Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43460 times)


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Relius Clover


The kick was far stronger than anything he anticipated.  It sent Ignis flying away, causing her arms to stretch and the grip to loosen and her limbs to retract.

Meanwhile, another puppet hand sprung from the scientist's cape, covering the rest of her head.  The extra respiratory output would cause her to suffocate faster.

Could it be that this creature did not require oxygen?

The arm he had raised in the air came down.  With that motion, the puppet arm followed suit, smashing the girl into the ground.  However, he would not stop there.  If she was unable to counter, he would drag her across the floor, smashing her body through tables and chairs of the restaurant.


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She would neither last too long without oxygen nor able to fight back well like that. So she had to do something about it.

I'm going to cut off those accursed hands. Then when I'm freed, cover my head with one of your phantasms. But if you can, armor me further, this gonna be tough. She reached out to Muramasa, informing her about her plan. Then she pumped plasma into her dominant arm, taking a swing at the large hand that gripped her head.

She probably would owe Muramasa some indiscriminate slaughter for her assistance. Regardless whether she would win or would be forced to retreat, only to plan revenge against this man's organization or whatever. If he angered her even more, she would purge his family down to seventh generation if he had one. At this point she didn't exactly hide her thoughts from Muramasa, so she would certainly recognize them.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 11:00:51 PM by Kat »


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RED yelped as Oren leapt at the weird wounded person. She was so startled, that she threw the stranger out of the way. Invisible hands pressed hard on the animal's body, keeping it pinned down with immense force.

"Asdfghjkl, you jerk! Why would you scare me like that!?" She yelled, grabbing Oren's fur and frowning visibly. Then, she looked back and realized she just threw someone with all her force. Shoot, she did the thing again.

"Wah, uh, sorry! It was an accident." She apologized , then held up her arms like to surrender. Well, not the psychic ones, they were still holding down her friend.  "H-hey, stop! Let's not fight, okay? We can be friends."


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"You don't need any stupid wings to be the bestest angel, you got my very special approval of awesomeness and that's all that matters to me." The strange looks thrown at the two of them went completely unnoticed by her as she waited for Gaddy to pick up the pudding. He sure was taking his time looking over all the kinds of pudding they had. None of them looked that amazing or anything, but pudding was pudding and she wasn't gonna let something like that stop her.

"Hey will you take the pudding already? I can't share it with you if you're just gonna drag your feet here all day. Maybe you'll move faster if I tickle you like mad. Sometimes my own ingenuity stuns the good old Nep here." And much like she threatened him, the purple haired goddess tried to tickle his chest and under his arms. She had to tighten the hold with her he feet however as she started sliding down a bit along his back.


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"... that was pretty cool." He had to admit he was jealous. Just a little. Sure he could do all kinds of things, but hovering wasn't one of those. Well there's no use crying over what you don't have, so he just shook his head and followed on after her. Knowing his luck something was going to come along and get them both in trouble.

Might be fun. Or they might just get fast food like normal people; that'd be nice too.

Sakura Matou

Sakura glanced back at him with a smile. "Hehe, you jealous of my awesomeness?" She asked in a jesting tone, aware that he'd figured her out.

Soon, the elevator dinged, and she bounded out to the car ahead of Ron, informing her driver of where they were taking a detour to next. After she finished telling them about that, she opened up the door for Ron and waited for him to get inside.


"Well on the one hand, yes. On the other hand, I'm reminded why I'm glad I'm a guy." Being pregnant looked like it sucked pretty hard. Not in the fun way exactly, but more like if you took a lime and put it in your mouth and sucked on it for an hour. Except it lasted for nine months. It seemed to be that kind of sucky.

When they got to the car, in he went. Ron marveled briefly at how not-violent things had been for the past few hours. Maybe today was turning around for him?

Sakura Matou

"Huh? Whatever could you mean, Ron?" Sakura asked him. "Being pregnant is wonderful, if that's what you're getting at." She said. "Your lover pampers you even more, you get to eat what you want, it's just great!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Fuck. That was a stupid move. She had no idea that this enemy was so tough. The situation got messy enough that she honestly gave no shit about holding back. The enemy tried to suffocate her and she was in a grip of an enemy harder than steel. She would now fight as a weapon rather than a swordswoman.

Her body underwent an uncanny transformation. Her skin darkened and her skeleton was replaced with metallic bones. Her arms were covered with a pattern of red tattooes and her veins pulsed with plasma that flowed through them. She was still more human than not as she still had a human face and hair, shifting only partly to better wield Muramasa.

Mitsuba was angry. Beyond angry. Her mind was filled with cold rage as she was forced to reveal her true colors. Arguably, she wanted to kill them even more than Muramasa at this point. She kicked powerfully at the puppet with her still free legs, redirecting the power of her plasma reactor to release herself from the grip.

Muramasa Katase

The semblance of humanity disappeared from her wielder as the fragile armor shattered, only for some of he fragments to latch onto Mitsuba's transforming frame as if they were lampreys. From there they expanded, a crimson haze joining the luminous burning of the pseudo-demon's propulsion method until the fragments were covering her in yet another protective layer of abrasive armored plates from head to toe. A much sturdier one, painted black.

you finally start to feel sense!

The steel of the Muramasa began to howl with joy and fury, the chorus of souls within working overtime to provide the energy for the rapid formation of phantasms. The other fragments left scattered across the floor exploded outward as shrapnel; excess demonic energy overcharged them to the breaking point and sent them at the puppet and its master.

It would create room to maneuver.


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"You don't need any stupid wings to be the bestest angel, you got my very special approval of awesomeness and that's all that matters to me." The strange looks thrown at the two of them went completely unnoticed by her as she waited for Gaddy to pick up the pudding. He sure was taking his time looking over all the kinds of pudding they had. None of them looked that amazing or anything, but pudding was pudding and she wasn't gonna let something like that stop her.

"Hey will you take the pudding already? I can't share it with you if you're just gonna drag your feet here all day. Maybe you'll move faster if I tickle you like mad. Sometimes my own ingenuity stuns the good old Nep here." And much like she threatened him, the purple haired goddess tried to tickle his chest and under his arms. She had to tighten the hold with her he feet however as she started sliding down a bit along his back.


"I had thought you specifically craved premium pudding?" He restrained his laughter to a brief series of chuckles while he reached back to keep Neptune from falling. "Should I not, then, be selective? Or do you secretly... lack standards in that regard?"

Oh, this was going to be entertaining either way. He held up one of the puddings as if to tempt her.


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Sakura Matou

"Huh? Whatever could you mean, Ron?" Sakura asked him. "Being pregnant is wonderful, if that's what you're getting at." She said. "Your lover pampers you even more, you get to eat what you want, it's just great!"


He clenched his hands a bit, imagining them as paws and not being able to move as fast. Being weighed down by it all. It wasn't a comfortable thought. "I eat what I want anyway. And Anne isn't much of a pamper-er, if we're looking at my situation right now."


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Just as suddenly as it had started, the kiss was broken off as Lucy was pulled away, leaving Emily with her mouth just a little bit open for a moment and her hands reaching for nothing. The sight that greeted her, however, brought a giggle from the changeling's lips as the taller girl made her appeal to William. The redhead soon regained her composure after a moment, though she let an element of warmth remain in her expression. All the same, the feeling was still met with the slightest bit of suspicion. Still, she let nothing show as she stepped a bit closer, opting not to be the one to initiate contact just yet.

"It's fine," the redhead mused, offering a hand, "I can't really blame her. Shall we continue on our way?"
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Before long, the trail of fish had grown long enough that Adjutor found herself having to set some of her metal aside for a bucket of extra clean fish. Of course, even without the trail, the monster hunter still had a firm hold of the lizard-woman's trail. Soon enough, even the fish had run out, the bucket sealed up with a thin lid as Adjutor continued on the woman's trail. Just then, a loud roar sounded out, along with the screech of tended metal and the sound of someone letting out their frustrations violently. Adjutor rounded the corner to find the woman from earlier unleashing her not inconsiderable upon one of hydrants, if she was recalling the term correctly.

"Hello again," she called out over the gushing water, making sure to stay out of range of that tail, "You left something behind. A lot of somethings actually. Let's find somewhere a bit quieter."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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This time the trickster of a pirate threw his absurd assortment of coats off and twirled them around for another of his tricks. Shinobu like before merely stood still and awaited the continous flaming barrage to struck her. Once more her form was consumed in the sea of flames, disappearing from view of everyone there.

This time however no sounds besides the crackling of the flames could be heard. So the flame kept going, a moment and another moment. Yet nothing but the fire could be heard from where she was. No. It was faint but another sound had emerged. It was barely audible over the fire but it sounded like... footsteps.

Proving to not be a mere hallucination, a half cooked blonde vampire stepped put of the flames right next to where Lorenzo was channeling his flames. "Is that really the best you got?" She looked down on him with cold apathy and a hint of disappointment as the burns on her body vanished.


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Within the sea of people resided a group of men, talking among each other as they eagerly watched the match.  "Alright so bets,"  the first and tallest man said, darting between his friends and the match.  "You know the rules guys.  You have to put down all the money you brought today, no holding back."

The other two looked at the flaming zombie creature who had just created a fireball from a bottle.  The second man wearing a big blue T shirt stood up and said,  "Im going for the skeleton man."

The last man, who was short but buff, looked into the arena before answering.  The blond had taken the strike with little consequence.  "Yeah I am voting for the hot blond."  The tall one nodded his head.  "Same."

Meanwhile, several men in the crowd stood up to respond to the girl's teasing, only to be caught breathless as she was engulfed in flames.  In the meantime, Medaka spoke in to the microphone once more.  "There it is folks!  This is Lorenzo's signature fire magic!  Is it not beautiful?  The flames are as elegant as they are deadly!  It's as if he is tossing the essence of his soul!  How will Shinobu deal with this attack!?"

The smoke cleared, revealing the blond had taken the attack completely unscathed.  "... But I am afraid you would have to ask my girlfriend over there, she gets jealous when I suck on other people~" she said, acting as if the attack never happened.  Medaka almost dropped her mike.  "Wait, girlfriend?"  she muttered, her face starting to glow a pink color. 

It was a bit confusing to her.  After all, their relationship was a bit ambiguous.  She was at once her lover, mother, student and best friend.  In this regard, the blond wasn't wrong but...

She was cut off by a voice from the crowd.  "I don't care!  Ill take both of you!"  Medaka shook her head, observing the fight taking place before her eyes.  "O-oh!  Look at that!  Another more powerful wave of fire!  Is this him testing her or is this part of some larger scheme?!”
The crowd quieted for a moment as the flames struck their target for a second time, relentlessly striking the blond’s soft face.  She appeared before the pirate, taunting him.  “And after all that, Shinobu still taunts her opponent!  Could it be that Lorenzo is outmatched?”

The short buff man looked at the guy in the blue T shirt.  “Get ready to pay up.”


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo felt a chill run down his spine as soon as the blonde appeared. Instinctively, he leapt back to increase the distance, always remaining on his guard. Damn, she was troublesome. It seemed she was tenacious in her effort to piss him off, which definitely worked. With that said, you don't beat a pirate with his own tricks. It would be easy to give in to his impulse and incinerate everything, but he'd just end up depleting his magic quicker.

"Now aren't you cheeky, I didn't even start calling my attacks." He said cheekily, lowering his stance to draw his blade in a moment's notice.

Sadly for her, he was a coward. He wouldn't attack recklessly unless he was certain it would grant him victory. But it was troublesome, he had tested her twice, and it seemed his assessment was correct. He'd need to use his maximum output if he wanted to do any lasting damage, but this would quickly exhaust him. Unless...

"Shinobu, can I ask you a question?"


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So the pirate wasn't a complete fool and launched himself backwards out of the danger zone. But that merely meant she had more distance to cross, distance that didn't matter to her, she could keep this charade up all day if she wanted to. Living as long her worked wonder for your patience. On the other she did not think Medaka would appreciate it if she purposely dragged it out for an entire day. There was also her fans in the crowd, it would not hurt to tease them a bit more.

"Whoever bets the most on me might win a special prize~"

Then she turned her attention back to Lorenzo and began moving towards him at a calm pace, it looked like she was having a stroll through the park rather than fighting a battle. Now he thought she would amuse him with answering his questions, not today.

"You may not." She spoke up just as coldly as before while moving towards him.


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Lorenzo Remei

Why you...

To lose the fight was one thing, but this was just too dirty, even by his standards. But he understood now, this wasn't just a fight to defeat your opponent, but to get the masses on your side. He could feel the sweat run down his skull as she walked calmly towards him, a faint chill of terror.

But this time, he would be victorious, even now he had no doubt in his heart. But this did not mean he could get careless...

"Shame. You won't have any time to regret it once I send you straight to hell. But enough warm ups." He said in an icy tone, and in the blink of an eye flames conflagration and rotated around her like a hellish vortex as he drew his sword in the blink of an eye.

"Let's dance!" He roared before swinging his blade, sending forth a wave of incandescent flame while running towards her.