Author Topic: Naboundd  (Read 10513 times)


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2020, 09:37:32 PM »

Whoa! As soon as he ripped off of that hand, another came. His eyes widened, he tried to absorb it too but he didn't even get to lick it before his face was slammed by an unbelievable force. As he flew back and a strange black ooze spewed from his mouth, he managed to speak just fine. "No dice huh."

Thus flicked like a fly, he slammed on the burning ground like a bullet.

"Why thank you. I am oh so flattered." Even more incredible, he managed to land on his feet. He spat a splash of that black... thing, wiped on his sleeve, and just crossed his arms at Eru. "Honestly, you should join us. You'd be a great asset to our team. Pretty girls are a dime a dozen, but I can't say I've met someone as gifted as you in a while."

As he said that, his irises dilated hungrily.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 09:55:27 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2020, 09:59:09 PM »

Whoa! As soon as he ripped off of that hand, another came. His eyes widened, he tried to absorb it too but he didn't even get to lick it before his face was slammed by an unbelievable force. As he flew back and a strange black ooze spewed from his mouth, he managed to speak just fine. "No dice huh."

Thus flicked like a fly, he slammed on the burning ground like a bullet.

"Why thank you. I am oh so flattered." Even more incredible, he managed to land on his feet. He spat a splash of that black... thing, wiped on his sleeve, and just crossed his arms at Eru. "Honestly, you should join us. You'd be a great asset to our team. Pretty girls are a dime a dozen, but I can't say I've met someone as gifted as you in a while."


"Feh! I wish I could say the same about you! You're just an interesting science experiment, boy! A mistake gone wrong that should have never existed in the first place!" She exclaimed, snapping her fingers. Tendrils burst out of the ground, grasping him tightly and holding him still for a moment.

Then, she prepared a counterspell to counteract his drain, ready to negate it the moment he activated it.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

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Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2020, 11:49:31 PM »

Nexus Time: 11:00 AM

"Jeez, what a mess." Joseph ignored the raging conflict, preferring instead to be carried around by one of the many clones of the martial artist he had produced. They were now all sporting silver masks and dark clothes in the style of Serana's troops. However, those didn't seem to impede their eyesight at all as he rode on the shoulder of one and was followed by two more. "I hope they know that if they blow someone into tiny chunks it's much harder to do anything about that."

Still he moved well enough. The clones dragged out mostly intact bodies. Mostly. Some were missing chunks, had crushed limbs from the rubble, or were burned hideously by the radiation. But that was fine. With a touch even the dead bodies were soon gasping to life without a scratch on them. Then one of the more palatable looking beasts would arise from his shadow to shepherd them to safety.

"Be careful! I can't revive you if you get turned to ash, and even if you only die normally it isn't fun to get crushed over and over again!" There was an almost cheery air to his benevolence as he traveled through the district.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2020, 12:08:45 AM »

"No, no, no! Come on kid, this world's a stage! You need to encourage the supporting cast and elevate the performance!" He roared out madly, grinning from ear to ear. Something that would have filled any soul with ire... simply filled him with genuine giddy glee.

The tentacles reached out for him, snapping around his arms, neck, limbs and more. Choking the life out of him, gripping him like a vice... HOWEVER!

And then nothing happened.

Zeke coughed.

"...I said, at least call me a happy little accident?"

Literally nothing happened. At this point, he was trying to struggle out of the tentacles. He clearly didn't have enough power and was completely immobilized. You could tell he was starting to sweat. "How can you do this? This is outrageous... it's unfair!"

His esxpression darkened. Was his face filled with despair? She'd only be able to tell if she'd get closer!
« Last Edit: February 15, 2020, 12:47:36 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2020, 02:43:10 AM »

Nexus Time: 11:00 AM

"Jeez, what a mess." Joseph ignored the raging conflict, preferring instead to be carried around by one of the many clones of the martial artist he had produced. They were now all sporting silver masks and dark clothes in the style of Serana's troops. However, those didn't seem to impede their eyesight at all as he rode on the shoulder of one and was followed by two more. "I hope they know that if they blow someone into tiny chunks it's much harder to do anything about that."

Still he moved well enough. The clones dragged out mostly intact bodies. Mostly. Some were missing chunks, had crushed limbs from the rubble, or were burned hideously by the radiation. But that was fine. With a touch even the dead bodies were soon gasping to life without a scratch on them. Then one of the more palatable looking beasts would arise from his shadow to shepherd them to safety.

"Be careful! I can't revive you if you get turned to ash, and even if you only die normally it isn't fun to get crushed over and over again!" There was an almost cheery air to his benevolence as he traveled through the district.


While the battle raged above, a woman slank through the district, carrying a bow on her back, a long, cruel looking knife in one hand, and a curious-looking gem in the other that gave off a faint glow. She skulked through the shadows, stopping over dead bodies, pausing momentarily over each one to deliver last rites before absorbing their souls into the gem for her mistress.

Each time, she muttered something in elvish, making sure to close their eyes before moving on.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2020, 02:57:54 AM »

There was an almost awkward moment as Joseph and his coterie stumbled upon the elf amidst their own search for corpses. Of course, the gem that the girl had immediately attracted his interest as he relaxed on his perch. "Hello there. I hope you're not doing anything to those bodies I can't fix." There was a carefree smile on his face despite their chaotic surroundings.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2020, 03:05:41 AM »

There was an almost awkward moment as Joseph and his coterie stumbled upon the elf amidst their own search for corpses. Of course, the gem that the girl had immediately attracted his interest as he relaxed on his perch. "Hello there. I hope you're not doing anything to those bodies I can't fix." There was a carefree smile on his face despite their chaotic surroundings.


She turned to face him, full aware of his presence, hoping he wouldn't have noticed her. Normally, she'd have been more stealthy, but her darling Erururu had asked her to do it as fast as possible...

She turned to face him, readying her magic, ready to create arrows as needed. "ha depends bo what cin're doing na hain." She spat back at him in elvish.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2020, 03:14:32 AM »

"Hahaha, come on now, we don't really want to get violent. We both seem busy with our own little missions, and I don't care a lot about this one. If an elf does something untoward to some corpses I'm sure no one will really mind." His calm demeanor didn't stop the soldiers he had brought from stiffening up with the threat of violence. Their golden, gem-like eyes didn't seem to stare at her in particular. Yet all the same she was certain they were watching her closely.


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2020, 03:17:31 AM »

She shook her head. She could understand the human tongue well enough, but disdained its use. She felt that humans should learn to speak her noble tongue instead, if anything. Still, she was in a tight spot, and heavily outnumbered, so she haltingly began to speak. "You-me, don't need fighting." She told him sternly. "Just here-collection."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2020, 03:24:14 AM »

"Collecting?" He pressed a finger against his cheek. "I suppose you're doing soul collecting them. If it was anima you would have tried for the living bodies. You're taking it while the soul is still loosely connected to the body but not directly within, so I suppose the means aren't too exceptional. You're also keeping it as an essence and confining it, so you don't care about or don't have the time for soul deposition. Your master is the one flying around, correct?"


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2020, 03:27:03 AM »

"Collecting?" He pressed a finger against his cheek. "I suppose you're doing soul collecting them. If it was anima you would have tried for the living bodies. You're taking it while the soul is still loosely connected to the body but not directly within, so I suppose the means aren't too exceptional. You're also keeping it as an essence and confining it, so you don't care about or don't have the time for soul deposition. Your master is the one flying around, correct?"


She glanced up at the fight above them in the sky. Well, it wasn't a fight. She knew her lady wasn't even fighting seriously. She sighed, shaking her head. Playing around like this was never a good idea.

"Father. Mother. She is."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2020, 03:35:17 AM »

A mage... how unfortunate. He wouldn't be able to pressgang someone like that, and working alongside those types were such a hassle! There were always countermeasures and betrayals. Someone always ends up dead or lacked in a basement for a few centuries until the whole thing falls apart and you crawl out. "Did she produce you in a lab? You seem fairly high quality. Not a masterwork but you were worked on by a master. No major physical flaws, presumably increased physicality without the need to overgrow the frame, the touch of aesthetics to show it's not wholly married to pragmatism. It's not bad." There was little doubt from his tone and voice that he'd already mentally dissected the elf in his head. Although there was at least the slight desire to do it directly.

One of the men leaned in to whisper to Joseph. "Well, it looks like he isn't doing too well. He should have brought explosives. We probably could have brought him back, and the explosive radius would have been large enough to turn this whole area to glass. It might not have killed her either looking at that," he pointed at the gem, "but he wouldn't look so pitiful, would he?"


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2020, 08:39:16 PM »

She scrunched her face up. He'd spoken very fast, and she hadn't understood a lot of what he said at all!

"Im did รบ- heni- anui -o i!" She exclaimed, shaking her head angrily. "Less complicated words!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2020, 10:42:04 PM »

"No, no, no! Come on kid, this world's a stage! You need to encourage the supporting cast and elevate the performance!" He roared out madly, grinning from ear to ear. Something that would have filled any soul with ire... simply filled him with genuine giddy glee.

The tentacles reached out for him, snapping around his arms, neck, limbs and more. Choking the life out of him, gripping him like a vice... HOWEVER!

And then nothing happened.

Zeke coughed.

"...I said, at least call me a happy little accident?"

Literally nothing happened. At this point, he was trying to struggle out of the tentacles. He clearly didn't have enough power and was completely immobilized. You could tell he was starting to sweat. "How can you do this? This is outrageous... it's unfair!"

His esxpression darkened. Was his face filled with despair? She'd only be able to tell if she'd get closer!


"Take a seat!" She exclaimed, but her words were filled with an unnatural, powerful weight that compelled him to obey. He could feel the weight of her magic thrumming inside of his head, overpowering his will and forcing him into submission.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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Re: Naboundd
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2020, 11:04:17 PM »

"Hm, not very advanced language centers. You either weren't meant for interacting with others or are fairly expendable. Possibly both!" A few souls wasn't worth fighting anything over. And it seemed like the fight was nearly done too so there was no point in getting too violent. Probably.