Author Topic: Pine Garden  (Read 88694 times)


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1365 on: October 09, 2020, 01:38:30 AM »

7:00 PM


A red arrow of death soared to the skies, burning its engines with unmatched speed. As it zoomed from rooftop to rooftop, its red-haired pilot cheered and pumped up his fist - totally oblivious to the poor girl's plight behind him.


And with a fina leap over a rooftop, the motorbike blocked off the sun itself, only to come crashing down on the road with insane speed. And as it zigzagged accross the streets, it dodged every vehicle in its way with dramatic flair. He howled at the top of his lungs, enjoying the thrill of the speed even when he dashed against the traffic.

This couldn't be...! A technique like this was unheard of, let alone in a place like this. But there was no mistaking it. Was this what they called...


He dodged the incoming cars and burst up in the sky before taking another turn. Were the laws of common sense and driving sensibility simply beyond this man? And how did he keep his drink in his gut at this speed? There were Nexus sanctioned Thrill Rides with less G force than this mindblowing display. Now driving straight, he was approaching the rich hillside - and more importantly, what looked like some kind of palace.

No, if you looked at it from a distance, you'd recognize it was more like a large high-class cabaret club.

"Hehehe~! Enjoying the ride missus?" He turned his face to grin at the partner clutched behind him.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1366 on: October 10, 2020, 05:57:17 PM »

"Leeeet's seeee..."

The purple haired girl yawned as she stretched her arms, she wasn't even holding onto him and was simply glued to the motorcycle by her legs. "You're wasting a lot of time with these unnecessary tricks and driving against traffic just gets you a lot of unwanted attention. Hmm....  could add a jet booster and some retractable wings to this if you wanted a real flight... Other than that it was pretty average, I got a bunch of crafts that I could program to drive like this if I wanted. What?"

She was smirking as she looked back at him. "Were you expecting some fearful admiration or some shit, sorry pal but I've choke slammed uppity werewolf customers in the past, your ride is just that a ride, get some upgrades if you wanna impress me. And by the way, you totally should have told what place this is, now I don't even have time to dress up, although I hate dresses anyway hah, so I guess I should be thanking you."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1367 on: October 11, 2020, 04:06:41 AM »

Marc laughed heartily at that. God, a werewolf? She was a lady after his own damn heart. "Aw, how heartless. Unfortunately, I'm too cute to fish for compliments, just being myself here. You're talking about the kind of guy who likes to live every day thrillingly." He gave her a smile and a wink before turning back to the road, but swerving back to safety - more for her sake than anything.

"You see enough things, and even stuff like this won't bother you much anymore. You gotta know how to enjoy crazy dumb stuff like this once in a while." His eyes were focused on the horizon, but not necessarily at what was ahead of him. Well, it's not like she could see that unless she checked the mirrors.


"And don't worry about being a crowd-pleaser, it's actually a male cabaret. Though I guess it is kind of popular with some guys as well. Ladies need entertainment too you know? Pleeeeenty of money to share and an appetite for caviar! Hihihihihi! Oh, but no weird stuff behind the scenes, so no need to be flustered. If you want I'll lend you a suit. Pretty sure I have one that'd fit."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1368 on: October 12, 2020, 10:15:03 PM »

"Thanks but no thanks, and hearing that there's no weird stuff is just disappointing, didn't you say you were a risk taker ehh?" Neptune declined his offer, although this did kind of annoy her. "Although I thought you were gonna show me the actual business and not the front, how disappointing and beside that, what kind of suits do you even have that'll fit me? I'm sure you've noticed how top heavy I am..."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1369 on: October 12, 2020, 11:17:40 PM »

Marc raised an eyebrow and laughed. He was fond of that brutal honesty. It's the sort of thing he liked better than a stab in the back.

"Nah, let me rephrase that - anything other than the care package is up to the host's discretion." He answered her with a casual shrug, picked up some speed and drifted off to the elegant palace of neon lights. "And it's not something I promote, a lot of the workers are regular people. Rich men have their mistresses, but they still have a face to protect. If you push your luck, it's not just your safety that you could be dealing with, but others as well. That is why this is juuuust a cafe where women can spend some time in good company."

Yeah, he was fine taking risks for himself, but his boys were a different matter. There was no need to recklessly play with their lives. Relationships outside of work obviously happened, but they were just that - relationships. He wasn't going to jeopardize the safety and livelihood of his employees by putting a -come here and get your puss stuffed- sign. Men and ladies of the night played a game, and the rules were no secret.

"Most just want someone to listen to them, spend time with them... you know, just whatever makes them feel valuable and loved. You'd be surprised how lonely the rich can get.  Aaand you're not that big girl. If you can get a fat guy in a suit, we can totally manage you."

The motorbike finally stopped by the parking lot. A turn of the key was enough to turn off the engine, and he took off his helmet casually.

"I'll show you the business alright. But a side is just as important as the real deal, and a valid source of income. Only amateurs neglect their fronts, it makes it too obvious. That's why I incorporate both as my base of operations. There's other spots around, but they're not as flashy."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1370 on: October 13, 2020, 06:37:55 PM »


Neptune got off the bike and faced  him, she looked far more annoyed than before, her eyes were even glowing a bit with that purple light from earlier.

"Man you don't know the first thing about fashion do you? Of course a fat guy is gonna fit into because you just get a larger size, but that's not the same thing as having tits, it's gonna be really restrictive on the top half and I'd have trouble breathing, unless you gave me a bigger suit but I'd drown in that and that's totally a silly look. HOWEVER..."

The glowing light in her eyes intensified and the blacksmith stepped closer to him. "What do you mean not that big? Are you that neck deep in demon puss at the PP? I really didn't think you were a big shot playboy like that after how little interest you've shown in me, but I guess I was wrong, so how big do you like them?" She really only wanted to get a better feel of him, he acted like he didn't care about girls but then he dropped odd comments like that, it made it hard to read him, and nothing annoyed her more than people who were hard to read.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1371 on: October 14, 2020, 12:32:25 AM »

Huh... I guess it would be hard to breathe. Touché, touché... He put a finger on his chin pensively, as if he had to put a whole lot of thought into it. Or maybe it was just to tease her. One or the other.

Probably both.

"I said they weren't that big, not that I didn't like them." He grinned cheekily at his partner, with a good friendly slap on the shoulder for good measure. "Cheer up hun."

He totally just dodged the question.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1372 on: October 14, 2020, 02:54:27 AM »

The purplehead shook her head at the way he tried to dodge that one. "I see I see... Don't think I didn't notice you worming your way out there, but I know how we can solve this in a fun way." Her annoyance evaporated as she thought about just how good this would get him, she had him completely now

"Then why don't we play a little game here and place some bets. Since you're such an expert on size why don't you guess what cup size I have with one attempt. If you win I'll lower my price to half, but if you lose I want you to tell your boys that I beat you at your own game... "


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1373 on: October 14, 2020, 04:22:26 AM »

His eyes widened a tad bit, and he couldn't help but almost guffaw. Ah, wouldn't be fair if he had too much fun with her though. But see, there are some things a guy just can't help. Sometimes, your body'd rather do the talking for you.

Nep probably couldn't have pictured that his smile would get this imposing. His teeth flashed like he was some kind of demon wolf. He seriously looked like he was about to eat someone, but his booming laughter was as genuine as it got. After all, you can't survive the Nexus underworld without strength.

"Woooow. How bold! It's good that you didn't pamper me on the ride then. That'll even the odds a little."

And this girl was strong.

"I like it." Marc winked at her with arms crossed. "And I know it's not just for show. A businessman profits on the trust he earns. Going back on my word is something I just can't do."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1374 on: October 14, 2020, 05:32:55 AM »

"I was counting on that, I have my pride too" She grinned and leaned forward just a tad, her large chest moved as well, bouncing slightly back and forth but overall it gave him a better angle to look down her cleavage. "See I knew you were interested, I'll make sure to pamper you at the most embarrassing moments from now on alright. So even if I lose, you'll go down too hehe.."

The ferocious smile he wore only egged her on more, she wanted to take him down now. "But we both know you're gonna lose here, because now you're playing with the real deal and not some magically inflated balloons. This is one ball you won't put in the basket.."

She stepped forward until they were almost touching...

"But give me your best anyway, I so wanna see the real you."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1375 on: October 14, 2020, 09:47:48 PM »

You think that'll take me down? "Oh? I wouldn't be so sure." After all that excitement, he was way calmer than her in that respect. He looked down at her, but not down on her. "See, if you didn't spill the beans there, I'd have been in real trouble. I mean, you're a mage aren't you? I hear changing bust size is as easy as breathing. But if this is the real deal, then you can't use that to bluff anymore."

Because they were both businessmen, they couldn't afford to be caught lying. He had to respect her. She tried to face him head on rather than try and psych him out. He'd probably have given a way smaller number if she just kept her mouth shut, but he could tell.

The real deal, huh. Okay then, easy peasy.

"D... no, E cups. Am I right or am I right?"

He winked at her cheekily.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1376 on: October 14, 2020, 11:50:24 PM »

"Hmpff... Of course they're the real deal."


She crossed her arms under her breasts making them bounce slightly up, before settling down in a position that only enhanced their apparent size. "Everything about me is! The only magical thing I'm wearing is my hair clips and they only protect me from magic. My hair and eye color aren't normal yeah.... But they come from my Origin. I haven't modified anything.... Wait did you think I was using magic to boost my looks?" Her gaze softened just for a moment, however.

"Don't think I didn't hear you squeak out that D tho, you lose heh."


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1377 on: October 15, 2020, 12:00:34 AM »

"Hey, no fair. I totally had it in the bag." His expression soured a little, with his arms still crossed. No, he was totally pouting and it was actually adorable. It wasn't supposed to count, but she totally had him by the balls. Clever girl.


"I was distracted by your eyes. They're seriously adorable."

He totally said it with a straight face. It's the kind of embarassing thing you only say if you mean it.


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1378 on: October 15, 2020, 04:08:16 AM »

"Nice once thanks, I might actually have believed it if I wasn't paying attention. Don't think you can worm your way out of this one, and you were so close too I almost feel bad for you."

Her victorious grin wouldn't be broken by his pouting, it was just a lame attempt to get off free. "The only thing you're distracted by is the realization that you had a real smoking hot babe riding behind you all along and you didn't even take advantage of it. So I guess this means you actually lost twice... Although you did recruit me and that's like 3 wins in one, so you're still ahead..."

Her energetic behavior endured and if he was gonna be so down then she'd just have to cheer him up with something. "I'm surprised you think I'm small, just what kind of crazy shit are you used to?" Oh yeah cheer him on by never letting him escape once she hooked him.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 04:19:10 AM by Bern »


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Re: Pine Garden
« Reply #1379 on: October 16, 2020, 10:29:24 PM »

"You might have believed it?" He chuckled jovially and put a hand on his hip. He was carefree and took teasing with a good laugh, and that was why the words he said with the same friendly banter were so surprised.

"Neptune, I can't accept this. We're partners, and as entrepreneurs, we work in trust. What good is our collaboration if you lack faith in my word?"

Despite his casual demeanor, there was a palpable uncertain feeling. No matter how good of a fisherman she was, she was dealing with a shark. One wrong tug and the catch would soar in the air and gobble her up whole. And right now, the catch was dangerously close to her chest. It was one thing to observe his form, but this close she could tell how seriously build his muscles were.

"I don't say things if I don't mean them. Now, how am I going to make you pay for this disrespect? Aaaany suggestions?" He grinned at her cheekily. Wait, was she actually in trouble or not? He came down on her ear and whispered flirtatiously. "Guess I'll have to work you to the bone."
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 11:25:44 PM by Kotomine_Rin »