Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm Character Sheets POST SHEETS HERE  (Read 49539 times)


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Name: Stella Stormsworn


Age: 22

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 68 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human, Fantastic with Holy magic
Agility: Exceptional, Legendary with Holy Magic
Constitution: Exceptional, Fantastic with Holy Magic

Magic: Medium
Stella possess only the minimal amount of talent required to pass the Imperial Sacred Knight exam, and even then her reserves are pitiful making her a bit of a laughing stock to her family’s shame. However while her overall reserves are low, her efficiency is without a doubt top class or even beyond it, when tested in the basic her mana use was the lowest recorded in over a century. Having reserves so low also means they refill pretty fast though so that’s a positive at least.

Estelize Style Holy Magic: A form of internalized body enhancement granted by the Divines, blessed be their name. Although calling it mere body enhancement would be selling it a bit short. Stella’s insane efficiency in this made her develop a new style of using this that relies on achieving unprecedented speed.

While it’s true the natural enhancement of the Sacred Knight’s physique to sublime levels is one of the uses of this field of magic it’s not the main one. The main use would be the materialization of the wielder’s soul, their innermost wishes and desires in the form of a weapon.

This weapon is commonly known as the Holy Blade. Despite its name it doesn’t always take the form of a sword but in Stella’s case it did, a shining golden broadsword to be more precise. Each Knight’s blade act as an unwavering symbol of peace, impossible to shatter. As they embody the wishes of the wielder they also protect the wielder, making them impossible to overpower in a clash of blades. No matter how much greater your strength may be it can never match the power behind their oaths.

Seeing as the Holy Blade’s are born from the blessings of the Divines and unwavering faith in them, all that can be considered an unholy creature will see their powers weakened if struck, even being in its presence can cause them to feel nausea.

Other Abilities:

Way of the Blade: Stella has superb skill in the handling of her weapon as she has spent many years honing it, both in the academy and after. She graduated among the top of her class and has only been practicing it since, both in and out of actual combat. She’s also passable in hand to hand combat as that was required for all students to learn.

Equipment:: Nothing of note beside her clothes, they are of exquisite quality, signifying her high social standing.

Origin: A bright young Sacred Knight hailing from House Stormsworn. The heir apparent to their middling barony in the war torn eastern reaches of the Estelize Empire. The land has not yet recovered from the last war a little over a decade ago with the lizardmen tribes of the east. It was a terrible time for all of the Empire, but especially for the eastern reaches. The devastation left in its wake is what convinced her to join the academy when she was 13. She couldn’t stand to see the people suffer anymore but knew she wasn’t powerful enough to save them. Her parents on the other hand disagreed with her concerns, saying it was improper for a girl to join the Sacred Knight Academy. However they couldn’t officially forbid her as the house would have lost face by not sending their heir to the most prestigious school in the Empire when she was so eager to join.

Unfortunately she initially appeared to be of meager talent, for the daughter of a baron to perform as badly as she did was most disgraceful and she was almost disinherited because of it. She managed to overcome this initial disadvantage with the discovery of her talent before that horrible thing came to pass but it left her with her drive to always strive to be better than she currently is.

Eventually she graduated and found out that even with her new powers she couldn’t do anything to help as the system itself was the root of many of them. Many of the nobles were corrupt and exploited those of the lower classes. They let their greed and ambition rule them creating the sparks for a new war, over and over it continued endlessly. Until one day on a battlefield she got caught between several spells and the resulting clash sent her tumbling into an unfamiliar world.


Small reserves: Her reserves are unusually small for someone of her lineage and she can as a result only fight for about 2 minutes at a time before her reserves run dry. When that happens her combat ability gets drastically reduced and all her stats gets reduced to Exceptional.

Interferences: Estelize Style Holy Magic is a fragile system that requires a sorts of harmony within the user's body, any outside interferences to the flow of energy can cause negative backlash to her which can potentially prove to be fatal.

Likes: People who fight for an honourable cause. Delivering justice to all those who deserve it. Helping those in need.     

Dislikes: Being called weak. Seeing people flaunt magic wildly. Spoiled brats, especially if they’re really rich. Those who spread the words of false Gods.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 10:11:07 PM by Bern »


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Name: Lily Hawthorne

Race: Nakama

Age: 21

Height: 1.98m (6'6")

Weight: 68kg


Her hair turns dark grey and her eyes turn very light grey when she is transformed.

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Incredible (Exceptional While Transformed)

Agility: Incredible (Exceptional While Transformed)

Constitution: Heroic (Amazing While Transformed)

Magic: Very High. Lily practices unique Nakama magic called Charms which rely on a mix of magic and a Nakama's semi-magical physiology, powered by Flare, a fundamentally different form of Mana generated by a Nakama's emotions.


Unweaving: Unweaving allows a Nakama to prematurely end magical effects not belonging to themselves. This works as a universal counterspell in combat and given a few minutes a Nakama can dismantle a magical effect that has already taken place. Their magic rank must be higher than the creator's for this to work.

Refutation in Arms: This Charm allows a Nakama to understand a person's fighting habits as combat progresses, bordering on precognition with time. 30 seconds of exchanging blows with a single opponent increases Lily's reactions against that opponent's attacks by one Rank and allows Lily's attacks to treat that opponent's reactions as if they were one rank lower by predicting their movements. This effect lasts for an hour, and stacks with itself.

Passion's Light: A Nakama with this Charm can, at any time, fill their eyes with Flare and gain the ability to see emotions. This can be turned on and off like a switch by blinking, but slowly drains Flare while activated.

Hawthorne Portage: The specialty of the Hawthorne Bloodline, Portal Magic. While the Hawthornes aren't paragons of magical excellency among the Nakama families, countless generations of Hawthornes have gone into perfecting the technique of connecting points in space with Flare. Lily would not be a magic-using Hawthorne if she could not consistently utilize Hawthorne Portage with razor-sharp precision.

Lily can create two linked, elliptical portals roughly 2m tall and 1m wide in any two points within her normal range of magic at a moment's notice. These portals do not consume Flare to maintain, but Lily must occupy a large portion of her Flare cycling through her body in the correct patterns to keep the portals open. Therefore, while Lily has portals open, any other Flare-consuming Charms treat her magic as High instead of Very High and time spent exchanging blows for the purpose of Refutation in Arms is saved up and then "cashed in" all at once when the portals are closed.

Lily can also craft magical Runes that act as waypoints for her portals. Lily can maintain a number of Runes as her magic rank allows in Targets, and whenever she creates a pair of portals she can have one end appear within an arm's length of any one of her Runes. This works even if the Runes are outside of her normal range, but exceeding her range in this way causes the Flare being used to keep the portals open to be consumed. At her best she can maintain one continuously for about 15 seconds before she doesn't have enough Flare left to open portals at all for a while.

Other Abilities:

Charms listed in this category are ones that do not require Flare to maintain and therefore are not quite magical in nature.

Magical Eyes: Lily can hear, see, and smell magic. She can tell the difference between different kinds of magic, allowing her to recognize any particular type that she is familiar with. This also applies to the movement and use of magic, and each particular effect using a certain kind of magic has its own sensory signature that can be recognized. This pierces magical concealment created by users of a lower magic rank than her own, and also allows her to see normally invisible beings such as Spirits, Ghosts, etc. if she so chooses.

Speaking Eyes: A Nakama with this Charm does not need words to communicate; they can get ideas across with a sideways glance or a turn of the head as clearly as if they were conversing in their native tongue, and the Nakama can choose exactly which people in the room can understand it. A Nakama need not share a language with others to communicate like this. This also can enhance Lily's ability to express pure emotions and intent, and the unfiltered transmission of pure meaning that this ability creates is never overtly supernatural and people on the receiving end of this power often believe that they read her body language without any help. Even people who are aware of this can't quite always tell whether a Nakama is using it or not.

Valiant Mind: A Nakama with this Charm gains magic resistance equal to their untransformed magic Rank against mind control spells and emotionally manipulative spells.

Magic Physiology: With practice, a Nakama's magical production circuits can adapt to the things they come in contact with instinctively. Lily is completely immune to mundane instances of extreme elements. This does not resist physical impact, but anything else goes. Lungs will create air to resist suffocation. Blood cells will seize control of water to prevent drowning. Heat and cold will barely touch a Nakama's body temperature. Lightning is channeled harmlessly over the surface of the skin. This also provides a Medium Rank magic resistance against Elemental spells. Due to the instinctive nature of this power, it is not nearly as potent in resisting magic when compared to active abilities like Unweaving.

Nakama Transformation: All Nakama possess the ability to transform. By default, a Nakama's magic rank is unaffected and their attributes are high, like normal. However, a Nakama can suppress their magic for a time, reducing their magic Rank to None and preventing the Nakama from using any Charm that requires Flare. However, in this state a Nakama's appearance deviates slightly from normal, and it is truly impossible for anyone to tell a Nakama's actual magical nature using magical detection powers. A Nakama's physical Attributes also decrease due to the flow of Flare being cut off.

Accelerated Potential: A Nakama's Flare is as much a part of their bodies as the arms and legs they were born with, and it breaks several limits of human capacity because of this. This includes both physical and mental pursuits, as learning comes very easy to them and physical training is unnaturally fruitful. When it comes to learning, this is mostly a mindset alteration, as Nakama are nearly incapable of not being invested in learning when the opportunity arises, and distractions, hunger, and lack of sleep have a far less negative impact on their ability to absorb information (or inhale in some cases, even the Nakama have prodigies, though Lily is not among them). As for physical pursuits, a Nakama's muscles do not atrophy unless strenuous circumstances are actively degrading them such as starvation or a disease, and pure training is often more fruitful simply due to the fact that the limit of a Nakama's physical prowess is so much further away than a human's.

Equipment: Lily has acquired enough of a job to get by, but no one thing in particular.

Origin: Back when the Nakama were united as one, they named themselves as such as a show of solidarity and unity. Of course, the Nakama eventually split apart and went their separate ways, acting more like Royal families than a unified city-state. They don't exactly have a reputation for peace or progressiveness anymore, but they stubbornly cling to the legacy of their name just as much as most of them cling to their pride. Lily was born as a Nakama, but she started studying Nakama magic late in her life because her particular Nakama Bloodline was not as obsessed with carrying a legacy as most were, instead leaving her time to discover her passion. She had nearly finished her education when an extraordinarily amateur experiment changed a first-year student and tore a bit of a hole in reality. The student disappeared and while doing some unofficial "investigation" Lily was sucked into a portal to the Nexus that appeared in the same spot as the incident.

Weaknesses: Lily is very reliant on Refutation in Arms in combat and the start-up time has gotten her into trouble when facing Elder Nakama and other opponents in the past.

Likes: Nature, Cities, Soft Rain

Dislikes: Assholes, Needlessly Complex things, people being unable to follow their passions, people making fun of the name "Nakama."
« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 01:50:36 AM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Name: Bennett

Race: Mutant

Age: 15

Height: 5’7

Weight: Proportional to his height


Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

High speed sub-atomic regeneration: Allegedly, Bennett would have once eaten a soap bar that granted its user eternal youth. That probably explains his high speed regeneration on a sub-atomic level and survival despite his very odd diet choices. You could grind him to a pulp, burn him, shoot him, slice and dice him, melt him down with acid (please don't that seriously hurts and is pretty messed up), and while it hurts alright he'd recover before you could clap your hands from a single cell over and over. However, even if he's practically immortal and all damage and physical trauma can be reversed, mental scarring and phantom pain don't just regenerate away. Then again, with his high pain endurance he should be fine.

Enhanced durability: Bennett died and regenerated so many times his bones and muscles got used to the trauma and toughened up.

Trained garbage disposer: It's... in the title. Its about it. Yeah. Oh that also seems to include firearm training and hand to hand combat, but he fell asleep during the lessons and slacked off during training. Who needs knowledge when you have napalm fire!

Knowledgeable chemist: He's knowledgeable enough to work on the field with trained chemists as an assistant and has followed the directives of one of the world's most brilliant minds for some time. So yeah, he knows his science!

Poisonous: Hey, let's eat the mutated undying freak with tons of eyes. That's sure to not backfire horribly! Seriously though don't. I can't stress this enough, do not ingest Bennett. Or if you do, call an ambulance Asap because oh god you're going to need one.

Equipment: His hazmat suit and an incinerator.

Origin: Bennett claims he was a soap company tester for some time until the company closed down due to malpractice and human rights violations. He doesn't remember the rest very well though. Something about landing headfirst on the Nexus must've scrambled his brains real good.

Weakness: Look at that agility. Now look at me.

Likes: Video games, soap, trash talking people, sports, watching tv, explosions, his hazmat suit.

Dislikes: Not having soap, vegetables, being poked in the eye, not getting to blow things up, having to write stuff, reading.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 04:07:40 PM by francobull3 »


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Name: Charlotte Taylor

Race: Human

Age: Too damn old. Several thousand years before the Great War, a few thousand more since then.

Height: 5’9

Weight: “Well, the gun on you comes in at around seven kilos.”


Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic: None, but she is quite adept at sensing it.

Other Abilities:

The Gunslinger: While Charlotte reached the first peak of her technique fairly early on in her life, she has spent long years honing it since then. She had long since found herself unsurpassed in her use of firearms, but she kept going, still looking for something. In the course of her search, she has surpassed the limits of human abilities, crossed that line through sheer will, and burned it into her body, making it instinctual.

With this skill, she has perfect aim, even when unable to make full use of her senses. She can effortlessly make similarly accurate shots at targets miles off, even with just her revolvers. Other things her skill allows include nigh-instantaneous reloads with most kinds of firearms, barring those with loading mechanisms at or above the complexity of machinegun, firing faster than the guns she uses would normally allow, bouncing shots off almost any surface with perfect accuracy to her target and no loss in speed or striking power, even bouncing her bullets off each other or other projectiles to complicate matters further. If she feels like it, she can instead deflect the projectiles of others with her bullets, and it hardly needs to be said that trying to use a gun against her is a terrible idea.

Her first notable technique, however, was arguably the most important in her early life, that technique being an impossibly fast quick-draw technique, Charlotte being able to have her revolver out and emptied before most people at her level of raw aptitude could even get a solid grip on theirs.

Sleight of Hand: Charlotte's most valued trick is a simple one, sleight of hand refined to the point that she managed to make good use of it against the devil himself.

Knowledge of the Ages: Charlotte, having lived through eons and taken an active part in most of them, has picked up all sorts of everyday skills and knowledge over that time.

Immortal: Charlotte took immortality for herself in a game of chance. As such, neither the ravages of time nor the strongest of poisons or ailments, mundane or otherwise, as she found out the somewhat painful way after her first few forays into the radioactive wastelands. Additionally, when not in a fight, she has what might as well be real immortality. No matter the abuse heaped upon her, any wounds present then will rapidly heal, her body reverting to its uninjured state. In practice, she can only die at the hand of another, and in a fight at that, which she’s fine with, having no plans of taking her own life to begin with.

Enhanced Senses: Through her training and long periods spent surviving the wastes and wilds by herself, Charlotte has honed her senses, both of the mundane and the supernatural, to an edge that might be considered impossible by today’s standards. She can track someone by the residual trace of their power just as easily as she could by physical traces of their presence even when most others might say there’s neither. She can pick out details from miles off in the middle of a moonless night, smell and taste the slightest differences that could indicate the presence of normally untraceable drugs or poisons, pick out any conversation she wants to listen in on within a city block despite the urban noise, and feel the slightest differences in pressure or temperature within a relatively close area of her. With that honing also came the ability to dial back and forth how much sensation she takes in, to keep from being overwhelmed by sensory input.

Mental Fortitude: Charlotte has seen some shit. She’s lived countless years, watched civilizations rise and fall, watched humanity bomb itself back to the stone age and slowly rebuild from the ashes, and through it all, she has remained intact. Whether from some innate magical resistance or from sheer grit and willpower, the gunslinger’s mind and soul are completely and utterly inviolable. Trying to probe her mind, assail it, or to hinder or control her through non-physical means is comparable to trying to walk into a room that’s already been filled with concrete, only there’s more concrete pouring out now that you opened the door, it’s forming into a giant blob monster, and now you’ve got the beastie from Creature from the Concrete Lagoon on your ass. Nice job, dumbass.

Ammo Creation: Through means that gunslinger herself hasn’t really had any luck figuring out, Charlotte can create ammo from thin air, even give the bullets properties they wouldn’t normally have such as increased speed or striking power. Even with her revolvers, her bullets can strike at Fantastic speeds and up to Fantastic Strength with little difference in the volume of fire she can put out.

Aside from that, more esoteric forms of ammunition are also available to her, including incendiary rounds that can range from coating a small room in flammable material that would be immediately concerning to people of Incredible constitution, cryonic rounds that can freeze a person solid enough that one would need Incredible strength to easily break free, shock rounds that can drop a rhino, toxin rounds that can drop a rhino, explosives clocking in at Fantastic strength that can generally demolish a room, recoil-blast shells packed with enough power flying any given direction at Incredible speeds. Unless the special trait modifies it, these rounds are as powerful as modern military firearms.


Willy Pete and Lenny Nickels: A pair of sizable revolvers, enchanted to prevent damage and general wear and tear.

Harbinger: A divine lune-silver blade reforged into a large revolver. Though the effects of the reforging on the color of the metal weren’t quite as expected, the greater surprise was that the gun kept its property of the death of mystery. As a result, bullets fired from Harbinger will nullify most kinds of supernatural powers and their manifestations up to High level with a single shot, requiring multiple for stronger phenomena, but not supernatural entities.

Being lune-silver, the gun shifts and transforms to accommodate any kind of ammo it’s loaded with and is both extremely tough, even against other mystical weapons, and incapable of suffering permanent damage. Additionally, the gun is unable to leave her hand for more than an instant unless she wishes it. However, the properties of the weapon also interfere with her power, so she can’t use her ammo creation with Harbinger.

Charlotte exploits the properties of the metal by loading it almost exclusively with a kind of round she had made specifically to take advantage of its properties, namely a .950 cal round with twice the normal powder load, resulting in the round coming out at Heroic speeds and striking at Heroic levels of force. Currently, Charlotte only has a few dozen of these rounds.

And, of course, a good old Bowie knife, enchanted to be resistant to damage and never lose its edge.

Motorcycle: A finely tuned piece of machinery, delivering her from point A to point B in style, even if it's slower than her.

Origin: This story is true. It begins in a place of dust and wind, wooden shacks, hardy people, and the harsh sun beating down on them all. It begins in a lawless frontier, the order kept by those who were elected to enforce it. It begins with a girl who wanted to be a gunslinger, first for revenge, and then because she enjoyed the life. A girl who honed her skills endlessly and tested against anyone whose death or capture could put food on her table and a roof over her head. One day a man with fancy metal arrived, and she made a gun from his blade. One day, the devil came looking for her and she made a bet. A game of poker. Her soul was her wager, immortality was his, and the game was on. They went on through the night and the next day for what seemed to be an eternity, before a clever bait and switch turned Kansas City Shuffle managed to win her the game.

At first, the gunslinger enjoyed her newfound immortality, reveling in the fact that she no longer needed to fear old age and infirmity. Then everyone she knew and cared about started dropping dead, time continuing its steady march for the rest of them while it left her alone. Her revenge had long since lost meaning, so she wandered the land, honing and testing just as she always had. Her path was marked through eons, through the civilizations that rose and fell, and when humanity finally blew itself back to a wannabe stone age, her path was one of the few things that remained of the old world, one that continued as a new one was rebuilt from the ashes. Her steps finally stopped short when she found them taking her through a strange new city under an unfamiliar sky, figuring that there might be something interesting in this new place, something she was sorely looking for.

Weakness: Charlotte lacks subtlety, in a sense. This doesn’t mean that she’ll go out of her way to announce her presence or not take a shot against an unaware target, but generally speaking, her idea of stealth can be boiled down to ‘Nobody can notice you, if there’s nobody to notice you.’ In short, if she’s coming for you and isn’t trying to snipe you from miles off, you’ll probably notice.

Furthermore, Charlotte is no exception to the properties of Harbinger, and as such has to carry around actual ammunition for it, which limits her usage of the gun to however much ammo she’s carrying, especially since she has particular kinds of rounds she likes to use with it in such situations that she’d actually need it.

Likes: Strong black coffee, hard booze, cute girls, tall guys, strong people, physically or otherwise, people with potential, poker, blackjack, player pianos, comfortable chairs, shiny things

Dislikes: Dubstep, people messing with her hair, shitty steakhouses, the booze being gone
« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 09:30:35 PM by Panda »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Name: Gwendolyn Andromeda

Race: Starblooded

Age: 17 (Technically 51 by earth units, but Starblooded take three times longer to age than humans and as such she might as well be 17).

Height: 168cm

Weight: 52kg


Spoiler for Hiden:
(Ignore the lightsaber)
Wings: The feathers on her wings are largely black, but the feathers on the lower half of the underside of her wings are gold (metallic sheen and all). Her full wingspan is roughly twice her height.

Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human

Agility: Exceptional (Amazing while flying)

Constitution: Exceptional

Magic: High. Gwendolyn cannot use her own supply of magical energy outside of rituals. When not in a ritual, this is instead the maximum power she can produce using magical tools where the magical energy is supplied by something else or stored from an earlier ritual. However, if Gwendolyn has the time to access the proper resources, make any necessary preparations, and actually perform a ritual, she can produce any magical effect within the limits of her Magic Rank.

Gwendolyn's rituals are focused around symbolism, effort, and infusion of her own power. The closer the symbolism and the more effort put in, the more powerful the effect can be. When Gwendolyn is preparing a ritual that will infuse an object with power and turn it into a magical tool, many factors contribute to it. Simply setting a jar down outside on a tree stump would only require magical infusion every week or so, but it would take months to make even a basic Life-attuned magical battery in this way. Carefully arranged ritual spaces, rare materials, proper symbolism, increased frequency of maintenance, and simply effort in the form of research on the magical effect to be produced and acquisition of materials will all enhance the end result of the ritual and/or expedite the process. Concentrating Amber in the ritual space will produce a better lightning-based effect than any conductive metal. Sapphire will go a long way further than plain water for water-based effects. Rings, rods, and crowns all lend themselves best to specific types of effects when used as the vessel for a magical tool. At most Gwendolyn can create a Very Low level effect magical tool within a few hours or her peak power capacity of High in two months. Magical energy gathered from other people also acts as an excellent catalyst for such rituals, and the more powerful the original caster, the less of their energy has to be used to achieve the same effect. This still leaves the same time limits, but this cuts down on preparation as Divine-level Mana could make any effect in the same time as normal with just barely enough symbolism to direct the result of the ritual.

Of course, Gwendolyn is not limited to magical tools, and directly casting the spell with the ritual area will severely cut down on ritual time and raw materials. A High level effect might take a day or two to set up, and a Very Low level effect might take 15 minutes of setup and ritual time combined.

The following abilities are magical in nature but (usually) do not require magical energy for Gwendolyn to use.

Witches' Intuition: Gwendolyn can always tell if someone is about to attack, whether or not she was aware of a person's presence. Whenever this ability makes the difference between life and death, she loses a large chunk of whatever supply of magical energy is at her disposal as payment for the protection. She can also comprehend any magical language fluently, but she cannot speak them without training, and reading and writing are beyond this ability. However, this has not stopped her from studying a wide variety of such languages in her time as a Witch.

Blessing of the Enigma: Gwendolyn carries with her the blessing of Autumn, Patron of Magic, Knowledge, and the Occult. Whenever someone uses a magical effect against her, something about the effect will go wrong that is within the limits of the user's ability to fix, in the form of a "riddle." Until they figure out what is going wrong and start to account for it, the riddle (a.k.a. the thing that's wrong with the spell) prevents the caster from affecting Gwendolyn with that particular ability. Each ability has its own riddle, and solving the riddle allows a full cycle of the moon of unhindered use of that ability until the riddle changes. For example, a basic fireball affected by this ability could be forced to contain enough cold in it as well to make the spell harmless. Until the caster realizes they were unintentionally adding cold to their fireball and takes a few moments to concentrate on not making that mistake, any further fireballs aimed at Gwendolyn would be perfectly harmless.

Rhythm of a Thousand Falling Leaves: By humming a simple melody, Gwendolyn allows anyone who can hear her to slip into a sort of meditative trance. People suddenly focus on the task at hand, and are unlikely to break out of that focus unless they have pressing matters to address other than what they were doing when the melody started. In combat, exchanging blows turns from chaos and adrenaline to a rhythmic dance of skill and strategy, where the amateur fall like dominos and true combat prowess shines bright. People's actions fall into rhythms and people can consider themselves evenly matched in offensive/defensive ability against other affected characters of an Agility rank higher than them, and can keep up with people two ranks higher before being overwhelmed.

A side effect of this ability is that Gwendolyn can coerce people into unintentionally repeating the same set of actions by repeating verses of the melody and throw off literally everyone involved by suddenly changing the beat. It's not a perfect distraction, but it will stand in for a trained feint in a cinch. This ability is not compatible with Voice of the Sea.

Other Abilities:

Voice of the Sea: Gwendolyn can make it so that her voice projects or does not project in any directions she desires, and have it carry as far as a mile away if she desires. This far surpasses the abilities of any mundane ventriloquist and more, but the volume of her voice cannot sound louder than it would if she were talking normally from right next to them in a quiet room when using this ability. However, it can sound like it's coming from any distance, and sounds that are just as loud but coming from further away often give the impression that it's louder at the origin. She also has one hell of a singing voice.

Mantle of the Bewitched: Gwendolyn can dissolve into a cloud of smoke at will, including any small objects she is touching. She can remain in this state for as long as she wishes and move at her walking speed, but she still requires basic necessities such as food, water, and sleep, only the latter of which can be achieved without reverting to normal. She can also merge with shadows, hiding in people's shadows or traveling unhindered at night. While merged with shadows she may travel at speeds one rank higher than normal for her Agility, if the shadows cross with others.

Dowry of the Stars' Beloved Heir: As a Starblooded, Gwendolyn carries a sort of begrudging respect from that which is not human. If something is not human, it instinctively assumes Gwendolyn is neither predator nor prey to them. Unless she purposefully does something to change their impression of her, they will sense no hostility nor feel any desire to harm her. No matter how paranoid the individual is, or how little motivation they normally need to attack, they simply leave her alone if she does not actively interfere.

This effect also applies to a limited extent to any humans capable of magic, and works better the stronger the human's magic, but even a human with Divine magic is not as swayed by this effect as much as a demon or fairy.

Mark of the Night Sky: Gwendolyn possesses wings that allow her to fly faster than she can move on foot. When she does not wish for them to be manifested, she can fold them behind her back and they will fuse with the rest of her body to a certain extent, becoming more like feathery patches covering the length of her back in the shape of two wings. Her wings can spring out of this state to their full wingspan at a moment's notice, and her clothing has been appropriately modified to accommodate for her wings.
Gwendolyn's wings can also be made to carry her at higher speeds through specialized magic infusions and enchantments due to their special nature, but she is not yet aware of this and only knows that physical training has produced similar results over much longer periods of time.

Equipment: Gwendolyn is currently in possession of her trusty wand, which cuts down significantly on ritual time by acting as a conduit for her magical energy. Prep time for the ritual is unaffected, of course. She also possesses a collapsible wooden T-shape, because she refused to be so cliché as to use an actual broom. The wooden device is enchanted to move at up to Fantastic speeds, though maneuverability beyond that of an average motorcycle is beyond its capabilities.

Origin: Gwendolyn Andromeda was the second child of a Startouched and a Starblooded. Startouched, unlike Starblooded, can manifest randomly at birth from parents not graced by the Stars' lineage. Startouched are rare and Starblooded even rarer by extension, so Gwendolyn's parents were a very special case. However, only herself and her older brother were born Starblooded; her younger sister was only Startouched. Gwendolyn showed a measure of natural talent in magic, though she wasn't quite a prodigy. She still focused her studies on magic because of this, and she demonstrated respectable skill with time. After 17 years, or 51 years in Earth units, she had acquired a vast knowledge of magic and gathered various extra perks and blessings from practice and the occasional powerful magical entity in her travels. However, things have been quite different since she landed in the Nexus.

Weaknesses: She is quite inexperienced in actual combat and made the probably unwise decision of not infusing her wand with the capability to produce basic magical projectiles.

Likes: Magic things she hasn't seen before, singing, riddles.

Dislikes: Stupid people, recklessness, mindless entertainment.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 07:15:15 PM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Name: Olga Marie Animusphere

Nicknames: Olga, Marie, Maria

Race: Servant/Human Hybrid

Age: 17

Height: 182cm

Weight: 70 kg


Her bodysuit is blue, not purple, and she doesn't wear a bridal gown.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Fantastic

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Fantastic

Magic: Extremely High

Olga is a prodigious mage from the extremely venerable Animusphere Family, one of the twelve great noble families of the Clock Tower. She would be an extremely powerful mage just from the magics stored in her crest, but also possesses top tier magic circuits in abundance, and an affinity with all five noble elements: fire, water, earth, air, and void, which allows her to use nearly any spell she desires with full effectiveness. All of these factors combined makes her a truly powerful mage only limited by her relative inexperience.

A magic crest is a tool mages from her world use to pass all of their knowledge and research on to their descendants by implanting a magic spell into their heir’s body. Each successive generation builds on the crest, expanding it slowly over countless generations. As a result, age is everything: not the age of the mage in question, but the age of their family. Olga Marie can trace her family tree all the way back to the 14th century, twenty generations ago, making her family one of the most powerful and influential noble families in the world of magic.

The Animusphere crest contains untold amounts of knowledge stored within it, and covers her entire body. While normally invisible, when she casts a spell using the crest, an incredible intricate and complex magical pattern lights up in neon green. Inside of it lies a wide variety of spells for a plethora of different uses. There are many combat spells, allowing her to cast many high level spells without an incantation, barriers, runes, charms, potions, how to make magical objects, and so on. Her father specialized in astronomy, and added many spells related to that topic, such as scrying, farsight, and some summoning rituals.

Olga herself is more interested in runic magic and modification of her body with magic. She has modified the magic circuits in her eyes to allow her to bind people at a glance. Unless her target has the ability to flush her mana out of them somehow or resist her outright, they would be unable to get out of her spell. She has also made some more frivolous modifications to herself as well, and may make more in the future.

Due to her fusion with heroic spirit Cu Chulainn, Marie’s talent with rune magic has skyrocketed beyond what would be normally unattainable to a modern Magus such as herself. She did not so much learn the knowledge as much as it was implanted inside her. She has the ability to peruse any of the 18 original runes Cu could, such as Ansuz, which she can use to set a fire that is able to reduce a castle to ruin. Other runes can be used to aid her in searching and farsight, create a barrier on the fly able to shield her from legendary-level attacks, heal herself, and other various effects. With preparation, she could create even greater barriers that could easily withstand a protracted assault from legendary level forces.

She can easily make basic magical items imbued with the power of this or that rune, and makes it a point to always carry around an assortment of spells for rapid use. The stunning spell she imbues the pebbles she carries around can bind amazing easily by creating large magic circles of light around them, and can even restrain people of incredible strength for a few seconds. With a more exhaustive spell, she can even create spells that can immobilize people of heroic strength, although creating such a spell would take her about ten minutes each, making it effectively impossible to use on the fly and only usable to set traps beforehand.

Furthermore, Marie is highly knowledgeable in the creation of bounded fields and is able to create very powerful defenses on the fly, able to easily withstand a legendary level attack if she uses runes to bolster it, or more given more time. She could also add on other effects as well that strengthens her magic, weakens her opponents, hides objects, etcetera.

As a result of being a demiservant, her magic reserves have become absolutely gargantuan.

Magic Resistance
High, although she can strengthen it further to very high given time to reinforce herself with runes.

Other Abilities

Servant/Human Hybrid
A fusion between a servant and a human. The human gains the powers of a heroic spirit and their strengths but their body remains that of a human with all the weaknesses and strengths implied by such. It differs from a pseudoservant in that they are unable to take spirit form and the personality of the master does not fuse with that of the heroic spirit. Mostly.

A measure of how divine an individual is. Cu Chulainn himself was a demigod, and Olga has inheirited his rank in it. Things that are weak against gods are weak against her, and vice versa.

Protection from Arrows
Projectile attacks do not work on her, and are normally unable to hit her. They’ll swerve around her or even stop and fall to the ground. This does not however, protect her from explosions or other area of effect attacks, such as a wave blast.

Battle Continuation
Killing her is hard. Like really hard. Even after sustaining obviously fatal wounds, she would be able to continue fighting for a good while before keeling over and dying. Decapitation would be the only surefire way of putting her down for good instantly. A heart-stab will kill her, but she's able to continue fighting for a little bit before she goes down for good.

Olga has a knack for getting away from a battle she doesn’t really want to fight, even when it would normally be highly difficult or impossible to escape from. One would need to magically trap her or utterly outpace her(2 ranks) in terms of speed to be able to prevent her from disengaging from combat and running away.

Futanari: Yes.

Inherited Skill
Olga instinctually understands how to fight as if she were Cu Chulainn himself. She can pull off masterful feats of arms that she doesn’t understand by virtue of his movements being instinctually ingrained in her body. She is quite possibly the best spear user in the Nexus, and isn’t a joke at hand to hand combat either. She's also more effective against beasts and monsters. She also has all his mundane skills, such as hunting and tracking abilities.


Gae Bolg

A cursed crimson red spear which inflicts wounds that are difficult to heal. Recovering from wounds inflicted by it requires intense effort or an extended period of time.

Olga was born to immense pedigree, and lived up to the lofty expectations her family set for her. She got top grades at the clocktower, and inherited a lordship at an extremely young age. Ignoring the rumors that her father had been possibly assassinated, she did her best to run Chaldea herself with the help of her friend Lev Lyner, but was humiliated by the fact she seemed to be incapable of summoning a servant. She undertook some various operations in an attempt to circumvent this, but they’d all seemed to fail up until the disaster at Chaldea and the events in Fuyuki. She heard a servant offer her a contract in her final moments, and the next thing she knew she’d found herself in the Nexus.

For some reason Olga seems to be terribly unlucky. Sometimes things will fail due to no fault of her own and despite her greatest efforts, and she even thinks the fates might be conspiring against her.

Olga is bound by Cu’s various Geas that he swore to, and suffers great consequences if she violates them. Too bad she doesn’t know any of them. Examples of geas include a ban on eating dog meat and having to eating any food offered to her by a woman.

Olga is vulnerable to anti divine attacks as a result of her divinity. They deal a little bit more damage to her.

Kick her in the balls. Women don't usually have them.

Likes: Being in control, being cool and collected, cute boys and girls, good subordinates

Dislikes: losing control, looking dumb, fools, dog meat(for some reason just the thought of it makes her physically ill), being betrayed

« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 06:46:15 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Name: Airyaman (Aliases: Erya, Copper Tower, Tarnished Magus)
Race: Sorcerer/Otherkind
Age: Some hundreds of years
Height: 2,2 m at his tallest and 1,8 m at the shortest, usually.
Weight: Somewhat heavier than his build in any given form would suggest.

Physical Attributes
Strength: Amazing
Agility: Exceptional
Constitution: Amazing

Magic: Very High
Sorcery is the ability to channel the power of the faeries and spirits to perform miracles, creating, transforming or destroying aspects of the world through intuitive disposition. A sorcerer's power can improvise numberless wonders, but it is not boundless. A caster of Airyaman's overbearing strength can perform lesser magics or momentary conjurations with consumate ease, the equivalent to Very Low and ephemeral Low effects, but proper spells are an art of effort and resonance. To cast them you need to make use of something which invokes the result you desire or the method you employ, and the more complex the effect the greater the focus it demands.

For example, a farsight spell requires a crystal ball or a mirror as a medium of vision, and to create a ward that will forcefully keep hostiles away you must physically mark a boundary first. To command a river's stream you call the spirits of the water with a chant or offering, and to curse someone you need a piece of them and a representation of what you wish done, while imbuing an item with magical protection needs the intent to be carved into it by craftwork or ritual. A glamour needs a strong image to use as a basis, and a travel spell requires a link or a medium to the destination.

The exception to these restrictions is a sorcerer's motif, the personal essence of his magic and inclination as a miracleworker. This is the resonance ingrained into a person's body and soul as a channeler of the power of the other world.

Airyaman's motif is "Tarnish", the idea of corrosion spreading over metal and of staining materials through an adverse reaction. This affinity allows him to subject things to corrosion both physical and spiritual, weaken the surroundings with severe metallic erosion that spreads from his person, and cover things with a greenish patina that acts as a medium to more complicated magic. He may also conjure and manipulate metals that are closely associated with tarnish, creating winding thorns of bronze or copper and raising structures of warped, verdigrised metal, while he can cast sorcerous flames from any of these things.

In his motif, he can easily invoke effects of up to High potency without any kind of ritual or notable casting time. He could wind his hand in a circle and conjure a wide cloud of razor-sharp metallic butterflies that could tear a group of soldiers to pieces, or merely will it to create curtains of emerald or brass vines that pursue a target or wrap around him in defense. More potent or complex sorcery still demands more, however.

Lasting creations of sorcery always require a minimal amount of ritual, and the more powerful the intended result the greater the time they demand; from hours to days of work, or efforts over exponentially longer amounts of time for grander and much more complex phenomena, such as those beyond his standard reach.

The Sight: The talent to see magic and the supernatural for what it is, and to perceive and interact with things that common people cannot recognize. Through this ability he can communicate and barter with the spirits and unseen forces that surround everything in the world and flock around him.

Other Abilities

Foreign Kinship: Airyaman is a being extremely close in nature to a creature of the otherworld, but on two points he differs; unlike those beings he is enfleshed and anchored to the material, and there is no land or group that his magic rightfully belongs to. Spirits and faeries feel a relation to him, but cannot recognize his remote origins.

Tarnished Body: Although it has biological functions close to a human being, Airyaman's body is made of living metals and stranger substances in concert with inhuman flesh. His horns or hair are emerald verdigris, his skull and limbs are alternatively formed by brass or run through with agate, and when revealed his scale-like skin is flecked in oxidized bronze. His blood is a silvery compound that is both acidic and toxic. When wounded, vitriol and cracks run from his injuries, but his unique constitution allows him to ignore degrees of organ damage that would be lethal to a human and walk off torn body parts, except for his brain or head respectively. This also means he'll recover from any injury that doesn't outright kill him over time, including regrowing limbs and organs.

Shapeshifting: When you have a unconventional fantastic body, changing shape isn't the most difficult thing in the world. Airyaman can rearrange the structure of his body in a limited fashion, transforming easily between two humanoid forms, one larger and more blatantly inhuman, bearing an animal-like skull, horns, and dark skin, and a smaller one, with a softer, more human-like seeming and mostly pale skin. Or he can assume a shape like a lion statue of stained bronze, adorned with curling horns and exposed joints like copper wires, where his Strength lowers to Exceptional and his Agility becomes Amazing. Of his humanoid forms, the smaller one is easier to assume when damaged, to conserve mass while healing. His voice tends to retain its unusually soft tone regardless of the form taken.

Enchanted Craftsmanship:
Airyaman is skilled with traditional crafts and has extensive experience making enchanted items. Over the centuries he's learned woodcarving, metalworking, and other techniques. His work is made superbly efficient and dispenses with more complex tools thanks to the aid of sorcery, and he imbues objects with enchantments and magical qualities through the inscription of runes. He is also adept at creating simple medicine and magic potions. Crafting more powerful enchanted items requires exponentially more work, as with sorcery, but also unique and mythically significant materials or potent ingredients.

Wisdom of the Magus:
In the time he's walked the earth Airyaman has learned a great deal of magical and mythical lore; he began from Zoroastrian wisdom, and expanded his knowledge into major traditions from Europe to Asia and even into Mesomamerican practices. He knows a lot about the occult, and he's appropriated practices from many magical traditions to round out his own.

Outer Shintai: If pressed, then Airyaman may unleash the inherent magic that holds his body together, reversing the structure of his alien soul to expose the immense power it possesses. He cracks gruesomely, bursting into a sky-reaching pillar of poisonous brilliance, and becomes an eight-armed brassed monstrosity with a mane of brilliant copper and innards of baleful fire spilling from a hollow ribcage. His possessions and clothes vanish temporarily.

His physical attributes become Fantastic/Amazing/Fantastic, and he loses anything resembling vital spots bar the inside of his skull, while recovering from damage that would deprive him of body mass exponentially faster, such that the common eye can observe the regrowth of limbs and bones. In this state he cannot wield sorcery, but his own magic seeps out uncontrollably, and manifests following his instincts. Fire and effects within his motif can spread continously from Airyaman as spontaneously-occurring phenomena of potency equal to High magic, and he is unfazed in the middle of this chaotic conflagration.

Outer Shintai can be maintained for no more than a hour before he collapses back into himself, making the state unusuable for a day, and he is likely to become afflicted with severe sorcerous strain in the aftermath the longer it lasts.

Familiar: A mythical otherworldly creature connected to Airyaman by a magical bond. Familiars partake of a magic user's power in exchange for their loyalty and own magical ability, allowing the sorcerer to make use of them as resonance for their spells and offload excessive strain from magic. When not physically manifest, Airyaman's familiar hides in his shadow or lingers over his aura. They also share each other's senses.

Nills the rakshasa, a tiger-like Hindu devil with clawed hands, vicious fangs, burning eyes and tussled fur.
Strength: Incredible
Agility: Amazing
Strength: Incredible

Magic: The rakshasa may use illusion magic to appear for all effects and purposes to be as small as a housecat, or as large as an 80 feet giant, though its true form is the size of a grizzly bear. The smaller the appearance the more harmless it seems, appearing nothing more than an ordinary animal at its shortest, while the bigger it is the more monstrous it becomes, its tallest like a terrifying devil titan wrapped in shadows and gleaming with power. This masks weight, volume and all else perfectly, acting nearly like transformation magic, but the rakshasa can only rely on its true attributes regardless of how it looks. This also allows it to create or bar passages in architeture and slightly transform the geography of alleys and streets.

Other Abilities:
The rakshasa has sharpened beast-like senses and can see through less than masterful illusions with ease.


Willow Staff: A staff made from a solid piece of Willow wood ending on an intrincately carved inscrutable canine head. It aids in communicating with the dead or warding them off, and also resonates with magic that treads in-between worlds.

Meteoric Vajra: A three-pronged tip double-sided club forged from meteoric iron. It is a weapon that symbolically resonates with the reinforcement of the mind and spirit, and enhances manifestations of indestructiblity and irresistible force.

Obsidian Knife: A short blade of mirrored obsidian. It is used as a mystical tool in blood sacrifice, and a resonant focus for divination and the casting of omens.

Origin: The sorcerer called by many the Copper Tower doesn't know where he came from. He hazily remembers a world of beauty and pain, and the sight of silver sands giving way to earthern ones amid humid mountains. There is where, a foreigner to himself and the world, he was found and sheltered by a wise one. There he learned truthfulness and will despite his strangeness, and his teacher named him "Airyaman".

He was accepted there, but neither the otherkind nor those who sheltered him believed he belonged, and after a time he left. He ventured North and past the sea with only a cloak upon his back, his teachings in mind, and uneasy questions in his chest.

He traveled through the lands above what would be called the Mediterranean, and the kingdoms to the East, settling for a short time then wandering again. He had other teachers, and sometimes he took on students, passing on what had been given to him. He did good deeds and enjoyed their recompense, but sometimes he eschewed them. At times he was helpful, and at times he was a monster. He looked for others like him, and where he had come from, but no land could recognize him as one of it, and no companionship gave him the answers he sought.

His fame grew as he returned from round the world, yet so does his unease. Ariyaman remembers those who lent him a hand, but still wonders what he must do to find what he truly wants. He isn't sure of what that is, even, but he finds his eyes turned to humans and those close to them. And questions himself.

Gold: He's allergic to the touch of gold, being that it is uncomfortable at best and painful with extended contact, while weapons of it leave sizzling, difficult to heal wounds.

Sets of 23: The number 23 has a certain influence over Airyaman. He cannot physically stand against a person brandishing a completed set of 23 objects, and boundaries or seals of 23 parts or which incorporate the symbolism of the number in a central fashion have the power to bind him until someone releases him.

Sorcerous strain: Channeling ambient power the way sorcerers do always demands compensation. The use of large scale sorcery or repeated channeling of power superior to High magic is most visibly draining to Airyaman. While a normal sorcerer might find their physical condition deteriorating with consequences from a high fever to damaged organs or  collapsing into days long sleep, he finds his body growing unstable and its spiritual balance thrown out of whack. At best, this damages the integrity of his form and warps its features, and at worst it locks his body into non-humanoid anomalous shapes and clouds his mind with alien urges. Control over his own magic is hurt relative to the severity. These effects can last for days if enough stress is accumulated, but might be relieved early by significant spiritual care.

Faerie Mischief: Drawing the attention of faeries and spirits means he's susceptible to suffering from willful acts of magic on their part, which sometimes causes inconveniences like pranks or small but impractical distractions.

Likes: Being called "a fairytale sorcerer", long naps, how easy wind spirits are, chewing on things
Dislikes: Hearing his titles, having his origins questioned, being outside the loop, shoddy craftsmanship
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 04:03:17 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Name: Raharu "Levina" 011

Race: Stage 1 Human Beta-Thoughtform

Age: 20

Height: 1.70m

Weight: 70kg


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Exceptional

Other Abilities:

Thoughtform Physiology: Raharu can gain sustenance from memories instead of food or water, and doesn't need more than two hours of sleep every day. People often say that men and women do not die until they are forgotten, but this is especially true for Thoughforms. They literally gain sustenance from the Thoughtstuff that coagulates around people who remember them, which Thoughtforms commonly refer to as Ambrosia. Anyone who remembers Raharu will start to grow Ambrosia in their mind, which is only detectable by Raharu due to it being formed by memories of her. The more memories they have of Raharu, the more cherished the memories are, and the more recent they are all contribute to their mind's production of Ambrosia. By looking at someone, Raharu can get a rough impression of how much Ambrosia they contain that is compatible with her, and by touching them skin-to-skin she can harvest the Ambrosia and consume it. This is not a flawless process though, and very commonly causes confusion for a few minutes, and memories of Raharu will feel incomplete for a while, as if they happened to someone else or occurred in a dream. These effects worsen the more Ambrosia is harvested at once.

First Class FRANXX Pilot: Raharu is bound to a complex magitech device known as a FRANXX, and in her home world she was unmatched in her skill with Piloting one. In fact, she outperformed other veteran pilots by leagues, stretching the capabilities of her FRANXX to its limit and beyond. She has also acclimated her senses to the speeds she has to handle when using her FRANXX and as such she can treat her reaction speeds as if her base Agility was Fantastic.

When utilizing her FRANXX, Raharu has the skill to use its force exertion to significantly reduce the impact of blows and velocity changes, maneuver flawlessly with the wires and counteract tension and gravity. When confronted with an attack, Raharu can simultaneously roll with a blow, push the blow away, and dodge it in a single movement, allowing her to reliably dodge and deflect things moving at up to Heroic speed, and only encounter significant challenge with Legendary speed.
By spreading the Impulse of blows across as many moments as possible, Raharu can simultaneously push herself backwards and push against the blow with her FRANXX's force exertion to reduce the injury she receives from blows. She also can exert forces within her body to prevent the displacement of organs. By combining these two together, Raharu can survive attacks as if her Constitution was Heroic, but she becomes significantly more affected by knockback. Raharu also uses her force exertion to effectively increase her Agility to Fantastic, and she is an extremely skilled combatant when it comes to utilizing the wires on her FRANXX.

Dreaming Soul: Raharu suffers from the early stages of Thoughtform Corruption due to spending nearly two weeks straight lost in the Dreaming Roads, an unusually long amount of time to go without reaching Stage 2. However, even at Stage 1, Raharu's Soul has been irreversibly marked by the Dreaming Roads. Her FRANXX and her uniform that she held on to during her "trip" in the Dreaming Roads are extensions of herself, and can be repaired or summoned to herself using the power of any memories she has consumed. If her body were ever to die, her soul would linger and slowly and methodically steal enough Ambrosia from people to rebuild her body. If her body is left mostly intact, this process could take two or three days. This becomes a week if any lost limbs need to be replaced and a month if the body as a whole is ruined (such as with cremation). However, Raharu does not get to choose which people get harvested for Ambrosia in order to repair her body, and as such there is a genuine risk of her waking up to a world that doesn't know her face.


FRANXX: A FRANXX converts a person's untapped magical potential into energy and allows the user to utilize the FRANXX's features as if they were part of the pilot's body. A FRANXX is specifically fueled by *untapped* magical potential, so if a FRANXX pilot were ever to learn magic, their FRANXX's power would degrade.

A FRANXX is custom-built to fit its user's form perfectly, and when in use covers their body like a second skin. They are a delicate fusion of magical matrices, synthetic nervous systems, and living magical materials. This allows the suit itself to have its own sentience and intelligence while still being capable of complete synchrony with the pilot. This allows a competent pilot to achieve a level of precision far beyond that of any normal magical or technological device. Most FRANXX are equipped with the ability to generate force in a short field around its surface, and Raharu's FRANXX is no exception. Raharu's field is calibrated to operate at a range of about 10cm away from the FRANXX's surface, balancing a little bit of extra range while still keeping the power contained in a small area for more force. Raharu can use her FRANXX to exert a force of Fantastic Strength on any object within that range, in any direction. This includes normal matter, as well as anything that could be affected by magic, and she can exert the force on herself. However, exerting this force on herself can only influence the motion of her center of gravity if another affect-able non-gaseous substance that is not attached to her is present in the range.

Raharu's FRANXX is custom equipped with two 10 meter long wires of Fantastic durability that can extend and retract from the arms, and the range of the FRANXX's force exertion extends to cover the wires themselves even when they are outside of the normal range.

Origin: Cadet 011, designation Raharu. 011 joined the ranks of the Mabase Military Academy at the age of 13, and was a problem child from the start. However, 011 also turned out to be a prodigy and despite her occasional hijinx and her near-complete lack of discipline, she graduated from the academy with flying colors and enlisted in the Mabase Military Special Forces shortly afterward. From there, 011 was assigned a FRANXX due to the promise she had shown with it during the academy, and she learned fast. Maybe a bit too fast. A squad mate nicknamed her Levina, from her serial number and the pace at which she learned. She took a liking to it and still prefers to go by Levina even though becoming Second-In-Command of the Mabase Special Forces a few years later earned her the right to go by her real name again. In their most recent mission, Raharu and most of her squad were sucked into the Dreaming Roads. Raharu was the only one to come out into the Nexus; the rest are either Thoughtforms or scattered across dimensions by now.

Weakness: In order to keep her FRANXX operating at peak capabilities, Raharu has not learned any magic at all. Also, despite the magical nature of Raharu's FRANXX, it offers no defense against magic without a physical or ephemeral (Ghosts, Spirits, the Astral Plane, etc.) form, even though the magic of the FRANXX itself is too alive to be dispelled.

Likes: Sweets, Very Spicy food, Messing with other people, Rain, Playing guitar

Dislikes: Very Sour things, People forgetting her, Snow, Losing her FRANXX
« Last Edit: February 24, 2018, 01:39:52 AM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Name: Lance Jackson

Race: Human (Holy Magitech Cyborg)

Age: 35

Height: 6’7

Weight: 100 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Heroic

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Heroic


Other Abilities:

Magitech Upgraded Cybernetic Body: Most of Lance’s body was replaced by magitech components in order to fight the front lines during the greatest magic war the world had ever known. His orihalcum skeleton is tough enough to withstand a car crash, small caliber bullets don’t even scratch his skin, he can take a shower in lethal poison, drink a gallon of bleach, generate enough heat to create a nice warm swimming pool to relax with the cuties and toast bread between his thighs.

Modern Strange Cowboy: When fighting a particularly tough battle, and once he suddenly turns the tables, his theme song will kick in. Somehow, it’s an actual function included in his artificial body.

Enhanced senses: All of Lance’s senses are incredible in their own right. He can pick up a whispered conversation in another room while chilling, sense poison particles and feel extremely slight vibrations. All of these base attributes factor into his speed, reflexes and overall ability, and don’t quite stack to make him even more monstrous, but his outright supernatural sight can observe even the tiniest of details, make use of his photographic memory, read projectile trajectories as long as the shooter is visible and observe from kilometers away.

Milkshake Mixer: By ingesting milk, frozen fruit and different condiments like chocolate and the like, he can grind them up and mix them before serving them through his tear ducts, making for delicious and nutritious snacks.

Master Fighter: Lance is a greatly trained swordsman, masterfully skilled in an over the top Iaido style to the point that any cybernetic skill enhancement would have been redundant to begin with. He is also a greatly skilled hand to hand fighter, borrowing heavily from eastern martial arts that were taught to samurai.


Uriel: A holy sword he found in a dump after he woke up from a really bad hangover. He wouldn’t know it is the legendary sword that belonged to a great hero, he just thought it was a cool replacement to the sword he had previously broken. Obviously, its not meant to be used by humans, so he can't use any of its powers and no one but its original owner will, but with his ridiculous strength there are very few things he can’t cut. It had other properties, but only its original wielder could use them. Out of all of its abilities, the one he can use is to cut what can't normally be cut, and slay ghosts and other beings who couldn't be harmed with normal weaponry. It is also so tough it can withstand a nuclear strike, and makes for a great tool to spread jam on toast.

Holy Bible

Near Endless Supply of Roses

Motorbike: It’s actually slower than him, but he’ll be damned if it isn’t a fine piece of machinery. There’s also nothing like riding in the sunset with a cute girl strapping on his back.

Origin: After World War 3, the world was overcome by devastation. Countries were now little more than barren wastelands ruled by petty warlords. There was a former soldier who wanted to make a difference and turned to God when there was nowhere else to turn to. He became a priest and would go around the nation, striking down villains and healing the poor, carving his own justice when there was so little left. He saved so many lives, and became a true hero. But one day, he simply vanished.

Weakness: He has an absolute code of honor that prevents him from pointing his blade against sexy girls wearing less clothes than he does, even if he absolutely has to it would make such battles “the hardest ones he’s ever fought, even harder than the final boss”.

He is also brash and quick to follow his emotions despite his carefree attitude, and is the kind of guy that tries to shoulder everything himself instead of relying on others, which can lead to his downfall. He is also either merciful or cocky to a fault, and cares more about winning cooly than practically. Despite his overkilling style he rarely finishes off his enemies with an all too carefree attitude. But there are things even he can’t forgive. He’s just a priest after all.

Also naked aprons, hand bra jeans, socks and gloves. Actually everything in that category.

Likes: His above weakness, a good fight, his wondrous pecs, his marvelous visage, his luscious biceps, his bodicious body, kicking ass to kickass music,cheesy one liners,  people who believe in the right thing and don’t just follow some dumb code for the heck of it, having fun with hot girls, pulp action movies, japanese swords, eating and partying and having a good time all night every day, money, delivering JUSTICE!

Dislikes: Not getting to kick ass, cops.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 12:32:36 PM by francobull3 »

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Name: Xiu, Madame Gao

Race: Human

Age: 894 if she’s counted correctly

Height: 5’7

Weight: Proportional to her height.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Heroic

Constitution: Heroic

Magic - Extremely High: Xiu can create poisons and elixirs using supernatural materials. The most important example is the Elixir of Immortality, created from the bones of dragons. This grants her true eternal youth and resurrection upon death. However, the effect only lasts once. Although if a corpse is well preserved enough the elixir could also be used to resurrect them as well. Other examples include mixtures that can reduce the physical capabilities of other beings by one rank if injected or ingested, poisons that can seriously damage people of her constitution, and drugs that can force greater physical performance out of others of about one rank at the cost of their mental stability and health. All of these require specialized materials to make unless they are of the lowest level, and Xiu is resistant if not outright immune to nearly all of her deadly creations. Unfortunately, she’s also immune to her own buffing elixirs. As they usually work through the stimulation of internal energies, they are practically useless for Xiu who has mostly peaked.    

Other Abilities:

Sage: To attain mastery over one’s internal energies is what being a sage means in Xiu’s world. At her level of ability her body has attained superhuman levels of physical prowess, and it has allowed her to attain a variety of skills and abilities.

Balance: No matter how small the surface Xiu can perfectly balance herself upon it without disturbing it in the slightest. She could move across a spider’s web without alerting it to her presence, run upon water without making a single ripple, and ascend to the heavens upon drops of rain. Xiu can also walk upon walls or up ceilings, clinging to substances by using her chi to attach herself to them. She could also use this to coat her limbs in poison while avoiding it being absorbed through her skin.

Redirection of Heaven and Earth: The combat style that Xiu has developed over the course of several decades. Highly defensive, all of its techniques are focused on reducing damage and enhancing survivability.

In terms of pure skill, Xiu is capable of holding off several opponents of similar speed at once without getting so much as scratched so long as she focuses solely on defense. However, if she wants to do something other than simply exhaust her enemies to death and actually goes on the offensive her combat capacity does drop off significantly. While she would still hold an advantage it would not be nearly as overwhelming.

When Xiu blocks physical attacks she uses a burst of chi to blunt their force. So long as she is aware of it, she can lower the force of the attack by two ranks in strength. She is also capable of giving her chi a slippery consistency as if she was well oiled, letting her slip out of incredibly tight grabs and slide across surfaces if needed. Furthermore, it is also possible for her to redirect ranged attacks flawlessly. If shot at by a group of soldiers she could send every bullet flying back at them without the slightest loss of momentum. Even if it was something with the size and force of a tank shell or a boulder tossed by an impossibly strong foe, it could be redirected.

Elemental: Dragons express their internal energies through elemental attacks, and while she has never fought a full fledged beast before many of their lesser kin manage similar feats. Using her chi as a medium, she can also exert influence over such powers.

It is possible for Xiu to redirect elemental attacks, sending them flying back with sweeping strikes and gentle caresses. She can also interact with earthly materials as if her strength was two ranks higher, swim through water at full speed and without the fear of drowning, and use a coating of chi to absorb fire and electricity. With those she can retain great heat or powerful charges to use against her enemies as she fights without worry of being harmed by them.

Harmony: By blending her own energies with that of her surroundings and extending it Xiu can expand her own detection radius while hiding herself. While she can still be seen and perceived through mundane methods, attempts to detect her presence through most supernatural means fail. She has perfectly blended her own personal aura with the world around her to the point where wild beasts will usually ignore her. Anything that enters this radius is also instantly detected by her unless they can also suppress their aura, and she can roughly derive their physique from their own chi.

Rejuvenation: An advanced technique developed by Xiu and her allies, it was meant to reverse their aging. She personally developed it to the point where it was viable as a rapid healing technique. In combat she can use aspects of it to dull pain and halt bleeding. However, it is most useful out of combat where she can enter a restorative meditation. She quickly stabilizes no matter how severe her previous condition, and over the course of around ten minutes she will soon be fully restored.

Immortal: Rejuvenation ended up as an imperfect measure; it merely slowed aging. However, by imbibing the dragon elixir Xiu has attained eternal youth and resurrection upon death. If she perishes her chi blazes forward out from her body, her life essence finally making use of the dragon’s own to overcharge itself. In accordance to her defensive principles, it flees in a defensive manner no less skilled than Xiu’s own. In fact, it should be called utterly superior. The supreme essence of her lifetimes of work. Once it has gained sufficient distance from any threats her form will regrow around her chi. Xiu will be exhausted for a time after this, usually requiring rest or the use of her medicines.

Origin: Born to a society of sages, Xiu showed great talent in a variety of defensive styles. However, as she grew older she grouped up with several others in order to avoid their eventual deaths. Experimenting with heretical texts, they devised an elixir base off of ancient dragon bones to grant them immortality. After being exiled for their crimes, the group kept together for quite some time before ultimately separating because of differences in opinion. Xiu opened a dojo and settled down for a while, ever on the lookout for hints of more dragon bones but content to not make too many waves.

Weakness: She lacks many offensive options to capitalize on her defensive form of combat due to her low strength. Xiu also lacks resistance to non elemental magic. Against stronger foes the best she can hope for is stalemating them unless she prefers poisons or weakens them prior.

Likes: Hot springs, training her students, strong alcohol, meditation.

Dislikes: Needing to make more dragon elixir, going on the offensive, heavy rain.


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Name: Alexa Martindale

Race: An Angel with the descent of Bears, a Phoenix, Unicorns, and a Sybil. It gets worse when you take into account the fact that Angels are the fusion of Humans, Dragons, and Fain.

Age: 15

Height: 1.85cm

Weight: Proportional to Height


Physical Attributes:

Strength: Human (Amazing with Bear Sage Ancestry)

Agility: Human (Legendary while flying)

Constitution: Human (Amazing with Bear Sage Ancestry)

Magic: Extremely High; Alexa uses a magical energy called Auma to utilize magical abilities that are not intrinsic Fain processes. Auma is a sort of life energy that possesses different frequencies based on its vessel, and similar life forms often have similarly natured Auma. Someone with the ability to examine her Auma would be able to discover her complex lineage, as well as the distinctly divine undertone of the Human, Dragon, and Fain fusion that makes up Angels. However, it would require an extensive proficiency in Auma use to recognize instances of Alexa's Auma as specifically her Auma without seeing her use it (though her complex lineage might give it away, someone with the same lineage would be too similar for the average onlooker to tell apart).

Bear Sage Ancestry: As a descendant of a Polar Bear Sage, Alexa is entitled to its strength and wisdom. By infusing herself with some of her Auma, she gives herself Amazing Strength and Constitution. She can also see all manners of magical energies, and is immune to cold temperatures. Because her Polar Bear ancestor was a Sage, Alexa is incapable of using her increased strength to injure others.

Sybil's Mark: Alexa can scramble her Auma frequencies, allowing her to disappear from notice. People simply do not realize she is there or what she is doing unless she directly interacts with them (such as with an attack or a spoken word) or if they possess a sensory power that can beat her magic rank. She can also perfectly speak any language she has heard before.

Fain Mind: Alexa can sense the presence of any thinking beings within her Magic range, and read their thoughts and probe their memories if she focuses on them, as well as communicate telepathically. She can also make instantaneous magical attacks against anything that is made almost entirely of thoughts or exists on the Astral Plane, but such attacks consume her Auma. Alexa can also put living things to sleep with this power. She can put up to 6 people to sleep before needing to recover her Auma from rest, and putting them to sleep lasts a few hours. It is a light sleep, and they will wake up in time to react if they are about to be injured. Due to the nature of this ability, Alexa is immune to mind control and emotional manipulation.

Other Abilities:

Phoenix's Heart: Alexa is immune to fire, and if she dies, she can be resurrected by other people a month later if they perform a special ritual that involves fire. By performing the same ritual on herself while she is still alive, she can restore her body to its natural state, recovering lost body parts, recovering from diseases, and healing wounds. The ritual takes about a day to complete.

Unicorn's Blood: Alexa cannot be viewed remotely using any kind of magic, including magic that sees the past or future. She also is immune to Time magic.

Auriella and Gray: Alexa has with her her two faithful companions, Auriella the Firebird and Gray the Dwarf Wyvern. Firebirds are fusions of a normal bird and a Phoenix, and Firebirds like Auriella can teleport to people and places they know, bringing objects or other creatures with them (the larger the object/creature, the longer it takes to teleport, up to human-sized objects taking a minute, minimum). They can also breathe a special lukewarm fire capable of sealing dimensional rifts and disenchanting objects or deteriorating lasting spells. Dwarf Wyverns such as Gray come about by a dying Wyvern agreeing to have their life be carried on within the body of an existing smaller creature, which in Gray's case was a Starlight Fairy. Gray can become invisible and shapeshift into any inanimate object no bigger than her and no smaller than a quarter of her size, as well as switch between her Dwarf Wyvern and Starlight Fairy forms. Gray is about 30cm tall and Auriella is about 50cm tall. They are both roughly equivalent in physical ability to mundane birds their size, and as such they have sub-human strength and constitution and only Amazing agility.

Equipment: The Golden Bands on her body are enchanted to not corrode and have a durability and magic resistance equivalent to Alexa's magic rank. Aside from that, she has some basic necessities from some time spent finding a living in the Nexus.

Origin: Alexa Martindale, "the Hybrid Angel." When the previous Angel of Time died, the Wearle of Angels sought for a suitable candidate among other Angels, but they couldn't find any. So they decided to force Dragon's souls and Fain complexes into several children, one of which was a boy named Agawin in the hopes that they would become Angels suitable for the position. Some obviously failed, as Agawin failed to properly merge with the Fain, and the Dragon tore Agawin's back open in a vain attempt to grow wings. Eventually, Agawin was killed by a Darkling to the disappointment of the Wearle, and in a final attempt to create an Angel and fill out their planned sample size, they used the Fain complex and Agawin's soul to write a man into existence who would eventually be their Angel's Father. He became illumined to a Dragon as planned, but he also fused with a Polar Bear Sage. The Wearle of Angels were also not expecting the mother to be a Sybil with Unicorn blood, or for a Phoenix to oversee the child's birth. And that is how Alexa Martindale came to be. When she was old enough to grow her wings and show magical abilities, the Wearle took her to Co:pern:ica, the city of the Angels, where she grew up. There she was taught about Auma and the duties of the Angel of Time, alongside several other manufactured Angels who had been created as candidates for the same purpose. Some time before the Wearle began to start the selection process, Alexa was sucked into the Nexus.

Weakness: Anything that is magically endowed with the ability to cause extra harm to any of the creatures of her ancestry will harm her, and being extra effective against multiple creatures she is partly composed of will cause their normal effects to increase. She also cannot attack at high speeds without shattering her limbs even with the assistance of Bear Sage Ancestry. Due to Alexa's pacifist nature, she is only adequate with self-defense techniques.

Likes: Drawing, Any of the kinds of creatures that are a part of her, Auriella and Gray, Other hybrids

Dislikes: Hubristic people, Auriella and Gray getting hurt, Fighting, Needing to hide
« Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 07:55:29 PM by EmbreFrosste »
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:58 PM
I kid you not
I type "tumblr the ancient magus bride" on google
click the first result
And the second image on the page
Is the image you were looking for
YOLF - Today at 7:59 PM
EmbreFrosste - Today at 7:59 PM
That is
The hardest oof
I have ever witnessed

FAITH - Today at 6:05 PM
fucking haru
can't quit haru
haruing all around

EmbreFrosste- Today at 5:35 PM
It’s a damn shame that I closed all those tabs I had of rule 63 Bakugo


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Name: King of Humans, Cara

Race: Human

Age: 16

Height: 5’5

Weight: Pretty light even for her weight.


Under her clothes there are the imprints of four different faces. One is located on the middle of her back and the others are on the upper part of her left leg, right side of her abdomen, and the last is right below the left side of her chest.

Physical Attributes

Strength: Human

Agility: Human

Constitution: Heroic

Other Abilities:

Four Kings: Not just one being but four entities grafted and merged with Cara, they share their abilities and life. Unless all of the faces is slain along with Cara herself she will still be capable of acting and using her abilities. Even a single face could utter the words to heal and fully restore her, and unless a face is torn apart it can still utter its words. This is also the source of her unnatural development, leaving her almost fully mentally capable before she had become three. She picks up most intellectual pursuits with ease.

King of Control: Cara’s authority over humans is also a power with palpable force. When she gives an order to a human or a being of human lineage her words contain the power to bring them to heel. This takes the form of a singular command which requires a monstrous amount of willpower to resist. It does not compel loyalty but will force the body to obey, letting her make whole armies fall upon their swords. Even those capable of it will require a few seconds to strain against the power leaving them vulnerable to Cara’s allies.

She cannot give detailed commands but they do follow the spirit of her orders rather than the literal interpretation. Cara can’t tell someone to run ten thousand miles away, but if she does order them to run they will flee from the area at maximum speed until a safe distance away. She may also give several commands so long as the person has yet to break free from her influence. If they have they will be immune to her power for a period of time, at the very least for a few hours.

King of Illusions: This authority allows Cara to project illusions at will. They do not have much substance, even a few strikes from an ordinary human could disrupt them, but she could easily make it seem as if she had legions of soldiers or make a small house seem as if it was an imposing fortress. Some illusions can be entirely fake, something that one could walk through without upsetting it. A subset of this authority, an obscuring power, allows her to hide from supernatural sensory powers as well.

King of Healing: Invoking this authority by saying the word ‘heal’, Cara can repair nearly anything but death itself. Limbs are restored nearly instantly, fatal injuries vanish, and organs that have turned into mush become whole. A man on the verge of death would instantly be restored to his maximum fighting capacity. Despite its strengths it is something that can only be used in her immediate vicinity and not from range.

King of Rebirth: Even death bows before the authority of the King of Humans. A seemingly flawless ability, it allows Cara to resurrect dead humans. They suffer no degradation in form or mind when resurrected, and unlike the King of Healing this ability has unlimited range. It may return any of her subjects from death and summon them forth in front of their king after a few minutes. This time is mostly just a factor for her most powerful servants. She can bring forth anyone of Incredible strength and below in seconds and resurrect them in large groups. This allows her to redistribute her forces through mass suicides. However, this ability is sealed behind the Oath. Those that are affected by it instantly vanish in a surge of light upon death, leaving nothing behind.

Oath: The most powerful abilities of the King are locked behind an oath of loyalty. If made the King of Control is empowered with this subject, allowing Cara to issue orders with nothing more than a thought from across worlds if need be. As the subject is merely an extension of her will she may even warp their personalities to better suit her purposes. The King of Healing’s range is extended to a similar range. Finally, the King of Rebirth’s power is unlocked for those who have sworn the oath.


Ancient Shields: A mystical force field that Cara can project, it has two variants. One acts a shield for physical force and requires several hits with Legendary strength to break. Once it does it reflects all the gathered force onto the attackers. However, it is weak against less conventional forms of damage such as magic or other supernatural abilities. The other variant acts as if it has Magic Resistance: Divine, but is highly vulnerable to physical force. A good strike from a being with Amazing force could shatter it.

While Cara can alternate between them the physical shield will lose its charge if changed into the magical variant. It’s also limited in that matter by her reaction speed. If one is broken she still retains the other, but it will take at least an hour for the shield to be repaired.

Garb of the King: The traditional clothes of royalty, Cara may summon them or remove them at will. It repairs itself while unsummoned and cannot be sullied even when in the material world.

Origin: Cara was born to be the King of Humans. Four great lineages converged upon her, their mightiest rulers being grafted and merged with her. Her uncle raised her in the matters of royalty. Her earliest years were spent within the palace, using her powers as needed. But one day she mustered herself and spoke for herself, she forced the nobility to kneel and used her abilities as she saw fit. The responsibilities of the king weighed heavily on her shoulders and demanded action beyond what the aristocracy desired. Even if she did not desire it.

All that she would learn after would come from her uncle. The responsibilities needed, the sacrifices required, and the nature of her conflict. No cost could be too great for the only other option was extinction. So she strived, so she plunged dissidents into the deepest despair and yoked them to her regime, and waged war on all who would threaten humanity. Such is the will of the world.

Weakness: The King of Control cannot affect nonhumans. Even if they were at one point human it is based entirely on their current state. It also has reduced potency against those who merely share human lineage. All of her abilities also require that she speaks, and while the other faces may speak it is possible to gag all five of them.

Likes: Humans, her uncle, snow, going out in secret.

Dislikes: Other people seeing her body, demons, being alone, hurting people.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 03:44:40 AM by VergAvesta »


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Name: Dark Vlad

Race: Level 75 Human Mage

Age: 28

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 200 kg


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Fantastic

Constitution: Incredible

Magic Scale: Extremely High

Living Pyronomicon - level 75 Class Skill: Despite being a mere human, Dark Vlad is a fire mage on par with demon overlords. He can light up tremendous infernos and control devastating flames freely, turn households to cinders while generating waves of destruction consistently and burn any material with his focused pyromancy. His reserves are vast and his mastery over fire is immense, to the point he can even summon and raise the dead with his flames. Pyroskeletons are quite weak compared to him (all amazings), but cheap, massive in numbers and useful in scouting and doing dirty work for him, like cleaning up. With them he can form gigantic structures like hands, barriers, skeletons made of skeletons and even a throne or a tower. They are all also very resistant to fire based attacks, while he just eats said attacks whole. Anything above what he can dish out will overwhelm him, but still be heavily reduced.

If around an even greater corpse, like a dragon's, he could even raise the mighty beast and empower it. This would give him an immensely powerful minion, usually with at least one or two legendaries and fire based imitations of the living creature's abilities. He can't really maintain more than one of such powerful creatures, and raising them takes both time and isn't foolproof. Such a massive creature can't follow him all the time, so he usually makes special magic items to contain and summon them at will, when he doesn't just flaunt them that is.

Other Abilities:

Passive Skill: Obsession:  Compared to the burning pain of the flames, wounds are nothing. Physical or mental torture won’t phase him anymore. His willpower is immense, but he is by no means impervious to mental attacks unless he directly opposes them. However, once he sets his mind onto something there is no way to stop him, even hacking him to pieces might not kill him immediately.

Status Effect: Burning:  Due to two immensely potent spells, Dark Vlad’s body is perpetually burning and being healed. While it won't make a huge difference in combat, its significant enough to perfectly keep him alive in a constant state of healing and burning.


A magic armor that prevents him from burning everything around him by simply standing there unless he wills it.

Origin: Aside the pain and the flames, Dark Vlad can still remember the times where he and Elianna would play in the farm fields. They were different, happier times. Born under the holy star of the Lion, both were blessed with above average magic potential.

Despite that, he was always outclassed in some way or another, he could never be worthy of her. She became a great High Priestess, while he was a meager cleric. Elianna was destined to be saved by the hero and live happily ever after, there was no room in this story for an observer. He envied the noble, the strong, the mighty. And so despite his humbleness he began to grow bitter and ambitious, always trying to improve himself and become a man worthy of her.

And one day, he challenged the hero for her hand. The result was obvious from the start, a mere cleric couldn't hold up to a heroic wizard. They clashed, but and the next thing he knew he burned.

The pain would've driven any man mad, but something else killed him on that day. Perhaps she was lucky, compared to him the pain was instant.  The magic reaction blasted his love as well, turning her to ashes and in her dying moments, she had tried to heal the poor burning boy. The massively high level magics are still clashing to this day, forcing him in an eternal loop of burning and healing. The hero then proceeded to loot their gold and their items, only to be on his way.

Assumed dead, the poor boy went insane, and over time started to call himself Dark Vlad. The pain tormented him until he became solely obsessed with vengeance, and he wouldn't rest until he got it.

Weakness: Himself. Magic and heat resistance is useful against most of his attacks, though his created limbs and creatures can still dish damage. He is also extremely unstable and unsubtle, there is little to no way he would trick you rather than burn your face off. Unless said tricking would involve burning your face off.

Likes: Your day being terrible, himself, worthy foes, crushing unworthy foes,  vengeance, his own voice, taking the spotlight, being a gigantic burning ham, burning things, burning people, laughing while burning things and people, puppies.

Dislikes: Fire, himself, not getting to do what he likes, arrogance (that's rich coming from him), water, brats, ice-cream.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 06:29:32 AM by francobull3 »


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Name: Yukari

Race: Kitsune

Age: 216

Height 174 cm

Weight: average for her height.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Magic: Extremely High

Being a five tailed Kitsune and a lesser deity at that means both her magical reserves and breadth of knowledge in the arcane arts is astounding. While it’s true that Fox Fire remains her signature style of magic, her naturally long life has meant she has picked up a whole slew of other crafts along the way.

Fox Fire: The mythical flame harnessed by her race, it’s flames bring widespread destruction as well as the nurture of life. Yukari being an old and experienced member of her race have mastered the use of this to a very high degree. She can conjure flames which shape and form that are directly shaped by her will. At their strongest they can burn down entire buildings in the blink of an eye, but she can also let it out much lower intensities too. Her fire can also move up to Fantastic speeds if she wills it to.

However merely destroying things is not the only thing they can do, it’s also an element of creation, of life itself. Thus she can let her flames embrace people in their warmth, rejuvenating them with a mere thought and even restoring their flesh as well as purging their bodies of any and all impurities. In mere seconds limbs as well as internal organs will be restored and diseases and poisons both mundane and supernatural can be purged. Given enough time and effort curses can be broken as long as they don’t originate from a divine source that outranks Yukari.

Her fire can only possess one of these aspects at any given time, and that goes for all fire she's currently using. An opponent who notices this may exploit this to heal themselves when she heals herself or others.

Spiritual Arts: This is the kind of stuff that ghosts don’t wanna mess with. A master of this branch of magic can easily see the ebb and flow of souls, the otherwise imperceivable that connects this world to the next can be read like an open book. They can ward against and even banish malignant spirits, ghosts of the departed but also nature spirits fall under this category. Ordinary ghosts are the easier of the two to deal with and can be affected by simple gestures and symbolism. Natural Spirits are much harder to affect since they usually have an actual anchor to the world which would resist her influence. Overcoming that would require a complex ritual to be undertaken in order to banish them, hardly usable in combat.

A master of this art can also affect the souls of those still living, manipulating it, shaping it to her whims and desire and even forcing it out of people to stuff it in a jar or a doll. People’s souls tend be rather fond of their original bodies however so any attempt to directly influence could only be undertaken once the target has been subdued.

The last and perhaps the most valued aspect of this art is the ability to bring back the dead and not just cheap imitation, but the real deal, true restoration. It’s a fairly painless process if the target is recently departed and most of their remains, well remains. The longer time has passed since the hour of their untimely demise as well as the amount of them that remains, the harder it gets to do it. If months or even years has passed it becomes nigh impossible and would require a ton of conditions to be fulfilled, some including holy grounds, moon phases, ley lines and the heart of a demon.

And finally if the soul has been destroyed, then she can’t resurrect you.

Barrier Fields The third and final of her major crafts. This one deals with creation of fields that impose limitations on those that opposes her. Yukari can in the span of a few seconds create fields that cover entire building complexes, she can decide who gets affected when it’s created as well as remove/apply the targeting effect later with a mere thought. The field itself will weaken enemies physically by a rank or enemy magecraft by a rank. Supernatural abilities that are inherent to people and not part of a conventional magic system are unaffected as are supernatural artifacts. To be able to resist the negative effects of the field entirely one needs to have Extremely High magic resistance.

Other Abilities:

Five Tailed Kitsune: Being a member of this species grants a number of benefits when compared to measly Humans. The primary one being the long life, or rather the eternal life, as a Kitsune cannot die from old age. They also enjoy higher magical capabilities than the average human as well as a greater physique.

Shapeshifting: This ability is quite famous, Kitsune have the inherent racial ability to assume any humanoid form they want, regardless of gender. They can also use it to hide their inhuman traits.

Yukari is barely gifted in this ability and the only other form besides humanoid she can assume is that of a small fox. When assuming this shape her fur will be of the same color as her tails making her stand out to quite some degree. She’s also incapable of using any of her magical arts in this form. Finally her stats remain the same.

Magic Resistance: Very High

 Due to being the center of a Spiritual congregation for decades her innate resistance to the occult has risen to the point where lower level magic have no chance of affecting her.

Immense Willpower:Spending every day staring into a large stream of souls bound for the netherworld sharpens both your mind and your will. Especially so when some of them tried possessing her on an almost daily basis.

Chess Grandmaster: Many years ago she assumed the form of a human male and won and competed among the humans until she acquired the title of Grandmaster. She never returned when she was challenged due to being caught up in other matters and thus lost the tile. Her skills however still remain as sharp to this day.

Equipment: Various object of spiritual importance. None of them are actually necessary for her to perform her craft but she likes to trick by “reading their fortune” in truth that isn’t something she can actually do, but due to her reputation most people believed she could.

Origin: The land was quite peaceful, of course it was under her benevolent rule. To be fair calling it her rule may be stretching things as the Head Priestess was not the de facto ruler of a city but rather it’s spiritual guide, the one showing lost souls the way when no one else could. But that's besides the point, the point was that without her the land will soon fall into chaos and degeneracy.

Alright that’s also an exaggeration, it would take months for something like that to actually become a problem and by then a successor would have been found, that much was a given. Was it so wrong to play up your own importance? Maybe she shouldn’t be so prideful but she did a damn good job in her time there and they’d better make a statue of her, or something, whatever it’s not like anyone read this anyways. With the arrival to this new city, this new place, none of that really mattered, perhaps it never had. No, that was the thoughts of someone who regrets the past, not her. She’ll keep moving forward, this wasn’t just a curse after all, not with all these opportunities just waiting around the corner.


Magic Resistance: This is pretty self evident, she’s a mage, anyone who can resist her spells would be much harder to fight against.

Close Combat: Her close combat skill are utterly abysmal in comparison to her skills with magic, to the point that almost anyone with similar stats would be able to beat her in melee.

Likes: Playing around, making your day miserable, helping you, chess, spirits,

Dislikes: Spirits, people poking around in her business, those who are fooled far too easily.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 07:04:36 PM by Bern »

Umbra of Chaos

  • Not Actually a Mod
  • Alter Ego
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  • Posts: 3090
    • View Profile
Name: Rachel Wall

Race: Human

Age: ??

Height: 6’3

Weight: Around 160 lbs.


Physical Attributes

Strength: Incredible

Agility: Incredible

Constitution: Incredible

Other Abilities:

Age of Piracy: Rachel is a living legend, and undying reminder of the devastation that pirates have brought upon the land. She has been permanently empowered by the belief and terror caused by those who have heard of her, her feats and exploits manifesting in real now. Even in the Nexus these powers remain.

All Mine: The ability to claim anything as her own, Rachel immediately becomes the ‘owner’ of anything that she gets her hands on. Even if such a thing was a legendary or enchanted weapon, it would instantly recognize her as their master instead. She could rip the sword right out of the stone and swing it like she was the king of england. That’s the second part of the ability. Even if she’s unfamiliar with the object it’ll guide her a bit, letting her use it incredibly well. She might not be able to use a prized race car as well as its driver, but she’ll still be a scarily effective one.

Someone Else’s Problem: Famous for killing and impersonating captains so that others would take the blame for her actions. If she directly kills someone she may take on their form whenever she pleases. Her stats do not change during this although she could gain things such as wings or gills.

Smoker: Using anything from cigarettes to cigars Rachel can breath out an impossibly thick cloud of smoke. It burns eyes and sears the throat and lungs if inhaled. She’s completely unaffected by it herself, and Rachel can even see through it to stab her blind opponent’s in the face and such.

Snake’s Tongue: She was always pretty good at the whole deceit thing. Everyone talking about her just made it a bit better. No one can actually tell if Rachel is lying or not. They could be reading her mind and they would hear a line of thought and feel emotions similar to whatever crap she was spewing. Suffice to say her poker face is equally perfect, capable of feigning all kinds of nonsense.

Freedom: Rachel can’t get into anywhere but she can always get out of anywhere. Embodying her desire to be forever free, she can never be held down or restrained by any power supernatural or otherwise. Eternal oaths, magical bindings, ordinary manacles, locked doors, they all just tumble loose and open when they get in her way. Powers that attempt to influence her emotionally or otherwise just sort of fizzle out in an instant. Out of all her contemporaries, she was the only to maintain her original self even when put against the collective belief and will that fueled her legends.


Rachel’s Pistol: It’s her good old (kinda) flintlock pistol. She’s won most quickdraw contests because the thing instantly pops into her hand when she needs it to, and even if it gets cut in half in the middle of a fight it’ll be back instantly. It’s pretty consistent in its capacity to come back to her. The thing’s also incredibly potent for something as aged as it is. Once it’s fired even Rachel can’t make out the bullet until it’s hit something, and it packs enough of a punch to blast a fist sized hole into people as tough as her. She also fires it off with wild abandon not even caring about things like ammo or such.

Poison Sword: A treasure that she looted off the corpse of one captain or another, it’s supposed to be made out of the fang of some sort of mythical snake but she doesn’t really believe that. What’s important is its capacity to produce all manner of poisons and the fact that it’s pretty much unbreakable. It can numb or paralyze, but there are also the more lethal variants that will painfully destroy your organs throughout a fight. Thankfully, it can also administer an antidote. This still requires getting stabbed. The poison is most effective against people of similar durability and have noticeable effects within seconds of a single stab, but it can work against tougher people with some more slashing and stabbing. As her owner she’s immune to the blade’s poison herself.

The Liberator: A disgustingly large ship, the Liberator is durable to withstand forces that would shatter whole buildings with only a few holes to show for it. Its cannons individually have the firepower to demolish entire buildings and a barrage promises certain annihilation. Despite its size, it moves across the water with speed and agility far surpassing that of normal ships. This is because of its command over the water and tides itself. Even on a windless day the ocean below would pull the Liberator towards its goals at astonishing speeds. Its foes would have the misfortune to face the offensive aspects of this power, massive waves crashing into oncoming ships and sweeping them clean of anything not practically fused to ship. Near the coast this allows Rachel to cause localized floods, allowing her to bring the Liberator inland in order to devastate her enemies. However, outside of the water it’s pretty much as ridiculously impractical as it seems, more prone to simply tipping over and crashing onto the ground than anything else.

Most importantly, the Liberator is a crew of one. It is meant only for Rachel and none others. Everything else is done autonomously from the firing of cannons to the adjustment of the sails and lowering of the anchor. When one fights her aboard it they do so at their own risk, for everything is against them. The very environment seeks to kill you, stray ropes wrapping around limbs and boards shattering unnaturally under your feet to trap you. Bombs could explode in your presence and cannons could turn suddenly to fire their payload right at you. Rachel may summon it anywhere, but she usually only does so in the ocean. If destroyed or damaged it returns to the endless ocean that Rachel claimed it from, and it will in time reform. Total annihilation would require several days, but that is only if the entire thing was outright vaporized.

Origin: Few know when Rachel became a pirate, but there are even less who have not heard of her at this point. An invincible pirate whose ship could shatter the fleets of entire nations without getting so much as a scratch. Others speak about how her precarious nature, how she would announce to the world treasures that never existed just to make the seas a more exciting place or dump countless chests of gold into the sea without a word. All that is certain is that she adores freedom, her freedom more than any other. The freedom to explore, to drink, to fight, to kill, all of these things.

Weakness: She’s strongest on the water with her Liberator, and she’s incapable of using it to any effective degree on the land. Otherwise not too much.

Likes: Gold, drink, The Liberator, the seas, pretty girls and boys, shooting people while they yap, law enforcement.

Dislikes: Making real promises, still waters, practical pirates, the law.