Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43738 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Oh, I like action movies.  Stuff with things blowing up, horrible one liners filled with posturing macho men," Rin said with a chuckle.  "And martial arts.  Not a big fan of romantic comedies or comedies in general.  Fantasy gets magic so wrong so I get angry watching stuff like that."

She bounced ever so slightly with a grin, excited about this.  "Also, I can pay for it!" she exclaimed before biting her lip, "I mean, you did kind of earn it."

Then she toyed with the sapphire pendent, already thinking of ways to weaponize it.


Well, he likes the pose, so that's good, Forest thought as Marcus watched her.

Then he took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he pulled her to him with a dancer's grace and surprising strength.  One warm arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her close with a little smirk.

"So how would you like me to pay you back?  Cash, check, my body?"

She blinked, looked away - blushing but not able to blush -, and then at the floor.  "W-whoa you move a little fast don't you?  Or are you just that randy?" she asked before looking at his face.

Then she grinned and said, "You know some vampire mythos specify that we can't have sex.  What makes you think that I can?"


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Marcus's smirk grew larger at her reaction.  However, it weakened when she gathered her strength and grinned back at him.

"You know some vampire mythos specify that we can't have sex.  What makes you think that I can?" she retorted. Oh? So shes got some fight in her. he thought.

All of the sudden, a purple aura surrounded his body.  Then, his hand slipped down to her butt.  As he squeezed it, a bulged surfaced from his pants.  "Well that settles that," he said, his smirk returning along with a snide voice.  "Cmon Forest, its not good to lie. "


"Wow," he said, body jumping to attention.  "Im suprised.  Most people go for the horror angle."

He glanced down at the wallet when she mentioned earning it.  Yeah, best to let her pay for this one.  He thought as he returned his attention to his date.  He smiled as he watched her play with the necklace.  Her satisfaction was worth every penny.


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The vampire expertly caught the ice cream cup mid air, then took a spoonful or two. Just kidding, she took three. Honestly though, she didn't really feel like going to a dojo, though it might be less boring with Rikuyo. Most martial artists were wusses who just cared about winning, they didn't have a shred of killing intent or desire to break her life.

It was quite pathetic, it didn't satisfy her one bit.

"Eh? But I think you look pretty cute in that." She said with a kindhearted smile, pointing at her dress with her spoon. Then, she lifted it up her chin and pondered.

"Though hmmm, I might have a few clothes. Mostly whites though, the color looks quite wonderful when covered in blood. Don't you think?"


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Rin shrugged and said, "I'm not a fan of horror, unless it's something really good.  I actually liked the first Hellraiser movie.  However the whole silly heroine running around half naked and doing all the wrong things."

She did see him glance down at his wallet and then she nodded.  "I'll pay, call it equivalent exchange."  Then she grinned at him.


A purple aura flared around his body before his warm hand slipped down to her jean-clad rear before he gave it a squeeze.  The smell of lust filled the air as he smirked at her.  She fought with two reactions.

The first was to push him on his ass.

The second was to go with it, have fun.

She pressed against him and felt hardness and that gave her pause and her eyes widened.  "You're that eager to lose your virginity!" she cried out, before looking away again.


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Black Heart changed course mid air and came back at him.

Of course she can fly.

He had suspected as much when she begun floating earlier, rendering the suprrise of it virtually null. She came in with a sweeping swing of her sword, it was a feint. He could see it coming from miles away. While her sworskill was impeccable her... Everything else left a lot to be desired.

"Don't engage in unfamiliar fighting forms against someone more skilled in it."

He caught her fist with one hand easily while simultaneously delivering a crushing blow to her gut with his other hand.


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Lady Black Heart of Lastation

"Oof." She felt that hit. It was a pretty great deflection. But it didn't slow her down or deter her for even a moment. Before the hit had even landed, her knee had come hurtling towards his side, intent on getting in a hit. This had been her real plan the entire time.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 08:07:49 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe scratched the top of his head and said,  "Yeah im not a fan of horror either.  They all tend to bleed together."

He got up from his seat and walked over to the wok.  Air delivered a rainbow of flavors to his nostrils.  "How long until the food is ready?" he asked, twisting his torso to face Rin.


Marcus felt his body tighten as Forest pressed her body against his.  His eyes widened at her cry.  Impossible!  How did she know?  He thought as his hand slid back up to her lower back.

For a less than a second, he stared into her eye's unsure of what his next move should be.  Then, he saw her turn away and smirked.  "Yes, I cant help it anymore.  Its been too long.  Your body is just too much for my virgin eyes." 
His face leaned in until their heads were inches from each other.  "So?  How about it?  It will make things much quicker if you just take my virginity as payment."
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 12:26:40 AM by yinsukin »

Cherry Lover

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Sakura and Shirou

Sakura and Shirou were sat around the table with their companions. Moko, as the Pokemon had now been christened, was sitting on Sakura's lap, a straw leading to a glass of fruit juice within reach, being petted by his new "mother". Shirou, meanwhile, was listening with interest to Julius' proposal. He frowned a little at Paladin's response, but he was glad that the knight was willing to assist even if the rules of his order got in the way of any formal agreement.

"It sounds like a good idea", Shirou responded. "I would be happy to assist in any endeavour which helps us save more innocent lives."

Then, he turned to his wife, still lovingly petting their new pet.

"What do you think, Sakura?" he said.

"I think it's a good idea too", she replied, smiling.

"I would be happy to assist you as well", she added, turning to Julius.

"What about you, Moko?" she cooed at the Pokemon on her lap. "What do you think?"
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 08:36:57 PM by Cherry Lover »

Umbra of Chaos

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She unsheathed her sword and unleashed a single, perfect slash towards Michael's arm. The sword master was perhaps truly angry for the first time today. "Enough. You are not my father. You are not even my mentor. And Vanguard lacks the authority to make you either."


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Soon after, their fight attracted attention of the public. The police and Enforcers were approaching the site and could be noticed from the afar. Not the best time to finish the duel if third parties were about to intervene. Unsatisfied with the outcome, but having no other choice, Mitsuba decided to pull back.


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"So, let me guess, Pokemon vary depending where they live, right?" Anastasia made an educated guess. She had fought monsters, so she knew firsthand that some creatures prefered some type of environment over another. "I doubt we have time to go outside the city, but a city park would be a better place to spot more? If I'm not mistaken we could find one of those Woopers near a pond or a river?"


"Yup, exactly right. You're really smart, you know?" Oka said happily. "And close, but no cigar! Woopers love mud, you see. You'll find them playing in mud all the time after storms."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The dark god flinched at the fae's sudden burst of movement, but he listened to her wise words regardless. Before he knew it, she leapt in the air and landed onto his shoulders. This might be harsh for a normal human, but even if he was weakened, he was still a god.

 If he wasn't even able to lift this much, he would shame those who believed in him, wouldn't he? Which was why even if his back was sore, his knees did not falter.

"Y-yeah...You're heavier than I thought. Maybe you shouldn't eat so many chips."


The rider curled her left eyebrow like an drawn bowstring and leaned in to pinch his cheek, complaining. "Wow, did no one tell you how rude it is to criticize a lady's weight?"

And how dare he tell her to eat less chips? He didn't know how bearable they made her routine here. It's not like she could ride out to the Outside and snipe off shambling behemoths let loose by the students of nightmares and war to empty out her stress or toss them into holes before making traps for their makers. That was pretty funny, and she'd not found a replacement around these parts yet.

"For discipline's sake, you'll have to fly us to a space where we can fight to our heart's content while I'm sitting on your shoulders," she said, and then proceeded to place herself in exactly that position, legs hooked with military certainty around his neck. "Now hurry along! Godspeed."
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 11:49:34 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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His fist struck true, smacking into her gut with a hard blow. However at the same moment she had raised in her knee in respone, ready to strike at his side. The dark mage bent around the knee on the inside of her leg, as fluid as water itself he moved even closer to her. Not to let it end there he also in the same motion kept up the attack to her gut. Hitting her once more in the exact same place just as hard as before.

People tended to tire quicker after all if they were hit repeatedly in the same spot, at least mentally. That particualr area also came with the benefit of knocking the wind out of her.


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She finished searching through his games and settled for some violent fighting game and starting it up. "Nope pretty sure I am, I've never had anything bigger than a finger, definitely not anything as big as you inside." It wasn't like she'd have much of an opportunity to get it.

Neptune turned back to him and walked over, poking him in the chest. "And don't think I didn't notice, you totally didn't answer that hehe." Even if the words may have appeared accusing on the surface, they were delivered with and abundant degree of cheer.


Well, that implied other possibilities. Perhaps flirtations with others of her mono-gendered pantheon of divinities? Then again one would think they may have made use of various instruments to assist with the volume of resources available to them and - and he should look into vetting his roommates for fields of psychological influences more carefully next time. Damn that devil, she was a convenient excuse for his own foibles.

Gadreel raised an eyebrow, but smiled in a pleasant manner. "Rest assured that I do not, as humans say, kiss and tell."


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Soon after, their fight attracted attention of the public. The police and Enforcers were approaching the site and could be noticed from the afar. Not the best time to finish the duel if third parties were about to intervene. Unsatisfied with the outcome, but having no other choice, Mitsuba decided to pull back.

Muramasa Katase

She was not the only one disappointed by this. After all this time and build-up she didn't get to kill anyone. She couldn't even blame her wielder for it since Mitsuba had done everything she could to try and kill that human. How disgusting.

Her displeasure surged up into her wielder as almost a vibration.

It was enough to make her want some time to herself again.. maybe find something to soothe her puppet's frayed nerves? Tea. Yes, tea would be nice...

Once she was able to slip away from Mitsuba, the demon sword carried by her favorite phantasmal shell, she went off in search of refreshment. Once she had been calmed she would seek out someone else to slay without her wielder's abysmal fortune getting in the way. Unfortunately the quickest path to a proper tea house was through a most garish and crowded place.

A carnival, was it? She kept her umbrella up just in case one of their disgusting spawn vomited from one of the towering contraptions they rode on.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 05:52:50 PM by Aiden »