Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 85737 times)


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Auspicious Breeze

Button mashing got her through the day up until that point, as she did her best to pick up on this 'basic gamer logic' Sakura spoke of. It was harder than it looked, but she was having fun playing with both girls this way! More girls was almost always better after all. But then they reached the pit, and Breeze started to practice for the jump. It started with jumping around over solid ground to test how far she could go, and soon enough she was ready to leap!

Leap over the pit! Yay!


Sakura casually tapped the button, hopping over the small pit without a worry in her movements. Then they got to a new, gigantic wave of enemies, threatening to overwhelm them. So she pressed the super button, preforming her ultimate attack, filling the screen with a massive volley of spears from the sky killing all the enemies.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"That would be you." He answered plainly, returning her quizzical look. He might have had unreasonable expectations, thinking she could recognize him on voice alone might have been a gross overestimation. Tch, maybe he should have brought the armor along, or at least the helmet.

How fortunate.

Well, she seemed to have a new companion, he didn't recall seeing that one before, and when his eyes averted to the bulge in her stomach, he realized she must have been quite busy. Still, having to explain himself was the last thing he wanted.

"It's me, Vanguard. It's been a while, but I'm glad you seem to be doing well." He said kindly, only to suddenly excuse himself, his eyes faintly shocked like a child who had just caught doing some misdeed.

"Oh, do forgive me. I suppose you would like a more in depth explanation. I do not mind either way, but it would be demonic of me to force a poor pregnant woman to stand there and listen to a speech. Would't you agree?" He asked of her, bowing gracefully as a knight ought to give a lady her proper respects.

Sakura Matou

"Vanguard..." Sakura took a step back, her voice shaken by disbelief. "No... you're lying. You died!" She exclaimed, visibly upset by this coming up. "Who are you really! Why do you know him! Did you kill him!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The immortal shrugged in turn with Lorenzo's response, noting that this wasn't exactly out of the question for someone only recently coming to terms with their new life. The man deliberated for a few moments before reaching an arm over and patting Lorenzo on the shoulder reassuringly.

"Yes, I suppose that could be a problem," Michael admitted, "Going for centuries without it wasn't a fun experience, but that was a matter of choice. Regardless, is there nothing else that troubles you? You didn't strike me as the type to let anything stop you from enjoying whatever you could back when we first met."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses

Umbra of Chaos

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Her hands stilled. Those words alone almost brought Meti to her now shaking knees as she desperately held onto the sword. "Oh." It wasn't fair! She was perfect, perfect! Why did she have to have someone else as a wielder? It had felt so nice to hold her, to swing her, to feel everything that was Meti melt away and fuse into the blade.

"...Do they treat you well?"


Almost absentmindedly she ran a hand through her blue locks. "I am afraid that it is not natural. The coloration of my hair is a byproduct of the body that was crafted for me. All similar models also have the same shade of hair."

Arch-Magos Winter

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The planeswalker blinked. This was most certainly not what he'd expected to see today. Tugging off his guildmarked cloak he proffered it to the Dragon-Woman, his other hand covering the eyes of the boy. "Erm, indeed. Now, could you please cover up, Miss Dragon?"


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The goddess leaned forwards at his question, exposing even more of her deep cleavage. She hadn't missed where his eyes were lingering even if he tried to distract her with that annoying smirk. Not that she was annoyed in the slightest, quite the opposite in fact. "Do you mean like a domain or something, Gaddy? I take care of national affairs and stuff like that. I guess you could say I'm a goddess of games though."


"Something like that." Another moment of that, and he turned his eyes back to the screen. "I expect your next attempt to be worthy of the title, of course. Unless you wish for me to remain an infuriating enigma?" He readied his controller for the conflict to come.


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Muramasa Katase

acceptably. not exceptionally.

The demon could be honest with Meti about that at least. Mitsuba had always been somewhat infuriating to a degree. Whether it was making her wait longer than she liked, or getting paranoid and making enemies she couldn't even defeat, Katase had issues with the woman. If only she hadn't been so quick to try and possess her when they first met, she could have just hid on the pseudo-demon's mantle and slain that murderer by herself later in the evening.

But no, she hadn't been able to take control of Mitsuba and it left her in a bind if she wished for her revenge. And she had, at the time. She wouldn't take that back. Still...


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"Oh, aren't knightly orders flowing with donations from pilgrims and merchants?" More like a polite version of protection rackets to be honest. They would protect all pilgrims in need and merchants in need, but slightly prioritize depending who gave the most charitable donations. Ironically priests of the god of gambling, luck and thieves were more upfront about their intentions than followers of more upstanding religions. That didn't mean she held back on them, but she appreciated such honesty.

But in this case, the knight professed himself to be destitute. How odd, maybe he was some lone stranded member of his cult. "Oh, I see. Do you accept donations, sir?"

Well, she did not prostrate themselves before gods. But bribing them by helping their followers was another question. Give-and-take relationship.

Umbra of Chaos

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She nodded calmly. "This body is known as the Spirit Vessel. It was fashioned by the will and sorcery of the Prophets in order to accomplish the tasks they so desired. They simply acquired my soul, Purified it, and placed it within."

Simple, really. It was not a difficult thing to talk about. Those were just the facts.


Her grip tightened.

You deserve perfection. They should be glad to slake your thirst, to carve up hundreds and cut through all other weapons to prove themselves to you! How could anything else suffice? Meti very nearly unsheathed the sword then and there, ready to prove once more that she could do it. That she would do it. But she controlled herself.


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Breeze adapted very well to the game for someone raised in a pre-industrial society. She honestly didn't know if she should feel proud right now or worry about losing any edge she had over her girlfriend. Maybe she worried needlessly. The fact that she wasted her life on such trivial pastimes when she had nothing better to do (sometimes no threat reared her nor she was in a condition for training harshly. That's when her inner NEET soul surfaced) gave her edge in experience that was hard to surmount.

Sakura was doing very well, but could she keep up with her? Her character concentrated and released an ice spell that rickosheted and took out a group of archers who were hiding on a top of a tower. Everyone could use ultimate attacks but it took a pro achieve similar results with less wasteful movements. She would conserve her ultimate spell to fight later bosses

And speaking of the devil, they reached the first one. Red Gobo, the goblin chief riding on a giant  rhinoceros. He had some tricks in the sleeve, but she wouldn't tell the others. She wanted to see how they dealt with that one.


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Vanguard looked shocked for a second. It wasn't that he didn't expect such suspicion, but he was surprised. He was but a man of little consequence, he didn't believe she would think him dead over such a brief departure, let alone show such sentimentality. As pathetic as it was, this stirred an emotion he couldn't quite pin down.

He shrugged thoughtlessly, his expression like an immovable mountain."You may believe whatever you want to believe. My words have no power over you, nor can they influence your decision. However, I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt that I am Vanguard. Or are you saying I have rolled my way into your doorstep as a helmet in order to prove myself more convincing?"


"Well, having a dull unfeeling corpse as a body doesn't make that exactly easy." He sighed. "I miss eating, and drinking for one. Can you really call a life without pleasure living?"

His question was earnest, almost desperate.

"I would absolutely kill you for that glass right now." He joked

« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 10:32:44 PM by francobull3 »


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The goddess returned her attention to the screen, visibly pleased by the reaction she had elicited. "Oh but I don't think an enigma would be so obviously transparent. I'm happy you enjoyed it though."

With that Neptune begun the next round. This time she approached it with the exact same strategy she'd seen Gaddy use in the last. Except there was something different about it. Every movement seemed more... refined. Every little action picked apart and put back together with maximum effiency. In the end she proved to be just a bit faster, winning this round.

She turned back to him with her brightest smile. "And there you have it, special Nep killing technique #28! So I wonder what should my question should be?"


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Her grip tightened.

You deserve perfection. They should be glad to slake your thirst, to carve up hundreds and cut through all other weapons to prove themselves to you! How could anything else suffice? Meti very nearly unsheathed the sword then and there, ready to prove once more that she could do it. That she would do it. But she controlled herself.

Muramasa Katase

It was flattering, really. Katase liked being flattered by such a skilled killer. But right now it just made things more complicated for her because she owed Mitsuba for what she'd done. Perhaps it was the accumulation of honor-stricken soldier souls that had gathered together into thick knots within her steel, but breaking her word without a reason didn't sit well.

i owe her for something. until she is dead.

Umbra of Chaos

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Her face scrunched up a bit in a combination of concentration and extreme dissatisfaction.

What if I kill her?


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Remains of the dragon coalesced into a writhing mass. "Eh?" The youth reacted with confusion as the grey goo stirred into life.

But soon the confusion changed into trauma, as the "Mr. Dragon" turned into a girl. He felt betrayed, but most importantly he reeled from the shock that a naked woman appeared so suddenly in front of him. Covering up his eyes was in a vain as his senses reacted too sharply. He jumped back in desperation, almost falling off from the edge of the building.

"Aaaaaa, c-cover yourself up!!" He yelled out with a shaky voice.