Name: Oka Kurosawa
Race: Human
Age: 15
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Fairly heavy, she's extremely muscular.
Physical AttributesStrength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional(Amazing Reflexes)
Constitution: Exceptional (Amazing stamina)
Other Abilities: Pokemon Master: Oka is a prodigy pokemon trainer, unlike her brother. She has an innate knack for training pokemon in the best possible way to maximize their potential, and can tell at a glance whether they’ve got potential. All her pokemon are well trained and she knows the perfect times to command them in battle to pull victory from the jaws of defeat.
Equipment: Pokeballs: Oka carries a large stock of pokeballs in her bag at all times, ready to catch any rare or powerful pokemon she comes across.
Recovery Items: Oka carries a sizable stockpile of hyper potions, full heals, and revives. She also has a few herbal medicines.
Climbing Equipment: Oka carries a fairly decent rock climbing kit, including all the essentials, such as a grapple, a harness, and of course, top quality climbing rope.
First Aid Kit: It’s just your standard run of the mill first aid kit.
Gym Badges: Oka has seven gym badges, showing her prowess as a pokemon trainer. Having seven of them is an extremely impressive feat. It shows she has extreme skill in the art of pokemon training, and is on her way to becoming a master. She keeps them in a small wallet that also houses her trainer card, and keeps them polished perfectly.
Running ShoesShoes made for running.
Collapsible bikeA bicycle made for easy carrying.
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Incredible(can boost to Fantastic with quiver dance level 2, Heroic with level six)
Constitution: Incredible
Wormy is a powerful Bug/Fire type pokemon, and Oka’s most powerful, and first, pokemon. She was given a Larvesta for her fifth birthday by her grandfather, and over a period of eleven years, has lovingly trained him and evolved him into his brilliant current form. It loves her unconditionally and is entirely loyal. It would stop at nothing to protect its beloved partner.
He uses his six wings to engulf his enemies in waves of fire and scalding ash, bathing any battlefield in a smothering wave of heat. He can control his own body heat output, allowing people it trusts to touch and pet him. At full output, he can release a sea of flames with damage equivalent to a high level spell, or focus his attacks to deal very high levels of damage with his fire. He also knows various other moves, such as psychic, which wormy can use to lift heavy objects or crush objects with his mind. He can also fly high into the sky, or release a massive beam of concentrated sunlight that can harm even legendary level enemies. He can bite enemies and drain their energy as well, or make a harmful buzzing noise that deals damage comparable to his psychic attack.
Wormy also knows a few utility moves, such as quiver dance, which boosts the damage of his attacks, resistance to non-physical attacks, and speed by one grade (1.5,2.0,2.5,etc) up to six times, at which point it maxes out. He can also use roost to heal himself in exchange for not moving for a full round, which makes it impractical in a heated battle.
She keeps him in a luxury ball. That is, on the rare occasion she keeps him in a Pokeball. Normally she just lets him follow her around freely.
Little Bully(Dusclops): Strength: Exceptional (Amazing with Strength)
Agility: Human(amazing reflexes)
Constitution: Fantastic(Legendary with eviolite)
Incorporeal: Dusclops is a ghost, and has next to no physical presence. Mundane physical attacks pass right clean through it, although this does not go both ways, and it can affect physical objects just as easily as spiritual ones.

Her second pokemon was a Duskull, a Ghost type pokemon. When she was small, she used to get bullied a great deal by her brother, who was jealous of her prowess with pokemon and how their grandfather was neglecting him entirely in lieu of training Oka to be the successor to the gym. This went on for a few years, until a small ghost burst through the wall and chased him around for being a bad child. It continued until he begged Oka to do something about it, and so she captured it. After several months under her control, they eventually grew close, and it would keep him away while she slept and when he tried to bully her, much to his dismay. Oka has since evolved it into a Dusclops, and it isn’t very little anymore, standing at roughly the same height as Oka herself.
Dusclops is not strong nor is he fast. He is a tank, excelling in defense and taking hits without going down. Oka has given him an item, eviolite, which further increases his defenses so he can better suit her purposes in her team. He knows moves like taunt, torment, rest, toxic, and other status affecting moves. She uses him to draw enemy attacks towards him and then poison the enemies. He also knows protect, which allows him to throw up a defensive force field as fast as he csn think, but he can only keep it up for a short time before it fails, making it far less useful than it otherwise would, as a sustained attack would break it down without much effort. He also knows sleep talk, allowing him to continue attacks even as he heals while resting.
Haunter(Gengar):Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Exceptional
Incorporeal: Haunter is a ghost, and has next to no physical presence. Mundane physical attacks pass right clean through it, although this does not go both ways, and it can affect physical objects just as easily as spiritual ones.

Oka was around eleven years old and was exploring the pokemon graveyard when she was attacked by a foolish Ghastly, which tried to possess her. Luckily for her, Little Bully noticed its attempt and attacked it in return, injuring it enough for Oka to capture it in a pokeball.
Gengar, unlike Dusclops, is geared towards dealing heavy damage very fast, while dodging the opponents attacks. As such, he knows moves such as shadow ball, focus blast, energy ball and dark pulse, which both deal large(High/very high) levels of damage with each hit, the primary difference being the type of damage that they deal. He can also call down massive lightning bolts from the sky of varying strengths and accuracy, the stronger the bolt the less accurate it being.
He also knows a few moves such as destiny bond and hypnosis, the former of which allows him to take an opponent with him if he goes down through a ghostly bond. Destiny Bond is an attack that, if he uses it just before he gets taken down, the opponent who took him down goes down too. This can be resisted if one has a resistance to curses. Hypnosis puts an opponent to sleep, but those with high levels of willpower or other mental resistances can resist the effects somewhat. Furthermore, sometimes it just doesn’t making it not the most reliable option.
Furthermore, Genger can enter into people’s dreams and “eat” them, causing nightmares and dealing damage while providing him with energy.
Sylveon: Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Human (Amazing reflexes)
Constitution: Incredible

Sylveon is one of Oka’s favorite pokemon, and is a kind, gentle souled beast. This does not stop it from rushing to the aid of his master when she’s fighting, however, where he will fight to the last bravely carrying out her orders. Sylveon is also highly resistant to non physical attacks, such as magic or fire, and is completely immune to dragonic attacks. It is weak against metals and poisoning.
PixilatePixilate is sylveon’s special ability, which transforms many of its attacks into the fairy type and strengthens them greatly as a result. It was a big reason why Oka wanted this specific Sylveon.
To take full advantage of pixilate, Oka has taught sylveon moves such as hyper voice and hyper beam.
Hyper voice is an extremely powerful attack which massively amplifies the user’s voice to such an extent that it becomes a highly damaging attack that affects a large area, moving towards enemies at the speed of sound. It is affected by pixilate, and as such, hits with very high strength.
Hyper beam is considered by many trainers to be straight up the strongest move a pokemon can learn, concentrating all of their power into one single beam. This move is also affected by pixilate, and as such is devastatingly powerful (Extremely high). Its power comes at a cost, however, leaving the user utterly prone after the incredible attack until they rest for a short while.
His other moves include moonblast, which attacks using the power of the moon ( Very High), shadow ball, sending a ball of dark shadows towards the enemy(high) and psyshock, which allows him to lift objects such as rocks and send them careening towards an enemy(high)
Drifblim: Strength:Human
Agility:Human(amazing reflexes)
Constitution: Incredible
Incorporeal: Drifblim is a ghost, and has next to no physical presence. Mundane physical attacks pass right clean through it, although this does not go both ways, and it can affect physical objects just as easily as spiritual ones.

Drifblim is Oka’s weakest pokemon. She travels with it primarily because it allows her to fly over obstacles and cut through troublesome vegetation. It has no real combat usage.
Mimikyu is a cute little pokemon that sits on top of her head at almost all times, providing her with omnidirectional protection. The cute-looking disguise it wears over itself is in complete contrast to the monstrosity that lurks underneath it. Oka doesn't care, however. It's the attempt that matters in her opinion. In the past months she's had it, they've become close friends, and it's proved to be a valuable addition to the team.
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Amazing
Don't allow its looks to deceive you, this small guy is immensely powerful, and is capable of attacking in a myriad of ways. Additionally, due to its ghostly powers, while its disguise remains unbroken, it does not take any actual damage itself. Unfortunately, the disguise is rather weak, and will break after only a single hit.
Mimikyu attacks using its dark claws and tail to great effect. She also taught it protect, and it often sits on top of her head, ready to throw up a forcefield in case of an attack. It also knows return, an attack that gets stronger the stronger the bond between the trainer and pokemon is. This attack hits with the force equivalent to Fantastic levels.
Strength: Incredible(Heroic with first superpower or max curse, Exceptional with max debuff from superpower)
Agility: Human(Incredible reflexes)
Constitution: Legendary
Regice is both Oka’s newest and most powerful pokemon, only rivaled by Wormy himself. Its body is -200 degrees C, and it would not melt even if it were to be immersed in magma. Things freeze just by being near Regice. The human-sized ice golem is an incredibly powerful one of a kind legendary pokemon. It knows a myriad of powerful moves such as Zap Cannon, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Superpower,Thunder, a move that weakens its attack and defensive powers in exchange for overwhelming force, and Hyper Beam, among others. It also knows some weaker moves, such as ice beam, frost breath, thunderbolt and flash cannon. It also knows a weaker move called ancient power, which allows it to throw rocks at an opponent and has a tiny chance to strength it all around. Finally, it knows charge beam, a weak electrical attack that merely deals high damage, but also strengthens its special (non physical) attacks with each use, with the same restrictions as quiver dance. All of regice’s attacks are devastatingly powerful, at minimum very high level, and the stronger attacks such as hyper beam, zap cannon and blizzard are at extremely high levels.
Beyond its attack moves, it also knows several utility moves such as Lock On, a move that increases the time it takes for an attack to fire, but allows it to home in on the target, only missing if the opponent runs away or hides behind a wall or underground.
Curse, a move which increases attack and defensive power in exchange for lowering its speed.
Rest, a move that allows it to quickly regain its full strength after a short nap.
Its defense against non physical attacks are also through the roof, and as a result Regice is nearly immune to all non-physical sources of damage, even fire, which an ice-type would normally be vulnerable to. One would need to attack it head on with physical objects in order to harm it.
Spoiler for other pokemon:
Oka also has some various other pokemon not currently suitable for battle or general use, such as her abra, poliwag, and other pokemon of this caliber.
Abra is a pokemon Oka is still training, and is incredibly weak. It is entirely unsuitable for battle, only knowing teleport and psychic(medium), but it is still too weak to really harm anyone. It needs to be trained a lot more before it’s a useful pokemon to her. She can use teleport to teleport to any location Abra remembers, with Oka in tow.
Strength Human
Agility Human
Constitution Human
WagglyThe only move of note that waggly knows is surf. She’s not terrible strong and is a big coward.
Strength Human
Agility Human (Incredible while using surf)
Constitution Human
Origin: Oka was born into a failing line of bug pokemon trainers, the Kurosawa. She was seen as a beacon of hope by the aging gym leader, her grandfather. He focused all his time on training her to become his successor, as both his son and his grandson had proved to be completely and hopelessly inept at pokemon battles. At first, things went astonishingly well. She had a natural born talent at pokemon battling and the art of training them. However, as time went on, problems arose.
The first, and biggest problem was that she simply did not have an appreciation of nearly any bug type pokemon, considering any but her beloved Larvesta to be “icky and gross.” Later she developed a crush on her childhood friend, and chased after him when he went on his own journey to become the Champion of the Pokemon League. This left her grandfather hopeless, as he desperately sent her brother to get her back and pressured her to return and come to her senses.
She has so far willfully disregarded all such attempts, handily beating her brother time and time again, and has followed in her crush’s footsteps, acquiring seven out of the eight gym badges required to challenge the previous Victory Road and the Pokemon Leauge.
Weakness: If you steal her pokeballs, she is just a normal teenage girl. While all her ghosts are immune to mundane physical attacks, they are more susceptible to magic, especially spirit-aligned magic. Furthermore, if any of them interact with their target in a phytsical manner, they are susceptible to physical retaliation in that moment. Just shoot her in the face and she’ll die.
Likes: Pink, Volcarona, her crush, Ghost-type pokemon, beating gym leaders, bullying people(but not too much), beating gym leaders, surpassing new challenges, exploring
Dislikes: The way her grandfather pressures her to become a gym leader, failing, losing to her crush, her brother, bug pokemon(except her darling Wormy)