Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - November 16, 2014—April 13, 2015  (Read 595845 times)

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2070 on: March 22, 2015, 03:33:54 AM »

Abigail felt as if someone doused her face in napalm at Law's words.  She did not let go of his arm but turned to look at him.  Her voice squeaked ever so slightly as she said, "I don't want into your pants!  Notyetanyway . . ."

Then she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear and said, "You'd have to get me dinner first and the muffins don't count.  Just, let's get you some pants.  Before Bondage Boy does something unsavory."


Forest automatically sprang to the side as the sparkling projectile came hurdling into the room.  She landed in a crouch, Archer rolled off the bed right as it was demolished by a familiar blue haired figure.   Archer was armed with a pair of lovely Chinese Falcions and the blue haired figure seemed to perk up as he looked at Forest.

"Oh, hey! You're that one lass--"

She found herself smiling and nodding and then he gave a look to Archer.

"You're here too!?"

"I was about to say the same to you," was Archer's sardonic reply.

Oh.  They know each other too that's just . . . Wait, Lancer was a Servant but . . . Oh bugger.

Forest said, "Please don't start fighting in my house.  I've had enough of my shit broken today."  She did smile at Lancer and said, "I'm glad you didn't completely vanish, and my offer about the place to stay still stands."
Cu Chulainn

"I was about to say the same to you."

Cu shot a frown back at the red Archer. Out of all the familiar faces he could've met again, this guy's ugly mug had to be the one. This was just turning out just great. Sitting up from the collapsed remains of the bed, the former Servant started to rise up back onto his feet as he again patted dust from his clothes.

"You got yourself killed too?" he asked with a smirk. If he was here now, the Grail War must be over for him too. "So, who won?"

Kirei, for one, was for sure not going to get his grimy hands on the Grail. The Celtic Demi-god personally made sure of that on his last legs in that time. It was really either that lovely treat Rin and that red-headed boy. Or maybe that pathetic filth that ran off. But he knew that was unlikely.

"Please don't start fighting in my house.  I've had enough of my shit broken today."

Cu abruptly found himself blinking back at Forest's request and then shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. 

"Can't say I'm in the mood right now for that, lass. But if he wants a piece of me, I'll entertain him."

He shot a cursory look at the Servant, almost as if inviting him to take up on the offer.

"I'm glad you didn't completely vanish, and my offer about the place to stay still stands."

The ex-servant lifted his eyes away from Archer to smile back at Forest, "Well, lass..."

He paused for a moment and made an annoyed glance at the red-clad man.

"Is he going to be here too?"

Law's face cycled through a range of emotions at Abigail's remark, before settling on lightly flushed. "Well, um, if I get some cash, I could. Or, uh, I could grill us something. I mean you have to stop at Target so... yeah, let's just get some pants. Please."

Archer cocked his head at Lancer. "Unless a better location becomes available, yes. I hope that isn't a problem Hound."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2071 on: March 22, 2015, 03:50:17 AM »

The king of knights handed Rin her coffee and looked at Lancelot.  Her expression was guarded as Rin thanked her for the coffee. Saber looked at Lancelot and said, "We should go and head for the station.  We shall talk on the way."

Saber wrote down her cell phone number and gave it to Rin, telling the girl if she needed anything to call her.  She looked at Lancelot and said, "Let us go."


The redhead nodded and said, "Do you just wanna leave then?  We can get you some pants.  Money's not really a problem."


Forest looked between the two men.  Lancer looked like he wanted to fight, Archer was baiting him and . . . there was a hole in her ceiling. 

She said, "I have plenty of room.  I promise."  She attempted to smile, but she looked at the two men as if they were a powder keg about to go off.

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2072 on: March 22, 2015, 04:35:17 AM »

Sakura began to berate Rider whilst rubbing still harder to remove the "dirt", until both Shirous confirmed Rider's statement. Understandably, Sakura responded with confusion, unsure how he could have undergone such a radical change.

However, instead of addressing her confusion further, Sakura's Shirou spoke, asking what to do. In response, the new Shirou responded to Sakura somewhat dismissively as she looked around for something, Rider wasn't quite sure what.

“I’m sorry Sakura, but there isn’t time for reunions now", he said.

As soon as Sakura heard that, she spun around and grabbed hold of him, shaing her head. Rider could see that she was frightened of losing him.

Isn't one Shirou enough?

“No, you’re wrong! I’ve been looking for you for three years, you’re not allowed to run off! You can’t leave, what’s so important that you can’t stay and catch up. I have so many questions! For both of you! Senpai, why is your skin turning brown, why are your eyes grey, why is your hair white? What did you do. You’re not allowed to show up and just leave!” she said, clearly panicking.

“No, he isn’t? He’s not allowed to leave!” She continued, leaving Rider wondering who she was talking to. “You can’t. I forbid it! Senpai, do you understand?"

Rider sighed. She had hoped this would be a brief detour, but it seemed like Sakura was determined.

"Sakura, you found your Shirou already, he's over here and he wants to spend some quality time with you. not to mention that he seems in need of some prana transfer....

I know you want to talk to that Shirou too, but he seems like he's busy right now, and we did just appear out of nowhere. Why don't you organise a meeting later, or just find out where he's staying...", she said.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2073 on: March 22, 2015, 04:57:07 AM »

The rows of shadowkhan blocking the entrance to the alleyway were flattened by the thrown dumpster in a flash. Bodily slammed away, they vanished into smoke or fell in groans to the ground, helpless to stop the man from running with the woman. Those that hadn't been previously knocked away by the staff jumped forward to pursue and stepped over their compatriots, even as more appeared from the shadows.

Coincidentally, one ninja landed on the black puddle that had formed from the tipped chalice. And as he did, the ground bubbled, twisted, and screeched. Liquid dark like the abyss spread from the shadowkhan's trapped foot suddenly, running up his body. The shadowkhan squirmed as he was enveloped and pulled down. If the ninja could scream, anyone who could see the scene would think he was trying to.

The remaining shadowkhan froze in place as the puddle rippled and the one caught in it contorted. A strange power seeped out as the lone shadowkhan was violated by the contents of the chalice. Spikes burst out of the black vestaments. His neck extended and twisted, his back cracked at it streatched. Dark skin split, red eyes parted into several more. Fingers snapped as an arm grew into a jagged blade. The shadow the oni was made of condensed, contaminated by darkness purer than whatever had birthed the shadowkhan, more malicious and horrendous than that.

The monster that remained where a shadowkhan had been trapped howled within its own concealed mouth. It stepped forward, smoky profile coalescing into solid, stark blackness in the light. And it charged the escaping man and woman, aiming to kill.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 04:58:47 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2074 on: March 22, 2015, 05:07:17 AM »
Cu Chulainn

Archer cocked his head at Lancer. "Unless a better location becomes available, yes. I hope that isn't a problem Hound."

"Only if you make it one."

Cu grit his teeth as he bared them at the Servant, almost as if showing him a rather derisive smile. The one that showed he was eager to punch Archer's face. Fingers were itching for that familiar scarlet shaft to plunge itself into the red man. He could take him. It wasn't a matter if he won or lost. The Hound can't really stand him. 

She said, "I have plenty of room.  I promise."  She attempted to smile, but she looked at the two men as if they were a powder keg about to go off.

He looked back at the vampire. This was her place. And he already did enough damage as it is. The ex-Servant clicked his tongue in distaste.

"Fine. Just don't put me near him."

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2075 on: March 22, 2015, 05:12:17 AM »

Lancelot held back another sigh, recognizing the look on Saber's face. She was going to expect a detailed report from him on what happened last night.

"As you wish," he said to her before rising to his feet. As gracefully as was possible while wearing full plate, the former Knight of the Lake followed his liege out the door of her apartment and onto the street.

It was well into the morning, but the sunlight was choked by the thick clouds blanketing the city. The snowfall had yet to melt, and along the sidewalk had been stepped on and compacted into ice, making every footstep treacherous. Lancelot focused on watching his step, delaying his explanation to Saber for as long as he could get away with.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2076 on: March 22, 2015, 05:16:22 AM »
Archer nodded. "I think that might be for the best. I'll take this room then. After he cleans up the mess." Brushing off the dust that had fallen onto his cloak, he moved to leave the room behind. He had a potential Master to catch.

Law rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully, looking at Abby. "Yeah, but you should probably drop me off at the impound first. I need my car back so I can carry your groceries for you. And give you a ride because I've ridden you, er your broom. You gave me a ride I mean."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2077 on: March 22, 2015, 05:26:08 AM »

The blond nimbly made her way on the ice covered side walk.  Her hands were in her coat pockets and her breath was making tiny puffs of steam as they walked.  She eyed her friend and said, "How did you encounter Lancelot?"

She felt his tension; he was wanting to keep his council on something.  He was allowed his privacy, but she had to know about her daughter.   If it was her daughter.


The blond sighed and looked at the mess as Archer left.   If Wynn was here, she could clean this up in an instant, she thought.  She looked back at Lancer and offered him a tiny smile.

"You really don't like each other," she said, "But let's get this cleaned up so he doesn't have an arse pained bitch fit."


"Well, I should head back to the station anyway.  I was called there to do work, but that probably won't be for a little while," Abigail said rubbing the back of her neck. She blushed at Law's faux pause and serious Freduean slip.

She did grin and said, "So I gave you my muffin and a ride.  We should just really go on a date at this point."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2078 on: March 22, 2015, 05:34:29 AM »
Cu Chulainn

Archer nodded. "I think that might be for the best. I'll take this room then. After he cleans up the mess." Brushing off the dust that had fallen onto his cloak, he moved to leave the room behind. He had a potential Master to catch.

He returned with a glare at Archer, but Cu couldn't argue against it. This was his mess after all. He had nothing else to say as the Servant left the wrecked ruins of the room he smashed into. He relaxed, his shoulders and fingers unloosened from the tension. Today, there was no need to fight. For now.

"You really don't like each other," she said, "But let's get this cleaned up so he doesn't have an arse pained bitch fit."

"Nah, we just want to kill each other," Cu corrected her with a smirk at her direction. Then he sighed as he looked back at the damage. This was going to take a while.

"Yeah, let's. Lead the way, lass."

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2079 on: March 22, 2015, 05:51:49 AM »

"There was a battle at the hospital," Lancelot began, straightening his shoulders to help get himself into the right mindset. "One so intense even I could feel the power radiating from it. I went to investigate, and upon arrival I found Mordred and two others engaged in close quarters." His lips pressed together into a tight frown, but continued on.

"Unfortunately I recall little beyond that moment. I reacted... poorly... to Mordred's presence."
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2080 on: March 22, 2015, 05:55:43 AM »

The blond chuckled and said, "That was bloody obvious. So come on, to the broom closet we go."

She tilted her head for him to follow her to a closet in the high way.  She got some trashbags, a broom, dustpan and shop vac.  "I think between the two of us we can handle it."


Saber sighed at Lancelot's story.  His blackouts were troublesome to say the least.  She replied, "I do not fault you for that, old friend.  The important thing is that you are not hurt.  We can deal with Mordred later.  She is not the concern, but there is a monster eating children that I need assistance with."


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2081 on: March 22, 2015, 05:58:35 AM »

“I…I just wanted to explain what that was this morning.” Her voice was tense and unsure, “I… I can…” She seemed to gulp.

And then a couple of people walked by her and a jolt went through her spine in surprise. They passed by laughing and holding their gym bags. Rebeca could hear them; they were just here to spar and practice.

She didn’t want anyone to overhear, no, no one could over hear. She was going to tell Aki cause she understood on some level that Aki would forgive her, at least she hoped that. She didn’t think other people could. She couldn’t.

She swallowed a lump in her throat, before she reached out and grabbed Aki’s hand to pull Aki away from the entrance, over to the side so no one would overhear them.

“I- I can. I mean I hear…” Rebeca trailed off. She didn’t get how to explain it, she never had to. Hesitance over took her as she looked at her feet and clenched her fists.

She was scared to talk about it. And that fear was crippling her.


Ah, progress. That was a good thing. “Ya, were are all friends here.” He said giving the girl a smile. She was brought in by their lord, and even then this girl had an air of innocence around her he did not see often.

In some ways he was reminded of his granddaughter.

His thoughts were interrupted as a guard busted into to room and ran to their Lord’s chamber, before entering in a hurry. Just blinked and his eyes narrowed a little, “Now what was that all about?” He mumbled to himself.


Hamara sat with his mind still and calm in his meditation, at peace with the world. Then the stillness was disrupted by a man barging into his room. “My Lord!” one of his guardsmen yelled out, “There is a problem.”

Hamara eyes opened and he raised himself to his feet, “What is it my Sister?” He said calmly. And his guard told him, told him of the giant beast flying in the sky, told him of the panic and damage it caused in the city.

And in that moment Hamara made a choice. He walked out to a balcony and looked out into the city. There, he could see the larger one clearly. And calmly he held out a hand to his side.

And light around him came to life, Motes of light formed spears that collected together and cadenced. More light collected and formed a spear of pure white. The spear condensed even more, its form becoming distinct. A minute later the spear sat in the air, a brilliant white spear which radiated light and power.

“Peirce true” And his hand flashed forward, and the spear was released. It moved, faster than the eye could follow, faster than shooting stars, faster than lightning. The spear sored and raced to its target at impossible speeds, speeds faster than all living things in the world.

And the Spear reached the skeletal beast. And it exploded into a grand nova of light that filled the sky, burning away even the air caught in its radius. This was the Saint’s judgement of those that threaten his brother’s and sister’s in such a way.

The Truth, the Truth of Humanity carried by the First Light of Creation would purge it completely.


Suiren just looked on in shock as the man (?) disappeared, only to reappear with a table and appliences of some kind and began to make tea.

‘Where did he get this stuff’, was Suiren’s only thought, but she didn’t have any reason not to accept his generosity. So she sat at the table and waited the tea to be finished. She had to admit, she was somewhat looking forward to it.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 06:08:01 AM by Knick »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2082 on: March 22, 2015, 01:57:20 PM »
Shirou (HF)

Sakura desperately pleads with the other me to stay. While, I understand her attachment to me, this seems different... like something's come over her... like back then, during the Holy Grail War.

"Sakura, it's okay. I'm here now. This other has chosen his own path. I however have choose to protect you, who is dear to me, so you don't have to be afraid anymore."

I see, Rider telling Sakura something similar. I know Sakura can get quite possessive but, being fought over for another me, while I here is kind of ridiculous. Still, Sakura is Sakura, and I have to be here to support her, when she needs it. It must have been hard for her... Three whole years in this place without me.

"I'm sorry I took so long Sakura... I'll never leave your side again."

As I say this words I draw closer to Sakura trying to get her within my embrace. Just as she's within my reach... ugh... I fall to my knees.

"Damn, I was hoping I could hold on for a little longer..."

I feel the consciousness with my body being to fade. My body must be at it's limits with the amount of prana I've given it. No, it's been at it's limits for much longer than that, since Sakura left. I've only been able to hang on so long thanks to Tohsaka's magecraft and my own force of will. But, I guess I've finally reached my breaking point... I guess it can't be helped. I close my eyes and rest hoping my circuits will hold my body for a little longer.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 02:15:48 AM by theunknownhero »
Even I have something I must protect.


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2083 on: March 22, 2015, 02:18:00 PM »
"It's just armor," Adjutor said, shrugging as the non-human made her way to her feet, "And there's no need to thank me. Just a simple healing spell, that's all."

"All that aside," the teen continues, "I'm going to have to disagree with you on that. I've been in her house, and aside from her choice in diet, she seems rather...human, for lack of a better term, for a vampire."


How naive. She could not believe how naive this boy was. He was hopeless.

"Open your eyes, boy. That's how vampires which are not dumb behave like to lower your guard. I bet you think those most savage are the threat, but they are nothing more than smallfries compared to those who are good at fooling people. That 'Jezebel' likely had centuries to become good at pretending they are what they are not. No surprise why the world is so wrong. It's not only plagued by such creatures, but humans themselves live in ignorance, allowing them to thrive without a challenge. That's so sickening." she looked at Adjutor with scorn "You don't need to tell me where she lives since I bet you have no guts to oppose her. But if it's destined that I will meet her, then I swear on the sun that shines so brilliant that I won't let her have her way. Just don't get into my way." 
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 02:19:49 PM by Kat »


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Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #2084 on: March 22, 2015, 02:51:41 PM »

Michael was still running with the girl over his shoulder when she called for him to turn back. Remembering what was probably in that Chalice, Michael almost considered leaving it regardless before logic won out.

"Fine, fine," Michael grumbles, about to say more when a howl splits the air. Survival instincts kick in as Michael turns around, girl still over his shoulder as he comes face to...something with...

The immortal shoots the creature a strange look, noting how the ninjas, earlier pouring on en masse, seem to have been frozen by it.

"...Well then," Michael says, setting the girl down and taking a moment to lean on his staff, trying to ease the pressure off the wounded leg, "...that's what that thing will turn me into? And you worry that I'm going to take it? Pantheon's sake, girl, at least be reasonable with...oh never mind."

"Now then," Michael says, his voice gaining a commanding tone that wasn't there before, "Stay behind me."

With that, the immortal takes one, two steps forward, presenting himself as a clear challenger to the...thing as he took a moment to warm up, moving the staff around until it's nothing more than a nigh-invisible blur accompanied by an audible buzz as he brought the staff to rest behind him in one hand, his free hand out in front of him and his stance defensive. Then the staff lengthened out to its twelve-foot form as he takes a calming breath, pushing aside the pain and dizziness from the poisoned arrow wound as he readies himself.

"Alright, abomination," he mutters, bringing the staff out in front of him, "Let's see what you can do."


"You know," Adjutor says, stepping back as he tightens his armored grip on Tyrfing and Rahab, "Maybe you're right. Maybe I am naive. Maybe I am being too optimistic about her. Maybe I should just end her like I did the only other vampire I've met. But all of these are maybes. Unless you have some concrete evidence that this one is a Monster, don't act like it's already decided."

At that point, Valmanway and Laivatain finally reappear, already in their sheathes.

"Took you long enough," Adjutor says with a sighs before turning back to the non-human, "As for you, if my host turns out to be a Monster, then I won't hesitate to kill her the first chance I get. However, this is unlikely. The last vampire I hunted wasn't savage either, quite accommodating actually. But there are things that give them away. Little slips that you can notice if you're observant enough."

...Forest hasn't proved to be a Monster, yet this one seeks to hunt her.

The answer is obvious then.

Except this one isn't a Monster either.

We don't actually know that, but we can't decide either way.

That said, this could be problematic...

We could bait her...

"That said," the teen continues, steeling himself, "If it turns out that she's not a Monster and you're still of this opinion when you meet her, then you bet your non-human ass I'll get in your way."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses