Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96729 times)


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The redhead smiled with the blonde's enthusiasm, letting her move about a bit, as much as the vines could actually restrict her, but not too much. More vines came up to reinforce the ones holding Nero up, while Emily rested her head on Nero's shoulder and stared right at Rider, the hand at the blonde's folds swiftly catching her clit between her fingers and squeezing a bit before sliding a bit further down and hooking up into Nero's folds, Emily starting with two fingers and sliding them in and out at a steady pace.

"Well, you aren't just going to hang there and watch, are you?" Emily mused, switching out the vine rubbing at Rider's pussy for one without thorns, but starting to move the lavender-head's breasts with the vines in a parody of how Nero was shaking hers, "After all, looks like you're getting pretty close."


As the empress's performance heated up, rapidly reaching the finale, a sweet voice escaped her lips while her hips sped up more and more, the crescendo of eros filling the air of the palace, the blessing of Venus permeating every pore of the royal artist's body until, finally, she reached the climax, hoisted up in the air by the vines as a stream of her honey sprayed down on the other servant.


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His look turned incredulous at the very sudden scene unfolding. No, there was something even more sudden and incredulous than that. The way his eyes, posture, and even his aura changed the moment they left, almost as if he had become an utterly different person, looking at William with a corpse-like gaze of contempt.

"And there you are, chasing our little birds away." He sighed. Did you really have to show yourself so early? I would have liked to see what they were capable of. No matter. What brings you here?" He asked him boredly.


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The dog was wagging her tail happily when miss stick in the mud interrupted again. "Yeah yeah." The hound sighed before pawing the kid away. "Sorry, gotta go. We both have work to do, don't we?"

She turned to leave with Orianna, when she said one final thing.

"Don't get killed kiddo."

They had gotten in a clothing store for a while now. Honestly, this was something she had been planning for a while now. Ever since that son of a bitch tore at her poor innocent dress, she had been forced to go around shamefully for a while. She missed the feeling of clothes, new ones for a change! So she didn't really care if she had been trying all of these out for ten, twenty or even fifty minutes.

"Um, let's see..." The dead apostle squeezed herself into this last set of clothes, the rest literally piled in the shopping cart right next to Orianna.

Well, its not like she could tell from looking at a mirror. So she opened the changing room's door jovially once more, puffing her chest and swaying her hips to showcase her schoolgirl set. Its almost like these ones were tailor made specifically for her, everything just seemed to make her body stand out so much more, not that she could tell. That's where Orianna came in!

She struck a scandalous pose, revealing eeeverything for everyone around to see, much to their embarrassment. "How do I look?" She grinned from ear to ear.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 08:14:27 PM by francobull3 »


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The doll stood up from the bench, waving at the pair making distance.

"See you around, you two"

And so he turned around and started stroling toward the shop of a ertain dollmaker.


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Oh! Telepathy, she had nearly forgotten about it. "There's no need to say that. I know what you're talking about and all of this is practically unusable. You'll get more out of it than I will anytime soon" She wasn't really putting herself down; it was just being realistic.


"Pavarti shook her head and smiled. "No, I think that you'll come into your own someday, Aurelia. You're going to be an amazing mage."

"So, did you just appear here as well? We both seem to be a little bit lost."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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The encouragement made her feel nice. But still, she had been through this song and dance before. It wouldn't be good for her to get her hopes up at everything that came up. "Yes, I've only been around for a few hours. This place is... poorly put together."


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This creature before them was clearly not human, her pale skin and her yellow eyes should give that away but she trusted her master had noticed that detail as well, which is why she didn't comment on it. However this could potentially turn into a threat so it would be better to be preapred than sorry.

With that thought in mind, the blond woman materialized before them, appearing as regal as anyone else present there. "Surely you jest Olga, I am quite certain the Church would have some issues with your assesment." She then turned her attention to their visitor and gave a deep bow. "My apologizes for not showing myself sooner Baronnes von Vincke, it is a great honour to be graced by your presence here."

Umbra of Chaos

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Her hand swatted the other girl and the head. "Don't make a scene like that. But... it does suit you strangely well. You wear it like a wolf does a sheep's carcass. If you're going to get it you should buy several. Knowing you you'll tear it to shreds before the day is over."


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"Owww." She groaned at the sudden hit. It was less pained and more annoyed, like the dizziness bothered her more than the actual blow.  But that was soon forgotten when she was given the compliment, it seemed she was an easy girl to please.

"Awww, thank you~!" She hugged Ori, her good mood not one least affected. "That is a great idea! But yknow, you shouldn't just think about me.  Here, try one!" She handed her one of the dresses she had picked but that turned out to be a bit too large for her.

Umbra of Chaos

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She carefully took it. For a moment she considered the material, testing the softness. This-- this wasn't entirely necessary. Yet at the same time she supposed it could be needed. She was a figure who even down to her attire all but proclaimed her status. A slight change couldn't hurt.

So she took the dress and entered the stall. It didn't take her long to dress herself and exit it, holding out her arms like a mannequin to present herself to Costin. "Is this adequate?"


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The encouragement made her feel nice. But still, she had been through this song and dance before. It wouldn't be good for her to get her hopes up at everything that came up. "Yes, I've only been around for a few hours. This place is... poorly put together."


"Quite. It seems to be a patchwork thrown together without any real thought put into it whatsoever." Pavarti agreed sadly. "So I take it you don't have a place to stay, master?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Olga Marie of House Animusphere

"We're stronger than the church. Don't let their propaganda get to you, Saber." Olga smiled politely at the baroness. "This is my servant, Saber."

She turned to Grigori. "I think that she was just grabbed by the city's interdimensional pull.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The fool was backing away now, this was disappointing, very disappointing indeed. "Oh running away now? Is that the only thing you excel at?" Not waiting for an answer tithe hunter leapt to her feat in one fluid movement.

She moved towards him slowly, a dangerous smile on her face was becoming more and more pronounced with every step she took towards him. She should take her time with this one, it would make it all oh so much sweeter.


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"Why, isn't it obvious!?" He suddenly rose from attention, using his spine to balance himself upright. He held his hand forward, as if trying to catch something beyon dhis grasp. There was really only one answer to such a question. "I want to get better. The captain of the Fiery Moon, losing this pathetically? Even against a goddess, there's no way I can just settle down for this. Don't worry chap, I'm no type to hold grudges. You beat me fair and square, and I got cocky. It's just..."

For a second, the words were stuck in his throat. Its not like he'd sound sad or conflicted for this much. It was just a hard thing to say, even for someone who tried not to get too stuck up in things like pride.

"I wanna become strong. I'm tired of losing things I care about. That's why I trained my magic for so many years. If that can't hold up for longer than ten seconds against you, I guess there's still training to do." Despite all, he sounded optimistic about it. His father didn't raise a quitter, and he was too stubborn to settle for a loss. He didn't mind having a stronger rival, but that wouldn't stop him from wanting to reach her. That was the truth of the matter.


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"It looks wonderful~!" She clapped her hands and cried gleefully, more cheerful than ever before. "These frills just make you look oh so lovely, I can't believe my eyes."

And with that, she abruptly grabbed the doll and flipped her over, holding her like a mannequin bride, almost as if to show off. They already had such a fine audience, it would be so remiss to not give them a proper show. Her red eyes looked over everyone so lovingly, capturing each and every one of their hearts before looming over to her "bride" longingly.

"Now, now. One dress won't be enough. What if it gets torn or burned or dirty? We can't have that, can we? Oh no no no, not under my watch. We need to make sure you are dressed to the occasion at all times, otherwise how will that reflect on our poor master?" She purred. Just what was she planning to do now?