Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54428 times)


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She rang the doorbell before Emily did that, waiting for the owner of the apartment to open the door. It's not like she wouldn't let her see that person first, sometimes she was just a tad impatient and did a thing on impulse.


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Relius Clover

After the devastating combo of blows, Ignis disappeared in a flash of purple light.  "Would you go through all this effort were it so easy?" he asked almost callously as he charged forward.  A spear like limb appeared from his shoulder, threatening to skewer the warrior.  Less than a second later, another limb appeared from his torso, threatening to pierce him in the leg.

Would it be worthwhile if one could snap such an ideal into reality?


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"Good... good." Her whole form, rigid like inflexible stone, slowly relaxed. There was tenseness to her still but flexibility as well, like the tension of a steel blade. "And of the other matters involving my job, just try to warn me before you go around cleaning out my private rooms. It was a bit surprising."


He bowed solemnly, demonstrating the rigidity of his commitment. "Of course, I will remember it. Please overlook the surprise I caused earlier, Suzuko."

In hindsight, there was something else his employer should know if he did not intend on shocking her again in the future, but right then the bell rang. Butler looked to her, seeking approval.

"I wasn't aware you were expecting guests. May I?" He asked merely as a matter of formality. He was in his environment.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 04:00:36 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Relius Clover

After the devastating combo of blows, Ignis disappeared in a flash of purple light.  "Would you go through all this effort were it so easy?" he asked almost callously as he charged forward.  A spear like limb appeared from his shoulder, threatening to skewer the warrior.  Less than a second later, another limb appeared from his torso, threatening to pierce him in the leg.

Would it be worthwhile if one could snap such an ideal into reality?

Effort, huh?

The warrior's eyes changed for a second. Was this melancholy? No, it couldn't be right. A hand suddenly shot towards the robotic arm and crushed it, grabbing Relius with the useless appendage and twisting him upside down. "Because I want it to end." He murmured as he made the scientist fly.

Its other spear didn't even have the time to shoot past his face before he slammed the man on the ground with a deliberate motion that made it seem more like he accidentally dropped him. There was a terrible boom, dust erupted everywhere, but it was nothing in compare to the kick shooting towards the floored man's chest like a meteorite.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 04:30:56 AM by francobull3 »


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The moment Relius's limbs were inside Vanguard's grip, Ignis appeared in a flash of purple light.  Her arm stretched and grabbed Relius as he hit the floor.  Meanwhile, Relius tried to plant an explosive on his captor's foot, set to explode in a second.  If he missed, he would allow it to fall to the ground.  In any case, Ignis's arm was already retracting, giving himself more than enough time to escape the blast.

"I suppose no matter how old you become, some things never change," Relius said as he flew away from the warrior.

His body felt heavy, his chest and back screaming in pain.  Ignis threw her masters body several meters away into a distant tree.  The scientist gracefully landed on the base of a thick branch, staring down as he held a hand on his abs.  He began casting his healing ars.

"You cannot invoke change with will alone.  If all you do is tantrum, even I cannot help you.  I have taken actions to end stagnation, but what have you done?"


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Had his kick stopped, or had the puppet's movements been fast enough? In all the commotion, it was impossible to tell, all that was left was a burning explosion, flames roaring all around the warrior's imposing figure before it vanished in a massive blast.

Fires roared, the glowing light reflected over the scientist's doll's cracked face, but there was no sound. And as the smoke and fire faded, there was a faint blue glow. In the end all that was left was a machine, its artificial flesh melting off uselessly, burned skin faded into ash in order to reveal a ghastly phantom entrapped in a shell of metal. Its hollow eye sockets breathed no life, its teeth seemed to clench but were but an uncomfortable centimeter apart from one another. Clothes, skin, expressions, such things were nothing more than masks.

But even for its creator, such a sight would be something that would surely inspire terror into one's heart, this vessel had been forged in a corpse's image after all. For what is dead may never die, and even if the dead do not speak, they are not silent.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 05:15:58 AM by francobull3 »


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Relius burst out laughing, coughing up a bit of blood in the process.  "How poetic!" he exclaimed, the blood overflowing and dripping to the floor.  His body felt heavy still, even as the healing took effect.  "I may wear a mask on my face, but yours is your entire body!  In that sense, you have surpassed me, weaving a redundant web of lies all to allude yourself, a facade for no one.  How pointless."

Between the ghastly soul and the scientist leaking blood with every sentience, it was like a ghost talking to a monster.  "In the end, you are merely a thing.  Your current form is the most obvious example of this limitation."  A smile crept onto his lips.  "You can never change your core.  You will always be Vanguard, the plaything of fate."


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Vanguard stared at the dying man silently, That arrogant scholar, how dare he speak of fate in front of him?! He'd rip the tongue off his body, so he may never utter that accursed word ever again.

He would not be a sleeping slave of fate. His words had no weight or meaning, they didn't matter or change anything at all! No chains would ever bind him, no  shackles would restrain him. He would absolutely save everyone. He had to save everyone. It was the only thought keeping this machine running. That man was an impediment, he couldn't be allowed to linger a second longer in his world.


Magical circles and formulas whirred around the metal titan, and lightning exploded from all around him, cloaking his weapon to the point it looked like he wielded a mass of thunder. A rusty, unpleasant grinding sound lingered from his body, as if his gears where clenching and about to shatter one another, but it was deafened by the lightning's screams, the screams of hundreds of souls weighing on his back.

The price of these sins was too much for any man to bear, so he had stopped being human. His body was more than a mask, it was an armor to protect himself from others, from the world, and most of all, from himself. Now that it was broken, he laid bare, and the truth was that he had nothing other than the weapon in his hands, and power so overwhelming it became blinding.

His muscles compressed like a whip desperate for release, and with an ear splitting boom he leapt, bloating the moon with his brilliant power as he reached heights that dwarfed even the tallest trees of this forest, displaying his weapon high above the heavens so he may plummet it down with an all consuming swing and take that man's life.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 02:20:41 PM by francobull3 »


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As the poor poor store clerk was pissing his pants oh so wonderfully and desperately grasping for a weapon, the cutesy maid walked over to the counter just in time to grab hold of the assault rifle as he pulled it out.

"Nope, no weapons for you." She flung it away to the side of the room, the rifle hitting a wall with metallic clang only to slide down and knock a few bottles over. The bottles themselves hitting the floor and broke, their precious content spilling all over the floor.

She then pulled him towards her over the counter by his shirt. "Weapons are dangerous.... very, very dangerous. Did no one ever tell you that? Bad things happen to those who use them. You understand that right? I hope you don't, I really do. That means I get to educate you. Ahh... the joy of teaching innocent younglings about the hardships of life."

"So how's it going to be? Are you going to make my day? Or should I say night? No, fuck that, I say whatever I feel like saying. So are you?"


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"I see..." Ruler said, trailing off at the end.  So it was true.  There would be no war here.  Then... what should he do now?

As if she was reading his mind, his master spoke up.  Her words pierced his heart, sinking into his oceanic conscience like a fallen ship.  Was it wrong that he was disappointed there was no war?  Was it sinful to find purpose in conflict?

The priest shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, no.  Your time has no use for me outside of my ability to fight."  Then, he turned to Rider.  "Why do you stay in this era?  Is it a fear of death or something else?"


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Relius Clover

Ignis reappeared next to Relius, grasping him in her claws and tossing him to the right.  She disappeared immediately after she threw him.  Meanwhile, the puppeteer activated the ars he uses to float, easing his decent.  Together, it almost looked like he was flying through the forest, slowly descending as he shot through the woods.  He looked back, only to see the spot where he once stood being engulfed in an explosion of lightning.

You never even refuted the claim.  Without hesitation you threw away your mask....


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There was a boom, and both the puppet and the puppeteer vanished, but not before a devastating blow was dealt on the doll, severing its shoulder from its torso. Had it not teleported in the nick of time, it would have been cleaved in half.

There was another boom. Then another, and in a few steps he was barely a few feet away from Relius as an incarnation of wrathful lightning, baring a gaze as silent and hollow as it was haunting. Without losing any of his finesse, he swung his weapon with immaculate precision, the pressure alone ripping the debris away from the earth as his blade swept through the air to strike him down.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 05:46:59 PM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

He could feel it.  The warrior would close in on him soon.  "This hatred!  I have never seen such intensity directed at oneself in all my years!  This conversation was never about me was it?!  You have been talking to yourself!"

Once again, Ignis appeared between them, her claw glowing as it met the blade.  An explosion went off, inadvertently propelling Relius farther.  Once the light from the explosion faded, the doll was gone as well.  Using his puppet limbs and the extra speed, he sliced through trees, causing them to fall over behind him. 


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The clash pushed the doll closer and closer to the brink of destruction. This time, its arm was cleaved off entirely. No matter how durable, no material could withstand such a blow empowered by heavenly lightning itself. This exchange was ultimately one sided and devastated everything surrounding them. Trees and nature wasted away under thunderous blows and scalding flames, and the apocalyptic warrior shattered everything in his path without restraint.

The metallic legend  burst away from the fiery explosion, the injuries were minimal at best. In less than a few seconds the distance was closed once more, and his weapon wrapped in a sea of lightning would pour down on him like a final curtain. Nothing would be able to resist such an onslaught, the next moment the puppet appeared it would be annihilated. Such thoughts weren't passing in his mind, it was just a fact. You might as well call it fate, but the truth was that he knew all along.

He refused, he rejected everything, he cut down all in his path including his own self, until all that was left was a wretched beast. Instead of confronting his sins, he became someone else, a vanguard that would drown in filth for all eternity as he tried to hold everything in his hands. The moment lives began to slip away, he had already gone too far.

And now that he had cut away even that, all that was left was a living corpse, hacking away with the only weapon he had, strikes weaving with such skill and obsession you could compare him to a demon lord from a fairy tale.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 06:55:10 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Huh... well she wasn't too worried about that stuff. It's not like she had done anything wrong. Probably. "Sure? I mean, come in." She stepped back a bit as she pulled the door open. And promptly realized oh god she wasn't wearing anything underneath her shirt and slammed the door in his face. "Actually just wait one second!"

She turned to Sakura with a blush on her face. "Pants!"


"Hmm, well maybe you aren't looking for them in the right place. I think I saw a Gardener, once." And there was weight to that word. A title and oath rather than merely a name. "But it's probably safe enough, yeah."


Ah, yes. She did have a few appointments left in the day, didn't she? "Tell them to come up to my office, won't you? And make an impression. Something that they'll remember." It was an order despite how leisurely her tone was.