Shirou and Sakura
Once in Shirou's arms, the cute creature began to settle down, making contented noises as it snuggled into the arms of its master. Realising that playtime was over and not wanting to disturb the cute creature, Shirou began to make his way home, carrying his new pet. However, on the way, he heard his phone ring. Recognising the tone as the one he had assigned to his beloved, he quickly switched to holding the Pokemon in one hand, trying not to disturb it, before taking the phone out of his pocket.
"Hello, honey!" Shirou said, sweetly, a little relief in his voice. "Did everything go well?"
"Yes, we defeated the demon", she replied.
"Oh, good!" Shirou replied, happily.
"Will you be back home soon? I have a surprise for you", he added, looking down at the cute little creature in his arms.
"Erm...", Sakura responded, a little uncomfortable. "Well, actually, I'm going to celebrate our victory with my companions. You're invited too!"
"Oh?" Shirou replied. "Where are you going?"
"Just meet me in Waterfront Park, we'll wait for you there at the entrance", she responded.
"OK, I'll see you there", he replied. "Bye."
"See you soon, Senpai!" Sakura responded, the love she felt obvious in her voice.
Hanging up, Shirou returned the phone to his pocket.
"Did you hear that, boy?" he said, excitedly, to the Pokemon in his arms. "You're going to meet your new mummy!"
"Kyuuu!" the creature replied, responding to his enthusiasm by moving around.
Keeping the cute creature in his arms, Shirou moved as quickly as he could to the specified meeting place. Arriving before Sakura, he began to play with the Pokemon once more, finding a new stick to throw for the cute creature. When Sakura approached, though, he would cover the creature in his arms, ready to surprise her.