11:45 PM NEXUS TIMEThe Bikers and the KidnappedPant pant pant pant...
Hurried steps rushed through the filth and the streets. Shaking with fear, a young girl no older than 14 darted left and right, trying to lose her pursuers. Her heart was the one thing racing faster than her legs, and she panted and trampled over the ground. But try as she might, she couldn't escape the dark chills chasing her spine. A motorcycle vroomed with a hellish roar and cut her race short. She tried zipping away to the left, barely dodging a hand swiping to grab her hair.
"Gotcha! Hahaha!" She rolled on the ground, bit her lip and immediately jumped back to keep running, stumbling but racing on with surprising speed. No, it wasn't that.
They were all toying with her.
"Oh come on! Wait up cutie!" Another punk on a motorcycle cried out and raced her, circling around her while waving a chain around before whipping her on the leg. "Wohoooooo!" "Hahahahaha!" "Niiiiiice!" She fell down and screamed, and clasped at her leg. That moment was enough for the dozens of motorcycles to finally catch up to her, lights blinking. You see, they were all part of a gang, while she was just the daughter of a businessman. She was worth quite a bit of money, but somehow she managed to escape. That wasn't the worst of her crimes though. She had stabbed one of their own in the eye, when he simply tried to 'get friendly' with her.
Now, they were out for blood.
"Awww~! We're just trying to have some fun! Heheheh, you shouldn't run when you can't hide. Why don't you be a good girl and just give us what we want?" A drooling bandit sporting a pompadour smacked his lips, while another flicked his tongue around for all to see, making some ridiculous cry of war. A motorcycle quickly zoomed past a few other ones circling her, intending to cut straight into her leg. She turned pale, freezing for a second.
"Haha, we'll make it worth your while!

" The bike was just about to rush her when-
She suddenly hurled a rock at the rider's face, causing him to lose control and swerve. The circling bikes didn't move in time, causing a few to run off course and impact. The others lost balance, and some had to swerve away, while many others were still circling but too far to reach her. "Take that, ass-hole!" Her look of fear turned out to be a cocky smile. The girl didn't give up to those creeps, not like she'd give them the
satisfaction. But just as she was about to cry victory, a chain was hurled straight at her face. She ducked, and immediately got back up and tried running away, making for as much distance as she could.
She ran. And ran. And ran...
"FUCKING BITCH! I'M GOING TO KILL HER!" The punk yelled, wiping the blood off his forehead. "Damn slippery slut, DAMN! I'll fucking gut her like a rat!" He smashed his fist on the ground before getting back up, lifting his bike and making sure it could still run before getting back on it. Soon, the riders recollected themselves, but this time they weren't messing around.
"Hehehe! Oh she fucked up! She done fucked it up!" Another rider yelled out.
With that, 36 riders ran down the streets from all corners, looking for that one girl. As this whole chaos unfolded, the girl so happened to race past a blonde man with a shockingly long mane. He didn't pay this whole scene much mind. Not like it was his business.
"Let's go boys!" The riders screamed.
Okay this was kind of loud. Maybe it was his business.
? ? ? ? ?36 riders laid bloody on the streets from all corners, their bikes dismantled and their weapons tattered and broken all over. Pistols, shotguns, barbed bats, chains. All rent and useless. Big blue swollen bumps were popping all over their faces, their teeth had been kicked in so bad they'd have to stick in the hospital for months. And what wasn't broken was most definitely on fire right now.
The girl was hiding in an alleyway. Just in front of it, a blonde man was surrounded by all of these bodies. It... definitely didn't look good. But to think a single man did all that... it was almost absurd! There was no way it was possible!
"Welp. So much for my one good deed for the day." He spat on the ground with his hands in his pockets. "Hey missy! You can come out now!" He gave a quick look at the alleyway. But there just wasn't a lot of sound other than the crackling fire and some of the riders groaning in pain.
"Oh good grief." Right, he boinked her on the head when she annoyed him. For being such a considerate guy, the first thing she did when he punched the first punk in the face was complain on and on about how she was going to get killed for this. Big deal. Did she think he was trying to be some big hero or something? They just happened to piss him off, making all that noise.
Not like he needed another reason to punch them. Yep. So much for a good deed. So he walked down the alleyway and crouched down the knocked out girl, threw her over his shoulder and searched her pockets...
"Oho! Bingo!" His face almost lit up when he felt a big fat wallet. He took it out, opened it up, and almost squeed all starry eyed when the glow of all sorts of shiny cards and fat stacks of cash assaulted his eyes. Huzzah! This should last him about a few weeks...
"Hehe, yep! A good deed goes a long way!"
Oh right, he didn't give her his name. Not that he asked her hers. Oh well. Its not like it'd take much to figure who did this.
Yang Xiao Long. That was the name of one of the kings that ruled these streets.