Author Topic: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page  (Read 467135 times)


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1560 on: December 04, 2013, 12:14:02 AM »
You sounded serious about flipping the switch to omnipotent god which is god modding because that's not allowed

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1561 on: December 04, 2013, 12:22:55 AM »
Once again proving my latest point.

What a nice show.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1562 on: December 04, 2013, 12:33:10 AM »
...This is far more amusing than it has any right to be.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1563 on: December 04, 2013, 12:54:05 AM »
Not particularly, when you consider that they're joke characters and being completely played that way. We could theoretically bust out the planet destroying abilities whenever we want to in the same way Gilgamesh can randomly decide to use Ea's full power and Simon can randomly think 'Hm, today I'll make TTGL for no reason whatsoever'. Hell, Axe Cop alone is just as broken as Inferno Cop, and Elf approved him with full knowledge of his abilities, probably because she can trust me not to abuse the hell out of them like a moron.

Well, the problem is what happens if he does end up in a serious situation, I guess, which seems like it might be approaching. Dark Satoshi and Rider are both Chaotic, and neither of them will see anything wrong with what Satoshi did. Nor, for that matter, will Kiyoshi or even Sakura/Shirou be particularly bothered by it. He needed to live somewhere, after all, and renting a hotel is not easy. And, my characters will stick together in general, even if they don't fully agree, so they will end up fighting as a team to protect Rider.

On the other hand, automatically assuming that you can just lie to a police officer and he'll go away just because it's what's most convenient for you is unreasonable, because you're not the one playing the police officer and while IC is a retard he is also going to fine you for building a castle in the middle of a populated city without owning the land or any kind of permission, though he might word it differently. There is no OOC reason for it, it's just because it makes fucking sense that people notice the castle sprout out of the ground, no matter how much in the slums and avoided part of the city you are, and that the police act on it once they finally find the way to remove their heads from their asses, so in the meantime we have the sort-of-not-really-cops handle the entire thing and act in their place.

Which is what one of them'll do as soon as you're done banging Mike. And if Satoshi can't deal with the legal repercussions and pay the fine by the due date, then IC will continue to be in-character and do whatever he'll do, which I don't know what it is because IC makes about as much sense as a frightened chicken that continually bangs its head on the fence.

Bottom line to answer your question Lantz, it's because I can RP and not be retarded at the same time. Also, you apparently don't know what god-modding is, so I'm just going to sit here and watch you flail your arms around.

The problem is that the sensible thing for Toshi to do in that case is to tell him to get stuffed and kick him out. That's the usual attitude Rider would take to the police if they tried to arrest her (well, followed by brainwashing from Sakura). Which means that you end up going "lol, OP powers" and tear the house down.

RPs like this work on the principle that, in general, the law is meaningless. If they didn't then characters like the Don couldn't exist. It's OK to send police after Toshi and his castle, but it is not OK to have your omnipotent police officer tear it down single-handed when he refuses.

For the RP to work, the law enforcement has to be relatively weak. Otherwise it just becomes impossible to do anything of interest.

You sounded serious about flipping the switch to omnipotent god which is god modding because that's not allowed

Nah, it's not god-modding. God-modding means doing stuff that you couldn't ICly do, not making (and having accepted) a literal god as an IC character.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1564 on: December 04, 2013, 01:02:27 AM »
Well, the problem is what happens if he does end up in a serious situation, I guess, which seems like it might be approaching. Dark Satoshi and Rider are both Chaotic, and neither of them will see anything wrong with what Satoshi did. Nor, for that matter, will Kiyoshi or even Sakura/Shirou be particularly bothered by it. He needed to live somewhere, after all, and renting a hotel is not easy. And, my characters will stick together in general, even if they don't fully agree, so they will end up fighting as a team to protect Rider.

Mike, if we get into a serious situation (AKA this one), I'm keeping Axe Cop as his usual wacky/serious self. He'll be a slightly above street level fighter with a library of zany gadgets. He will not be busting out super martial arts and throwing China at you or pulling out his unicorn horn and wishing for Angra to go fuck itself. I'm sure that eventually we will clash with each other, and that's fine.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1565 on: December 04, 2013, 01:03:49 AM »
On the other hand, automatically assuming that you can just lie to a police officer and he'll go away just because it's what's most convenient for you is unreasonable, because you're not the one playing the police officer and while IC is a retard he is also going to fine you for building a castle in the middle of a populated city without owning the land or any kind of permission, though he might word it differently. There is no OOC reason for it, it's just because it makes fucking sense that people notice the castle sprout out of the ground, no matter how much in the slums and avoided part of the city you are, and that the police act on it once they finally find the way to remove their heads from their asses, so in the meantime we have the sort-of-not-really-cops handle the entire thing and act in their place.

Which is what one of them'll do as soon as you're done banging Mike. And if Satoshi can't deal with the legal repercussions and pay the fine by the due date, then IC will continue to be in-character and do whatever he'll do, which I don't know what it is because IC makes about as much sense as a frightened chicken that continually bangs its head on the fence.

Bottom line to answer your question Lantz, it's because I can RP and not be retarded at the same time. Also, you apparently don't know what god-modding is, so I'm just going to sit here and watch you flail your arms around.

The problem is that the sensible thing for Toshi to do in that case is to tell him to get stuffed and kick him out. That's the usual attitude Rider would take to the police if they tried to arrest her (well, followed by brainwashing from Sakura). Which means that you end up going "lol, OP powers" and tear the house down.

RPs like this work on the principle that, in general, the law is meaningless. If they didn't then characters like the Don couldn't exist. It's OK to send police after Toshi and his castle, but it is not OK to have your omnipotent police officer tear it down single-handed when he refuses.

For the RP to work, the law enforcement has to be relatively weak. Otherwise it just becomes impossible to do anything of interest.
The thing is that even without OP powers he could do it. So could Raul, though unintentionally. Ever wonder what happens when a wing of Destroyer Angels engage a Demon of the Saboteurs? Mass destruction. Reality itself becomes warped due to all the Exploits and Embeds being tossed around, before you factor in the fact that some of these beings can easily be the size of Monster Medusa and many times more destructive, the whole place would realistically be leveled within about five or six minutes of any sort of pitched battle.

You're also forgetting that Raul has set his mind on destroying this place, and he's not going to let the owners protests stop him from destroying the Infrastructure. They're probably servants of the God-Machine anyway.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1566 on: December 04, 2013, 01:15:12 AM »
In short Raul is intentionally there to ruin my fun

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1567 on: December 04, 2013, 01:17:51 AM »
Well IC is retarded and does things just as you'd expect with a guy who has an attention span of under three minutes. If they just go "we can't pay your fine we have no money", he'll just do or present something else and equally ridiculous for them to do which considering the entire nature of the RP might actually be mundane for them. Like, you know, save the city from some big bad guy who's running around (HINT HINT) and write it all down as community service.

Either that, or have them raking up leaves for the town's playground.

And if they can't be heroes or take care of an area not even the fourth the size of a soccer field for a week, then IC will continue being retarded, and maybe build his own castle to prove he has the bigger of two penises or something. Well, either that or get a little drastic, depending on how much of a dickhead everyone decides to be when they open the door, and are forced to realize building a gigantic castle in a conspicuous area like a populated city maybe wasn't the best idea if they didn't want people knocking at their door.

Like I said, I can actually roleplay. I'm not going to force my way through things with my gigantic throbbing godly erection, I'm going to be retarded like Inferno Cop and probably end up destroying my own penis-sized castle instead down the line. But don't expect me to just go along with what's convenient for you, because Inferno Cop shot his way out of a trial once because he found it stupid.

Basically I can do whatever I deem fit, but I'm not pulling the god card unless we're a minute from the closest coffee shop closing, or something equally important (THERE IS FUCKING NOTHING).

And a competent police force doesn't stop characters like the don, it simply enforces that the crime lord actually be intelligent in his crime. The law being meaningless weakens an RP instead of makes it enjoyable, because it ruins immersion in that NO ONE in the city as an NPC is actually going to have a role in making it feel like this city isn't just a den of bandits. Which, essentially, it is right now. Just, some bandits are cooler than others (I'm talking about our characters).

And no, Raul is there to rock our world.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1568 on: December 04, 2013, 01:26:15 AM »
A world can still run without a formal police force and laws, you know. People just have to police theirselves more, and deal with their own problems.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1569 on: December 04, 2013, 01:26:59 AM »
In short Raul is intentionally there to ruin my fun
In short, no.

In long, Raul is there to investigate if it is in fact Infrastructure, and until he can engage the possible 'Angels' he has no clue if it is or not. It SEEMS like Infrastructure, but he needs to investigate further. If interfered with he'll try to escape/destroy the delaying factor, and if that is not possible he'll go loud and rip the delaying factor to pieces... and end up getting the God Machine to send a wing of Angels to destroy him, which no matter where he is will likely end in the utter destruction of that place simply because of the sheer amount of power being thrown around.

Demons are fucking powerful, and so are Angels. This is all stated in his sheet - if he Goes Loud bad things happen to everyone. It's why most Demons follow the Moscow Rules in their engagements. It keeps them alive. He's just as likely to leave a given piece of Infrastructure alone for a bit as he is to immediately destroy it, especially something like this where he KNOWS that this unusual and unnatural.

For that matter, as Names stated, I actually fucking Roleplay my characters. Raul can pull a load of shit, but blowing his Cover by Going Loud is an absolute last resort that he'll avoid using unless there's no other option for his survival or the completion of his objective, because if he uses it willy nilly he'll go right to the priority target list for the God-Machine, and his life expectancy can be measured in days, if he's lucky.

A world can still run without a formal police force and laws, you know. People just have to police theirselves more, and deal with their own problems.
Go to Somalia and ask how that's working out for them.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1570 on: December 04, 2013, 01:28:04 AM »
A world can still run without a formal police force and laws, you know. People just have to police theirselves more, and deal with their own problems.
In an ideal world where everyone's morality bar is in the blue, yes.

Unfortunately, we have the real world instead, where people are dicks.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1571 on: December 04, 2013, 01:34:40 AM »
A world can still run without a formal police force and laws, you know. People just have to police theirselves more, and deal with their own problems.

Even My Little Fucking Pony has police, and it's a kid's show. You're not finding a world like that outside of the Teletubbies.

Cherry Lover

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1572 on: December 04, 2013, 02:03:43 AM »
A world can still run without a formal police force and laws, you know. People just have to police theirselves more, and deal with their own problems.
In an ideal world where everyone's morality bar is in the blue, yes.

Unfortunately, we have the real world instead, where people are dicks.

Yeah, and we also have people like Forest to deal with said dicks. Or, you know, just concerned groups of citizens....

Also, the city isn't meant to be particularly nice or safe initially, that's kind-of the point....

A world can still run without a formal police force and laws, you know. People just have to police theirselves more, and deal with their own problems.

Even My Little Fucking Pony has police, and it's a kid's show. You're not finding a world like that outside of the Teletubbies.

Yeah, I don't think arguing that a kids' show does it proves much. Kids' shows almost always conform to the usual rules of society (even if characters do break them), people don't like you teaching their kids to fight the system....
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 02:06:20 AM by Cherry Lover »

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1573 on: December 04, 2013, 02:07:15 AM »
Yeah, and we also have people like Forest to deal with said dicks.

Also, the city isn't meant to be particularly nice or safe initially, that's kind-of the point....
And then we get into revenge killings. Hooray!

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1574 on: December 04, 2013, 02:14:49 AM »
I don't see how it's any different from what the police do (in the US, anyway). If you kill someone, they kill you in revenge. How is that any different from the victim's familiy doing it (yes, I'm aware of legal process etc., but legal process isn't infallible)?