Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54427 times)


  • The God Tongue
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"Hmph. You truly do not change..."

Without any warning, a flash of light and harsh steel flashed with immaculate precision, flying towards the man's neck in a heartbeat with a swing so deliberate it might be accidental.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 04:10:53 AM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

The sudden burst of light was met with an explosion of purple light.  When the two stopped moving, Ignis stood before Relius, her arm in the shape of a blade blocking the strike.


Relius laughed. "The more things change, the more things stay the same.  I believe that is the popular saying these days?" he asked.  Ignis floated back to her puppeteer, positioning herself just behind his back.  "Is this sudden aggression a sign of displeasure, or are you merely testing my patience?"


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There was a boom, and his blade was stopped short by yet another puppet, sparks flying where the two blades clashed. The hero however did not seem at all surprised, as if he had repeated this same motion with the scientist hundreds of times, though it was the first time he did it while assuming this form. It was no different than having a pleasant chat over tea, if it wasn't accompanied with brutal murderous strikes, an onlooker might assume this was a discussion between old friends.

He smiled pleasantly as he crushed the earth underfoot, causing the ground to tremble while his weapon slipped away in a deadly zigzag.

"Not at all. My hand just slipped. Besides, you are aware of my feelings over such stagnation."

His words were accompanied with a deadly swing down at the man's left shoulder, only for the blade to inexplicably plummet towards Relius's right like a comet.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 04:52:54 AM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

I am, he responded in his head.

If he had not fought that man long ago, he would not know how to deal with such an attack.  The ground shaking below him prompted him to jump back to get some distance between the two.  As he leaped back, he attempted to counter attack, a claw like puppet arm spawning from under his coat and flying towards the man.  However, a blade came down, striking the puppeteer in the shoulder before he could make his move.

Meanwhile, Ignis's arms stretched to react. One arm moved to block the blade, the other morphed into a drill, shooting forward like a serpent to pierce the man in the heart.  However, the target shifted, suddenly appearing on the opposite side in the blink of an eye, striking the puppeteer in the shoulder.  Knowing it missed its chance to defend, the puppet transformed the blade arm into a claw, attempting to grasp the man the second after he moved to dodge the drill.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 05:19:24 AM by yinsukin »


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And I believe you do not share my sentiment? As a man of the sciences, do you not seek change?

The warrior's movements were incredible. With a fluid motion, his weapon changed course and smacked the drill, parrying it straight onto the scientist's attack and crushing his robotic claw, forcing both back. Taking yet a step forward while he shifted to the side, he used this opportunity to release an unbelievable pressure from his body as lightning erupted from the dancing warrior.

But in compare, his voice was as casual as ever, as if they had talked about such things for thousands of years. "Then what drives you forward, friend?"

His weapon had reversed and he pointed the shaft's blunt end to the two, his stance suddenly became more akin to a spear-man's as he unleashed a devastating flurry of thrusts, each attack fluid and graceful as a dance, his onslaught as overwhelming as a machine gun's and each impact capable of dwarfing cannonballs.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 05:46:24 AM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

This old question Vanguard?  Very well...

As Relius's body fell to the ground, he was already calculating his next attack.  When fighting with Vanguard, there was no point in conserving energy. Once his palms hit the ground, a bright light engulfed the two and gears encased the warrior.  Two columns appeared on the side, intent on grinding the body to dust if allowed to stay for an extended period.  Another appeared in front of Relius, shielding him from the flurry of strikes.  Each impact of Vanguard's mighty weapon echoed through the forest like a cannon ball, easily shattering the gears to pieces.

Foolish Vanguard.  You seek to end stagnation, to overcome your fate, yet you feel the need to ask these questions to one such as myself.  My own stagnation is a result of endless ambition, a stubborn desire to satisfy my own curiosity.  As a scientist, there is only one answer.

Ignis flew past Relius, using the flying rubble as cover for her charge.  She somersaulted forward, transforming her hat tails into deadly blades.  The spinning deathball threatened to carve the warrior in half. 

"I seek progress!"

« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 06:09:56 AM by yinsukin »


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Henry Barthow

Henry adjusted his rear mirror away from the latest group of normal people to walk down the sidewalk, focusing back on the reports that sat on his lap. Sitting in his car, parked on the side of the road going through a quaint and seemingly quiet residential neighborhood, bearing a focused and somewhat weary look, he was the very picture of the gruff cop.

A skeptical investigator focused on the idyllic surroundings that were almost too good to be true in a place like the Nexus, which recent experience had taught him always concealed some manner of oddity or iconic bizarreness. It was, in fact, the near-certainty that this tranquil face hid something like that which had brought the man here, away from paperwork and rubber stamping of cases that had other officers getting upset at in his stead.

It was an advantage of his position that he had a voice and eyes where it concerned things that were of particular interest to the thing underneath his own face. Since finding a place in the force and going through his share there he'd been trying to get cases on cults and undetermined rituals more organized, and the inquiries he'd submitted had finally returned something.

An increasing number of incident reports of mostly harmless but offputting instances that he'd managed to narrow down to this general vicinity now that he had caught a break from the current big concerns of the police force. It was a familiar thing to the demon wearing the mask of the detective. Idiosyncrasies that had no place being there, apparitions that seemed to point in particular directions, objects no one remembered composing unusual symbols, incomprehensible felonies followed by traces of absurd property damage, and worse. Signs forming invisible patterns.

On the way to getting here he thought he'd heard a familiar grinding of gears under his feet, though the sound of his car disturbed his awareness. And now here he was, and the Unchained had found the air thick with mystical waste such that he could fill his tank and have enough to spare.

It was that disconcertingly reality which had Henry reviewing his data and looking for cues he had missed, loitering in proper reflection while his true mind debated with itself on whether this was what he feared or what he expected, in turmoil over how to approach it past his original mission.

Until he felt the hidden channels of physical laws practically whistle like a factory engine at an overheat, with the distinct sensation of a key being forced, and Henry pulled himself off the vehicle and slammed the door shut.

His face stiffer than a moment earlier but otherwise unchanged, the cop walked with some uncertain purpose, as he searched for a proper avenue to engage the residents or interrogate the area about the telling disturbances.

The gears under his feet were telling. He took just under a minute to wander like someone uncertain of where to begin before honing in on the likely source, going up the steps of the front door. Knocking curtly, politely relaxing his frown as he pulled his insignia from his jacket.



"We're going to the Hedge." Mordred announced to Oren after they parted with Breeze and Sakura for a reason. She was looking for something to surprise both with. Sakura started looking positively bored after all with that mundane shopping. "I don't mind bringing you along, but you should know what you're signing for. But first, I should figure out where a gate is. Have you heard before about that park where there was a huge explosion? I think that's one of the places."

"Ohhh. Okay! That should be fun. Follow the path, but only if it's were you need to go and not where you want to go, right?" Hopping next to the blonde with a song in her step. A subtle rhythm as lovely as any song.


Hmm. There was that ever present fat bump that reminded Liseth that Sakura was pregnant. Ugh. Babies. Disgusting, and loud, and you had to actually give birth to them and that was disgusting please no just ugh. She was never going to have a baby.

But onto other things! "Yeah, yeah. Just gimme a sec. And you don't need to do that! Even if that place is so huge it has its own horizon..." she grumbled a little before suddenly stopping. Someone was one her doorstep! She could feel it, kinda how like you could feel a single strand of spiderweb on you. Except she could pinpoint the exact location! Then there was knocking.

"Huh. I wonder who that could be. I don't think I ordered anything..." Probably. She made weird decisions late at night. "I'll go check."

So Liseth pulled herself out of that hold and made her way to the door. And, as her dad always told her, she made sure to look through the little peep hole thing she couldn't name to take a good look at who was on the other side.

"Sakura, I don't know who this is. Can you like get bugs read to eat his eyeballs if he's a crazy?" She tossed that out there with a little subtlety before opening the door a bit. "Hello?"

Sakura Matou

"I can do a lot more than that when I'm here..." The woman murmured. She walked over and stood behind Liseth, eyeing up the cop warily. She was pretty sure she would be able to get him in serious trouble if he was a nuisance.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Antonia San Nicolas

Antonia had to admit, Noel was quite different than the usual enemies she had encountered. Most of them were mindless creatures who attacked on instinct; Noel's actions were deliberate and calculating, as evident by the multiple explosions around her. The force was strong enough to tip her off the edge, but Antonia managed to hang onto the ledge and propel herself back up again.

It seemed like firepower was her main weapon, from what she observed. Explosions can only be used so close before they turned into a hazard for the caster, and guns were also so useful at a distance. Antonia needed to close the gap between them and so, using the ensuing smoke from the explosions, she dashed through them, and pounced on Noel.

Noel Vermillion

Noel lithely ducked underneath the girl's  pounce and smacked her with one of her pistols, redirecting the other girl's course to the ground.

"Did you really think that all I could do was shoot from a distance?" The girl asked as she closed in, a blue aura surrounding her body as she closed in.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Not even minding her orgasming state, the mage kept up his thrusting through it all, displaying the proof of his far geater stamina in this field. That however did not mean it didn't feel amazing, the desperate squeeezing of her pussy was doing it's work to bring him closer to his own end.

He then slowed down, almost coming to a halt. It took more willpower to do so than he had anticipated, had his lust for her already grown so great? "I guess that's 1 to 0 for me" He teased her.


Noire suddenly redoubled her efforts and pushed his tongue down, invading the deepest parts of his mouth with her own.

"I'll just have to even that out then, won't I?"

The girl reluctantly climbed off him and finally broke the kiss, floating up and turning around before landing back down on him, her face now only millimeters away from his throbbing cock. He really looked pent up now.

"Guys like this sort of stuff, right?" She asked shyly, sticking her tongue out and licking the head of his shaft. It tasted weird and she made a face. A mixture of sweat and her own slick wetness.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Hello, miss...?" The man began, purposefully creasing his brow at what little he could see of her. Not that he could blame her for the caution, this city wasn't exactly the safest place on - well, the metaphor lost some meaning when no one was certain if they were still technically on Earth, didn't it?

The seemingly habitual state of the neighborhood told him there was a little more to it, but that wasn't his aim to pry on right now. He continued, voice thick with the trained politeness his job owed to the people they were sworn to protect.

"I'm sorry to bother you, my name is Henry Barthow and I'm a detective with the Nexus City Police. I'm looking into a number of repeated claims about unusual occurrences in the area. I was hoping to ask a resident some questions in person, do you mind?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"And yet you are fine with such stillness? You disappoint me." He said as a matter of factly while his blade swept through the air, clashing with the puppet's blades to block its vicious attack.

There was a great shock wave, gusts of wind, and one could see the two forces struggled to overwhelm one another. Between his and the doll's glare, there was the subtlest of glows where their steels connected.

However, the moment of respite was short lived, for the warrior spun his weapon and his foe's balance with an incredible motion, throwing her off as he dodged her bladed body before striking her to the left. His booming motion threw her off balance, revealing an  then to the right, pummeling her metal body until cracks formed all over the puppet. In less than a a few seconds, he had trashed the doll with an avalanche of blunt strikes, giving it absolutely no chance for respite.


"I see." He said nonchalantly with a smile, rubbing his chin while he pondered on just what to do with this poor man. "Ah, I've got it. It's nothing too risky, but it might be good enough for you to prove yourself. Just act as a supplement of eyes and ears for now, if you could report interesting happenings, that would be great."

Before he could even complain, he gave the mage a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about running into any problems, just keep your eyes and ears open and I'll make sure no harm comes to you. Ah, and next time, please don't fry strangers. Cleaning bodies can get so messy..."
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 01:08:59 AM by francobull3 »


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"A war can always happen. I'm not fooled by the relative peacetime. A war can erupt over various causes. Lofty and trivial reasons alike but it honestly won't matter much when a war happens." Suddenly Anastasia started talking about things unrelated to the Holy Grail War. "It's just a friendly warning. Don't relax completely just because it's not a warzone." Then she turned to Ruler. "You seem to be disappointed that there is no Holy Grail War here. But do you have other reasons to fight than that particular war?"
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 01:50:54 PM by Kat »


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"Ah, that didn't work at all. Not surprised." The monk murmured. But he just wanted to confirm if he could go on offense in any way from that afar. "Time to stick to the proper plan."

He would use his arms in unorthodox application to grab parts of the wall to climb up easier. He should get close to Engetsu, not to fight by his side, but to serve as a support. A war of attrition was an option if he could heal him as much as he could.


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"More or less. Hedge is psychoactive, so if you really want something, it might bend under your will and emotions. Not always in good way. That's why I have powers to divine what should be done. There has been no Gentry activity since I have come here, but there should be Hobs around and one may as well lost a soul if completely lost in the thorns and briars. Something that we need rather than we want, eh. What Breeze could need if we want to bring something for her?" The changeling speculated before they reached the place.


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This farce had gone on long enough, she was not going to entertain his delusion any longer than she already had. "No I am a vampire.... and you should stop deluding yourself. You know why she is not here." Her wet blonde hair almost glittered in the last rays of the sun as it passed beyond the horizon. She moved closer in a swift motion and pinned him to the edge of the spring.

"How were you planning on beating him , if you can not even beat me?" The vampire was taunting him, golden eyes sizing him up like an exquisite meal ready to be served.

She leaned closer, her fangs extended dangerously. "Tell me young werewolf, are you afraid?"