Author Topic: The District of Columbia  (Read 47377 times)


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #345 on: October 26, 2020, 12:59:56 AM »

"Ah!" She suddenly cried out as her boyfriend's soft fingers locked in between her toes. "What are you doing!" She cried out. Washington puffed her cheeks out and began to laugh. "You jerk, interrupting me while I was busy sulking."


Washington crying out like that drew attention in ways their previous activity didn't, but soon the laughter averted the other patrons' gazes. Serra let out a soft 'hmph' sound, and started to tickle the underside of the goddess' foot with her thumb. "I won't allow it, so you can't sulk. So there!"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #346 on: October 27, 2020, 02:32:25 AM »

The rest of the evening passed without much further incident. The two women continued flirting, and Serra never managed to get a straight answer out of Washington regarding Dunham. She was really closed lip about it, and really didn't want to talk about whatever was going on there, continually changing the subject until Serra dropped it. And, as always, her mind was as much of an enigma to Serra as Serra's was to her.

Washington found it refreshing.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #347 on: October 27, 2020, 05:07:21 AM »

Except she didn't head for Dunham.

As much as the redhead had been talking about kicking ass and taking she'd be doing it at her own pace and that silly Goddess hadn't actually set any timeframe to do this so the Succubus could be as lazy-prepare as much as she needed to. And that was a good thing, meant she had more time taking in the sights in DC, truly learn the layout and make connection. So that they would eventually be swayed over to the right cause.

"Man that really was exhausting."

Lily wandered aimlessly down the streets letting her feet and her accute senses guide her to her next destination wherever that may be. That was the most fun way to approach this, if you were way to methodical about it then it just sucked all the fun out of it.

Better to just throw in a pinch of chaos. And the goddess surely hadn't counted on her disobbeing orders, but thus should serve as a good lesson. It was that weakness that had let Columbia fall into this pathetic state. Whoever was fabricating this cause of war on Halloween Town were good but.... They were young. She could feel it, they had been too hasty in pushing their plans forward. The ringleader was likely a young prodigy in a high ranking position but to high.

A general or perhaps a politician in that senate of theirs...
« Last Edit: October 27, 2020, 05:12:12 AM by Bern »


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #348 on: October 29, 2020, 10:27:58 AM »

Once the sparring with Sakura finished, Nika walked away after biding her farewell. Well, she didn't feel the best right now. The sparring taxed more than it should have if she weren't just escalating step by step and went for the metaphorical jugular. The vampire really needed some nice refreshment before she set out to anything else. This also meant she had to save her energy even after getting her fill. In other words, it was a high time to have some fun in one of the bars. Except for preying on the enemies in a time of war, mingling in the modern inns with the people and drinking from humans enamored with her was one of her favorite ways to feed when world was relatively peaceful.

This city surely had some nice atmospheric bar scene? It'd have been a lousy place unworthy the status if it didn't have at least one decent drinking hole. Putting up a facade of a functional normal citizen after leaving the territory dominated by vampires, she started to ask locals for directions in this cultural mishmash of a city. She wanted to find a nice American style bar that would remind her of her previous place of residence, and apparently there was a whole district which seemed to resemble the good old US of A. Aside from the odd information about a worship of a goddess. What the hell happened to those Yanks? It was "In God we trust", not "In Goddess we trust." A heathen she might have been, branded by some as cursed and shunned by the Christian God, but the Americans she remembered were rather serious as a society about worshipping the Abrahamic religions. Meh, she started feeling old. She'd just keep those thoughts to herself and soldier on despite finding disagreement with some changes. Alright, did they at least still have gun shops too? That counted more than them going New Agey like those goddamn hippies she remembered back in her time.

First things first. Before going on a quest to find a decent gun shop to see how people these days armed themselves, she had to find some 'drinking hole' there. After some search, she found a bar that appealed to her tastes, and it took her little effort to get a guy for a 'quick date'. Thanks to her aura of allure and thrill inducing bite, it was usually pretty easy to get some blood. It wasn't enough of course to get back to her peak, since she didn't drain people who didn't pick a fight with her to a point when their health was at risk, but she was now in much better mood. Pretty much ready to see what more the district had to offer.

And so she went to look for a gun shop. The search was... disappointingly easy? Not even a street away and there was a shop with guns placed openly as a part of shop exposition. Guns, shotguns, rifles. The woman in sportswear was practically glued to the window, staring at unfamiliar models with open curiosity. Ah, the selection of accessories and ammunition on the cartridges on the display was pretty stunning too.

"Heh, 5.7 mm cartridges? Do they pack more punch these days? Didn't have this kind of shit back in 1970s." The vampire wondered out of loud, uncaring about what passerbys will think of her. Those Columbians were supposedly gun nutters anyway, so she didn't exactly stick out with such dedication.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #349 on: October 29, 2020, 08:48:52 PM »

"Oh yeah, especially compared to back in the day."

Behind the young blonde was yet another blonde.  With her pointer finger on the rim of her hat, she tipped it back with a smile.  "Howdy," she said, placing a hand on her wide hip.  There were plenty of people staring at them, but Suerte enjoyed the attention so it didn't matter to her.

It was interesting because the young woman looked like she just came back from the gym.  Not like a weight lifting gym but maybe a martial arts gym.  It was odd because the dojo district was pretty far from this point.  Although, if you were fast enough, it wouldn't take long to traverse.  Maybe she was the type to go on a run to get her errands done.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #350 on: October 30, 2020, 06:31:23 PM »

Was that really?

Lily's eyes widened and she broke into a sprint, the crowd of pedestrians parted like the red sea before her, or more like they had no chance of obstructing her despite her small stature. She didn't care for them tho, she just heard a voice she hadn't hear in a while and it was a welcome surprise.

"Sueeeeeerte!" Lily dived straight at the cowgirl right after she broke through the final line of people. The redhead flew through the air and tackled the cowgirl, fully confident that the girl could handle it. Besides with how lucky she was, she'd probably enjoy getting surprised jumped for once.


Lily's tail did nothing to hide her excitement, it stood out almost a whole meter and swished back and forth as if the girl was a dog seeing her favorite chew toy.

I've missed you, where have you been??" Of course now that Lily was this close, Suerte would feel the heat the short girl emanated, and it enveloped them like a nice blanket.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #351 on: October 31, 2020, 04:55:20 PM »

At first, the vampire turned around to face the woman who overheard her mumbling and made a comment. The girl looked like straight out of a western movie, but before she had time to reply back back someone else made a lot of commotion. Someone just ran through a crowd like an icebreaker through drift ice, and that analogy wasn't unfounded. Something raised alarm in Nika's mind about that other girl. Her instincts could tell her that there was something particularly dangerous about that woman, and it was possibly the heat that was leaking all over around her. That pretty much telegraphed to her instincts honed over ages that she could turn that heat into a threat to a vampiric creature like her. Well, she had tricks in a sleeve to get the hell out of dodge in a pinch, but she wasn't in mood for putting that to test. Especially as she was keen on conserving her strength for that particular fight she promised.

And so she decided to be civil despite the alarm bells that were ringing in her head. She decided to introduce herself rather than make excuses to leave. Showing a weakness like that wasn't her style.

"You have pretty lively friend." She commented. "You can call me Nika, I hope I'm not intruding on your reunion or anything like that."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #352 on: November 01, 2020, 03:52:06 PM »

Turning around, Suerte squinted at the face of the familiar redhead.  It couldn't be could it?  Immediately her eyes went to the tail and her first thought was, maybe this is a succubi trick.  Maybe some of the girls at that club are psychics?

Then he heard her voice.  As she came closer, that familiar warm feeling enveloped her body.  It was absolutely Lily.  Suerte's core tightened, her abs squeezing together as she braced for impact.  There was a clap as Lily's skin slammed into her own and a thud when Suerte's big ass hit the ground.

"Lily?!  What happened to you?!" she yelled, glaring at the tail.  Just having Lily touch her was making her heart race.  It was similar to how things were before with Vanilla.  Suerte tilted her head back, looking up at the girl playing with the guns.  "No not at all.  I am Suerte by the way.  I like guns."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #353 on: November 01, 2020, 08:45:46 PM »

"Hehe I got a new job over at the Pleasure Palace and it came with some perks!" the redhead blinked as she realized their position and leapt back up on her feet and bent forward to offer Suerte a hand. But with her now being a creature of sinful delights, her every movement was sensual in a way that would captivate the unguarded mind.

"Sorry for jumping you like that, ever since I become an employed succubus I keep feeling this need to be close chummy with people especially those I know... heh-" She scratched her head and glanced over at the other person who'd introduced themselves.  "I'm Lily by the way." The short redhead was trying her best to look composed but despite her efforts-


Her tail was still flapping around with the same excitement as before.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #354 on: November 02, 2020, 06:28:03 PM »

Damn, she really felt like a third wheel in this conversation. It was pretty obvious that this... odd person was paying more attention to her friend than the vampire. Someone else could just give up on having a chat with the two, but the vampire was actually having none of this and trying to steer the conversation.

The crowds surrounding the trio probably couldn't make up their mind whom to gawk at, as the athlete exuded similar aura of awe when she tried her best to bring attention to herself. She understood why those passerbys also stared like this at this Lily person. She knews various myths about demons, even if she generally didn't truck with them. Just basics, really, but she'd take her claim for granted given the effect she had on people. Creature from hell and fire also fit together pretty neatly.

"The Pleasure Palace? Haven't heard of this place yet. I've just arrived here, sort of." She figured she'd start off with asking about that. She was a newcomer to this place, and well... the sooner she learned about the layout of the city, the better. Even if she wasn't really interested in any such pleasures unless she was feeding on people. And probably wouldn't want to barge into place with more flame wielding creatures than she could handle.


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #355 on: November 03, 2020, 02:12:46 AM »

"Its good for letting out stress," Suerte said, taking Lily's hand and getting to her feet.  She stood side by side with Lily, before walking in between the two, forming a triangle in the middle of the road.  The people staring seemed to move on, walking along the street.  "But the leader is just a bratty goddess who thinks she can do what she wants just because she has power.  I've never liked people like that."

Sure, she enjoyed brutally murdering people, but at least those were willing combatants, or at least people who committed themselves to killing in some shape or form.  Power doesn't entitle you to anything.  Using power responsibility is debatable, but not even trying?  Suerte would never accept someone like that.

Suerte eyed the tail coming out of Lily's surprisingly plump butt.  The cowgirl would have considered it odd that she didn't notice it until that second, but she knew exactly why she didn't notice it before then.  "So then why did you become one Lily?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #356 on: November 03, 2020, 09:35:28 PM »

"Naaaah.... The problem with Liz is she has all that power but refuses to use it when it's needed." Lily straightened her posture as soon as Suerte had stood up, the swaying of her tail serving to draw Suerte's attention further, it was almost like the redhead was doing it on purpose... "That's why I became one, I'm gonna make that place better and then the rest of the Nexus, until everyone can seek the happiness they desire..."


Her tail twitched as her attention turned to the third wheel of this conversation, the girl who kept interjecting even though she wasn't from around and knew neither of them. That girl was clearly no human, but she desired... blood? Oh so a bloodsucker then, that meant she could mess with her...

"It's a really big tower where you get to hire cute girls like me to service you... It's not just for guys though, you girls are welcome too as long as you have enough money." She took a step closer to this bloodsucker, and tempted her with a more sultry voice.  "In fact I could give you a sample right now, a taste of my sweet blood... but don't blame me if you get addicted-"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #357 on: November 05, 2020, 05:39:18 PM »

How the hell this creature knew she was a vampire? While she didn't make an attempt to look more human actively, it usually took more than an educated guess to figure out her true nature. Wait, she was indeed a demon. Meh, one of those mind reading types? Gotta know what people wish for to lure them. However, Nika had more mettle than your average Joe, and she'd not give in that easily. First of all...

"... Sorry, I'm into humans." Secondly, she wasn't into girls, but didn't that spell out. Matter of habits rather than sexuality, as it tended to be when it came to vampires. "And I'm not planning to get addicted any time soon. I've seen more than enough to see where that path leads."

From more mundane addicts to people enthralled by her kin's blood, being dependent wasn't a happy outcome. If she sounded stiff, so be it. People had different definitions of fun, and she just lived her unlife different way. Trying to steer the conversation away from this awkward subject, the vampire just decided to come out clean to Suerte, if she hasn't picked up on that yet.

"There's no point beating around the bush. I'm a vampire. What I can do about that, eh?" She shrugged. "If you guys have any problems about that, just let me know, but I'm not here to pick up a fight."


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #358 on: November 06, 2020, 12:56:52 AM »

Suerte's reponse was a simple blank stare, followed by a few blinks.  She instinctively grabbed Lily by her oddly nice firm shoulders, trying to gently prompt her to pull back.  "Oh don't be silly," she said with a smile.  "All of my friends are either monsters or modified humans!  I don't care about stupid stuff like that."

The cowgirl rested her hand on the drape of her neck and tilted to the side to expose it.  "Well I am a human.  Did you want a drink?"

Then she paused before lowering her eyes.  "How do your powers work anyway?  I won't turn into your minion or anything like that right?"


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Re: The District of Columbia
« Reply #359 on: November 08, 2020, 05:32:18 PM »

"No Suerte... don't give the vampire lady your precious blood, then we can't play-" Lily's mood suddenly dropped as the Cowgirl offered her own essence up like that. It was quite obvious how much she didn't approve of it, considering it wasn't just her tone that dropped, but also her tail and even the heat that surrounded her.

"Vamps usually make humans addicted to being fed on, I don't want you to be a minion right after we met again!"