Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 96377 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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She raised a brow at the question. "I am aware of my own form. I was made with a degree of aesthetics in mind. The fact that these outfits accentuate these carefully crafted features is of no great surprise to me. I simply have no need to remark on it every time. I know my appearance."


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"Yes, yes. I'm not doubting that you know. In that case, answering should be easy. This is where you are lacking Orianna." She shook her head sorrily, speaking as if truly heartbroken, only for her smile to grow more sincere. It was joy, an insidious happiness that crept in the vampire's heart when she laid her hand on her shoulder, grasping at her collar firmly, but gently.

"Oh, poor girl, you really can't see it can you. Its fine. I'll make you understand." Her red eyes stared into the doll's azure pupils, her wolfish pupils contracted before dilating as she uttered her final word. Her sorcery was insidious, not because of the nature of her eyes, but because she wouldn't use it to make someone act outside their nature.

She was merely giving her a little push in the right direction, or maybe you could call it a tug, a very gentle tug that focused her eyes back on the matter at hand. Her cold fingers stroked her lips before tracing down her neck. She was merely toying with her, no differently than a girl toys with a new barbie doll. So she shouldn't complain, no, she wouldn't.

But she did hope for the unexpected, deep down in her heart's throes. It would be so very beautiful.

"You're a puppet. A doll. Nothing more than a tool made to please others. I'm sure you must've made others reeeal happy with those hands of yours, or with those lips of yours. Comfort, happiness, love. You weren't made with those things in mind. No, that's not it. Simply being yourself is what brings you those things. Your body was made to be a convenience. Am I mistaken?"
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 11:46:17 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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Orianna blinked for a moment, baffled by what the girl had just said. "To serve my master is my life. You talk too much for saying such self affirming things. Are we done now, or do you still have some inane game left in your head, mutt."


"Don't be so rude to them, Lizzie! You should only bully people who fight back. If they just walk away and you go after them it just doesn't have any oomph, y'know?" Giving the demon mage a kiss on the cheek.


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The vampire's eyes widened, disbelieving her reaction. This was... exactly what she was looking for. It was almost too much, it made her thighs shift really unconfortably down there. Despite that, she giggled. "This is amazing! You are so wonderful, so dedicated! It's making me go nuts! That guy is so lucky to have a loyal vassal like yourself."

But this wouldn't do. No, this wouldn't do one bit. Why? Why couldn't she get this? Why couldn't she see that she only had her best interests in mind? Ah, all of a sudden, she had an epiphany. Her smile grew cheerful and she pointed up, like a student asking a question to a teacher so innocently.

"Say he choked on a black pretzel or sonething, who would be your master?"
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 01:44:13 PM by francobull3 »


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"But does that strength stem from youraelf or are you merely riding the coattails of the Wizard Marshal?" Having made her point she turned her attention over to their guest. Knowing what a needed to be done now that their roles had been presented as such.

Saber bowed once more but this time she remained in that position. "Then allow me to be your guide to both this abode of ours and the Nexus at large, Baroness von Vincke. In doing so I shall see to that your needs are adequately fulfilled in accordance with the expectations that come with your status." She delivered it with the grace of one who spent years sweet talking politicians in a murderous Senate. It had been a while though since she had had the need to act like this.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 07:21:15 AM by Bern »


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"Wow, how to put it. It's been in a while since I was genuinely impressed by something like that." The werewolf expressed her surprise even after she focused actively to detect the familiar. "Such efficiency is more outstanding than just boasting high level reserves of magical power."

Guys like that pirate might have been raw power, but just trashing around like that took less control and finesse and skill than let's say being able to run on a drop of fuel for 100 km.

"But I guess you want to know about the extent of my capabilities in turn. In good circumstances and with focus, I could hear or see people from miles away. As far as my lineage is concerned I'm an average in magic but I genuinely take pride in my perception. Our teamwork might be enough to observe our quarry concealed."


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Olga Marie

Olga blushed a bit and cleared her throat. "Regardless of that though, keep a close eye on the vampire. I don't need to tell you what to do if she acts suspiciously." Olga thought her servant knew this already, but wanted to show her that she was indeed competent. She was glad that they'd just begun setting up and didn't have anything secret running yet. Otherwise she'd have had to protest Grigori's invitation.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 05:39:49 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Orianna blinked for a moment, baffled by what the girl had just said. "To serve my master is my life. You talk too much for saying such self affirming things. Are we done now, or do you still have some inane game left in your head, mutt."


"Don't be so rude to them, Lizzie! You should only bully people who fight back. If they just walk away and you go after them it just doesn't have any oomph, y'know?" Giving the demon mage a kiss on the cheek.


"Hahaha, relax, relax. I'm not so uncouth as to chase a fleeing mouse down to show it my superiority. The fact that they're fleeing is enough to show they're fully aware of it." Elizabeth tickled Lucy's belly a little bit.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"No, not at this moment. I'm also rather sure that I will be unable to purchase a room at a hotel today too. They seem to use a paper currency and my home mostly made transactions with mana..." She trailed off a bit. It was so strange that a city could function without a working mana system.


"Mana? I've only been one place where that served as a sort of currency... You lived in an interesting place huh?" Pavarti smiled at her. She had some fond memories of her time in Chaldea.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oka Kurosawa

Oka jumped up with a start, and grabbed Breeze's arm, sending out abra. As soon as the pokemon appeared, the two girls disappeared from the colloseum, as if they'd never been there.

They reappeared in an open field somewhere, and Oka was panting, looking terrified.

"Why...was he there!?!" Oka cried out.

Auspicious Breeze

W-w-Whoa?! Okay, that was weird, but Breeze was able to get her bearings back immediately and instead cover Oka a bit by wrapping an arm around her. And the strange creature that had grabbed her without any obvious malicious intent, or else Breeze would have stopped it. "It's okay, I don't think anything followed us. Who was that, Oka...?"


Oka was shivering. "A terrorist. A verybadman. Why was he there!" Oka pulled out Wormy and grabbed him in fear. The big's small legs grabbed onto her and patted her on the head.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Auspicious Breeze

"Ahh..." That did sound dangerous. Breeze patted the girl on the back again, and stood up to look around some. "Don't worry, it feels like we got away! I can feel danger like that." Then she turned her attention back to Oka.

"... what did he do, Oka?" Her voice was softer now.


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The Godslayer ignored the childish insults flung at them as they left, they were quite pathetic anyway. No true warrior would get riled up over something like that. Engetsu must still be confused by the ordeal he had gone through is what she thought, otherwise he probably would have seen the true reason behind her leaving like that.

"I left because she was meddling with your emotions and if I had stayed all the people there would have died." It was the truth, as simple as it may sound. "It most certainly wasn't because I got bored of sharing the sweet chicolate cake in all it's tasty glory with you."  It was beginning to get late now, the sun struggling to let its last rays of light through.


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Sera shrunk in her seat, her face turning bright red.  "I-It was my honest opinion!" she squealed.  Just as that final soundwave struck his ear, Sera's lips curled into a lion's grin, her eyes glowing an ominous purple.  "But if you truly feel that way..."

Just as the bar tender's shoulder entered the focus of her pupil's, Sera grabbed hold of the man's arm, causing a crack to echo through the room on contact.  She yanked him towards her, filling his face with splinters as he was dragged over the hole Ray made earlier.  At the same time, a ghostly hand moved to reach into his soul, causing the man to let out a yell amplified by the fear of death.  "If you really mean what you say, don't try to stop me!"

Umbra of Chaos

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She had a small laugh at that. "I've never thought of it as strange at all. Everything else can be made with mana, so that makes control over mana the most important thing for people. That people want things other than that is as strange to me as a mana based currency is for them I imagine."


So after getting inside and a quick explanation on the nature of the Nexus they found themselves seated at a quickly conjured table. The chairs were both intricate and strangely comfortable and soft despite being made of stone. "So, Lady Valerie, what sort of magic do you favor? I don't mean to pry too deeply, such secrets are usually coveted for one reason or another, but I cannot help but wonder."


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The fool was backing away now, this was disappointing, very disappointing indeed. "Oh running away now? Is that the only thing you excel at?" Not waiting for an answer tithe hunter leapt to her feat in one fluid movement.

She moved towards him slowly, a dangerous smile on her face was becoming more and more pronounced with every step she took towards him. She should take her time with this one, it would make it all oh so much sweeter.


Marcus raised a finger, as if asking to speak.  "C'mon, I just embarrassed myself like a dumbass!  Can't you let a man pretend to walk away with his dignity?" he asked, holding his hands up in surrender.  He couldn't help but frown, his eyes a little softer, perhaps weakened by this new foreign form of defeat.  "I tried my best!"

Probably a bit too hard..... he thought, looking around.  There was an alley way he might be able to run to.  He felt bad trying to beat on a woman he just disappointed.  Maybe I should stop trying to stick my dick in whatever crazy girl crosses my path.