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Name: Sakura Matou

Race: Modified Human

Age: 22

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 53 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human (Exceptional with reinforcement)

Agility: Human (Exceptional with reinforcement, Incredible Reflexes)

Constitution: Human (Exceptional with reinforcement)

Magic: Very High

Sakura is a powerful magus who specializes in a variety of different types of magic, which are listed below.

Shadow Magic
Sakura’s shadow is a type of magic innate to her that she can control(she can manipulate its features but not change its properties except for deciding what it digests) as easily as breathing. She can create infinitesimally thin ribbons that move amazingly fast(Amazing) and can cut people in half with a single swipe(amazing cutting power), or create familiars that at their largest size (utilizing all her mana reserves at once to create) are gigantic, about ten meters tall, and to fire off beams that can oneshot spirits with amazing constitution. Against non spiritual beings it is far far less effective.

Furthermore, she also has access to her own pocket dimension she can use to travel in between any of her shadows instantly. She has control over the dimension, and unless used against someone with supernatural means of escape, including throwing a great deal of mana around inside or someone who is extremely strong(incredible strength or higher), she would have no issues containing somebody inside for an indefinite period of time, digesting them with her magic until there was nothing left at all. Even a stronger person(Incredible) would have to struggle a bit with it, although they’d be able to escape after about ten minutes of struggling, tops.

Finally, because of her imaginary numbers affinity, she has an innate advantage against spirits. All her shadow attacks are much more effective against anything with a spiritual nature. However, there is an upper limit to the effectiveness of her affinity, and extremely high level spirits, such as a servant, would take an attack as if it was used against a normal human.

Matou Magic
When Zouken infested her with the crest worms, it not only gave him a way to control her, but also burned the Matou crest into her, giving her access to the full repertoire of the Matou bloodline’s spells. Because of this, she has a great deal of knowledge about the art of binding,absorption, and familarcraft. Using this magic, she is, for example, able to hide any leakage of prana from her body, essentially rendering her indistinguishable from a normal human. She can also send out a bolt of magic that will, assuming it connects, drain the target of a decent amount of their mana.

Another big feature of their brand of magecraft is the usage of familiars, specifically bugs in particular. She has a legion of small bugs, ants, bees, hornets, spiders, and many others, at her command, which she can replace by growing them using nothing but her own prana. While bugs are by no means the only kind of familiar she can create, they are by far her favorite. She can even create new and terrifying species of animals that are substantially more dangerous than their natural counterparts.

Bounded Fields
Sakura has become quite good at creating bounded fields over the years, particularly from being under the tutelage of her caster class servant, Faust. Given the time, she can create enormously complicated and incredibly strong defenses that can even take a shot from an rpg barely any worse for the wear in a couple hours. Even a basic defensive field that she can throw up in a matter of minutes is powerful, capable of keeping someone with incredible strength at bay.

She is of course, capable of creating fields with purposes other than defense. She can create many different kinds of detection fields, fields that voraciously drain all mana inside them or only the mana of those she wishes it to, fields that create illusions and mask her presence, among many others.

Sakura is also fairly versed in the art of alchemy. She can of course create mundane potions to cure various ailments, but can also do much more, such as transmute one material into another. Additionally, she can use it to create magical items with a specific purpose, although to create something particularly powerful it would take months or even possibly years of constant effort.

Healing is not by any means one of her main areas of expertise, but that doesn’t mean that she is a complete novice at it either. She has a thorough knowledge of all basic healing spells, and can use her magic to quickly regenerate most damage, excluding loss of limbs or other such extreme injuries, which she would need much more time to deal with. 

Connection to the Other Side
As a result of some circumstances in her past, she has a permanent connection to the "other side" and as a result has an infinite source of mana flowing into her at all times. She has to release it via magecraft or other such methods, or else the consequences wouldn't be pretty.

Other Abilities:

Cooking Sakura is a cooking enthusiast and is as good as many chefs.


Origin: Sakura was given away to the Matou family at a young age to be raised as their heir and reach the full potential of her abilities as a magus. However, instead she was raised in a highly abusive house and tortured on a daily basis for almost a decade. During the events of the fifth holy grail war, she found freedom and lived happily with her lover, Shirou Emiya, until she was pulled into the nexus three and a half years ago. There, she met Faust and learned underneath him.

Weakness: Anybody substantially faster than her could overwhelm her easily. While she has infinite mana, she does not have infinite output, and is as such held back by the limits of her circuits.

Likes: Shirou, Jeanne, Rin, Liseth, Archer, Rider, Cooking, Experimentation, Ghost Stories

Dislikes: Vampires, Zouken, Shinji, Abstinence
« Last Edit: October 16, 2017, 01:20:12 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Name: Mr. Tar/Henry Barthow/Leila Parking/Sariel
Race: Unchained demon
Age: 36/22 (Covers, years of activity as an Angel before the Fall measured in centuries)
Height: 176/160 Centimeters (198 in Demonic Form)


Green eyes and ruffled brown hair cut short without much attention paid to it frame a gruff, hard face. Henry's shave is also a little messy, and he already begins to show grey hairs.

Attributes (Demonic Form)
Strength: Human (Exceptional)
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Human (Incredible)
Magic Ability: None, but he's familiar enough with the occult to repel minor ghosts and the like through research and ritual.

Other Abilities:
Skills: Tar is an expert melee combatant, and quite skilled with firearms (especially pistols) and stunt driving. He has a keen investigative eye, is stealthy and familiar with illicit skills, and has cursory knowledge of computers and medicine. His uncanny sense for danger is a leftover from his abilities as an Angel.

Supernatural Tolerance: Medium/Low (Main Cover/Demonic Form). The metaphysical integrity of his identity or the potency of his soul-engine grant Tar some resistance against all harmful supernatural effects.

Cover: A mundane self used by the Demon to pass for human and hide their true form from scrutiny. More than a disguise, it is a "genuine" identity embedded into reality. The efficiency and authenticity of this identity rely on its complexity. Henry Barthow is a strong and intricate persona, supported by a great deal of information, being for all intents and purpose a complete life with few oddities. Leila Parking is his backup, a makeshift cover composed of little more than the bare minimum to support it.

Cover makes Tar biologically human, and may automatically trick any effects that reveal him as a supernatural being, making him register as a regular person. Another advantage of Cover is the ability to temporarily grant some assets and skills needed to support it. Looking into the background of a Cover and finding inconsistencies can undermine the foundation of the identity. In the same way, grossly breaking character, or using supernatural abilities can also serve to endanger its stability and wear it down.

Perfect Liar: Demons like Tar are perfect liars. They have total control of their physical tells. Because their reactions are completely de-coupled from their thoughts and emotions, they only express themselves deliberately. When they have or articulate a thought, they decide whether it is true or false in the split second it forms regardless of the objective truth or their beliefs. No method for detecting lies or truth can tell otherwise.

Mechanical Mind: Although fallen, demons retain advanced processing structures. Tar has a perfect memory and flawlessly remembers everything he has ever experienced. He has an aptitude for information and learns quickly. And in addition, he is fluent in every language which has at least one native human speaker.

Aetheric Soul: Tar doesn't technically have a soul - his spiritual core is an reactor where his thoughts and emotions originate and his various forms are stored. It allows him to perceive the working of occult physics through any magical occlusion, and to collect and store the byproduct energy of supernatural processes, which fuels some of his abilities. He can sense this aetheric energy by resonance with his.

Demonic Form: Tar's true form, hidden within his quantum soul-furnace, but accessible at the distance of a simple act of will. When he shifts to demonic form, shedding his human identity, Tar performs instinctive repairs on himself and begins to automatically draw in power.

His body becomes completely armored, with a featureless diamond visor replacing his face and functional wings of dripping tar sprouting from his back. His high density metal skeleton is practically unbreakable, and his metallic muscles like steel cables. His segmented plating provides total protection without hindering movement, and he can consume aetheric energy to make it even tougher. High temperatures and fire mean nothing to him due to the construction of his body and the alloys that compose it. He can accurately sense anything moving around him by vibration. His wings additionally serve as shields, and can be expanded around the whole of his form.

Returning to a human guise is more strenuous. If necessary, Tar can also assume aspects of his true form without a full transformation, which is generally subtler but also more energy consuming.

Going Loud: The final option of a demon. Tar can sacrifice a Cover to transform into his demonic form, completely destroying it for a massive boost of power. Tar's demonic might temporarily expands to the utmost, repairing nearly all wounds and filling him with energy. All embeds of material and precise effect are accessible, and all possible exploits become available for use.

Embeds: Backdoors in reality and pathways encoded into the workings of the universe that Tar can tap into for specific effects.
Spoiler for Hiden:
- Read Hostility: After activation, the demon is able to sense harmful intent in the nearby area. Anyone meaning to hurt them or a chosen target finds that their intentions betray them, as the demon automatically recognizes these aims and cannot be surprised or ambushed.
- Turn Blade: The demon can blunt a blade, soften a cudgel, and slow a bullet, so long as he can tell the attack is coming and the aggressor is within sight.
- Knockout Punch: A melee strike that will knock a target unconscious without causing them any damage. They regain consciousness after a stipulated amount of time or specific condition comes to pass, or a firm attempt at reviving them. Choosing to murder someone under this power is a risk to Cover.
- Check Backdrop: This embed controls precision to force the issue of restrained firearm use, making every shot that isn't carefully aimed automatically miss and harmlessly hit the environment.
- Synthesis: This allows Tar to learn the truth about a place and its history by observing how it has recently changed. But it's not the same as seeing what has happened, and the further back an event, the less information he can gain about it. This also does not penetrate mystical attempts to disguise the area's past, but may allow the realization that it has been altered.
- Strike First: No matter how cleverly an enemy sneaks up on Tar, this Embed allows him to seize the initiative and acquire a chance to act first. Even if surprised, he may use this ability to move before his enemies gain a leg up for the duration of the combat, though in practice this means nothing against foes of Incredible Agility or higher.
Exploits: Overt effects produced by overcharging the metaphysical equations of Embeds and redirecting the resulting burst of power.
Spoiler for Hiden:
- Hellfire: Aether overcharges a firearm, converting the bullets into consuming magical flame. The fire thus created sears through and incinerates obstacles, but does not spread. Every other characteristic of the gun is unchanged for the duration, but the barrel warps into a wider shape that drifts out wisps of brimstone. Hellfire weapons can burn through nearly everything, and those they kill leave only charred skeletons behind.
The Cipher: A mystical structure unique to each demon that broadens their understanding of reality as they unlock it, allowing them to modify and join occult equations to work subtle but impressive feats. At the end of the Cipher is a final techgnostic truth that teaches them something about the true nature of reality and their descent into hell. Tar has currently discovered two of its four keys, and unlocked one power out of three.
Spoiler for Hiden:
Interlock - Enmity Clouds Success: When activated, Tar weakens every weapon in his proximity used with the intent to harm another.
Pacts: Demons are able to forge pacts with others by patching aspects of reality to mutual benefit. A pact can grant a signer riches, fame, beauty, influence, great skill, even increased natural ability. In exchange, the demon takes bits and pieces of the contract-bound's life to add to his own or obtains something else from them. The contracts must be written agreements of some sort. Demons cannot lie in a pact, and the contractor must willingly sign it by their own hand. So long as the medium it is registered on remains intact, the pact remains unbroken. The contract itself is durable and is unaffected by time, but can be destroyed even by ordinary mean. The terms are set when the demon creates the pact and cannot be altered without express consent by all parties. Pacts are also transferable. Soul Pacts are the most infamous of pacts, allowing a demon to subdue a person's entire existence to create a new Cover. Unlike regular pacts, they must be signed in blood, and to collect them one must touch the signer.

Reinforced Trench Coat
Kevlar Vest
Colt M1911A1 (.45 ACP)
   - Ammunition
   - Detachable Suppressor
Duct Tape
Lockpicking Tools

Origin: Once, this demon was the Guiding Shield Sariel, a steel warden on wings of light and the angel of an uncaring demiurge of gears and occult physics known as the God-Machine.

Created hundreds of years in the past, he was preserved in-between missions and re-used many times over long assignments on Earth. His assignments were ones of protection: as befitting his name, he was given the task to protect individuals who would guide events to where the God-Machine wished them to lead. Much to his eventual dismay, the ones he was set to shield were of the uglier side of mankind: murderers, tyrants, criminals, terrorists... As he saw more of the world through his various assignments and saw how these people treated others, what their victories and continued existence meant for civilization, and the suffering of those who had been their victims, he grew bitter in his duties. In what would be his last assignment as an Angel, he was given the identity of an undercover cop, with the mission to protect a local drug lord. During a firefight, he hesitated. He pondered just how many people the man would ruin before the God-Machine was done with him, and if it was all really worth it. That doubt controlled him, and he deliberately allowed the drug lord to get shot. Then he Fell.

After becoming a Demon, he altered his Cover to the guise of a private detective, and entered in cooperation with the local Agency. While trying to adapt to his new existence, he attempted to do small goods in the world as he collected information on the God-Machine. He undermined its operations and was a valuable resource against it, while continuing to look for the meaning of his descent to Hell.

While investigating a Splinter, he ended up in Nexus City. Confused, he scrambled for information and remained hidden for days on end, driven by paranoia. Given some time to process the information, he realized he had somehow found himself on a strange world where the masquerade did not exist, and neither did the God-Machine. While struggling to understand Nexus City and trying to find a way back, he has begun to carve a place for himself in it. Currently he is a part of the police force of Nexus City, and is working on keeping the streets as safe as possible.

Weakness: His more overt abilities might damage his Cover. Pacts cannot be signed with other Demons or beings of sufficiently alien nature.
Likes: Sweets, buddy cop movies, National Geographic, honesty
Dislikes: Criminals, arrogant bastards, paperwork, messed up systems
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 04:51:09 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Cherry Lover

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Name: Medusa, usually goes by “Rider”

Race: Gorgon/Magical Familiar

Age: Unknown, but appears to be in her early 20s.

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 57 kg




Tall and extremely beautiful, with ample breasts, Rider is literally the ideal woman, produced from the wishes of the Ancient Greeks for perfect goddesses. As a result of her mystic eyes, she has unusual, square pupils.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic
Agility: Heroic
Constitution: Incredible

Magic Ability: Extremely High

As a mythical being from the Age of the Gods, Rider has some basic magical capacity. However, it is limited relative to her other skills, so this ability is very rarely demonstrated.

She also has an high supply of mana under normal circumstances, thanks to the high quality of her master, and is able to store a significant amount as a reserve. As a result, Rider has sufficient mana to sustain herself for some time in the absence of further activity, although fighting and other strenuous acts will reduce this time significantly.

Other Abilities:

Magic Resistance: Very High.

Magical attacks of rank high or lower will have no effect on her, and attacks of very high rank will have a very limited effect. Magic of rank "extremely high" will harm her, although the effect will be reduced somewhat.

Cybele, Mystic eyes of Petrification: Rider's mystic eyes can instantly petrify anyone whose mana supply is not at least very high. Those of higher rank may in some instances be petrified, and will always suffer a reduction in fighting ability.

Rider cannot control the activity of these eyes, and they will unavoidably petrify anyone in her sight. However, Rin has obtained mystic eye killing glasses and contact lenses which she can wear to counteract this effect.

Riding: Rider can ride any animal or machine aside from a Dragon, including Phantasmal and Divine beasts. In addition, she has the ability to summon a Pegasus as a mount. Pegasus is normally docile, however, and will not fight unless compelled to do so by Bellerophon.
Monstrous Strength: Using this, Rider can temporarily boost her Strength. However, using it too often will ultimately result in her turning into the Gorgon Medusa, and she dislikes using this skill for that reason.

Independent action: Rider can remain in the world for around a day without an anchor or prana source.

Noble Phantasms:

A golden bridle which allows Rider to fully control any mount. When attached to a mount (for example, Rider's Pegasus), this bridle increases all of its stats by one rank, and allows the mount to perform a powerful charge which will destroy any target.
Blood Fort Andromeda:
A bounded field which encloses the area in which it is set and cuts it off from the world. Everyone inside (aside from magi and the like) will be dissolved and turned into prana for Rider. However, this field takes around 10 days to set up, and thus is of little use to Rider in most circumstances, particularly since her master does not approve of her harming innocents.
Breaker Gorgon:
Bounded field that seals the target inside the mind of the user. Mainly used as a blindfold to seal Rider's mystic eyes, but can also be used by Rider to give other people erotic dreams and the like.


Rider's primary mount, the original Pegasus, gifted to her by Poseidon and summoned by slitting her own throat. Due to its age, Rider's Pegasus is an immensely powerful Phantasmal Beast. However, due to his docile nature, Rider needs to use Bellerophon to force him to fight. In addition, the use of Bellerophon raises all of his stats by one level.

Strength: Heroic/Legendary (with Bellerophon)
Agility: Heroic/Legendary (with Bellerophon)
Constitution: Legendary/Godly (with Bellerophon)

Magic Resistance Divine

Pegasus is essentially immune to magic. No magic below divine rank can damage him, and even divine rank magic will only have a limited effect.

Origin: Born as a divine spirit out of the wishes of mankind for perfect gods, Medusa was exiled to the Shapeless Isle by Athena out of jealousy, and her sisters chose to join her there. As a result of killing and drinking the blood of numerous men who came to the island to kill her or to rape her sisters, she gradually turned into the Gorgon Medusa, even eventually eating her own sisters. She remained on the island until Perseus, with the aid of numerous Noble Phantasms given to him by the gods, was able to kill her. Following her death, her soul was sent to the Throne Of Heroes.
She was then summoned by Sakura into the fifth Holy Grail War, and dedicated herself to protecting her master by any means necessary. Initially, she was placed under the control of Shinji, but, after he proved to be an incompetent master, she was returned to her true master, Sakura. As Sakura gradually went insane seemingly due to a lack of prana, Rider supported and protected her, willing to kill her friends if necessary. However, after Sakura used her final command spell to order Sakura to protect Shirou no matter what, she recognised that it was not sufficient for Sakura to merely live, but that she wanted her to be happy, and for that to occur she needed to be sane, and to have her family around her. Therefore, when Sakura finally succumbed to the darkness, Rider assisted Shirou and Rin in their successful attempts to free her from it, and then flew Rin and Sakura out of the cavern whilst Shirou stayed behind to destroy the Grail, before later being rescued by Rider.
Once the war was over, Rider expected Sakura to break their contract and let Rider return to the Throne. However, Sakura's connection to the Grail left her with lots of excess prana, and she offered Rider the opportunity to remain in the world as her familiar, free to live as she desired. Still desiring to protect her master, and also to see how she would develop now she had been given a chance, Rider gladly accepted. Since then, Rider has remained as Sakura's loyal servant (and occasional nanny), whilst also living a life of her own. In order to facilitate her intergration into society (at least slightly), Rider has taken on the identity of "Tohsaka Raida", posing as Sakura and Rin's relative. With the help of their magic, and Shirou's connections to the Yakuza, Rider has been able to obtain identity documents and registration, allowing her to live more freely.

Even after thirty years, she still looks out for Sakura, and protects her and the happiness that she's found with everything she has. Additionally, she has come to realise that it isn't enough just for Sakura to be alive, that she also needs Shirou and her family for her life to be worth living. Thus, Rider protects the people Sakura loves (Shirou, Rin and her children) just as zealously as she protects Sakura herself. Of course, she still, ultimately, looks out for Sakura, and would kill Shirou or Rin in a second if that is what she thought Sakura really wanted. But, after 30 years, she knows Sakura well enough to know when she's going to regret something she is trying to do later and, after the war, knows that sometimes she has to fight against Sakura's short-term goals in order to ensure her long-term happiness.

Rider is shy but generally kind, and prefers to avoid harming innocent people if possible. However, she is extremely sadistic, and anyone who gets on her bad side will suffer the consequences. She is an extremely loyal person, protecting those she loves and cares for at any cost, and unwilling to abandon them under any circumstances. She finds it difficult to trust people she doesn't know, but will generally be very tolerant of those she loves. She also tends to be somewhat prone to doing things her own way even if that doesn't necessarily make sense.

She is deeply protective of her beloved master, Sakura, and is willing to do anything to protect her, even if that means killing innocents. However, although she likes being close to Sakura and seeing her happiness, she does also enjoy having her own life, and being independent from her master. She works part-time in the library, and is also a moderately successful fantasy writer, using concepts from her own lifetime which have been forgotten in the modern era.

Because of her nature as a heroic spirit and the connection she has to Sakura, she can't really get into a relationship with another person. Although she is able to make friends with other people, she has never been willing to allow anyone else to become important to her in the way that Sakura is. As a result, and due to the fact that she has no need to worry about pregnancy, diseases or even sleeping, she is very promiscuous, having a series of lovers, both male and female. Included in this is Rin, who she has had sex with on many occasions. She also does occasionally get involved in sex games with Shirou and Sakura, when they desire a threesome. She is also very kinky in the bedroom, particularly enjoying being tied up and dominated, as well as getting off on causing pain in others.

Weakness: Sakura – her anchor and source of prana. If you do succeed in killing her, Rider will be significantly weakened, and will disappear in a few days. However, her final hours will be spent trying to kill you in the most agonising way possible, so this might not be the wisest approach.

Likes: Reading, alcohol, snakes, beautiful girls, Sakura, Sakura's friends/family, Sakura being happy.

Dislikes: Sakura being hurt, anyone who hurts Sakura, mirrors, gods/godesses, Athena, Perseus.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 01:33:29 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Name: Noel Vermillion

Race: Murakumo Unit

Age: Eight

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 48kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Incredible

Magic: Very High

Noel has no aptitude for magic, she instead uses Ars Magus like most other people from her universe instead. While the end result may be nearly identical to many kinds of magic, Ars Magus is fundamentally different from it.

The first notable difference is its use of seithr as opposed to mana. Seithr was released in large quantities into the world during the Dark War by the Black Beast, an immeasurably strong monster that wiped out nearly half of the world’s population. Seithr is harmless to humans in small quantities, but in larger dosages it is a highly toxic substance that is lethal to humans and mutates animals into powerful and aggressive monsters.

Ars Magus was developed by the Great Sage Nine during the Dark War to allow humans to utilize the powers associated with magic in order to fight the Black Beast, which was completely immune to conventional weapons. Humans were unable to manipulate magic in its base form, and after a great deal of research, Ars Magus was developed to circumvent this problem.

By using science to manipulate the vast quantities of seithr that leaked from the body of the Black Beast as a fuel source, a user can generate a vast number of effects. In order to activate an Ars Magus, one has to recite an “Ars,” or spell.

Some people have higher aptitude than others in the use of Ars Magus. For example, to activate a specific Ars, the average person would require twenty units of seithr while someone with a high aptitude for it might require only ten, or even five units to achieve the same effect. Noel has the highest aptitude ever recorded for it in the history of the NOL.

Noel is highly proficient in a wide variety of ars, from binding to healing, and many utilitarian spells. She can also probably fire energy bolts, but they'd be far weaker than her normal attacks so she never bothers. She can light fires, heal wounds and fix broken bones, create traps, and change the temperature, among other uses. She mostly uses it to create extremely powerful barriers that can block heroic levels of damage. The stronger the attack, the more it drains her barrier and if it’s forcibly broken it puts her off balance, and she’ll require a few seconds before she can put a new one up. In a pinch, she can overload her barrier and "burst" it, creating a powerful shockwave that will blow even the most durable enemies away. This has the effect of decimating her barrier, and it'll take a period of rest before she can put up a barrier again.

Other Abilities:

Eye of the Azure

Noel is the eye of the Azure, the representative of the Master Unit Amaterasu on earth. She can tap into a font of boundless energy, which she uses to power her attacks. It is the basis for many of her abilities, such as her observation.

As the avatar of Amateratsu, Noel's soul is of unparalleled and incomperable quality. To those who are attuned to it, it might appear as akin to a flawlessly cut gem of indescribable rarity glistening with a vibrant and glowing shade of deep blue. It is instantly eye catching and impossible not to notice.


Observation: As an observer, Noel possesses the talent to observe phenomena and ascribe them legitimacy. When she uses this power, she can reinforce the existence of anything she chooses to. The most notable effect she can create is phenomena intervention, which allows her to intervene in a limited manner in reality. She could increase gravity, nullify an attack, or ensure the success of an attack, among other various effects. She is currently unable to do large scale reality warping due to lack of training with this skill.

Immortality: As an observer, Noel fundamentally lacks the concept of death. While this certainly does not prevent her from suffering truly grievous injuries, it is fundamentally impossible for her to be slain by any means. Any wounds inflicted upon her will eventually close up and revert to normal, no matter how absolutely damaging. She's also unaging and eternally youthful.

Expert Marksman

When using a gun, Noel is unbelievably accurate, able to snipe things with her pistols from ages away, and easily is able to accurately calculate exactly the coordinates she needs to hit with an explosion.

Melee Skill

While her fighting style prefers mid range combat and zone control, Noel does not lack for options in melee range and is quite capable. She can fight with a combination of her fists, arm blades, kicks, summoned swords, and lasers to thoroughly suppress an equally fast opponent.

Murakumo Unit

Noel is a murakumo unit, a type of artificial human designed to traverse the boundary, which is absolutely lethal to normal humans. She is utterly immune to the negative effects of seithr, and more importantly, is supremely difficult to kill. She regenerates from even the most grievous of injuries right in front of your eyes, limbs regrowing and wounds closing shut within a matter of minutes. She can also create portals at will. Which she can use to move her swords around the battlefield rapidly. She also has nearly limitless stamina. Finally, her soul is highly resistant to damage and as a result soul based attacks have a very limited effect upon her.


Nox Nyctores: Lux Sanctus

Noel's Murakumo form. It is as much a part of her as her body, and she can summon it at will. While it is equipped, she has omnidirectional sight and as a result is very difficult to sneak attack or catch off guard. As with her sister units, Mu is a very deadly opponent on the battlefield. As the Kusanagi, the Godslayer, she was designed for the sole purpose of destroying the Amaterasu Unit. When fusing with the true Azure, she dons an advanced version of the armor worn by Nu and Lambda. Like them, she has the ability to hover and fly through the air, and can use the disembodied swords behind her to attack and defend herself. These blades move with a thought, and move at fantastic speeds and hit at fantastic strength. She can summon up to eighth at a time, and if one were to be destroyed, she could instantly recreate a new one in its place.

She is also able to conjure up an energy barrier by forming the blades into a rhombus-like formation that can block most attacks. Mu possesses spatial related powers, preemptively striking opponents by opening wormholes and stabbing her weapons through to the other side and attack them at a distance. She can create these anywhere within her line of sight, and if she knows the exact coordinates she can create them there as well. She is also capable of sending things other than her swords through the portals, such as her body or miscellaneous objects. She can summon giant swords in lieu of her normal ones that are about the size of a double length bus, which hits at heroic levels of damage and can pierce through buildings with ease, but is rather large and unwieldy, and as a result would be relatively easy to dodge if one weren't immobilized. She can also use this to block against attacks.

She can also summon small drones that fly around and shoot lasers. She uses these to help her control the battlefield, and the weak lasers hit at around fantastic levels of damage. She can also fire charged shots that move slower, but also hit far harder, for heroic levels of damage. She controls them with her mind, and can send them hurtling towards enemies, fire the lasers while moving, and even detonate them for fantastic levels of damage. Her overdrive allows her to make them rapidfire and temporarily totally bombard her opponents with rapidfire blasts for about ten seconds at a time. This recharges after about ten minutes.

Furthermore, she can create sparking balls of electricity called arrows of heaven, which she fires at her opponents. They don't deal much damage, but they possess a powerful stunning effect that immobilizes enemies until they pass through them. She can also create several that circle around her, taking hits for her and zapping opponents in close range fighting against her.

She can also create immobilizing barriers that temporarily prevent her opponents from moving or fighting back. She can only create them directly in front of her, but if you're caught she can combo you for major damage. As do all Nox Nyctores, her attacks deal spiritual/soul damage.

Finally, she can directly create explosions and shoot a wave of large fantastic strength explosions that explode successively from right in front of her to twenty meters away.

As a living Nox Nyctores, all of her attacks rend at the soul, causing the body to remember the damage even after it would have normally properly healed, and it hinders regeneration and magical healings.

An assortment of guns Noel is a bit of a gun fanatic and possesses a wide assortment of various guns of all shapes and sizes in her apartment. She often carries around a pair of oversized enchanted magnums that shoot bullets at heroic speeds and hit for fantastic levels of damage. They’re incredibly durable, and painted light blue and pink, respectively. She’s even named them, although she’d never tell anyone about that part.

Origin: Noel was made in the 5th Hierarchical City of Ibukido, and she was the twelfth unit created; she was christened μ-No.12. She was created to serve as the ultimate weapon for Sector Seven to use against the Novus Orbum Librarium, but her smelting was interrupted by Takamagahara, who fired Take-Mikazuchi upon the city, which utterly razed the city, obliterating every living thing within the blast radius. Noel was in the process of being smelted and in a cocoon state, allowing her to survive the explosion, but was left without any identity.

She was later found and adopted by Edgar and Clair Vermillion and renamed Noel Vermillion. While living within the household, she gained possession of the Nox Nyctores Bolverk after being attacked by a monster in the forest.

Noel later joined the Military Academy in order to prevent the banishment of her adoptive family from the NOL. At the academy, she met her two best friends, Makoto Nanaya and Tsubaki Yayoi. She also met Jin Kisaragi, the student council president, who treated her like dirt due to her resemblance to his sister.

Six months before she was expected to graduate, Noel was given an offer to immediately join the Praetorian Guard, where she would serve as Jin's secretary. She accepted the deal in exchange for the restoration of the Vermillions' status as nobility.

While she served under Jin, he treated her at least as badly, possibly worse, as when they were in the Academy together. When Jin abandoned his post in order to chase after Ragna the Bloodedge, Noel was ordered to return him to his post unless she ran into Ragna, whom she was ordered not to engage with under any circumstances.

Her mission led her to the city of Kagutsuchi, where, long story short, she engaged with Ragna, battled the Murakumo Unit Nu-13, saves Ragna from being pulled into the cauldron by Nu, and was targeted for assassination by the NOL.

After this, she and Ragna spilt up, and she ran around Kagutsuchi doing this and that, ended up being captured by Hazama who smelted her into the Kusanagi, the godslayer, which he intended on using to destroy the master unit. However, she was saved by Ragna. She fled from the NOL to Sector Seven with Tager and Makoto.

She then joined a rebellion movement against the current NOL Imperator led by the Duodecum of the Librarium. Rachel taught her how to take control of her powers as Mu which she used to save Tsubaki from a mind control spell. She helped fight a big monster and save the world.

She recently found herself inside a strange city she has found out is called the Nexus with no idea of how she got there or how to get out. She's settled in rather nicely and enjoys living a cushy life without all the responsibilities of her old world. She owns a nice cozy house just right for her and "works" as a musician now, expressing herself through song. She actually makes most of her money from occasionally clearing a large bounty, however.

Weakness: phenomena intervention is hard and gives her a massive headache to the point that using it more than once in a while makes her unable to fight through the pain. People stealing her poems. Immortality breaking attacks.

Likes: poetry, the neet life, pornography, not having to work or worry about big events destroying the world for once, napping, cute things, fluffy tails, singing, posting videos on youtube

Dislikes: bugs, relius clover, gross things, working, being bullied, mean comments

« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 05:36:46 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Name: Medaka Kurokami

Race: Half Oddity/vampire

Age: 15

Height: 166.2 cm

Weight: 56 kg

Appearance:  Add golden eyes and this is it: 

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magical abilities: High

Gravity magic:  After awakening her magical potential, Medaka quickly learned to harness leylines, the natural paranormal power of the earth to manifest magical power.  Her own personality manifested the element of gravity and fire, allowing her to control the intensity of our natural pull to the earth.  By focusing on something, she can sharpen or weaken their pull to the ground.  Someone who weighs 10 pounds can easily feel they weigh 300 pounds or nothing at all.  Of course, she is capable of manipulating her own weight as well.

In addition, she is capable of adjusting how gravity works for a target, forcing them to walk on walls or ceilings rather than the ground.  She can also use her powers over gravity to essentially fly.  Her abilities are not limited to targeting only one person or object, but it does weaken its effects.

Gravity infusion:  Medaka is capable of infusing an item or person with a charge of magical energy.  With enough force, the magical energy can be released and a powerful gravity effect is thrust upon the victim.

Gravity clones:  A version of her clone ability that infuses the normally harmless illusions with gravity magic.  If the opponent fails to strike the real Medaka, they will be struck with an intense gravity magic effect.

Other Abilities:

Advanced Growth Rate: Medaka is incredibly gifted. By the time she was six months old, she had matured much more than her older siblings, progressing through infancy at an accelerated rate. Nobody was capable of teaching her anything because she could perfectly; learn, memorize, recall, understand, master, and utilize anything and any skill by experiencing or observing it, within seconds. She has a limitless capacity for learning and growth.

Superhuman Physiology: Medaka naturally possesses a bevy of superhuman skills: adaptability, agility, analysis, awareness, balance, calculation, charisma, cognition, to name a few. She has shown off many feats including: balancing on a small arm water wing, destroying a school building while constricted by tiny wires, and quickly moving three members of the Student Council into lockers in seconds before a giant explosion occurred.

Body Supremacy: she is capable of near complete, precise control of the movements and functions of all her muscles, bones, flesh, blood, organs, nerves, hair, and veins, and she can control them with both conscious and/or subconscious command. This makes her immune to forced motor control by others and allows her to adjust or improve her body functions.

Alpha Presence: Medaka's status as an "Alpha" among humans. People who meet her will recognize she has a grand, powerful presence; they'll know that she is abnormal, unlike them. If one saw her in a crowd, she would immediately stand out, no matter how big the crowd is.  Animals instinctively fear her because they recognize her as the absolute peak of the food chain.

Combat Expert: Medaka is a Red Belt in Judo and is highly skilled in Kendo. Using only the basics of what is taught, she could do the Replication Technique (stepping forwards and backwards so fast that she creates clones of herself) and steal things out of peoples hands without anyone noticing. Medaka has also learned to catch bullets in her mouth as a form of self-defense.

Kurokami Phantom: One of Medaka's signature moves, she first jumps up and down, dragging out the noise so that the sound of her feet tapping on the floor isn't heard until after her feet have left the floor again. Once the sound lag is at its fullest, Medaka blows forward, producing a sonic boom that destroys everything in her front of and behind her. Because she moves faster than the eye can see, the opponent won't be able to react until after she has already hit them. However, this causes extreme physical stress on her body and will incapacitate her until she takes the time to heal the damage.

War God Mode: Medaka's trump card: when Medaka is enraged, she goes into War God Mode. When in War God Mode, she loses her sense of humanity and goes berserk, while her hair turns fluorescent red. Medaka's presence becomes so ominous and evil that even people with the strongest of wills can be unnerved by it. Her physical strength  and constitution both increase drastically, allowing her to deal out devastating attacks while shrugging off horrific injuries. Medaka only assumes war god under intense emotional stress.

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Heroic

Vampiric Regeneration:  Medaka now can heal from almost any injury given enough time.  She can reattach her limbs and close minor wounds at will.  She can also speed up, slow down or even stop her regeneration if she so chooses.

Empathetic connection: Medaka has a sort of psychic emotional connection to Shinobu, which gives her the ability to sense strong emotions over distances.  In addition, she is also able to tell where Shinobu is at any given time.

Half vampire state:  Due to Vanguard's hold on Medaka’s soul, she is not a full vampire and therefore not subject to some of their strengths and weaknesses.  She has no weakness to sunlight.  However, on the other end, she has no increase in strength or speed.  Obviously, this state of being is subject to change as her story continues.

Possessed soul: Toe, now Vanguard took possession of Medaka’s soul, marked by a stamp on her breast.  This means that Medaka has an obligation to serve him.  Unknown to her, Theodore can use his hold to call her to him if the need ever arises as well as a few other things.  However, currently he has not incurred this hold over her.  Furthermore, the vampirism granted by her connection to Shinobu weakens this effect to an extent.

The End: Medaka is capable of learning Abnormalities and completely mastering them, to the extent that she can use them to one hundred and twenty percent of their capability, becoming more skilled with them than even their original owners.


Origin: Medaka is an heiress of the powerful Kurokami Industries, she was born with many unbelievable superhuman skills. She quickly became extremely popular, and has solved a mathematical quandary that had been considered unsolvable in her childhood, wich she won an enormous amount of prize money for. She has recently become the student council president of Hakoniwa Academy, ands plans on fulfilling every request sent to her through the request box she based her campaign on.


Naive: Medaka is extremely naive, despite her all her superhuman powers. She doesn’t know what an amusement park is, or even what people would go there to do, or even baseball.

Absolute Pacifism: Unless Medaka is in War God Mode, she will not fight. Period. Medaka hates fighting, and while she will act to protect her friends from being hurt, she will not fight back at all or hurt the aggressor.

Magical weakness (Gravity):  While Medaka has made enormous leaps and bounds in the field of magic, she still has a few issues.  Higher concentration is required to deliver higher levels of gravitational force.  Moreover, she can only focus on a few targets at a time.  If you are able to attack her from multiple angles at once, she cannot use her gravity magic as a tool to defend herself, not effectively at least.

Likes: People, animals, helping others, Sakura, Shirou, Iri, Vanguard.

Dislikes: how animals reject her presence, failing, seeing bad in people: she’ll want to make them see the right path if she can.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2018, 08:24:16 PM by yinsukin »


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(Modifications are approved by YOLF and Umbra with whom I discussed it. Credits to YOLF for providing me info on sub-souls)

Name: Rikuyo
Race: Human, a former sub-soul of an Archmaster
Age: 20 (Or is it?)
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Appearance: She has dark blue eyes and red hair. She wears a pink kimono with floral design draped over her right shoulder. whatever she grabs after her clothes inevitably get destroyed in a brawl.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible (can be boosted up to Legendary as described in Other Abilities, might also drop to Human)

Agility: Incredible (can be boosted up to Heroic as described in Other Abilities, might also drop to Human)

Constitution: Incredible (can be boosted up to Legendary as described in Other Abilities, might also drop to Human)

Magical Power: None.

Other Abilities:

Anima Mundi: Dream Of The Primal World: As a sub-soul of an Archmaster she was created in a botched up attempt to embody a fragment of Anima Mundi, a collective consciousness of the world. This particular fragment is inhabited by concepts of lifeforms in their natural state, untamed and fully controlled by their true natures. Rikuyo maintains a connection with that realm, allowing her to take on traits of a particular concept stored in it. Her soul contains enough Essence to power up those transformations, and even without their use she exceeds of what normal humans are capable of. When possessed by a concept, one of her stats upgrades to Heroic depending on the lifeform in question. In case of a human, she does not gain anymore power from it or regeneration, but she becomes more efficient, tiring less in a brawl.

She can release Essence in form of ranged blasts, but it’s wasteful to her simply fighting her enemies directly, and expends more energy.

Ultimate Lifeform: For up to 30 seconds, Rikuyo can tap on multiple concepts and push her abilities to the utmost limits, becoming Legendary in Strength and Constitution and Heroic in Agility. Clearly a thing that should not be which the world itself rejects (there cannot be unsurpassed lifeform as the evolution lose its meaning and the nature would be plunged into stagnation. Unsurpassed creature is just fleeting, illusionary dream), making it difficult to maintain the form. After it ends, Rikuyo is completely depleted, her stats dropping to Human. She recovers to Exceptional stats in one day, to Incredible stats in two (but is unable yet to power her normal transformations), she regains her normal transformations in three days and regains her full powers in four.

Regeneration: She heals notably faster than humans when transformed, though to more extent when she assumes concept of animals known for such properties. She can regenerate even from a single cell in most extreme situation, but suffering similar consequences as after using her ultimate transformation.

Rudimentary Knowledge of Martial Arts: She’s not a martial arts master, but she has picked some skill here and there, generally relying on instinct and improvisation to make up for lack of finesse.

Rikuyo may recover her Essence through eating other people and spirits, this method notably faster than a natural recovery. However, that does not help with recovering from using her ultimate form.

Weakness: Even her most extreme form or regeneration won’t save her if every single cells of her is vaporized or if the enemy is particularly thorough and finds her body. Rikuyo is also naive and temperamental, and often fights in a suboptimal manner that tires her out quickly.

Origins: She was forged as a vessel to embody a shard of Anima Mundi from an Archmaster’s own soul, in hubristic attempt that cost the mage’s life. While her connection with the deceased Archmaster shattered, she retained a connection with Anima Mundi, a failure, but potent failure nonetheless. All her memories dating further than several years are patently false, implanted by another Archmaster who covered up the mess and didn’t bother to remove the girl. After all, he estimated this experiment would be nothing than a footnote in grand scheme of things and he was right. Eventually, the world itself rejected the girl, banishing her to the realm where unwanted or unfortunate ended up. Curiously, the link with the realm she gained powers from remained. Perhaps all that mattered for her world was that she would be another one’s problem.

Likes: Anything that can give her a good fight or a challenge. Shiny things. Attracting trouble.

Dislikes: Boredom and boring people. Too long-winded explanations. Having to stay idle for too long. Caring about property or collateral damage.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 07:03:20 PM by Kat »


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Name: Emily Valentine

Race: Changeling (Fairest Seeming, Masterpiece Kith)

Age: 28

Height: 5’ 9"

Weight: 140 lbs

Appearance: Emily has a rejuvenating aura about her, with her surroundings appearing more lively than they would be normally. Flowers sprouting up where she steps might not be uncommon if not for the city limiting such occurrences. Her Mien is similar to her normal appearance, but with an almost artificial quality to it. An uncanny deviation from what could be considered normal that, while discomfiting to some on some subconscious level, is nonetheless impossibly beautiful.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Magical Ability: High

Kenning: Clarity of the divide between the worlds of Flesh and Fae gives Changelings a sort of heightened perception of reality, allowing them to sense supernatural phenoma, even divining a general idea of its particular nature with effort.


Contracts are semi-magical spells that allow Emily to manipulate a single aspect of reality when she wishes so for a certain cost of Glamour. On top of that, contracts always have a loophole, known as a Catch, where the concept must grant you usage of the power for free if certain conditions are met.  She has learned following Contracts over the course of her life as a Changeling.

Contracts of Dream


The first and most basic clause allows Emily to divine the nature of the Hedge in a certain area. Pathfinder can find Hollows, trods, paths to and from Faerie and other details of the local Hedge, such as what kinds of goblin fruits grow there.

Catch: The changeling must have plucked a Thorn from the local Hedge and shed a single drop of blood while doing so within the last day.

Contracts of Separation

Tread Lightly

Emily can partially remove herself from gravity’s influence. Under normal circumstances she cannot even jump further than normal, but falling, regardless of the distance, won’t kill her. In addition, she can walk or run over any solid surface even if it would not normally support her weight, such as tissue paper or thin panes of glass. She can also walk across mud, dry sand or any other surface without getting her feet even damp.

Catch: The character is wearing fancy and delicate footwear that would be ruined if she did not use this clause.

Evasion of Shackles

Emily can automatically slip out of any handcuffs, straightjacket, or other restraints or confinements.

Catch: The changeling has been unjustly imprisoned for some crime or offense she did not actually commit.

Breaching Barriers

Emily can walk through any closed or locked door or window that she could fit through if it were open. If she tries hard enough, she can bring another person through with her.

Catch: The character has been deliberately imprisoned by another changeling.

Elegant Protection

Attacks swerve to avoid Emily. While using this clause, she always looks elegant and poised when defending or even while dodging.

Catch: The changeling is unarmed and not attempting to attack anyone. If the clause is invoked while using this catch, the clause will instantly end its effects and burn away some of her Glamour if she attacks anyone while it is active.

Phantom Glory

Emily temporarily becomes completely intangible. In this state, she is immune to all physical attacks and can pass through all physical barriers. Normally, she is unable to affect the physical world in this state.

Catch: The changeling carries no weapons and wears no armor. If the changeling picks up or dons either while using this catch, the clause instantly ends.

Contracts of Air:

Emily was shown the method for learning the Contracts by the Searce, an Elemental Seeming Air-touched Kith, who recruited her, as a sort of parting gift.

Cloak of the Elements

This clause protects Emily from the natural manifestations of air. She becomes comfortable in weather associated with this element and is protected against damage by its more extreme manifestations. Emily can stand in the middle of a tornado or a tropical storm with no issue. However, the clause cannot protect against damage from objects created or modified with the intention of harming someone.

Catch: The changeling bears some symbolic representation of the element in question, such as a souvenir T-shirt depicting a mountain for earth or a small mirror for glass.

Armor of Air’s Fury

Emily clothes herself in hurricane-force winds, providing limited armor and damaging anyone who touches her. Emily can control the extent of this manifestation. The element does not harm Emily or anything she is wearing.

Catch: The changeling holds her hand out to a strong breeze or the wind from a large fan

Control Air

Emily takes control of the air, causing it to move and act in a directed fashion. The amount she can control varies depending on how well she enacts the Contract.

Catch: The area is completely dominated by air. (air on top of a narrow bridge, in the midst of a windstorm of some sort, or other such places)

Calling the Air

Emily calls the wind from a distant location. Emily must either know the location or see the source of the air she is calling and the air must physically move toward her in as natural manner as possible. If physical barriers prevent the air from reaching Emily, it gets as close as it can.

Catch: The changeling is calling the element solely to awe and impress viewers, perhaps as part of a performance.

Become the Primal Foundation

Emily literally becomes a living manifestation of air, imbued with incredible speed. Her clothing and any small objects close to her skin, such as phones or wallets, blend into this elemental form. In this form, she is largely immune to harm.

Catch: The character must sit and contemplate a large amount of the specific element for at least half an hour immediately before transforming.

Contracts of Fleeting Spring

Cupid’s Eye

This clause takes the first step in fulfilling a person's desires- or teasing him and stringing him along- by revealing what those desires are.

Catch: The character has kissed the subject within the past 24 hours, or the subject's object of desire is the character.

Growth of the Ivy

Humans are fickle creatures, changing desires with the day or the season. This Contract allows Emily to direct a subject's desires. Normally, the effects are temporary, though they can be extended beyond the duration of the Contract through natural interactions.

Catch: The character is acting to make the subject desire her or is doing so to resolve a pledge.

Wyrd-Faced Stranger

Emily appears as whomever the subject most desires to see at that moment.

Catch: The character has recently offered food to the target and the target has accepted, or vice versa.

Pandora’s Gift

Emily creates an object that another person truly desires out of nothing but emotion, dreamstuff and random materials.

Catch: The subject has recently (within one week) given the character a gift. This gift comes with no strings attached, including any expectation of this gift.

Waking the Inner Faerie

Emily makes a target pursue his greatest desires, regardless of other considerations.

Catch: The subject of the Contract has voluntarily and without coercion confided his desire(s) to the character.

Contracts of Eternal Spring

Gift of Warm Breath

Emily's power rejuvenates a single living target, filling the target with energy and vigorous life.

Catch: The subject of the Contract has freely offered the changeling some form of sustenance since the last sunrise.

New Lover’s Kiss

Emily calls a rain down from even a cloudless sky, ranging from a light drizzle to a drenching deluge

Catch: A mortal human has commented, within me character's hearing and within the past hour, that it looks like rain.

Warmth of the Blood

The power of Spring is strong enough to heal injuries and soothe pain. This clause allows Emily to channel the verdant might of Spring into a person's body, mending his wounds. This power works only on living creatures of flesh and blood.

Catch: The target has honestly professed a heartfelt and deep love, romantic or familial, for the changeling.

Yesterday’s Birth

Emily endows a Iiving object or creature with a season's worth of growth and maturing in an instant, though she may endow the subject with more under special circumstances.

Catch: The character spills two drops of blood on the target object and cups it in her hands.

Mother of All Deaths

Emily makes the region around her extraordinarily verdant and rouses it to fight on her behalf.

Catch: A man bled to death on this soil within the past year.

Other Abilities:

Skills: Emily is a expert in the field of medicine, specializing in pharmaceutical science and diagnosis. Before coming to the Nexus, she had an established network of contacts in her field, which she’ll be seeking to reinstate at the first opportunity. While not unused to political games, events prior to arrival have deadened any such ambitions she might have had. While she likes to keep in shape, Emily isn’t much for fighting, instead picking up on some rudimentary survival skills along with an interest in parkour to keep in shape.

To power her abilities she needs Glamour, emotional energy harvested from dreams and emotions of humans, as well as from goblin fruits growing in The Hedge. Upon arrival, Emily’s reserves are fully stocked.

Seeming and Kith Blessings: Emily’s attractiveness is universal, unhindered by orientation, cultural or personal standards, or preferences. It isn’t any real mental interference or influence, simply that one’s preferences will always make an exception for her. For that matter, it is at the point where her attractiveness draws the attention of those around her, whether she wants it to or not.

Supernatural Tolerance: Emily's Wyrd is high enough for her to be accepted into Entitlement, offers her some resistance against all manner of supernatural powers.

Equipment: Nothing more than the clothes on her back and a wallet with enough cash to last her a week or two.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Emily doesn’t remember much from before her Durance, which she usually attributes to how young she was when her Keeper took her. Almost everything that she could claim as hers was wiped away by her time as a trifling amusement for the Gentry. Trapped in a realm with an impossibly large dome of ivory and jade in the midst of an ornate and meticulously tended meadow, she was one of the many sculptures that ringed the dome. Her task was only to maintain whatever pose she was ordered to assume with perfect stillness, with any slight deviation being harshly punished, with the occasional reward mixed in to keep her wanting for more.

Escaping the Menagrie Dome was no easy task, not with her Draconic fellows, spurred by the prospect of how the Gentry would reward them, hunting her. Regardless, she evaded their pursuit and finally escaped Arcadia and then the Hedge. Of her former self, only two things remained. Her name, and the memories of what she’d proudly declared would be her future profession when she grew up.

Adjusting to her new existence was difficult, and at times the only thing keeping her going was that childish dream, but she eventually came to terms with herself. It was that same dream, that same desire that kept her from giving up, that soon caught the attention of a Searce of the Spring Court. The Searce took her under his wing, introducing her to the right people and showing her the political ropes, but maintaining a fairly hands-off approach. It turned out for the best as, with nothing but the connections she’d forged with her Searce’s limited help and her own abilities, she worked her way up the political ladder within the Spring Court.

At the same time, Emily decided that she would pursue that childish dream, going to study at a medical school while keeping up with the political situation of the Court as well as she could. Though not a simple task by any means, it was one Emily rather enjoyed. Eventually, she managed to get through medical school, moving on to getting a job at a local clinic.

By this time, Emily had been acting as Spring Queen for a few years, not a simple task by itself, let alone when it was balanced with studying for a pharmacology exam or some other such trial involved in her chosen career path. While she would hardly go down in the annals of history as a great leader of her freehold, the time of her reign was hardly one of the dark times remembered only as a cautionary tale to future Vernal Sovereigns. At least, it might have been, had an Autumn Queen taken advantage of the subtle internal conflicts between those who saw nothing wrong with Emily’s rule and those who didn’t appreciate a Spring Queen whose attention was divided so.

It was a close thing, but Emily managed to avoid any outright conflict or bloodshed in the process of calming things down, though she decided to step down soon afterwards, content to endorse the rise of a new ruler who she could influence from the shadows as a trusted adviser.

It was some time after this that, just after a particularly long day at her clinic, Emily found that the door she opened led not into the break room, but some endless void.

Now, she finds herself in the Nexus with practically nothing. The prospect of this new freedom is actually quite...exhilarating.

Weakness: Cold Iron penetrates all her supernatural defenses. Additionally Emily lacks real combat training or experience, usually resorting to her Contracts, running, or some combination of both to deal with threats

Likes: Indulging her desires or her curiosity, helping others indulge their own desires (so long as it isn’t detrimental to her), people who aren’t afraid of their own desires (fun to be around), people with long-hidden desires that they try to ignore (fun to tease and getting them to come out of their shells is quite rewarding), sweet, salty, sour, or spicy foods.

Dislikes: People who try to actually prevent themselves from seeking out what they want even when it wouldn’t be of any detriment to them. Bitter food.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 04:30:37 PM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Name: Relius Clover

Race: Human

Age: Unkown

Height: 186cm

Weight: 165.5Ib


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic abilities: Extremely high

Relius is a master alchemist, widely known as the greatest alchemist.  He uses his magic primarily in the construction of new bodies.  He can use his magic to summon a large number of gears to immobilize and crush an opponent. Moreover, he is capable of casting binding spells capable of holding characters with fantastic strength.  This binding comes in many different forms.  It can become vary restrictive over time, or simply hold the person in place without any extra effect.  However, a binding of this strength requires prep time or an advantageous position in battle to pull off.

Mastery of ars:  Reluis is highly talented in the use of Ars Magus.  Ars Magus is a blend of magic and technology that utilizes the grimoire system in order to achieve different magical effects.  By reciting a special code or spell, the user can activate the encoded magical effect of the ars.  By using this system, Relius and other characters from the Blazblue universe can achieve different magical effects.  For example, Relius can utilize a special Ars Magus that allows him to float above the ground and move at great speeds.

Mages utilize mana in order to cast spells.  In the same way, Ars Magus utilizes seither in order to cast ars.  Seither is a toxic substance that is harmless in small doses.  However, in large doses, seither can mutate animals into monsters and kill humans.

The Ars Magus is a technology that relies heavily on natural talent or aptitude.  Someone who has a high aptitude for ars will be able to use it much more efficiently than someone who has low aptitude, consuming less seither.  It allows him to create barrier's capable of blocking legendary strikes, or those who can produce magic at an extremely high output.

Soul manipulation: Relius has the ability to see the true form of a person's soul.  This give him the ability to examine the very nature of a person's existence.  Personality, memories, the entire history of conscious and subconscious thought are all subject to examination and experimentation.  In addition, he can also sense the nature of a person's soul just from being nearby.  This ability is almost psychic in nature, as he can do other things such as force someone to to see through his eyes.  There are likely other ways he can use this ability but they have yet to be seen in the Blazblue canon.  It is also worth mentioning that he can only use the more forceful aspects of this ability when a person is defeated or immobilized.

Other Abilities:

Genius level intelligence:  Relius is a genius capable of a superhuman level of cognitive thought.  He has an intuitive understanding of human behavior as a result of his study of souls.  He is also a superior tactician, able to utilize his higher level cognition to analyze and strategize within seconds.

Modified body:  Relius has modified his body to be part puppet.  He can basically spawn large sturdy puppet parts from his body to defend or attack.


Fluctus Redactum: Ignis: A doll constructed from the soul of Reliuses wife.  He can summon the puppet anywhere close to him from a space he created to house the puppet.  It is powerful, agile and almost impossible to destroy.  The puppet's body can alter its limbs to form any variety of melee weapon, such as a drill or blade.  Just like other Ars, Ignis is capable of specific magical effects, such as a magical explosive grip. In addition, it is also capable of analyzing enemies. 

Ignis is autonomous, capable of independent action.  This means Ignis will protect Relius even if he himself is not aware of the threat.  While she is capable of independant thought, she is still a literal and metaphorical puppet of Relius.  She is completely incapable of free will, acting only as Relius’s servant and personal weapon.

Ignis stats:

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Heroic


Not much is known about Relius’s early life other than the fact that he had ties with Rachel’s family and was sent forward 80 years into the future, losing his memory.  There, he got married to Ignis and gave birth to Carl and Ada Clover.  At some point he turned both Ignis and Ada into puppets, earning him the resentment of his son.  He has worked to regain his memory over the years but he seems to enjoy it almost as a exhilarating pastime.

After the events of Continuum Shift, Relius was teleported into the Nexus.

Weakness: Relius’s severe lack of empathy, his weaker human body. 
Likes: Science, fascinating souls, opera

Dislikes: Disorganized space
« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 10:36:12 PM by yinsukin »


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Name: Shinobu Oshino, Kiss Shot Acerola Orion Heart-Under-Blade, The Iron-Blooded, Hot-Blooded, Cold-Blooded Vampire, The Kaii Killer
Race: Vampire/ Oddity

Age: 598

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 68 kg


Strength : Fantastic

Agility : Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magical ability: None

Shinobu relies on various vampire abilities instead. While she is well versed in supernatural lore herself she has no ability to cast spells of her own.

Other Abilities:


An oddity is basically a living phenomenon shaped by human belief and perception. Oddities are in essence supernatural beings whose entire existence depend on humans acknowledging them. If the belief in them are in some way altered the oddity's existence is at stake. Once created there's no question though about them being superior to humans. Spending enough time together with people can shift the being of an oddity to closer resemble that person, as they are then drawing and depending more on that person's belief. However a single person denouncing their existence won't affect them, unless said denouncing is the work of a special power or ability.

The greatest of the oddities are the Vampires and they have no equals. A fully mature vampire like Kiss Shot is superior to even deities however shinobu has long since lost that power and is merely a shadow of her former self. Shinobu does require a semi daily intake of blood to sustain herself or otherwise she'll perish. Shinobu seems to have body heat as no one has reacted negatively to being touched by her.

Immense Soul

Due to her nature as an oddity her soul differs from that of your regular human. It takes the shape of a large round multi colored spectrum of sweetnes not unlike that of her favorite treat.

Vampiric Regeneration:

Shinobu can regenerate from basically any wound although it depends on the degree of injury. Small wounds tend to heal as they're made, Bones heal almost instantly and limbs can grow out in seconds. She can survive decapitation and in essence she has no vital spots. To put her down with conventional firepower you'd be required to vaporize her entire body at the same time and even then she will return....eventually. This is due to her nature as an Vampire Oddity, they can't be killed in the conventional way. It's however outside of the scope of CE as it takes years for a vampire to come back from that. She is also capable of mentally willing the speed of her regen to go down, so that she can remove her own limbs for example.

Shadow Melding:

Shinobu can hide in the shadow of another person or object for several hours at a time. While hiding in the shadow she's cut off from the world due to it being a seperated dimension of sorts, thus she has no perception of what goes on outside unless she has a vampire bond with the person who's shadow she's hiding in.

Energy Drain:

An ability that functions similarly to the standard feeding you would expect from a vampire except it drains energy from the person instead of blood. Prolonged use of this kills the target.


Shinobu can do a moderate amount of shapeshifting such as creating wings that allow her to fly.

Matter Creation:

Allows her to create mundane objects such as swords and clothes etc... Used it once to create four copies of Kokorowatari. She's limited to creating a few items at a time.

Time Travel

Shinobu can use the the latent energy found in shrines of high spiritual value as a medium, she can create a portal that leads either back or forth in time. However the date travelled to will be randomly be off by a factor of several years.

Let There Be Rain

She can make it rain, even if it's a sunny day. She was once worshipped as a Rain Goddess due to solving a severe drought that had struck a small village. As thanks they built a shrine dedicated to her worship.

Emotional Bond

Shinobu has an emotional link with Medaka Kurokami through siring her. She able to feel when the other is feeling strongly about something and she's also capable of feeling  her general location no matter the distance.

Incredible Swordskill :

Shinobu has refined her sword fighting prowess through the centuries that she have walked this Earth. It can't be called anything less than masterful, however that in of itself is deceptive as that isn't where her greatest strength lies. No it's in the technique she has developed over her long use. She's capable of making cuts so fine they slice through any mundane material, whomever struck wouldn't even know they've been hit until after the fact. Supernatural items are among the things she can't cut as well sufficiently powerful supernatural beings. When striking those it merely acts as if her attack power was one rank higher (Heroic) than it actually is.


Kokorowatari: the Oddity Killer

A blade capable of cutting down oddities on a conceptual level. A legendary blade once wielded by a great exorcist. Shinobu usually stores this inside her own body, it's possible to do so because the blade does not turn on it's own wielder and she is the current one.


Spoiler for Hiden:
  Shinobu was the only daughter of a noble family in an unspecified kingdom. Her beauty was famous throughout the entire kingdom. Countless people would line up outside her palace everyday just to see her. Anyone who sees her for the first time is shocked that her beauty exceeds any expectations, and they would bring her countless gifts everyday. Despite everyone's love for her, Shinobu was never happy, and she never smiled. She wished people would see what's inside her, instead of just her exterior. One day an elderly witch came to grant her wish. The witch turned her physical appearance invisible, and people could only see her inside.

However, her interior turned out to be far more beautiful than her exterior. Her inner beauty manifested itself as a bright light that enveloped the entire kingdom. After seeing her inner beauty, her father felt extreme guilt for not being able to understand her and see her true self, and killed himself out of this guilt. Her mother was so satisfied by giving birth to such a perfect child, that she felt she had nothing left to do in this world. Thus, she also committed suicide. People were so astounded by her pure heart that instead of giving her material gifts they gave her their most valuable possessions: their lives. If they had things more important to them than their lives, they would give her those instead. (e.g. a musician gave her his eyes, a poet gave her his tongue, a sculptor gave her his eyes, and some gave her their children's lives, their grandchildren's lives, etc.). Corpses of those who committed suicide for Shinobu piled up outside her palace. Before long, the pile of corpses grew higher than the palace.

Shinobu was devastated at the result. The witch couldn't turn Shinobu back because she gave Shinobu her knowledge-filled head (the witch beheaded herself). However, Shinobu's tear was able to revive the witch for a small moment, and the witch told her to go on a journey. The witch told her to avoid people, and to never stay in one place for too long. Otherwise, people will get drawn to her heart, and start taking their own lives again. Shinobu became a vampire some time after. No one was able to save her after this experience until 600 years later when she met Araragi.


Shinobu lacks any form of range attacks outside of simply throwing stuff. She also has no magic resistence to speak of so area of effect spells are somewhat effective against her. If she's triggered enough she might start fighting like a berserker although this is a rare occurrence.

Shinobu has a weakness for crosses, if she touches them they burn her and lower the speed of her regeneration by quite a lot to the point that injuries inflicted by them heal at almost normal pace. Furthermore anything else that symbolises Christianity like the House of the Lord or his Holy Language would also weaken her if she's in their proximity.

When in child form or teenage form, Sunlight gives her an headache after a while. She also needs to drink blood fairly regularly or else she'll grow ever weaker until she's as weak as a regular human. Since Shinobu stopped actively hunting humans acquiring blood might get problematic. Silver also burns her and lowers the speed of her regeneration.

Donuts,sweets, Talking metaphorically,Donuts, Araragi, Ambushing people. People who get into more trouble than they can handle.

Not getting her donuts, people who lie to themselves, Not having her way. People who get into more trouble than they can handle.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 03:19:52 PM by Bern »


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Name: Oka Kurosawa

Race: Human

Age: 15

Height:  5'11"

Weight: Fairly heavy, she's extremely muscular.


Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional(Amazing Reflexes)

Constitution: Exceptional (Amazing stamina)

Other Abilities:

Pokemon Master: Oka is a prodigy pokemon trainer, unlike her brother. She has an innate knack for training pokemon in the best possible way to maximize their potential, and can tell at a glance whether they’ve got potential. All her pokemon are well trained and she knows the perfect times to command  them in battle to pull victory from the jaws of defeat.


Pokeballs: Oka carries a large stock of pokeballs in her bag at all times, ready to catch any rare or powerful pokemon she comes across.

Recovery Items: Oka carries a sizable stockpile of hyper potions, full heals, and revives. She also has a few herbal medicines.

Climbing Equipment: Oka carries a fairly decent rock climbing kit, including all the essentials, such as a grapple, a harness, and of course, top quality climbing rope.

First Aid Kit: It’s just your standard run of the mill first aid kit.

Gym Badges: Oka has seven gym badges, showing her prowess as a pokemon trainer. Having seven of them is an extremely impressive feat. It shows she has extreme skill in the art of pokemon training, and is on her way to becoming a master. She keeps them in a small wallet that also houses her trainer card, and keeps them polished perfectly.

Running Shoes

Shoes made for running.

Collapsible bike

A bicycle made for easy carrying.


Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Incredible(can boost to Fantastic with quiver dance level 2, Heroic with level six)
Constitution: Incredible
Wormy is a powerful Bug/Fire type pokemon, and Oka’s most powerful, and first, pokemon. She was given a Larvesta for her fifth birthday by her grandfather, and over a period of eleven years, has lovingly trained him and evolved him into his brilliant current form. It loves her unconditionally and is entirely loyal. It would stop at nothing to protect its beloved partner.

He uses his six wings to engulf his enemies in waves of fire and scalding ash, bathing any battlefield in a smothering wave of heat. He can control his own body heat output, allowing people it trusts to touch and pet him. At full output, he can release a sea of flames with damage equivalent to a high level spell, or focus his attacks to deal very high levels of damage with his fire. He also knows various other moves, such as psychic, which wormy can use to lift heavy objects or crush objects with his mind. He can also fly high into the sky, or release a massive beam of concentrated sunlight that can harm even legendary level enemies. He can bite enemies and drain their energy as well, or make a harmful buzzing noise that deals damage comparable to his psychic attack.

Wormy also knows a few utility moves, such as quiver dance, which boosts the damage of his attacks, resistance to non-physical attacks, and speed by one grade (1.5,2.0,2.5,etc) up to six times, at which point it maxes out. He can also use roost to heal himself in exchange for not moving for a full round, which makes it impractical in a heated battle.

She keeps him in a luxury ball. That is, on the rare occasion she keeps him in a Pokeball. Normally she just lets him follow her around freely.

Little Bully(Dusclops):
Strength: Exceptional (Amazing with Strength)
Agility: Human(amazing reflexes)
Constitution: Fantastic(Legendary with eviolite)
Incorporeal: Dusclops is a ghost, and has next to no physical presence. Mundane physical attacks pass right clean through it, although this does not go both ways, and it can affect physical objects just as easily as spiritual ones.

Her second pokemon was a Duskull, a Ghost type pokemon. When she was small, she used to get bullied a great deal by her brother, who was jealous of her prowess with pokemon and how their grandfather was neglecting him entirely in lieu of training Oka to be the successor to the gym. This went on for a few years, until a small ghost burst through the wall and chased him around for being a bad child. It continued until he begged Oka to do something about it, and so she captured it. After several months under her control, they eventually grew close, and it would keep him away while she slept and when he tried to bully her, much to his dismay. Oka has since evolved it into a Dusclops, and it isn’t very little anymore, standing at roughly the same height as Oka herself.

Dusclops is not strong nor is he fast. He is a tank, excelling in defense and taking hits without going down. Oka has given him an item, eviolite, which further increases his defenses so he can better suit her purposes in her team. He knows moves like taunt, torment, rest, toxic, and other status affecting moves. She uses him to draw enemy attacks towards him and then poison the enemies. He also knows protect, which allows him to throw up a defensive force field as fast as he csn think, but he can only keep it up for a short time before it fails, making it far less useful than it otherwise would, as a sustained attack would break it down without much effort. He also knows sleep talk, allowing him to continue attacks even as he heals while resting.

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Exceptional
Incorporeal: Haunter is a ghost, and has next to no physical presence. Mundane physical attacks pass right clean through it, although this does not go both ways, and it can affect physical objects just as easily as spiritual ones.

Oka was around eleven years old and was exploring the pokemon graveyard when she was attacked by a foolish Ghastly, which tried to possess her. Luckily for her, Little Bully noticed its attempt and attacked it in return, injuring it enough for Oka to capture it in a pokeball.

Gengar, unlike Dusclops, is geared towards dealing heavy damage very fast, while dodging the opponents attacks. As such, he knows moves such as shadow ball, focus blast, energy ball and dark pulse, which both deal large(High/very high) levels of damage with each hit, the primary difference being the type of damage that they deal. He can also call down massive lightning bolts from the sky of varying strengths and accuracy, the stronger the bolt the less accurate it being.

He also knows a few moves such as destiny bond and hypnosis, the former of which allows him to take an opponent with him if he goes down through a ghostly bond. Destiny Bond is an attack that, if he uses it just before he gets taken down, the opponent who took him down goes down too. This can be resisted if one has a resistance to curses. Hypnosis puts an opponent to sleep, but those with high levels of willpower or other mental resistances can resist the effects somewhat. Furthermore, sometimes it just doesn’t making it not the most reliable option.

Furthermore, Genger can enter into people’s dreams and “eat” them, causing nightmares and dealing damage while providing him with energy.

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Human (Amazing reflexes)
Constitution: Incredible

Sylveon is one of Oka’s favorite pokemon, and is a kind, gentle souled beast. This does not stop it from rushing to the aid of his master when she’s fighting, however, where he will fight to the last bravely carrying out her orders. Sylveon is also highly resistant to non physical attacks, such as magic or fire, and is completely immune to dragonic attacks. It is weak against metals and poisoning.

Pixilate is sylveon’s special ability, which transforms many of its attacks into the fairy type and strengthens them greatly as a result. It was a big reason why Oka wanted this specific Sylveon.

To take full advantage of pixilate, Oka has taught sylveon moves such as hyper voice and hyper beam.
Hyper voice is an extremely powerful attack which massively amplifies the user’s voice to such an extent that it becomes a highly damaging attack that affects a large area, moving towards enemies at the speed of sound. It is affected by pixilate, and as such, hits with very high strength.

Hyper beam is considered by many trainers to be straight up the strongest move a pokemon can learn, concentrating all of their power into one single beam. This move is also affected by pixilate, and as such is devastatingly powerful (Extremely high). Its power comes at a cost, however, leaving the user utterly prone after the incredible attack until they rest for a short while.

His other moves include moonblast, which attacks using the power of the moon ( Very High), shadow ball, sending a ball of dark shadows towards the enemy(high) and psyshock, which allows him to lift objects such as rocks and send them careening towards an enemy(high)

Agility:Human(amazing reflexes)
Constitution: Incredible
Incorporeal: Drifblim is a ghost, and has next to no physical presence. Mundane physical attacks pass right clean through it, although this does not go both ways, and it can affect physical objects just as easily as spiritual ones.

Drifblim is Oka’s weakest pokemon. She travels with it primarily because it allows her to fly over obstacles and cut through troublesome vegetation. It has no real combat usage.


Mimikyu is a cute little pokemon that sits on top of her head at almost all times, providing her with omnidirectional protection. The cute-looking disguise it wears over itself is in complete contrast to the monstrosity that lurks underneath it. Oka doesn't care, however. It's the attempt that matters in her opinion. In the past months she's had it, they've become close friends, and it's proved to be a valuable addition to the team.

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Amazing

Don't allow its looks to deceive you, this small guy is immensely powerful, and is capable of attacking in a myriad of ways. Additionally, due to its ghostly powers, while its disguise remains unbroken, it does not take any actual damage itself. Unfortunately, the disguise is rather weak, and will break after only a single hit.

Mimikyu attacks using its dark claws and tail to great effect. She also taught it protect, and it often sits on top of her head, ready to throw up a forcefield in case of an attack. It also knows return, an attack that gets stronger the stronger the bond between the trainer and pokemon is. This attack hits with the force equivalent to Fantastic levels.


Strength: Incredible(Heroic with first superpower or max curse, Exceptional with max debuff from superpower)

Agility: Human(Incredible reflexes)

Constitution: Legendary

Regice is both Oka’s newest and most powerful pokemon, only rivaled by Wormy himself. Its body is -200 degrees C, and it would not melt even if it were to be immersed in magma. Things freeze just by being near Regice. The human-sized ice golem is an incredibly powerful one of a kind legendary pokemon. It knows a myriad of powerful moves such as Zap Cannon, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Superpower,Thunder, a move that weakens its attack and defensive powers in exchange for overwhelming force, and Hyper Beam, among others. It also knows some weaker moves, such as ice beam, frost breath, thunderbolt and flash cannon. It also knows a weaker move called ancient power, which allows it to throw rocks at an opponent and has a tiny chance to strength it all around. Finally, it knows charge beam, a weak electrical attack that merely deals high damage, but also strengthens its special (non physical) attacks with each use, with the same restrictions as quiver dance. All of regice’s attacks are devastatingly powerful, at minimum very high level, and the stronger attacks such as hyper beam, zap cannon and blizzard are at extremely high levels.

Beyond its attack moves, it also knows several utility moves such as Lock On, a move that increases the time it takes for an attack to fire, but allows it to home in on the target, only missing if the opponent runs away or hides behind a wall or underground.

Curse, a move which increases attack and defensive power in exchange for lowering its speed.

Rest, a move that allows it to quickly regain its full strength after a short nap.

Its defense against non physical attacks are also through the roof, and as a result Regice is nearly immune to all non-physical sources of damage, even fire, which an ice-type would normally be vulnerable to. One would need to attack it head on with physical objects in order to harm it.

Spoiler for other pokemon:
Oka also has some various other pokemon not currently suitable for battle or general use, such as her abra, poliwag, and other pokemon of this caliber.

Abra is a pokemon Oka is still training, and is incredibly weak. It is entirely unsuitable for battle, only knowing teleport and psychic(medium), but it is still too weak to really harm anyone. It needs to be trained a lot more before it’s a useful pokemon to her. She can use teleport to teleport to any location Abra remembers, with Oka in tow.

Strength Human

Agility Human

Constitution Human


The only move of note that waggly knows is surf. She’s not terrible strong and is a big coward.

Strength Human

Agility Human (Incredible while using surf)

Constitution Human

Origin: Oka was born into a failing line of bug pokemon trainers, the Kurosawa. She was seen as a beacon of hope by the aging gym leader, her grandfather. He focused all his time on training her to become his successor, as both his son and his grandson had proved to be completely and hopelessly inept at pokemon battles. At first, things went astonishingly well. She had a natural born talent at pokemon battling and the art of training them. However, as time went on, problems arose.

The first, and biggest problem was that she simply did not have an appreciation of nearly any bug type pokemon, considering any but her beloved Larvesta to be “icky and gross.” Later she developed a crush on her childhood friend, and chased after him when he went on his own journey to become the Champion of the Pokemon League. This left her grandfather hopeless, as he desperately sent her brother to get her back and pressured her to return and come to her senses.

She has so far willfully disregarded all such attempts, handily beating her brother time and time again, and has followed in her crush’s footsteps, acquiring seven out of the eight gym badges required to challenge the previous Victory Road and the Pokemon Leauge.

Weakness: If you steal her pokeballs, she is just a normal teenage girl. While all her ghosts are immune to mundane physical attacks, they are more susceptible to magic, especially spirit-aligned magic. Furthermore, if any of them interact with their target in a phytsical manner, they are susceptible to physical retaliation in that moment. Just shoot her in the face and she’ll die.

Likes: Pink, Volcarona, her crush, Ghost-type pokemon, beating gym leaders, bullying people(but not too much), beating gym leaders, surpassing new challenges, exploring

Dislikes: The way her grandfather pressures her to become a gym leader, failing, losing to her crush, her brother, bug pokemon(except her darling Wormy)

« Last Edit: June 03, 2018, 08:42:51 AM by Umbra of Chaos »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Name: Julius Richter
Race: Human / Hero
Age: 23 (born on 1781)
Height: 195 cm
Weight: 86 kg

Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional (Amazing if meets certain conditions)

Agility: Exceptional (Amazing, Incredible or Fantastic if meets certain conditions)

Constitution: Exceptional

Magical Power: None

Other Abilities:

Hard To Kill: Thanks to their unyielding willpower and persistence it’s hard to put down a Hero for good unless you ensure their swift demise. Heroes are immune to mundane diseases and never require medical attention for injuries even if they are particularly severe. Though they do not possess regeneration, they recover a bit faster than a mere mortal.

Heroic Tracking and Stalking: Heroes can sense disturbances in the depths of the astral realm of thoughts and dreams, pin down their source and track it down, whether it’s the supernatural who causes it or the victim of that supernatural, depending on the circumstances.  Heroes are not self-aware of this ability and might interpret it as revelation from God, mere intuition, prophetic dreaming or superb deductive skills.

Anathemas: Another ability that Heroes are not self-aware about is their capability to drag supernaturals they hunt into their heroic legends in which they triumph over monsters. They can bestow them with a supernatural aversion to a substance or element, make them feel obsessive desire about particular target or object, cause a particular phobia, cloud their minds with rage, find their weakspot or endow their weapon to be particularly effective against supernaturals. Only a single Anathema can be placed at particular supernatural and must fit beliefs of Hero and not be too improbable. Even most crazed Hero won’t think it’s possible to make dragon vulnerable to fire.

Kinslayer: Julius, unlike some Heroes, can also target supernaturals that are similar enough to monsters of his world. He would be no hero without monsters to defeat, and being a Hero is the meaning of his life without which he could have fallen into depression or worse. Vampires, werewolves, faelike creatures, people merged with spirits, mummies, flawed artificial humans and legendary creatures might become targets of his delusions and obsessions. Magic users and ghosts are exception. The first are just human even if Julius can be pretty suspicious of them. After all no one knows what they are up to. Ghosts are just dead humans.

Vanquisher’s Strength: Even a mortal can muster strength of 10 men if he has enough courage to overcome vicious foes. When facing one of supernaturals against whom his powers work, Richter’s Strength rating is Incredible.

Warrior’s Speed: The Hero can keep pace with his foe in battle, matching their speed step for step even if not blow for blow. That ability only applies against supernaturals he is effective against, and he always matches their Agility ranking. It is impossible even for him though to match people with Legendary Agility, neither does he slow down for monsters with Human Agility.


Holy Diver: No one knows why Julius Richter called his whip Holy Diver. Maybe he’s trying so hard to be cool that anachronistic naming conventions are meaningless for him. A chosen weapon fitting for a holy man like him, effective against monsters in general.

Iron Knives: He sincerely believes some of his foes are vulnerable to iron, and this is his answer. Throwing knives which are still quite good at stabbing monsters even if they are not weak to iron. He carries up to 10 of them.

Blessed Water: He carries around flasks of water which burn creatures that he believes to be weak to holy powers,

Duelling pistol: A holdover from his early duelling days. It’s just a pistol unless he loads it with some special custom ammunition like a silver bullet. Otherwise, nothing special.

Origin: Originally an aristocrat, there was nothing young Julius lacked. He had money, education, a good family name, but he lacked something that made his life enjoyable. He figured out it was risk that he lacked, and that how he got into duelling people. He polished his skill fighting for such made up excuses like his honor or the honor of particular lady he fancied, but even novelty of this eventually wore off. Until he met that strange duellist with predatory like aura who bested everyone on his way. Honestly something irked him about the man. He felt as if he was not a human. He had nightmares which only made him more convinced in his belief. If he was truly not a human, then it only aggravated Richter more. How dare he gloated about being better than humans like him. How preposterous it was that such being wore human skin while thinking they were beneath him. He had to teach it a lesson. And so the hero Julius was born. He bested the monster, humiliated him as his reputation as unbeatable fencer was shattered. He didn’t even kill him even if he could maybe get away with it. The pride at the achievement and recognition of others was all that satisfied him. And the look on the Beast’s face as he turned tables on him. He passed on majority of his fortune to his younger relative so he could embark on his quest with clear conscience, teaching monsters that got too cocky that humans shouldn’t be underestimated. A gambler who tricked mundanes with impunity got caught and flagellated by authorities. He took fancy to the tool of punishment. Many more Beasts got bested by him, sometimes spared, but sometimes killed as he found them unable to learn anything from their defeats. Eventually he found his way to Nexus. Half depressed his prey wasn’t there for him to judge, out of desperation his powers evolved and he took his cause against the kin to Beasts he once hunted down.

Weakness: Against humans, superpowered or not, he’s merely particularly well trained human at his physical peak. Apart from immunity to mundane diseases, he’s pretty much buff but still regular human in body.

Likes: Monsters who don’t look down on humanity. Heroic acts. Thrill he experiences when facing formidable opponents. Respects non-humans who aspire to be humans.

Dislikes: Monsters who think they are better than humans even if they still look human. People who think they can get away with crimes just because they have special powers.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 08:39:36 PM by Sinib »


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Name: Jeanne d'arc

Race: Magical Familiar (Servant)

Age: 19

Height: 159cm

Weight: 44kg

Face claim:

Physical Stats:

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magical Ability: None

As a servant Jeanne possess a decent amount of inherent prana in her body but she's currently not capable of performing any magecraft. She wouldn't be willing to learn either as most magic would be considered heretical.

Additionally, because Jeanne is a servant, she can’t be harmed by mundane attacks. In order to harm her, one needs to attack her with something that has spiritual presence, such as magic, an attack from a supernatural, or anything another servant throws at her. For instance, while a person crashing a car into her would deal her absolutely no damage and only inconvenience her, a servant doing the same might be able to deal some real damage to her, depending on the mass and speed. She can also go incorporeal in order to turn invisible and phase through walls, however, while she is in this form, she cannot meaningfully harm anything herself, either.

Finally, servants require somebody to form a contract with them in order to provide them with the mana they need to survive and to anchor them to the world.

Magic Resistance: Divine

Jeanne has an incredible amount of magic resistance capable of even disrupting spells from the Age of Gods. This resistance is rooted in her Christian faith and therefore cannot deal with the sacraments of the church. Furthermore any magic that strikes her isn't negated but rather redirected to her surrounding area, however this doesn't mean that magecraft that effects a large area will hit her.   

Other Abilities:

Discernment of True Name :

An ability that allows her to discern the true identity of another Servant unless they have abilities that help in clouding their identity. It'd only effective against other Servants.

Baptism Rite :

Jeanne is capable of exorcising spirits, as long as they are not anchored. Her ability to do so is decent due to being a canonical saint.

Revelation :

This is a form of higher insight granted to the individual and allows them to sense the optimal course of action to take, this works both in and outside of combat. It can also reveal the most suitable path for traveling.

Saint :

Saints are people who are acknowledged to be especially holy through some deeds performed during their lifetime. While Jeanne is a canonical Saint her aknowledgement is quite recent, which has a slightly negative impact on it.

Luminosité Eternelle: God is Here With Me :

This is the battle standard of  Jeanne d'arc, the holy battle flag that she kept by her side all her life. By planting it into the ground, tightly grasping it, and activating it as a Noble Phantasm, it converts her Phenomenal magic resistance into protection against all harm both physical and spiritual. It brings about a light that completely isolates anyone within it and cuts them off from their surroundings. It's capable of defending both Jeanne and whomever she thinks of as allies from large scale attacks. The downside to this ability is that the damage accumulates within the flag, causing it to begin to tear as she uses it. Jeanne is also fairly skilled in using this as melee weapon to either hit people with or deflect blows.

La Pucelle: The Crimson Holy Virgin:

La Pucelle is a  holy sword that manifests flames, invoked using a line from the final moments of her life. It's a crystallized conceptual weapon taking the shape of a sword that acts as an offensive interpretation of her burning at the stake. To activate it she needs to recite the final lines of her life, "O Lord, I entrust this body to you---" doing so causes both her and the target to be consumed by flames. Using it is fatal for her as it is effectively a suicide attack.

The sword can also be used without actvating the suicide function. While used as a normal sword it's much weaker though still quite a potent weapon as it is a Noble Phantasm.


Origin :

Jeanne participated as servant Ruler in a grail war gone wrong, the grail was corrupt and the whole thing became a mess. The ending was especially awful and she was pulled to the Nexus right at the end. She's very reluctant to speak of it and believes she failed her duty by allowing it to go so wrong. She sees her removal from it and subsequent placement in the Nexus as trial from The Lord.

Weakness :

She cannot resist magecraft rooted in Abrahamic religions. As a servant she will eventually die from lack of prana unless she contracts someone.

Likes :

Praying to the Lord, fairness in all things, fellow believers. 

Dislikes :

Failing her duties, unfair play.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 04:35:18 PM by Bern »


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Name: Ron Browning

Race: Wolf-Man Spirit Monster Thing (Werewolf)

Age: 20

Height: see 'Shapeshifting'



Dire Wolf:



Physical Attributes

Man Form
Strength: Human
Agility: Human
Constitution: Human

Wolf-Man Form
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Human
Constitution: Exceptional

War Form
Strength: Amazing(Incred with spirit magic)
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Dire Wolf Form
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Wolf Form
Strength: Human
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities
Canine Senses: Even in human form a werewolf can use senses superior to any human's, if they put their mind to it. It just gets better the further from the human form he gets, with the best being wolf form. This allows him to track pretty much anything over long distances, conditions permitting.

Hunter's Instinct: In forms between Man and Wolf a werewolf's instincts as an apex predator are so finely tuned that they can even avoid the aim of an opponent with a firearm. This gives the illusion that the werewolf is moving quickly enough to dodge bullets after they are fired, when in fact they are simply moving just before and throwing their opponent's aim off.

Regeneration: In most forms a werewolf heals faster than any human being. The most serious of wounds caused by something other than silver will be gone in a few hours at most. Being punched out is not really a concern unless the punch hits like a train. In full on man-wolf form the regeneration accelerates quickly enough that injuries disappear as soon as they appear unless they're from silver or involve decapitation or massive organ failure.

Shapeshifting: This kind of werewolf has five forms. The first is better at playing human than a human; they blend into crowds easily. The second is a wolf-man, big scary and hairy with sharp teeth and claw-like nails but still mostly human. The third is a wolf; it's a wolf. The fourth is a gigantic wolf the size of a horse with jaws that can crush limbs that the uneducated might call a 'dire wolf.' The fifth and final form is the man-wolf, a bipedal abomination of fur and muscle with a canine head that is only good for killing.

The ease with which he changes shape depends on how accepting he is of his nature. If he resists it the change is painful and draining. If he becomes comfortable with it the process goes more quickly, and is painless. The problem is if he gets too comfortable with it and starts changing subconsciously at a moment's notice to adjust to the situation. And if he were to reject it or lose himself to it entirely, he might not be able to change at all... or worse.

Heights at the shoulder - 5'6"/6'5"/8'3"/5'8"/2'8"
Weights: 172/258/688/344/162

The Predator's Jaws: Ron's teeth are those of an apex hunter, and so nothing can just shrug off a bite from him like it was nothing. Even just a regular bite slows regeneration of the wound somewhat, though not drastically. If Ron actually consumes the flesh involved he consumes part of his prey's spirit and drastically reduces their rate of healing. This also applies to spirits who've taken physical form against him.

Spirit Magic: Low. He can call instinctively call on mystical Gifts granted by the spirit of the moon to accelerate his regeneration slightly outside of wolf-man form, talk to animals of all sorts, hunt tirelessly, and harness his instincts to fight better and hit a lot harder than his form's baseline (one Strength level, max Incredible). Also, he sees immaterial spirits and ghosts just fine, but can't hurt them.

Origin: Ron was a 20 year old man who performed one of the most necessary tasks to be found in Nexus City - repair work. Fixing buildings, cars, power lines, and water mains was what put food on the table for this man who once lived four years of glory on his high school's cross-county running team, and one year of wrestling before he decided it 'wasn't for him.' People would ask him "what school did you go to?", and his answer would always be the same. "There's only one school here."

Ron is from the Nexus, born and raised, like his parents before him. This has all been normal to him from day one.

Then one moonlit winter night not too long ago Ron saw a mugging taking place down by the river on the way home from work. He saw behind the muggers and their victim the reflection of the full moon along flowing water, and froze. His heartbeat accelerated, his sight narrowed into a crimson tunnel, and then next thing he knew he was pulling himself out of the freezing cold water without any clothes or wallet to his name.

He set out from there to perform the most important task of his life to date - finding a pair of pants.

Carnivore: He is a predator. Unlike a normal wolf, he can't get anything from eating anything except meat. Processed meat doesn't taste great, either.

Lunacy: People tend to freak out even beyond the normal when they see a werewolf regenerate or change shape, or see a bear-sized bipedal wolf-man killing machine looming over them. Some freak out enough to not remember exactly what it is they saw. Some go mad. Also, sometimes this or his bite will make other people change into lesser angry man-wolf creatures. This only works on people who aren't part of the supernatural.

Rage: Werewolves are the ultimate hunters, and can flip out and become killing machines the size of grizzly bear. Certain triggers for rage are present, and depend on how in tune he is with his nature. Too much denial of what he is just creates easier triggers, while going full on man-eating monster all the time also makes it worse.

Triggers for Ron include seeing the full moon (in person) and seeing members of his 'pack' get seriously hurt. If he rejects or over-embraces his nature then he won't need to see the moon to flip out - it just has to rise. Conversely, the moon won't do anything anymore if he finds and maintains a nice middle ground in his life. Staying in man-wolf form for more than a dozen seconds or so is always a risk. Killing instinct is strongest in that form, and staying in it for too long when those instincts scream with every beat of the heart means he starts to see everything as a threat to kill. So go easy on that too, Ron.

Silver: This metal makes his blood boil in his veins and cause other allergic reactions on top of that. It slows down his regeneration to ordinary human levels. Also, it makes him angry.

Wolf Physiology: Shapeshifting into a canine when you have caffeine or chocolate in your system is a really dumb idea. Don't do it.

Equipment: Nothing yet. He still needs that pair of pants. Also, he would really appreciate it if you found his wallet.

Likes: Animals, comics, hunting, junk sculpture, meat, and "smooth music"

Dislikes: Bullies, intrusive childhood friends (not really), nightclubs, working construction (again)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 01:30:42 PM by Thedoctor »


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Name: Mitsuba (Name of her Cover), Lambent Sword of Heaven when before she Fell.

Race: Unchained Demon

Age: Possibly centuries as an Angel, in her 20s as her Cover

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 43 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional / (demon form: Incredible)

Constitution: Human / (demon form: Incredible)

Magical Ability: None

Other Abilities:

Cover: Demons hide their true self from the scrutiny of their former master through a Cover, a human identity that serves as the mundane self of the Unchained. Medical scrutiny does not reveal anything out of the ordinary. Supernatural effects that would tip off the user that the demon is not a human reveal to the user that he is an ordinary person. Cover doesn’t automatically counter the effect in a general, but does provide a modicum of resistance against the supernatural. Demon in Cover experiences same biological sensations as a human and its Cover age even if the demonic form don’t. The Unchained can have multiple Covers, but any sustained injury carries over to Covers as they are not bodies, but alternate appearances that the Demon learned to assume.

Inconsistencies in a Cover can undermine it under scrutiny, as well as overt display of supernatural qualities.

Aether: It’s a waste product of occult processes, especially those of God-Machine’s, but also can be harvested from other sources in Nexus. Aether powers some of abilities that Demons are able to utilize.

Mechanical Mind: Demonic minds are abnormal, residing not in a brain but in Primum, a measure of how deeply they are integrated in a reality. The Unchained’s mind is piloting the human form in a fashion, with a total control over its physical tells and a choice whether to express an emotion or a thought. Although the Fall strips much of the knowledge that God-Machine provides to Its servants to perform their duty, Demons retain a perfect memory, a nature aptitude for languages and rudimentary understanding of basic talents. They are fluent in every human language which has native speakers, and learn skills quickly.

Aetheric Soul: On mental and physical levels the Unchained are similar to humans, but spiritually they are not alike. They have Primum in place of a soul. They can use it to resist supernal powers in place of Cover, but their aetheric energy becomes visible. That’s the only way for them to resist supernatural powers in Demonic Form. Demon also perceive Infrastructure of God-Machine and when forming their thoughts in Primum they determine whether they are false or true statements, making them perfect liars.

Pacts: Demon can sign Pacts with another party, offering a boon in exchange for something that strengthens Demon’s Cover. In most extreme cases it is the soul of one who signed the Pact, and Demon can step into the life of that person, assuming their identity and thoroughly erasing them from existence, acquiring a new Cover.

Glitches: Without a maintanence from their original creator, Fallen Angels develop glitches throughout their existence, transient or permament, permeating their Covers. Mitsuba’s have developed a permament glitch that makes her hair look pink-white and her eyes color that of amber no matter the Cover she acquires.

Demonic Form: Its Demonic Form was built both to be quick and durable, however it lacks in raw strength. Its skin is made of a durable exotic material which is resistant to extreme heat. Tungsten rivets poke out of its skin, her skeleton made of the durable metal as well. It is lean and its joints resemble well oiled hinges, red tattoos cover the surface of its hands and arms leading up to the torso, a plasma drive powers it, its veins filled with plasma. It can float and abruptly stop mid-air or on the ground thanks to manipulation of electromagneticism. The Demon can activate an electric field for extra protection and power or disrupt devices. It is also fairly destructive, as one of its arms is a laser weapon firing as potent beams as bullets from a military grade assault rifle at the lowest setting, at its most powerful it can generate as powerful blasts as a brick of dynamite. The Unchained can also shift the other arm to a blade resembling a chainsword.

Gadgets: The Unchained are able to Install a portion of their Embed or Exploit into a mundane object with a function related to the Embed or the Exploit. Installation process requires extertion of the Demon’s will and may alert other Unchained and Machine-God to their presence.

Embeds: They are backdoors in the reality that Demons relearn after the Fall in order to manipulate the world through occult physics.

Efficiency: This Embed allows to finish prolonged tasks and activities in half of the time that otherwise they would require.

In My Pocket: It enables the user to produce any item that would fit her pockets or other container as long as it has not been established that she does not possess (i.e. cannot produce weapons if she emptied her pockets of weapons during an inspection). It cannot also produce documents that stand up to scrutiny, and can be used only for limited time before risking the Cover.

Ripple: This Embed subjects the target to a bout of a terrible coincidence, making him suffer from damage related to the attack he sustained beforehand, but from a secondary source. For example someone slashed may trip and fall on a sharp object.

Shatter: The Embed lets the Unchained break down an object no larger than herself with a swift kick or punch (Only inanimate objects are affected). Objects known for their hardness may compromise Cover if shattered with that power.

Strike First: It allows for the Demon to be always prepared for a fight, even if it’s a surprise attack.

Victory At Any Price: This Embed salvages a failure or makes the Unchained more successful at a cost of her physical well being, damaging her body in the process.

Exploits: Exploits are supercharged combination of Embeds, lacking their subtlety and carrying a risk of attracting God Machine’s attention.

Murder By Improbability: The target of the Exploit suffers a freak accident if he is a mundane human without extraordinary destiny. Those fated for greater things (PCs) and supernaturals just suffer a bout of bad luck which may not be necessarily fatal. Unchained are completely immune to the power.

Cipher: It is a pathway made up of a set of Embeds joined together, which lead the Unchained towards a technognostic revelation that leads them further way from their creator. Each Cipher is unique and personal to the Unchained.

Shukuchi: Made up of Strike First and Efficiency. Mitsuba discovered a sword stance that is grounded in the use of this Interlock which makes her moves less wasteful and with less openings to exploit. She can close her distance to her enemy more efficiently, able to even catch off her opponent with a barely expected counterattack.

Equipment: Her katana, a set of clothes, a modest dojo converted into a bar.

Origin: Originally a Destroyer Angel operating in the archipelago of Japan, it Fell during its last mission to infiltrate a household of a prominent noble under a guise of a houseservant and conduct an assassination mission. Too obsessed above carrying a perfect assassination, the angel Fell when it ignored change of objectives from God-Machine. It didn’t have particular objections about the mission itself, but another it was too overwhelmed with a newfound free will to just go back. The Demon grew into its human identity and got pretty comfortable with newfound mortality. Bent on protecting her mortal life from machinations of Machine God and its agents, Mitsuba is willing to go to any lengths if her way of life is threathened. She had been for a while in Nexus, with her Cover reinforced through her efforts, but now she is even more on edge than usually because of the event of recent nights.

Weakness: Her Cover may degrade over time if she behaves inconsistently or uses overt supernatural abilities.

Likes: Tools of her trade, pink and blue colors, mundane people, removing too insufferable fools, children

Dislikes: Supernaturals flaunting their powers openly, clinically stupid people, people plotting against her (whether it’s true or not).
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 08:12:00 PM by Sinib »


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Name: Gadreel, the Wall of God

Race: Exiled Angel

Age: "And there was light."

Height: 6'6"

Weight: Proportionate to height.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

Magic: High
Angels are not meant to use magic the way humans are, but Gadreel hasn't cared for the dictates of Heaven or Hell in thousands of years. He has made the painstaking effort to learn a few basic rituals for use in removing curses from himself or others. He is also capable at creating, maintaining, and bypassing wards around locations and buildings. This is mostly useful for keeping spirits and demons away, and he needs more time to set them up than is practical in a fight unless it's an auspicious time like midnight on the full moon, or the Equinox. His magic draws power from ambient sources.

Other Abilities
Angelic Body: Like every angel Gadreel is immune to non-corrosive toxins, mundane diseases, and all forms of physical deprivation. He can withstand shots from lower calibers of bullets without flinching, and his body can rapidly recover from injury and dismemberment. In the event that his body is destroyed he can reform on site over the course of several weeks, or months if the attack was particularly thorough.

Linguist: Gadreel has been around for a long time, and is fluent in many human languages. His native language is the tongue of angels and gods, coveted in his setting by magicians for its efficacy in ritual magic.

Martial Arts: Gadreel is a master of close quarters combat even before taking his body's superhuman capabilities into account.

Weapons Master: If it was meant to be held in your hands and used to kill someone up close then Gadreel can use it well. He is particularly capable with blades.

.44 Magnum: A big gun for a big guy. It also doesn't demand that he kill people when he takes it out, so that helps.

Dainsleif: This cursed sword can slice cleanly through a solid iron anvil, and the injuries it causes only stop bleeding with supernatural healing. In humans this inevitably results in them bleeding to death in short order. In beings who can regenerate it slows their rate of healing to 1/3rd of its norm. However, the blade refuses to be sheathed until it has killed at least one person, and attempts to exploit it by putting it aside without a sheath result in it compelling the wielder to fall on its edge themselves.

Gadreel fell out of love. It all started after the Flood, when Lucifer falsely claimed the authority of Metatron and tried to lead the heavenly host to believe the Creator wished for mankind be wiped out completely. "Let us finish them now so that they, in their immature flailing, will not bring forth yet another cataclysm on this great earth." That had been the reason given. Heaven saw through Lucifer's lies and cast him and his followers, a full third of the host of angels, into the dark reaches of the Death Realms. However, Heaven did not fully disagree with the Morning Star's logic - mankind had already brought the cosmos to the brink of annihilation by reaching out with their souls for the mad darkness outside Creation. They sought to limit what the humans could achieve, lest their grasp outstrip their ability to reason.

Not all of the heavenly host agreed with this. Tasked with observing the humans and keeping them from reaching out for more, these Watchers took to their charge with sour hearts. Gadreel was among them, and watched as the humans smacked at each other with rocks and sticks where once they rode on chariots pulled by thought and blasted fiends from the skies with wands of fire. They were helpless, dirty creatures in the aftermath of the Flood; spirits and monsters and vengeful hell-bound seraphs bedeviled them at every turn. Their fragile forms were inadequate vessels for their infinite souls, and they died of plague, sepsis, and hunger where once they were clad in immortal bodies fed on ambrosia.

"This is wrong," he told his fellow Watchers. He had not been the first to voice such feelings, but he was one of the first to do so above a whisper. Others followed, his brother Azazel first among them. "The Creator is silent," he said, "and has been silent since long before the Flood. The only voice we can trust to tell us right from wrong is our own, now. I say that we must help them before they are lost to us forever. What of you, brothers?"

The Watchers descended to the Creator's children, and began to teach them of the things and ways they had once forgotten. Gadreel showed those he could reach how to use the weapons Azazel taught them to forge so that they might defend themselves against a world that feared the very thought of humans rising up again from the muck. Then he taught them how to cover up the marks and blemishes of their struggles with oils from plants, and dust from crushed earth, so that they could reach for the beauty they had once borne as a matter of course.

One of them, a woman, was so fetching with her bloodstained knife and painted face that he couldn't help but adore her. Gadreel was one of the first to know love as more than an abstraction, and his children with her were tall, strong and beautiful like in ages long past. He hoped, as his fellow Watchers did, that between the ranks of their Nephilim children and the quiet support of the titan Prometheus that they would be able to stand against the heavenly host when the time came. Perhaps it wouldn't even come to war; perhaps they would see that it was good, and join them among the humans?

It came to war. The Nephilim were purged with bronze and iron where fire failed, and Gadreel was one of the first angels to know what it meant to lose your family. He was one of the first to swear, Never again. When the ashes settled and Heaven retreated the Watchers went into hiding. They united with the children of the few gods to side with the titan Prometheus, bred more Nephilim children, and made alliances with secretive orders of magicians and witches. They set themselves to protecting the humans from the shadows, keeping them safe from the terrible things that would crush their potential to dust.

It wasn't enough. Or rather, it worked just well enough to let humans get into trouble again. The Beast of Revelation cometh, and man is its herald. Too bad Gadreel isn't around anymore to help fight it. God damn it, Nexus City.

Celestial Being: Magic that directly damages the soul can completely bypass his regeneration and force him to take the time to reform. Sufficiently powerful sorcery, or magic derived from eldritch forces antithetical to this universe, can potentially prevent him from reforming at all.

Exiled: Gadreel has been cast out from Heaven and Hell, and cannot call upon many of the powers inherent to his kind. He cannot form wings, weapons, or armor of divine fire like they can, for example. Yes, this sadly means he can't fly anymore.

Likes: Attractive people, cosmetics, flying, human culture, weapons

Dislikes: Child killers, cultists, oathbreakers, slavers, technophobes
« Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 02:07:06 AM by Aiden »