Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 97626 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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"Yes... you would be a rather poor mage in that case. Still, it would be foolish to approach this carelessly. Arrays scale in danger with the power of a mage, and you are no small talent. But I somehow doubt that you simply wanted to learn this, hmm?" Standing and approaching the younger girl.


"Mhh, they're pretty good. Y'know, I know a demon back home that would get along terribly with you. He's pretty prissy for a demon of pleasure, I'll tell you that much." She rested a bit as her Messenger's began their work, trying to mine at the surface thoughts of the two intruders.


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Olga Marie

Olga didn't hesitate. There was no reason to hide it. "Of course not. I want to learn as much as I can from you-that's actually part of why I've been practicing so hard." Her face was a bit flushed from the praise she'd been given. "I was wondering if you'd-take me as an apprentice. I'm not asking this for nothing of course, and I know-I'm not as good as you but-I'd teach you whatever you wanted about how mine works in exchange." She sounded extremely excited at the prospect, almost to the point of desperation. It was so close she could almost touch it. She could feel it!

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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What's going on here?....

Her spoon for some reason kept missing the cake despite her knowing with certainty she was moving it at a perfect angle.

So this is her response.... is it an illusion... No it's not there's nothing there, telekinesis maybe? But it doesn't feel like my arm is being affected directly...

She kept trying to eat some more to no avail.

"Are you sure you don't want some of this Engetsu? I think it would make a perfect fit for the tea you're having." The godslayer kept smiling throughout it, it would be unbecoming to get frustrated by cheap tricks like this.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2017, 07:00:48 AM by Bern »

Umbra of Chaos

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The older mage placed a hand on her hips as she glanced over Olga one last time. "Apprentice, hm? They are much like children, or so I hear. They are chosen to carry out their master's legacy and continue their pursuit of knowledge. No, someone like me doesn't need an apprentice. But I suppose it couldn't hurt. I accept, Lady Animusphere, so long as you are willing to shoulder the price of what being my apprentice means."


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Olga Marie

Olga's face instantly broke out into a big smile. All her built up stress had gone away, the only thing she was feeling right now was happiness. "Of course! Whatever you say goes!" Olga exclaimed. Her eyes were almost twinkling.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Hm, Grigori did not really think she would regret this. In fact, she was rather certain she wouldn't. Unless the girl was far more subtle than she had noticed Olga wouldn't backstab her just for power or some inane research. Still, she had a feeling this wasn't going to be simple. "Now then, where do you wish to begin?"


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Olga Marie

"Well, the basics, I guess. Your magic seems to work with an utterly different system than mine, so I guess I'll have to start at the very beginning. Unless that's just manipulating mana. You mentioned something about an Alphabet right?" Olga jumped right in, full of energy.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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"Yes." The runes in the air organized themselves into a massive wall behind Grigori. "You can consider it something akin to the 'language of magic' in a sense. You impose your will upon raw mana to make it take on forms and produce effects you find more pleasing. These runes, you can consider them intent and will given form, the imposition of direction and purpose upon mana."


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Olga Marie

"I see..." Marie looked at them with utter concentration, taking several minutes to carefully study them and memorize their exact shape and form, occasionally stopping to practice it herself. As a practitioner of rune magic, this sort of task was nothing new to her, and she quickly memorized them. She drew them all in the air with her own magic, taking care not to look at Grigori's example as she did so.

"How are these?" She asked when she was satisfied with her efforts.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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She looked over them for a minute or two, carefully looking for any fault. Then the mage nodded. "Good. We won't have to waste any time on the childish lessons. Now we can begin learning in full. These are basic terms, but they are meant to encapsulate the highest fields of magic. Context changes their meaning, complexity deepens their power, and a fully complete array can let you access powers your body could never manage. We'll start with something simple, a barrier. Then we can progress to more complicated phenomena."


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Olga Marie

Olga nodded. Learning the alphabet would be the easiest, and quite possibly only easy, part of this. Olga was actively listening, nodding and murmering to herself about Grigori's lecture. "Alright. Barriers." It felt weird thinking of them as all easy. Grigori was probably talking about a specific type. Olga made sure to banish all thoughts of her own magival knowledge away from her mind, and to only think in terms of the alphabet she'd just learned. To feel it. She sat down and closed her eyes, imagining each one and mentally putting them together, seeing how it felt. Eventually, after much thinking, Marie began to draw on the ground. She drew a basic magic circle, and began writing the runes in it. Finally, she infused it with her mana, and it flashed weakly. The girl made a face, clearly not pleased with her result. She turned and began a second one immediately, trying out a different combination.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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She nodded stiffly, her eyes cold as she looked over the smaller doll. "Yes, you should be capable of at least that much. If you are so lost you can't find your way out you may follow us back to the city, but you are expected at my master's shop as soon as possible."

Orianna turned and began to walk away after that her movements a touch more mechanical than usual.


"No, you have to be more detailed, synergistic. The runes have to each build off each other to define the nature of the barrier, down to the most basic applications." This was going to take a little time. Even a prodigy would need to work at learning ruins from scratch, and it wasn't as if they were pressed for it. Grigori could be patient.


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She nodded stiffly, her eyes cold as she looked over the smaller doll. "Yes, you should be capable of at least that much. If you are so lost you can't find your way out you may follow us back to the city, but you are expected at my master's shop as soon as possible."

Orianna turned and began to walk away after that her movements a touch more mechanical than usual.


"No, you have to be more detailed, synergistic. The runes have to each build off each other to define the nature of the barrier, down to the most basic applications." This was going to take a little time. Even a prodigy would need to work at learning ruins from scratch, and it wasn't as if they were pressed for it. Grigori could be patient.

Olga Marie

"Mmmmm." Olga nodded at Grigori's advice, erasing her second attempt and starting it over. She swapped out two of the runs, moved a few others around, and tried it again. A slightly better result. But nowhere near good enough. Olga shook her head, and continued drawing.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe looked back at her, giving her an excited smile, brimming with anticipation.  "I told you, its a secret!"

Of course, he couldn't hide the actual building once they arrived.  It was an enormous building, surrounded by tennis and basket ball courts.  In the back of the building, there was a small soccer field surrounded by a track.  Once they entered the front door, they were greeted by a pretty young woman sitting behind a desk that cut them off from the rest of the building.  They would have to sign in to get through.

"Tah da!  This is a special place where I can reign supreme!  Once this is done, you will have something only I can give you!"

That wasn't entirely true.  This was something she could give herself easily, if she really wanted to.


Sakura nodded excitedly. "Yeah! Thanks, Joe!" She smiled warmly at him, and sent a mental command to her bugs, sending them to create a perimeter and set up detection fields all around the building, layering them thick and making sure she was safe. Her hornets flew overhead, cloaked from mundane observation with a simple spell.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Purple Heart

"A goddes like myself would never be bothered by a little cold, is your image of me really that low Lorenzo? If that's the case I suppose I have no choice.... but to beat it into you!" A majestic curved sword was now pointed directly at the burning skeletal pirate. The CPU of Planeptune assumed a ready stance.

"A battle for the position of captain, how does that sound?" There was no way he could back out from such a blatant challenge.