lone Wanderer:

"Hey big guy, sorry to interrupt your important business. Would you be a good sport and lend me a hand?"

Jeremy stopped walking and turned his head to face the newcomer. The green-haired man looked rather unassuming, he had to be wary - danger was less obvious here than the Wasteland. Every supposed human he came across is an unquantifiable variable. It's the main reason why he casually wears the bulky power armor: better to wear it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Still, Jeremy was a Good Samaritan at heart. If the request was reasonable, he wouldn't mind lending a hand.

"Something I can help you with?" The wanderer asked, voice somewhat distorted by the helmet's speaker.


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"Are you skeptic about my capabilities? If there's too strong competition, we can undermine it. Fatally if that's the adequate response. We can also launder money we earn from assassination contracts into funding the business. You won't have to worry about your certain needs." Mitsuba reassured Katase. Such a cursed sword probably wouldn't give up on not shedding blood, so a certain compromise had to be reached. She wouldn't do anything that would endanger her own existence and prosperity, but she gave no damn about deaths of certain people either. Both sides could get happy."By the way, have you thought of a name for yourself when I was away?"


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The werewolf pulled away from her as the younger vampire begun stroking his hard length through the fabric of boxers. Ron was quite obviously enjoying the treatment, but there was always room for improvement. Medaka's reaction was even more thrilling. The blue haired girl was completely entranced by it, staring with both lust and curiosity.

"It looks like you are enjoying it even more than Ron, Medaka."  If you want it to feel really good for him you should touch it directly, and your grip looks a bit loose." The elder vampire instructed the younger one with a teasing tone.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"If it's really something that dangerous, it's not a matter for amateurs who got somehow into graces of my successors. Enforcers are meant to deal with explicitly supernatural threats. I will inform them about this and send the nearest available person they deem to be able to handle this," the rent-a-cop said.

She was aware of people on the second floor pointing guns at them as the guard called the Enforcers.

Wait. She had a connection like that to call on from the start?

Forest winced as she heard that thought.  I'm not used to having a connection, and it's kind of a paltry thing.  Not to mention 90% of them distrust me because I'm a vampire or write me off because I have a vagina.  You try being a female vampire with a conscience . . . She thought, her own ire rising. She didn't bother shielding the thought and took a deep, unneeded breath.

"You unloaded a bloody clip into my partner, he walks away pretty much unscathed, and you call us amateurs?  Not to mention in the front of the hospital.  You could have missed, and then what?  Look, we're here. Let us in and so what if we lose? We're pretty much disposable, right? While we're acting as a distraction the lot of you can help start getting the patents and the staff out while the Big Guns take their sweet arse time getting here.  Especially that surgeon," Forest said, hoping that the asshole surgeon trope was universal.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 03:43:08 AM by Elf »


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Hazama shrugged and held his hands up without a care, speaking to the metal-clad man casually in a smooth, cordial tone.

"Well, you could start with removing that helmet and talking to me face to face. I've seen some stuff, but boy is that thing ridiculous. Can you even see from in there?" He asked, waving his hand in front of him as it to jam it in further. The point that is.

"Whatever, it's cool. No one is going to judge you, not me at least. Still, a bit of politeness goes a long way, you know?"

Then again it might suit you. Garbage does belong in the trash after all, heh heh heh.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 04:26:07 AM by francobull3 »


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Muramasa Katase

She was not certain why money would need to be laundered, but it did sound profitable. Enjoyable enough, even, to make the puppet's next smile something genuine. "Is that so? I suppose I should give you more credit then. Very well; I will do what I do best to help with that."

The question of a name was one she was a touch less sanguine on. It had taken her over a century just to decide on 'Katase' to distinguish herself from more inanimate Muramasa swords and their creator after she awoke to consciousness. "I believe I will simply allow you to select one for this body. Names were never a strength of mine."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Once she was full, and the food was gone, she washed her plate at the sink.  Not exactly tired, she figured she'd go to the library and see what was there.  She turned the corner into the fairly large room to see a familiar figure in there.

"Anything good?" she asked with a hand on her hip.


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Was there even anything interesting in here? Are they really all that boring?  He was sitting at the desk, flipping through a book when he heard a familiar voice speak to him. Turning to look at the visitor he saw Rin with a hand on her hip.

"Could you get over and help me a bit?" He asked her interested in her assistance.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Geeze, you're really being demanding aren't you?  No, 'Hey Rin, could you please help me find something to read?' Just getting right to the point, aren't you?" Rin asked as she walked over to him.

She bent forward, reading the book on his desk and then back at him. "Are you looking for anything in particular? Or do you just want to read boring magical theory that's outdated by a good two generations?"


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Rin approached the desk and bent over in a lovely showing off her legs as she did. On the other hand, her mouth was anything but lovelyh. "I humbly apologize for my wrongdoings Rin. Is there any way I can make it up for you?"  He sarcastically replied to the young woman.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 05:23:53 AM by Thedoctor »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

You started this, Rin thought before smiling.

She said, "Well that's a good start.  Seriously though, what are you in the mood for?  This library can't be too different than the one I'm familiar with."

I wonder if Emiya-kun's stash of manga is here somewhere . . .


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Her smile was brilliant, it made her look much better than the usual frowns she had. " You know Rin, you look great when you smile, maybe you should do it more often.

He then thought about what he wanted, with Rin here he could get a surprise out of it. "You could grab me something you'd like and give it to me"


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Relius Clover

It was hard to tell with the mask on, but the scientist raised an eyebrow at that statement.  "I see.  Well you've certainly piqued my interest.  However, in this world that set of circumstances is not particularly unique.  In fact, I would be so bold as to surmise that you are from another world as well.  So then, what makes this creature so special?"


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"Nah, it's okay." Mordred put her hand on Sakura's shoulder in a reassuring gesture. "I'm sure Breeze also wants you to stay with us, right?"

And probably she also wanted to hit on her if she could, knowing her. Well, it was safer to bet that Sakura didn't swing that way than not. 90 % chance of being right.

Auspicious Breeze

She blinked at the heavy girl's question, then smirked when her girlfriend saw right through Breeze's heart. "Heh, Mordred knows me too well. But why would we want a cutie like you to go away, anyway?"

The brawler looked to Mordred as if to go 'you're okay with it right?' but as an actual question instead of assuming things. Okay, and maybe her eyes were just a little bit puppy but she couldn't help that!


Sakura was glad, and it showed. Her lower lip trembled with joy and then wrapped her arms around her new friends and pulled them into a bear hug, taking extra super care not to crush them! The purple haired girl laughed. "I'm glad I met such nice gals as you two." She said, then releasing them both from her hug. "Are either of you hungry? I'll pay for whatever place we go to, it's all on me." She thumped her fist against her chest, proud that she was able to say such a thing. "So don't hold back! If you've been wanting to go to some fancy place now is your chance!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end