Author Topic: The Great Western Mountains  (Read 14804 times)


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2021, 04:42:33 AM »

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Thorra roared out, sending her most powerful strike yet directly above her head at their monstrous foe! She crackled with thunderous lightning, ready to explode upon impact.


Sage held tightly onto Thorra's other arm now, eyes closing to protect themselves against the lightning flash, while she poured a static charge of her own through the demigoddess' body. Thorra could feel it - raw and undiluted nature lending its power to her divine authority, just for a little while, just for this one mighty strike against this one wretched foe.

It was a taste of something old, a sense memory burned into the metal of her head from before she was forged. Fleeting as it was, she could not hold onto the feeling or the memory for longer than she could hold back her own wind-up.

A deafening crack shattered the suffocating silence of the mist. All around them it scattered from impact and the searing force of the storm which pressed their assailant up, up and away.

Only to crash back down, bereft of the vapors in which the battered serpent thrived, before Thorra's feet.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2021, 10:54:28 PM »

Thorra lunged forwards as it fell, grabbing the tremendous, now roasted, serpent with her teeth in a display of prenatal dexterity. She swung it around in her mouth to make sure it was dead before biting down into its flesh, tasting the great beast's essence.

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2021, 03:14:15 AM »

Thorra lunged forwards as it fell, grabbing the tremendous, now roasted, serpent with her teeth in a display of prenatal dexterity. She swung it around in her mouth to make sure it was dead before biting down into its flesh, tasting the great beast's essence.


It thrashed between her teeth, forcing her to release Sage lest in its death throes it leave her unable to shield her living luggage from the trauma. The green-haired druid rolled aside to give Thorra space as her teeth found their way deep within its damaged scales.

The outer shell was too hard for even her to bite, and its flavor was wretchedly bitter. There was little meat to the starved beast. The rot lurking within spoiled even that.

The mist around them thinned, and the silence became less suffocating to the ears. Sage pulled herself back to her feet and observed the demigoddess' impromptu feast with caution. "You would be ill served to swallow that."
« Last Edit: March 12, 2021, 03:15:22 AM by Aiden »


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2021, 06:32:06 PM »

Before Sage had even finished giving the hammerborn her warning, Thorra had already spit out the fetid meat of the rotten beast from her mouth. It soared through the air with enough force to send giblets of bone and flesh to impact the walls of quiet stone with explosive force. She shuddered. The vibrations ran through her immense body, the soft layers of fat and mounds of womanly flesh belaying the immense strength Thorra held within her body.

"It's vile!" She exclaimed, sticking out her tongue. Electricty harmlessly ran down the lengths of their bodies in quiet agitation, her thunderous pupils wide with shock. With a toothy grin, she continued. "I've never had anything worse in my entire life! Even basilisk meat is tastier than that! Incredible!" Thorra placed Sage down finally before spinning around and striking a happy victory pose with a V over her left eye. "Do you think we'll be harried by stuff like that through our entire journey?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2021, 06:52:45 AM »

Before Sage had even finished giving the hammerborn her warning, Thorra had already spit out the fetid meat of the rotten beast from her mouth. It soared through the air with enough force to send giblets of bone and flesh to impact the walls of quiet stone with explosive force. She shuddered. The vibrations ran through her immense body, the soft layers of fat and mounds of womanly flesh belaying the immense strength Thorra held within her body.

"It's vile!" She exclaimed, sticking out her tongue. Electricty harmlessly ran down the lengths of their bodies in quiet agitation, her thunderous pupils wide with shock. With a toothy grin, she continued. "I've never had anything worse in my entire life! Even basilisk meat is tastier than that! Incredible!" Thorra placed Sage down finally before spinning around and striking a happy victory pose with a V over her left eye. "Do you think we'll be harried by stuff like that through our entire journey?"


The skin of bark receded to reveal the pseudo-elf's pale skin once more. She didn't so much as stumble, but she still took a few uneven steps back in the face of yet more stone shrapnel striking her moments before. Sage let out a sharp huff through her nose, and turned away to peer instead into the thinning veil of the mist. The path before them, littered with rubble and stinking of ozone and meat of dubious integrity, was just a little clearer now. "I did warn you this path would be most dangerous of the two. That creature... had not eaten for some time. We are fortunate it was weakened so, but I also do I wish we'd had time to speak further as to why."

A frown of concentration overtook her face as she started walking forward again. "A creature such as that, unable to feed..."


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2021, 03:55:32 PM »

Thorra gave Sage a friendly smack on her lower back, right above her butt. "Let's not linger in such a dangerous place pondering questions. When you're traveling through dangerous mythic places such as this, it's best not to spend even a second longer than you need to on your journey."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2021, 12:48:45 AM »

Thorra gave Sage a friendly smack on her lower back, right above her butt. "Let's not linger in such a dangerous place pondering questions. When you're traveling through dangerous mythic places such as this, it's best not to spend even a second longer than you need to on your journey."


The dragon's hackles rose upon being thus struck, and her eyes pinned themselves on Thorra for just long enough to leave her then evidently chagrined thereafter. Her nostrils flared, and then she turned with a swish of her elven form's long green hair back to the path and its lessened opacity. "Hmph. Do not speak to me as though I am not most accustomed to such environs, blunt one. My home in the great forests of the north are at least as comparable a challenge as this."

She continued on, barefoot against the abundant gravel Thorra had left in the wake of her wild swinging. Then she tossed a small, marble-sized object at the blonde.

Some manner of... berry?

"Eat, lest the taste linger upon thine tongue."
« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 12:51:24 AM by Aiden »


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2021, 04:26:15 PM »

Thorra hopped up in the air like a dog chasing a treet, spinning around in the air and performing a somersault to catch the food with her mouth.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2021, 04:29:18 PM »

Thorra hopped up in the air like a dog chasing a treet, spinning around in the air and performing a somersault to catch the food with her mouth.


Thorra felt her puppet body immediately fill with energy, all semblance of hunger or need being washed away with the cool refreshing juices of the berry as they spilled between her teeth and down her throat. Also, the nasty taste from the monster she'd bitten into was mostly gone!

Sage's mouth was hanging open at the sight of her... acrobatics.


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2021, 04:31:43 PM »

Thorra then landed on her feet, squatting down on the ground with her head slightly lowered, both arms raised behind her back above her head.

"Thank you for the food!"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2021, 04:38:56 PM »

"You are a strange creature." And yet the dragon, huffing as she did through her little nose, could not seem to muster teeth to sink into the comment this time. "Hmph. Well, that should last you 'til the next sunrise, if nothing else. Come along then, spawn of Thor."

Their journey continued with less tension, if nothing else. Sage's eyes and ears still swept across the landscape, she still sniffed at the air and wrinkled her nose in concentration at every little thing, but she spent far less time watching her flank for Thorra's sudden yet inevitable betrayal. Besides, she had larger concerns now.

Like the trail of rotting carcasses, or the piles of old dried bile not far from them, or the unspeakable stench that filled the air now that the mist was so much thinner than before. The hints of sunlight that pierced the veil did the remains no favor.

The druid's hackles were up. "Eat nothing you find here," she hissed out at the thought.

One of the bodies further ahead, a large furred thing similar to a bear, was still moving, in the sense that it was still breathing with chunks taken out of its legs.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 01:56:19 PM by Aiden »


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2021, 02:31:46 PM »

"I need not to eat, ever. It is simply a novel experience for a Hammer such as myself."

Thorra followed along next to her, arm protectively wrapped around her waist, readied to swoop her up and to fly away if she needed to.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2021, 01:31:03 AM »

"I need not to eat, ever. It is simply a novel experience for a Hammer such as myself."

Thorra followed along next to her, arm protectively wrapped around her waist, readied to swoop her up and to fly away if she needed to.


Sage grew less stiff in posture the longer Thorra spent holding onto her, as though reluctantly yet inevitably finding herself relaxed. Yet she forced her eyes and pointed ears to take in everything else that was not her strange traveling companion too.

"Such strange magic you are then," She said with a nearly petulant huff to her voice. "And much of what goes on in that stubborn head of yours now is laid bare with sense."

The dragon in elven skin turned her eyes too to a tree as they passed it, and saw it for the withered thing it is. "Does such apply to exhaustion as well? I fear we may find little in the way of place to slumber in safety here."


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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2021, 01:50:28 AM »

Thorra waved herself in front of Sage. "Of course it doesn't. I'm a weapon." She replied again, simply.

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Re: The Great Western Mountains
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2021, 03:37:35 AM »

Sage's eyes crossed as they were distracted from her vigilance and diverted to the alluringly well crafted instrument of violence in front of her. "The products of civilization are most uncanny. Why forge an instrument of violence as..." Her eyes switched to Thorra's behind, momentarily. "... buxom, as yourself?"