Author Topic: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page  (Read 467136 times)

The Man With All The Cute Boats

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1575 on: December 04, 2013, 02:21:18 AM »
Think Infamous, where there are cops but just going into the street in an incredibly dangerous thing so they have to stay in group and attempt that whole incognito shit until some jerkoff with lightning powers decides to help out and actually bring your job back in to "almost possible" territory.

The city is not safe or nice the entire time, including lightning man's appearance because of food and whatnot, but the police still manages to have the barest of presences which manages to grow the more some overpowered sod helps out.

Basically, having a working police force doesn't mean safeness and niceness, they're just as normal human as the rest of us, being faced down by scary goblins and gelatinous cubes until some overpowered sods run in, kill them all and never really acknowledge the officers or their struggles up to that point. I sure didn't in Infamous until a cop gave me a mission, then I started noticing them on replays getting rekt for trying anything.

And the cops being human and powerless against werewolves and scary shit like that is realistic and immersive if ever we're given a look, because those things are so deadly we needed demigods, magical doohickeys and wizards in the past to help us deal with them, if mythology is any clue.

I guess IC, AC, DC and GC are their special guys against the supernatural, but they don't even know about the other cops either. IF they even exist, that is.



Also for the revenge killings and stuff, getting the death penalty in the US is reserved for pretty damn big crimes. Like, serial killings.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1576 on: December 04, 2013, 02:23:22 AM »
Hullo, new from BL. Saw this, and I started drafting characters before I could help it… so, is it too late to join? Or are you still giving people the go ahead? If so, I'd like to take 3 slots ^_^
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Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1577 on: December 04, 2013, 02:24:57 AM »
I don't see how it's any different from what the police do (in the US, anyway). If you kill someone, they kill you in revenge. How is that any different from the victim's familiy doing it (yes, I'm aware of legal process etc., but legal process isn't infallible)?
...Hahaha oh wow, you have no idea how police in the states work. It isn't fucking 1873 here, vigilante justice is pretty dead.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1578 on: December 04, 2013, 02:29:11 AM »
Hullo, new from BL. Saw this, and I started drafting characters before I could help it… so, is it too late to join? Or are you still giving people the go ahead? If so, I'd like to take 3 slots ^_^
I'm pretty sure we're still accepting, yeah. If you want to make sure you could contact Elf and ask, but I'm pretty sure you're cleared for takeoff.

Might be good to have someone who's been around since day one give you a summary of what's up though.

...which I can't, since I haven't been around since day one and I haven't got a summary.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1579 on: December 04, 2013, 02:30:11 AM »
Hullo, new from BL. Saw this, and I started drafting characters before I could help it… so, is it too late to join? Or are you still giving people the go ahead? If so, I'd like to take 3 slots ^_^

It's still open. Just post the characters in the character thread and check with Elf (the GM) to make sure they're OK.

I don't see how it's any different from what the police do (in the US, anyway). If you kill someone, they kill you in revenge. How is that any different from the victim's familiy doing it (yes, I'm aware of legal process etc., but legal process isn't infallible)?
...Hahaha oh wow, you have no idea how police in the states work. It isn't fucking 1873 here, vigilante justice is pretty dead.

You're missing my point.

I am well aware that the police do have the legal authority to arrest people, and that they are then put on trial and executed later (well, unless the police decide to shoot them for looking at them in a funny way...). My point is that I do not see any difference in principle between that and the victim's family shooting them (assuming they know for sure they are guilty). Both seem to me like they are motivated by revenge more than anything else, the only difference is that there is some document that says one is "allowed" and the other isn't.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 02:32:58 AM by Cherry Lover »

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1580 on: December 04, 2013, 02:41:09 AM »
I am well aware that the police do have the legal authority to arrest people, and that they are then put on trial and executed later (well, unless the police decide to shoot them for looking at them in a funny way...). My point is that I do not see any difference in principle between that and the victim's family shooting them (assuming they know for sure they are guilty). Both seem to me like they are motivated by revenge more than anything else, the only difference is that there is some document that says one is "allowed" and the other isn't.
...Do you know how rare an execution is, and what needs to happen to be required to even meet the death penalty?

The specifics are left up to the individual states, but in general what is required is first degree murder, IE murder that was planned out, with the express intent to murder someone, and not motivated by emotions of the moment.

For that matter, the police have a tier of responses, they just don't shoot people for looking at them funny. There's a reason every cop in the states carries pepper spray or some form of stungun now, sometimes you have to subdue an unruly criminal or someone threatening violence, not just shoot them. Shooting someone is the absolute last resort, and only performed when someone cannot or will not be stopped from killing or seriously and possibly fatally injuring the officer or a civilian.

And after that you get Internal Affairs and reports and all that shit, along with the fact that in the case of something like this, the officers name is not released. You don't just get to shoot someone here in the States if you're a cop. For that matter, the principle involved is different because the duty, the oath of the officer is to protect and serve the people. Morally, he's obligated to take lives only to save them. Remember, their job is to take people into a court of law, killing someone prevents that from happening. This isn't something they resort to in all cases. It's very different from a revenge killing, where the intent is simply to kill.

Fucking look at wikipedia before you bust shit like this out.

As a matter of fact, in most cases, I'm against the death penalty.  I find it morally dubious to take an eye for an eye in some cases, and there's times the law fucks up. However, I also have the opinion that some crimes are simply so heinous, so despicable, and reprehensible, that the only way to even begin to start justice is through Execution. Serial killers and spree killers are probably the only ones who qualify for this though.
Hullo, new from BL. Saw this, and I started drafting characters before I could help it… so, is it too late to join? Or are you still giving people the go ahead? If so, I'd like to take 3 slots ^_^
Nah, I jumped in. Just get a character sheet up and you should as well. There's plenty of characters going on, and new blood is always welcome.

Just be careful around Lantz's shit, he's pissy and on his period at the moment about everything because he's not getting things 100% his way.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 02:50:22 AM by Arch-Magos Winter »


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1581 on: December 04, 2013, 02:42:24 AM »

Also for the revenge killings and stuff, getting the death penalty in the US is reserved for pretty damn big crimes. Like, serial killings.

There are cops yes.  And there's probably a branch that deals with supernatural stuff, but they're understaffed and underfunded. 

Hullo, new from BL. Saw this, and I started drafting characters before I could help it… so, is it too late to join? Or are you still giving people the go ahead? If so, I'd like to take 3 slots ^_^

Of course!  Just please be sure to read the rules in the post.  Welcome to the game!  Just post your characters in the character thread and see if I'll approve them.

Also, something of concern, Willy Verb's had that character page up for a while but he's never made an IG post.  Should I give him a time limit before freeing up a Shirou again?

Lantz- yeah, if local Law Enforcement, or in this case Axe Cop and Friends, sees a castle suddenly fucking spring up out of no where, they're probably going to investigate it.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1582 on: December 04, 2013, 02:48:34 AM »
I think I recall Willy saying that until he actually used the character he didn't consider the slot filled, actually.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1583 on: December 04, 2013, 02:56:26 AM »
I think I recall Willy saying that until he actually used the character he didn't consider the slot filled, actually.
Problem solved then. I haven't seen him online in god knows how long though.

Hullo, new from BL. Saw this, and I started drafting characters before I could help it… so, is it too late to join? Or are you still giving people the go ahead? If so, I'd like to take 3 slots ^_^

Of course!  Just please be sure to read the rules in the post.  Welcome to the game!  Just post your characters in the character thread and see if I'll approve them.

Also, something of concern, Willy Verb's had that character page up for a while but he's never made an IG post.  Should I give him a time limit before freeing up a Shirou again?

Lantz- yeah, if local Law Enforcement, or in this case Axe Cop and Friends, sees a castle suddenly fucking spring up out of no where, they're probably going to investigate it.

So Elf, what's the ruling on Angra's powers, as they aren't mentioned in the sheet and severely gamebreaking?


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1584 on: December 04, 2013, 03:08:20 AM »
@Elf: About Willy Verb, yeah, a time limit might be a good idea. He hasn't been back in awhile, so this might maybe get him back, plus if he doesn't come back, it'd open up another Shirou slot.

Also, yeah, I think Angra might need a GM ruling at this point. As does Toshi, potentially.

@Mooncake: Like a bunch of people already said, yup, RP's more than open to join- you get... I believe it's 7 slots open now? To work with, so you don't even have to settle with three characters. :) 

And right, recap- well, here goes nothing. ...Since I'm half conscious right now, this probably isn't that great of a recap, but eh, it's the thought that counts.

So basically a bunch of people show up in this weird City that's like some sort of interdimensional meeting place. Hakuno Kishinami (Fate Extra's protagonist, the girl version) winds up there too, and is separated from her Servant, Archer, who also arrives there, albeit away from Hakuno. Rider happens to be there too, along with Sakura's son, Kiyoshi, and she leaves him at the hotel they were staying at to get some prana, since Sakura isn't there to give it to her. She spots Hakuno and tries to drain prana from her, but she's stopped by... somebody, I don't remember who, I think Forest. There's this big, drawn out confrontation there, and MOS Shirou tries to shoot Hakuno to stop Rider and Fore, but Rider saves her, and like a million people end up showing up eventually, but it all settles down eventually, and a group that includes Rider, Forest, Hakuno, and Archer (I'd have to look back at who else it was) decide to go to the hotel to pick up Kiyoshi while the rest go back to Forest's apartment complex.

Because of some dumb things involving lantz's.... O....C... Satoshi getting possessed with... hiiiisss verssion of Angra Manyu, there's another confrontation near the hotel. Then this mobster guy shows up (I don't remember his name right now Daiki, I remember his name starts with a V, I'm sorry ;_;), and he summons a messload of vampires, and those get fought for awhile until my OC, Mille, sets them all on fire using a magic rune circle. Also, it turns out a magus girl named Isa from earlier in the alleyway was raped and had her arm taken by werewolves, which Rin heals using Ruby. Then everybody heads back to the complex.

And also Toshi gets a castle made out of Angra, which is... yeah.

Rin and Dark Archer... start having a fun night. Ruu, a cute little familiar, stayed at the complex to guard the place, but while trying to fix a meal for everyone, destroys the kitchen, so the Moon Cell Archer has to fix it (MOS Shirou helps a little too). In the meantime, Axe Cop and Inferno Cop have SHENANIGANS! Then some more of lantz's OCs and Kiyoshi make it to the complex, and because of something on Connor's sheet, Law, a Geist, senses something off and goes down to attack him. There's a big thing in there and Angra appears out of freaking nowhere for no good reason even though she's still a castle. That's resolved.

Then Mr. Fixit shows up to offer Forest an offer she can't refuse. It's a good deal, so she doesn't refuse. Then Angra decided to be obstructive and is now sitting in the newly repaired kitchen just asking to be kicked out or killed.

And that's my terrible summary. ...If someone could expand on that so it's less sucky, that'd be great. ^_^"

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1585 on: December 04, 2013, 03:23:10 AM »
Wow the hostility towards me is awesome.

I never objected to the cops investigating Elf, my point was that inferno becoming a god is completely unfair.

Arch-Magos Winter

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1586 on: December 04, 2013, 03:23:22 AM »
@Elf: About Willy Verb, yeah, a time limit might be a good idea. He hasn't been back in awhile, so this might maybe get him back, plus if he doesn't come back, it'd open up another Shirou slot.

Also, yeah, I think Angra might need a GM ruling at this point. As does Toshi, potentially.

@Mooncake: Like a bunch of people already said, yup, RP's more than open to join- you get... I believe it's 7 slots open now? To work with, so you don't even have to settle with three characters. :) 

And right, recap- well, here goes nothing. ...Since I'm half conscious right now, this probably isn't that great of a recap, but eh, it's the thought that counts.

So basically a bunch of people show up in this weird City that's like some sort of interdimensional meeting place. Hakuno Kishinami (Fate Extra's protagonist, the girl version) winds up there too, and is separated from her Servant, Archer, who also arrives there, albeit away from Hakuno. Rider happens to be there too, along with Sakura's son, Kiyoshi, and she leaves him at the hotel they were staying at to get some prana, since Sakura isn't there to give it to her. She spots Hakuno and tries to drain prana from her, but she's stopped by... somebody, I don't remember who, I think Forest. There's this big, drawn out confrontation there, and MOS Shirou tries to shoot Hakuno to stop Rider and Fore, but Rider saves her, and like a million people end up showing up eventually, but it all settles down eventually, and a group that includes Rider, Forest, Hakuno, and Archer (I'd have to look back at who else it was) decide to go to the hotel to pick up Kiyoshi while the rest go back to Forest's apartment complex.

Because of some dumb things involving lantz's.... O....C... Satoshi getting possessed with... hiiiisss verssion of Angra Manyu, there's another confrontation near the hotel. Then this mobster guy shows up (I don't remember his name right now Daiki, I remember his name starts with a V, I'm sorry ;_;), and he summons a messload of vampires, and those get fought for awhile until my OC, Mille, sets them all on fire using a magic rune circle. Also, it turns out a magus girl named Isa from earlier in the alleyway was raped and had her arm taken by werewolves, which Rin heals using Ruby. Then everybody heads back to the complex.

And also Toshi gets a castle made out of Angra, which is... yeah.

Rin and Dark Archer... start having a fun night. Ruu, a cute little familiar, stayed at the complex to guard the place, but while trying to fix a meal for everyone, destroys the kitchen, so the Moon Cell Archer has to fix it (MOS Shirou helps a little too). In the meantime, Axe Cop and Inferno Cop have SHENANIGANS! Then some more of lantz's OCs and Kiyoshi make it to the complex, and because of something on Connor's sheet, Law, a Geist, senses something off and goes down to attack him. There's a big thing in there and Angra appears out of freaking nowhere for no good reason even though she's still a castle. That's resolved.

Then Mr. Fixit shows up to offer Forest an offer she can't refuse. It's a good deal, so she doesn't refuse. Then Angra decided to be obstructive and is now sitting in the newly repaired kitchen just asking to be kicked out or killed.

And that's my terrible summary. ...If someone could expand on that so it's less sucky, that'd be great. ^_^"
Law is a Sin-Eater. The red text in his posts is the Giest, the Redheaded Driver. He's also technically a serial killer, you forgot to mention that.

I will freely admit I kinda screwed the pooch on the Driver's name.

Oh, and you forgot to mention that the police force is entirely consisting of individuals who's sanity is very questionable (and in one case, their sobriety), we've got two potentially very dangerous vampires that just met up, the Castle of Bullshit just got infiltrated by a Demon (Yes, with a capital D. It's that serious), Saber Alter hasn't done shit (;_;), and there's two characters from Bleach running around the city, one of whom encountered the cops.

Also all of Lantz's OC's are pretty much sues to some degree, except Taiga because she's a blind girl in a wheelchair, but she's a bitch.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1587 on: December 04, 2013, 03:26:36 AM »
Wow the hostility towards me is awesome.

I never objected to the cops investigating Elf, my point was that inferno becoming a god is completely unfair.
Not really, considering that you refuse to let anything harm your precious mar- I mean OC's. For that matter, he won't, because he's kinda retarded and doesn't know about it.

Same thing with Raul being able to flip out and wreck shit, he CAN but he won't because if he does shit gets fucked for everyone.


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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1588 on: December 04, 2013, 03:31:35 AM »
Sorry about the Sin-Eater mix up- this is why sleep is important. ^_^" ...Or actually getting to bed long before 9 am in the morning.

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Re: Cross Effects - Sign Up, Discussion Page
« Reply #1589 on: December 04, 2013, 03:33:43 AM »
I never objected to the cops investigating Elf, my point was that inferno becoming a god is completely unfair.
Becoming? He already is.

He's also retarded and is more likely to build himself an airplane from scratch or try to take over the world than tear down your little mud sandcastle because doing so would actually take more time than his attention span lends him (under three minutes), but that's neither here nor there.

Though maybe this incident would prove to be an exercise telling you to occasionally read the character sheets of other people when it becomes obvious you'll have to interact with them, so you're not as surprised when it turns out that they do have some kind of gimmick you should probably have known about by then. That is, unless you like actually getting mad whenever you don't read a sheet and as it turns out there was a gimmick all along.