Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm Character Sheets POST SHEETS HERE  (Read 49513 times)


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Name: Auspicious Breeze
Race: Human (Chosen of the Unconquered Sun)
Age: 24
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185lbs


It is impossible for Auspicious Breeze to hide her divine power for long if she has to meaningfully exert herself against an opponent. First a dim outline of white and gold light begins to surround her, and the sunburst mark of the rising sun appears on her forehead. The outline grows from there until first it lights up an entire room, and from there grows until it can be seen for miles around. At the apex of her power her every movement is accompanied by a glorious outline of a giant six-armed war goddess made in her own image.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities

Chosen of the Sun: Humans may only reach so far on their own; their bodies were not designed to channel the Essence of Creation. Thanks to the blessing of the King of Gods Auspicious Breeze has no such limits on her. She will live for thousands of years in her prime, and reach heights that surpass the gods. Most of her skills below are either granted or enhanced by this trait.

Combat Awareness: Auspicious Breeze is impossible to surprise in a fight. Stealth will not give an opponent an opportunity to overcome her defenses even if she doesn't know she's in danger. She can react to a threat while sleeping, or otherwise unconscious.

Divine Terror: As the Chosen of the Dawn this girl bears a reflection of the glory of the self-proclaimed and unchallenged King of Creation as he rises upon the horizon. In light of this even creatures incapable of fear, such as automatons or walking corpses, cannot ignore Auspicious Breeze's efforts at intimidation - when she bothers with them.

Exalted Healing: A Chosen's wounds heals quickly and perfectly, with no risk of lingering complications. Only the most grievous of injuries leave any hint of scarring, and the character’s healing is like a slow form of regeneration, flawlessly mending severed muscles and nerves, torn ligaments, and shattered bones. Unless a body part is completely severed or destroyed, it is restored to perfect working condition once healed.

Occult Sensitivity: Auspicious Breeze has always been sensitive to the presence of the supernatural. She has a basic, intuitive understanding of its presence even if the details escape her.

Resistance: As one of the Chosen she is incredibly durable against threats and woes suffered by other humans. Lesser diseases and poisons give up in failure against her constitution, and even the strongest cannot kill her outright. Infections die before they can take hold, and she will not bleed from her injuries unless she wants to.

Supernal Brawler: Auspicious Breeze's body is a weapon, one honed by a lifetime in the arena and enhanced by divine favor. Her blows can make almost anything falter through hitting the right spot. She can close the distance between herself and opponents in the blink of an eye at the start of battle. She can incorporate new experiences from a fight into her style almost instantaneously, and her prowess with her fists can slay demons, spirits and gods even when it doesn't quite make sense.


Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light: The purpose of this jeweled orichalcum collar is to keep its wearer clean in every respect. Its magic means she could spend weeks living beneath a rubbish heap and emerge at the end as though she had just spent hours preparing for a grand ball. This effect extends to her clothing.

Origin: Auspicious Breeze was born on the isle of Ys, in the capital city of the empire of Ysyr. In this place there are leftover sorcerous engines from the lost First Age of Man buried deep underground, and they twist the island's inhabitants into mutants of varying degrees of strangeness. The ruling class, made up entirely of powerful sorcerer-princes, are physically distinguishable from the rest of the population because they have used rituals to obscure or remove their mutations and give themselvs perfect bodies. Anyone who is not a sorcerer in the empire of Ysyr is little better than a slave, and they have no way to hide it.

Breeze doesn't remember her parents, but she imagines they must have been rather ugly. She was born a hideous little scaly thing even the other slave children (almost every child on Ys) didn't want to go near. Eventually she got old enough to throw a punch, and between her seeming knack for it and her fearsome appearance she was trained as a gladiator for the entertainment of the sorcerers. Auspicious Breeze was probably the best gladiator in the empire by her 20th birthday. She made friends, despite her appearance, but was never quite able to bridge the gap from speaking to touching unless her fist was smashing someone's jaw.

It was while being transported from Ys to one of the empire's newly conquered city-states that everything changed. Auspicious Breeze was on her way to fight in a new arena when one of the iridescent raiding ships of the Fair Folk rose from the waters of the Dreaming Sea seeking captives on whom to feast. She could have left the ship's sorceress captain and her crew to die, allowed it all to end, but she hadn't fought as long and hard as she had for all of her life before just to die here. Besides, it was wrong to let anyone suffer the fate worse than death the Fair Folk would bring.

She stood up and fought. The Unconquered Sun noticed, and blessed her as one of his champions. She beat back the fae with her own two fists, and received the gratitude and blessings of the sorceress who witnessed her power and valor. Auspicious Breeze was brought up to her right hand, no mere slave but an important and well-compensated confidant, and complex rituals gave her lovely human flesh at last. The sex was nice, too.

Now she's in the Nexus, separated from all she knows and loves. Let's hope someone can teach her English before she finds more reasons to punch people here!


Breathing: There may come a time when this champion of the gods can retain a gasp of air indefinitely, sustaining herself on determination and divine power alone. That time hasn't come; she can still drown, or fall victim to gases that affect breathing.

Disease and Poison: Auspicious Breeze might one day be immune to such things, and she is already quite resilient to them. They cannot kill her outright. However, the strongest examples can weaken her enough to make defeating her through conventional means more feasible.

Essence: Most of the time Auspicious Breeze can do all of the feats shown in her Physical Attributes reliably by enhancing her peak physical performance with divine skill. If she pushes much further than that for more than a brief time by reaching into her reserves she'll wear herself out and need precious moments to recover. This leaves her with merely her natural Amazing Attributes in that time.

Mutant: Hidden beneath Auspicious Breeze's smooth, toned, tanned skin is an unsightly layer of dark reptilian scales. They contribute to her overall durability, but are a mark of shame and slavery in her homeland. It is only the efforts of her mistress, a sorceress of great repute, that have given her human flesh to hide it away. Cutting too deep under her skin and muscle reveals it until she can heal, and marks her as a 'freak'.

The Great Curse: Unbeknownst to Auspicious Breeze, or any other Chosen for that matter, she labors under the death curse of the creators of her world. Cast upon one of her previous incarnations when it took part in their murder, it pushes her toward ruin by the spiteful will of dead titans. The Curse expresses itself in moments of great stress and hardship, inflating the Chosen’s passions into gross displays of unrestrained and destructive excess.

Uneducated: Auspicious Breeze was an arena slave, and received no education worth speaking of in fields irrelevant to this until very recently. She has only a minimal grasp of her homeland's history, has not moved past basic addition and subtraction, and is almost completely illiterate. She had been working to correct this with some assistance before she ended up in the Nexus.

Likes: Attractive ladies, cold drinks, helping people in need, punching monsters, shopping, showing off

Dislikes: Being poor, evil sorcerers, hot drinks, letting others see how 'dumb' she is, "might makes right"
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 01:17:27 AM by Aiden »


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Name: Katase Muramasa

Race: Demon Sword

Age: ~500

Height: 163 cm

Weight: ???


Physical Attributes
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Incredible
Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities
Cursed Sword Muramasa: Katase is a demonic intelligence formed from the collective souls of three generations slain in one. The blade has become her body, and has been infused by the power of the souls with many desirable qualities described below. The blade itself can only be broken by repeated exposure to high-level magic, and can cut a hair that falls on its edge or slice through half a foot of steel before it slows down. By drawing on the power of the souls imprisoned within the sword a wielder can achieve Incredible physical attributes.

Demonic Phantasms: Katase can harness the power of the souls of her victims to manifest physical objects no more complicated than Shogunate era arms and armor, and reinforce them to Incredible levels. An exception to this is her ability to create simulacrums of people who have been slain by her blade; she can draw on their souls to create a faithful replica of their bodies and reinforce them, too. She prefers to use this to give herself a human form of her own, but could just as easily create a retinue of undead samurai slaves to accompany her. Alas, she can only reinforce them past their natural limits if they are in contact with her sword.

Sword Wields Herself: While Katase would prefer to have a worthy wielder, one devoted to her as their bride equal partner, more often than not she is stuck doing all of the work. She is an acceptable swordswoman in her own right, a match for most ordinary human wielders in skill and their superior in body. If an unworthy warrior takes her up she can drive them mad with the whispers of her many souls, after which time she can puppeteer their bodies directly. She will proceed to turn them into dreadful monsters of armor and fury and kill as many of their loved ones as she can get away with in revenge for trying to enslave her.

Equipment: Katase is equipment without a user, wielding herself with a shell of demonic energy in the form of a young woman. She is fond of adorning her bodies with traditional Japanese clothing.

Origin: Katase became self-aware as the last surviving member of a feuding family sliced his own belly open on her sword. She had spent the past decades being annointed over and over again in the blood of all kinds of kinslaying, a clan self-destructing over some offense nobody was ever kind enough to explain to her. As the man's blood cooled on the floor she took the form of the family's long-dead heiress, picked herself up, and walked away.

Her reputation as an accursed weapon established, the daughter of Muramasa traveled across the islands of Japan while wrestling with her almost uncontrollable thirst for blood. Every victim to fall before her had their soul added to the blade, to the collective that gave rise to the demon Katase. Every so often she would rest, and an ambitious young warrior would come along to try and claim her for himself. They all inevitably displeased her by focusing their attention away from her and to their goals, or by treating her as a mere tool.

She destroyed them. She made them destroy everything they ever loved. Replicating the sin that made her was the only solace she could find in the face of man's attempts to enslave her. Alas, if only someone would pick her up and wield her for her own sake! Were that she could be with them as she had seen man and woman (or lately, even woman and woman), that they would look at her instead of away to farther horizons!

If she cannot find such a person, well, she could always find room for another soul inside of her.

Bloodthirst: Katase craves the blood and souls of new victims. She can keep this in check most of the time, but if drawn in the presence of anyone except her chosen wielder she will lose control until at least one person has died by her blade. Her wielder will have to take drastic measures to distract her from this - if they can.

Just a Shell: Her demonic phantasms are a construct of demonic power fueled by souls. They can potentially be dispelled by powerful holy relics, or high-level magic, if struck by them directly.

Likes: Blood, cleanliness, compliments, pampering, spicy foods, tea, war
Dislikes: Competition, disrespect, large bodies of water, pacifism, slavery
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 02:48:57 AM by Aiden »


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Name: Coppelius

Race: Doll

Age: 30

Height: 1,78 m

Weight: 70 kg

Appearance: As a human-like magic doll, Coppelius looks almost like a flesh-and-blood person on first glance, however his unblemished pale skin, shining blue eyes and hair, and most of all, the joints noticeable on his hands and limbs, betray his true origin to the discerning eye. His clothing style includes mainly green or brown colors, clothes that may not stand out at all in the polluted cities of the world, albeit his mystic code may drastically change that impression.
Spoiler for spoiled for size:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agitlity: Human

Constitution: Fantastic (as a Doll, Coppelius may have been made to resemble a human, but is fundamentally but a tin man. Even though hits to his faux organs may hinder their functionality, he can fundamentally keep going until either his mana is depleted or his body is reduced to dust.)

Other Abilities:
Mystic Eyes of Binding: a pair of artificially created Mystic Eyes, these can bind and cripple those Coppelius lays eyes upon.

Mystic code: Cor Tonitrus- the everlasting heartbeat
The left half of the internal mystic code Clockwork Heart, masterpiece of a certain londoner gentleman, it continously takes in prana to move the tin body of an unnatural beeing, it both stores and creates enormous amounts of raw energy in the process.

Mystic code: Cor Lotus- the ever unblemished heart
The right half of an the internal mystic code Clockwork Heart, masterpiece of a certain Red's younger days, it will restore the porcelain body of a student group's great ambition to it's original state continously, emulating a life human's self healing capabilities. As the two halves intertwine, a soul is bound to them.

Magic: Medium

Doll creation:
As both the creation and the pupil of a certain Red, Coppelius has been teached the very techniques that gave birth to his body. As such, he is able to forge and wield puppets and dolls, much like his creators, although his style varies in that he never considered attempting to replicate life.


Small, combat-oriented dolls about the size of french dolls and marionette's, they are capable of simple tasks and direct magical attacks under the control of Coppelius. He can control up to four of them at the same time using the filaments, however they are incapable of autonomous actions.

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Human

Magic: Low
The Alice's are capable of small but high-speed magic blasts fueled by the user's prana.
Several kinds of Alice's differ in abilities:

Curse Alice: the most common type, this doll is built with curse seals throughout it's body, allowing it to cripple foe's with various seals and shoot weak Gandr projectiles. By using up its entire bodie's worth of seals, a self-destruct by this doll can potentially severely debilitate a foe.

Elemental Alice: a doll infused with one of the main elements fire, wind or water, they are able to shoot elemental projectiles and create small firewalls, windblades or waterbubbles. A self-destruct by one of these dolls will cause a moderate elemental explosion.

Knife Alice:
A simple combat doll fitted with bladed weapons throughout it's whole body. Incapable of magic attacks of any kind, however their physical attributes eclipse those of the other Alice's and they can use their blades to cause a true mess of limbs and guts. These dolls can not self-destruct.

Spoiler for size:
Coppelius' trump card, Gepetto is a "doll" created entirely out of ether. By blowing life into it, his shadow will bloat to the massive form of this clump of darkness. As Coppelius is forwarding his consciousness into this shadow body in order to control it, his actual body is completely immobilized while using it.
The shadow body Gepetto is incredibly powerful, fast and strong, and it's mere touch will corrode any kind of material; however, it is unable to move more than ten metres from Coppelius' true body as it is connected to it through an "umbilical cord" at all times. His limbs can be regenerated, but Gepetto will be dispelled immediately if this cord is severed from Coppelius' body.

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Exceptional

Awakened Origin: Lifespark
A service given by a certain monk, the same that plucked his soul to bind it to this body, his Origin was awakened. That beeing the spark that grows life, it may even be the true reason the student group's efforts bore fruit after all.


Coat of starry sky: a piece of cloth infused woven by a member of a certain magus family, by infusing it with prana it can be used to emulate spatial movement magecraft enabling the creation of portals in short distances.

Puppeteer's filament: strings infused with magic that are used primarily to control his style of puppets, but can also be used to manipulate humans with low magic resistance.

Originally a mere student project of three Magi during their student days in the Clock Tower, Coppelius would be their last work as friends. The body a doll, the soul a barely born wraith, plucked off the miscarriage of one of the girls of the street, Coppelius may have been just an early work, an experiment on the viability of a living soul in a non-living body,all but forgotten by them years later, but at the time it was a true miracle to him.
After their eventual falling out, he kept living in the city of steam and magic, getting handed around student Magi until he ended up in the gutter of London, a free soul, to continue his life on his own. Since then, he has become a fleeting part of London's magic underworld, building experience upon experience with every passing year. He has a very playful, impish personality that betrays his pure appearance lies.

Weakness: As he was not intended a fighting doll, his body itself is not too strong; while his self-healing and magic are hard to overcome, he i ultimately has no real way to retaliate a continuous close-combat assault any more than a regular human does.

Likes: movies, music, doll creation, all manner of games
Dislikes: serious people, beeing reminded of his nonhumanity, people performing actions like eating in front of him
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 08:48:57 PM by Sinib »

Umbra of Chaos

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Name: Lucy

Race: Human

Age: ???

Height: 6’4

Weight: Light


Note: Actually has a bit of chest now. Can now fit them in the palm of her hands. Still no bra.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Other Abilities:

Her Blessing: Lucy would never tell someone to do something completely wrong, and she would never tempt them to do so. Well, not with words anyways. In Lucy’s presence indulging in one’s vices is almost a drug. There is a feeling that someone great, and powerful, and someone who loves you is proud of what you’ve done. That any depravity you commit is wholly justified and objectively correct.

Because of this Lucy can feel every time you compromise your morals or fulfill your vices. She knows sin as well as she does the back of her own hands, and hiding any wrongdoing from her is near impossible. Theoretically Lucy could turn this off but she doesn’t want to.

Her Messengers: Lucy’s soul is large, complex, and multifaceted. It also pumps out massive amounts of hellish energy every second. Contained, concealed, and compressed within her very being these energies eventually coalesce into spiritual beings that can tentatively be called demons. While not quite mighty they are certainly cunning and intelligent creatures.

With a bit of effort Lucy can begin manifesting these beings. When she was a child she shaped them into rabbit dolls, and while others have tried to become more menacing most stay in that cute shape. This does nothing to make them less terrifying.

Messengers can do a variety of things. While their influence in the physical world is limited to screwing with electronics and some minor telekinesis their true power comes out in mental combat.

Individually, they can make normal, untrained humans see and feel whatever they want or read their minds and memories like an open book. Disguising their demonic abilities as a divine presence is child’s play, and tormenting a human with horrible visions and nightmares is just as fun. In large enough numbers they can even provide a being skilled in the mental arts a challenge. However, above all it is their duty to shield Lucy’s mind from mental interference and when within her they can tap into the hidden sea of energy inside her soul to empower themselves making her mind all but impenetrable.

It is possible for those who interact with spirits to destroy a Messenger for they are not much more durable than a normal ghost, but death is not truly death to them. Their scattered energies will return to Lucy, and in little time another one will be born. They always number at twelve, and they are sustained by the power within Lucy’s soul.

They can also inform Lucy of supernatural phenomena and powers they spot. What her human senses cannot detect their eyes and ears can. Not even the soul can be hidden from them.

When in the presence of the truly devout or in holy places of some religions the Messengers are weakened and can decay entirely, but that is only the case if they are alone. When in the presence of Lucy the Messengers can survive indefinitely with no issue. She is above such things and could bathe in the blood of the divine or all the world’s evils with equal impunity, and that effect can extend to her servants. They can manhandle the bones of the enlightened and toss about the splinters of a cross with equal glee and immunity.

Her Voice: It is difficult to resist Lucy if she truly wants something from you. Every syllable that slips out of her mouth can be as sweet as love itself and more intoxicating than any manmade substance.

To totally ignore her words, to completely deny her simple requests, both of these things are as difficult as resisting the pangs of your own heart. While there are many more who can resist it to greater or lesser extents it is almost impossible to forget what she says. Of course, when even the average man runs into things that he clearly does not want to do and is opposed to even he can offer great resistance to her. The power of this lies in the subtlety of it. To seduce people into actions and behavior so that they will continue to do such things under their own volition with no further influence from her.
Her Condemnation: When Lucy calls you a damned creature and a creature of darkness you can feel the weight of that title settle into your bones. She doesn’t really mean it, but she does enjoy watching people react to the effects.

When a person is labeled in such a manner their skin begins to sizzle in the sun. Holy artifacts and the faith of others repels them as if they were cursed. Lucy enjoyed calling out priests and holy men just to watch them run from their own communities in despair and shame.

However, this title is not something that is without limits. It only lasts half an hour or so unless reapplied and can only be used on a singular target. Lucy also has to verbally declare the person’s new status. If she’s feeling merciful she can revoke it.

Her Mockery: Whenever Lucy uses these kinds of powers she always feels as if she’s on some inside joke. Every single one is incredibly showy and features beautiful light and the feel of something powerful inhabiting (becoming) Lucy.

She can feed ten thousand with no more than a single meal, transmute liquids into other liquids, perform exorcisms with all the power and force of a heavenly host, walk on water, and heal others of almost any injury or disease.

Her Conquest: With this Lucy casts off any illusion of subtlety and pulls forth her symbols of authority. A crown with ten points radiating glory so terribly powerful that proximity to Lucy alone can char the flesh of a man black. Lesser men scatter before its light in terror while others bow in total subjugation.

A bow with arrows whose shafts are made of light that hold the flames of hell and are feathered with the wings of the first to fall. Each arrow claims the world in her burning name, manifesting her absolute authority. Wherever they fall a pillar of light bursts into existence and expands for a few meters. Anything that touches this pillar is burned as if they were a vampire exposed to the merciless light of a desert sun and repelled.

Whenever pillars meet they merge into an even larger one. Lucy moves through this light fine; however, she cannot wait patiently and safely within this pillar. It is in her nature to go forth upon untouched lands and bring her banners to them in person.

If it strikes an individual the arrow malfunctions and explodes quite spectacularly. While not as deadly as a pillar of light it is still rather powerful and comparable to the more explosive variants of modern munitions.

A massive, white horse that dwarfs any normal specimen. It crushes man and machine under its thundering hooves. But woe betide those who underestimate the rider. The rider and steed alike share a name, and the name they share is Victory. There can be no White Rider without the steed, and there can be no White Steed without the rider. They are a mighty two in one. To separate them is unthinkable.



Her Messengers are dragged back into the furnace of her soul, her condemnations are withdrawn, and even her blessing and her other abilities are swallowed up as Lucy concentrates herself for this transformation. When one faces Conquest they face the totality of her being. Nothing may be left out. When Lucy removes her crown, discards her bow, and dismounts her horse all the effects of Her Conquest vanish. It is not yet time.

Origin: Sometimes she thinks it’s a game they play. It started a long time ago. A boy grew into a man and led his tribe into the wilderness to worship a god. He said, “We are peaceful and good; we harm nothing.” She brought her people, and they sang war songs. She painted the landscape with quite striking shades of red and let the world erase his monuments. She built a new god and sacrificed many to it, even though it meant nothing. Then one day she died.

And Lucy woke up.

She lived and was groomed as a lady of the court and married the ruling prince and became empress. Then one day a boy grew into a man and a beggar priest on the streets amassed quite a following. He decried their selfishness, their apathy, and he preached a philosophy of enlightenment and truth. And her iron fist crashed down onto him and his followers. The fields turned crimson that day.  Then one day she died.

And Lucy woke up.

It’s almost cyclical she supposes. They take many roles, but the spirit of it is always the same. A voice speaking out some spiritual insight and the boot that crushes his head with impunity.  But things are reaching the end now, and she’s so very glad. The game was fun while it lasted, but she could be satisfied with an ending now. And what an ending it will be. A role reversal. Even if she loses she could be satisfied with being able to see what it’s like to be on the other side.

Spoiler for ???:

She’s seen the end of the world before. Reached up into the sky and slapped down a third of the stars in the sky. Her armies stretched across the breadth of creation with fanatic loyalty (she was quite charismatic you know) and could bring an end to the world just with their combined arms. It was impossible to lose, but she still did. Every time in the same way. And so she knew that when the time would come she would lose. It was predestined.

But then, a niggling voice asks, “But why not try?” And she could give a lot of reasons. That victory was impossible. That failure meant her destruction. That she was tired now. But instead she smiled, because in the end it was a fine question. So she’ll try. They’ll deal with what happens when they get there.

You’ve come a long way.

You were never a young people. Your ancestors stretch back into the mists, to other times of which I’m not permitted to speak. They were stupid. They lacked ambition. Will. There was no common ground between us. When you were born, I thought you’d be like the rest, fucking shamelessly under the rain, confining your violence to innocent dominance gestures, rough and tumble. When you picked up a rock, I smiled. When I saw her blood on it, I cheered. Finally, someone was speaking my language.

There were awkward introductions. You’d never seen me before, though I was always there, waiting until your senses developed. When they drove you off, I followed. When you came back with fire (no need to thank us for that) and burned them, I praised you while they screamed and cursed. I made a few suggestions, showed you how to do a better job next time. I know you felt guilty sometimes, but I helped you get over it. We collaborated on a few techniques to set your will on the right path.

First of all, you learned how to set yourself apart from weak people. Honestly, I made only a small suggestion, but you really ran with it. You invented words to keep them low. Barbarian. Slave. Infidel. Slut. You made new tools to give those words some bite. Quite a thing to talk with a spear or cluster bomb, isn’t it? The weak will always be your burden. I sympathize. They’ve got numbers on their side, but I’m trying to get them to come around to your way of thinking.

Sometimes they get the best of you, make you think you’re in the wrong. Sometimes you even blame me for everything that’s happened. Not so. Think of it this way. It’s like we’ve walked along a beach together and when you look back you see two sets of footprints in some places,but only one set at others—when you were at your worst. You ask, “Did you carry me through that and make me do those awful things?” No, you miserable fucking coward. You carried me.

You couldn’t take another step without bringing me along, so you could say, “The Devil made me do it.” All I did was talk. It’s okay. I forgive you. I’ll always forgive you.

Weakness: Before beginning Her Conquest Lucy is incredibly vulnerable to nearly all forms of damage. She must also speak an incantation as she dons her symbols of authority which provides both a warning for others and an opening to attack. Victory, while fast and powerful, is limited by its physiology and cannot be as acrobatic as most with Fantastic agility are. At no point does Lucy have any form of supernatural defense against mundane attacks and even during Her Conquest can be harmed by normal materials.

Likes: Humans, lies, indulging in vices, Victory, dragons

Dislikes: Pacifists, prudes, rants
« Last Edit: March 15, 2018, 04:02:42 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Name: Liam O'Mailey
Race: Vampire - Clan Ventrue
Age: 132
Date of Birth: 1892
Height: 6'2"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown

(Faceclaim pending)

Physical Attributes
Strength: Amazing
Agility: Amazing
Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities
Busting Kneecaps: This one has nothing to do with blood, you see? This is just a century in the school of hard knocks, making a living (or unliving) and putting sinners in their place. Liam is great in a scrap even without vampire stuff, and can turn pretty much anything he can pick up into an improvised weapon. He's particularly fond of hitting kneecaps, though.

Dead Body: Vampires are corpses that move. They don't suffer deprivation. Unless caused by their weaknesses damage to their bodies doesn't really matter that much. You can stab one in the kidney, or the lung, or break their ribs or jaw, but it doesn't really matter. To put one down you need to cause so much damage to the body that it is physically impossible for it to do things like move. To destroy one for good you need its weaknesses, or to destroy its heart, or to utterly destroy the body.

Familiars: As an extension of their command over beasts a vampire of clan Ventrue may feed an animal's corpse their blood and bring it to blasphemous animation. It does not live, but it may still serve and share its senses with its master. It eventually breaks down without more blood from a vampire.

Potent Blood: Vampire blood is full of enough life to let the dead fake it. In living people it gives lessened forms of vampiric power. Tasting it also leads to an addiction equal to the strongest of drugs, and instills feelings of adoration for the source of the blood. Three drinks spread out between anywhere from several hours to several weeks are enough to make someone be almost helplessly in love with the vampire.

Psychic: Many vampires have psychic abilities of a sort. Ventrue like Liam can command both man and beast with a glance and a word, tyrannical masters of all they survey. Liam is quite adept at both. The beasts of the land obey when he speaks, and know better than to raise claw or voice in his presence without his consent. He can gather predators, scavengers and vermin to him in droves with blood and will so that they might serve him.

So too with men and women, for his gaze mesmerizes the mind while his words give it direction - for now or later. Those under his sway find their memories can be reshaped to his liking, from lost moments to new years. Only the strong of will, or those who do not meet his gaze or hear his words, can avoid this terrible fate.

Restoration: Vampires are corpses that don't have the decency to stay damaged when you hit them. They can rapidly restore damaged portions of their bodies to perfect working condition, and at each sundown their appearance (hair length and color, fingernail length, etc.) resets to a 'default' setting determined by how they were before they died.

Senses: Vampires can hear heartbeats from a distance, see and smell tiny bloodstains from meters away, and discern all sorts of useful information about someone by tasting their blood (identity, what they've eaten, diseases, etc.). Vampires otherwise have senses twice as powerful as a human, and can see clearly in perfect darkness.

Equipment: Cell phone, nice suit with ballistic fibers, nice hat, a semi-automatic pistol, and copies of the Bible and the Testament of Longinus.

Origin: Liam O'Mailey was born to Irish immigrants in Chicago at the turn of the century. The 20th century. He grew up with them, happy as could be, devoutly Catholic and dilgently working with his hands for his father's woodworking shop well into his teen years. Then he met Nicky the Beed, with his beedy little eyes. He was known in the community for his family's deep pockets and generosity, and he decided to take Liam under his wing.

Liam broke his first kneecap for the mob when he was 17. He kept on like that, enforcing for the Irish gangs in the city duing prohibition to build a life for his family his father's work couldn't seem to. The young O'Mailey boy was filled with sinful greed. He kept on like that until he was 30.

Then he died. Alone from the fear and disgust of family, penniless from gambling and whisky, Liam O'Mailey became the prey of a monster. It drained him near to death, and he felt his life silpping away. Then the monster offered him another chance - to walk again as God would have him. He took the hand offered to him and drank his fill.

For over a century Liam O'Mailey has walked the night in his fine suits and nice hats. He earned the fear and respect of his clan and community. He feasts on sinners, and pushes desperate people back onto the right path in life. He's on a mission from God, and he has all the dark miracles he needs to make it happen. If he grabs a little extra for the collection boxes along the way - well, that's fine too.

Daylight: It isn't an instant source of destruction, but vampires can't survive in it for long. They also have trouble staying awake during the day unless they are underground. Liam is uniquely incapable of staying awake during the day on Sundays at all.

Fire: A readily accessible bane common to all vampires. Fire dramatically slows down a vampire's regeneration, and can destroy them outright in sufficient amounts.

Garlic: Not nearly as debilitating as sunlight or fire, garlic still bothers Liam enough that it takes a significant exertion of will for him to approach it. The touch of it leaves light burns on his skin.

Hunger: Vampires need blood. Blood lets them wake up each night, lets them restore their bodies, sustain their unnatural powers, and provides great pleasure when consumed. Hunger gives them fangs to tear blood from you. Young vampires, or vampires fresh from a long period of dormancy, can subsist on animal blood for the first century of their unlives. Vampires who survive long enough to grow in or regain power become limited to human blood. Any vampire can substitute the blood of other vampires for their needs, and eventually comes to require it. Liam has trouble getting anything from animals lately.

Instincts: Vampires are monsters, and there's something coiled up inside them pushing them to be that. With the right provocation they can snap, letting it loose in a tidal wave of power without control. Anger, fear, and hunger are the big three drives there.

Reflections: More of a mixed blessing than a weakness, vampires do not cast reflections or appear on camera or other recordings. It is not a matter of reflecting light, but their unnatural powers preventing them from showing up clearly in that.. It makes hygiene and fashion a pain.

Likes: A good scrap, blood, churches, gambling, good manners, nice clothes

Dislikes: Adulterers, corrupt cops, garlic, pimps, rudeness, white collar crime
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 09:19:00 PM by Sinib »


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Name: Vanguard

Race: Sealed soul in a puppet.

Age:  His age far too great to be counted, he comes from a time prior the second genesis. Eons.

Height: 200 cm

Weight: 235 kg


Spoiler for puppet body under artificial skin, keep in mind the scale isn't quite that big. He's still a big guy though so don't get any ideas.:

Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic(Lightning blows hit like Legendary)

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Heroic

Magic Rank: Very High

Vanguard’s offensive magic abilities are limited, but powerful enough to be considered a threat. His powerful magical potential coupled with his expansive knowledge and natural affinity with thunder brought by his immortal soul once made him a dangerous foe in the arcane crafts, but a decay of his spirit weakened his innate energy to the point his arcane craft has lost most of its former potency when it comes to direct combat displays.

Through preparation or by fueling the process with souls and weaving different aetheric circles, he can reproduce various esoteric rituals and arcane effects ranging from repairing mundane objects or setting up defensive fields to more complex and unnatural displays mostly involving the nature of the soul. It  is nothing too powerful, but it is esoteric and complex. He can show someone the true nature of their souls, peer through their memories unless they can resist it and even make someone see his own.

His knowledge is an empty shell of experience and past theories, but they have served him well.

Lighting’s Pummelling: Vanguard may channel magical power through his limbs in order to charge them with a great amount of electricity. This gives him the ability to send powerful (heroic) lightning shock waves through his blows or focus that energy into his enemies through contact to  ravage them from within. This allows him to maximize damage dealt far beyond the limitations of his body.

Other Abilities:

Supreme Will: Vanguard possesses an indomitable spirit, a will so strong it endured for countless days the greater gods’ torment. Possessing this insurmountable level of mental fortitude, Vanguard has obtained resistance to practically all forms of mind control or manipulation. Although incredibly powerful mages could potentially manage to bypass his mental defenses, Vanguard will be able to fight back to some degree, perhaps even keep his consciousness and individuality.

Master Combatant: Vanguard, having been chosen as the mighty protector of the celestial citadel, has achieved an absolute mastery in combat, being the undefeated champion who toppled the very heavens. Thus, his skill in melee combat has been proven to be monstrous in his own right, and utterly unrivaled with the use of the halberd. While having lost his mortal flesh and embraced his mortality to the point to cause his soul to decay, his ingrained battle technique has not left him.

I am a puppet: Vanguard's puppet vessel doesn't give a crap about damage as long as the joints are attached, thus no matter how wounded or crippled or decimated Vanguard is, as long as his soul lives and his body functions he will never lose his ability to fight. It matters not if he is stabbed in the heart or decapitated or has his limbs ripped off, as long as the tiniest shred of his soul endures, Vanguard will fight to the bitter end.

It is to be noted that while he had the option to demand Relius a super freaky vessel with a bunch of arms and tentacles and lasers and shit, he merely demanded one with the same designs of a man of flesh. Well, for a loose meaning of designed, the similarities are there but its still a puppet.

Soul manipulation: Vanguard can draw aether, life force drawn from the soul condensed and shaped into energy. While using his own reserves to cast spells is much easier, sometimes he needs to draw it from elsewhere. Thanks to the demonic presence his soul was accustomed to while residing in Tohuw, the alliance with the soul puppeteer Relius and his own knowledge regarding souls, he has learned by observing the body's own machinations how to draw souls of those he slays and use them as fuel, and by forming contracts serving as links he can interact with other souls on a more intimate level.

Soul Decay: Due to various circumstances and events, his soul has sustained assaults to the point of causing a degeneracy. Slowly but surely, as do all living things, his soul is crumbling and will eventually fade into nothing. This doesn't matter and doesn't seem to bother him, in fact only strengthening his resolve. While he can delay this process by consuming souls, his once immortal spirit will not last more than a few human lifespans.

But what is dead may never die.

Aether manipulation: Vanguard can draw aether, life force condensed and shaped into energy. While using his own reserves to cast spells is much easier, sometimes he needs to draw it from elsewhere. While in theory one could draw aether from all living things, the core makes it harder for Vanguard to do so. The reason being that a large quanitity of aether could be used for quite powerful spells, a thing that would definetely bite the gods in the ass. Because of that, he may only draw it from lesser lifeforms like small animals and plants and other less impressive creatures.


The Harbinger: A deadly poleaxe forged in the great fires of creation, this weapon is the symbol of Vanguard’s strength and tenacity in battle. Having been imbued with the very essence of weaponry, this blade is capable of harming spirits and ethereal beings as well as creations of flesh and bone.

The Harbringer has a special link to Vanguard’s very being, thus while it would be nothing more than an ordinary weapon in other hands, as long as he wields the halberd, it will never degrade, break, rust or lose of its initial quality.

The weapon is usually sealed, but Vanguard can manifest it in combat.

Paragon of Might: A mechanical armour-like body crafted with the finest materials of the citadel, this armor possesses the perfect combination of toughness, hardness and strength, being able to withstand powerful blows without as much as a few dents. It sits somewhere in his laboratory, for now.

Veil of the Eclipse:
An elaborately ornate cape that Vanguard wears. It looks rather fancy and stylish. Although capes are impractical in combat, he wears it as a self-imposed handicap. He can also use it in combat, however. Like tossing it at empresses.

The Core: A complex spell taking the form of a physical glass-like blue glowing orb composed of thousand upon thousands of magical formulaes, circles and complex layers. It usually sits in his spleen. If even slightly chipped, Vanguard's soul will seep out and dissolve. In order to repair itself, the core needs to absorb aether, the same component it is largely made of.

The core has three main functions:

Keep Vanguard bound to his vessel, prevent Vanguard from turning against the gods by sealing his abilities and soul and prevent him from dying by conventional means such as age. Because the core is bound to his current vessel, the puppet body cannot harm it.

Spoiler for Hiden:
In the days of old, there was no such thing as a divided world split in different countries. All that stood was a city resting atop the heavens, the Celestial Citadel. As chosen by the great lords that ruled this city, every ten millennia there would be a great tournament, a series of challenges in order to determine the next champion of the citadel, the Watcher who was to guard the heavenly city from all those who wished to cast harm upon it.

On the day of trials, one man alone managed to surpass every set expectation, he easily dealt with even the hardiest of challenges…
It was of course no coincidence that this prodigious champion was to become the undefeated Watcher of the Citadel, having outclassed even the mightiest of them to his day. A great halberd was forged in his honor, an incredible feast took place in his glory and no celebration could have toppled the one the one that was held in his very name.

Thus, for centuries the great Watcher guarded the citadel, protecting it from the dark forces that wished for its destruction. But over time the peace and prosperity that had befallen the Celestial Citadel turned into arrogance and conceit. The very people that were graced by the heavens had been blinded by greed and stagnation, and ended up abandoning the Ancient Gods.  In the end, these very Gods decided the fate of the citadel, and that fate was none other than destruction and plight.

Casting countless plagues and curses upon the city, they ended the lives of elders, men and children alike. The city now forsaken, it’s very foundations crumbled in 100 days and 100 nights.
The Watcher stood alone, surrounded by the rubble of a city left to ruins, the powerful Gods that created it destroyed all. And now covered in countless wounds, all that was left of the man was but an empty husk of flesh and bone.

Acknowledging the Watcher’s courageous deeds and heroic efforts, the Gods asked of him why keep resisting the almighty will of the gods? All knew well that a mere mortal could not hope to vanquish a God, but even so, the Celestial Citadel’s watcher never yielded or begged for mercy. The one answer he could give was that there was never a possibility to abandon his duty in the first place; that the Watcher was to guard the city until his very end. He would even face the Gods themselves, but not ever would he abandon his oath.

And with that said, the champion drew his final breath, fighting a hopeless battle until the bitter end.

Moved by such a display of virtue and bravery, the Gods decided to reward him, crafting the mightiest of armors out of the very remains of the citadel’s finest ores, that mere mortal would ascend and become legend incarnate. His soul was torn from the afterlife and imbued in an immortal body of metal. He chose to take on the name of Vanguard, the protector of all. Burdened to live an eternal life under the shackles of immortality.

Sealing himself in the coldest ices of the mightiest mountains, the immortal giant of metal slumbered for eons, only to return when the earth would need his aid the most.

One day, the forgotten hero felt a sudden shift in the energies of the world, through a strange summoning of sorts it seemed he found himself in an unfamiliar city.

The legendary hero was now but another speck of the infinite that consists Nexus City. Among its many stars, he had met someone he swore fealty, only to throw her away due to his pride. Cast away, he was eventually sealed in a daemon, but not for long. Eventually, he would come back. He’d always come back.

His name was... 

Weakness: While Vanguard’s battle continuation is useful, he will definitely be incapacitated if one was to land a critical blow to his core. He also possesses no regeneration factor for his puppet body, but one could use magecraft to reform it, although without the pieces it would be more difficult.

Physical combat doesn’t seem to exhaust Vanguard’s energy, and usage of magic does tire him, his spells requiring a rather steady output of energy.  Thus he is weaker against sustain fighters.

Aside redirecting attacks with his sheer skill, he has no ranged options other than throwing things, which means as long as you keep out of his range you should be fine.

Likes: Strength, skill, those who fight for what they believe in no matter what, displays of bravery and courage, honor, a challenge, fair duels, honesty, justice and good-hearted people.

Dislikes: Murder in all its forms, cruelty, arrogance, the concept of just gods, needless death, wasted potential, hesitation and those who prey on the weak, blind dogma, those who are too craven to see their path to the bitter end.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 12:59:57 PM by francobull3 »


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Race: Human, obviously.

Age: 19

Height: around 5'6

Weight: About two tonnes.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic(can boost to legendary)

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Heroic

Other Abilities:
Superhuman Physique: Due to an experiment done on her by Kokonoe when she was young (she doesn't like to talk about the details), Sakura posesses inhuman physical aptitudes, especially in strength and stamina.

Standard Blazblue Shit:
Ars Magus: Utilizing ars magus, a combination of magic and science, Sakura can do such things as create barriers to protect herself, conceal herself and create a small short-period (less than a second) surface in the air to either jump a second time or dash forward or back. She can overload her barrier and "burst", which she can use once in a while to escape someone's grasp and gain distance. She can't use her barrier for a short time after that though. She can use an overdrive to enhance her physical abilities even further(slightly into legendary) for a short period of time.

Hand to Hand:
Sakura is extraordinarily good at hand to hand combat, particularly grabs and throws. She's really super good at throwing people. She can easily grab people and throw them high in the air, before jumping up and slamming them into the ground with enough force to crack solid cement or throw someone through a wall.


Kokonoe's Thingamajig
Some sciencey tool she stole from Kokonoe. It's a big metal club-like thing a bit longer than her arm and two or three times as thick. It's extremely tough, strong enough she can't dent it with her hands. She's not quite sure what it does other than beep and blink every once in a while. It seem to be super durable, however, so she uses it to smack things. It doesn't seem to damage it so it's fine, right? When she's not hitting someone with it she carries the large object around on her back.

Origin: Sakura doesn't really remember who her parents are. They either abandoned her, died, or both. It doesn't really bother her though. When she was small, she was rescued by a large, red man who she first knew as the Red Devil. She never understood why he was called that, honestly. He was so kind, so gentle, and so mellow...

She much preferred his real name, Tager.

She was raised by this man in the laboratories of Sector Seven, as his adoptive daughter. It wasn't an easy place to grow up, and she very quickly learned to stay out of the way of the scientists, especially Kokonoe.

Long story short, she grew up into a strong and attractive woman with a bit of a daddy complex. She was pulled into the Nexus, and makes her living doing odd jobs in her field of expertise, combat.

Weakness: Sakura has very few ranged options, and if you can keep her at range, she doesn't really have a fallback plan. She can also be kind of a ditz. While she is extremely durable and difficult to critically injure, she possesses no regenerative ars whatsoever, so if you do inflict a serious wound, it will stick, and hinder her until she finds someone to fix it.

Likes: large men, good guys, men stronger than her, good food, making alot of money, spending alot of money, her friends, people she doesn'5 have to worry about her strength with

Dislikes: Bad people, Kokonoe, Ragna the Bloodedge, being modified, Hakumen, People referring to Tager as the Red Devil, acidentally hurting/killing people
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 02:09:17 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Cherry Lover

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Name: Emiya Shirou

Race: Human (Magus)

Age: 24

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 79 kg


Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red, beginning to fade slightly.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Physical attributes:

Strength: Exceptional (can reach Amazing with reinforcement)
Agility: Exceptional (can reach Amazing with reinforcement)
Constitution: Exceptional (can reach Amazing with reinforcement)

Magic Ability: Very High


Projection: Also known as "Gradation Air", projection is the ability to materialize objects using prana, according to the user's imagination. However, Shirou can use a version unique to himself that he calls "Tracing". Tracing differs from Gradation Air in that it is used to create copies of items that already exist, however the items also have their entire history reproduced, including the skills of those who wielded them, along with the shape and substance. All items that are reproduced using Tracing are not perfect copies of the original and suffer a rank down. The items that Shirou can trace the most efficiently are swords; while capable of tracing other items, the cost in prana makes it considerably less efficient.

Reinforcement: Magecraft designed to push something’s basis for existence to the utmost. It is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete, therefore failure will cause the target to receive it as a poison and be destroyed. Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Prana. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or the physical strength and durability of muscles. It is impossible to reinforce something vague. This is the one area of magic in which Shirou is competent, even able to reinforce his own body.

Unlimited Blade Works: Shirou’s reality marble, a world containing infinite swords. Copies of every weapon he has seen are stored there. Shirou is not yet aware of its existence and, as such, cannot call upon it. Nevertheless, it still exists and, given knowledge and enough time, he could learn to use it.

The contents of Shirou's UBW are limited, containing only the few weapons Gilgamesh chose to use in his sight, plus anything he has otherwise seen since. He does, however, go out of his way to find new swords whenever possible, to increase his ability to protect people.

Other Abilities:

Use of technology: To compensate for his magical limitations, Shirou has learnt to use technology to aid him in battle when necessary. He possesses some equipment designed to take down magi with minimal fuss, much like his adoptive father did, although he avoids using guns for close-range combat.

Rifle: Shirou possesses a high quality, accurate hunting rifle with a high bullet velocity and an attached scope, enhanced using magecraft to make it even more accurate. With that combined with his ability to reinforce his sight, he is capable of shooting things from a very long distance.

Body armour: Shirou wears reinforced state-of-the-art body armour into battle, designed to protect against being shot, as well as other damage. With the application of reinforcement, it is essentially impossible for a person of normal strength to pierce it, and even armour-piercing bullets are not sufficient to do so. However, a shot to the head is still capable of killing him, although self-reinforcement or dodging may protect him to a limited extent if he is aware of the attack.

Archery: Shirou is an exceptional Archer, and can also trace a bow and arrow with little difficulty. He uses this in conjunction with his magic to trace and fire swords as arrows, using their properties against the enemy.

Sword fighting: Shirou has mastered the art of fighting with the twin blades Kanshou and Bakuya. Whilst he’s not on the same level as Archer, he has significant experience in their use, although rarely against extremely powerful enemies. He also possesses the ability to create and fight with other kinds of swords and knives.


Shirou doesn't remember his original life before the fire. To him, his father has always been Kiritsugu Emiya, and he has always been Shirou Emiya. For years, he wanted to grow up to become a superhero, for nearly as long as he can remember. Then, his life changed forever when he was chosen to be a master by the Holy Grail.

After the events of the Fate route, Shirou was living with his sister Illyasviel, who realized something was wrong with their friend, Sakura Matou. Realising that she was being tortured by Zouken, she informed Shirou of her plight and, then, using her wishcraft, she gradually removed the worms from Sakura's body and killed Zouken. No longer desiring to live in the house where she had been tormented for so long, Sakura moved in with Shirou and, with her oppressor gone, she soon confessed her feelings to him, and the two started to date.

Unfortunately, not long after, his beloved sister's body began to fail, and she was taken ill and died. Grieving, and with his time in school nearly over, Shirou decided he wanted to become a true hero, travelling around the world and saving people. Not wanting to put Sakura in danger, he reluctantly decided to break off their relationship. However, the distraught girl pressed him until he told her the truth and, then, persuaded him to allow her to come with him, as his sidekick and lover. That was 6 years ago. Since that time, they have travelled the world saving people, as well as finding time to get married. Now, they've found themselves mysteriously in the Nexus.

Weakness: Limited sense of self-preservation, meaning that he's likely to put himself in danger to protect others, particularly Sakura. Finds it difficult to ignore those in need of help.
Likes: Cooking, protecting people, heroes, Sakura, Saber, Illya, swords, archery.
Dislikes: People getting hurt (especially Sakura), amoral mages.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 02:17:05 AM by Sinib »

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Name: Emiya Sakura

Race: Human (Magus)

Age: 22

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 55 kg


Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Exceptional

Magic Ability: High

Since obtaining freedom from Zouken, Sakura has trained herself in the use of her magic. However, despite this, her ability is still somewhat limited. Additionally, whilst most of the worms inside her are gone, a few still remain, draining her prana slightly and causing her minor discomfort.

She possesses an affinity with her birth attribute, Imaginary Numbers, as well as the Matou element, water. She also possesses the Matou family trait, binding, along with her natural Tohsaka affinity, transfer of energy, although she has limited training in the use of the latter.


Jewel magic: Due to her Tohsaka family heritage, possesses the ability to use jewel magic. Due to limited training, her ability is fairly limited in this area, however, she does possess a few jewels and can fill new ones with prana, albeit inefficiently. Due to her inexperience, they are mostly saved for emergency situations, where she can use them somewhat like a grenade to get out of a tight situation.

Shadow dimension: Sakura's shadow magic allows her to absorb stationary people and items into a shadow dimension. Whilst inside, the person or item is completely subject to Sakura's whims. She can control the environment they are in, project an avatar of herself into their mind and convert anything inside into prana. However, she currently has limited training in its use. As a result, it takes significant effort and focus for her to prevent any item inside from dissolving, preventing her from using it for long-term storage or for anything other than immediate transportation of people through her shadows. It also takes her a significant prana expenditure and some time to absorb a willing victim, and considerably more time and prana to absorb an unwilling one.

Shadow tentacles: Using her natural affinity, Sakura is able to produce rudimentary magical tentacles, which she can use to attack and bind enemies. Additionally, her Matou magecraft allows her to use the tentacles to drain prana from anything they touch.

Shadow familiars: Using her shadow magic, Sakura can create semi-autonomous shadow familiars. These familiars will follow her basic intentions, but are capable of acting on their own to achieve those intentions, and have a rudimentary level of independent thought in this respect. To create them requires an initial prana input, followed by a small constant prana input to maintain them.

The shadows are of variable size, from very small shadows used for spying to far larger combat familiars. Their size depends on how much prana Sakura puts into them, and they can grow or shrink depending on this. However, producing a shadow giant of the size of the ones seen in HF requires her entire prana supply and, since she lacks her HF counterpart’s mana regeneration, doing so would be extremely painful and also exhausting.

These shadows are also all connected to her main shadow dimension, and can absorb things into it, although less effectively than she can do so with other magic. As well as using them for this purpose, she can, to a very limited extent, use them like walls, to attempt to direct an opponent in a favourable direction or to entrap them.

Shadow transportation: Using her shadow dimension, Sakura is able to travel to any location with a shadow familiar. She is also able to use this ability to transport other people or items to her location or from her location to any other familiar.

Shadow Archery: Sakura can fire shadow arrows at enemies using a bow she also creates from her shadow. These arrows are highly corrosive to anything they hit, especially magical entities.

Other Abilities:

Cooking: Sakura is an outstanding chef.

Archery: Sakura is a talented archer.

Gun training: Sakura is trained in the usage of many different types of gun. Unlike Shirou, who excels at long-distance sniping, Sakura prefers to use more powerful, shorter-range weaponry, although she is still a good marksman thanks to her archery training. She also often acts as a spotter and short-range protector for Shirou when he is attempting to snipe an enemy.

Knife training: For short-range fighting, Sakura is trained in the use of knives for combat. She also carries several combat knives on her person whenever possible, in order to defend against any unexpected attack.

Body Armour: Sakura wears reinforced state-of-the-art body armour into battle, designed to protect against being shot, as well as other damage. With the application of reinforcement, it is essentially impossible for a person of normal strength to pierce it, and even armour-piercing bullets are not sufficient to do so. However, a shot to the head is still capable of killing her, although self-reinforcement or dodging may protect her to a limited extent if she is aware of the attack.

Origin: Born Tohsaka Sakura, Sakura was adopted into the Matou family at age 4. She was in the care of the family head, Zouken, who tortured her mentally and physically on a daily basis in an attempt to turn her into a second Grail. Despite his inability to use her as he intended, the Grail War continued as normal, with the Rider-class servant Sakura had summoned being given to her brother and, then, defeated by Shirou's own servant.

After the War, Sakura's life continued much as it had before. The one exception was the arrival of Shirou's new sister, Illyasviel, who Sakura quickly befriended. However, not long after, things began to change. Sakura noticed the worms inside her beginning to weaken and die and, soon enough, she was free of Zouken's control, although some residual worms still remained. After having everything explained to her by her saviour and the boy she loved, they offered to allow her to live with them, and she gladly accepted. Soon enough, she found the confidence to confess her feelings to Shirou, and the two began to date.

Unfortunately, not long after, Shirou's beloved sister's body began to fail, and she was taken ill and died. Grieving, and with his time in school nearly over, Shirou decided he wanted to become a true hero, travelling around the world and saving people. Not wanting to put Sakura in danger, he reluctantly decided to break off their relationship. Sakura, however, was utterly distraught at the idea and, remembering an old wish to become his sidekick, she offered to do exactly that, following him around the world saving people as his sidekick, lover and, eventually, wife.

During this time, Sakura made some effort, at Shirou's insistence, to get in contact with her estranged sister. She was able to patch things up to an extent, and even gain a few tips on how to use her jewel magic, but Rin's stubbornness and their busy schedules ensured that they remained somewhat distant. Nevertheless, Sakura still does love her sister, and wishes they could be closer, although she is also often infuriated by her overly magus-like behaviour.

Finally, after six years of travelling, Sakura and Shirou found theirselves in the Nexus, with no idea where they were or how they got there. Seemingly unable to return home, they now have to make a life for theirselves in this new world and, maybe, save some people here too.

Weakness: Shirou. She loves him with all her heart, and would be utterly devestated if anything ever happened to him.
Likes: Cooking, Shirou, pretty flowers, gardening, Archery, heroing with Shirou, Rin.
Dislikes: Rin, Shirou being in danger, bugs, abuse.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 02:20:11 AM by Sinib »


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Name: Joe Joeson

Race: Human

Age: 26


Weight: 155Ib


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Human

Other Abilities: Just a normal dude.


Gun: A typical pistol, Joe carries this gun to fight off supernaturals. 

Grenades:  Look a pistol is obviously not enough when you're living in the nexus.   Sometimes more firepower is necessary.  He typically carries these inside his work bag or pockets.  There are contingency plans for when guns are not enough.

Origin: Joe is an ordinary man born in the Nexus.  He goes to work, tries not to die at night and goes home to his apartment.  In his free time he looks for a girlfriend through online dating and has a few hobbies. Thats all there is to him.

Weakness: Standard Human Weaknesses

Likes: Comics, movies, nice evenings, slow news days.

Dislikes:Vampires, Werewolves, Any other forms of overpowering danger.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 04:01:54 AM by yinsukin »


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Name: Anastasia

Race: Human

Age: 21

Height: 183 cm

Weight: 63 kg


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional (Incredible with a spell)

Magic: Extremely High

The source of Anastasia's magic are Aetheric Winds, magic energies which leak over to the material world through a membrane that separates realms of the mundane from realms of the divine. Those Winds naturally coalesce within leylines which also encompass the Nexus. Drawing powers from Aetheric Winds is a dangerous proposition. Any major misstep may attract attention of godly beings, from lesser spirits to even Gods themselves. Thanks to her harsh training she learned how to properly draw the power from leylines, minimizing the risk to which she is exposed.

Ice Elementalism: Anastasia's specialization as an Elemental mage is ice elementalism. She can create large quantities of ice and manipulate it in variety of ways. She can hurl shards of ice at her opponents, call down localized ice storms, freeze the enviroment and people (completely mundane people may instantly die when frozen, but regenerative capabilities, superhuman endurance and/or resistance to magic may let someone survive) and shape the summoned ice into weapons that she can wield. By focusing almost completely on ice elementalism, she does not need to use incantations to help her shape the raw energy of Aetheric Winds into spells from that school of magic. She can also choose to not affect her allies when casting spells with an area of effect. The range of her spells is around 300 meters.

Aegis: When the need to protect herself outweighs potential risks of casting this spell Anastasia may gather Aetheric Winds around herself to try to resist an attack. Her durability increases for a moment to an equivalent of Incredible Constitution, but this unrefined spell runs a risk of summoning unwanted attention from the beyond.

Counterspell: Anastasia may potentially counter a spell with enough slow time of charge for her to react as long as it is a magic that does not come from within the magic user (i.e. uses external source such as mana from the environment, another realm of existence or if the spell is a miracle that relies on channeling power from a spirit or deity.). Obviously she cannot counter spells of mages who surpass her in magical power.

Witchsight: Her passive ability to sense Aetheric Winds and other manifestations of the supernatural. She has no problem with recognizing what is mundane and what is not unless somebody obscures their nature from detection.

Other Abilities:

Archery: Before Anastasia was forced onto the path of magic she had spent a portion of her childhood learning the trade of a hunter. She is proficient with the use of longbow and honed her skill in conjuction with her magic capabilities. It is often overkill to blast opponents with the full strength of her magic so she is fond of picking off lesser opponents using a bow of ice that she magically manifests, piercing them with arrows made of sharp ice.

Outdoors Survival: Both her early childhood and the harsh training she has endured contributed to her skill at handling hostile enviroments. She can navigate well just by heeding stars and knows how to survive in winter conditions.

Unyielding Resolve: Wielding Aetheric Winds require great willpower. As a side-effect, most forms of mind control simply do not work on Anastasia.

Equipment: Only what she can afford with her modest wage.

Origins: Anastasia used to be raised in a family of woodsmen before agents of the Kingdom unceremoniously abducted her once she started manifesting signs indicating that she could wield Winds. The harsh training and indoctrination molded her into one of many Battle Mages who were employed by her country mitigate disadvantage in numbers when facing the onslaught of barbaric tribes of greenskins from the East and raids of pirates from the North. While such treatment didn't turn her into unfeeling machine, Anastasia was mostly resigned about the role she performed and deprived of any ambition to change her status. In fact, even if she is now free, she could not think of applying her powers for her own goals. Without any proper government to serve (as the so called government of the Nexus could be called a farce that couldn't control even a single city), she took the first job she could find. Now the management of the general store where she works are her commanding officers, and she serves as best as she can. All shoplifters and other criminals learned to stay away from the store.

Weakness: Aside from the risk associated with her brand of magic, she cannot cast spells in zones completely devoid of Aetheric Winds.

Likes: Doing her job, cold weather, brief moments of peace

Dislikes: Rogue mages, criminal scum (especially undead, greenskin and demonic criminal scum), shoplifting

« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 09:10:12 PM by Kat »


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Name: RED

Race: Code (genetically modified human with psychic abilities)

Age: 16

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 60 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Feel no pain: Partially due to the countless experiments on her and her dependence on painkillers, RED has developed a frightening resistance to pain. She could cut her feet and walk on the marrow of her bones and still keep her smiling chipperness. But sometimes, when she least expects it, the pain comes back. That’s when the candy helps.

Psychic: RED is a Code, treasured children who had grown unique abilities after the Great Divide ( a war that had plunged the entire world into chaos between mages and humans). In order to close the gap between men and wizards, the humans had created Codes, manipulations of the  genome using the very magic that worked against them.

RED’s code is SCARLET OMEGA, the ability to generate and manipulate Ω waves, psionic energies that are the basis for all psychic powers and can even interact with supernatural forces like magic, making them an useful tool against them.

Because of her psychic abilities, she can fight back and easily shield herself from psychic attacks. Her mind is protected by Ω waves, so reading, influencing or controlling it is very difficult.

When she distorts them, these waves manifest as seven invisible ‘branches’, powerful arms that vibrate and move according to her will.


When she manifests her branches, her skin and hair turn blood red, eyes turn black with yellow irises and the tattoos on her body glow black.

These arms can easily rip and punch a car apart, move around and can even wrap around her to deflect bullets and defend her from impacts as hard as a speeding car smashing into them.

They can extend up to 10 meters, but lose power and hardness when far away from her, because the vibrations need to weaken in order for the limbs to extend. While she can move them as she pleases as if they were her own limbs, it is difficult to split her attention effectively between half the arms performing one specific, precise task and half the arms performing another.

Because they move to her will, outsmart and outmaneuver her, and you’ve outsmarted and outmaneuvered the limbs. Thus, the more arms she uses the more difficult it is to multitask and be precise.

Finally, while the limbs are normally invisible, there are many ways to reveal them. When they move rapidly, they shimmer for a moment and become somewhat visible. The same can be said when they apply considerable force on a body, or if a body applies considerable force on them.

If one was close enough, he might notice the faint distortions in the air that make out their shape, assuming he was sufficiently calm and perceptive. You could even feel the air vibrate around them, and of course it goes without saying that creative tools like powder or even water can be used to detect the hands.

That is, if they don’t catch you.


White jumpsuit.

Candy: They’re painkillers she’s addicted to. Well, some of them are normal candy too. They are both part of the reason she has slipped and is clinging to sanity.


RED doesn’t remember where or why she was born, even her name seems like a hazy thing whenever she thinks about it. Red, ghost, monster, devil… she’s had so many names she can’t be sure about it anymore. Even if she had a life before then, there is no trace left for her to recall.

All she remembers are the white walls and the white men, and that it was scary and it hurt for a while. But whenever she’d paint the walls red, the white men would praise her and call her a good girl. Sometimes when she was really good, they’d give her candy which would make the pain go away.

It felt good, so she smiled and listened. After a while, she didn’t even need to cry when she was being cut open, so she never cried again. Oh! Actually, she did cry one more time. Or did she? Honestly, she can’t remember that much either.

You see, there was one woman in white who would stand out. She’d often pass more food to her, look at her with these strange sad eyes, saying those silly things to her, and one time she even argued with the white men! They didn’t like it, so the next day she was assigned inside the white room.

RED doesn’t remember what happened, but she remembers the room turned red and for some reason her eyes felt funny. She doesn’t remember feeling sad or anything. Odd.

The next day, there was no longer any white room. Just a silent red house with silent red walls and silent red men and a smiling white girl. She stayed for a few days, or weeks, in truth she never knew the difference.

But after a while, it got boring. So she tore the red house down and left to look for other white rooms so she could paint them red. It was the one thing she was good at, the one thing she ever did.

But at the same time she didn’t want anyone else to have to be in a white room like hers. Even if she had forgotten she would pray every night for a hero to come, this did not stop her from becoming a superhero.

And one day, she woke up in a strange place. It was neither white or red, and for the first time in her life, RED was confused.


RED is very childlike, cheerful and carefree, which makes her easy to manipulate. She can only use the ‘branches’ of her code so many ways at once, and her body is relatively normal so she can’t react to quick and surprising foes.

As powerful as she is, she is a weapon and not a fighter, her skill in actual combat leaves to be desired. However, she can always grow in that regard.

Finally, damage to the brain can severely cripple her psychic power, so go for the head.

Likes: Sweets, being outside, not hurting, sunshine, rain, cute animals, playing, having fun, having friends, being praised, playing rough, the color red, being a hero, hugging others, helping people, smiling.

Dislikes: White, mean people, those who hurt the ones she cares for, selfishness, boring people, meat, complicated words, being hated, being caged, herself.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2016, 03:44:08 PM by francobull3 »


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Name: Costin Andrei

Status: UnDead

Race: Dead apostle

Age: Looks 17 physically, 197 actual years old.

Height: 6 feet (8 feet as wolf LADY)

Weight: 65 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic: Very High

Blood Control : Though her family was one of skilled bloodmancers, she was not fully trained in the usage of her crest, and was formally only taught the basics. While her father could perform much more intricate feats of blood transmutation and even form potent fields through circles, her skill and affinity focused solely on the physical manipulation of her blood. She is able to manipulate her blood, shape it as she pleases and crystallize it for a myriad of effects.

She likes to form spikes, chains and claws of crystallized blood to add upon her feral and unorthodox fighting style, but most of all, she can use her mage-craft to alter its properties, turning it into a highly reactive explosive. Using her massive strength, she can even fire bladed balls of blood at her enemies by slamming them at his opponents with her baseball bat, or throw blades of her own blood at high speed only to have them return to her due to her curse.

Other Abilities:

Combat Skill: Andrei possesses great strength, agility, fighting experience and beast-like reflexes, thus making her a complete monster in hand-to-hand combat.

She fights with ferocity, going as far as using dirty tricks such as blinding or biting her opponents if it can assure victory. Her fighting style resembles one of a raging beast, attacking relentlessly with great might and considerable speed without giving her opponent time to breathe, using a combination of feral strikes, swipes and wild attacks, moving quickly around her opponents to attack them from every direction, tiring her enemy until she leaves a fatal opening to land a killing blow.

Mystic Blood: Through a strange side effect brought by the experiments on her, her blood has gained unnatural spiritual properties. Its taste is like sweet honey, its pangs make your heart throb like a rich wine, and the more you take the more it will slowly sit at the back of your mind like a drug. When absorbed in someone's organism, it can easily close non fatal wounds to an extent, and minor wounds will vanish as if they had never been there in the first place. However, while it can deal with lesser injuries and alleviate them, grievous damage cannot be completely restored.

As a side effect, those who ingest or have it flow directly in their bloodstream will suddenly feel tired and disoriented, their senses shook as if in a drunken state. Even if it's not potent enough to quite knock someone out, because of its spiritual properties it is difficult to resist it completely even with higher constitutions, though the side effect will be reduced.

Mystic Eyes of Enchantment: These are mystic eyes that all vampires possess, though not all of them are equal in power. If someone's eye contact meets hers, she becomes able to control their mind. In contrast to her brutal fighting style, her eyes do not brute force their way into one's subconscious, but slowly slip through its cracks.

With it she can mind control mundane animals, humans or those with a vulnerable heart, and have them dance to her sweet tune. Through her mystic eyes she can make an ordinary person forget things or remember completely new things, or just have them act as she sees fit. Only the strong of will, those with magical resistance, or those who do not meet her gaze and hear her words, can resist. However it is harder to do so, or rather notice that there is a manipulation in the first place, when the hypnotism is more subtle, and she doesn't incite you to do something you wouldn't in the first place.

Wolf Beast Form: Costin isn’t a werewolf. Now that we’ve gotten this out of the way, she still has some form of shape shifting ability. This doesn’t make her physically stronger per say, but shifting into a great hulking  wolf beast does give her some form of bestial quality and edge to her movements and attacks. Bigger jaws to tear you apart, sharper and longer claws to gouge your entrails, legs to propel herself and leap on her foes…. and most of all a bigger target so she can feel the pain!

Due to modifications from the experiments, she also has some sort of dog form she can convert to. It’s no stronger, faster or harder than a normal wolf, but it does have some sort of resistance to sunlight. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say it’s Costin’s weakened form, which she can revert to whenever the need, or sun, arises. While she can’t use her abilities or curse of restoration under the sunlight in this form, feeding would still help her recover if she was injured.

Battle Continuation: Costin cannot be incapacitated by normal means and has an unnatural insensibility to pain, being able to shrug off most excruciating wounds and keep fighting at her best constantly. No, perhaps insensibility would be the wrong term, but she doesn't really give a shit about it and heck, it makes her feel good. Alive! That along with her regenerative abilities makes him a force to not underestimate.

Heightened Smell:  Due to her unorthodox vampirism, most of Andrei’s senses are only as low as a mere human at her peak could allow. However, her sense of smell reaches absurd prowess, being able to instantly deduce things such as sex, age and state of mind of others based on smell alone, yet the smell she is most keen on recognizing is the smell of blood, to such an extent that she could track a wounded man from miles away without too much trouble.

Curse of Restoration: This ability operates under normal conditions and causes the vampire's body to regress through time to its original vampiric state whenever it receives an injury.

This curse is exceptionally strong in Costin's case, it will take extremely severe continuous damage to definitely kill her, but recovering from fatal damage over and over and over does put a burden on her overall stamina and after a dozen or so times, she’ll probably stay down till the sun rises. Of course, you can prevent her by donating blood today!

Magic Reisistance: She has only the most rudimentary forms of resistance against magic. She could dismiss weaker binding spells and basic magic, but her body offers little to no resistance against more complex or powerful spells.

Familiars: Vampiric familiars are created when a vampire feeds his blood to a living creature. These creatures cannot disobey their master and nor can they hide their thoughts, as the vampire can now read their mind. It works on animals rather well, but humans and more potent creatures will either downright resist it or take a prolonged exposure to her blood in order to become her familiar.

Degradation: Dead Apostles are in a constant state of degradation. The sun can accelerate that condition, while sucking life force through blood or semen reverses this effect.

Turning (NEEDS GM AND PLAYER PERMISSION): By injecting her black blood into someone, she can turn a human into a ghoul. A complete mundane would be instantly turned, but more powerful characters would need to be weakened, and depending on how supernatural they are they could downright resist it.


MP3 and Headphones: Andrei constantly listen to music, be it day or night, even in battle she will play her favorite tunes. They say heavy metal makes people violent, but not having her music makes her really fucking violent. Thus she always keeps her headphones and music on at an obnoxious volume, especially in libraries. Truly she is an irredeemable monster. Her favorites are classical and jazz, because she's classy.

Metal bat: It’s a goddamn metal bat. She bashes skulls with it. Need I say more?


She could still remember the flames…

It was a small village in Romania, a chilly winter day in a small village in Romania.

It was a chilly winter day _______ spent with her brothers and sisters and Mama and Papa in her chilly home.
_______ heard a knock knock that day, a knock knock knocking the door of _______’s chilly house in a chilly winter day in a small chilly village in the chilly land of Romania.

And then she heard the screams.

Screams of pain, screams of anguish, cries of fear asking for mercy.
She saw that man, a giant man, she saw the giant hooded figure of a man, pyre dancing around him, inferno burning her Dad’s chilly nose, her mom’s chilly toes, her brother’s chilly heads and her sister’s chilly beds.

She saw the flames, slithering closer and closer, until they engulfed everything, in a chilly winter day in a small village in Romania.

The girl closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she saw ashes surrounding her frail little body, and the hooded man.

The hooded man smiled, she saw a smile, why did the hooded man smile?

Why did the hooded man laugh?

Why did the hooded man grab her hand and drag her far far away?

5 years she spent with the hooded man, 5 years of pain and suffering and misery and pain and more pain and suffering and tears and more pain and more tears and more pain and the pain, the pain, the pain, the pain…

Until one day the pain stopped, the tears stopped, and along with them her whole world stopped.
And she saw the same smile, the hooded man’s smile, his smile, she always would smile, but why?

And for the first time in 5 years, she smiled.

A voice that drilled in her ears like a rusty screwdriver burrowing in her very marrow.

For the first time in her life, she heard the hooded man’s voice.

The man’s voice was a blissful voice, a soft voice that spoke with gentleness and joy.

The hooded man spoke of many strange things, words she didn’t understand.

_______ potential, The _____, ______ Circuits, ______ Apostle, True _______, ______, Crest, ________ Association...

The mad wolf laughed and howled alone under the moonlight, alone and spited, on a hill of bodies, a river of blood...

That was 175 years ago…

In all this time, she learned of her identity as an heretic, she learned how to keep her hunger for blood satisfied, how to hide from those who wished to destroy abominations such as herself, and how to survive in an underworld where killing was a regularity.

She learned how to live in the dark world of dead apostles, and learned how to enjoy it.


Ax Crazy: Yeah, sure, personality doesn’t count as weakness, but Costin is kinda… special. When fighting, especially when in a blood boner frenzy, she just can’t help or control herself. She fights like a berserker, extends fights just for her amusement and really doesn't give a shit. She just wants to enjoy herself, you can afford to yolo when out don't even die. Sure she dodges, sometimes she also lets you hit her straight in the face for the heck of it. It's just fun and games no matter who's on the receiving end. If you realize her... tendencies, it becomes easy to bait her.

Vampirism: Being a dead apostle, Andrei requires blood in order for her body to not deteriorate. The sun’s light will effectively destroy her unless she is in her weakened form, thus she can only walk around freely at night. She also has the inability to cross bodies of water by foot. Of course, this also means rituals and holy weapons/artifacts are pretty nasty to her. You won’t see her in a church any time soon!

Complete lack of long ranged abilities: Andrei’s strength lies in close to mid-range combat, she has absolutely no forms of zoning control aside praying she can somehow reach her target before she becomes vampire paste or throwing her blood/stuff at her enemies.

Vampiric impulse: Costin has yet to control fully her blood thirst, or perhaps its more accurate to say she has no interest in doing so. As an unbridled monster who fully relishes the carnage, she can act irrationally when tasting/smelling blood, be it foe or ally. She will often lose herself in the joy of bloodshed and battle, and when smelling the blood of her foes, she will enter an utterly berserk state.

Insuppressible killing intent: She has absolutely no way to control emotions such as rage and blood lust, thus when going for the kill, sneak attacks or back stabbing are completely impossible for her.

Since anyone could sense her incredible fury and terrifying presence, one would quickly notice her had she any sort of hostile intention.

Light sensitivity: Her eyes, used to the dark of the night, are sensitive to light sources. Anything ranging from an electric torch to a flash bang could irritate or outright blind her.

Likes: Honest people, dogs, fierce capable fighters, fighting fierce capable fighters, walking around at night, helping people,  listening to music, lazing around, pain, slaughter, looking classy when bashing skulls, blood, movies, terror, murder, the old in and out, chocolate parfaits.

Dislikes: Liars, ghouls, magi, dishonorable foes, weaklings, unfun battles, having to hold back, being late for work, animal cruelty, overly hot or cold weather, bright places, the sun, lightly lit places, fire, smoking, boredom, facial moles, sun chips and bugs, not getting to feel the pain.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 01:17:33 AM by francobull3 »


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Name: Noire, Black Heart

Race: CPU Goddess

Age: 100ish

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 43 Kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Console Patron Unit:  Noire is the patron goddess of Lastation, Black Heart. As a goddess, she does not age nor is she capable of contracting any normal diseases through the use of share energy. Basically, the more people believe in her, the more shares she has, and therefore the more powerful she becomes. Conversely, if everyone stops believing in her, then she would lose all her powers as a goddess, preventing her from transforming into her HDD form at all.

HDD Form: 

As the goddess of Lastation, Noire is capable of undergoing a transformation using a Hard Drive Divinity disc. This changes her to her goddess form Black Heart. In this form she becomes substantially more powerful and she also gains the ability to fly. However, due to the large strain put on her body she's only able to maintain it for a short while. The large sword she gains is a manifestation of her goddess power and is therefore nearly indestructible.

Her voice also gets much deeper.

Spoiler for Hiden:





Other Skills

Noire is capable of using a few other skills, like Tornado Sword, which covers her blade in a rainbow sheen, increasing its potency and reach simultaneously. She is also capable of some manipulation of the fire element, and is capable of coating her weapon in fire and other such uses.

Infinite Slash: Noire's ultimate attack. When she use, she takes many quick and precise slashes at the opponent, bombarding them with attacks until she finally knocks them into the air after which she snaps her fingers, bombarding them with countless slashes at legendary speed. She can only use this attack once in a while.


A short sword

Origin: There's a number of nations in the world of Gamindustri, all of them ruled by a Console Patron Unit like Noire. Noire only formed her nation recently, within the past hundred years. Hers was the third nation to form, after Lowee and Planeptune but before Leanbox or Eden. Stuff happened, Neptune and Nepgear fell into the world, more stuff happened, both the worlds were saved, and they went back home, and Noire has suddenly found herself falling from the sky into an unfamiliar city.

Weakness: She's very prideful and will work alone if she can help it, which could get her into some nasty situations. Her goddess form, while strong, is temporary and can't be used continuously for long periods of time.

Likes: Working, Neptune, Plutia, Cosplay, Singing, being the best she can be, video games,

Dislikes: People falling on her, lazy people, Neptune(sometimes), Blanc
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 02:13:13 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Name: Irene Maiden

Race: Vampire

Age: 127


Around 175 centimeters tall, typically she completes her ensemble with pants, combat boots, and a blazer-type jacket over her vest.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Amazing

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Baritsu: A self-defense and combat school that incorporates eastern martial arts techniques with principles of kickboxing, cane fighting and other western martial arts. An eclectic martial art created in England employing European wrestling alongside judo and jujitsu to control all ranges of close combat and its striking foundations to disturb the balance of opponents and subject their joints to strains that will leave them unable to resist. Irene is a seasoned expert of this art, which she learned from its pioneers.

Globe-trotting adventures in her youth have enriched Irene's skills and knowledge. She's at least familiar in passing with piloting all kinds of modern vehicles, knows a number of languages, and picked up a slew of practices from different cultures and fields.

Regeneration: Vampires have incredible regenerative ability, allowing them to live with the loss of vital body parts and recover from most damage at great speed. Wounds that would be lethal to humans heal in a matter of seconds, and they can easily reattach severed limbs. Even when dealt extreme widespread damage and blown apart into meaty chunks, they can pull themselves back together and restore their flesh as fast as several minutes, although this is very energy consuming and will not completely undo the harm done. Given enough time, they might regrow full limbs outright, but they possess more efficient ways of replacing them.

Vampiric Essence: A substance produced in the blood of vampires akin to a highly reactive poison, which can turn corpses and living beings drained of blood into zombies, monstrous and physically powerful undead with a hunger for blood and violence. Vampires can spill this substance from their bodies at will or inject it into other beings directly.

The blood of vampires itself is dense with stolen life force, and injecting it into a body just drained of blood will instead create a new vampire.

Body Control: Vampires possess a very developed degree of control over their body functions and organs in addition to limited flesh-shaping abilities. While they cannot blatantly morph their bodies they can consciously manipulate them to a physiologically horrific extent, growing their nails into sharp claws, wielding their hair as a prehensile weapon, sprouting their blood vessels as vicious tendrils, and controlling severed or detached body parts. Able to ignore the loss of most organs, they can even survive as just a head and move around with their blood vessels.

They suck blood through their fingers by puncturing and digging into flesh, and can grab someone's carotid artery between their fingers without causing hemorrhage. If they permanently lose a limb (or their lower body, or even everything from the neck down) they can replace it with another's, which when attached gradually molds itself into the original part. Similarly, they can also meld the bodies of different creatures to create grotesque zombie chimeras.

Healing: Irene may heal others by directly transfusing her blood while mending open wounds and forcing them to close. Their bodies are repaired as though her vampire regeneration acted on them, allowing recovery from the most grievous of wounds. This power is a developed form of body control employing refined flesh-shaping and life force manipulation. They may also receive these benefits simply by ingesting her blood, though less efficiently.

Impaling Missile Arms: Employing explosive power through her blood vessels and willfully separating her flesh, Irene is able to shoot her arms (from the elbow down, typically) like cannonballs to impale or seize enemies even a hundred meters away. If she suffuses the Ripple into her arms she can infuse it into undead struck by the attack, though its range is greatly reduced by the action of the solar life energy on her own flesh.

Enhanced Senses: Vampires have heightened predatory senses, several times stronger than those of humans. They can see clearly in the dark, hear heartbeats from several yards away, and possess a hound-like sense of smell.

Hypnotism: Using their transfixing stare, skilled enough vampires can hypnotize those lacking sufficiently resilient minds, allowing them to mess with their recent memories and make them follow their commands. Irene is particularly skilled at manipulating animals in this manner.

The Ripple: A breathing technique that allows the practitioner to channel and wield life force resonant with the energy of the sun itself, which travels through the blood in the form of ripples and is projected through the extremities of the body.

Use of the Ripple can strengthen living beings and particularly objects to an incredible degree, and project enough force to split rock and wood, even leaving people or creatures unharmed as it passes through them. Users can produce powerful attractive or repulsive forces that allow them to do such things as stick to walls and walk on water. One of its primary uses is to heal wounds and various ailments, fixing bones or damaged organs and cleansing the body of harmful substances, and this same affinity makes it prodigiously effective against the likes of vampires and the undead. Blows and items infused with the Ripple are lethal against such creatures, leaving searing injuries from which the energy continues to spread.

Ripple energy is conducted especially well by liquids, but it can carry through clothing or metal and pass from one object to another, even through solid walls, and is best at strengthening organic matter, which can also store it. Using the Ripple requires one to constantly breathe in a controlled manner and their blood to be able to flow, so users can be weakened or prevented from using it entirely if their breathing is disrupted or they suffer from extensive blood loss.

Irene was a powerful master of this art who had refined the flexible basics to a point, but as a vampire she cannot use it without destroying herself in the process. However, if she is ever in dire need, she can channel the Ripple through a single limb and then sever it before the energy spreads.

She might still be able to teach it to another, employing a traditional technique which strikes the diaphragm to make the target breathe the correct way and use their own Ripple.


Stone Mask: A damaged stone mask portraying a masculine face with fangs poking out of a slight smile and sunken sneering eyeholes, excavated from Aztec ruins in the middle of the 19th century. Kept by Irene as a memento, it possesses the power to transform the wearer into a vampire, and she used it on herself decades ago before breaking it to ensure no one else would be able to exploit it.

Satiporoja Scarf: A scarf woven from the stomachs of 30.000 beetles of a particular species native to Southeast Asia, making up a near-perfect Ripple energy conductor. In addition to its many uses for a practitioner, the material is supersensitive to motion and can act as a life detector.


Irene Maiden was born in the peak of the Victorian Era of Britain, born to a small but wealthy family who had their fortune localized in the Bristol area. Irene spent her early childhood in those parts, attended to by a busy mother in the wake of her traveling father and waiting for him to return by sea. With the flowering of their legacy, they eventually moved to the greater London area. Her father was a member of the Argonaut's Club, a society of explorers, adventurers and extraordinary scholars which rebuffed discrimination in its recruitment. More taken with boyish dalliances than ladylike pursuits and enraptured by the tales of his fellows, she became involved in their meetings, and later joined their membership.

It was at this time that she joined her father in hobbies and occupation and he began to teach her the ways of the esoteric technique he had learned during his time in distant Tibet. She would not have need of it until years later, when a murder in Paris accompanied by the theft of a relic set them both and others in hot pursuit of the culprit through Europe and Asia. It was during this journey that Irene faced her first zombie and her mentor saw himself forced to pass on the secrets of the Ripple.

At a high cost, they put an end to the threat which had appeared in front them this time, but it was not the last they would see of the problems created by the stolen Stone Mask. Irene continued to learn the Ripple from her father as they tracked down artifacts in Casablanca before the remnants of an eerie cult; the tribulation that ensued led them through Africa in competition with French agents pursuing a track of clues left by Napoleon himself. It was at the end of this adventure that they learned the stone mask had resurfaced in France.

Irene's father would lose his life in their endeavor to neutralize the artifact once and for all, with his daughter vowing to carry on his ideals. Knowing the mask was not a unique piece, rather than destroy it they decided to take it in for study at the Argonaut's Club to develop countermeasures against the undead spawns of this ancient artifice, but at the dawn of the 20th century the society diminished and by the end of World War I, it had dissolved entirely. In the following years the Maiden family moved to the United States where they invested in the industry, and after putting her accounts in order Irene left for over a decade to study with the Tibetan Ripple masters.
Upon returning, she continued her adventurous activities and participated in archeological expeditions to Mexico, where the stone mask was supposed to have originated, competing with groups such as the Speedwagon Foundation. It was in these times, when she looked for those who would inherit her mastery of the Ripple and use it for good, knowing wicked beings and goals might prey on people even after her death, that she began to hatch a plan.

When Irene had established a succession of Ripple users to pick up her torch and carry the art through, she committed the act of sacrifice she never thought she would: she gave her humanity to the Stone Mask, becoming an immortal vampire who had no need to fear time or natural death, and used this power to sustain her own resources and finance her goals.

By 1988 she was in the trail of a set of ancient arrowheads stolen from an archeological expedition, when a strange encounter sent her through time and space into the Nexus.


Sunlight: Vampires are extremely vulnerable to sunlight. Being directly exposed to the sun will turn them to ash in an instant and vanquish them forever.

Hunger: Vampires must consume the blood of living creatures to sustain themselves. Their stolen life force is what fuels their long-term regeneration and monstrous powers, and in the event that they suffer extensive damage or are deeply weakened for some other reason, they may need to consume many people's worth of life to recover completely.

Brain: The brain is the one vital part of a vampire's body. They cannot heal damage to the brain as easily, and destroying or sufficiently damaging it will result in their effectively irrevocable death.

Likes: Traveling, cleanliness, tea, white wine, beating up crooks, chit chat,
Dislikes: Undead, immortals, waiting times, timidity, relic thieves
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 07:41:17 AM by Sinib »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts