Author Topic: Swole City  (Read 24186 times)


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #195 on: March 12, 2020, 03:20:33 AM »

What was that?

A stinging sensation filled the space between time returning to him.  A hand-rubbed the cheek that was now red with pain.  "I..."  What the hell was that supposed to mean?  Was he really doing that, assuming he would never be hit?  Perhaps?  After all, the strong never really seemed to get hurt, or at least not significantly so.  Well, for now he would have to except that hand, the struggle of one not born special.

"Yes sir."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #196 on: March 22, 2020, 03:09:43 AM »
Richard Forbes

The Forbes family mansion, a place that is both extraordinary and ordinary at the same time.  In a neighborhood where every home is large and every yard is larger, a moderately sized mansion is nothing worth noting.  Even a house with its own bowling ally, bar and movie theater is just another place.  In this house resides a simple nuclear family, a mother, father, son and daughter.  Their story is a simple but grand one, a story of a family's determination to rise to the very top of pine guardian's wealth, only to settle somewhere in the middle.  However, this isn't their story.  No, it is the story of one teenage boy.


When the hell is she going to get here?  When I pay that much of my allowance, I expect some good service, he thought to himself, lying down on his massive king sized bed.  He could still remember that fight.  The boy never would be able to forget it.  His buddies were into sports, explained to him how the joy of such things was the catharsis of seeing two men at their peak fighting with all of their passion.  On that day he finally understood.

And he wanted to fuck it.

Richard crawled to the edge of his bed and began walking towards the window.  His "small" room was big enough to hold three cars, even with all the crap lying around it.  In fact, he never had to clean the room, not only because maids came in every now and then, but because there was not enough space for it really to get dirty.  Staring out of the window, he muttered under his breath,

"It better be the same girl and not some stand in.  I know they can shapeshift."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #197 on: March 22, 2020, 04:05:44 AM »

It took some time to find her way through this neighborhood, since in a way all these buildings looked the same even if they were different. But after what felt like an hour of just scouring the are she had found the place that had hired her, probably.
Of course she had come in work uniform after getting it clean, it was quite neat how it did things like that but she still wasn't used to the high heels and her ankles were starting to feel a bit sore.

And thus she rang the front bell by the door whole hoping that she hadn't fucked up.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #198 on: March 22, 2020, 02:40:05 PM »
Richard Forbes

Oh shit!

Richard bolted down the steps as fast as he could, grabbing his pjs from his dresser along the way.  He did not even consider the fact that the girl would need instructions and didn't even consider that she would show up In a goddamn bunny suit, probably should have, but didn't.  Rushing out of the front door, he grabbed hold of the redheaded girl's arm and said,

"I hired you.  Come on.  My parents don't know you are here and I want to keep it that way."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #199 on: March 22, 2020, 03:20:22 PM »

"You are?" She blinked and stepped in past him. As she walked, her long tail swished by him with a relieved sway to it. This would have gotten really embarrassing if she'd gotten the wrong house.

"I'm really sorry for being late, Master Richard. My name is Lily, but you may calm  me whatever you want.." She spun around and faced him for her introduction.

"If this is a bad place then lead the the way Richie, I won't bite-" She held out an arm like she expected to be escorted. Which to be fair she did. Lizland only employed high quality escort girls not some cheap hookers, so there was an image to maintain.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #200 on: March 22, 2020, 03:51:00 PM »

Richard blinked as he took in her full form.  That fit body tightly wrapped in the bow that is a bunny girl outfit.  Unwilling to linger too long on her tight little body for now, he grabbed the hand that extended out to her and bolted, running her through lavish halls, winding staircases and almost a hotel like upper floor.  At last, they arrived at the door to his room.

"My parents don't know your here and I want to keep it that way," he said, glaring at her.  He made it look like a harsh order, but the desperation and insecurity was impossible to hide.  His face was flushed, his fingers twitchy, his breathing fast.  "I'll give you a bonus if my reputation can stay intact through all this."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #201 on: March 22, 2020, 04:14:14 PM »

"Hey, do you know hard it is to bolt around in heels like these?" There wasn't any anger in her voice despite her raised voice, just a hint of annoyance followed by an adorable pout. "And I can't accept that since I came here late." Her expression softened though as she noticed his soaring levels of insecurity.

She then moved in and hugged him gently, using only the bare minimum of her strength so she wouldn't crush him by accident. "Calm down, it's okay. I'll take of it. Hmm... Why don't you take all that frustration you have bottled up and unleash it all on me? I'm really tough so don't worry about holding back, actually it's better if you don't. The faster I get an idea of how much you can take, the better I can serve you-"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #202 on: March 22, 2020, 04:37:31 PM »

Although she was wearing heels, Richard was still a head or two taller than her.  Those tiny but powerful arms wrapped around his belly.  It was a strange feeling being hugged by her, and not just because he never hugged anyone in his family since he was a baby.  No, it was also because she was strangely warm.  The feeling of sharing a hug with this woman was like having a human heater wrapping around his body.

"Well than shut up," he said, suddenly gaining a bit of confidence.  He pulled himself out of the hug and pulled down his pj pants, revealing boxers with a nice little moderately sized bulge poking out of it.  "If your that strong and I know you are, then you can't complain about some frilly heels."

Richard took off his shirt too, revealing a body that has been well taken care of.  The best way to describe it is a bulky runner.  Defined arms, muscular legs, a hint of ab muscles covered ever so slightly by a thin layer of fat.  Quite frankly, he was small, especially for the people of this district, built for stamina rather than strength.  Although, as far as the average human went, he was a bit stronger than most.  That much was clear.

"Well if you want it hard, then on your knees and start sucking.  I need it really hard if I want to start pounding someone like you.  Oh and call me Lord Richard.  I like my women to know who is in charge."


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #203 on: March 22, 2020, 04:51:30 PM »

"Sure thing Richie. But I thought you specifically picked me because I was your type, and you're already hard as fuck, so who ado you think you're fooling?" Lily pulled back from the broken hug and giggled at him. It was cute how hard he tried to look like a hard ass, boys like that were always so sweet, especially the moment when she crass cracked then and she couldn't be more excited for that now.

It was perfect.

"And me strong? Pfft maybe for a girl but any true man would put me in my place easily~"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #204 on: March 22, 2020, 05:04:57 PM »

A hand was raised, followed by a loud clap.  Richard's hand had slammed into Lily's face.  "Lord Richard," he said, glaring at her.  "And don't lie to me!  I was there at the arena, in the Pleasure Palace.  I've seen you fight.  Even Chiefs don't fight like that.  But right now, your going to be my little toy."

Weird... That felt pretty good....


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #205 on: March 22, 2020, 05:15:51 PM »

"I'm gonna need to buff you up later on huh Lord Richard." She hadn't even flinched from the slap and no mark was left on her skin. "You'll have a hard time making me that in your current state hmm... Then how about this-" Her taail came around from her back and slithered into his palm.

"Now this is supposed to be a secret but it's okay to tell seeing as you are VIP now, this is a very big weakness. Pull that as hard as you can and enjoy the show.~"


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #206 on: March 22, 2020, 05:26:29 PM »

Richard's heart sank as he watched her absorb the slap without her face even moving an inch. That momentary fear melted slightly as he heard the words "lord Richard." "B-buff me up later?  You sound like my parents, think they are hot shit cause they broke their human limits.  I don't need to be strong to get my way.  I was born richer and smarter than any of you."

He held out his palm for the tail slithering towards him before staring at Lily with a tilted head.  And with that, he pulled the tail as hard as his regular human muscles could.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 05:29:50 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #207 on: March 22, 2020, 06:00:59 PM »

"Smarts won't save you whe- Auuuughh!"

Her reply got cut short the instant he pulled on the tail. The effects were immediate, the weird moan was followed by her biting her lips as her took on a more anguished expression. At first her feet begun shaking slightly, but in just a few moments that spread up her legs as the whole of her lower body trembled.

"Ahh..." She crossed her legs as her knees slowly bent like an immense pressure was pushing down on her until finally-


She collapsed head first onto the ground in front of him.


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #208 on: March 22, 2020, 06:20:41 PM »


Richard had never seen any girl react like that before, not even in porn.  Then again, only the guys ever got off in the porn he watched.  The girls just seemed to like whatever the men did to them.  Still giving her a blank stare, he shook his head and said, "S-see!  I can do whatever I want with the right touch...."

Richard walked over Lily, taking a moment to enjoy standing over her, his tall figure blocking the natural light cast on her, covering her body with his shadow.  He reached down, grabbing her by her pretty red hair.  Strange, even her hair was warm.  The tail, her body and even her hair was warm like a heater.  "And i'm not done," he said pulling her to her knees and shoving her lips first into his shaft.  "I said suck me first.  Just cause i'm a little hard doesn't mean I can't get harder."

Throughout the whole process, he had the tail in his other hand.  Once she was wrapped around his lips, he gave the tail another yank.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 06:25:35 PM by yinsukin »


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Re: Swole City
« Reply #209 on: March 22, 2020, 06:43:41 PM »

"You act like a total virgi- aaaah!" Her strength gradually returned in the few seconds he let go and it was quite clear with how she stopped quivering but the moment he pulled again her mouth opened by its own and let the tip of his cock in. At the same time her legs trembled violently before giving out and she sank right down onto his length until the only thing keeping her up was that and the grip on her hair.

The vibrations of all her spasming muscles sent ripples throughout her body and it could even be felt in her mouth. She looked up at him with eyes that were beginning to tear up. "De wonger yu wpull dde wdwirse wit gwets."  It was really hard to speak when your mouth was stuffed.