Author Topic: Cross Effects- The RP  (Read 308784 times)


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1815 on: May 08, 2014, 04:33:21 AM »
Ash rubbed the back of her neck as she heard the young woman's thoughts.  "Bloody hell," she muttered as she knelt beside the girl.

I don't want ... them get away with this... They should pay...

It was something that Ash could understand very well.  While she was playing "Angel of Mercy" among those who were wanting their ends sped up and their suffering cut short, she was more use to being a tool for vengeance.  Her favorite prey were rapists and child molesters, and she did ghastly things to them before she finally drained them.  Ash understood vengeance and payback quite well.

Ash sighed, eying her, and said, "Listen, I can't guarantee you'll be able to go toe to toe with whoever did this, but . . ."

One thing she agreed with Hawk Hunters on was giving a choice to become a vampire. Her sire had offered her that choice and she took it.  She was also perfectly fine with her existence, Forest on the other hand had it forced upon her.  The blond had never been happy in Ash's time knowing her.

"I could make you a vampire," she said plainly, storm cloud eyes meeting Ellen's, "But you have to want it.  Existence undead drinking the blood of the living and all of that."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1816 on: May 08, 2014, 09:37:44 AM »
  "Have you enjoyed your fight Karna? You seem to be in a little trouble."

"Unfortunately, I am not in a position to help you right now, Death God. And I doubt I have much to offer you."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1817 on: May 08, 2014, 10:53:28 AM »
Ash rubbed the back of her neck as she heard the young woman's thoughts.  "Bloody hell," she muttered as she knelt beside the girl.

I don't want ... them get away with this... They should pay...

It was something that Ash could understand very well.  While she was playing "Angel of Mercy" among those who were wanting their ends sped up and their suffering cut short, she was more use to being a tool for vengeance.  Her favorite prey were rapists and child molesters, and she did ghastly things to them before she finally drained them.  Ash understood vengeance and payback quite well.

Ash sighed, eying her, and said, "Listen, I can't guarantee you'll be able to go toe to toe with whoever did this, but . . ."

One thing she agreed with Hawk Hunters on was giving a choice to become a vampire. Her sire had offered her that choice and she took it.  She was also perfectly fine with her existence, Forest on the other hand had it forced upon her.  The blond had never been happy in Ash's time knowing her.

"I could make you a vampire," she said plainly, storm cloud eyes meeting Ellen's, "But you have to want it.  Existence undead drinking the blood of the living and all of that."

It does not matter... I am nearly dead anyway, and I will curse myself if I won't do anything about such things happening... Ellen did not mind what she would become. She did not use to believe in vampires, but since apparently Ash could hear her thoughts she was giving her a benefit of doubt. Besides, if two people being able to destroy things so casually existed, then why not vampires So I want it if I can be of help and don't let it happen again.

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1818 on: May 08, 2014, 11:22:04 AM »
"Unfortunately, I am not in a position to help you right now, Death God. And I doubt I have much to offer you."
"You have already offered me plenty of amusement Karna, and it is easily within my capabilities to heal you. However nothing in this world is free. You have absolutely nothing to give me?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1819 on: May 08, 2014, 11:42:38 AM »
"Unfortunately, I am not in a position to help you right now, Death God. And I doubt I have much to offer you."
"You have already offered me plenty of amusement Karna, and it is easily within my capabilities to heal you. However nothing in this world is free. You have absolutely nothing to give me?"

"You wish for parlor's tricks in return for my restored health? You are not much of a physician I take it."
Still, the offer was tempting to Karna, as he could then pay the respect he wanted to the King of Heroes, who still laid on the ground far away, covered in wounds like himself.

However, Karna's arms were still capable of movement, and with them he could give this failure of a physician his pay.

"Very well, I accept your conditions."

Summoning forth Vijaya, Karna strummed an arrow with a gemstone arrowhead, and aimed towards the blue sky. This Astra only required an incantation if it was to defile the earth it came from, so Karna merely let the arrow loose, with wondrous results.

A rain of gems, from the size of a nail to some the size of a grown man's head, of immeasurable value fell from the sky. All were cut like they had been treated by the hands of a God for a century, and they fell gently from the sky as if they were babies held by their mothers. The rain was kilometers wide, spanning not just the vast crater, but also a few kilometers of it's outside. Even a tenth of them could easily pay for the damage done. It was both Karna's way to please the magician beside him and to atone for the horrific damage Karna had done to the Earth Mother Bhoomidevi.

"Does this satisfy you, failure physician?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1820 on: May 08, 2014, 12:21:19 PM »
"Does this satisfy you, failure physician?"
"It does Karna. However I doubt you'll be calling me a failure once I'm done with you." Grigori raised his hand and began to gather mana. Then he stopped. Why should he waste mana when there were hundreds of souls to use? He altered the spell and pointed a single finger at Karna while raising his other arm. Then he began to cast. His left arm gathered the souls of the dead and began to convert them into mana. His right finger channeled the mana and a wave of green erupted from it. Wounds were closed, bones repaired, and vitality restored. With that done Grigori clapped and dozens of the gems floated towards Towards the ash golem. They simply sunk into its body.

"Do you require any more aid Son of Surya?" Grigori asked with a mocking smile.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1821 on: May 08, 2014, 12:32:54 PM »
Cracking his neck twice, Karna had once again taken his full stature. Truly he had not expected this faking-Death God to do as good a job as he did, but he was not one to raise objections.

"Do you require any more aid Son of Surya?" Grigori asked with a mocking smile.

"None. For a failure in the department when it comes to the mindset of a physician, you have some powerful magic. I thank you for your aid."

Sparing the man not another word, Karna's cape once again took the form of two grand wings, aiding him in his vast jump in the King of Heroes's direction. Landing by the wounded man's side, he extended a single hand towards the radiant king.

"Take your bearings, King of Kings. I can tend to your wounds, but I require a more quiet place than this."


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1822 on: May 08, 2014, 03:39:16 PM »
Downy Reed
The inbetween

After seeing that his Servant was not going to respond first, Downy took the reigns. "Our first priority at this moment is to find our allies first, our enemies can wait if my suspicions are correct they will not be going anywhere, anytime soon. And though she may not be a part of the core group I have created I also wish to help Saber here so that she may also fulfill her dreams."

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1823 on: May 08, 2014, 04:44:00 PM »
Well it was time to find something interesting, or make something interesting come to him. Grigori stretched a bit. He hadn't played the damsel in distress for a while. Like most gods from his world Grigori had a male and female aspect. It took a few minutes before a change overcame Grigori. Hair lengthened, feminine features and moderately sized breasts formed, genitalia were changed, and her voice became more high-pitched. She was extraordinarily beautiful with a divine grace unachievable by mortals. Grigori smiled. She finally got to see the city with her own eyes. Now it was time to perform a little test. She looked over to the golem and gave it one absolute command. "Kill me." It instantly went into a rage and rushed Grigori only to be held back by a grey barrier. With a snap of her fingers the deck of tarot cards that Minato Arisato had transformed, and the sigil for "sight" became "speak". Sure that her voice would reach the teenager she spoke. "Arisato, you don't mind giving a lady some help do you?  I'm closer to the center of the crater than you. About 5 minutes away." It was done. Now it was time to wait and watch.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 09:36:08 PM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1824 on: May 08, 2014, 09:17:08 PM »
Ally or enemy. For the former knight, there wasn't much of a difference. In the past, she had forged true bonds and declared oaths she thought as unbreakable as her will. Eventually, she betrayed everything she had in the name of her desire.

Once again, she looked at the dragon. The answer he sought,  she couldn't provide. So she kept silent. As she did many times in the past.

Quote from: Downy
Our first priority at this moment is to find our allies first, our enemies can wait if my suspicions are correct they will not be going anywhere, anytime soon.

Mordred approved of that choice. For now, it would be reasonable to find out what happened to Lobelia. After witnessing the ridiculous battle earlier, she had no doubt prudence would be the best option. Having a scaly companion would come in handy, even if temporarily.

And though she may not be a part of the core group I have created I also wish to help Saber here so that she may also fulfill her dreams.

She raised her head to her Master with surprise. The next moment, she grinned for herself. She didn't think he had other's interest's in mind.


Quote from: Jojo
What you say, is that some kind of machine?

"Yeah, something like that."

He saw the armored machine pointing something similar to a weapon.

Quote from: Elissa
Which one of you was the operator of the vehicle?

Kyle raised his hands calmly at the suspiciously

"Hey, easy there. The man's long gone."

It was the truth. Still, how do you convince a machine that you're not lying?

"We're not hostile if that's your worry."

He gave an 'help me there' look at Jojo.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 09:29:06 PM by Daiki »


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1825 on: May 08, 2014, 09:48:16 PM »
Kyle raised his hands calmly at the suspiciously

"Hey, easy there. The man's long gone."

It was the truth. Still, how do you convince a machine that you're not lying?

"We're not hostile if that's your worry."

He gave an 'help me there' look at Jojo.

He understood while his new colleague expected from him. He came to rescue, trying to explain the things. "You see, the guy who drove it just escaped in panic, and we were just passengers of his. We are sorry for him" he grinned, in a bit awkward manner.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1826 on: May 08, 2014, 11:49:34 PM »
Lycodrake Aptera
Once again, she looked at the dragon. The answer he sought,  she couldn't provide. So she kept silent. As she did many times in the past.

Mordred approved of that choice. For now, it would be reasonable to find out what happened to Lobelia. After witnessing the ridiculous battle earlier, she had no doubt prudence would be the best option. Having a scaly companion would come in handy, even if temporarily.

She raised her head to her Master with surprise. The next moment, she grinned for herself. She didn't think he had other's interest's in mind.
Downy Reed
The inbetween

After seeing that his Servant was not going to respond first, Downy took the reigns. "Our first priority at this moment is to find our allies first, our enemies can wait. If my suspicions are correct, they will not be going anywhere anytime soon. And, though she may not be a part of the core group I have created, I also wish to help Saber here so that she may also fulfill her dreams."
Mordred's behavior confused him, but he did not expect himself to understand the young woman in such a short span of time. Downy expressed himself almost too easily, too earnestly, but Lycodrake digressed from that line of thought. "Then we have an agreement: I will aid you in tracking down your ally Lobelia - by myself or with one of your own - in return for your aid in relieving the effects of the...drug I was dosed with."
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 11:50:08 PM by Lycodrake »
Spoiler for Best -monogatari:


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1827 on: May 09, 2014, 04:09:48 PM »
Downy Reed
The inbetween

Very well then, I will need you to take my hand so that I can properly apply my magic. I will warn you it will hurt quite a bit at first.


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1828 on: May 10, 2014, 07:33:43 PM »
"Hey, easy there. The man's long gone."

"We're not hostile if that's your worry."
"You see, the guy who drove it just escaped in panic, and we were just passengers of his. We are sorry for him"
Elissa lowered her casting rods, but kept her guard up. She didn't know were she was, or what side these civilians were on? They spoke English, but that didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. She turned her head to the orange glow of the horizon; there was definitely some sort of battle going on. Turning her mechanical head back to the two civilians, she decided upon a course of action.

"I am invoking Section Three of the Jordan Act: You are to take me to a secure location for questioning. I do not care if you are non-Americans, you will comply. Is that vehicle still operable?"


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Re: Cross Effects- The RP
« Reply #1829 on: May 10, 2014, 08:09:32 PM »
Elissa lowered her casting rods, but kept her guard up. She didn't know were she was, or what side these civilians were on? They spoke English, but that didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. She turned her head to the orange glow of the horizon; there was definitely some sort of battle going on. Turning her mechanical head back to the two civilians, she decided upon a course of action.

"I am invoking Section Three of the Jordan Act: You are to take me to a secure location for questioning. I do not care if you are non-Americans, you will comply. Is that vehicle still operable?"

"Eh? Just because I'm Russian, it's not excuse to just command me around. There is this magic word in your language called please" complained Jojo, crossing his arms. "And no, I don't know if the vehicle works."
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 08:10:21 PM by Cool Kat »