Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42559 times)


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That counter was far from the only thing broken. Once Medaka had gotten herself involved Ron adjusted things so she could find some space to involve herself a bit more. With her mouth. And taken turns. There was a broken table in the room too after the werewolf had gone a few rounds with the younger vampire, too. All in all, they'd made quite a mess of the place.

Ron still didn't have anything to wear thanks to the encounter that started this whole thing, so he was laying on his side by Shinobu's dangling feet in his good ol' wolf form. He had such mixed feelings about the whole thing. On the one hand it was awesome. Shinobu and Medaka were awesome; he'd have had no way to know Medaka hadn't done this before if it hadn't come up at some point. On the other hand, Anne was going to hurt him for this one. A lot. Ron was pretty comfortable with that since he'd just regenerate, but he really didn't want to have to regrow his balls after all of this.

Eh, screw it. He'd kill that rabbit when he got there. It was hard to think with all the smells lingering everywhere.


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Rikuyo cared not for some animal dropping acorn on her head. She just paid her attention to what this posh city girl would try to pull off to prove herself. The girl in bloodied kimono to moved fast enough to moderately impress her. With her great agility, Rikuyo avoided getting her neck slashed by that single strike, leaving a brief afterimage. She got still cut in the face even if the blade only briefly touched her, blood now dripping from her check. She touched her cheek with fingers, and licked them clean from the blood.

"Okay, that's something." She already had a warm up today though. Even if she was a bit weakened after fighting Medaka, this girl radiated so much malice that even with good skill she was easier to read than the vampire. Not too mention with her form favoring agility, she still had that distinct advantage in speed. "But geez, chill, I've my issues, but yer even more blunt than me."


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"You're enjoying this too much."

The smirk she gave him was infuriating. Who did she think she was? He was the one in chage here dammit! Damn the all. No. Calm down, you can't succed if every single thing makes you go off like a bomb.

The internal conflict he experienced wasn't visible as he maintained a calm exterior merely smirking back at her. "I think you would look good as a maid. As you may have noticed this place is in need of cleaning."


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"How deplorable! To think someone would dislike me already, it just breaks my heart." Said the snake in his overtly casual, insincerely dramatic tone. The snake smiled and bared his fangs, and for the shortest of instants his surroundings trembled. In a green flash, Hazama dissappeared without a trace, only to reappear in the blink of an eye right in front of Jeremy.

A green darkness enveloped his foot and with an inhuman flash of speed and power he kicked the trashcan squarely in the gut.  The blow was monstrous, no human could ever dream of hitting this hard, but the kick was nothing compared to the pillar of darkness that emerged from the strike. It felt like a snake biting down on the man's neck, sending chill of cold fear straight into his spine as he was sent flying straight into a nearby building's wall.

Without breaking a sweat, Hazama just looked at his handiwork with a hand in front of his eyes, as if trying to see better.

"My bad!"
« Last Edit: November 13, 2016, 08:14:03 PM by francobull3 »


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Medaka Kurokami

After all the excitement, Medaka rested her head on Ron's shoulder as she sat next to him under the counter.  The rapid torrent of emotions that came into her had gone.  All that remained was the afterglow of the experience. She was glad she met Shinobu.  She probably wouldn't have been as open to casual sex otherwise.  Now that all that pent up lust had been released, she finally remembered why she came here.

She glanced upwards at Shinobu.  "Rikuyo offered to help me confront the man who took my soul.  I took her up on her offer."  She announced, waiting for a response.  Even if they were connected emotionally, Medaka still wanted to make the elder vampire knew where she was going.

Umbra of Chaos

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The Spirit Vessel took a seat as well and waited for a bit at the food before her. Was she supposed to eat first, or was it up to him? Erica supposed that it didn't really matter, but she was patient enough to wait and see. So they both sat there staring at the food for quite some time.


She responded to his comment with a rather chipper response. "One should enjoy what they do, shouldn't they? And right now my job is to serve." The added information on how exactly she would be serving did nothing but make Lucy straighten her back a bit. Maids couldn't have poor posture after all.

"Well, I suppose I would need a uniform then, master."


Hmm. Maybe she should help? Breeze would understand. Probably. Maybe. If she gave her a massage first. Those weren't the best odds. So instead of throwing a piece of roof at the other girl's head Oren simply shifted to a slightly better vantage point. If she watched them long enough she'd probably be able to hit them for sure, so it was better to wait. Probably.


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It was good, there was no question about it. Or perhaps not. It was strange, he had not eaten in so long, he could not even be sure. The cold, iron taste of the spoon was as fresh in his mind as that of the stew, yet it was far too different for him to describe it.

Meat is salty, fruit is sweet, but to him there were no such things. Because it was all so distant, he could not recognize the intricacies of the flavors he had created, but because he had experienced such flavors before they felt like a deja vu. It was this irritating feeling of already knowing that scratched at the back of his mind so.

He had almost finished the entire soup, greedily taking spoonful after spoonful despite his confusion. Was this what it felt to eat? This warm sensation running down his throat, the boiling hot broth sticking to his throat. It was hot, so unbearably hot. He never thought eating would make his body burn like this. Somehow, it all felt wrong, very wrong. It wasn't unpleasant, on the contrary, but the unusual feeling was enough to bother him.

He took another spoonful, ignoring the aching of his body, but suddenly the heat rose again, far more than he could ever imagine, and without even realizing he spilled the soup from his mouth and nearly toppled over.

"D-dammit. What is this- UGH!"

The hands resting solidly on the ground were all that kept him from crashing down. Could this be a mental attack? Impossible, he would never fall to such cheap tricks. No toxin could act on his body to such a degree, his mind would resist it. This meant that his body's reaction was a natural one, but what exactly was this sickness? Damn that puppeteer, he had surely tampered somehow with his body. But to put him in such a shameful position.

Vanguard shrugged it off and got back into a rising position, yet he felt heavy. Heavy, as if a huge weight was crushing him. The warmth coursing through his artificial veins was very real, but suddenly his heart felt light. He had spilled part of the soup, damn. Luckily, he had brought paper towels in case cleaning was necessary. His voice was calm, and it seemed he had regained control of his body as quickly as he had lost it.

And yet, his breathing was unnatural. Heavy.

"E-excuse me. My body must have reached it's limit sooner than I expected. I apologize."
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 11:40:28 PM by francobull3 »


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Muramsaa Katase

It only cut its victim superficially. The puppet retreated back to reassess the enemy.

underestimated her. superior speed. nose still attached, minimum durability must be equivalent

The miasma of the demon's hostility expanded with its excitement. "Is that so? Perhaps I would be more agreeable if you had not seen fit to insult me." Its shell began to chuckle, a curtain of ivory exposing itself past soft pink lips. A second blade took form in its left hand with a crimson ripple through empty air, and instantly the Muramasa closed in to test its opponent with a flurry of cuts and feints, ambidextrous motions obscuring which attack was meant to kill.

It was inferior to what Muramasa Katase could have achieved with a wielder as wonderful as the one it had lost, but the effort should be sufficient. Near equal to its current wielder, faster and stronger for certain, no need to worry about the alley hindering its strikes as demon steel sliced past stone like water, something would strike true by volume alone if nothing else.


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"It's a decent gun, so they didn't fit me with a new one cause we got to save money. I've got a ballistic vest though in a pinch." Better be upfront about it. Bullets didn't do much to her body, the torso was easier to hit than other parts of body, so her armed enemies would naturally aim there more often. "And a combat knife. I don't need to shoot if someone lunges at me with a blade."

Umbra of Chaos

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The blue haired girl's cheeks were full of delicious food as she watched her eating companion almost collapse. She chewed for a bit more and swallowed before giving him one look over to make sure he didn't die in her house. Then she just went back to eating without a word, maintaining the mood of the meal.

Cherry Lover

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The last few months had been a mixture of happy and sad moments for Rider. On the good side, her new master had married Shirou in a private ceremony and, as much as Rider would have liked to have been there for their happy moment, she was overjoyed for her master. And, even better, Sakura was now pregnant with Shirou's child. Rider was so happy for her when she heard the news.

On the bad side, though, there had been a tearful farewell for her former master. Sure, they were now safely back at home, but Rider knew that she would never again see the family she had lived with for the past thirty years. And she also knew that Kiyoshi and the rest of the children would surely miss her, just as she would miss them. It had been a difficult decision for her to abandon her former master but, ultimately, she knew they needed to leave, for the sake of Kiyoshi, and she knew that she needed to stay, for the sake of her new master. This Sakura could simply not cope with her leaving, whereas she knew her former master could survive without her.

Now, though, she was following Sakura, watching her from a safe distance as she met with a man called "Boss", apparently some kind of mobster. Rider, still in spirit form, was floating up near the ceiling a little way off to the side of their meeting. At first, things had been civil, but they had rapidly begun to sour, the man apparently attempting to threaten Sakura. Seeing the signs that something might go wrong, Rider tensed up and moved a little closer, preparing to materialise and strike if necessary. Seeing the tension rise as Sakura began to walk away, Rider quickly materialised, clinging to the ceiling for a moment until she noticed the man reach his hand towards Sakura's back.

Instantly, Rider reached, launching her nail straight for the man's wrist, intending to pin it to the table, an apoleptic look on her face. Then, she jumped down towards him from the ceiling, intending to push him down and trap him, allowing her to deal with him at her leisure.

Sakura, should I kill him quickly, or do you want me to torture him first? she said over their mental link, obviously extremely angry at the man for daring to lay a hand on her master, especially in her current state.


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"Well at last they gave you somethin' worth writing home about," he murmured even as he took in that bit of info there. The cops had to skimp on guns in this place? Oh that's just sad. It reminded him of when they just had .38 revolvers and he could shrug them right off even as a lil' tyke fresh off his sire's veins. Still, he could test Petra a bit now. Was she the corrupt sort of cop, or did she follow that straight and narrow?

"You know, I was on my way to pick up a new bat. Thinkin' of hitting some runs. Mind coming with me?" He grinned. "Figure maybe you and me we could catch up a bit along the way. I happen to have heard a few things ya might find... interestin'."


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Noel, to her credit, managed to avoid taking a step back from the large and imposing man. It was a difficult thing for her to do. He was tall and bulky and evil looking giant of a man. She managed to nod and smile, before turning her attention to Forest.

"Your car will be fine. You can either have someone come to collect it or we'll have someone tow it in the morning, at which point you'll just have to pay a small fee for the towing and its yours again." Noel recited these words with a concentrating look on her face, as if she was having trouble remembering the entire thing.

Yes! She smiled as she cheered internally, happy she'd remembered her entire spiel.

Noel then pulled out another pair of handcuffs and slapped then onto Forest's wrists. They were specially enchanted by their esteemed weapon-smith so they wouldn't be just for show against the myriad of supernaturals the force dealt with.

Afterwords, Noel simply said "Follow me." As she walked to her squad car, making sure to walk next to them so they didn't try anything.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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No resistance huh? That just makes it boring. He let go of her arms as she submitted to his amazingness. "On another thought all the cells are full at the moment so unfortunately I can't bring you in. But beware, Justice cannot be evaded forever!" There was one thing she seemed to have forgotten though, while they did get their ice cream. Someone else was left with nothing. "Weren't you going to get cookies for Wormy, he looks hungry." Indeed, the pokémon was currently licking at the ice cream he had discarded, not getting much out of it as it melted faster than he could lick.

Oka Kurosawa

Oka nodded seriously at Jin's antics, and began licking at her own ice cream in earnest, abstinently in other to not let it go to waste, but really so she didn't open her mouth and start laughing her butt off at Jin's antics.

"Oh, it'll be fine." Oka said when Jin mentioned Wormy. "I've decided to make them all a nice batch of quality poffins when we get back."

Wormy's head shot up in interest at the mention of poffins. He loved poffins. Poffins were one of the reasons for his existence. He loved the sweet, gooey interior of his Trainer's wonderous poffins.


He buzzed happily at her suggestion, so obviously pleased with her conclusion that it would be evident even to Jin, who even not still didn't really understand what he was saying very well.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura Matou

 Sakura's eye twitched. She was glad that she'd brought Rider, and Rider had done her job swimmingly, but she felt bad, you know, leaving the room covered in blood and inconveniencing the staff. She'd have to pay them a good deal extra as an apology.

Sakura pulled the man inside her shadow, and swiftly deprived him of all his senses, leaving him to float in the void as he was drained dry for now.

"You can do what you like with him later." Sakura said finally. "I'd like to know what exactly he knows."

"But before that, we can't exactly do that here, you know?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end