Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42270 times)


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Vanguard  instinctively reached forward to grab her throat. A man of lesser skill would have lagged behind the dash, but his experience would never fail him, the reflex ingrained in his body was so primal it snapped into motion exactly the same time she did. However, her movement was simply too fast, even with skill he was still bound by the limits of his body. He knew that though, after all he was already familiar with her abilities.

This was exactly as he wanted things to be.

Normally, he'd be giving up at this point. She had taken the high ground, and was a far more mobile opponent than him. This conflict was foolish, pursuing her would be an exercise in futility. Even if he did win, he had nothing to gain from fighting her. However, this foolishness would not stand.

Despite his harsh words and immeasurable wrath, this was merely a farce to adequate to respond to her own. There was meaning between the lines, and despite their spiteful appearance, there was no hate in his words. He acknowledged her efforts, her plight, as one he could sympathize with. She was a tool, but also an ally he had chosen himself. Maybe it was because their eyes had once been the same, he simply could not let that sad doll be.

But it did not mean he could forgive that display. Because he too made a promise, and promises were made to be kept. Perhaps she would mature further if he took her from that high throne and plunged her straight to hell.

"What's wrong? Does my new face frighten you so? Come closer." He spat condescendingly with that same cold calmness to it all.

Suddenly, he leapt with beast-like agility towards a street sign at a fair pace afar from him and picked up one of the nearby bodies with as little regard as one who picks up his garbage. In an instant motion born from a split second of consideration, he launched it with explosive force towards the girl.

But this was only to block her eyesight for a moment. As soon as he did that, he ripped the pole from the ground and ran forward, using all the power his legs could summon to dash forward like a monstrous blur, drive the pole in the ground once again and disappear.

The body was barely in front of her, clouding the scene that just unfolded, when he propelled himself high in the air and arrived above her.

No physical motion would have been able to perform such a feat. No matter how you looked at it, there was no way he could have closed the distance and gained the higher ground with that measly rod of metal.

In other words, inhuman, a monstrous display of skill and might refined over an immeasurable amount of years. By harnessing the entirety of his energy and focusing in a single point of his staff, the speed and power of that maneuver far surpassed his own body's capabilities and had transcended reason itself.

"Cease this." He said calmly. After all, he was not done yet. If they were going to talk, they needed to be at the same level.

The instant he was above her, his hand lunged downwards mercilessly to tear the mantle off her neck.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 01:26:19 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Tiresome. Yes, this was what this was. After he spoke again she began a second scan and began to search through her memories for a corresponding soul. It seems chance did not favor her. Theo had housed one such as this. Albeit not nearly as powerfully expressed as it was currently.

If she had an eye for such a thing she could have truly admired the skill it took to perform such an impossible feat. She saw it clearly as she merely shifted out of the way of the body and kept her gaze focused on his form. But Erica was never one for flowery language and overly long descriptions.

A man whose skill stepped into the realm of the gods. A woman created as a divine instrument. Perhaps this was how it was meant to be?

Well, she could be monstrous in her own right. A living weapon was one of the most dangerous kinds after all.

A portion of the Mantle wrapped around her arm in an instant as he streaked through the air, and it jerked her out of the way with a sideways lunge just in time to avoid the lunge. His hand tore out a few strands of her hair. That was faster than she had expected. Compensating for unexpected agility.

White bloomed under her feet as a platform formed for a mere moment before she jumped up with enough force to shatter the construct before it could even dissipate. The Lance began its secondary function. Stopping her at her highest point as two circles made of runes and mystic equations formed around it. A mere shift and release could launch her in nearly any direction at speeds faster than even her dash.

"You are persistent." A simple statement. Not mocking or deriding. Simply a fact. "As am I."


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The immortal warrior did not give in so easily. From his position, it was clear he stood no chance to reach her superior mobility, but things were not as they seemed. After all, spears were meant to be used from a range.

Soaring in the air along his foe, he thrust the staff like lightning, but the lance of sure death did not reach for hear heart. It ran past her with impossible speed, coursing through the entirety of its length until his middle finger barely stroked it. For a second, in a single blur, his weapon vanished. It would seem he discarded his weapon, but far from it.

As long as a single hair connected them, the man and the staff would never be separated.

By extending the range beyond the normal limit, he could reach for the cadaver that was falling past her and as soon as the pole grasped his throat, the energy he had sent through the weapon reverbed and with a single motion of his finger, the entire lance flew back to him in an instantaneous blinking motion. The body spun along with the weapon, the entire action taking place not more than a moment, and found itself beneath his folded leg.

Just then, Vanguard kicked it down, a blow so mighty it sent the warrior flying while the body exploded from the sheer force, its pathetic remains plummeting down like a meteor. With that, even for a moment, he could match her lance and close the gap between them. Even if she dashed again, she was already in his weapon's range, so he moved in once more with even greater force to decapitate her with a single blow of his weapon.

No matter where she dashed, she would always be in his range unless she met his blow. Avoiding it was impossible, that was why she could not win.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 02:34:10 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Interesting. But if the movements could not be hidden from her sight then how could she not anticipate what may occur? Calculating. This was the difference between them. He may be as fast as her, as capable of throwing himself through the air as her, but he could not maneuver as she did.

When she fired off the Lance she blasted through the air at speeds no human could hope to achieve, yet he was already speeding towards her. The reach of his pole would strike her down as he intercepted her. Calculating. So she cut off the charge and twirled in the air. Losing none of the speed but stopping short of her destination as another platform flared under her feet at an upwards angle.

The strike nearly took off her foot. In response she danced up higher and higher. Platforms being formed and shattered the moment her feet left them as she ascended into the heavens. And then the Lance became a Needle, and a precise barrage of projectiles rained down. How far up could he go and still manage to defend himself? Calculating.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 03:09:38 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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So it seemed she avoided the initial blow. Quite the slippery little puppet, he had to admit. But still, far from perfect. She had about 20 different opportunities to kill him so far, and yet he still stood. This was proof of her own inadequacy.

Countless needles poured down upon him like rainfall, violent and cruel. Even with such skill, no man could shield from the rain with a stick, but Vanguard was no man.As soon as the first projectile descended, even if his eye could not follow it, his fingers twirled around the weapon instinctively and the staff spun as if it came to life.

The sound of hail hitting metal was the only sound that seemed to matter, the only sound that seemed to exist. This was senseless, no matter how quickly he spun he should not be able to defend from so many high speed projectiles by simply counter attacking.

But he didn't. This was not a product of speed, or strength or perception, but skill ingrained into his very being, etched over experience that could never be imitated. A mere weapon should not look down on a human. As his weapon hit the numerous needles, sending them flying, the needles would collide between one another and fill in the gaps, dragged out of their course only to crash into one another with stunning speed yet graceful gentleness.

The gleaming light reflected across the falling projectiles like glass, and as the warrior looked up across the girl in the heavens he seemed to be smiling.

As he fell, lightning began to crack around his body and course through him, dancing alongside each needle that he hit. Even if he couldn't see it, or feel it, or sense it, his weapon reacted like an autonomous machine, an absolute defense that could not be reached. And just when the shower of needles intensified the most, and just then the lightning around his body seemed to reach a peak, it struck.

In a single blow, a mighty surge of lightning sent a shock wave through the empowered needles flying and scattering about. The impact was like an explosion, a wave of energy that coursed through the deflected projectiles, sending them flying upwards with even greater power than they showed before. 

And then he spun back, falling, and landed on his feet with a mighty crash that shook the earth and made the scattered dust erupt like volcanic clouds.

Umbra of Chaos

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From on high the Spirit Vessel watched carefully. Every strike he made, every needle he deflected, every precise, impossible movement that sent them hurtling against each other. Analyzing. She was learning. Devouring every tidbit she could come up with as he moved.

His skill may be transcendent, godlike, but it was not flawless. Nothing was. There was always a weapon to which something has no defense. Some pattern or method of thought of instinct that can be exploited to achieve victory. If such a thing existed then that thread called victory would be hers. Calculating.

He sent back a wave of crackling force. Her own needles tossed back against her charged with electricity and force. The Mantle swiped out with a fist and they were brushed away like dust. Shattered once more and cast down to the base earth where he had landed.

Dust flowed into the air, not nearly thick enough to obscure the ground, but it did make the whole thing look more scenic.

Erica took aim with the newly formed Needle. It sang with its stream of projectiles once more. But... Incorporating. The slightest change made. Minute alterations in her aim. And the Needles collided in midair. Moments before they would strike as they normally would they suddenly shifted their direction, but as the attack continued it grew more hazardous. Needles fragmenting. Chunks of them moving at entirely different targets as they struck one another with a the merest decrease in speed. And at its worst the needles ground each other into fine shrapnel as they met. Small shards of black that could carve their way even into the street below.


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I'm being good, not hitting anyone, the vampire replied before she saw the tiny blond with the big gun.

At the Enforcer's command, Forest put her hands on her head and stepped away from her axe, which was already on the counter.

"Sorry, my weapon was already laying on the counter," Forest canted her head towards it,  "If you like, I could put it on the floor. As to his story, well, we were at the mall today where that Eldridge horror was let loose.  We didn't kill it all.  Some of it got away and we followed it here.  We're probably on the security footage if you'd like to check our story out.  Despite how things look, we really don't want any trouble.  What happened at the mall was bad enough.  We really don't want it to happen here.  However, if you want us to leave, then we'll leave."

Hell, that battle is probably viral now, Forest thought to Gadreel, meeting his eyes.  I know some of the people who I blocked started recording stuff on their phone when they regained sense.  Instead of doing the smart thing and run away.  We might be able to use that to our advantage.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 04:17:42 AM by Elf »


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The construct blocked the attack effectively, but as soon as she did that she released yet another relentless barrage of needles without restraint. Did he somehow notice it? Nay, there was no way he would have. It was physically impossible. But this was a gamble, an assumption he made by reading and assessing her patterns.

Of course she would, it was something he had already predicted. To observe, analyze and react. That was Erica's strength, which was why she would learn. Every action he made would be met with an equal opposite reaction. She had already learned from his last attack, which meant the only way to reach him with that curtain of needles would be like this.

Lightning cracked like whips of energy, dancing beneath the clouds, and as soon as the first shard pierced the barrier of dust an incredible light erupted alongside a monstrous gust of wind. It was energy, lightning surging through his body like never before, releasing power raw and unbridled as the Harbinger spun and formed around his left hand. The weapon, far larger than the pole, lunged forward and hooked the second body towards him so it may serve as a shield. And he ran.

And so he danced, two weapons and a deadman in hand, a dance of death that coursed through the needles like a tempest. Steel clashed with steel, lightning coursed through and the winds howled as the weapons ground and smashed through the projectiles over and over, the pole and the battleaxe perfectly complementing one another to form an ultimate shield that not even a God could breach. No matter the pattern, no matter the unpredictability, no matter the configuration, her logic would never defeat him.

That man had long since surpassed all logic and gone beyond.

The shrapnel and shards would fly past him ever so slightly, scratching his skin ever so slightly, but it wasn't enough. Even if the hail lasted ten thousand years, it would not be enough to slay that man. A small trickle of blood ran down his brow and knuckles, but he paid no mind to it. As the rain grew and grew, he would only grow alongside it, until he overcame her and became a tempest far more terrifying.

To think a doll would push me so far. You truly are beautiful, nameless one.

And then, he did something inconceivable. The blows he deflected, every time he swung his axe, the blade and projectiles would crash  and plunge into the earth on occasion, only to soar back higher to devour the other needles. After a few seconds, the warrior stomped the ground, so hard the earth surrounding erupted him and a massive chunk of earth flipped behind him, rolling over him until it covered the area below.

Unscathed, he approached his goal and eventually began to run across a building, climbing it with agile leaps and jumps while deflecting the unpredictable blows

Umbra of Chaos

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This was beyond the boundaries of logic. What he had done was beyond her to analyze. To break down this was something that could not be done. This was an <impossible> enemy to defeat. It was not within the capacity of the Spirit Vessel to overcome nor the Mantle of Cinders to overpower him. Logic had dictated that they could not prevail. Surrender was the only reasonable response. All other courses of action only resulted in extra energy expenditure. And yet...

Move. Feel yourself occupy a different path. Apply cold logic, and where logic fails, apply rage. Is your existence preordained? Choose otherwise.

She refused. Erica refused. She wouldn't (couldn't) fail here. She had come too far and done too much to lose to someone so much like Them! Never again would she submit.

Erica let loose an incoherent scream of fury. Her eyes blazed blue and aura pulsed beneath her shell as if she had a heart. "I will defeat you!"

If logic would not prevail then she would do something completely illogical. The Lance spiraled out around her arm and she hurtled herself to the ground, towards him. She scoured the earth in her passing like a falling star and chased after him.

She was a maelstorm of attacks as she pursued. Fists smashing, Claws cleaving, a Whip hurling debris, a Needle firing salvo after salvo in her deadly, suicidal hunt. She refused to fail.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 04:56:15 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Vanguard's azure eyes widened for a second, and hearing her scream an incomprehensible feeling overwhelmed him. Something was different this time. Up until now, he had only seen the cold, logical side of Erica. Reading her, reacting to her patterns, always moving one step ahead. But as she raged on and on, he couldn't help but wonder if he was truly fighting the girl he once met anymore.

"Useless, useless, useless."

Even as she charged through, throwing everything she had at him and more, it still wasn't enough. The warrior leapt expertly over her and reacted to her every move, avoiding, deflecting and counterattacking her every move, just like before. On the outset, nothing had changed, the outcome was the same. But something was different, it was something that could not be described with words.

But when Vanguard saw her struggle so, his eyes shone differently then they had before.

At this point, he was no longer fighting Erica, just like how Erica was no longer fighting Vanguard. His eyes were no longer looking at a construct, but staring at the horizon, staring at the shadow of a determination he too once had.

Will she fall here and now, just like I did? Will she be unable to change her fate afterwards, just like me? Nameless one, from the moment I met you, I knew we were alike. This is why you cannot win. Perish, you have already shown me your worth. This fight has helped me grow as an individual and reach new heights. You have my permission to fall.

With an expert flip, he was now behind her while she stood before the building. Yet in a way, their enemy was one and the same. Themselves. Without pause, the Vanguard smashed her back with a pummeling kick pouring with lightning, smashing her through the wall. Her fate had already been decided, she would have his weapon enter her throat by her own will.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 05:20:48 AM by francobull3 »

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The kick had blasted clean through her. If she had a spine it would have been utterly shattered, but that meant nothing to Erica. She burst from the rubble with a surge of movement and a charge of her Lance but he moved out of the way. The pole came down like a bolt of lightning and shattered her shoulder. Her arm drifted off and dissolved into aura.

She dashed back, but he was on the offensive now. Every swing with her Fists and Claws were dodged or parried with pitiable ease. Her legs were torn off by a swing of the halberd. She persisted.

Her actual fist joined the Mantle's as she closed the distance, trying to nullify the advantages of his weapons. A strike sent her swirling through the air and like a guillotine the halberd swung down once more. Her arms was cut clean in two smashed off her body by a practiced strike from the pole.

Just a torso and head now. Erica exhaled. Breathing although she didn't need to. Even broken as she was aura still pulsed through her body with nigh uncontrollable fervor. One more chance. She would win.

Erica rushed forward. The pole and halberd were waiting for her but she dashed into them and not away!

The painful sound of the Mantle being almost mindlessly rebuffed by the halberd was only a little worse than the hand that had broken into her chest. But that didn't matter. She said she would defeat him, so she would! No matter what!

And as his hand passed into her chest her eyes burned even brighter as they stared into his own. Then her forehead crashed into his with every ounce of force she could mustere.

If she had a skeleton the collision would have caved in her skull and shattered her spine and neck alike. Instead it left a large glowing crack in her face. Bright, blinding aura pouring out of it like water.


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Lone Wanderer:

"Newcomer, eh?" Jeremy asked, "Well, this is Nexus City.

"As to when, well," He shrugged his massive frame, "There isn't a when, really. People, creatures, things, and even buildings get pulled in here at random. Hell, I was pulled in here myself just a few months ago."


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And so she died. Once. Twice. Again, and again, and again she would fall. And yet, she would come back every time, the flame in her eyes only growing stronger.


The end was instantaneous. As soon as he willed it, he simply stepped to the side and impaled the puppet. His expression was of stone, cold and unchanging. There was little expression in his eyes aside pity and disappointment as the weak doll was raised from the ground through her non existing heart. He did not strike her core, but it was clear it would crumble regardless.

In the end, they could not change their fate.

But suddenly, something impossible happened. Something Vanguard could have never conceived. Her eyes flared up once more, with light as blinding as the sun. Was he caught by surprise and unable to react, or did he simply choose not to? Even he did not know the answer. Her head smashed on his own like a sledgehammer, enough to crush concrete.

And while his skull was forced back, Vanguard stared incredulously at her eyes.

As the blood poured down his forehead, his heart couldn't help but fill with marvel. The shock of his gaze melted, and the frozen mountain turned warm and gentle. For the first time, he spoke with a soft and kind voice to her. Not as a puppet, but as a person.

"Welcome, to the true man's world."
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 02:30:04 PM by francobull3 »


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Was he dissapointed at his lack of responsiveness from the lame attempt at provocation? If charades was what he truly desired, then William would deliver on it.

"I want you to be a janitor, the floor is really messy from all the blood so I need someone to mop it up, preferably with soap that has a citrus smell. That would feel really great, I wouldn't have to worry about all the people tha needs to be 'dealt' with. To clean up the way for me . Such a service would be truly appreciated" He suddenly monologued as if the end was nigh, sounding both mocking and deasly serious somehow. It was hard to tell if he was joking.


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Looking at Liseth's collection of games, the changeling couldn't truly say she was surprised by what happened next. At least not at first. The dark-haired girl proceeded to delve into the lore behind some of the games, every bit as interesting as the lore in some of the games the redhead herself had played, if not more so, leaving Emily's mind racing as she took in as much of what was said as she could. That aside, she could definitely agree with how Liseth felt about Blizzard. Pulling a 180 with an antagonist established as not following the plans of others was a very cheap move, among other things.

"...When you put it that way," Emily said, taking a few moments to process the information, "It isn't surprising that they have. In any case, I suppose it's only fair that I share as well. Mostly, I'm fond of cooking, though a good book is nice as well, and I've tried my hand at acting a few times."

With that, the redhead went on to explain her own hobbies to the dark-haired girl, mainly covering cooking and to a degree acting, though the latter hobby had never truly come into its own. Putting aside those uncomfortable thoughts for now, Emily went on to explain some of the little nuances of cooking that she'd picked up over the years, leading into evaluations of a few Japanese recipes she'd favored back home when she'd been going through med school, as well as the other kinds of cooking she'd branched out into once that was over and done with and she'd managed to find herself with more free time than usual. It had taken some work, but the conversation continued to flow between them with the same comfortable rhythm that it had before.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 06:21:52 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses