Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 75010 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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The running of the electric man was interrupted by a pinkish grey arm bursting from one of the cracked walls. It sent him flying back and a roar alerted the smaller Hunters in the walls. The moment the invader landed on the ground four Hunters assailed him. They slammed him into the ground again and again and tore him apart with their claws.

They hungrily devoured what was left of the carcass in a few moments before departing the area for one of the deeper Hives.

Mata Boyd

The grumpy sewage worker was roused from her thoughts by a call that echoed in her head. With a disgruntled sigh she took of towards the right tunnel and just looked in shock at the enormous holes in the walls. "Fuck me."

Then she gave a moody look at the puddles of blood on the ground. "Thanks a lot! Guess who gets to clean this up! Stupid fucks can't follow simple instructions."


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He walked through the streets of Nexus in search for a place of stay, not minding that he should rather rest and then overextert himself.

He stumbled upon on something odd. A woman singing a song while embracing a younger girl in motherly fashion. A song that would move Gintoki to tears if he weren't such a deadbeat with eyes like a dead fish, picking in his nose in spite of his condition. Good, but not good enough. You are thousands years behind to match my Thousand Winds. he commented, just standing there 'unphased'. He could have asked around the people about directions or where to find a landlord or a landlady, but he didn't feel like interrupting somebody else's performance. Even if that  guy standing there could have been a landlord material, who knew. He had that air of an old person.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 04:28:30 PM by Kat »


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“Well, you’re a big boy. If you’re strong getting out of that should be no problem, right?” Suiren took a seat and began to drink some the tea Butler had prepared.

When she lowered the cup from her lips she looked at Lorenzo with a smug face, her eyes shining with amusement.


Just looked on at the proceedings with a small smile, he had to admit, she that song sounded amazing. It was on odd mixtures of sounds, things he had never heard, but at the same time it was so deeply familiar.

As the song continued just took a bite of his churro and swallowed… only for it to get lodged in this through.

 Suddenly he dropped the rest of his snack as he brought his hands to his throat and began to gag, so loud that it quickly drowned out the song that echoed though the building. 

Then he began to punch his chest, until after a moment the fried dough was violently disloged from his thought and landed on the floor in front of him.

Then he simply stood there, panting as he tried to catch his breath.

“My bad.” Just was able to make out as he greedily inhaled.


“Well, this place looks… interesting?” Crest said hesitantly while looking at the odd building named ‘MMA CHOPPERS’ as him a Caedia stood on the other side of the street.

The image it was on was really odd as well, was that a fist? What was it sitting on? It made no sense. He could see people inside though, and occasionally people were entering, either alone or as groups.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 07:16:26 PM by Knick »


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David Borrus

David watched as Vangaurd struggled and failed to fit inside the door.  They would have to find somewhere else to go chat.  He paused and thought to himself for a minute.  Then his face lit up.

"Oh don't worry about this.  I can arrange for us to have another room for us to chat.  Although, it will be much less comfortable."

Arch-Magos Winter

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Abigail smiled as Law ran a finger against her arm. 

"Um. Neat. So uh, about those sheets..."

Abby smiled and said, "Yeah.  So sheets.  Maybe flannel because it can get chilly at night?"
"Sure, flannel. I can grab the other stuff if you go grab the sheets. I dunno how big your couch is and don't really care what color it is as long as it isn't pink." Law scratched the back of his head. "Is um, your dog like huge or..."

Law's question was interrupted by the sound of a cart clattering to a halt behind him, Archer's steely grey eyes meeting his when he sneaked a look. "Got clothes. They should fit, but you should probably try them on, to make sure."


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Lorenzo Remei

"Hah! Of course, this is a piece of cake. A mighty strong lad like me would never be beaten by something like this.” Lorenzo laughed nervously. This was bad, terribly bad. The pirate was stuck, his booty claimed by the machiavelical diabolical despicable toilet bowl. He couldn’t get out like this, not with such a tight grasp on his tight pirate butt.

Struggling, Lorenzo began to sweat. Was he going to die there, in a toilet bowl? He certainly didn’t want to go down like this. But he didn’t want to disappoint Surien, so calling out for help was out of the question. After all, she believed in him, so it was his duty to look good. Then, the pirate had the best idea ever.

Hacking and coughing, Lorenzo began to breathe heavily. With a grimace, he spoke all while trying to look as if he was trying to maintain a smile.

“Um… I… I need a smoke. Kinda… have to *ahem* let loose. You know… would make it easier with a good ol’ dose of tobacco and all.”
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 09:18:14 PM by francobull3 »


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"Lead the way." Said Vanguard, his head tilted as he wondered what the boy planned.

Cherry Lover

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God, she's actually making car noises as she drives, thought Sakura, who was rapidly regretting agreeing to get in the car with this maniac, as she felt the car actually bounce.

Under normal circumstances, the woman's actions would have been rather endearing. It was the sort of thing she might expect from Kiyoshi. But, Kiyoshi wasn't allowed to drive anything more powerful than a child's go-kart, and for good reason. This woman, somehow, was. Sakura couldn't imagine how she'd managed to obtain a driving licence, although she suspected hypnosis and forgery might have been involved. Not that she could complain given that she had done the same for Rider, who had found the idea of having to pass an exam in order to be allowed to "ride" a car rather offensive. Still, the difference was that Rider could actually drive safely. Irisviel really couldn't, or wouldn't.

Sakura simply clung on to the car, forgetting her previous questions entirely, just hoping the journey would end before someone got killed. But, to her surprise, the woman actually chose to slow down to a more sensible speed. She looked out of the window and, to her surprise, saw that the road was covered with fudge, for some bizarre reason. As they moved through the fudge, they came towards a large thing lying in the middle of the road. Sakura wondered what it might be for a moment, until she heard a voice come from the object.

"H-help me! Tasukete! Aiuto! Aidez mué! Polupo ficution!" it said.

It's alive, and it's calling for help! Sakura thought.

"Irisviel, did you hear that? I think that thing is living, it just called for help. We need to stop and save them!" she said, not wanting the person to die.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 11:12:51 PM by Cherry Lover »


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Irisviel brought the car to a complete stop next to the large shriveling mass of flesh frozen to the road. The freakish amalgamation of body parts writhed in pain and desperately called for help from something, anything. Irisviel had already begun to exit the car when Sakura began to tell her they needed to help it. Irisviel quickly made her way towards the organism, her wires thrumming with magical energy as she stealthily brought them up to wrap themselves around her arms, legs and torso. At the same time, she began channeling magic into the creature, which glowed with a pleasant white healing light. Gashes began to close, the-skin was the best word she could use to describe it- became more healthy looking and the creature looked more... alive.

“Are you alright?” She cautiously asked. “What happened here?” She said, glancing at the fudge and oreos covering the streets.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The demon's eyes widened in horror as they saw a woman exit the car. Her crimson blood-red eyes did not lie, her whole being seeped with killing intent greater than any monster of yore. Now, she advanced towards him to finish him off. This was terrible, simply terrible. She was now inches away from him, ready to do the dirty job. There was no doubt, she was casting a light based spell. Was she sent by that mean bitch? Perhaps.

Well, he had lived a good life, altough short. It was barely his something-th birthday. In a few months. Or was it a few weeks? No matter, he could die with a clear conscience that he was, definetely, the best demon ever. And who knows, maybe Devil Heaven is a nice place after all... he heard that the food was delicious. With that, Tohuw Balagan closed his eyes and braced himself for the  end.

Yes, he was fully braced. Very braced. "Come at me bro" level of braced.

Aaaany moment now...

This sure was taking some sweet ass time.

About a few seconds left...

Then, he opened his eyes and gasped. She was not casting a lv90 divine requiem, but a lv45 rejuvination spell! He was saved! All was right in this world! Sadly, the demon was too wasted for celebration, but hey, he'd get to live. And so, the world would get to enjoy his awesome presence once again.

"Huuh...t-thank... thank you v-very hamnida." said the demon with a tired relieved tone.

"It was... an evil lizard terrorist. He grew a beard and began to say very nasty things to me... then he bombed me, and... manatees."
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 01:13:30 AM by francobull3 »


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"Alright then follow me." David responded.

With that being said, David and Vanguard left the fount of the office building.  They walked about two blocks in silence.  David did not say a word, hoping to save the conversation for when they had some privacy.  Eventually they arrived at a hotel building.

"Ah perfect.  Wait for me here." said David.

David walked inside the lobby and approached the guy in the front. "Excuse me, I need to see the top official in this building.  Its extremely important." He said with a dire tone.

"Of course sir". Responded the male employee.   With that, he used the desk phone to call his boss.  "He will be down in a minute." said the employee politely.

It took about three minutes but a tall middle aged man came down to talk to David.  "You said there was something extremely important?" said the man.

David shook the hand of this employee and in that instant, read his mind.  The manager's name was Bob Johnson.  He had great authority in this hotel.  He was a employee manager who also had power over a lot of the hotel thanks to his family having a high standing member in this particular chain.  he had great influence in the hotel, that he sometimes abused, especially when he was stressed or angry.  In that same instant, David used his power to implant a memory that David was a higher up of the hotel chain.

"Yes, my name is Joe Diver and I need you to keep people out of this lobby for 1-2 hours tops.  Also please make sure that this hotel is empty for the time being or they leave through the back door."  Said David with a serious tone in his voice.

The managers faced turned white.  "Why would you need to do that?"

"Well I need the lobby to talk with an important guest.  Unfortunately he is rather large and cannot take the elevator upstairs. David said firmly.

"Well you came at a good time.  We aren't having the best sales right now thanks to some of the destruction in the city recently. So the hotel is empty.  I will send the rest of the employees home as well." 

With that statement Bob scrambled to tell all of the employees to leave.  Most of them left immediately although a bit suspicious.  Although, David made sure to personally say goodbye to all of them so that he could ensure that they would not remember this day.  He used his powers to make the memory of their day at work non existent, replacing them with memories of mundane off days.  The last to go was of course the manager who left in a hurry.  David shook his hand and replaced his memories in the same manor, changing the reason that he sent everyone home to an emergency gas leak.  Although, he made it so it would not take effect until he got home.  David watched as the man clumsily bumped into Vanguard on the way out.  He walked out to the armored man.

"Welcome to my temporary office.  Let our therapy session begin."
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 06:27:11 PM by yinsukin »


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Rin felt her eyes widen as Caster introduced himself.  Faust, the man who made a pact with a demon . . . and he's Sakura's Servant.

Then she registered that this Sakura and her were the same age.  Which may not be a good thing, Rin reasoned.  She couldn't just say, "I'm your nee-san . . ." to help get her point across to Sakura.  They were the same age, they had the same amount of experience time wise,  and in somethings Rin was more experienced and others Sakura had light years ahead of her.

"I see... so you don't recall Sakura disappearing all of a sudden and having to search to the world to find her?" Sakura's Shirou asked.

Rin shook her head and replied, "No.  The last time I spoke to Sakura was yesterday and she was lecturing me to get a computer so we can keep in touch through this 'electronic mail'.  Which is a bunch of malarkey if you ask me."

"Well, he was most stubborn, but I caught him as you asked."

Rider, Rin thought.  There was no mistaking that soft, sultry voice anywhere.  She turned to see Rider land on the roof only to see her holding someone bound in changes.  Rin felt her heart skip a beat as her chest tightened.

Hearing from Ilya that Archer was a version of Emiya Shirou was different than seeing it. 

There was still some patches of red in his hair, and one eye was still that same gold color.  His skin was marbled brown and the lighter flesh tone that Sakura's Shirou sported.  Yet the height was the same as Rin's Archer even though he wasn't as muscular as Archer. 

He looks like a calico cat.

His dark clothing was wet with blood and Rin could see flashes of silver in his limbs.  Oh god.  Oh god.  It was true.  It really was true.  Archer was Emiya Shirou.  Is this Shirou on the path to becoming Archer?  Can I stop it?  Ilya mentioned how miserable he became.  Why is he captured?

Oh god.  Sakura ordered Rider to bring him here.

She felt her knees weaken slightly at the insight as Rider said, "Hi Rin, when did you get here?" The Servant smiled at her, but Rin ignored it as she walked over to the Servant and Calico Shirou as Rider addressed Sakura.  Rider mentioned Shirou's injuries and that he should be okay with some healing.

"Let him go.  The swords, they're a defense mechanism because he was being attacked.  Having him tied up isn't going to help him," Rin said, pulling on Rider's chains with a frown.  She looked at Sakura and said, "You can't just go kidnapping people, Sakura.  Please, let him go.  I understand that you want to keep any and all versions of Shirou safe, but he should also be allowed to make his own choices."

She met Shirou's mismatched eyes and added, "Even when they're completely idiotic!"


Saber found herself still smiling as she turned her attention to Lancelot.  "Irisviel became very dear to me in the short time I knew her.  I am glad to see a version of her well and happy.  Even if she was too forward with her physical contact."


"I was thinking an earth tone or something.  My dog's an English Bulldog named Mr. Crumblebottom.  He's a sweetheart, now my familiars might give you some sass," Abigail said as she picked up a few packages of sheets and a microfiber blanket as well as a comforter.  She threw some pillows into the cart as well.

Then Archer appeared with a cart with some clothing in it.  The redhead sighed and said, "As much as I loathe to admit it, Mr. Bondage Pants is right.  You should try them on."


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Shirou (HF)

I notice take a look at the injured me with shock and awe. I'm not sure what it is that has her so worked other than the injury. She then responds to Sakura and Rider telling them to let the other me go and that he should be allowed to make his own choices. Well, I'm glad to finally have some back up on this issue.

"See Sakura, even Tohsaka agree. Now, we should probably treat his wounds and then be on our way home. I still need a tour of this weird place."

I then turn to Tohsaka and ask her.

"So... did you also just arrive in this place or have you been here for a while like Sakura?"
Even I have something I must protect.

Cherry Lover

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Before Sakura could even finish speaking, Irisviel had exited the car, approaching the creature. Sakura quickly followed suit, exiting through the passenger door and approaching the man. Unfortunately, though, healing magecraft was not her speciality, so she simply stood by and watched as Irisviel healed the seriously-cut man, giving him a much healthier look.

Then, she addressed the man, asking him if he was OK, and what had happened. In response, he thanked her and, then, started to explain what had happened.

"It was... an evil lizard terrorist. He grew a beard and began to say very nasty things to me... then he bombed me, and... manatees", he said.

Eh, what?

Sakura had no idea what he was talking about. Particularly the part about manatees. Still, she decided it was better to let Irisviel talk with him for now, so she simply stood there silently awaiting her next words.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 05:16:45 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Cu Chulainn

He was disgruntled. Displeased.

How ungrateful, to not take his assistance. Archer was definitely not trustworthy. He reeks of deception and deceit. How could these people not get it was Cu Chulainn's wonder. And now he has to deal with this Heroic Spirit under this one roof. This was certainly a great day. But, he surely isn't going to worry about it right now. Anger isn't going to cover that hole, but widen it instead.

As the former Servant finally headed up the final leg of stairs, he turned back at the vampire to ask.

"Is this it?"

The entrance to the roof? No doubt that the sun would be shining down upon them. It would require her to stay below as he worked above.

On 3/22/15, at 10:09 AM, Donkey Punch Fucker! wrote:
> On 3/22/15, at 10:07 AM, ReverseLogic wrote:
> > seriously, again, I ran one of the weakest characters. you keep obsessing over abilities and powers
> Power, it's something so... so intangible. Yet, has such a strong grip upon me. I... I want it. I desire it, in my hands, in my life, in my soul. And once I have, I will simply want more, while jealously guarding what I have.