Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 85462 times)


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All he could see from far away was a blur,  but the moment he realized his attack faltered, one after the other, a dozen arrows struck him with piercing might and precision, knocking him back on the ground lifelessly.


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She followed Methuselah with her eyes as he crumpled and fell to the ground ingloriously, struck with her arrows, and wondered if that was too much. She liked waxing philosophy, but she didn't particularly desire to go through the process of insight into a new facet of the dark avatar again.

She trotted up to him, but not before letting the wriggling shadows from the forest die down, and then jumped off the night-eyed steed.

"Still alive, Methuselah?" She asked, tilting her head with a neutral smile. When she received no answer, she crouched down and poked his arm.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 01:32:09 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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The dark one didn't respond to the fae calling out for him, and even when she poked him, he didn't look like much more than a hollow husk. That is, until his eyes suddenly rolled back at her, like two rubies signaling her defeat.

Got you.

What came immediately at the same time were spears erupting from beneath the two. There was no escape, he had stopped his own heartbeat and lured her under these trees. The games of Gods were often this complex, she had erred in underestimating him due to the gap in raw combat experience and physical prowess.

Ironically, even the sunlight was on his side, expanding the shadows to stretch them far beneath his foe. But none of this mattered, because she had made the mistake of leaving herself wide open, there was no way to escape so many shades any longer. Bound by the impaling blades, the idea of her using that blade to free herself was an absurdity.

She might struggle, but he would never let her escape.

"I told you, you can't kill me." He said in a blasé manner of fact before rising. It seemed their roles were reversed, but not quite. He had taken some heavy damage, even the shadows he conjured inside him to repair his broken body would not suffice. You could tell his body was beginning to crumble, but it wasn't enough to stop him. The arrows fell from his body and vanished, revealing dark tendrils  writhing out of his own wounds.

Despite his pants and difficulty to stand, he respected her enough to refuse to fall here and now. Simply put, his own shadow was puppeteering his shell, keeping his wounds from spilling his vitality while letting him stand tall.

The ability to shape and mold darkness as one pleases, while it wasn't the most potent or destructive ability, its true terrifying nature came from its versatility. Such a man could easily keep an army alive by kneading their wounds with shadow. Ah, but he was no man now was he?

Well, just because I won't die from something doesn't mean it can't hurt. He thought, but did not speak. The truth is, he was only keeping himself alive, the damage he had been dealt was very real. But despite the pain she had inflicted, in his eyes, there was no harshness or cruelty, only earnest praise and admiration.

"That was a magnificent blade. To be able to bypass any ability and carve the soul itself, regardless of strength or durability. To think such a terrible weapon would force me to use such trickery. If you so wished for it, you could easily cut through the peaceful life I so desperately seek. Rafalia, you are the strongest spear. However-"

You have taught me the value of my life. For that, I thank you.
He thought in earnest. Had she shown any less mercy, he would be the loser in this. It was exactly because of that that he could not show her any less, he would finish this with his true power. He presented his palm to her, slowly but surely bringing his hand closer to her kidney.

"This- is my spear."

A jet black tar-like aura ripped out of his hand, and in but a few seconds, something devoured her without pity, rending her flesh and bone into nothing upon contact, devouring her left hip and anything in between. The spears and the tendrils covering his wounds vanished, and while she was thrown back, he simply fell on his knees.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 04:03:18 PM by francobull3 »


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Meti's face glowed bright red in shame. "There is a promise of safety here. Cameras and guards to make sure vehicles and property are not stolen. If there was enough of a fuss I would have come and punished the thief personally. If I were to lose one I would kill until I rooted out the rat who took it and then cut them to slivers."

Muramasa Katase

After a moment to consider it, drawing the knowledge up from the depths of her well of souls, Katase nodded to Meti's explanation. "A reasonable reaction to have then. And you bring this cart with you everywhere you go?" The demon sword almost felt guilty at the thought of forcing the girl to part from such a collection that she took so much care of.

But the Muramasa was a jealous sword. Still, no need to 'jump the gun' as humans were prone to saying recently.


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Auspicious Breeze

Button mashing got her through the day up until that point, as she did her best to pick up on this 'basic gamer logic' Sakura spoke of. It was harder than it looked, but she was having fun playing with both girls this way! More girls was almost always better after all. But then they reached the pit, and Breeze started to practice for the jump. It started with jumping around over solid ground to test how far she could go, and soon enough she was ready to leap!

Leap over the pit! Yay!


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The purple haired goddess flashed a victorious grin at his embarresed response as she took a controller herself and began the match. "Sure Sure. But do I really look angry? I'm pretty flattered that you think I'm so incredibly attractive." Neptune teased him like the true deviant she was, yes she took great pleasure knowing she had that effect on him.


"How reasonable of you." He chuckled once more, attempting to shrug off his rare moment of embarrassment. Then the angel pulled up his own experiences both in and out of this particular piece of entertainment to meet Neptune's challenge. He would demonstrate to her why when this game had first become available in his own world he had become quite frustrating to his opponents.

He sought, as he did in reality, the most efficient tactics to defeat his foes. In this case shotguns.


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The purple haired goddess absent mindedly nodded to him. "More like I like you."

Not being familiar with this game in particular she cose a weapon she thought would most likely lose her the current match. A rapid fire SMG that is. Oh yeah she was playing the long game here. First person shooter were al built to be supposedly balanced, but most of them had one weapon class be clearly superior. This being Gaaddy's game he probably already knew that which is why she went with this weapon, to test the limits of it.

And unsurprisingly she couldn't match his knowledge of the game itself leading to him getting the first kill.

Umbra of Chaos

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He gave an inquisitive hum. "I wouldn't suppose that you have any ice themed creatures, would you? I had hoped to acquire a companion in my line of work recently but the polar bears are currently either too old, too young, or are taking care of their current families. The population increase I had hoped for has yet to occur."


"Yes! I've been keeping them sharp and sated ever since I was a child. I do not believe that I was much taller than my first blade when I began holding onto them either." She shifted for a bit then broke eye contact and asked, "May I hold you again, Lady Katase?"


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"Yes! I've been keeping them sharp and sated ever since I was a child. I do not believe that I was much taller than my first blade when I began holding onto them either." She shifted for a bit then broke eye contact and asked, "May I hold you again, Lady Katase?"

Muramasa Katase

Her puppet's face burned red for a moment at how forward this girl was. Simply asking her out of the blue to hold her, again, after what had happened last time? Then again, it had been quite a pleasant thing indeed... but there were also risks and it was clear that Michael person was going to get involved if Meti tried to kill anyone.

Wretched creature.

She carefully held herself out to Meti. "Very well. But do not draw me from my sheath. I am much too excited by that to be appropriate now."


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The purple haired goddess absent mindedly nodded to him. "More like I like you."

Not being familiar with this game in particular she cose a weapon she thought would most likely lose her the current match. A rapid fire SMG that is. Oh yeah she was playing the long game here. First person shooter were al built to be supposedly balanced, but most of them had one weapon class be clearly superior. This being Gaaddy's game he probably already knew that which is why she went with this weapon, to test the limits of it.

And unsurprisingly she couldn't match his knowledge of the game itself leading to him getting the first kill.


"You did well for a first attempt, Neptune." He said this with a grin as he lowered his controller to his lap. It was nothing to be proud of in and of itself, his victory over her, but it did mean she was indebted to him now. "And I do believe that earns me an answer to a question. Now, which of them should I ask you first...?"


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The faerie coughed up dark blood, eyes widening at the predicament she had fallen in, consciousness swaying for an instant as she went flying back. Like a nicked kite, losing its height but still riding the wind like a leaf in Autumn, and rolling upon the ground until she came to a halt rather than smack against it with her unguarded mass.

The blow which delivered the full force of Methuselah's resolve stole her words, gnawing through her body indiscriminately and taking away the strength in her knees, and yet she rose. Gaping hole at her side and all, her face hardened but eyes shining like the picture of a hundred re-lit stars in the bleak firmament.

She had not underestimated him, only given in to her own recklessness. That was enough to cause these wounds, which would have even a classic hero bleeding out but did not leave her vitally seeping such grime and bile despite the pain. His performance was commendable. But her spear was not as limited as he believed it. The abhorrent weapon she wielded was the knife in her hands, and it resided in her arrows and bow, in her fists and feet, in the fingers which could choke the life out of someone, in the elbows and knees which could crush bone and more, in her teeth when they tore into someone, and even in her gaze which lashed at the spirit.

When the spears tore into her she had grabbed and pulled, and the trap creaked and cracked in her murderous grasp. Enough to loosen the impaling shadows, and to tear herself away as he sent the decisive blow. Only enough to stop it from blowing a hole in her as wide as he desired, into a wound that might have taken her heart if she had one - a simpler thing to recover from.

Slowly and more carefully than he had seen before, she walked towards the dark god with her hands clean and stopped in front of him. "Your spear was magnificent," she spoke, before crouching close enough to hold him.

Her appearance still bore the marks of their battle when she wrapped her arms around him and patted his back in praise.

"Good job."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Neptune sulked over in defeat. It wasn't unexpected but it sucked. No gotta be cheerful Nep and beat him next time. She turned to him, once more grinning mischeviously. "What do you wanna know? My favourite food? What an awesome goddess I was? Maybe what I do besides playing game?.... No wait it's my bra size isn't it? I don't wear one but if I did it would be an E cup~" The last part jokingly added by the goddess.


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"That, was not what I was going to ask. But thank you for the, as humans put it, 'freebie.'" This time his smile was merely intended to drive her to some measure of frustration. That, or distract her from the manner in which is eyes were directed down as if seeking to confirm her assertion for himself. "As for the question: in my own world a deity always has some manner of purview over which they reign. A focus. What is your's, Neptune?"


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The goddess leaned forwards at his question, exposing even more of her deep cleavage. She hadn't missed where his eyes were lingering even if he tried to distract her with that annoying smirk. Not that she was annoyed in the slightest, quite the opposite in fact. "Do you mean like a domain or something, Gaddy? I take care of national affairs and stuff like that. I guess you could say I'm a goddess of games though."


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The dark one looked shocked at the rising girl, amazed at her unbelievable tenacity. It was almost absurd, like something out of a fantasy, but when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but laugh.

"I see. You're the same as me, aren't you? You don't have a heart either.  I guess it's only fitting that we hollow try to fight one another."

He smiled when she hugged him,allowing the shadows to form around his wounds once more in order to sustain his shape again. He returned the hug, surprisingly tightly for someone who had been shot by so many arrows. If one didn't know any better, one could swear they were bros.

All of a sudden, he turned a bit more serious, though still with a certain good humor to it. He had truly lost, not to her, but to himself. Still, he did not regret letting forth his base desires for once, this fight had been enjoyable.

"Aren't you forgetting your place though? You talk like you've won, yet your shape looks worse than mine. You've dragged me away when I fought that other girl, so let me return the favor this time. Besides, you're not that heavy."

With that, the darkness clad him like a cloak overlapping with his body, an exoskeleton of darkness that moved to his will. He calmly pressed his hand on the girl again, and darkness flowed where she had been wounded, like tentacles penetrating her wounds. It didn't hurt, or rather, shouldn't, but it wasn't the most pleasant experience. Still, from darkness he molded imitation flesh, no different than if it was clay. Perhaps not aesthetic, but this should ease some of the burden on her body.

"Do you feel any pain?"