Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42395 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"A-archer, are you okay?" Rin asked, her voice catching as that almost hit her hands until it was finally free.

It was huge.  Terrifying even.  Was there something wrong with him?  It couldn't be normal that it was that big, right?

Or maybe because of her it was that big?  Which was kind of silly when she thought about it.  Tilting her head she reached down to run her fingers up and down the turgid length.


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It was pretty amusing seeing her reaction to it. Her inexperience could be seen as charming by some. "Yes. why are you asking? It's because of you it's that way." A slight intake of air was made as she touched him, it felt so much better when it was someone else. His hand hands wandered back up to her back, gently stroking it as a way to encourage her.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin heard him gasp slightly as she touched him.  His hands wandered up and down her back, stroking her.  Getting the hint, Rin wrapped her hand around him and was slightly horrified to see that her fingers didn't touch.

Under her thumb she felt a subtle throbbing vein so she rubbed that before moving her hand up and down his length.


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Crashing sounds could be heard from outside, she briefly wondered which of them were being more detructive before brushing the thought aside. She had other things to worry about right now. The blond vampire then pulled away from the wolf, crawling on the floor over to where she had dropped the box of doughnuts. Luckily enough the box hadn't flipped over and the contents were still safe. She reached into it and pulled one one out, it was chocolate flavoured, and then dangled it in the air for Ron to clearly see.

"You wanted one right? Then come and get it."


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Hah, she was tough one to stand still after she shattered her shoulder with that kick. Stubborn girl still hadn't taken a hint and didn't release her tail. Another counterattack of the blue haired girl was incoming. But if she couldn't get what she wanted by force, she could just give up. It took so much time for Rikuyo to realize that because she was stubborn as well.

Of course, she didn't mean a surrender. She would just rid of her tail. Rikuyo depowered, transforming back to her base human form as she felt that she was pulled towards her. The tail disappeared but she was still in range of her kick. She managed to turn around to not receive the hit into back but straight into her torso. Her endurance somewhat weakened more bones than usual broke here and there. Still a small price to pay with her regeneration.

Sometimes the best offense was defense. She had opportunity now to transform into something more sturdier than a monkey. Huh, maybe a lizard. A lizard with skin that had lots of spikes? Rikuyo naturally was unaware that she thought about that ant eating lizard from Australia. A flash of instinct rather than conscious knowledge on her part. But she her transformation already started once she was driven into the ground by the kick. Scales ending up with yellow spikes started replacing her skin while she kept still largely humanoid shape, including hair on her head (which was shifting into yellow color for some reason). She regained a tail, but it wouldn't be great idea to try to grab it.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 04:37:40 PM by Kat »


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Medaka Kurokami

With a momentary resolution of blows, Medaka's shoulder rapidly began to heal.  The shoulder which had been broken had started to come back into place.  It wasn't healed fully but it was usable.  On the other hand, the muscles in her mouth recovered completely, returning to its former prestige.  She turned her head and spit out the blood. 

She looked at Rikuyo who had successfully been driven to the ground.  Then, keeping her body facing the lizard girl, she backed up.  She now had taken on the apprentice of a lizard.  Her entire body was spiky and her skin was tan.  Her hair color changed from red to orange.  It looked as though she were designed to blend into the dessert.  However, out here in the city, her appearance looks a bit flashy.  Based on her quick assessment, it appeared as though there were very few points to attack her without being damaged herself.  There was a pattern emerging.  The first form Rikuyo used was extremely strong, able to pin down Medaka without any trouble.  The second form was extremely agile, able to compete with Shinobu in terms of agility.  What could this form do?

"So, have I manged to connect with you?"  She asked, her face lit up with the energy of battle.

The blue haired vampire slowly backed away from the lizard girl, her body still facing her opponent.  She took a quick glance at her surroundings, hoping that there might be something she could use.  In front of Rikuyo was a damaged car.  Behind Medaka was the doughnut shop, with shattered glass covering the ground around the store.  There were some street lights as well and a few parked cars.  Those might be useful.

Then, with one quick push off of the ground, she rushed forward, her feet tapping the ground in an odd pattern as she moved.  Several afterimage clones of Medaka emerged from her body and circled the lizard.  One came from the side, attempting a punch to the face, another came from behind striking with a roundhouse kick to the spiky back.  One jumpped into the air, trying for another axe kick that would send her into the ground.  However, the real version took the direct approach, running in a straight line, holding her hands up to protect her face and attempting to deliver a strong drop kick to the lizard girl's belly.

I want to connect with you!  I want to understand you!  That was the message contained in her strike.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 04:53:25 PM by yinsukin »


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"It's just a 'flip phone', but let's see..."

The undead mobster pulled his phone out of his coat pocket and flipped it open. After making sure it was turned on right he tried to make it produce some kinda light for her to see by. It managed, but it was pretty weak. "Well, should work for a little bit."

He pointed the light at other things in the room and hoped it was enough for Petra to see by. He didn't need it, so he couldn't judge.


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What was that? A doughnut with chocolate on it? Ahh, the temptation. The glorious temptation. But his instincts, and experience, told Ron that eating it would be a terrible idea. The chocolate would affect him almost as badly as an actual dog, and damn if it wasn't unpleasant. On the other hand, it would be delicious. And he couldn't just tell Shinobu he couldn't eat it safely like this...

Fuck it, he was a big dog. Ron could suffer a little not to insult her.

He gobbled the doughnut down in just a few bites with his cavernous maw.


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The past five months had been...curious, to say the least. Training Breeze and Mordred, of course, had gone about as well as expected thus far, with Breeze making surprising progress considering how short the timespan had been, and Mordred not making as much progress as she could've. It was unfortunate, really, as while the attitude she'd presented was a welcome change, there had been some sort, for lack of a better term, between them. Unfortunate, but Michael wouldn't be losing any sleep over it.

After all, it was just another drop in his impossibly deep well.

Keeping the dojo running hadn't been particularly difficult either, even if he'd refused to let Mordred pay for the rent. That had definitely been a tense moment, her pride against one of the few standards he had left to him, but the enforcers they'd sent hadn't turned out to be particularly decent training, and so Michael decided to try giving lessons to anyone the group he was dealing with, apparently something called the 'Yakuza', bothered to send in. ...Well, that, and apparently the ad revenue from sending recordings of the immortal's drunken Friday evenings to that one website had also helped out.

Possibly the most curious thing, however, had proved to be Oren. While he'd fully expected Breeze to make the progress she had, he hadn't quite expected what Oren had managed. While he could always practically feel the shapeshifter's eyes on him when he was training Mordred or Breeze, after a while, he found himself with twinges of that same feeling during his morning practices, something that was more or less a habit by this point. The truly curious part came in the latter half of the training session, when Oren had come to him for solo training. To his surprise, she'd managed to figure out how to replicate some of his more advanced techniques. Granted, it was a mere shadow of what the techniques could actually do, but that she'd managed to copy any part of it was all the same interesting.

Of course, he'd agreed, partly out of curiosity. She'd insisted on solo training, which he'd had little problem with. Besides, it filled in the gaps when Mordred and Breeze went off monster hunting quite nicely, and looking at the results in the next day's news usually proved entertaining. The most curious bit, however, was how he could finally feel like last hints of that fugue-like state he'd been in vanishing, like he was properly awake now after an inordinately long bout of sleep-walking, a process that had probably started around when they fought that Elemental, or some time right before that.

Ah, I suppose I owe Rikuyo a proper match the next time I see her, but we'll cross that trench when we come to it.

All the same, at the current time, the immortal found himself waiting in a clearing, staff laying across his lap, whispering to him of destruction incessantly. By now, it had become simple background noise to his thoughts, though Michael found himself wondering if he could get the entity in there to shut up every now and again. Nonetheless, this was likely to be a curious occasion. After all, Oren had noted that she wanted to try sparring this time around, which was how the immortal found himself waiting here in the first place. He'd considered doing this at the nearby waterfall instead, but it wouldn't be fair to her to have to deal with making use of stolen shadows of his techniques and unfriendly terrain at the same time. Besides, it wasn't about winning or losing here, but seeing what she'd managed to reach through their training.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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"I'm not competing for anything else than proving myself. As I said, don't underestimate me. I'll show you I'm made of steel, not some soft metal." In a way, her body was really made of steel. Unless she was naked. Her guts weren't of steel either, but that didn't matter. She would show them her resolve!


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Gosh, why he kept talking with that kid. The more he interacted with her, the more she seemed like a misinformed high school brat who thought that the world worked like in pop culture and cheap tabloids. He wasn't looking forward to talking with her about guns, so this newest revelation gave him excuse to shift the topic.

"Who knows. Majority of Elites have some special ability in their stock. How else we would counter brazen people drunk on superpowers without that. Except maybe piercing their brain pan with some high explosive shell, if they cannot regenerate that. Usually they cannot."

When he was in his prime he could even handle one of those South African shotguns that were full automatic. The police probably still kept his customized gun in the armory. One with 40 mm grenade launcher attachment. Dragonsbreath rounds worked fine against vampires, just like frag grenades filled with bits of silver against werewolves. But again, those where for patrolling worse districts. Usually .50 did fine if aimed into brain.


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Justice wasn't on that creature's side. Nay, it was on Kuro's side, for she had Julius' assistance. It was high time for him to switch into more offensive approach.

"That's how you adress a young lady?" He said with a scorn in reaction to its quip. Julius charged forward with a speed that perfectly matched the monster's own one. Neither slower nor faster. His left arm clutched his crucifix while the right one wielded his holy weapon. He whipped at the villain's leg in order to make it lose its balance.


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"Better that than nothing." She commented about the rather weak light that the flipphone emitted, at least in comparison to a genuine flashlight or a torch. "Hmm, I wonder if it's abandoned or something or someone could live there. Do you read horror stories? In this city I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were true."


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The foul presence that inhabited this place wasn't unaware of visitors. The horror felt uneasy about their arrival. It laid as low as possible, choosing to feed subtly from minds of the ward's denizens and resisted urge to reshape bodies and souls of the staff and patients into creatures like it. It wouldn't be smart, the creature thought. While grateful to its mother for changing its life for better, it recognized that its parent wasn't likely best at keeping attention away from her. Maybe if it got rid of them, the time of glorious ascension would come for everyone who was right now in the slumber. In theory, it could change one of them to fight off them, but changing just one of them would balance the difference in numbers. And it wasn't that keen to throw its own child to meatgrinder unless it had no other choice left.

But even without reshaping them into something new, it still had grasp on their minds. They checked rooms closest to them, but didn't cover whole ward. Pregnant patients were useless as decoys, but some of the staff were physically fit enough to serve as distraction while the creature finished feeding. It scattered its form when settling down in the ward to facilitate feeding and wasn't able to fight until it merged anew. It would take several minutes to finish the process, so every second bought was priceless.

If the two intruders had good enough senses they could hear bodies of the staff rising in rooms near the other end of the room. As for the tall man, he could detect those presences scattered everywhere slowly getting closer and closer, and possibly pinpoint the place where the creature would emerge, ready to fight.

Umbra of Chaos

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The girl floated down into the arena after Vanguard and immediately dashed out of the way as the chimera leaped forward with crushing force. The snake spit burning venom at her ally, and the bleating of the goat head was accompanied by a swirl of magic and a crackle of hair raising energy before earth tore itself apart in great quakes and sent shrapnel flying in every direction.

She had noticed that it was significantly larger than the other examples of the species here, nearly the size of a large car, but was the difference in power truly so vast? If she was to assume a rough increase in defensive ability proportional to its size in comparison to its smaller derivatives then... The Mantle unfolded into two fists. Melee would be necessary. But as it moved to strike at Vanguard at speeds beyond what even she was capable enough she waited for him to make an opening.


The Formless One considered the time it had spent in this city. Overall it had not been a waste. This was good, and dark liquid stirred almost leisurely. It had not acquired a new form in the interim, but much had been learned. Other ways for her form to be, and not only that one but all those with similar physiology. It bubbled in satisfaction.

Then a hand burs out of it, and Oren pulled herself out of the puddle. The liquid rose up with her to form her legs and lower body. This whole thing was so much fun! She played with Breeze, made sure Mordred wasn't a dirty traitor, and even managed to learn something from watching Stick Man!

That reminded her... she needed to go practice with Stick Man! But that could wait. First, breakfast. So she had some beast meat with squished berries for sauce. Some time passed and once it had settled she ran off to the clearing that the immortal was standing at. "Oh hi! Are you ready to start, Stick Man?"