Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 49789 times)


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Roxas watched as magical fire rained down from the sky.  It was clear that who ever cast the spell had no target, as the fire hit everyone indiscriminately.  He was in danger.  Coming here was a terrible mistake.  He turned to leave, only to be attacked by some sort of fire creature.  He quickly rolled to the side and summoned oathkeeper.  He pointed the keyblade at the demon and fired a blizzardaga spell in the form of a speedy ball of light.  It would likely pass through his hip, causing freezing damage.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 04:53:42 PM by yinsukin »


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Richard Maxwell

Richard's finger twitched at the woman's rude assumption. How dare she even ask that? Of course he was sane. Then, he frowned before speaking up with a dull, nonchalant tone.

 "Like this."

And about seven spikes of ice burst from the ground instantly, enough to impale her with ease and stopping only an inch from the woman's neck.


Reflexively, the elemental armor she had activated beforehand thanks to her Contract appeared to shield her from damage even if spikes would be faster than that. Sweating, Mordred realized that even if he was about to die from starvation he was still absurd. She'd need to use her enchanted spear to fight him. But still, she wanted to reason with him. Even if he was a stranger, deep down Mordred cared about others. Even if more driven by revenge and personal grudges than a sense of justice, her chronic heroism matched her true appearance.

"Just fucking eat something. Do you even care about your life? Do you even give a damn about what's next? You may vanquish Forest, but you will die if you keep going like that. It's not worth it if somebody dies over pursuing her." she scolded the man, her fiery armor of fire fitting her intense glare. The only reason she hadn't had reached for the spear yet was because she didn't want to provoke him too much.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 12:31:28 PM by Kat »


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Sakagami Kenzo

The demon felt the whole world turn upside down as he was dragged further along the train. His body grinded painfully on the tracks, his skin tearing and his muscles stretching to their very limits. He felt like his bones would split any second, his face burning, blood fill up his mouth and his body tearing as shards of rock and stone crashed on him by the second.

Letting a bloody stream gush out his mouth, Kenzo glared at the doll. Someone else was-

He didn't have the time to think about that. Roaring madly, he pulled the sword and stepped from the rails once more. Immediately, the blade began to take it's initial shape, it's split blades coming back to one another and reuniting into one blade.

Because part of it was still rolled around the doll, it would drag the demon towards the doll faster and faster.


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Adjutor blinked a few times as everyone in the blast furnace's yard took on a red tint before realizing that this was part of the game too.

"Of course," Adjutor said, "Well, they all look normal, so this-"

At this point, the teen was cut off by something catching his eye. Then multiple somethings. A proper look confirmed that the objects in question were fireballs, streaking across the sky like blazing tears. Before Adjutor could do more than widen his eyes, he was promptly enveloped in an encompassing blackness. Magic of some sort that was surrounding him completely. Stranger still, it was draining his mana, albeit at a rather slow rate.

Where the hell did this shit even come from?!

Moving quickly Adjutor raised Laivatain, the Elemental Blade already blazing to life.

"Blaze!" Adjutor shouted.

With that, the fire along Laivatain's blade erupted into a massive blazing inferno with Adjutor at its center, intent on destroying the presence surrounding him as quickly as possible.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 05:11:26 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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This was off to a good start. The troll had been reduced to just smashing on the door to the complex but that was to be expected, with his enhanced strength it would be broken through eventually. The man in robes strolled past the now opened fence and over a few mostly unused train tracks, idly figuring he might as well help if they hadn't gotten in by the time he arrived. He turned his head a bit and gave the area behind him a quick survey, just to be on the safe side.

There was a flicker of light in the distance, and then Hell fell from the sky.

Balls of fire that detonated on contact were hurled from the clouds and rained down around them. The shockwaves seemed to shake the earth, making the gang members wobble on their feet as they desperately sought cover. Several of the building around the blast furnace were set alight. If the bombardment continued, it was possible the furnace itself would collapse from the damage. That wouldn't be allowed to happen.

Kotomine dashed to a row of thick metal cylinders, easily lifting one of the heavy objects and held it against his shoulder. His eyes narrowed, focusing them to view over long distances, until he could make out a figure standing far in the distance, where the brief light had come from before. His muscles bulged, robes flared, and he pitched forward and threw the cylinder at the person in the distance.

Then there was animalistic snarling, and the priest turned to see what appeared to be a group of massive wolves charging into the already shaken and terrified Halloweeners. Bursts of gunfire rang out over the crackling flames, as did the screams of those unfortunate enough to fall prey.

Kotomine Kirei wasn't fazed. While unexpected, this wasn't even a minor setback like the fireballs. The man in priestly robes firmly planted his feet and spread his arms, a smile on his face.

"There is no need to be afraid, for God is on your side." He spoke the words calmly and clearly, and could be heard even above the sounds of the raining fire and howling wolves.

Then the ground around the demonic animals swelled, cracked, and exploded as black, razor sharp spikes burst from the earth. Every single demon harrassing the gang was skewered in seconds. Then, just as suddenly as they came, the spikes pulled back into the ground, leaving nothing but bloody corpses and small scars in the soil.
YOLF: "Do ghosts have aids"

YOLF: Even if God forgives you, you shall not forgive yourself for being here [in CE].


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Mr. Flufflekins

As the dogs he was leading were skewered by the hell spikes, and he himself was catapulted high into the air, he laughed. He released a deep, haunting below, cackling at this development. Fantastic! He thought. Slaughter wasn’t as fun without a challenge, after all! Black appendages burst from his form, launching him towards the priest with speeds surpassing that which the fastest animals could achieve. He flew towards the priest, jaws open wide, his maw ready to accept the priest’s form.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The black mass shrieked as fire consumed it totally. It didn’t want it to end like this! It screached in total agony, the deafening sound momentarily eclipsed the sound of panic and battle below before the creature exploded outwards, black bits raining around the battlefield before melting into the ground.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 03:37:44 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Emily frowned further as the tension grew, then her eyes widened at the sudden clash between ice and fire.

Okay, that settles it. This team is already incredibly dysfunctional and we haven't even met the others yet.

With that, Emily strode over to Mordred.

"I think we've seen enough," Emily said to her fellow Changeling, "Let's go, Mordred. There's no point in trying to seek safety in numbers for confronting a vampire if we end up fighting each other instead of the vampire."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Richard Maxwell

"Uh? But I'm perfectly fine. I ate plenty this morning, I'm not starving, idiot." said Richard, slightly annoyed at the woman's anger. He didn't ask for any food or anything like it. He really wasn't hungry, and their persistence was only annoying him further.

"Also, what do you mean by fighting? She asked me a question and I answered. Well, it doesn't matter really. It seems she doesn't need my precious shirt after all. It did cost me a fortune you know?" he quipped cheerfully, putting his clothes back.

Then, Richard focused on the irritating sensation on his leg. It had gone for quite a while, but he paid no mind to it earlier. Then, he put his hand in his pocket and realized it was the phone vibrating. Without much care, he took it out and looked at the displayed message. Immediately, his eyes widened in shock.

No, shock wasn't quite accurate. Horror would be more appropriate. If he was pale at the moment, one could almost say he turned snow white.

Trembling, he held the phone down and clenched his teeth. One would almost be fooled by his present looks, for he seemed to be at least thirty years older. Without even thinking, he threw the phone with all his strength and crashed it against the cool asphalt floor.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 08:22:51 PM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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The mage watched impassively as fire rained down on the area. From her position she saw the utter chaos of demon-like creatures entering the fray and in her examination almost missed one of the figures picking up a metal cylinder. Purple eyes widened in shock as the item was sent flying towards her at ridiculous speeds.

She glowed brightly and the object slammed into a majestic, purple dragon. Perfect and bright scales cracked and splintered as she fell back and a feral roar was released from her maw. An enraged swipe from one of her claws knocked the cylinder onto the street as hot blood dripped onto the roof.

Urthemiel reared her head back and spitefully unleashed a volley of explosive, purple fireballs at the blast furnace. They were much more potent than her rain of fire from before and would do some damage if they struck the blast furnace. If they desired it so much then they would watch it fall apart or burn for it. Either was fine for the dragon. Then with a beat of her magnificent wings she took off away from the area.

Sewer Infected

The pipe was relatively long and definitely filthy. The stench was almost worse than the regular smell of the sewers and the foul liquid that moved through it was enough to make one shudder. Despite this the creature crawled forward without delay and eventually managed to break through the other side into a sewer tunnel entirely devoid of light.

It fell out of the pipe and quickly stood back up on its four legs and turned to face the opening. It had heard the ones following it ad reacted according. Tendrils from its abdomen surged into the tunnel after its pursuer. They wrapped around her neck and wrists and began to tighten with unnatural strength.

Ghost Child

As utter chaos dominated the situation and the darkness that swelled around Adjutor was destroyed giggling echoed through the teen's mind. Then every single person on the ground began to glow red as well. "I think they all want to play with us, mister! We already got one so we need to finish all of the others!"


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As the darkness lifted from around the Adjutor, he looked upon the battlefield once more to find that, in the time he'd spent inside there, a host of demons had attacked, only to get themselves killed. All but a multi-limbed puffball that was currently battling the priest.

Then the child's giggling echoed through his head as everyone on the ground promptly turned red.

"I think they all want to play with us, mister!" it said, "We already got one so we need to finish all of the others!"

"Of course," Adjutor said, unable to stop a grin from coming to his face, "Let's-"

Then something caught the teen's eye. Multiple somethings, in fact. A volley of purple fireballs.

Looks like someo-


Without waiting for Adjutor, Laivatain promptly manifested, blazing a fiery trail through the sky to the fireballs, starting to consume what turned out to be dragonfire. Intrigued, Laivatain opted to absorb whatever it could before promptly manifesting in front of what was left of the volley, a fiery shield protecting the battlefield and blast furnace alike. Fireball after fireball crashed into the Elemental, a fair few of them substantially weakened by Laivatain's earlier feast.

Adjutor's grin widened as he called Laivatain back to him, the flaming two-hander soon appearing in his hand, now pulsing with a purple-tinged flame. The moment the Elemental settled into his hand, Adjutor was already slipping back into the shadows.

"Fire Brand, Laivatain," Adjutor muttered, mana pouring into the blade as he sped over, leaping from shadow to shadow towards the Blast Furnace.

And then the shadow was there. By now, the grin had widened into what a charitable man might call a smile as he closed in with the distractions. Not the priest or the fluffball that fought him, but the remaining Halloweeners that had survived the rain of fire and the demons. Adjutor burst from the shadows, Tyrfing already sinking into someone's back.

"Consume," Adjutor said, the crimson designs flaring to life as the Shadow Elemental took everything, blood and soul alike, in a matter of seconds.

While Tyrfing took its share, Adjutor lashed out with Laivatain, spraying a gout of the same purple fire that is had absorbed earlier at the assembled gang members. At the bad guys, to be broken. The monsters, to be hunted.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 01:57:33 PM by I_care_not_till_I_must »
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Relius Clover

As the man spun around the tunnel Ignis noticed that the swordsman was drawing closer. He would be on the train in mere seconds.  The puppet also noticed that there were four unknown humans standing next to her, confused and scared.  Through silent mental command from her master, she knew how to use these people.  The “blades” on her hat grabbed two of the four people in preparation for the swordsman's inevitable arrival.  At the same time, she thrust her free hand forward, her claws extending in an attempt to stab Kenzo as he continued to get closer.  She then thrust her legs into the ground to counteract the momentum.

The passengers did not pay any attention to Relius but rather the creature outside as she picked up two men with her... hat like they were toys.  The air in the train car changed.  There was a sense that this man was far more dangerous than whatever was outside.  Whatever this man had planned, they were likely going to be in a lose-lose situation.  But they were citizens of the Nexus. They knew how futile it was to fight supernaturals.  What could they hope to do aside from satisfying his suicidal demands?
Relius extended his hand forward as if reaching for something.  A large puppet hand sprung from his cape and shut the door.  He then turned around, addressing the people around him for the last time.

“Bravo!  You have all done marvelously!” The puppeteer said, as if applauding an audience.  “Now, if the rest of you could be so kind as to attend to one more favor.  I take it he rest of you have observed the hole I crashed through yes?” He asked rhetorically. “I need 6 more volunteers to accompany me alongside this…. threat.”  He said, pondering whether or not the dog outside should even be registered as such.  He sensed their aggression, he needed to get them to become a smaller crowd in order to dissipate their anger.  He pointed to 3 pregnant women and a group of small children.  “You will stay put until this situation changes.”  He ordered in a threatening tone.  “The rest of you may leave.”

The crowed left through the back door.  One man turned back and reached out his hands, as if losing something precious.  They then dropped, as if the life was ripped violently from his arms.

“Stay safe honey.  Please... Stay safe.”  He said, as if talking to a recently filled grave.

Relius used his Ars to float to about two seats away from the door.  Beside him were two objects, two “humans” he bent to his will.  Behind him was a small crowd of “people”, including two pregnant women and several small children.  The stage was set.  Now it was time for the second act.

He turned to the closed door.  It would only be a matter of time before the dog broke through Ignis’s defence.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 02:32:38 PM by yinsukin »


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It stank even worse in this thrice damned tunnel, so much the the former king could practically taste it on her tongue.  Yet her quarry was gaining speed, the smallness of the pipe not hampering its mobility what-so ever.  Gritting her teeth, Saber slogged on, Excalibur at the ready.

Every hair on the back of her arms and neck rose as she sensed something about to attack.  Before she could move, the creature burst through the tunnel they were currently in for another and she cursed at its movements.  She went after it only to have it turn towards her, countless tendrils streaking to her current location.  Those tendrils wrapped around her wrists and throat, lifting her off the ground and constricting her air way.

Emerald green eyes narrowed as Saber dipped into her Dragon's Reactor, filling her body with prana.  A blue aura engulfed her as she shouted out, breaking her sword hand free and slicing at the other tendrils with ease.  Like a rocket, the tiny blond shot forward with her sword at the ready to skewer it.


Shirou frowned at the helmet's words and looked at Sakura.  He mouthed to her, "Is it always his chatty?"

Then he looked at the helmet and said, "I'm not going to leave Sakura.  I made a promise and lost precious things that I cannot remember along the way; I told her that I would protect and save her.  I'm not leaving.  So I'm not sure about the 'you know must what be done' you're going on about."


“Nee-San, are you ok?”

Rin forced the smile back on her face and nodded.  "I think that other Shirou is going to end up kill himself for making amends and that Rider keeps looking at me like she wants to bend me over."

Then she looked over at Vanguard, stared, pointed, and asked, "Is that helm talking?"


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Richard Maxwell

"Uh? But I'm perfectly fine. I ate plenty this morning, I'm not starving, idiot." said Richard, slightly annoyed at the woman's anger. He didn't ask for any food or anything like it. He really wasn't hungry, and their persistence was only annoying him further.

"Also, what do you mean by fighting? She asked me a question and I answered. Well, it doesn't matter really. It seems she doesn't need my precious shirt after all. It did cost me a fortune you know?" he quipped cheerfully, putting his clothes back.

Then, Richard focused on the irritating sensation on his leg. It had gone for quite a while, but he paid no mind to it earlier. Then, he put his hand in his pocket and realized it was the phone vibrating. Without much care, he took it out and looked at the displayed message. Immediately, his eyes widened in shock.

No, shock wasn't quite accurate. Horror would be more appropriate. If he was pale at the moment, one could almost say he turned snow white.

Trembling, he held the phone down and clenched his teeth. One would almost be fooled by his present looks, for he seemed to be at least thirty years older. Without even thinking, he threw the phone with all his strength and crashed it against the cool asphalt floor.

The hydromancer's general lack of insanity, mood swings and lack of care for his own well being only creeped out Mordred. The man seemed to care more about the hunt than his own health. Maybe he even experimented on himself and let himself being experimented on to get a revenge on someone? She knew his suffering, after all the black beast of vengeance lied within her as well. Though her deal with Forest was different. She didn't know whom she was. She didn't have any personal grudge against her. But still, she had no doubts. Her heart and actions were utterly unclouded. They were all those of justice. She'd free mortals from being pawns of undead powerplays, even ghouls could be saved if she struck directly at their regnants. It's just she was sure she wouldn't go as far as that man.

The sound of a mobile phone crashing on the pavement, accompanied by her own phone vibrating, brought her back from her pondering on what she should do. The message warned the citizens about a major gang riot. She had to find a shelter for her friend. I wish Faust wasn't in some pinch himself She didn't care that much about the riot itself for all her dreams of toppling down the vampiric aristocracy of Nexus. She couldn't save everyone, so she had to focus on the enemy she was best at defeating first.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 02:24:33 PM by Kat »


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Sakagami Kenzo

Kenzo turned his body and used his momentum to avoid the puppet's thrust hand, but he failed to dodge all the claws. His ribs were most definitely pierced by the sharp metal, but he didn't fall. The distance now closed, the demon landed right besides the puppet. with his red blade in hand. Blood trickled from his wound and from his lips, he could still keep up. He could still keep it up.

He could still fight.

Quickly, he dashed past the puppet. Fighting it would be far too dangerous, with all those nearby people to use as meat shields. Snarling like a feral hound, he ran as fast as he could, going for a leap and reach the other car to get to the train where Relius stood.