Actually Hakuno HAD BEEN in danger, she was not in danger and Archer admitted threatening Shirou almost restarted the fight. Had Hakuno been in danger in that immediate moment Satoshi would not have played devil's advocate as he had.
Doesn't matter, he still made the attempt and Archer didn't know he wouldn't do it in the future. So he decided to make damn sure that he
didn't. He did admit he took it a bit far, but Satoshi's reaction to it was
way over the top.
Satoshi made a bad bluff and as soon as Connor finds Archer Archer will know as much.
I dunno if that makes it sound better, though....
and Connor is doing what he has been asked, he doesn't know that the characters are preoccupied. If they are he'll just return and say as much. No harm.
Yeah, I guess, although Forest is likely to take it badly....
with Rin my point is again it is mistakes on both sides that cause the issue. This is why neither side archer and Rin or Satoshi and Sakura are outright right or wrong.
No, true, but Rin did already admit her side to Kiyoshi. Also, Sakura was, I think, probably more responsible than Rin, mainly because she took what Rin said about heroic spirits
far more literally than it was intended or than just about anyone else did.
Satoshi is not wrong for confronting archer he is wrong for the way he did so, big difference. And it was again a bluff after he played devil's advocate.
I think that defending MoS Shirou after what he did came off rather badly to just about
everyone, honestly.
OK, I don't think you get WHY the CG's are deployed. They're deployed because if they aren't, the world is screwed. When they kill, it is to save lives. If they don't kill these people, the world as we know it fucking ends. These people aren't innocent. Those around them maybe, but the people that they're deployed to destroy most certainly in the sense of humanity, are not.
The people directly responsible for the calamity
may not be innocent, but CGs don't kill only them, they kill everyone in the vicinity "just in case".
And dammit, do I HAVE to bring out this argument again?
Imagine you have a subway. There's five people down the line on the track, and one next to you. The lever is on the tracks, and the train is coming. You only have one second to react, and can't trip the lever yourself. However, if you push the man next to you onto the tracks, you'll save those five people by forcing the train to switch tracks or stop.
So, you can either watch five people die, or kill one yourself.
Whichever you choose, you are responsible for a death. Now, which one is the most morally correct. State your answer.
Honestly, neither answer is unambiguously correct, and doing either would not be morally wrong in general. However, I would
not consider you to be responsible for the deaths of the five people if you did not act, since you did nothing to kill them and could not have saved them without killing someone else.
As far as I am concerned, lives do not weigh on a scale. People are not directly comparible, my life is not equatable to yours. Therefore, saying "saving five people by killing one is always morally right" is just not valid. If those five people are Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Gaddafi, I'd say that you're definitely better-off letting them die....