He blinked a bit when she poked him with those sudden words, but all it drew was a cool accepting sigh. "Hmm, hm. I suppose so, you won't find a place in this city that doesn't profit off someone in one way or another. If you disagree, well... chances are you're being exploited yourself. It is what it is."
He poured another drink, this time in a cup so he could offer it to Lu before helping himself. "Pwah... that's the stuff. Anyways, the point is I'm a perfectly normal business all things considered. I mean, I've never harvested anyone's kidneys, turned elvenfolk in the flesh markets, bombed nursing homes or any of the crazy shenanigans some of the... other flavorful entrepreneurs find profit in nowdays. Honestly, that stuff never sat right with me, code of chivalry and all. But the city's the city. Even Yamada's gotten tired of policing everyone and everything, not that I blame him. Last thing I need is to deal with some madman wannabe trying to become the next God in our list."
He raised a toast to her.
"Which, luckily for me, means the insurance and security market's ripe with all sorts of jobs. At least enough to provide for a sizeable team, with benefits and job protection included. You'd fit right in, honestly. You've got the muscle to do a lot of good in this part of town."