Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98728 times)


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"Yeah, you're pretty scary. Still, I'm pretty sure quite a bunch could say the same about my sorry mug." He took her hand warmly. "I'm not one to care much for bossing people around, so feel free to do as you please. Still, for as long as its convenient, I don't mind helping you out. I, Lorenzo, son of Remei, accept your contract."

Phew, this was harder to say than he'd think it was. e hoped it sounded alright, it took him quite a bit to make sure it came out the right way.

Jeanne Alter

"I had no damn intention of following any orders in the first place, so that's fine with me." For the first time, a smile crossed her lips. A dark, shady, evil looking smile, but a smile nonetheless. If she wasn't scowling all the time the girl might actually look rather pretty. "Servant Avenger, at your service." The girl looked around the deserted park.

"So where is here? You seem to know a thing or two."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"As a matter of fact, I do." He said with a certain suave cheer, snapping his fingers dramatically. Well, this turned out better than expected. He was almost pleased, for as pleased as a burning skeleton can be.  He waved his arm to the side.

"This is the Nexus City, a place in a different world altogether. I don't now where you're from, but if you have any thoughts of going back I'd probably try to move over that silliness. From what i hear, once you get in here there's no way out. Well, other than, yknow..." He drew a line on his bony neck as if to emphasize the point, only to strech his arms back.

"Is it your first time in a modern city? I wouldn't mind giving you a tour."


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Jeanne just wanted them to get out of this store as quickly as possible now but it wasn't like they could just run out so she'd have to endure seeing Sakura like this just a little longer. "I don't think they buy all of it once. Large flamboyent purchases always have a tendency to attract unwanted attention, that seems to be something that hasn't changed since my time." She replied to Sakura's open ended question.

With the games paid for there was nothing left keeping them in the store so Jeanne subtly nudged them out of it, letting Joe carry all of the games since he had been so helpful with packing them.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 08:58:37 PM by Sinib »


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Neptune peeked out from behind Lucy, still looking afraid Noire might lash out. If it was an act she was pulling, it was a really good one. "Really? You mean that? This isn't just some trick to super punish me later on?" She fired off the questions one after another at Noire, sounding worried all the while.


Noire shook her head honestly. "No, this isn't some sort of trick, I promise. It really was an accident! I didn't mean to knock you out, honest!" Noire waved her hands to emphasize her point.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"As a matter of fact, I do." He said with a certain suave cheer, snapping his fingers dramatically. Well, this turned out better than expected. He was almost pleased, for as pleased as a burning skeleton can be.  He waved his arm to the side.

"This is the Nexus City, a place in a different world altogether. I don't now where you're from, but if you have any thoughts of going back I'd probably try to move over that silliness. From what i hear, once you get in here there's no way out. Well, other than, yknow..." He drew a line on his bony neck as if to emphasize the point, only to strech his arms back.

"Is it your first time in a modern city? I wouldn't mind giving you a tour."


The girl resisted the urge to punch him. His tone was really ticking her off, as if he was better than her or something. The part about being trapped here was annoying too, but it wasn't as if she'd really enjoyed living at Chaldea with all the other servants and her counterpart or anything crazy like that. Being here was just as tedious and terrible. Although she would miss bothering the goody two shoes and Giles...

Although it was technically true that she'd never been to such a modern city.

"Fine. Take me around, I'll need to know at some point anyway."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"That you do." He said, and with a snap of his fingers, letting a few pieces of burning ash fall on the ground before growing into two mighty elephants, so large that the idea that both of them could ride on a single one was not so absurd.

"Can you ride?" He asked her, one of the birds lowering itself to give her footing to stand on while he hopped on the other.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 09:21:15 PM by francobull3 »


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By the time he'd asked the question, the girl had already jumped on in front of him and commandeered his familiar. With a pat on the head, the elephant had started moving.

"Which way are we going?" She turned around and revealed a giant smirk.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 09:20:29 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The pirate was bewildered by her eagerness, and even more so by what had just happened. For any mage, losing control in such a manner was a terrifying thought, something that most would see as a brazen affront to their pride. But Lorenzo didn't think that way.

"Ah, amazing! You're actually better than me! I've never had my own fire stripped out of my control like this." He told her, truly awed by her riding display. He also had to admit, she looked pretty good, this kind of thing seemed to suit her already. There was nothing better than a strong woman, and someone even stronger than him made him feel no sense of shame, but excitement.

Besides, this view was kind of...

And then her question registered, and he came back to his senses. How embarrassing!

"Um, well.. erm..." He rubbed the back of his fiery head, finally realizing the fact she took control of everything so swiftly was kinda embarrassing after all. Its almost like he was the servant...

"Oh, I know. There is the shopping district filled with all sorts of exotic shops and riches! There's even a couple of taverns and restaurants I never got to try out..." He said in a confidently positive tone. "Maybe I'll show you some of the more dangerous places after, though they're probably going to be nothing but a walk in the park for us, so no need to worry. We could just walk in a straight line and find something eventually. Its all up to what you're looking for in here."


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The pirate was bewildered by her eagerness, and even more so by what had just happened. For any mage, losing control in such a manner was a terrifying thought, something that most would see as a brazen affront to their pride. But Lorenzo didn't think that way.

"Ah, amazing! You're actually better than me! I've never had my own fire stripped out of my control like this." He told her, truly awed by her riding display. He also had to admit, she looked pretty good, this kind of thing seemed to suit her already. There was nothing better than a strong woman, and someone even stronger than him made him feel no sense of shame, but excitement.

Besides, this view was kind of...

And then her question registered, and he came back to his senses. How embarrassing!

"Um, well.. erm..." He rubbed the back of his fiery head, finally realizing the fact she took control of everything so swiftly was kinda embarrassing after all. Its almost like he was the servant...

"Oh, I know. There is the shopping district filled with all sorts of exotic shops and riches! There's even a couple of taverns and restaurants I never got to try out..." He said in a confidently positive tone. "Maybe I'll show you some of the more dangerous places after, though they're probably going to be nothing but a walk in the park for us, so no need to worry. We could just walk in a straight line and find something eventually. Its all up to what you're looking for in here."


The girl's tone darkened. "I have no need of any such place that serves paltry foods and drinks. Take me somewhere interesting. Surely there's a powerful gang in a big city like this." She'd actually been enjoying all the praise he was heaping upon her, but she had absolutely no interest in food or drink right now. She refrained from punishing him, however.

Meanwhile, the elephant had begun lumbering through the park and had reached the street.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The pirate put a finger on his chin and pondered for a while. He could probably propose his sorry crew, but she'd probably impale his bony rear with that sword of hers out of the sheer, insulting disappointment. On the other hand, she might just whip them into shape, if that was even possible.

"Well, there's the police for one. They're probably the biggest gang around."He toyed with the fire in his hands for a bit. "Maybe if you swallowed and merged a lot of smallfry together, you could make one, large, overwhelming force. How's that sound?"

« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 10:43:44 PM by francobull3 »


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The pirate put a finger on his chin and pondered for a while. He could probably propose his sorry crew, but she'd probably impale his bony rear with that sword of hers out of the sheer, insulting disappointment. On the other hand, she might just whip them into shape, if that was even possible.

"Well, there's the police for one. They're probably the biggest gang around."He toyed with the fire in his hands for a bit. "Maybe if you swallowed and merged a lot of smallfry together, you could make one, large, overwhelming force. How's that sound?"


The girl snorted at his suggestion. "That sounds incredibly boring, no thanks." She answered in a curt, definitive tone. She had no interest in actually doing the work to build one up. She just wanted to sit at the top and make a name for herself without putting in any of the effort. Taking over just one didn't sound terrible, though.

"Since you seem to know so much, take me to a decently sized one. I don't like the idea of taking over a filthy organization such as the cops." The girl spat out the word with bitter anger. The elephant was stomping through the streets slowly, each step shaking the ground underneath it. People were running away screaming, and probably had notified said policemen.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Sure, if you say so. But man, this just sounds like more and more work." Despite his words, he didn't sound like he was really complaining. "Oh, by the way Avenger, I was wondering. Even for a spirit, your body looks like the real deal. Do you actually feel anything?" He sounded genuinely curious.

Umbra of Chaos

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"I see. If you think so I will trust in your experience." Still, while she had time Grigori could at least think. She had the rod she had made earlier, knew the patterns, she would just consider the most optimal array to create when she was on steady ground.


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"Sure, if you say so. But man, this just sounds like more and more work." Despite his words, he didn't sound like he was really complaining. "Oh, by the way Avenger, I was wondering. Even for a spirit, your body looks like the real deal. Do you actually feel anything?" He sounded genuinely curious.


"What kind of a stupid question is that, cur?" The girl stopped the elephant and looked back at him. "Of course I can. Don't ask stupid questions, can't you tell I have a physical body?" The girl paused. "You can't eat or drink, now that I think about it, right? Why did you want to take me to a bar? You wanted me to have it for you? Sick little man."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Hehe, it must be nice then. Honestly, he was starting to envy her a little. She was really amazing...

"Hey, I'm way taller than you!" He laughed her silly remark off. The worst part was that she was right, but he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of that. "Besides, that's just too pathetic. I just wanted to get you hammered up so I could keep note of every questionable thing you said. That and I thought you'd look cute when eating."
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 11:39:35 PM by francobull3 »